Saturday, October 21, 2023



Witch Way Is Up, Patty Hollister

11:34 PM, late Saturday night on 21 October, 2023

There R just a few small items that I wish 2 discuss on this little short tweety bird blog. First is the part 2 parallel event of roulette playing where I use several or just one number of the wheel 2 play each spin of the game, and based on stuff going on around me. I am convinced of something and as of yet, have no definite proof satisfying myself in court style hard evidence, but I feel it is correct nonetheless, and this is motive of the events causing the parallel of number/s seems quite meaningless, so what do I mean here by 'motive'? Well, 4 example, I mean that if I am surrounded by things that enemies normally and almost always R directly responsible 4 doing 2 me, only it is not enemies, and merely just happening 4 whatever the reason; I think the same deal results, that makes certain roulette numbers of the wheel, become attracted into my proximity, more than their usual 37:1 or 38:1, depending on type of house vig game with the zero-green numbers. 4 a perfect example, half an hour or so ago, an extremely loud truck that is quite annoying and in need of major muffler work went by me' residence. 4 all I know this person is an enemy, or he or she may not B an enemy and simply unable 2 get the needed muffler work and repair the stupid thing. It is my considered opinion that whether the noise annoyance is intentional or just happening without any conscious effort on anybody's part 2 actually B annoying poor ole' whittle me, the same effect of the parallel event numbers comes into play, and I have no intention of getting into detailed specifics right now and list numerous examples that I have been toying with all year long, proving this point 2 me, or coming close 2 it at least. I played a game and played the 5 multiples, and quit after three spins winning on both the 2nd and the 3rd spin, and collecting a total of 51 very quick units of gaming profit, YO. Should this B totally verified by the end of the year, as my experiments indeed will B continued, and I will not B discussing it in any details on blogs, and 4 very obvious reasons, 2 anyone with three digit intelligence quotients; it will B quite easy 2 so-called intentionally engineer or create matching circumstances. I can hang around a local public airport with a lot of planes, or hang around places where eventually peeps will come along and blare their auto sound systems as they always do in public shopping areas; and U get the idea. I as well as the WSMT enemies can create on purpose, the same stuff that seemingly is causing my parallel event particular numbers 2 come out at roulette tables. Simple as that. Now 4 the other item that I wish 2 quickly discuss on this blog folks. I love watching public broadcasting educational television shows and especially scientific stuff along the lines of astro-physics and quantum dynamics and along those lines. However, one thing I feel compelled beyond any small compunction, 2 make clear on this blog and right now B-4 any more time is ever wasted. Creation itself has one constant and gargantuan-HUUUUUUUUGE item built into it if nothing else ever is of any major consequence, and this is simply, the endless producer of numerous illusions and yes, I'll say it no matter who mat get mad at me, “CONFUSIONS”, and that R perhaps done intentionally by the ASTRAL PLANE COINS AND COILS, or, (the gods). The largest one IMHO is based on powerful wisdom and truth, of what the more spiritual folks would instantly label and call, futile attempts at figuring out GOD, and even going as far as saying and spewing out mean and negative comments that would B along the lines of sacrilegious or impudent or accusing us of being arrogant non-trusting mortals, 4 daring 2 question 'Almighty-GOD'. Built into this confusing and deceiving deal that appears 2 and 4 whatever the reasons perhaps may in fact B, bring those who seek wisdom through science, endless wrong answers and punishment 4 douvting and trusting GOD absolutely implicitly, leaving all of the details 2 stuff like physics to this almighty being, and just living in church and prayer and inside of our bibles during most if not all of our spare time. I do not come down on religion but I do come down on a fairly large group of the Christians who harshly judge many peeps whom they judge 2-B on express trains headed straight 4 hell-fire and damnation. I won't speak 4 anybody here, but my judge is the ALMIGHTY; and not any human Christian followers of my 61st grandfather's Uncle Jesus the great Messiah, and SON OF GOD, as told in Christian Bibles. I hold no resentments of these people, nor do I wish 2 hang around them either, and I am quite positive that the feeling is completely mutual. WEEEEEEEEE, but let me get on with me' point here, please. I fully believe that illusions and deceptions R indeed built into the creation design system, or the 'CDS' 4 short here. All of our brain-mind waves that create out thoughts and lives, all