Wednesday, September 18, 2019


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18 SEPTEMBER, 2019


Mark Wayne Mountainpen Huntington Mohr

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Sep 10, 2019 3:00 PM – Sep 17, 2019 2:00 PM

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Wednesday, September 18, 2019







As stated in the opening of my previous blog, roaches and hammerers are a non ending hell in this mother fucking hellhole. I truly believe that one causes the other. Every time the hammering is bad, the FUCKING ROACHES GO ON A ROLL AS WELL, not some time, not often, but EVERY SINGLE MOTHER FUCKING TIME, WONDERFUL KIND SHERIFF KEN MASCARA, SIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I killed some giant ones on my wall a couple hours ago, and again, I have emptied an entire can of mother fucking RAID all over every square inch of this horrible rotten apartment here at nightmare PUBLIC HOUSING. Many say this is all my own fault. I call it the Judge Judy Syndrome. What peeps in her category can never understand since they absolutely cannot relate in any personal or human way to the miseries of truly fucking cursed people such as myself, is that no matter what we do or how hard we try, ALL OF OUR MOTHER FUCKING ROTTEN PATHETIC DEMONIC LIVES, NOTHING EVER WORKS OUT, AND THE ONE THING WE CANNOT EVER GET OUR HANDS ON IS $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. We all know that without $$$$$$$$$, you cannot have anything in this life other than endless misery. It may indeed be no cure all, and it does not stop all the woes and ills of the world, nor can it cannot buy true love, or true friends, or good health, BUT IT MOST DEFINITELY WOULD SOLVE ALL OF MY ROTTEN FUCKING CUNT SNIFFING PROBLEMS AT THE SPEED OF LIGHT SQUARED. This is JUST REALITY SON, as Mister Dennis Snyder from up in Jersey knows fully well, and would most definitely agree with me on, as he is a true realist, and yes peeps, I LOVE FUCKING REALISTS!!!!!!!!! I am sick of people like Mike Patterson and so many others, who refuse to accept reality when it goes against their grain or their belief systems. They are only hurting themselves in the end game and the long run of all things. My mother and Mike would get along super fucking great. She was literally the queen of head games and other such silly dog shit. If it works for them, fine and fucking dandy, as IT MOST CERTAINLY DOESN'T WORK FOR ME, YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!

Hyperspace is talked about a lot for one great and powerful NON-OZ wizards reason and one reason only. It is the key to everything, and for those like myself who appear to be under some wild inconceivable curse of infinite bad luck, that can never be halted, even through Christianity; it is the only voice of reason in a sea of madness, to quote the lovely Amy Madigan from that marvelous movie called, “Field Of Dreams”! This short blog is going to touch on some more shit pertaining to this, and at later points down the road, I will expound further on any new concepts that may be discussed. First off, David Roth and I had several talks late in the nineteen-eighties regarding the seeming inability on our parts, to get to the bottom of finding out just who or what is carrying out these vicious assaults on us as all things MUST HAVE A SOURCE, even 'spiritual problems from out there somewhere'. All things means all things, without mother fucking exception. He told me that I have no right to shoot at innocent targets just so I can get at the guilty ones, when it is impossible to ever rationally separate the wheat from the chafe to quote the great Jesus. I am quite sure that people have noticed that I am just not a strong enough individual to endlessly suffer through this nightmare fucking cunt HUNTINGTON CURSE, and then NOT STRIKE BACK AT ALL POSSIBLE TARGETS. This is why I may appear to be going after certain groups or people from time to time on these blogs. I am not able to do what David Roth wanted me to avoid doing. When I cannot take any more of this hellish unfathomable mother fucking shit being done to me day in and day out, and year in and year out; I will indeed strike out, and lash out; and I intend to keep right on going, and EVEN CROSSING OVER SOME MAJOR RED LINES EVENTUALLY, IF THIS SHIT DOES BOT BACK THE SHIT EATING HELL OFF OF ME, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When we dream into the hyperspace, where our infinite alternate lives are existing on a transdimensional plane of unbelievable proportion; there is the same apparent illusion of separation that exists in any one given dimension of existence. We appear to perceive a SEPARATION between ALL TIME and ALL SPACE, when there really is only MIND that is causing this separation. This same thing also applies quite naturally, to the separation between these dimensions of alternate realities where we go, inside of our dreams, as our true soul-entity of triune beingness. The magic of three is one thing, and yes it is powerful truth beyond imagination on pales of steroids, BUT folks; the truth of what we truly are and how it moves us along in this fifth dimensional hyperspace system is ever larger, and even the great Bernie's HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE is impotent here, to attempt to rationally verbalize any of this to its actual legitimate proportions. We may wish to have a dream where we are at our favorite place or with someone who we love and want to be with, but do we go to where this is and DREAM IT IN to our soul-beingness connectivity? No. Very rarely does anyone successfully control what we dream, how long we dream it by human rational time terms, or any other such thing pertaining to our being able to manipulate the dreaming experience. But I do promise this world that I fully know that our true-soul-triune-beingness does in fact control our trips into fifth dimensional hyperspace or where and what WE DREAM! The real true us does indeed have absolutely full control over everything, just as much as we can control our bodily movements from the time we open our eyes up and begin our days until we fall back into bed, close our eyes, and lose our waking world awareness. Our five senses control most of our waking day and when we shut them down, we can separate ourselves from the waking world and we do just that. But there is that word again, SEPARATE. In truth, mind produces the illusion of separate broken up areas of space, be it blocks or rooms or counties or countries or light years of space distance. It also separates the seconds and the minutes and the hours, and eventually the years and so on. The truth is that MIND controls all SEPARATIONS. Separations only exist because MIND CREATES THEM. MIND exists and is made alive through a biochemical and electrical process no where near fully understood by any part of the medical industry. This mind exists and is powered by blood coursing through our arteries and veins and then an oxygenation process makes our brains exist. Still, the truth here is MIND is now existing PHYSICALLY. This mind is now a part of the SPACE-TIME-MIND (STM) system. Before Einstein made us see that space and time is really SPACE-TIME, the world would laugh just as hard and loud at that as they are doing with my Morianity's claims of STM. The TSE or (Towel-Seepage-Effects) of Morianity's hyperspace mechanics and hyperspace equation, deals with the phenomenon that the separation in-between the alternate realities is also a mere illusion that MIND when physically existing, is indeed creating. It is separating space to create distances, it is separating time to create a physically workable life where events can both appear to be behind as well as ahead of some weird unexplainable eternal now, and also, it is creating the separation of the parallel universes of the fifth dimensional hyperspace. As I typed this out, Jane Sleazeweedsdisease just fucking cunt nailed me with that goddamn ass mouse prompt that places the page eleven of eleven bullshit onto my mother fucking computer monitor screen. I will need to compensate for that with rows of fives, yo!


