Monday, April 29, 2019


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29 APRIL, 2019


Mark Wayne Mountainpen Huntington Mohr

© 2006-2019, BOM (Blogs Of Mountainpen)







First off, the video cut outs are real bad again, sir. Then for a mother fucking fourth time now, MY KITCHEN SINK WAS FUCKING MESSED WITH, AND FOR NO REASON AT ALL, NASTY SHIT ALL BACKED UP INTO MY SINK FROM THE DRAIN AND YET WHEN I TAKE OUT MY STOPPER, IT MAGICALLY FUCKING DRAINS DOWN AND AWAY LIKE NOTHING WAS EVER WRONG TO START WITH. Also last night a major DIAREAH ATTACK HIT ME, AND ONLY BECAUSE I WAS READY THE SECOND I FIRST FELT FUNNY, DID I MAKE IT TO MY MOTHER FUCKING TOILET, WITHOUT A VULGAR MESS ALL OVER TO CLEAN UP!!!!!! Then as soon as I lay down to go to bed this MOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURNING, sir SHERIFF KJM, a knock came on my door, and my asshole nabe at the end of the hall asked me to give him a ride. I DON'T GIVE RIDES, and I do not plan on going back to the days of fucking DAWN-MARIE FUCKING CUNT LAPPING KING, UP IN BERRYBILLE, NEW JERSEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My excuse is that I just took some medication that makes me UNSAFE TO OPERATE A MOTOR VEHICLE!!!!!! This way, people can think what they want to and I don't have to get stuck in the role of endless fucking chauffeur all over again, yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Put weelwee simple folks, that just ain't gonna ever fucking happen again, me BRAHHHH!!!!


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28 APRIL, 2019


Mark Wayne Mountainpen Huntington Mohr

© 2006-2019, BOM (Blogs Of Mountainpen)

I am under an extremely vicious assault, and although many of these types of attacks are very invisible by any onlookers not trained to know the tactics of the MILITUFORCE and their evil demonic oppressions and life destruction's, on or off of all 1970 farms from then onwards, Mister DLS from Cooley Hall H.H., sir; IT IS ALL TOTALLY MOTHER FUCKING REAL AND TRUE, AS WELL AS HORRENDOUS; ME SHERIFF KENNETH J. MASCARA, KIND SIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please allow me to tell you what is happening to me!!!! No sir, this should not be the way it goes, song lyrics of 1969 or NAUT, Mizz AT&T BLAKE.

Just two or three hours after I posted up my blog that told how I AM BEING PERSECTUED WITH “NOISE”, I took the worst NOISE ASSAULT sir, in me entire life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

