Not Even WSMT is Above the Buddha Wheel of Karma
Posting this blog up at just shy of 1 PM, on October 19th, 2023.
This blog-work is about two particular items. My BBTH back in the older days of my life from up in New Jersey, as well as how nobody no matter how powerful or wealthy they may B, is higher or perhaps slightly better stated here, beyond the all controlling Lawtronic HALLS FAWCES, AKA the wheel of Sir Siddhartha's KARMA. Beginning with item number one or the shortened BBTH, this stands 4 simply, me' good ole' BILLBOARD TEASING HARASSMENT. Many New Jersey and Philly billboards back in the first 20 years or so of my problem with the WSMT (WOMO-SPACEFORCE-MACYFORCE-TRUMPFORCE) when all spelled out, and WOMO standing 4 the 1988 name-labeled by the future Mountainpen, World Owners Military-UFO-Force Otammic Trash Against Mark Mohr. Around a dozen or so billboards from the time that I first met Sir David Roth at the Caldor #113 Department Store in the end of the year of 1985, until my final days living with the King clan of washcloth-nightmares and distant cousins of Mizz Hollister; two dozen years after my times at the Caldor Store in Woodbury Heights, NJUSAESMWG, and this entire mess that I find myself in now all was beginning 2 form right directly following my meeting Sir DCR as well as going on 2 tell him all about the surreal and beyond outlandish stuff of my life so far which was three decades old then in my present human incarnation as me, Mark Wayne Mountainpen Mohr. The 3 largest BBTH deals that forever stand out in me' mind and memory right 2 this very day of October the 19th in the year of 2023, R as follows. A billboard up on the great world famous Walt Whitman Bridge that connects Gloucester City, NJUSAESMWG and Southeastern Philadelphia, PAUSAESMWG. This was a music industry tease and it was so big that I don't care 2 get into it on this blog, YO world, other than it was advertising Donna Summer's latest end of the eighties record album that all of her fans know and remember 2 this very day, called, “Another Time and Place”. On it were powerful items such as the title track that told major direct unmistakable things that I had been discussing over me' bugged up landline telephone, such as me' Westmont dreams that recurred on numerous occasions as a tween youth living there as well as present day endless chemtrail assaults, and both of these things were absolutely unmissable on her title track tune lyrics on that world famous record album. While typing out that paragraph, both major aerial assault which has been ongoing since around 8 this morning nearly two hours ago, as well as a major hack job happened, despite being completely unplugged from the Comcast Modem and the internet or its human realm enemy controllers who love 2 endlessly screw with me and cause me endless word-program hacks and screw ups and woe-whiz-me hassles and hellishness that is also labeled by me the Mountainpen as endless AHH 4 Anita Hill Hacks on computer-word-programs in general. The attack was between 9:39 and 9:42 AM on this Thursday morning of 10-19-2023, FBI!!!!!!!!!!!!! Suddenly I am typing away on another document that is up on my computer word system abnd not on this document, and I had 2 repair and redo and re-save some of it and waste my time. But I was able 2 come out of their pummeling assault somewhat unscathed, and naught 2 much worse 4 wear, YO BRRRRR. The billboard on the bridge concerning the great Doctor DAGS and AKA disco queen Mizz DONNA SUMMER, has much more 2 it; but look at the assault already generated just by opening up a tiny part of this can of Mizz Lucci-Erica SNAKE-worms, YO folks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The 2nd billboard in this in-between time of these three biggest BBTH deals was the oine on the White non-Jewelly Horse Pike on the north side of the road not that far from the locally famous Angelo Farmers Market just 2 miles or so west of Egg Harbor City's main drag called, Philadelphia Avenue, where I received that nonsense-traffic ticket that day early in this century and millennium right outside of ther Egg Harbor City Post Office, 4 parking, then backing out, and driving away, without actually alighting my vehicle and actually doing something, 