Sunday, June 25, 2023

Dear Steve Walgreen's Parks, Chapter Eleven



Pageviews past week



SS; 4 reasons I don't fully know as of this date, June 25th of 2023 at half past ten at night on Sunday night; my weekly dashboard system has been messed with 4 approximately the same time that my pageview count has gone off the dials indredibly HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE, 2 quote wonderful and illustrious and awesome, Senator Bernie Sanders! The only way 2 retrieve this, as well as my follower, Mister C.A., who I'll codename now 4 this date and afterward, Sir Edwin Kenmam; whose photo displays on these blogs and has since nearly the very beginning; is 4 me 2 go back 2 an older year such as I did now, going back 2 twenty-nineteen or JWSC-YEAR #7. 4 whatever reason, it is not hacked off of my 'older year blogs', as it is on my recent ones. Maybe U have some way of looking into this, not that it is very important, since 1-2 weeks from now, public viewing without a password will take black hat hacker abilities. Quoting Sir Chester-Frank here, I shout out now one big fat sloppy bar hopping summer of 2000 times, “WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SS; I tried everything, but seemingly am just not computer savvy smart enough 2 read weird-tech new age instructions and then make them work, and thus, tomorrow, I will B heading over 2 the Walmart-Techy-place 2 hopefully get me' MS-SC Program restored 2 normal-ops once again, YO. Hey, I've got 2 go 2 the Medicaid Office anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lightning came over 3 separate times today, Sunday-6-25-23; and has been coming over between one and four times every day 4 what seems like two straight solid months now, and I am not complaining about that 4 one single solitary seck; YO YO YO YO YO YO YO-HA, ME' great BRAHHH!!!! Yessir SS, there R2 constants 4 the Mountainpen, and peeps may agree or disagree with me on them, as that is entirely their own right and privelage 2 do; but I know truth about my own life, and no one can take that away from me; not even Mashell Daniels from 1980, or Goddess Almighty from infinity/Purgatory. First, I DIED AND WENT 2 HELL. SOMEWHERE IT HAPPENED, and just where is not all that perfectly sussinct or specific inside of my own very limited presently-human mind. Second, I have blocked out from my normal waking conscious memory two super gargantuan and HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE items since the year of 1972. One of the blocks spanned 36 major long years, while the other was relatively shorter in duration time length, a mere just under decade period, JWSC YEAR-1 through YEAR ELEVEN. As we all know who read the Mountainpen's Morianity, I absolutely despise and detest writing more than one single 'ONE DIGIT' down, hence spelling eleven as opposed 2 writing in two number one digits, YO YO YO YO!!! I could have typed in a JWSC YEAR number for 1972, but didn't wish 2 confuse any potential viewer until I had completed the sentence. Yes 1972 would merely B the JWSC YEAR-(BJWSC) {B4}, number 40. Just like in the old world calendar when in my days of attending school, we learned how the BC and AD calendar system that shortly was altered 4 those assinine PC-reasons, never had a year zero in-between the BC and the AD, going directly from 3BC, 2BC, 1BC, 1AD, 2AD, 3AD, and so on. So 2, it works on JWSC in this exact same manner. Well SS, as Jimmy Stuart's pal said 2 him on the 'IAWL' movie; CU in the funny papers.

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