First off, every link that I put up on the internet is removed by BLOGGER/GOOGLE ENEMIES, so let us see how long it is B4 they remove the lighthouses! Second, I am having never ending enemy persecutions on my floor with horrible ILLEGAL NABE GUESTS as well as my wicked demonic TRIAD NABES FROM HELL themselves. They were slamming and screaming at quarter past six outside of my door this morning, and then a half hour or so later, their dirt ball friend struck me outside of my window with a loud horrendous car music assault, ALL OF WHICH IS AN ACT OF ELDER ABUSE, SHERIFF SIR. Please know sir, I WILL BE AT MIDWAY ROAD TOMORROW, MONDAY, AS I CANNOT MOTHER FUCKING TAKE ANY MORE OF THIS ELDER ABUSE, AND MISTREATMENT, AND ASSAULT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Another interesting note that seems to prove this is all being done directly to me as a direct persecution, is that my blogs show on BLOG 37 of 2019, dated the seventh day of March, a nuke plant testing, and then it happened again a few days ago in the middle twenty days of April, not even 60 days apart, and I was told this is done quarterly or about 90 days apart, so please explain this one to me when I see you in person tomorrow, me wonderful Sheriff Mascara, oh kind and wonderful benevolent sir, yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo! Here is the CAP-IN from the March 7 blog. Then on top of that, today, Thursday, sir; the stupid NUKE PLANT TESTS went off without any news warnings that usually come on the local television to give folks a heads up. Now speaking of how things really do run in some magical weird bizarre time sequence that humanity is completely clueless about, here is the sentence that follows this about the nuke plant loud ass testing bullshit, and then I wil tel you me newest problems with yet another goddamn medication mother fucking shortage. Also before going on here, it is 10:37, and a very low flying private pile of crap airplane almost crashed into my PHA Building (Park Terrace Bldg) kind sir. But let me get back to my notes for this blog. I get off the other anxiety medication, and so now THE WALGREENS STORE IS HARASSING ME WITH ANOTHER MEDICATION SHORTAGE, the other anti-anxiety prescription that I take, that is NOT A NARK DRUG, so it has nothing to do with that other medication that the MILITUFORCE does not wish me to use, to lessen their agony on me, with that inner throat implant device, they somehow have stuck into me while I lived in Atco in 1983, back in the 4th of June. I sure hope you are watching that wonderful television documentary on Tuesday nights, called “PROJECT BLUEBOOK”, ME KIND WONDERFUL SIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe you can someday prove to me that I am just paranoid, go ahead Sheriff sir, I really hope that you can. Talk to the counter druggist at the Ohio Avenue Walgreen's. He tells me that I am a good Walgreen's Customer, and that he does not want to see me inconvenienced all the time, yet he turns around and allows endless hassles for me, while I merely am trying to get me necessary medications. Go ahead Sheriff sir, you get to the bottom of this, as no other patient is being constantly screwed with as am I, kind sir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! First they screw with my Lorazepam, and now they are screwing with my Buspirone medication, sir! YES SHERIFF KJM, me kind sir, now my blood pressure medication has another shortage, or back supply, or whatever crazy name they keep changing these things to, and this is the new medication that replaced the Losartan tablets, called 'Olmalsartan'. I was told that the batch of Losartan tabs were causing cancer and had been pulled, and replaced with the Olmalsartan tabs. Now I am out of these and cannot get new ones. Fortunately I never threw out the Losartan Tabs, HA HA HA HA HA. I merely will begin taking these tomorrow morning, and of course will cam my primary care physician, Doctor JAR (James A. Roberts) of Fort Pierce, FLUSAESMWG. I know that the Milituforce and Patty Hollister are trying to murder me, using all of these mother fucking tactics, Sheriff sir, I know it, and I would bet a million mother fucking bucks on it, and I WILL BE SEEING AND TELLING YOU ALL ABOUT ALL OF THIS NIGHTMARE SHIT FROM FUCKING DOGTOWN (HELL) LATER ON TOMORROW, OVER ON MIDWAY ROAD, AT YOUR OFFICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh yeah, I'm just a crazy delusional fucking whack job nut case, huh sheriff sir???????????? So tell me sir, HOW ALL OF THIS CRAP IS JUST LUNACY UP IN MY HEAD, GO RIGHT AHEAD AND SHOW ME!!!!!!! Well sir, on top of this, I was again struck hard with the DEATH RAY WEAPON OF THE MILITUFORCE around twenty minutes past one this afternoon. I also began getting unpleasant telephone calls at that exact same time, kind sir. I want you to know one particular item Sheriff sir, and please feel free to pass it on to anyone you wish to. I plan to find out how to JOIN THE LARGEST UFO CLUB-GROUP IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, AND I PLAN TO TELL THEM MY STORY, AND I PLAN TO TELL THEM ABOUT MY BLOG CALLED 'MORIANITY', AND HOW IT HAS BEEN INTENTIONALLY OBSCURED AS WAS MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL WHEN I TRIED TO SIMPLY PUT UP SONGS THAT TOLD OF MY LIFE THROUGH WHAT YOU MAY CALL 'BACK-DOOR LYRICS'. If this emmereffing attack on me that has gotten super ass bad ever since dirtball President DJT threw his hat into the ring, in the autumn of 2015, does not BACK OFF OF ME; I WILL JOIN A UFO CLUB, AND LET MY STORY OUT TO THE WORLD, now that I fully understand just what and where my troubles and woes are all stemming and emanating from, me wonderful kind sir!!!!!!!!