of the machines and scientific technology that these brains go on 2 create and use 4 attempting 2 figure it all out, all of it and any other possible item, is all based on an illusion because of the simple fact that if some force can create an illusion around us, then no matter what we ever do, it will all B based on this created illusion, and all of our wildest discoveries and great things will all simply and forever just B a part of a created intentional illusion. I don't care how many telescopes, machines, formulas, concepts, mathematical equations, hypothesis, think tanks, consortium's and conventions and 'get-togethers', and whatever else we all have on this planet from now until eternity; it is all going 2 have a solid foundation built on an intentionally created illusion of confusion, by the coins and coils of the astral-plane or the phase-2 reality, simple as all that peeps. They 4 example insist that Plancktime did not blow out at light speed squared and begin slowing down and eventually reaches human sentient beings causing the illusion of spatial inflation and expansion, and the have powerful complicated stuff telling how they R all correct and I am wrong. Still, I am a firm believer in how powerful the Star Trek Tallos-4 illusion story really and truly is, unlike most fans of the show from 1966 as well as most of the writers of these types of television shows, and I site powerful examples here from other fictional entertainment television shows that makes this point very well. As I typed that previous sentence, HACKER WSMT ENEMY SCUM BAG TRASH HOLES just hacked me with another major page and blog interfering hack where the page is suddenly reduced 2 a small size and my typing is no longer coming out and the screen is all black all around the rest of the flucking monitor. This happened at exactly 12:14 AM on this now early Sunday morning, October 22, 2023. One more assault and I will counterstrike on several fronts as well as unplug my computer from my COMCAST PLUCKING MODEM SYSTEM, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO, SHERIFF KEN MASCARA, KIND SIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Moving back now on point B-4 these slick stick futhermucking worthless quirk coughs rudely interrupted me here; they will go on insisting that things work the way that the illusion go on telling them that they do. Forgive me 4 trusting what the coins and coils have told me as after-all, they created this entire thing. Actually, an upline thoughtwave did or put even more real and honest here, this whole thing IS THE UPLINE THOUGHT-WAVE of an upline teenaged girl from an upline Atlantic City seashore resort in an upline universe, and inside of her thought wave is what we call the PLANCK-TIME, where all of the post-big bang sprung out from, only it did not do this as some past event and then vanished, as this is all part of the illusion of time an dour misguided concepts of being trapped inside of the space-time-mind illusions. Still, she went onto create HER city of SDK, HER parents and family (the Krassle family), and even HER {THAT-BOY} as SHE has faithfully called me 4 more eons than numbers could ever B written even if stretched out infinitely and far beyond double or triple 3-D mathematical exponential gigantic numbers that would stretch from here 2 the moon and back. All of what U all think is real, is a lot of dern hogwash hooey, and that is truth and it is all just that REDJOHN Henningsen 1868 simple, YO peeps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When U get the box set of the television show called, “Dark Shadows”, and watch the tail end of each of the video DVD discs, U will C narration conversations with peeps from the show that R discussing many things that of course R al pertaining 2 this fantastic TV-show. They all admit 2 one thing however, every single one of them that gets talking about the subject in question right now. They know very well deep down inside themselves, that the writers and makers of this show were or had 2-B being robot puppeteer controlled and used by ASTRAL PLANE FORCES, as they were all completely clueless 2 many of the things and powerful realities that were all indeed totally wrapped up within this beyond marvelous fantastic television show, YO peeps, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now further proving me' pernt here Mister Archie Queens Bunker, oh sir, is thisssssssss, oh lovely Erica AMC-1983 Mizz Luccisnakes, mah'm: The absolute most powerfully important part of this entire show that ran from June 27, 1966 through the end of the first week in April of 1971; was the plot concerning the great ASTRAL-PLANE CULT CALLED, the LEVIATHANS!!!!!!!! But every single actor/actress, writer, maker of the show, publicist, all of the narrating peeps at those ending DVD sections on all of the DVD's in the entire box-set collection of this great television show YO, made light of this, most did not even have boo 2 say about that one part of it, and the few things that indeed were spokjen of it, even by Mister Daniel Curtis HIMSELF who was the brains behind the entire show; spoke of it as the nothing part of the show and where things were starting 2 wind down and how he knew the show was on its final legs at that time, yet this was absolutely false illusion, and totally NAUGHT THE CASE WHATSOEVER, OH LOVELY MIZZ 1983 AT&T BLAKE, MAH'M!