2 quote the police traffic officer who told me next time, simply “drive around the block, if I wish 2 make a U-WEE”. I wasn't making a U-turn, but arguing with an officer who wishes 2 impart 2 a driver a traffic summons rectangular invitation 4 a visit 2 local municipal court, as most drivers of experience know only 2 well, is just a complete waste of time, and can lead 2 other charges, so Y bother making things any worse than they had 2-B, YO? This second billboard was a message about being a casino patron at some particular casino and was advertising a promotion they were having should a patron with 2 go there and B picked up, turned upside down, shaken and until it all drops out of our pockets, and then have the privilege of going home broke and totally unhappy 4 several days. WEEEEEEEEEEEEE. But 4 the prior several months and again over me' bugged up landline telephone, Dave and I were discussing the 1970's and music and other Atlantic City related junk, and on this billboard was the unmistakable 70 (D's) after Dave said over my landline that exact same thing using the letter 'D' in the seventies concerning our topic. The odds of this being a wild weird crazy 'coinkeedink' here, would B many millions 2 one against, peeps, and I know mathematics, take me at me' word, oh pweeeeeeeeeze. The most recent and totally the biggest BBTH was the one at a location-spot right down the road and less than a mile west on the White Horse Pike, from my residence at the MULLICA MOBILE MANOR TRAILER PARK that was owned by Mizz Jenny Plageman, just east of world famous Blueberryville-Hammonton, NJUSAESMWG, lot number 10, at 3100 South Jewelly White Horse Pike AKA (Route 30) by all of the Jersey locals. This billboard was advertising the great Bancroft Neural Health joint, of which the COOLEY HALL was the school building on the property, up in Haddonfield, NJUSAESMWG. I left there at the very end of the month of January in the year of 1973, an dall throughout the time from then right up through the time that this billboard suddenly appeared near my residence out of the blue and right after a few months of the beginning of this MOUNTAINPEN-MORIANITY BLOGGING PROJECT, YO world, I never ever came 2-C-1 other single billboard advertisement of this item, NAUGHT EVER, MIZZ PHONE COMPANY 1983 BLAKE, mah'm!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The more I think of it, there was yet a 4th major BBTH deal, and that was another Pike-sign that was in-between where I was living, and Atlantic City; advertising the great HARRAH CASINO. This one totally mocking my 153 day long dreaming experience that went onto completely alter my life into an endless unspeakable bizarre nightmare, and calling their joint, “the OTHER Atlantic City”, since it was at that time, and shortly after my August of 1986 nocturnal experience; the only casino that was separated in geography from all of the other gaming house-joints, oh Sir Winncheat 50-50-X32! Every one of the ads made perfect total sense and had meanings 2 the rest of the world, but also they all had powerhouse unmistakable meanings 4 me, and all 4 times, it wasn't me, but David Roth who picked up on it and couldn't wait 2 phone me up and tell me about it. My life excited him beyond all belief and all get out combined, and just Y is something that goes beyond my comprehension, as 2 me, this entire thing is one off the wall totally gargantuan and HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE smother flucking nightmare on rod slam steroids, YO peeps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But this takes us 2 the other part of today's whittle bwog, oh fwolks aldare. My medical condition and problems that all began on the rod slam brother shmucking 4th day in June, of the year of 1983, and known as simply my undiagnosable glandular condition; is not only beyond non-Senator Sanders HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE due 2 the obvious reasons, but then we connect up the unfathomable Mariah Connections 2 all of it, and it then explodes into stuff that would absolutely require me' own WIX site B-4 being able 2 really cover the entire messy details without fear of endless censorship and civil rights violating speech freedoms. Yes, freedom