Now speaking of joining the largest UFO club in this nation sir, after I go to the local library and find out just where to go and what to do; I had a major wild experience just a short time back, while trying to relax with a little bit of TV. I was sitting in my chair and suddenly, I was not here, and the story was first typed out by me, before I began this blog-letter to you, so I now will CAP it in to this blog-letter, me wonderful and kind sheriff, sir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here goes. I call this the Wild Evening Soul Travel of 319. One minute I am sitting in my relaxing chair watching L&O reruns on the Sundance Cable Channel, and then poof, I am out like a light and a hand is pulling on my hand and I feel myself being pulled along, faster and faster, and realizing that I am in some kind of a strange car on a desert. I am going faster and faster until the car is no longer a car and it is just me going faster and faster, and the pull on my hand gets ever more intense. Suddenly the sky around me darkens and I see only stars around me, and the pull is agonizing and it is as if I have grabbed onto an unfathomable rope, unable to release its grip, and going still faster. As I begin moving towards one particular star even faster, I realize that I have exceeded the velocity of light and all of the stars seemed to just turn into a blur. I realized that I was being pulled towards the star that I have always called the pulsar star and later on, Hydroglacia, the Astral Plane name for this. After I went in the very same continued direction, even faster, beyond Hydroglacia, I suddenly no longer felt a grip, and I was in my house and it was 1987, at 1700 Woodlyn Avenue, Woodlyn, New Jersey. I knew that it was not the same house, and yet it was close. I totally was awake and aware, and knew that it was really 2019, yet I was back in 1987, in this alternate Woodlyn. I began speaking to many young people in their early twenties who seemed to be sort of like radicals in the sixties here in my world. I was able to remember a lot of this experience, but not every single detail. The floors were made of bright red wood, and one entire section of them facing the south of the house on the ground floor, seemed to be in major disrepair. First to the front area of this area, there was an old wall to wall carpet that was stained with messy looking stains all over them, and then it broke off suddenly to where it was just the bright red wooden floor, and then beyond the first part of it was that same floor, only the wooden planks had sunk down and many of them were broken, and those unbroken areas appeared to be quite precarious and dangerous, and I was told by one of the persons mentioned earlier, that it would not be a good idea to walk on top of that area as it would not support me. Yet later on, I observed several of these persons, both male and female, sitting right there just sitting on the broken floor, yet not sinking through at all, as though they were weightless somehow. Suddenly I found myself talking to a girl who was about middle twenties in age, heavy set, and worldly for her age. I found myself telling her quite compulsively many things about the future, and my problems with what I call, the MILITUFORCE. I then observed the folk singer of my day back in the turn of the sixties into the seventies, Melanie Safka, standing there holding a thick key resembling the one that is shown in the documentary television show on the History Cable Television Channel, called, Project Bluebook. The only difference was that in my experience, this key was attached to a medallion worn by her, and it resembled a smaller version of the CHAIN from my 1969 experience where the Great Sarah Krassle took the chain away from me on a beach, and in the experience, this chain had not only its large links and similar appearance but it also had some additional parts to those links that appeared weird and bizarre in ways that I simply never could properly explain to anyone ever. Then I observed that there was a very strange part of this floor as well as a wall that the floor led to, totally unlike the house that I knew and remembered back in 1987 while residing there, and Melanie went off somewhere leaving only the heavy set girl, and she continued asking me questions that I felt absolutely compelled to answer, and with complete honesty. After this happened, she told her boyfriend who seemed to be the leader of this cult of half hippie type and half warrior type; a combination that to the peeps of my generation