Sunday, June 18, 2023

Dear Steve Walgreen's Parks, Chapter 4


Dear Steve Walgreen's Parks

Chapter 4

1:40 Post Meridian

Sunday, Daddy-Day, June 18th & a KARGE-12th DAY.


U have taken me back 2 the times of autumn in 2008, while residing at the home owned by Hammonton, NJUSAESMWG's Honorable Judge Frank Rasso, non-Frank Chester. Back 2 those wild times of Roger Carey's mail delivery service, 2 sort of codename the event so that only a few peeps of the Earth-Planet even have clue number point oh one about what is being said here by the Mountainpen. I like this deal, and we can go on with it as long as U so desire, it saves me on gas and eliminates enemy assaults such as the one from two meets ago with the tailgater dude of the Spaceforce Spammenies Club, that in 1988 and according 2 Sir Roth of Oakland Street in NE-Philly, had an indoctrinated membership following of somewhere between 100 and 1000, and now has grown in the past 8-12 years or so into many many millions of futhermucking butt wipe scum-hole dirt-bags!!!!!!! Yes, U read these blogs at your 'non-Iowan-cornveenience', and then do a Roger Carey-2008 into earl;y 2009 mail delivery also at your pleasure and leisure, YO. We have a new game plan now. I like it. Yes, I agree with U SIR-SWAP or SS 4 an even shorter future used codename abbreviation 4U; that Comcast wanted 2C after Spammenies-reports came into them concerning my finding that battery in my north bedroom drawer a couple of weeks or so ago. Well sir, they found out that I was naught making it up, as by causing a direct house-phone-line cut-off lasting a couple of hours, without a battery, their technical department would have been able 2 somehow electronically detect on their advanced AI-programming apparatus, that I was lying about finding ther battery, and I of course WAS NAUGHT LYING ABOUT IT. But they needed 4 their own reasons, 2 verifying my dream and actual find, so they did just that back yesterday, Saturday moUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUrning. Yes SS, I agree with U on this issue 100 percent, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO! They have no way of proving the Mowry 5DHS interaction that altered my life every bit as largely as the events of August 15th in 1986, and just as U made mention of in your non-RC-note-letter, having nothing whatsoever 2 do with any 1997 letters or wild 5DHS songs codenamed millions of years ago somehow by the strange HALLS FAWCES controlling the entire operations here of all of this junky nightmare hellishness; straight out of the JAMES REDFIELD SYNCHRONICITY SYNDROME (JRSS), along with the biblical SEEK AND FIND EXPANSION TECHNIQUES (SAFET), leading 2 my living in a special NEXT DOOR TOWN IN NEW JERSEY 2 THE MIGHTY COSMIC DARK SHADOWS COLINWOOD WITH THE SUPERGIRL INITIALS IN-BETWEEN, known as wanna' spend my time (WESTMONT), NJUSAESMWG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I fully concur with U oh mighty wonderful marvelous SS. The only part of that wild song that IMHO, the world has been confused and deceived about 4 numerous decades now, and maybe even the washcloth family of DS-Leviathan Dream-Givers themselves also R completely baffled and confused about this entire mess; is the numerical possible significance here of the two SAFET umber generated in an 8-digit block both ways, counting in either blue printed lettering or in red printed lettering. Those 2 quad-digit numerical groupings of course being, 1-3-5-8, as well as 2-4-6-7. Off the top of my butt hole SS, I am completely utterly unable 2 make hide nor hair of any meaningful connections with the life of the Mountainpen (ME), and either one of those numbers, 1,358 or 2,467. Hey, the observation of this is still very young, not even one year old yet, so who knows what either one of us will come up with as time continues 2 tick ever friggin' onward, YO ME' BRO!!!!!!!!!!

