Saturday, April 6, 2019

Journal of my last days in Florida

Journal of my last days in Florida, #eleven

1:39 A.M., April 6, 2019

The mother fucking cunt eating MILITUFORCE struck me super ass hard yesterday, FRIDAY the 5th of APRIL. I awoke around noon somewhere, and my water was off. It has been off before quite a few times, but always was back on at the end of business, but yesterday it was off until mother fucking seven minutes past EIGHT OF THE CLOCK AT NIGHT. Some mother fucking jerk off WAS PAID OFF to strike something with their car outside the building and I TOTALLY KNOW THIS. Back in Mullica township in Jersey, fake-accidents were done to me continuously, to CUT OUT MY ELECTRICAL POWER ON A MONTHLY BASIS, so there is no escaping this endless relentless persecution, if I can paraphrase my kid here, no escape whatsoever, not in 1983, not in 1997, not in 2019, NOT EVER!!!

During the attack yesterday, my wonderful LIGHTNING GODDESS DIANA came over to visit with me, and this actually slowed down the repairs by the municipal worker crew that were effecting the repairs underneath the street outside, or Avenue B. She exists in a much higher realm, and didn't realize that this led me to a greater problem with me not having any fucking ass water all damn day long. Still, she made beautiful colors all over the skies outside me winders me peeps, and I will always love her so very much!

As some know quite well, and I know that ADS and the newly formed group of global agents who make up a high percentage of my audience, knows very well also; that Donald John Trump has been using applied covert parallel event against me, ever since I dared to use this higher world technology against the Atlantic City casinos in 1986, and HIS CASINO IN PARTICULAR, THE CASTLE, rhyming of course with none other than the KRASSLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just a couple of days before the mother fucking turd swallowing 2016 Presidential elections were held, he was responsible for somehow causing a major sprinkler problem to suddenly happen along with a spurious fire alarm here at my public housing building, and flooded out my goddamn fucking apartment, and then of course, HE WON THE ELECTION! This shit he does against me to make his magical life always work out in his dirt ball favor forever and ever, is called using or APPLIED PARALLEL EVENT. He and his mother fucking illegal cronies have been doing this to me ever since the middle mother fucking nineteen-eighties, yo! He totally wiped out my life, and the life of my mother, and I know fully well that he was also totally behind paying off Mister Jonathan Schau, of the Drake Towers, in Philadelphia, to slow-poison, and covertly murder my best pal in this life, Mister David Charles Roth, back in 2002; killing both him and his poor elderly mom as well, and robbing me of my only chance to be repaid on a debt that sir David knew very well was owed to me for having his other pal, Mister Mike Devlin steal my mother's life insurance money, and fulfilling a fantastic fucking hellish prophecy made to me a zillion times throughout the years, by my mom, who absolutely TOLD ME THIS WOULD HAPPEN TO ME, and yes, IT FUCKING CUNT DID! You can all mother fucking laugh and jeer and taunt me all you want to, and totally disbelieve all of this; but I have told my story to the world since 2006 now on these mother fucking pathetic wo with me's Mountainpen Blogs, and every word that has been spoken and uttered by the Mountainpen, is the absolute total undeniable truth, so help me Jehovah Pink Goddess ALMIGHTY! Yes folks, I was totally creamed and pummeled yesterday, and the day before that, I also was creamed and pummeled with horrendous mother fucking cock licking health assaults on my poor pathetic elderly frail dying body, ILLEGALLY, by this horrible rotten fucking demonic MILITUFORCE, Mister HALL, kind sir, yo!!!!!!!!

For the vast majority, my discussions of what happened to me in 1986 at the Jersey casinos, while playing ROULETTE, will forever go right over the heads of my fellow humanity. I cannot help it if most people are simply not mathematically oriented enough to see the power of what I am telling here, and how it absolutely proves the magical life of TRUMP is all being done by illegally harassing and persecuting Mark Wayne Mohr to his grave with unfathomable nightmarish life destruction from all possible directions! But the real truth here is two fold. Even if the majority of peeps were willing and able to grasp just what I did in Atlantic City to perpetually and consistently win at roulette throughout the eight months of 1986 when I used this parallel event applied to this game, there is always that other major fucking mind bending weapon that is always available for usage and is endlessly existing in the arsenal of the mighty and SATANIC MILITUFORCE! This is of course nothing other than TELLOSIAN MIND CONTROL. And how do I know how powerful and real it is, you wonder, SHERIFF MASCARA, SIR??????? Well, because it WAS USED AGAINST ME AT THESE JERSEY CASINOS, causing me to gamble and play recklessly by stacking chips and doubling down on losing bets, as well as playing weak parallel events no where near the 4:1 to 5:1 ratios, needed for guaranteed long run playing success. I could absolutely FEEL THIS MIND CONTROL at work, and it worsened and worsened until I totally fucked up, and that ended my professional gambling career in October of 1986. All of things things are true accurate accounts of my past, that I will willingly and voluntarily swear to any judge in any court in AMERICA, at any mother fucking time, UNDER FULL PENALTY OF CRIMINAL PERJURY!!!!!!! My story is 100 percent absolutely real and true, SHERIFF, and to hell with anyone anywhere who calls me a liar, as they will BURN IN THE FIRES OF FUCKING DOGTOWN FOR SAYING THIS ABOUT ME, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!! Pink goddess Jehovah Almighty hates liars as much as her parents seem to hate dogs, Revelation Chapter 22, verses 14 and 15. And also, I know this first hand as I HAVE SEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Another thing that no one believes is that a long time ago in a very beautiful land that the Earth Planet inhabitants refer to as 'Eden', I saw SSJKK walking out of a large structure beyond a great wall-fence that stood only forty inches high but no one dared to ever so much as touch it, because the Holy Spirit was doing the same thing through it that is done in modern times to keep the cattle within the pastures, ELECTRICITY. I had just murdered my own brother because I was very fucking jealous that my incredible lovely teen queen SSJKK loved him and not me because I was only a poor dirt farmer and he could give HER much nicer gifts and offerings, and no one told me when I was dreaming that I was poor old fucking KANE that this was all just HER DAMN ASS VIDEOGAME. She came out of this huge lovely castle looking structure that would be about a hundred times bigger and twenty times taller than than the great Windsor Palace of England. As she passed along, I saw HER and SHE is so beautiful that I literally lost control of my bowels, sort of a preview of coming attractions in later following dreams as Mountainpen. Now I don't want to get my pharmacy, or its advertisers all excited here, and I know that they know what is being said. Still, none of this made it into the history books or the religious texts either. But I remember it quite clearly from about 13,200 years ago. SHE spoke to me and said to me, “Kane, I AM going to destroy the world today”. I said back to HER, “Please do not do this, I beseech you my lovely Teen-Queen goddess SSJKK”. SHE stared at me for about ten seconds, smiled a beautiful smile, and then said to me, “Kane, because you loved DIANA I will spare the world for a little while”. Then SHE just walked onward down the path, that led away from Eden and I could not ever talk to her from this world ever again, right up until the middle nineteen sixties, and even then, and only heard HER make two statements on Tennessee Avenue, “Your friends are in the shop”, and “I'm darker than you are”.

I am absolutely fed up with this endless MILITUFORCE PERSECUTION. This hellishness began in 1986 and has never looked back. They do not allow anyone on this Earth Planet to be in DIRECT FUCKING CONTACT with anyone from off-world. I cannot help realizing who I truly am in the great PLANCKATORY (Astral-Plane), nor did I ever ask to run into the beach-alchemist, or Jim Burr or Patricia Hollister of the mighty Gloucester City, so SHARK-SHARK THAT, Aunt Ruth Huntington Gottwald, yo!!!!!!!!!!!