would simply not exist. The majority of them did believe in demonstrations against such thing as the Vietnam War and the 'establishment', which could be thought of in a similar light now, to naming the Ronald Reagan policies of greed, Reaganomics 2.0, and naming that, the original. In any case, we did have the hippie verses the yippie troublemakers, but these were almost like warlords we all see in movies, where some huge plot seems to exist where someone is planning a huge event such as a take over or an overthrow. After I said many powerful things to the girl who then went on to discuss then with her boyfriend, the leader of this pack of hippie warlords, an oxymoron if ever there was one for sure; the dude who was very large, began speaking to me, keeping a distance, and while this was happening,two law enforcement people appeared at the door to the home and someone opened the door and they entered, and they approached the two people who seemed to be in charge, and began to interrogate them. Suddenly the dude stood up and went over to Melanie and he ripped off her medallion, and placed the key into his mouth and blew it like a whistle, only no sound came out of it. Instead, the two lawmen suddenly froze for a few seconds, and then when they unfroze, they walked out of the house and did not come back. Instantly for reasons I do not know, I decided to tell them that I was from the year 2019, and had taken a very long journey, and I needed to tell them how the future was going to unfold, especially about the digital age, and the world of computers and the internet, and all of it. I thought that somehow they might find a way to correct the mistake and fix things to keep it all back from happening at least for a couple of generations longer, so that none of these things could happen to me. As I was standing by the stairway that led up to the bedrooms and bathrooms, just the way the house where I had lived also did, I realized that they were going to follow me up to my bedroom where we could talk more privately which is just what they did do. But before we all reached the top of the stairs, suddenly the entire house changed, and we all were somehow standing along the wall that I told earlier was arranged in a beyond weird way in connection to the floor, back on the first floor. Many things at this point are blurry, but I do remember hearing the dude start to raucously laugh at me and mock me, and then he said to me, something almost exactly like, “You already were here, after they killed you in your sleep at shortly after five that morning in your bedroom, with those death ray beams that ripped your heartbeat all apart. We turned you back alive again and sent you home, but you already knew about your future somehow, and we decided to MAKE IT ALL HAPPEN. I then sat down on the stairway in total horror and shock and said to the guy, “How could I have known?”. He then laughed even harder, spit on the stairway carpet, and said back to me in a very gruff voice, “Love is for carpenters, drunken old bartenders, people without any brain. Love is a foolish crime, love is a waste of time, that turns our emotions to pain. Love is for carpenters, drunken old bartenders, losers left out in the rain. Love is a foolish crime, love is a waste of time, a tear on a heart leaves a stain”. I was horrified after he said this, as this was my lyrics to my 1980 song while living at 1802 Robin Hill Apartments, written after that wild interaction in my sleep with who I now know was the mighty goddess Paula King, all along! Then I also remembered that a line was changed, as the part about losers being out in the rain was not in the original song anywhere. But he laughed again when I told him that and said that all he knows is that this is the constitution of the galaxy, and that I only thought that I wrote this in 1980, but was really being 'given this' by the (Exploratronic Supermind Society) as you call us, only we are called the Hydroglacians! Then he roared and roared, half like a human laugh and half like a real roaring lion. Then he grabbed me and with incredible physical power, threw me helplessly down the staircase from where I had been about half way up, and I landed with my head hitting a wall. I instantly awoke out of this, and found my hand still aching from that pull, and the entire room was spinning and hurling around for over five minutes. I then decided to make this printed information on my computer, which I now am going to add to my blogging project, known to the world here on the Earth-Planet, as Morianity.