This will now take me into PAGE TWELVE. That rotten witch bitch, to quote me' ol' 1999 girlfriend, Mizz Helen Zebriski, really “Got me GOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUD”!

The saddest part of al of this is that somewhere in the absolute truth of hyperspace-mechanics or (fifth dimensional towel-seepage-effect), most likely are all of the answers, so that truly innocent fucking targets need not be continually struck. For example, if Patty and Merry are completely innocent in all of thissssssssssssssssssssss, Mizz AMC-SLEK; then I would not say some of the things that I have said over the past half decade or more, and let out so many secrets, and believe me, there are plenty more secrets where those came from, folks. Lads and lassies; there also are zillions of other HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE secrets that would most definitely NOT BE APPRECIATED should I ever start talking, in numerous other circles of “Scott Ransom's VERY POWERFUL PEOPLE”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Several nights back, and no, I never mentioned it at the time because I was suffering through other more pressing and current M2F bullshit on cunt huffing steroids squared, but I was in northeast Philadelphia again, only this time, I was right there at the illustrious and great magical throat specialists office off of GRANT AVENUE. I won't get into a lot of it right now, but so much dogshit is really beginning to tie together for me. The problem is that the Mister Quay Syndrome is going to kick in unless I can open up a laboratory and somehow legally begin transfusing myself. Ever since sonny-BUSH was elected, it is absolutely illegal in this rotten nation to do the things that would solve many problems, such as social security going bankrupt, elder care, and zillions of related problems that all stem from people aging and becoming ill in this land. We won't even touch this dogshit for now. I am tired and as the old song lyrics go, “I want to go to bed”!!!!!!!!! Good old eighth grade history teacher at the great illustrious HTHS (Haddon Township High School) said something that stayed with me front and fucking center ever since late in 1967 in his classroom, just down the street from Albert Pileggi's home, where I met the great future Congressman Rob Andrews back in the middle seventies. He said, “Just when you get old and wise and start getting it all put together, KAPUT”!!!! This means touched by the non-TV angel from the nineties, or the other angel, Mister Morty Mortino. And there is no getting around this powerful truth. Even if the unthinkable were to happen where I could set up a lab and begin transfusing blood from still growing young teenagers, into my body for twenty or thirty years, eventually, all things that are capable of killing anybody continue to have greater and greater mathematical odds of happening to us with each passing minute and millennia for crissake. There is no stopping the statistical reality of this, as a giant bolder can fall down on anybody at any time, or Diana can directly strike, or we can be the victim of gun violence, and on and on and on, car crashes, boat crashes, the list is absolutely endless, and to quote lovely Elizabeth Montgomery, who played lovely Samantha Stevens, the witch on that super cool marvelous sixties television show called, “Bewitched” she said to her husband Darren regarding what his angry mother in law might do to him, “The possibilities are endless”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I never ever forget anything. I may block out super unpleasant things, but eventually, even they return in feverish ghoulish nightmares, such as on the fifth of October in the year of 2008. I believe the title of that blog that talked about thissssssssssssssssssssss, Mizz lovely Erika Kane; is “HOW MANY TIMES MY FRIEND”?

To quote the mighty shoe-knocker-outer, Sir Chester-Frank here folks, WEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!


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