I have been getting brutalized by fucking strings of ONE NUMBERS and ugly Jane's miserable digitally fucking represented face, and here is my goddessdamn compensation for that, yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo!!!!!!!!!! Yessir damn it, and a big fat shit swallowing WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

Now is it really people out there who are fascinated by my life, even my own world famous daughter, or is this a huge mind bending GASME GAME OF THE GODDAMN GODS? Well, I choose to believe the later and 'naut' the former, Mizz AT&T BLAKE from 1983. I cannot be that important, and even if I were for crissake, how could that hope to explain the wild polarity-extremes that happen to those around me, you know, such as Congressman Rob Andrews, Retired FCC Chairman Bob McDowell, my daughter, and zillions of other examples, that time would not permit a discussion on, and then going onto the opposite pole here, we have none other than the wild true tale of Mister Mike Gutherman, my ex-resident manager from New Jersey real estate speculator Greenblatt who was the nineteen-seventies landlord who tried to rob me, and steal my money a few years later, after I lived across from the Stratford JFK Hospital, on Laurel Road. SO WOW THAT, all lovely JOANNE/A'S everywhere!!!!!!!!! Yes I may or may not heart New York, Joanne of RPL, but at least Mizz Mashell Daniels told me that I am entitled to me whittle opinions. WOW, and gee willagars, and 57 golly darn gash heck flying hockey sticks!!! AHA-AHA-AHA. I am most likely the only human entity in the entire fucking universe who knows absolutely that this entire thing is a game that is being played by bored to tears entities that exist in endlessness. These entities are one of three type of entity, COINS, COILS, or NOTS. Nots and not, as in not a coin or a coil, or NOT A GOD/GODDESS. Steve Murray at Griffin Pipe told me many times, “We are a different species than you are”. Well, he is right, but I don't care, as I will always love my wonderful PINK GODDESS, and here on the Earth Planet, she can come around and comfort me as LIGHTNING. All Christians have the Holy Spirit inside of them, or more accurately, they have the power source of the Almighty on the ON-SWITCH POSITION, as we all have electricity coursing throughout our brains, or we would not be interacting here on the material PHYSICAL-PLANE, (death). WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

AUGUST 11, 2014,








S-S-S-S-F, huh Steven John McGinty of 1977 Egg Harbor City, and much closer to me in Somerdale, New Jersey, 19 years in the future, when I had a lot of PAULA'S to deal with, and you said you wanted to hear the story that no one ever got to hear back on MARS. Well, you blew it partna!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Still, I am glad you and Bobby Brown both loved my tune about having it made in the fucking shade with me' ol' pink lemonade. JEEEEEEEEEEEEZ SURFER FONTY AND TWINBAY, QUEEN OF NEW JERSEY AND QUEEN OF UPBEAT POSITIVE ATTITUDES!!!! Go ahead and say it Mackey/Macy, do it, be men, “WOW”, there, I'll fucking do it for ya, YO! WHAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

KABOOM, Mister Clancy!!!!!!!!!!! Mister David Leigh Smith, back in the autumn of 1970, at Haddonfield, New Jersey, in the Cooley Hall; Sir ROTTENBERRY ROCKDROID LURCH, PROGRAMMING OVERRIDER, SIR;







Things have reverted mother fuckiGN back to the late nineteen eighties for me now, Sheriff Mascara, sir, as this is how it was when it all began after August of 1986, with my utilities being knocked off twice a week with regularity, for fuckiGN years, driving anyone insane, which is what their goal and intentions are, quite mother fuckiGN obviously, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

          Image result for sheriff ken j. mascara

Ever since this began on August 15, 1986, it is all about Wall Street. They know that persecuting me makes the Dow Jones elevate as much as possible. If they had never been able to do any of this, the Dow Jones today would be about 2750 points. How do I know this, ladies and gentlemen? Well, in parallel universes that I have visited, where to quote the mighty marvelous James Stuart of all wonderful lives everywhere, precious or not; I WAS NEVER BORN, this is the average price on this date of 2 September of 2015, when also the age of the Dow Jones is factored in, as not all universes have the same things happen regarding that or anything else, quite naturally, and is why they are parallel, and not exact. Yet with all of this, there seems to be another factor. Whether it is the cable twice now or the electric twice now, in just three months or so, causing me not to be able to watch my TV, it is always on Wednesday or Friday, the two days that the TV show, “Ghost Whisperer” is on. So I know there is more happening here than just the DOW JONES, and in my opinion, some weird fucking combo-deal is going on with both of these items, and me, and 'them; the Mili-2-Force, or whatever-whoever-RAW!!!!!!!

(Robert Andrews 'Whatever')




Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Blog #17, Rats, Tats, and Playing Real [Non-Eagles] Football,
091807.731 I AM BURNING IN DGTOWN----subtitle

Well, for two straight geeks and weeks, they have put me through a living shit-hell!!!!!!!!! Everyday this month is off the scale super botbar and super high Calliotammic as I refer 2 it as!!!!!!!!!! Computer is acting very weird also, and I will not B making a long blog, but it is the sworn duty to every officer of the court in this wicked and evil 'natio nation ratio ration', to avenge my MAJOR DEATH AND MURDER, AS I HAVE INDEED BEEN MURDERED BY THESE WICKED AND EVIL PEOPLE, mentioned in all dying utterances and declarations on all and any of my prior web-logging. Motorcycle trash R major bad, as they were 4 me back last Sunday, forgot 2 mention this on the post-weekend blogs, and last night my home theater was hit again on several occasions, the mono side cut out attack, and the deactivation of a VCR machine on several occasions when on. Health attacks, road attacks, being followed and threatened and violated, and the list reads like a who’s who in the “India Poverty Registry”, sorry Kali my love. I am despised 4 daring 2 B so madly in love with this fantastic great all mighty being, by our down-line perspective Aniwho.