I know that if I should live 2B 120 or the MMLS-8:1-R, I won't figure out ever, just Y those songs suddenly became such a beyond unfathomably gargantuan and HUUUUUUUGE deal in my life, since 2 me, they were completely meaningless in so far as being any type or kind of an extra large piece or part and parcel of my miserable rotten sub-existence-life. (MMLS-8:1-R), speaking of meanings 2 stuff and non-daughter 2007 blog explanations 2 myself as my true energetic reality of Sir Ricktofarious; stands 4 {Methuselan Maximum Life Span of 8 to 1 Ratio}!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, all things stand 4 something, have their origins some place, and thereby have meaningful reasons 4 their astral existence and thus out here in the big bang 5DHS where it all is now divided by the square of the speed of light, these simply become the physical reasons or meanings 4 it all. Not as complicated as it appears 2B at first glance, world, and SS!!!!!!! Yes sir, I appreciate your telling me Y yesterday happened, and now, Thursday's second BOTBAR was caused by having a very wonderful talk with a behavior health specialist from my Humana Health-Care service provider, and he got me in a wonderful mood telling me that he will call me back every Thursday around 2 in the afternoon 4 a check and talk if I am having any particular problems, which in my case and under this horrific monstrous HUNTINGTON CURSE, Mizz Phone Company 19823 Blake, when am I NAUGHT having issues and endless woe-whiz-me 'pwobwems', 'Mister Elmer Fwwwwuud'?????????????????? Yes, it was caused after a great talk, not because of the talk but because he told me that ll I need 2 do was call the MD Health Line and tell them I wish 2 have my service 4 an automatic call by this fellow whom I'll call 'Mister Northroad', 4 a nice whittle codename here. He tried spelling it 4 me so that I could give it 2 the MD-Health line peeps and every time, the phone signal was stopped and prevented me from being able 2 hear him spelling his last name, FCC, FBI, ACLU, World Hague Court, and great pal President Joseph Robinnette Biden. I never met Mister President Biden, but always admired him personally as a great man as well as a fantastic politician, agreeing 4 the very most part 100 percent with all of his political views. U may call me his 'wannabe pal', oh wonderful SS. A day doesn't go by where I don't pray 4 him and his chance 2 lead America forward and alter the way numerous parallel realities plan 2 wipe out this wonderful nation after its first quarter, as I call it, 250 years or quarter-millennium. All empires R short lived, by my standards, and I know just how much deadly danger we all R in right this second, with every tick of the damn clock and this out of control evil BRIGGBASE LAMBRIGG CULT MC that has totally taken over this planet now, first electronically, and now POLITICALLY; or so it appears 2 me, YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!! Remember that I have human world memories of the ASTRAL PLANE, thanks 2 my lovely and awesome LIGHTNING GODDESS DIANA ARTEEMIS!!!!!!!! SS, SHE came back AGAIN 2 visit with me late last night, and was beyond beautiful and colorful, flashing her dazzling splendid gorgeous lightning all over HER little boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SS, maybe last night's death aerial siege was because they followed U over here 2 me' mailbox. U saw both of my porch lights blazing and on full power 2 show the local airport pilot who drives through here and checks on me on a regular basis via my airport light warning system (ALWS) that has another great WESTMONT wanna' spend my time connection flavor here, as my air persecution since it all began in 1986, is (ALWAYS) indeed ongoing without fail. Short back offs may come, then POW; it is always gonna' frikkin' continue back up again, oh mighty and awesome SS!!!!!!!!!!!! It's been on me like flies on hot July day garbage trucks 4 coming up now on 37 goddessdog years, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO, but at least the Fort Pierce International Airport peeps R aware of it and have my legitimate and fully legal complaints on file with them, and one of the local pilots who goes there daily and lives only a short distance beyond the airport and my park, monitors me three times daily driving around 2C if my porch lights R on or naught. Once when he drives into his job, once when going home from the airport, and then sometime randomly in-between, as my park and the airport R but 5 minutes drive from each other, and they know that I have some wild problem and that these Spaceforce Spammenies airships R naught coming from their airport, that much THEY NOW DO KNOW, but don't seem 2 have the juice 2 do much about it, SS, until they meet with U after our late August legal case has been filed, as they then do wish 2 speak 2U, and I'm sure U won't object 2 cooperating with them. They know of my upcoming case against 13 defendants, all in the billionaire class.

When I go next week 2 my library and 2C the lady who helps me with this blog and plans 2 turn this into a private-access blog only in July, will find out what this recently new maneuver is all about with m,y not being able 2 access many blogs now from past times. Once we get this problem cleared up SS, we will make sure they al;l R on and available and then will B converted 2 private access only, so only peeps that I give an access code password 2 will then B able 2 go into the blogs of Mountainpen and read the blogs after this date, ending public access 4 all goddessdog time. UC if U can get 2 any of my 2013 blogs as when I click on the year of 2013 on the right margin at the top of the blog SS, I get the block screen and no matter how many futhermucking times I push the AGREE block with me' mouse, it just reappears and won't allow my accessing it. There R also many other blogs that have been screwed with in this same way, in TOTAL GODDAMN VIOLATION OF MY FREEDOM OF SPEECH RIGHTS, as I am perfectly willing 2 have curse words removed, I want the warning screen page 2 come up on every single one of the blogs, and I agree 2 any other terms that the Blogger Team ever has requested of me, and I am not threatening anyone, and have a legal right 2 practice my religion such as with my MAGNESONIC, just as the WICCAN peeps R within their legal rights 2 put up chants and spells as well, same sub atomic sympathetic difference, SS, U know this, as U have said that very thing 2 me many many times since we met in 2016 somewhere at the WG-Store. I do not advocate rebelling, overthrowing, defying, using violence, or any illegal action through my speech, none of it is designed in any tiny way or hidden way, 2 incite any illegal action, SS, U know this, so how about we add the BDC 2 our lawsuit making a 14th defendant if they don't quit doing this 2 me, as I think they R breaking the laws and violating my freedoms here, YO sir!!!! If I am in error, please so advise me, SS!

Letter 4, 2U, SS; now terminates here, and I am posting this up at the BDC web-site now at 3 of the clock on this daddy-day-afternoon.

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