Many of my Blogaudians know that I used to make what I called “Destruct-Tapes”, and would pass them out indiscriminately in the wee hours of the morning, like a newspaper boy on a paper-route, throwing them into yards while I would drive all throughout many New Jersey towns all over the place. Back then, I did not know who was doing these horrendous fucking things against me and my pathetic life, BUT I KNEW I WAS NOT IMAGINING MY HELL THAT ALL BEGAN IN AUGUST OF 1986, AS IT WAS ABSOLUTELY MOTHER FUCKING TOTALLY BEYOND REAL, AND BEYOND ANYONE'S CONCEPT OF NIGHTMARES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I would pretend to be talking to another character on a tape, over a telephone, and I would have some really wild conversations, that was basically me shouting and screaming some far out fucking bullshit. I don't really think I believed that I was getting even with any real powers out there, but I just had to strike back at something, some how, some where!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Later on, several of these tapes made it onto the fucking internet as many of you know only too well, on that WFMU internet radio hatepage called CRACKPOTS FROM NEW JERSEY, should anyone wish to GOOGLE that up, and find the CRAZY CURSING DUDES, which is myself, as well as my classmate from Cooley Hall Special-Ed School, Mister Bruce Alan Pennock. Aniwho, one of the three pieces that are up there on that page, is called, “The Christ Android”, which is me just basically exploring the unique and wild outlandish possibility that perhaps Christ will actually have to emerge out of a hidden area in our solar system, and when the timing is right, be sent back to the Earth Planet. It was no crazier than Stargate or Babylon-5, or you name it. BUTTERCHEESE, and BIG ASS BUTT FOLKS, there is a slight difference when we tally up the entire mother fucking deal here, me fwolks!!!!! You won't like what I'm about to say, so here is your fucking caveat-emptor right here and right now, yo. What if the Ancient Astronaut theorists have some of this bullshit right? For one example if the gods are advanced beings/entities, then as they claim, only they believe they come from inside our universe while it is blown out into this dream here in fifth dimensional hyperspace, what if they have been trying to send Jesus Christ back to us, and the MILITUFORCE is preventing this from happening, this SAME FORCE BEHIND IT ALL FROM 10-SC STREET, THE MIGHTY PAULA KING-DONALD TRUMP CLUB FROM HELL ITSELF (DOGTOWN) and the (LAMBRIGG CULT OF TECK BAY) on the BARDO (ASTRAL-PLANE-PURGATORY), is preventing the CHRIST-DROID to get through and back to us. Maybe this world should have ended way back in the last century, and this entire perversion of digital technological inhuman shit is the resulting factor of something that was not taken into consideration by those who planed the regular SALVATION-GAME, as well as the so-called END OF THE AGE, as is thought of by the religious folks and especially the CHRISTIANS?????????? All I am saying is, YOU HAVE TO WONDER, in light of all of this bizarre and totally fucking cunt ass unexplainable shit happening all around this doomed and beyond fucked up HUMANITY, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean we are living in a world where the televangelists everywhere swear by the most evil mother fucking criminal and dangerous dude (DJT), whoever walked this planet, insisting he is the great Christian and the great Savior, and yet he owns the great 666 building in NYC, and they don't even remember their own mother fucking goddamn movies from 2000 on with that SATAN-CHARACHTER, 'Nickoli'? WOW, THIS GOES SO FUCKING FAR BEYOND SANITY, INSANITY, OR THE CHRIST ANDROID FROM THE 12-PLANET, THAT NO WORDS CAN EVEN HOPE TO START TO DESCRIBE ANYTHING AT ALL PERTAINING TO ALL OF THIS NIGHTMARE ON STEROIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Talk about the GAS-ME GAMES? My father got a job before I was fucking born on December 4, 1954, in Wayne Pennsylvania. He only GOT THE DAMN JOB he learned later, because HIS NAME WAS WAYNE. You know fully well that things like this don't happen every day, and for that matter, I will bet anyone out here, that nobody at all that you know, ever had any such crazy thing happen to them. Then along came the great and illustrious Mister Choker Lakehouse, Nick Cannon, with no pun meant on Nickoli, but hey, why not cogitate with that and go with it too? Somewhere earlier in this century around the time that he married my daughter, POOF; he is just hired by the Nickelodeon, or nick@nite Cable Television Network. You know, as in Nick-Nick, and Wayne-Wayne! Tell me all about randoms and coincidences folks, because I have a really cool bridge to sell you up there in NYC and a lot of great other bridges too; one is visible right out me whittle window from me goddamn apartment here, in good ol' Fort Pierce, Florida, USA, ESMWG!!!!!!!!!!!!