I really was stupid and humanly innocent enough 2 believe that the guard we will call [Bearded Bob] for now and in future reference, when I am referring 2 the next-door property site of the post that I pull guard duty at on weekends, came over after ignoring me for two months, and deliberately tried to hack my mind. If I listened, what a damn fool I would B, as he also is convinced in the reality of those existing will get 2 experience oblivion and nirvana, same diff. I know 4 a fact that this is not true, as would anyone who would do precisely what I am about to tell, for the um-teenth time, just to make a more emphatic point. Try 2 understand something rapies and germios. If a bizarre set of esoteric coincidences were not directly in charge of directing a gargantuan plot on a cold December night into early morning, back in the year of 1969, my entire life, would B on such a totally different course, not only would none of these blogs B here, but internet and today’s world and this new age would not B. Complex pieces in a cosmic equation include Reagan being shot by Hinckley, and living verses dying, as in many hyperspaces, he lived, and in many he did not live, and also the great Lottery Cat would never have revealed himself 2 me, nor would lightning, nor through her, her cousin, Sarah-Stacey. Lois Foca, the song would not B in the US © office in Washington, DC, nor would any song I wrote ever, nor would they ever had been written, nor would I ever had been employed at the world renown Recorded Publication Sound Recording Studio. Never would Donna Summer have done her version of HAIR, musically, and HSM does indeed with no jokes meant, stand 4 both HYPERSPACE-ME’S AND HIGH SCHOOL MUSICALS, Doctor Margaret, of the Institute 4 Medical Research, Doctor Coryell. His and Her Majesty owned many a ship also, throughout many of my long centuries of existing in your mortal world HELL!!!!!!!! Another HSM, wow, ain’t there lots and lots ofem????????????????? Russell Thaxton U must understand, ON A SCHOOL NIGHT, rang my apartment door bell at one o’clock in the freaking morning, and if my mom had not been out on a date with Mr. Crown that night, both of us would have gotten what U all call in this weird modern, can’t obey the bible and hit your kids world, a time out so long that it would encircle the galaxy and then spin off into intergalactic deeper spaces. Don’t Fornication Upon Consent of King-ing Godsdamn laugh, this shit ain’t funny. Major aerial harassment is also ongoing; as I speak a loud roof scrapper is violating my civil rights and those of Mr. Himacane’s. This air siege is finally today, picking up what I call a major lapse in ‘pussy-command’. It has been very low based on a parallel event that brings it higher and higher up, the more the air siege without any let up continues 2 occur!!!!!!!!!! I literally, could have said hi 2 10 luscious young cakes around 25-35 and had my way with them, the way some were eyeballing me, I think I would honest to the gods been raped if I had been alone somewhere, and they were in one bunched up gang. Two of them in a food store in Stratford, NJUSAESMWG literally wanted to pinch my ass, to me this is all disgusting, I am old school, but my hearing is not failing nor fooling me, I heard what I heard, and saw them out of the corner of my eye, while bending down to get some tuna fish placed on a low shelf in the store. Think about what I could do to this EVIL EMPIRE, on any given day when so much of there siege results in this major freaking heightened PUSSY-COMMAND!!!!!!!!! I know that all of this sounds nasty, but we cannot always B as Tommy Roe polite when explaining things pertaining 2 so much gods awful wickedness and demonic activity. It amazes me that I can only talk to the future, but thank the gods, that U at least R listening 2 me, and THIS IS ‘ROCK’ THE GREAT’S, STAR TREK EQUATION, AS HE IS CRUSHING POOR SHATNER HALF 2 DEATH, with the emphasis of an emotional Hercules, that “THEY” absofuckinglutely knew that I would realize later if not SOONER, that who cares whether or not anyone is listening to me today? The unborn can hear me right now on the fourth dimension, thanx to the reality of distance delay teck or as it is called in the future DDT2, almost in fun, so it never can B wrongfully confused with the original DDT pesticides of the middle 20th century. No Bearded Bob, I am not trying 2 convince present day populations of shit anymore, my common sense eventually kicked in, nut smart as UR Mr. Chemical Engineer by week day and guard by week end, U know nothing about astrophysics nor the general and special relativity equations postulated by a good friend of my dad’s, My Einstein. Y won’t U send back some pop-ups 2 help me out of this nightmare, World Lab? Is it not strange and wildly weirdly coincidental that those tow friends of Sarah, Paula and Nina, R in this time period or a later one, into the more humane networks of society? Yeah, I search on Google two Sabrina; everybody does Except President Hopeful Branch. Anyone that does not C the wild coincidences and far out cousinly stories all taking form, has never Goggled up this entire story that I have been telling 4 close 2 two mortal world Earth annual periods, [years]. Godda freaking admit, it is a bit fantastic, am I really so wrong?????????

Well, I sent my 2 grand 2 the E-Trade and opened my account 2 days ago, and started with 2 long positions on the Dow Index Futures, and this means a profit of 200 bucks per every one hundred points that it climbs, so harass me all U fucking want 2 ya filthy pricky bastard toilet-seat-rockers!!!!!!!!!! Since the air shit won’t quit, fine and dandy mommy jumpers, as I speak a super low pass again, and planes both small and large, civilian and military, small but nasty kemtrails R back, loud jets and choppers as well, plus all that nice pussy-action!!!!!!!! Utility attacks, computer Lattisaw jack hack attacks, home theater and other devices weirdly manipulated under the total control of the GMC, the GREAT MILLIONTH COUNCIL. Yeah, guess it was my destiny 2B surrounded one way or another with Stacey’s, as even my landlady’s college daughter is a STACEY, and spelled with the [E], the way the Almighty spells her name. Go ahead plane, crash right the fuck in front of the trailer park. WHERE THE FUCK IS MULLICA TOWNSHIP POLICE and the NEW JERSEY STATE POLICE, when your constitutional and civil rights R getting totally wiped and whacked!!!!!???????????? I plan 2 take advantage of the pussy command, and get a string of luscious girlfriends as well, so Mizz Benitar, just keep hittin’ me with your best fucking shot; U just ga’hed and freaking fire away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello to the future, screw back here in the time period where I am living. I know all about the King-Soifer World Lab, and I in the year 2301 jump out of a sky-car 2 my death, after I get kidnapped in Brigantine, New Jersey, USA, Earth, Sol, Milky Way Galaxy, this universe and hyperspace catalog as of time and date printed at top of this web logging report datfile. Officially, this is datfile 00001, and no matter what blog title or number that supersedes this one, each one will now become DATFILE 2, 3, 4 and continue 2 proceed upwards in chronological order. Chronis himself came to Brigantine in PLAYFIELD JZPXTEY-2953687, under the name in this datfile game, of Zuudlochronus, in some of my website docs and blogs on other non-site locations, I refer to the differences in spelling only 4 the record, that astrally HE sometimes spells his name with and sometimes without the English letter of [N]. Thank U for almost wrecking this horrible town a while back with SUNMAG. I need lots more natural disasters, floods, hurricanes which 4 two seasons have been blocked by Briggbase enemies using ANTIMAGNETICSOUNDMACHINE TECK, tornadic activity, volcanic activity, and tectonic platasonics, and water displacement balance teck, THANK U. I definitely need major help, this video game set to AVM is unfair and I challenge it on a 29-TFWPCG official level. Within a few months, a 16000 + DJIA Stock Market System will B there, just as I said that it will, as everything I say comes true, in every shade of black and blue, and still I wait 4 them 2 state, that I am here, Mizz Kirshty. U all know out in 2301 that Russ Thax came over in this video game set on AUDIO/VIDEO/MATERIAL-full trace laser scan, [FTLS] and that the first move was having Misses Goodfellow 6-D-influenced or SDI, 2 get horny and rape him, committing the heinous act of child abuse, endangerment, and contributing 2 the delinquency of a minor. Then move 2 was to SDI him to find the unopened fifth of straight Vodka, open it, and drink it all down in his room, the Ross Midnight Action was now further embarking. Then, since he knew we would both B literally floor wiped by my baseball bicep mom if caught together at 1 AM on a school night, or any night, he was in move three of VG-AVM SDI’d to come over with some strange ‘knowing’ that my mom would just happen 2B out on a date with boyfriend-Sid. Then move 4, as the RMA, or the Ross Midnight Action continued 2 progress and ensue, he SDI’s me 2 burn the remaining half of the magical contents of the locked ‘sea chest’ appearing box, in my bedroom apartment closet, in that early hour in early middish December in 1969-AD, in New Jersey, USAWSMWG. Now the super wowish RMA, remember from PB, the song Diana Ross had in 1985 called CHAIN REACTION, and what was the other object that was in the box B4 the great Sarah-Stacey Jehovah took it out of there both physically and astrally, but THE CHAIN, given 2 me by John Henningsen, given 2 me by a mister Hans Worshing from the Philadelphia Boys Club and the Big Brother’s Association of America. 2301, U all know my complete story back here in what U perceive as your past, but I am real here on a 3 dimensional plane, and just because more than 29 decades separates us in photonic distance, it is the same space on the fourth dimension. IC that all of the Google system now fits into your grand scheme of all of this, right down to this AVM DATFILE GAME 4, and includes all that I have been put through and experimented with. Now, I ask for a RELIEF-CLAUS, under the ACT OF UNUSUAL PRIORLIFERS DISCOVERIES or the Relcla of the UPD ACT, THANK U!!!!!!!!! I will now send back all of my material to all of the times to the United States Library of Congress for official ©. I demand a GAME OVER, please make papers appear in the 1990’s about this video game and Sarah Krassle. Thank U 4 compliance under the UPD Act.

END TRANSMISSION-----------------------------------------4 now, whatever now is!!!!

GOOGLE-SWIS-WORLD LAB- official web documentation @datfile #1: MARK MOHR/MICHAEL MOUNTAINPEN

All blogging is co-copyrighted in these names, if these names R on these blogs.