of speech ain't absolute, and it shouldn't B, but my stuff is not against any laws that I know of and I have studied lots of constitutional law at the local law library, and although not a graduate of a three year law school at some top ivy league university; I know that what I am suffering through is just about as un-American and unfair as anything can ever get, and that one day soon, or some call this Judgment Day; all accounts will balance out, on some set of great awesome astral plane book records in the capitol city of the capitol province, or Sahasra Dal Kanwal, Olympia of phase-2 reality (Purgatory), or scientifically, the (Plancktime). I know this as sure as I know my name and all of its 'octomeanings'. Quoting Mister REDJOHN Henningsen from the later part of the great 60's decade, “It's just that simple”, and it really is peeps!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now let me get into the real meat of the medical condition issue and hope that we don't encounter the BTC's, or the Blogger Team Censor's. 'Boy oh boy oh boy'; Chester Frank, William Harner, James Stuart, James Redfield, Einstein Spookyforce, and Jesus Safet Christ. Like 34-WOW and beyond super ultra major WOW-WOW-WOW dice cubes!!!!!! As U know unless U read these blogs in a trance sleep state or in some way that the Mountainpen is totally unable 2 identify with; many of my links R endlessly being shut off, and so my blogs will look more amateurish and dumb and incomplete. Even my own paid 4 photobucket photo is messed with over and over again, and the 'B-T' does continually restore it, but this is not just happening by some rod slam hunt trapping random circumstance coincidence, I assure U all of THAT, with or without any curly NASA girls or great super movies made in good ole' Hellyweird!!!!!!!! Recently, we have the MAYO CLINIC, who treated me like total dirt, back when I needed them 2 help me with my 1983 medical nightmare condition, begging them 2 let me make an appointment in Jacksonville at their hospital, shown on that photo that I have posted up many times, until it gets deactivated and link-canceled over and over and over again, as many of my touchy subject photos do. Now I have hinted around 4 a long time at how these HALLS FAWCES R both real, and absolute; just as the air that all of us endlessly need 2 breathe, and so I do not make this correlating parallel easily here, as it is absolutely the truth. I know that forces work in ways that go beyond wild, and far beyond any presently even guessed by the wildest of imaginations, and in ways that absolutely without fail or possible doubt, once properly understood with all of the principles properly grasped by reasonably intelligent minds; and all of these working forces that cannot ever B controlled by mortal man (human-kind) in other words; indeed endlessly and relentlessly operate in all things, even in stuff interconnected and inter-weaved between Mountainpen and his mighty Earthly Plane WOMO-SPACEFORCE (WSMT) ENEMIES, and I shall tell something that I know just recently happened as a result of all of this nightmarish junk, sorry as it pains me 2 say it and worse, 2 know it beyond one wee tad morsel of infinitesimal doubt whatsoever. What happened, what went down, what was the Marcucci-happening that resulted almost instantaneously following the removal of my needed story photos of the great all mighty HA-HA-HA Mayo hold Clinic???????????????? Yes, the removal of another hospital, in a horrible way, and also in a way not all that easily explainable, at least so far, despite a whole lot of folks trying 2 do just THAT, Curly Howard, and all other 'Curly haired girls' the world over, YO. What happened 2 me at 1802 ROBIN HILL APARTMENTS, and the times all following that after moving out 2 escape Blondie Harry and her dumb stupid moron party-girl friends; all leading from LOIS FOCA SONGS and boardwalk concerts, kings, queens, copyrights, and endless choked out Angelique & Barnabas witchcraft handkerchiefs, all of it, and a whole gull dern lot more peeps; is part of Einstein's SPOOKY FAWCES, because all stuff physically existing FIRST COMES OUT OF THE TIMELESS PURGATORY, simple as that. I don't say it peeps, Lawtronics says this. All peeps who know