So without waiting for weeks or months, I will now tell you something Bernie Sanders HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE, oh great Blogaudians!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You all know very well that I told you about the '4' number, my dauts fave strings which are one below my Not-Fonda-Jane strings, as you all should not fully well by now all about, and how to create a wild and incredible Pictograph!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then along came the 123-657 saga-song blues, huh lovely Diana, and along came PROJECT BLUEBOOK. BUT WHAT YOU DON'T KNOW IS THISSSSSSSSS, MISS ERICA LOVELY SUSAN LUCCI AMC SNAKES FROM 1983!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Remember that there is a lot more to many things that I tell, and I cannot always fully tell me online blog viewers, EVERYTHING, because it would CROSS OVER MAJOR FORBIDDEN RED LINES. I can however tell you this. I fell asleep for only one minute of time, and in that minute, I had some shit happen to me that makes my entire blog of over 13 fucking years now, appear somewhat tame in goddamn comparison. IPYT!!!!!!!!!!!!! When I was in my bathtub, in my Williamstown, New Jersey apartment, called the HIGHVIEW APARTMENTS, back somewhere I think around late February, or possibly as late into the year as maybe even early March, and Lightning came right into my head, and showed me the mystical powers of using parallel-event to attack the casino game of Roulette; an extremely similar thing happened to me several days back, before I told all of you about making the 10,000-444 PICTOGRAPHS! I was told inside of my head, but NOT IN AN AUDIBLE VOICE, just as real however as the warning voice of autumn of 1982 that told me to 'wait until next June'; that I was to go to bed early and forget about what I was watching on TV, and just fall asleep and wait for instructions. This is when Gawky came to me and told me to say this on my blog. HOWEVER, and I promise all of you that I was going to reveal the absolute truth within a month or less; there never was any charting of this by me, nor me keeping track for 444 days, just “Write down exactly what I am told to blog”, AND SO I MOTHER FUCKING DID. Then, along came the HISTORY CHANNEL SHOW about the number of light years and star chart. Sounds too much to be possible in a million years, you say to the Mountainpen? Well; WELCOME TO MY MOTHER FUCKING WORLD PEEPS, AS THIS IS JUST ROUTINE LIFE FOR THE MOUNTAINPEN. SHIT LIKE THIS HAPPENS FOR ME ALL THE TIME, ME WONDERFUL PEEPS AND BLOGAUDIANS!!!!!!!!!!!!! BUTTERCHEESE AND BIG ASS BUTT FOLKS, do not make a fatal mistake and think that there are no other freaks out here like me, because that is a serious and probably a fatal miscalculation for anyone to arrive at! I can cite a few wild things that are on par with this, in fact, even on par with 15 year old Nickelodeon-Nick banging up my hubcap in the late spring of 1996 after I arrived at that psychic shop called “The Gathering Place” for a psychic reading with a dude named Steve. Remember how I told you that when I drove down the Black Horse Pike, up there in Jersey, and stopped at a payphone near a car wash place to call my mom and tell her I was headed for home and was running late, as she was preparing a nice dinner, and he came up to the phone and kept saying to me, “What happened to your hub cap”, and this is right after he had the brazen fucking balls to smash it all up, and he somehow got all the way to that place where I was phoning my mom from, and he did that wild GAS-ME-GAME, mocking me. No kid would just come up to an adult and do that, and this was right after he fucked it up while I was in there getting a reading. But let me now tell you a story that can be verified by any loyal fan of a really marvelous television show on the A&E-Cable-Channel, called, “LIVE PD NATION”. There was another male AA dude who was placed into handcuffs, and I think that this happened sometime around the summer time in 2018, just last year unless me ol; memory is failing me. He said to the officers that within five minutes or so, he would be released and he claimed to be god. I won't capitalize the word, but hey, WHO FUCKING KNOWS ANY DAMN THING FOR SURE, HUH MISTER ABRAMS, KIND SIR?????? Well, you know the rest, sir. He was suddenly released right after some major shit went down somewhere else in town, and the officers felt it necessary to respond to that, and let this dude go, and sure enough, and just as he claimed would be the fucking case, yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo; POOF, like Nick Cannon total nickelodeon-MAGIC, he was released! Folks, strange shit DOES HAPPEN, and not just to the mother fucking goddamn ass Mountainpen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Mind Control 34343434343434 and all MACY PEEPS all over the place, can rest easy tonight, along with all the young hearts, and the mighty Tom Petty, and Slugger-Casey of Joyville, Mudville, non Berryville, all wrongly delivered Hamlin mail notwithstanding, yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo, huh wovewee fucking world??????????????????? Still, I KNOW what this TELLOSIAN fucking shit is all about, as does a lot of smart and very tight lipped others out here in Cyberville!!!!!!!! Oh yes if me ol' pal Bob McDowell were here, and we were boys again, he might chime in here and say to me, vely vely vely tight lipped others out there, and perhaps even intelesting ones to fucking boot, with or without Mister Jokester Johnny Faster at 100 miles per hour. I caught Dan Mackey laughing at this once, but he will never admit that to you, I'll be willing to bet, me' old pal and Ex-Chairman of the great and Non-Oz powerful Federal communications Commission!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So Mister Chester-Frank and sir Russ Thaxton without the MIND-CONTROL initials added in, I will just say, WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