1 comment:

Michael said...
"Varo Edition"



Transcribed by The Quantum Future Group Castelnau-Barbarens, France 2003

THE CASE FOR THE UFO Unidentified Flying Objects By M.K. Jessup


On the evening of April 20, 1959, an astronomer committed suicide in Dade County Park, Florida. Inhaling automobile exhaust fumes, which he had introduced from the tail pipe through a hose into his station wagon, he died in the same academic obscurity in which he had lived, unheralded and almost unrecognized in his discipline. Ironically, the scientist’s only public recognition had come from lay people, who had read his series of four books about unidentified flying objects. Morris K. Jessup’s first book, The Case For the UFO, had tended to alienate him from his colleagues, though it came and went with relatively few sales. Its publisher sold it off to second-hand bookstores at $1.00 each. Today it brings $25.00 or better per copy, if you can find one. It was a paperback edition of the same book, published in 1955 by Bantam Books that enmeshed Jessup in one of the most bizarre mysteries in UFO history. An annotated reprint of the paperback was laboriously typed out on offset stencils and printed in a very small run by a Garland, Texas manufacturing company which produced equipment for the military. Each page was run through the small office duplicator twice, once with black ink for the regular text of the book, then once again with red ink, the latter reproducing the mysterious annotations by three men, who may have been gypsies, hoaxters, or space people living among men. The spiral bound 8 ½” X 11” volume, containing more that 200 pages, became known as The Annotated Edition. The reprint quickly became legend. A few civilian UFO enthusiasts claimed to have seen copies, and it was rumored that a few close associates of the late Mr. Jessup possessed copies. Many people claimed it simply had never existed. Because you are now holding a virtually exact facsimile of The Annotated Edition in your hands, it is most obvious that the book existed. But the big mystery still remains: why did a Government contractor go to so much trouble to reprint a book that had been rejected by the scientific community, and further to include mysterious letters to the author and even more bizarre annotations? And with this mystery goes the suspicion that the book may have been printed by the manufacturer at the request of the military, which implies Government interest in some of the weirdest aspects of “Flying Saucer” study.

Jessup’s Background Not much detail is known of Jessup’s life before he emerged as one of the early writers on UFOs, mainly because nobody has taken the trouble to do the needed research. Probably the most that Ufology knows about him prior to his involvement with flying saucers is contained on the jacket flap of his first book. He is described as having been an instructor in astronomy and mathematics at the University of Michigan and Drake University. The Jacket copy also notes that Jessup completed his thesis for the doctorate degree in astro-physics at the University of Michigan, though it does not state whether on not he was awarded the actual degree. In the academic business, usually the thesis is the thing that comes

last, and is the final step in the awarding of the doctorate degree. Sometimes these doctoral candidates are deferentially called “Doctor” by their associates, though it cannot be used officially by them. T his would seem to be the case of Jessup, who was often addressed as “Dr. Jessup”, but who never used the title in correspondence, nor on the covers or title pages of his four books. Very likely Jessup was never actually awarded the degree. Apparently, his thesis consisted of a report on his research program which (again according to the book jacket) resulted in several thousand discoveries of physical double-stars “which are now uncatalogued in the Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society of London”. The short biography also lists other important research activities by Jessup. It indicates that he was assigned by the United State Department of Agriculture to study the sources of crude rubber in the headwaters of the Amazon, though no date is given. He made archeological studies of the Maya in the jungles of Central America for the Carnegie Institute of Washington. Without identifying the source of sponsorship or financing, the jacket states that he explored Inca ruins in Peru, and concluded that the stonework he found there had been “erected by the levitating power of space ships in antediluvian times”. Also: “Mr. Jessup’s latest explorations have taken him to the high plateau of Mexico where he has discovered an extensive group of craters. They are as large as, and similar to, the mysterious lunar craters Linne and Hyginus N, and he believes them to have been made by objects from space. They are presently under study by means of aerial photography and the study will be ready for publication in approximately eighteen months”. Apparently the further exploration of the craters was never carried out. According to James W. Moseley, former publisher of Saucer News, Jessup sought university, foundation and private sponsorship of the project, but was unsuccessful in gaining sufficient interest and funds. The Allende Letters The mystery of the annotated paperback edition of The Case for the UFO was preceded by a series of strange letters from Carlos Miguel Allende addressed to Jessup. Two of these, reproduced as part of the Annotated Edition, appear in the following pages. The letters claimed that as a result of a strange experiment at sea utilizing principles of Einstein’s Unified Field Theory, a destroyer and all its crew became invisible during October, 1943. “The Field was effective in an oblate spheroidal shape,” Allende wrote. He added that “any person within that sphere became vague in form, and that as a result of the experiment some of the crew went insane. Further horrifying aspects of the alleged experiment are detailed in the two letters (See Appendix). The Allende letters became connected with The Annotated Edition when the Varo Manufacturing Company evidently got in touch with Jessup in regard to the latter. Varo’s unusual involvement in the mystery began a few months after February 1956, In April of that year Admiral N. Furth, Chief of the Office of Naval Research, Washington D.C., received a manila envelope postmarked Seminole, a small town in Texas. Written across its face was the notation “Happy Easter”. When Furth opened the envelope he found a copy of the Jessup paperback. We are not certain of Furth’s reactions, but we can assume that he thumbed through the book and that his interest was piqued by a series of notes, interjections, underscorings, etc., in three colors of ink, apparently written by three different people. Only the name of one of the authors of the annotations appeared in the notes, that of “Jemi”. The paperback had apparently been passed through the hands of the strange annotators several times. This conclusion could be drawn from the fact that the notes indicated discussions between two or all three of the men, with questions answered, and places where parts of a note had been marked through, underlined, or added to by one or both of the other men. Some had been deleted by marking through. The notes had a tone of absolute weirdness. Sometimes they agreed with Jessup’s original text; sometimes they contradicted it, as they referred to two types of people living in space. They specified two habitats for the space people: underseas, and what they termed the “stasis neutral”, the latter term apparently in agreement with Jessup’s exposition on points of neutral gravity in space. They mentioned the building of undersea cities and identified two groups of spacemen, “L-M’s” and “S-M’s”. The “L-M’s” were designated as peaceful, the “S-M’s” as sinister.

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© 1983 Mark Wayne Mohr, private electronic-metaphysics program.


Computer, hear my MVP (Mind-Voice-Print). You will be totally absolutely crushing, obliterating, annihilating, and devastating, wrecking, ruining, and utterly wiping out, all of my enemies that are viciously persecuting me throughout this entire year of 2019, WITH MAX-POWER AGAINST ALL PERSONS AND FORCES BEHIND THE ASSAULT ON MY PHYSICAL HEALTH AND MY UTILITIES NOW, APRIL 4, and 5, of the year 2019, on a crush-destruct order, under GENERAL-ORDER-189, max.-power. Open-Command, General Order #7. Use G-901, G-1133, G-14, G-719, G-13, CG5555-QP4 sub-code, under G-917, CG-2, under CG-18, and HOLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your old AT&T landline telephone old style 1983 built tone-commands have been data-transferred into the two highlighted long-EEEEE vowel sounds. The high-tone is colored RED. The low-tone is colored BLUE.

Computer (Magnesonic) under my command and precisely matching voice print, I have an image-object (I-O) now placed on your transpower-block (T-B) after I have crush-destructed this. Once empowered, all actual beings matching this I-O on your T-B will be exactly crushed and singed and destroyed as the original I-O. To accomplish the scan, use your ZD technology built into your system. To accomplish this sympathetic reality duplication, use your AD technology, (ZD-Zero-Dimensional), (AD-Atomic Duplicational).

Computer, 'MAGNESONIC', on an 'I' to 'D', A/B—TONE, PHASING PUNISHMENT SEQUENCING SYSTEM, you will now be transmitted the two empowerization-transmit tones, or ETT'S.