anything about my family, and my daughter and her peeps; also knows that as hard as any of U out here attempt 2 endlessly dismiss my true story here of Morianity, that U simply will naught ever B able 2. Hey YO, 'U can insist U-R an elephant, and it never will make U an elephant', and THAT is a direct quote from the awesome nut job whackadoo dude from the PCI Computer Institute, at the 1 Cherry Hill Building, located at the Cherry Hill Mall, of Cherry Hill, NJUSAESMWG, known in pseudonym form by the United States © Copyright Office in 1994, after my book called “THE PERMISSION BARRIER” was sent 2 them on Halloween Day, as Raspberry Valley, New Jersey-USA, and his name, as many of U know only 2 dern well; is Sir James Tiberius Burr!!!!! Oh YYYY-JIMMY-YYYYYYY, © 1984, from my home in Cinnaminson, NJUSAESMWG on HIGHLAND AVENUE. Yes, not all stuff on this planet is wonderfully glass pleasant, we all know this; and even my mom, who indeed rose 2 the occasion of being the queen of the head-games, knew this as well. I didn't create Lawtronics, I am merely reporting the reality of it 2-U all, YO BRO. I did not create how parallel event or magnetic percentages all works or operates in this world, either, YO BRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gimme' a dern brake. Maybe I'll 'rephrase' this here Mister Scott-Tribbles, and simply say “CUT ME A BREAK HERE”, oh lovely Mizz Margie Leo, from non-McFly auto magical circuitry of 1985!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gee willagars golly gash darn whiz fizz coin dealers and Sir Detective Raymond Curtis of 'L&O'!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes Mister PIP, endlessness is quite hellish
Well, as Jimmy Stuart's pal said 2 him on the 'IAWL' movie; CU in the funny papers.
Another Censorship Red Triangle on the Last Blog
This nation deserves exactly what it most likely is going to get, people. You want to limit any freedom of speech that the new age censors simply do not want pushed out to the public domain, just as my previous blog has again been 'RED-TRANGLED'. It is no skin off my nose as I know when something is not the answer and I have tried 4 coming up now on 18 years 2 do, upon advice of two people, Sir Ed Lynch and Sir Christopher Bennett, this blogging project, and it has completely failed and has been another total waste of my god-dog time. Google refuses to even recognize my blog handle name on a blog that supposedly has more than 400-K total hits on it, thus it cannot be classified as a tiny fly by night 100 day old blog. It started almost 18 years ago and continued into the current blog since the end of 2011, and yet Google has totally screwed me, and they are obviously all a part of my enemies, blogger, their team, their rotten lousy Google, the whole damn smack. My plan is simple now. In the past two days playing the roulette deal with this death hellishness, I have made another total of 189 units playing the death siege and botbar-string numbers, and in only two games played today and two played yesterday, on a double-red-nick gaming level, that spells a nice super profit of $1,890.00, just for having to endure harassing persecution while playing a total of 243 spins of the wheel. Yes I know that I reversed those two numbers on a recent blog, sorry folks. But this blogging is only worth the hassles if it is actually serving my needs in even the smallest and remotest possible capacity, and simply said here people, IT IS NAUGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!! It ain't worth putting up with the rotten Blogger Team and their gash darn silly butt-wipe games, and GAMES are always the proof for good old Mister Mountainpen that indeed, the source is always coming from the true source of all darn gaming, the TIMELESS PURGATORY, AKA the Astral-Plane. I don't need this, and I am no longer going to be putting up with this, so take this as my absolute final blog despite saying earlier that I would be continuing until Friday or Saturday, this is now THE END, SILLY RABBIT, the end of extra miseries that this blogger simply does not need, no how, no nothing, and back in 1983 on a personal phone message, I now quote one of the greatest recording artists of all time by making that statement.