Mind Control influences our daily waking lives, BUTTTTT, and yes MC, BUTTERCHEESE, and Mister Sir Microsoft Spellchecker, it also influences just exactly why our spirit or TRUE SELF goes where it does while our physical bodies lay at rest each night. Right again spellchecker, as to me, that usually does mean nightMARES, so give yourself a GOLD STAR and a cupie-doll, yo yo yo yo!!!!

So is there any way to fight MIND CONTROL? Of course there is, but only in vely vely vely non Mister FCC McDowell limited ways, yo. There are a few secrets and through nearly thirteen and a half years of blogging, I have indeed mentioned them all, from the Danza Discovery to the applied usage of FASCITAR! Still, Patty H cannot ever be fought and won, and I know this. Also, yes sir Spellchecker, I do in fact know THISSSSSSSSS, Mizz Erica Kane. I also know that life here on this lovely goddessdamn EARTH PLANET is not quite what it seems. Remember as a child, boys and girls, now men and women out here, how we would grab toy soldiers or dolls, and make an entire fantasy up around them. What you do not seem to realize is that we are also someone else's dolls and soldiers, and although we do have some free will as this is a larger reality than just us as kids, and the controllers above us are not little children in a room without real power. ButTERCHEESE and big ass BUTT BUTTERCHEESE, it is indeed a mixture of us all doing our own thing to some degree, as well as a force above us also pulling puppet strings when they wish to, and making it absolutely appear to us that it is all happening in our own minds and so it is really ourselves that are behind all that we do as well as all that we think and feel. NOT TRUE, NOT SO. And knowing this truth, painful and dehumanizing as it may be, is necessary before any counter methods of counteracting these MIND CONTROLLING tactics can ever be accomplished in even the tiniest ways. I know a lot of hidden secret truths, and this makes me vely vely vely dangerous to these ASTRAL GODS, and even more deadly perhaps to their Earthly counterpart system, the evil and demonic MILITUFORCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On July 7, 2015, I drove over to the Saint Lucie Walmart, and LIGHTNING was all around me, and SHE loved me so completely and marvelously that I have no words to ever thank HER anywhere nearly enough!!!!! Still, I do love the great one and only WALMART, and always will, yo peeps of the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AUGUST 5, 2015,







It is not any date or any time, it is always the ENDLESS NOW, but OUR MINDS INSIST on creating a space-time dimension while we exist physically here on this wonderful wovwee Earth-Planet.


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I have some gripes and other stuff to get off of my freaking dam chest, but then, WEIN?

Yesterday was extremely quiet; an outlandishly infrequent occasion for me, over the past two or three emmereffing years or so, my BRAHHH!!!