GO TO G-189, under G-1133, CG-18, AND S---T---O---P

Four times over the past fucking two days, SHERIFF KJM SIR, my cunt lapping video cut outs are back on a mother fucking vengeance, and so I have instructed my Magnesonic system to counterstrike the MILITUFORCE and its fucking cunt cronies that are screwing with my utilities, BOTH TELEVISION AND CABLE, AS WELL AS MY WATER, and also my HEALTH, with these horrendous fucking BOWEL ASSAULTS AGANIST ME, YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well Sheriff sir, MY BLOOD IS ON YOUR HANDS, me wonderful kind sir.


Journal of my last days in Florida, #10

5:06 P.M., April 4, 2019


They have made me shit all over the mother fucking floor AGAIN with another huge and instantaneous diareah shit attack, that I believe is not so much a subsonic fucking weapon but rather a poisonous chemtrail weapon, and is up there even on days when more obvious chemtrailing is not being done to me, and 'others', as who can ever know? I do know Sheriff Sir, and Florida Attorney General mahm; that this computer is being fucking messed with today, and appears to be attempting to crash. Pweeeeeze watch over me as best you can, and you too my wonderful Federal Bureau of Investigation. Truly you're all a great bunch of dudes and duddesses out there, yo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Of course, I'll openly admit right here and right now, lovely Loo VanBuren, that my faith and confidence in the justice system after Mister Evil Empire, and the other head of the real evil empire as well as the investigative team and the noodle man have all seemed to have totally let me fucking cunt down; is measurable somewhere between the non distorted sonic, or left side of the volume meter line, as in NEGATIVE VALUES! I mean really, hey, why should I even try to deny it, and for that matter, just why should I, or anyone else for that matter, have any faith in a system that rewards WEALTHY CRIMINAL GUILTY EVIL PEOPLE, while goddessdamn mother fucking punishing, and crippling, and impoverishing, and endlessly oppressing, all of the innocent law abiding good, yet hopelessly fucking poor folks, such as me, the MOUNTAINPEN, for one perfect and Humanly-Pennock example example here, me peeps????????????? Next I suppose we'll all see where this 'pay to play' in our wealthy college kids fraud all goes in the great and totally fucking illustrious criminal justice system, huh folks?????? Yes my mom said it over and over to me, and although it annoyed me as a youth after hearing this for about the zillionth time or so, but she was so goddamn right, “Mark, this is Earth, not Heaven, and how true this was and is!!!!!!!!!

There is a gigantic covert conspiracy to EVICT ME FROM MY APARTMENT. I know that no one would ever believe anything I say, but this mother fucking blog is to myself from now on, screw every mother fucking body out there! Even WHEN WO-GOOGLE (Youtube-Blogger) eventually violates my First Amendment rights under the great U.S. Constitution, and ends the Blogs Of Mountainpen, and even removes them, I still have my own documents in my files, as well as protected fucking shit in the official files of the U.S. Copyright Office, in Washington, DC-13-600! And who knows, maybe I have a few tucked away in secret museums as well, with or without any whole blood transfusions or other fountain seekers, such as the great and cool Mister Roy Carl Weiler Senior. WEEEEEEEEEEEEE THAT, Sir Chester-Frank, and Mister Mike McNulty, and AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The entire fucking world sucks a gigantic pussy ass prick at the speed of light times the speed of light. All of it, no exceptions to the rule, and everybody including mister Michael Wayne Mountainpen must PLAY THE FOOL! It is no huge thing for them to know why I am in Florida, whether they read my blogs or just checked me out in conventional ways that were used long before the invention and widespread usage of the computerized interconnected networking system, shortened and abbreviated to the INTERNET! The whole entire thing is about guests coming here without permission. I hate this too. BUTTTT, big ass BUTTERCHEESE-BUTT; I hate everything and everybody, or just about aniwho, me BRAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have always hated crime and criminals, yet last night, I was fucking arrested for something that I did not do, in my sleep of course; but the hell of the experience is no less just because it happens in mother fucking 'dreamland', yo yo yo yo!!!! No one is going to fucking use me to be an agreeing conspirator to commit insurance fraud, via these fake and phony fucking shortages, jacking prices way up to double or more of the value of the meds. When and if my Humana people ask me why I am off of these meds, I will tell them that I cannot accuse anyone, but I will remind them about the old disco days of the Iranian fucking oil bullshit shortage, just to jack up gasoline prices into a never ending high Earth orbit. Either the consumer and taxpayer is ripped off, or else it is the insurance companies, and I refuse to participate in this TOTAL CRIMINALITY, AND ILLEGAL FRAUD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Concerning my mother fucking teenaged song lyrics from the late nineteen-sixties and the great Almighty Disney-Connection, this will dovetail quite perfectly into a topic that I will always love and enjoy discussing, as it is very thrilling to me, even years after being out of high school, Mister Crichton, oh great and wonderful powerful non-OZ sir!!!!!

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Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-

The real magic is in BLACK-28 or so I've been told by many a seasoned Roulette player. Oh well Ann King Silva; gee willagars whiz yo, I thought it was in magical ladies applying their make up while saying and singing the following words in Mudville, “Mighty Casey, mighty Casey, Neo Ho Rengay Keyoh”. Well, it is hard to keep up with the many Patty's in my life, or even Paula's for that matter, huh Tony Braxton? Still, Mister Newgroup Alphadeepsix has very recently informed me that he thinks Mizz 1996 psychic lady who used my more than nine grand to fix up her entire home on the New Jersey Black Horse Pike, in Runnemede; was merely accessing this Copyright Search Internet Page, and then informed me that Mizz T.B. Was involved in this entire mess somehow, two years before she and her significant other telephoned me that night over at the Guthrie Short Chester-Frank four acre mini-mansion, fifteen years after that major blowout with non Mimi Howard SOLOMON, in Orlando, Florida!!!!!!!! Still, the question endlessly fucking beggars the cock sucking imagination and query station of the tallest mountain. That being, just why does my daughter and many of her friends and associates think my life is so utterly fascinating, and why did they do so much for many years before any of my blogs ever began, to connect themselves into it????????????? Nobody has the answers to all of this, and they never will, despite Mister NG-ADS telling me that what has been written by me already contains all of the answers and that I am simply too closely in the forest to adequately get a needed view of all of the trees!!!!!!!!!! Maybe he is mother fucking correct there, Mister Moestooge Slapslap!!!

The Law Of Everything”, was somehow mysteriously inputted telepathically into my brain, by a powerful and magical alien entity, on that 'nightmarish' Atlantic City beach in the summer time of 1974, on one very cloudy afternoon. If the words 'inputted telepathically' don't settle well for you, then let us try saying that this was somehow accomplished with another powerful, wild, and totally unknown, and very bizarre Mind-Controlling system. I can honestly say that things in my life began getting both super weird and super nasty, following this event, between Jim Burr and Patricia Hollister, used by someone or something to quote the great Star Trek's Captain James Kirk, as the key players in the upcoming future destruction of the life of one MARK WAYNE MOUNTAINPEN HUNTINGTON MOHR!!!!!!!!!!