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! not one wee-tad bit, lovely Mizz Patricia HHH!!!!!!!!!! So I ask U all right here and now good folks, just which way is up, as that great old expression goes and expresses my sentiments in all of this as well as my beyond nightmare freaking life, so completely and unfathomably?????????????? Peeps; it is very true as well as absolutely apropos here, when I ask this question now of any of U, my Blogaudians. The first part of a great magical trick or an illusion of created confusions is making the subjects become completely disoriented. We all played the gasme of spin around and get lost, as kids. We would B hand tied and blind folded and led somewhere, and 4 ten minutes we had 2 keep moving, or at least this is how the game was played in Westmont, NJUSAESMWG with the kids there. A diver, even a real deep sea pro diver, such as my dad and many of his pals back 60-70 years ago or so; could B lost deep under the ocean, where the sun cannot shine, because of the great depths; and a few of them died from drowning due 2 becoming disoriented and literally, not knowing which way was up. This is no fish tale here peeps, let me assure U all of that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I happen 2 know from a lifetime of wild stuff beyond what anyone of U out here can possibly imagine or fathom in your wildest dreams and imaginations, and IPYT; that forces that exist inside of the subatomic energies system, and whose origins R actually in the (PLANCK-TIME), (Timeless-Purgatory), (Astral-Plane), 'WHATEVER' Federal Congressman Robert Andrews honorable sir and long ago musical associate (1975-1980), R what is behind this entire deal here in waking life an don this Earth-Planet, and since I hold absolutely no degrees from huge ivy league universities, my words will of course endlessly mean nothing at all whatsoever. What a shame!!!!!!!!!!!! And B-4-U laugh, scoff, and judge me harshly here, if peeps had listened 2 me back when I lived at 1802 Robin Hill Apartments in Voorhees Township on 4th and Preston Avenues, in NJUSAESMWG in 1980 and 1981 and 1982 following my returning 2 waking life after a mind busting vivid dreaming experience around the 4th day in June in 1980, and exactly 3 years B-4 my I developed my wild and surreal undiagnosable medical glandular condition that went down in my following residence, in that Atco home on Norris Avenue; I promise every person who is reading this information, whoever U-R and might B, wherever U-R and might B, and whenever it is that U might B doing it; that if peeps had listened 2 me and heeded my definite level headed warning of what I saw in this incredible future vision from my bed and bedroom in the 1802 apartment that late morning in early June; our world today would have been spared 80-90 percent of the horrendous hellishness and monstrous evil being perpetrated upon us as a result of Reaganomics gone totally and completely out of control and the following culture of the super wealthies and the billionaires, and then from there the terrible crime wave, hate and greed, the end of the hippie 60's love generation taught better days, and on and on and on and on I can go here, but U will all just keep laughing at me, so what is the trucking gull dern use of my going on???????????

But 4 the few out here who do like 2 employ reasonable thinking and logic 2 things, eve 2 your interpretations of these wild blogs like no others U will read on the internet, I assure U; bear in mind a few facts right now, please, YO!!!!! Take my mathematical stuff 2 any top think tank and make them C what I have come 2 know and understand, and C how my math systems could not possibly have come out of my own head, by your so-called rational mortal waking world of insisting that things always have 2-B happening. How can I hear incredible songs such as in 1997, with the transdimensional song called, “Wanna' Spend My Time” and so many other things along these lines that just don't need right now B typed and reiterated? How can all of this story B, if NAUGHT 4 MY INTERACTING WITH THESE ASTRAL PLANE FORCES AND POWERS OR GODS, of LEVEL-8 and LEVEL-9 Purgatites? There is no rational way that all of this can just B, Cooley Hall, my music, my family, my uncountable life's experiences, an don an don and on and on, come on, U cannot B that dense, oh wonderful folks, or can U-B???????????????? By what U all R doing 2 me, U-r allowing the same deal as with the UFO situation, and if none of U can C this, well, I QUIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

END TRANSMISSION, posting up at 1:07 AM, 10-22-2023.

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