My first gripe, and pet peeve, to put it about as politely, and non-naughty, as a thousand dam Tommy Rowe's ever could do, without the jam or the jelly, from 1969, and all things that creepeth and crawleth; is about my residence and the preferential illegal treatment that some residents here have over others, such as myself. Hey Public Housing Authority of Fort Pierce, Florida, USA, Planet Earth; how come I cannot conveniently go back home and slowly move and find a new place to live and as long as I pay my rent on this apartment, keep my stuff ''stored''? Regulations, says Mizz Debra Marotto! OK, fine; then how come James from across the hallway to me, has been doing just exactly that same thing for three years, ''using that apartment for storage'', quoting exactly, the words of my resident manager, Mizz DM? IS THIS ONE BIT FAIR, MIZZ ATTORNEY GENERAL BONDI, GOVERNOR RICK SCOTT, AND PH AUTHORITIES?????? Sounds like illegal preferential treatment to me, American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Now, let me talk a moment about the wonderful Mister Trump, speaking of facetious behavior and speech. As I said, he will make this country strong again; I have no doubt in my mind. You can't buy off a dude that has more money than the Almighty a dozen times over, literally. Still, there is always the 'ass' word; even though people in this generation, have forgotten all about this particular quick changing form of government. Then there is one other cool little item that needs to be seen in fuller light. The great man has an affinity of judging the 99% as 'winners' if we examine his motisoperandi in a more politely inverted view. IE, he actually discusses the one percent. Still, how much longer can this great almighty god in human flesh live amongst us as DJT? 20, 30, maybe even 40 more productive years at absolute max??????? Then what? Would it not be fair or correct to say one day, he will LOSE everything? I mean, you cannot take anything with you, and I assure you that he has no secret hidden powers socked away from the rest of us mere mortals. Looking at reality head on and totally fair and square; a time WILL COME, when judged by the man's own strict and quite unalterable standards; by his own austere and absolutely rigid definitions; he must become the one thing that he must dread to a proportion that even my hated of the prick cannot reach the darkest pits of; and that is, ''a loser''!!!!!!!!!! Now take a total dick bag shit head nobody such as myself. I on the other hand CAN NEVER LOSE what I was never permitted to have. Whether I perish from this Earth today as mortal man Mark Wayne Mohr, or perish at the age of well past one hundred years; I won't ever lose. I cannot lose what I never had. Then the democratic party needs to see one other powerful item as this race moves forward, as a child can see that he already foresaw his main completion and has this all planned out years ago and is why the Hillary E-Mail scandal is here and many other things will yet go down that none of you know about yet. There was a day in early summer time of 2009 if my memory is at all in tact; when his buddy Ann King was comped with a lovely room, and she took me down there to his hotel in Atlantic City, the great 1984 built and first built hotel of his gambling-chain there; and also Dawn and Leticia Tilley came along. When the hotel casino security system observed Leticia, everybody went crazy, and not just because a minor was standing around a gaming establishment, but because of the incredible resemblance to her distant cousin, Mariah Carey. Within 40 minutes, he was on his souped up high speed special whirlybird, and flew there from Manhattan, after being e-mailed a copy of the surveillance system photos. The man was crapping in his drawers and wouldn't land the helicopter on his own roof below the room that he had comped Ann with and that I was in at the time. I later learned through Ann king, that he for a short time, was trying to figure out what he might do if his wildest suspicions about me were correct. He actually believed that I somehow transported myself physically, no I-Ching bullshit, but real physical time travel; to the year 1986, and brought he up to 2009 and along with us that day. If I believed something that ridiculous, or even people who make documentaries on the great CABLE SCIENCE CHANNEL, such as Professor Michio Kaku of NYU, make these claims or even took it seriously for a minute; what chance would we ever have in political arena's. If a major war happens, would we be allowed to be in charge, you know, us whackadoodle nut job cases? You can argue that he was just teasing his pal Ann King, or always used to tease him about ripping off his hair-rug in front of a crowd; or you can doubt my sincerity, or even Ann's, should you like. Still, I believe that shit can always be checked out by our marvelous intelligent agencies, and then the facts can all be judged for themselves. Hey, maybe the country needs a leader who would believe this about me, huh Congressman Andrews? Remember me, the one who used to think he knew what life was all about, back in 1980, from Robin Hill to Irenecaraville??????????? But then, if Democrats ever fear any of this, they know I am here and not planning on going anywhere. He may be totally innocent of hurting Hillary and me and all the things I have laid claims to. The ADA up in Camden, NJUSA knows how my mom and I told them all he was stalking us with that big chopper, and we were called ''liars'' by ADA Dick Wilson and ADA Donna Spinosi. Again, this is just for those who want to fight back, and keep a level playing field, before this total antichrist; who definitely KNOWS that time travel is real; as he himself has done it 2000 years ago when he showed our SAR (LORD) up on that large hill near Jerusalem, all the great kingdoms of the world. It sure wasn't a vision from the year 31 AD, and had to be more like 2000 AD or in that vicinity, if any real common sense would insist to prevail here in the matter; takes over this planet, as was predicted from millennia ago. And then there is my ten year blog, kind people. What are the dam odds that all of this is here, and all of these people are into all of this, and that things are now perfectly unfolding in time, exactly as they are? Do you want me to give you another big number, or can we all just agree that it is a large mother freaking one, and let it go at that?

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GGGGGGGEE I am so fucking stupid, I don't have a dam ass clue what's going on all these rotten ass years, folks! These dirt bag fucking Callio's, right Fred Tandy Winstein?

It is hot and humid this horrible afternoon, like WOW and like SHIT!

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Being one of perhaps ten humans since time began who have memory going back far beyond current physical birth, I am doing my best to deal with an extremely unpleasant situation.
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When you open your eyes underwater, do you ever worry that you'll drown?

Well, I did drown in 1995, in South Atlantic City. Remember, I am the one in 1984 from Highland Avenue.

GGGGGGGEE I am so fucking stupid, I don't have a dam ass clue what's going on all these rotten ass years, folks! These dirt bag fucking Callio's, right Fred Tandy Winstein?

It is hot and humid this horrible afternoon, like WOW and like SHIT!

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