There really truly and verily is a way to tap into the LAW OF ONE or EVERYTHING. Zero-dimensional-technology is part of a truth that knows fully well that EVERYTHING is really ALL ONE THING, and no difference whatsoever exists between one absolute thing, and everything. All possibilities can indeed be compressed into the void infinity which of courses will reach a stage that science today in this blind world of 2019 labels as the PLANCKTIME! Obviously some great mind in the scientific community was named PLANCK. In a nutshell, when you Google up the copyright search page and up comes what I have been printing on my blogs, and we then connect that into the great Disney movies (High School Musical), we see the connection in basic lyrics of the song that goes, “thrill and joy”. On the surface, this is benign and proves absolutely nothing, but in the LAW-1, it proves that all things not only are one, but no matter how wide and scattered the virtually unlimited individual pieces of all-possibilities become, you cannot shuffle the cards beyond all possible card shuffles, or said real easily with just a 52-card deck of playing cards, there is a maximum shuffle possibilities. The number is astronomical, but it always exists. Even all of the possible combinations of everything, will have a maximum combinational shuffle (MCS) as I have come to call this. That second number may be so long that the visible universe wouldn't be large enough to print it even on newspaper sized print, BUT IT IS OUT THERE, and yes, there really is a Santa Claus, Mizz Virginia Waterworks Callio, and there really is a MCS. So this is the basic concept of the LAW-1, no matter how much we add and tack onto this. BUTTTTTT, do we see the abbreviation connections right there, with that Virginia and Callio deal, oh mighty Sarah and Almighty friend of Queen Paula Wannamarry? You cannot escape this truth, to quote my wonderful freaking daughter, in or out of 1997! Hey Hey, treasure coast or Paula, it only grows and grows, and it never ever stops, Mister Anderton, from the greatest freaking law show ever televised, “LAW & ORDER”. That copyright office online search form is all just another part of the LAW-1 (law of everything), and the subatomic realm of connectivity to all things leading to the ZD-equations of various multiplexed forces that lay behind 'parallel event' as well as 'Reality-3' that lays even behind that, and all of their predictions through statistical probability enhancements and eventually forcing every possible combination of metaversal wave-particle duality events to reduce to the lowest values possible, that would be just slightly above ZD (zero-dimension), or void-infinity. Of course this acts to enhance the otherwise endlessly unknown variables to their maximum states, and thus causing such items to NEED TO EXIST, such as the English alphabetical numeron reality of letters applying to various encoded similarities or a lack there of, depending on the individual circumstances. One example is the DEF-CON FUNCTION, also coincidentally coding out as quite similar to the United States Government and their World War lll staging systems, as well as when we ignore that and merely use what Morianity connects the DEF-CON letters into, and then applying basic numerological truths to the basic English letters of the alphabet, and we see how the 'M' letter being letter number 13 or 1+3=4, and the 'C' letter being letter number 3+0=3 so thereby leaving us with the 3 and the 4, and using the dual function system, we arrive at number 1,984. This is the number encoded into subatomic reality for MIND-CONTROL, the most crucial weapon AND TOOL of the entire Lambrigg Cult, or the residents of the BRIGGBASE!!!!!!!!!!!! And then this same thing can just apply on much simpler matters, such as the great pirate who had his nose way up the queen's ass, Sir f. Drake, who was used to kill a Huntington in 4-D space-time-mind (STM). Another STM-Huntington would be me, Mark Wayne Mohr, Mary Stuart's 20th grandson. My pal Mister Roth from the Caldor Store of Woodbury Heights, New Jersey, also had a friend by the name of Mister Jonathan Schau. This man stole Dave's life insurance money, and in my opinion, was directly responsible for causing the death of two persons in Philadelphia, David Roth, and his mother Misses Mary Roth, and then ripping me off as well, since a debt owed to me would have been paid off with that money, should this murderer have not been allowed to get away with his horrific fucking crime back in early 2002. Where was he working as a Security Officer when all of this shit went down? DRAKE TOWERS, as in the same name of the pirate. In both cases, two mother fucking Huntington's were wiped out by this one DEF-CON reality of DRAKE! This is no joke, this fucking shit is all absolutely real! MIND CONTROL, and yes, the BRIGGBASE, which on the Earth Planet waking world is known by some humans as the MILLIONTH COUNCIL, also with those quite magical {M} {C} initials.

<link href=';zx=76d9d6ca-5432-41c7-a01e-53e908f96a61' rel='stylesheet'/>

© 1983 Mark Wayne Mohr, private electronic-metaphysics program.

The Astral Plane GODS/GODDESSES love to PLAY GAMES. This is the very heart and meat and complete enlightenment, of all of the total embodiment of the Religion of Millennium lll, AKA (Also Known As) MORIANITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When these entities decide to occasionally take over the human homosapien being here on the Earth-Planet, as they did my mother in various stages, after 1986, when this all began for Mark Sabrina Collins Huntington Mohr, in or out of the mighty casino of Atlantic City known as Resorts International Hotel & Casino, yo; they leave a major telltale signature of their games-playing NON GAS ME DEED, every single time. This is none other than seeing a huge game taking place in all of the new interfered with situation. It suddenly all becomes as obvious as Mary Molasses Marmalade, at the speed of light squared!!!! I observed a total behavior alteration in my own mother, as this (demonic possession) slowly crept deeper and deeper into her, throughout various hellish stages, throughout this nightmare that all happened post-1986!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now as for PINK GODDESS and her love for the '4' strings of numeration, as previously discussed on my past couple of blogs, WE NOW CAN ADD A MAJOR NEW DETAIL THAT WILL BE UP FOR MAJOR DISCUSSION, regarding all of this, that is of course, for those who watched the great next to the final episode of the HISTORY-CHANNEL'S great television documentary series, called PROJECT BLUEBOOK, which all came out right after my blogs resumed last August (2018), and discussed with major fervor, how the Bluebook project ended two days after my fifteenth birthday, early in December of 1969, right around the exact timing of that wild CHAIN INTERACTION followed by that WILD SIX POINT CHEMTRAIL that morning that appeared in the skies right after my FIRST MAJOR CONTACT, with PINK GODDESS who physically was cooking in Patty's oven of course, mister John Pocono Magictrips Central Intelligence Agency Henningsen. Like WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, and like W-O-W!

WELL, THE REASON THAT THE JERK OFF TWISTED MILI-2-FORCE, BROKE MY SLEEP UP WITH THAT FUCKING CUNT PHONE SQUEAL SOUND, AND ILLEGALLY VIOLATED MY CIVIL RIGHTS, AL SHARPTON AND JESSE JACKSON, REMEMBERIN THAT I AM INDEED 10% A BLACK MAN ON MY FATHER'S SIDE; IS BECAUSE IT IS PEARL HARBOR DAY, AND THEY DON'T WANT TO TAKE ANY CHANCE THAT SSJKK MIGHT MAKE DIRECT CONTACT WITH ME IN SOME MAJOR WAY, AFTER 18 YEARS. As some viewers may or may not remember, I was living on 112 Harvard Avenue, Somerdale, New Jersey, USA, ESMWG, on the 7th day in December in 1996, 18n years ago today, when SHE came to me with HER wild dreaming-interaction where we were standing right outside McGuire's Pittsburgh Hotel on 10-SC Avenue, and she said to me and I quote HER now, “Hay boy, lets play a game called, “Guess The Name Of The Guests”. After we played HER great game, I know SHE kissed me passionately and told me that I will always be HER special “THAT BOY”. Well, between lovely Marlo Thomas, daughter of Danny Saint Jude, I 'guess' there is some huge thing going on with shit that even goes far beyond, if you can dare to imagine this, the ALMIGHTY NATIONAL BROADCASTING COMPANY (NBC). Oh well, at least she didn't call me, Pool-boy, or heaven forbid, POOLROY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If I don't fight back and do something so huge that this EVIL EMPIRE AMERICA leaves me alone and stops this endless mother fucking death persecution of me for nearly 30 years now since the night of cunt sniffing fart huffing August 15 of 1986, I AM A DEAD MAN, YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        • Image result for sheriff ken j. mascaraMy PhotoAttorney General of Florida, Pam Bondi


Computer, hear my MVP (Mind-Voice-Print). You will be totally absolutely crushing, obliterating, annihilating, and devastating, wrecking, ruining, and utterly wiping out, all of my enemies that are viciously persecuting me throughout this entire year of 2019, WITH MAX-POWER AGAINST ALL PERSONS AND FORCES BEHIND THE ASSAULT ON MY PHYSICAL HEALTH NOW, APRIL 4, of the year

2019, on a crush-destruct order, under GENERAL-ORDER-189, max.-power. Open-Command, General Order #7. Use G-901, G-1133, G-14, G-719, G-13, CG5555-QP4 sub-code, under G-917, CG-2, under CG-18, and HOLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your old AT&T landline telephone old style 1983 built tone-commands have been data-transferred into the two highlighted long-EEEEE vowel sounds. The high-tone is colored RED. The low-tone is colored BLUE.