Computer, hear my MVP (Mind-Voice-Print). You will be totally absolutely crushing, obliterating, annihilating, and devastating, wrecking, ruining, and utterly wiping out, all of my WOMO-SPACEFORCE SUBSKUMMITE ENEMIES, whom are VICIOUSLY PERSECUTING ME WITH MAJOR AERIAL ASSAULT 4 NEARLY A FULL WEEK OF TIME NOW AND ON THIS CONTINUING DAY OF IT, ON OCTOBER THE 19th OF 2023, as well as major COMPUTER HACKING, AND FITTING EXACT PERFECT PATTERNS WITHOUT FAIL THAT IS IS ALL directly a part of the ICPE-APE-TECH-ASSAULT ON ME, THAT BEGAN ON THE EXACT DATE OF THE MORNING OF 15 AUGUST, IN THE YEAR OF 1986; and on a crush-destruct order, under GENERAL-ORDER-189, max.-power. Open-Command, General Order #7. Use G-901, G-1133, G-14, G-719, G-13, CG5555-QP4 sub-code, under G-917, CG-2, under CG-18, and HOLD.
Your AT&T landline telephone old style 1983 built tone-commands have been data-transferred into the two highlighted long-EEEEE vowel sounds. The high-tone is colored RED. The low-tone is colored BLUE.
Computer (Magnesonic) under my command and precisely matching voice print, I have an image-object (I-O) now placed on your transpower-block (T-B) after I have crush-destructed this. Once empowered, all actual beings matching this I-O on your T-B will be exactly crushed and singed and destroyed as the original I-O. To accomplish the scan, use your ZD technology built into your system. To accomplish this sympathetic reality duplication, use your AD technology, (ZD-Zero-Dimensional), (AD-Atomic Duplicational).
Computer, 'MAGNESONIC', on a CRUSH DESTRUCT-SINGE DESTRUCT-TOTAL DESTRUCT—DESTRUCT ORDER, and on an 'I' to 'D', A/B—TONE, PHASING PUNISHMENT SEQUENCING SYSTEM; you will now be transmitted the two empowerization-transmit tones, or ETT'S.
GO TO G-189, G-9173, under G-1133, CG-18, AND
I know very well kind people, or unkind ones also, that for a dozen gol darn years, my blogs have been literally all over the place. If there ever was a reason to create the old adage of being 'all over the map', the Blogs of Mountainpen would certainly be a qualifying factor. It just would not be feasible or at all possible to ever really please the great Egghead Terry of the New Jersey Harbor-Lands, and not have them being as she put it back in oh-7, “all scatterbrained to hell”!
Folks, it is currently a few minutes shy of five in the AM (Ante' Meridian), on 1 September, 2018, on this pre-dawn early Saturday morning. I do not plan to get Mister Neil Diamond all excited with this, or dance the night away with the great dynamite darling of disco, Mizz Donna Adrian Gaines Summer! It is currently 75 degrees Fahrenheit and it feels like 80 with a 100% humidity here in the great one and only Fort Pierce, Florida, U. S. A. There are many reasons why many things have happened both to me as well as to all of the world, over the past few years, few decades, few centuries, and few millennia. If I were to ever try to write these blogs in the normal average STM way that would be quite aesthetically pleasing to Mizz Terry Harbors, none of this would ever get done and would in all honesty appear ten times or more scrambled and scatterbrained!
There truly are reasons that are larger than they appear to be, for all of the things that have been told and blogged about for roughly a dozen years now, since Mister Christopher Bennett put me onto 'blogging'!