Computer (Magnesonic) under my command and precisely matching voice print, I have an image-object (I-O) now placed on your transpower-block (T-B) after I have crush-destructed this. Once empowered, all actual beings matching this I-O on your T-B will be exactly crushed and singed and destroyed as the original I-O. To accomplish the scan, use your ZD technology built into your system. To accomplish this sympathetic reality duplication, use your AD technology, (ZD-Zero-Dimensional), (AD-Atomic Duplicational).

Computer, 'MAGNESONIC', on an 'I' to 'D', A/B—TONE, PHASING PUNISHMENT SEQUENCING SYSTEM, you will now be transmitted the two empowerization-transmit tones, or ETT'S.



GO TO G-189, under G-1133, CG-18, AND S---T---O---P

There is no sense stopping my notes that Began as Morianity, over thirteen years ago, just because I am wasting my time attempting to interest any serious people in my life story, and HOW IT EFFECTS THEM whether they should ever choose to believe that or not. I simply won't be writing any longer as if I am writing to anyone other than one fine decent gentleman named Mark Wayne Mountainpen Huntington Mohr. To hell with the entire world.

Within the next sixty days, I will know if I am going to move out of here, and take off for points known only to me, as this relates to whether or not I am going to get anywhere with my project, that involves something that I am not going to discuss. What I will say on this writing to anyone who may ever discover these blogs and is in authority, is that for the first time in approximately five years, my computer booted up very differently, not going through some screens that it has done for a very very long time and many many boot-ups. Also, all of my files appeared to be opening and closing on the left side of my screen, unlike anything ever done before unless I have agreed to some sort of a cleaning or other type of internal pop up screen that tells me to click on a box so that some sort of routing maintenance or update can be accomplished. I know that some mother fucking jerk off is thereby illegally inside of my computer right now as I am typing this out. The M2F never allows me to ever succeed at anything that I have ever attempted to mother fucking do, for the past 50 years now since I have sort of been keeping mental track of this beyond unfathomable weirdness around me, as a fourteen year old fucking boy. Someone just tried to fucking freeze up my computer right now, as I tried to hit my 'SAVE' button as I have learned to do quite frequently while typing on this system, as if I do not, they can kill the power or hack out something or other, causing me to lose large or even entire parts of my writings (blogs). This time, my fucking SAVE button worked normally, and nothing just fucking cunt froze up! I totally know and can prove as well, that all of the fucking dogshit around us is just a HUGE GAME OF THE GASME GODS, that has grown much larger since this thing took off, called the INTERNET, WEIN, SOSO, SSDD and blah-blee-blum, with or without any world satellite systems or other self fulfilling prophecies or created futures, or magical television sets and electronic repair shops! In all honesty, if this one supposed God Almighty did not want the people of this world to wonder so much just what is really going on here, and be all split up with zillions of religious denominations and church factions, waring and wasting time and effort on endless garbage things, a child who seeks only the truth, can see plainer than day on steroids, that this all powerful entity would in fact, keep coming here and continue to correct things in its favor, right down to the so-called cannons of biblical teachings, kept and discarded as centuries continued to pass after the Jesus Christ deal all happened. Also if we want to keep things beyond totally real, why do I suddenly find myself living in a world where the entire television evangelistic society INSISTS on bible believers in America being ONLY REPUBLICANS, and even going so far as to call another large opposing party, and I witnessed this on TV just a couple of days ago, DEMON-CRATS?! I have no intentions of viewing that garbage televangelist group of bullshit any longer. Hey they as well as anyone else is always entitled to their opinions, just as I am entitled to cut myself off from their devil worshiping nonsense for the remainder of my lifetime. Still, tell me that this world and life here in America would EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER have devolved into shit like this in my short little fucking lifetime, sometime back last century, and I would have told you that you are in major need of fucking psychiatric assistance and FAST! Hey let me straighten out one quick point. I DON'T agree with a lot of fucking bullshit from EITHER of the two great American parties, and I doubt very seriously that anyone running so far has even a SLIM FUCKING CHANCE to defeat that wicked evil monster straight out of the gates of DOGTOWN ITSELF, but keeping this on point here, I know very well that the Democrats have major fucking faults. I totally despise their political correctness fucking crap, and I have said this all along, THEY ELECTED THE GREAT DONALD FUCKING TRUMP, not their mighty Republican Party, but THEY elected him, as we are all fucking beyond sick and tired of having their idea of morality legislated to us continuously, day and night, as if they themselves don't go right out into their secret places in this world, and commit unspeakable evils just like all the mother fucking rest of us, BUT THEY have brought all of this about, not the cock sucking mother fucking REPUBLICANS! IPYT! And not one soul believes my true story that it is ME who brought much of their fucking dirt bag PC-MOVEMENT into reality, by screwing Dave Roth and myself over the years, in ways that is so off the wall, that the story is indeed the Webster's Dictionary definition, OR IT SHOULD BE, of quintessential inconceivability!!!!!!!!!!!! But getting back to the GAMES of the GASME Gods, I am telling it straight up with absolutely no fucking motives for any kind of deception whatsoever here. These are powerful entities totally bored to tears on the Astral Plane with ENDLESSNESS, and so they fuck with the inhabitants of this world, the lovely Earth-Planet. What would you do if you were out of your mind from being stuck in a toy room for thirty nine quintillion years, and then suddenly you figured out a way to distract yourself from this absolute mother fucking horror? But no one gets it, I am the only one that does, and this is because I have made DIRECT CONTACT with this other world, and am madly in love with one of its powerful and incredible occupants. This of course is ALSO why the M2F must continue to endlessly destroy both me, and my entire life; leaving no trace at all eventually, that I was ever here in this life. THIS is why I must join a the largest fucking UFO club in the world, and I must move to where there is a local chapter in my city, so that I can eventually tell them my story, and SOME FEW of them hopefully will believe me enough, to watch me very closely, and once they see that I am telling the mother fucking absolute truth to them, help me get some of my fantastic ideas realized, so that I can have enough financial success to go on and really begin to form a group such as what I attempted to do in 2007, and failed at miserably, a group dedicated to fighting oppression, and evil powerful forces who are organized against folks who have been Majestic-12-Classified as (CE-6ers), by their MILITUFORCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am not the only one, but I am way up on their list of those who must be TOTALLY WIPED OUT AND DESTROYED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And why? So as to endlessly protect the most powerful secrets of the great CHURCH. So has anything really changed since the mother fucking days of the Crusades? Not on your life, yo!

There is a short story you need to hear so your memory is refreshed, even if you never read my first half of my blogs from 06-10 of this stinking rotten hellish miserable fucking asshole century, good people. One night in 1986, David Roth and I were in Atlantic City and I went to gamble at the then Golden Nugget Casino that now is the same building, but called the Hilton, lovely Paris who never, just like Wendy Silverspoon Thomas, had a bad day in her spoiled filthy rotten little ass life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aniwho, YO; as we entered the parking garage of the place, all the lights were off and it was late in the night time, not twelve fucking noon. I am not talking pitch black, but a preponderance of lights that should have been on, were not, for reasons that then, I just totally believed, was Goddess Diana (whom I call MIDDIE-ISIS, now), was warning me not to gamble there, that it was all magnetically or 'cosmologically' ''FIXED'' against me. Sure enough, I LOST EVERY SINGLE 50-50 BET IN A ROW, while David stood there, looking as though his dog, best friend, and parents; had all just died in excruciating agony, right in front of his mother fucking cunt eyes. I never ever forget shit, I remember every little detail about the last 10,000 mother fucking years, not even dream breaks or (LIFETIMES) bust up my incredible memories. I can see it now in front of me as clearly as if a naked lovely whore was throwing me down right now and fucking me pathetic little brains out of my cruel intentions 1999 skull!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My point in this, is that some huge thing is all behind why that photo in the MEET MORE CRACKPOTS FROM NEW JERSEY HATE-PAGE, was suddenly removed on Dawn-Marie Kings birthday, of course she passed out of this veil of fucking tears on New Years Day back in twenty fucking eleven, as holidays seem to be an incredible major something in THIS WILD ASS FAMILY, just what, is anybody's mother fucking guess. Maybe I will go to the Jupiter fucking Jetty and jump off and take a big deep breath, and just go ahead and Paula Weston Stabler Patton, “DIE-DIE-DIE”, HUH David ha-ha tapes Trilane Squiretrek Roth?????????????????


Live Camera image from Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse

Jupiter, Florida, welcomes you to Morianity, Courtesy of Channel 12-Television.


Many of us are not who we appear. Is it real, is it Memorex, or is it fake steak Techno-pop? You always have to wonder. But as per the ICPE-APE and me and Misses Dow Jones, I do not think wondering has much to do with shit.


United States Copyright Office Records, pasted in part:

Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-
Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-



SO YES LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, WE ALONG WITH all of fucking Manhattan can indeed Put ''THAT'' on the blackboard of David Leigh Smith, back in 1970 at Wormhole Cooley Hall, in Haddonfield, New Jersey!!!!!!!!!!! Sing it to me, lovely X-MAS TREE ANGEL JACOBSON, and screw the Pope and his canons, as the miracles in my endless life make Gary Trek Mitchell look like a tortoise walking alone on a deserted forest path!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Journal of my last days in Florida, #9

11:35 AM, April 2, 2019

My cunt chewing nabes are extremely annoying the last two days, yesterday and today with loud sounds and slamming doors, waking me and making me crazy with their ILLEGAL GUESTS, and total unconcern and disregard for other people around them, such as poor elderly pathetic fucking me, KIND SHERIFF MASCARA SIR! This is totally Mack Kaiter 1967-1968 summer camp ridiculous! In addition, the meetings here are nice but there simply are no penalties for breaking the rules, and to me it appears that this entire nonsense simply put has no teeth. Laws and rules are only something of meaning when mandatory enforcements and penalties also go along with all of the churchyard chicken chatter! The police were not at yesterday's meeting either. Hey, it is all nice, but things don't matter unless the bad people are evicted and trespassed from the mother fucking building. I have learned that if anything, I have been absolutely UNDERIMAGINING things around here, and that there are more drugs and drug deals and thugs and criminality in and around this PUBLIC HOUSING building, than there are fucking flies on a summer day garbage truck. As I speak, these next door scumbags and their ILLEGAL LOUD ASS GUESTS are making a lot of noise and banging sounds. On top of that,my cable-TV froze up at about five past eleven on this goddessdamn cunt chewing MOUUUUUUUUUUUUUURNING---AGAIN!!!!!!!!

MIND CONTROL is of course totally part of all of this, and all of my life, I have been made to mother fucking suffer immensely at the hands of criminal scumbags and total filth balls all over, simply by keeping me DOWN AND POOR AND OPPRESSED, BY WAY OF ENDLESS POVERTY, forcing me to always be around ignorant drug addicts and criminals and the total quintessential low life element! The recent discussions were about how the bible insists that god either does not or CANNOT interfere with the human free will, yet the smaller so-called gods seem to be able to do and in fact are doing, JUST THAT, and so the conundrum of all times is forced to rear its ugly ass head when we ponder on this fantastic mystery then of just what then is the truth in all of this mother fucking horrendous messy dogshit, yo? This will be a topic to be explored in my Morianity now, that will most likely grow as large if not even larger than other previous shit such as the EXPLORATRONIC SUPERMIND SOCIETY, and all of the numerous BUTTERCHEESES that surround appear to be surrounding this messy nightmare at C-SQ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A total fucking wehtahd can easily come to realize that using mind control against an enemy, should you have access to this kind of total 'Telosion power', is all one would ever need to absolutely wipe out anyone, anywhere, and leave no trace of believable proofs or evidence whatsoever that this in fact had been done to someone. I am such a victim, and I total know for a fact that the MILITUFORCE has this ability or power to accomplish this horrific evil. My entire life was wiped out and ruined by this horrible group of low life mother fucking scum straight out of the GATES OF DOGTOWN, or as mortals would say, HELL!!!!!!!

Lightning came to me a couple of nights back and was all over me, not here in the waking world, but in wonderful dreams. She made many lovely brilliant colors and surrounded me with her wonderful love. I am hoping that she will come over and visit me soon, as this long period each year without her makes me very sad and very nuts as shit! Nobody can ignore the true fact that when I left New Jersey to come down here to Florida, Diana stopped flashing around at her magical Venezuelan lake, and then after a while, she began to resume again, but when this period of off time happened, she was doing some wild stuff around me here in Fort Pierce. When I resided at the Manatee Park in the beginning of my stay here in Florida, early in 2010, she would come over to the RV-park and the entire area above it would develop a brilliant humming electrical field that was blueish green in hue, and this would last for ten minutes, during the storm. This occurred two different times while I resided there. The resident manager who was named Danny, told me that it scared him to death. I wanted to tell him that it was Goddess Diana just looking out for me while I was going through the turmoil of my life, on steroids, but I just kept my mouth shut,as I should have done on numerous other occasions in my life, but was not quite as smart at all those other previous times. WEEEEEEEEEEEE, Sir Chester-Frank, and PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!! Folks, this is all part of the numerous reasons that the mighty and evil demonic MILITUFORCE does what it does to me, as they are so fucking cunt eating scared and petrified of my direct contact with DIANA, that this is what they feel must be done to me, ENDLESS PERSECUTION AND HARASSMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hey whatever really happened to me in 1994 somewhere, and if mind control was used by someone or something, to make me fall madly in love with SSJKK, of which Diana is merely a part of her or HER POWER SOURCE so to speak, and to quote the mighty and monster hellish late Mizz Dawn-Marie King of Atlantic City, “IT IS WHAT IT IS”, yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo!

Powerful fucking shit exists not only in the medical shit, as any damn researcher in the UFONOMONON knows only too well, that medical and genetic studies seems to be all inter fucking woven into the entire covert super hushed up ultra secret stealthy ass mess, straight from goddamn HELL ITSELF! But a strong second place ribbon also needs to go onto another horse that we can safely agree to call and name, 'PAPERTRAIL'. This fantastic fucking Fort Pierce Police Person who comes to the Town-Watch building meetings here, said back on Tuesday; that it is extremely important to have a documentation of proceeding events to things that go on that are not right and not fucking kosher. Those are my words, but this was HIS meaning. COMCAST made good and sure not to allow me to do this today, after a THIRD STRIKE ON MY MODEM was done by the MILITUFORCE, quite obviously, and NOW AFTER THAT LAST BUILDING MEETING, I UNDERSTAND THINGS A WHOLE FUCKING LOT BETTER, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO, KIND SHERIFF MASCARA, SIR. AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA, Mikey-71!!!!!!!

Let us now see if my MAGNESONIC is ever going to get off its mother fucking worthless cunt huffing asshole, and assist me with counterstriking these total dirtbag MILITUFORCE ENEMIES, YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!




















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