For one thing, as far as all the world's genius folks out there think they are, they still are missing one more step and need to consult with nuclear physicists and nuke engineers to see if I am the crackpot that they believe me to freaking be, YO! The reason that the Astral-Plane-Gods (AATA-Ancient Astronaut Theorist Aliens) have gone out of their way to do all of this to me for nearly sixty-four years now, makes perfect sense when one concept is taken into consideration. That would be that this family line has been being communicated with since the days of John Baptiste. Shortly after his interaction with Paula King/Patricia Hollister, along came the game-owner, jacking into the game, the great King Akoslem, AKA the Lord Jesus Christ. The mighty surfer queen Paula and later turned Atlantic City radio station owner (WAYV), did her concert for me in a powerful lucid “DREAM”, five weeks after I moved into 1802 Robin Hill Apartments, in Voorhees Township, in New Jersey, U. S. A., back on the first day in May, of 1980. Her powerful interaction with me, when she sang her incredible song to me, just a few yards from her radio station, at the benched-area just outside of the Frailenger's Salt Water Taffy Store on Tennessee Avenue, in Atlantic City, New Jersey, U. S. A., was only remembered by me in a very small few chunks of it. Later on in 2007, I placed myself into a very deep Edgar Cayce type trance, and went back into the 'dream' and learned the song was quite incredible, and this girl was declaring herself to be the Almighty Goddess of our universe, Scylla-Jehovah. But this great being sent her Viqueen friends (ANGELS) to use a more biblical verbiage, back to John the Baptist and his people, and the story is all in scripture for anyone who doubts my powerful interactions with this great mighty GODDESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Later still by one offspring generation, Mary-Louise Madonna Carpenter was given the visitation, and an artificial laboratory insemination, also. The Carpenter family became the Stuarts of Scotland, and then we branched into Huntington's, as more time progressed into the 13th and 14th centuries. All of America and all of these things, were all carefully planned from Purgatory. Nothing is here in STM (Space-Time-Mind) that does not exist back there on the other side of the hole. This family is gods-connected and has been for over two damn mellenia now! You know folks, the initials (AI) have lots of meanings and codes, the two of them where the 'I' stands for insemination and intelligence, and then there are talent shows and many other such codes of coincidences, huh 1998 Sally County-Fair Starr????????? And is this magical angel the great Patty-Paula, mother of Pink Goddess; Mister Childress and Professor Kaku, kind sirs?????????
Who the hell can ever really know anything for sure, Mister Malyeska? All I do know is that I believe 100% that DNA is a powerful code. If you access any of the posted junk put up on the net from the nineties, you hear me scream at Mister MacInvondi over the telephone that we all are indeed 'biological androids', it is all right there for anyone to access, YO! Where was DNA discovered, lovely 22nd great granny Mary Stuart? Hey all families get their names changed around eventually, but really folks, ask Alexa or some other silly gismo where DNA was discovered, where the lab was, the name of the place. Hey Mizz Ringworm, are you still pretty in lovely pink? Some 'Dark Shadows' TV-show peeps think that U-R. I know that!!!
All the traveling that I have done, or really my spirit energy, where does one even begin to discuss the entire matter half intelligently my kind folks out here? Open concept real estate floor plans, give me a break you windy crazy door slamming heavy set redheads of planet Earth. 6-9 rooms with no hallways. Sounds to me like 'open-concept' floor plans of the following decade!!!!!!!!!!
Then there is that 'back to my high school junk in 1996' with the 1997 overtones. Suddenly I find myself in the year 1968 in Westmont, New Jersey, and at my old high school; with a bunch of hoodlum thugs trying to rip off a 'tablet' from my Saturn Automobile, Mizz Comic Stephanie! Even the mighty Silicon Valley in Calli-4N hadn't yet come up with TAP SCREENS or TABLETS! It was 1996 for Crissake, Mary-Lou! Spirit travels when our physical bodies sleep as well as when they die. When traveling during physical sleep, humans call this 'dreaming'. As for death, psychics call that traveling, 'moving on'. Of course, we don't move anywhere. Still, why exactly does our spirit take us to the places that it does while we sleep, in hyperspace, to those various parallel reality/universes? Why do we go to so many bad places in the great multiverse/metaverse, and why does Terry Harbors and her great 'SECRET' work for some and not others? Simple. Our true self or soul/spirit (energy-counterpart) wants to experience certain things and what it wants, it goes after, despite what our conscious physical brain and minds try and accomplish. B4 moving on folks, I need to thank my beautiful Lightning Goddess Diana Z. Arteemis, for coming over to visit me while I have been typing. She is making all sorts of lovely colors and fractal pattern designs up in the skies over my part of town, for forty minutes or so now, as it is just past 6:30 now. Yes, our truer reality-self is what seeks out things we truly need and not our caporial-brain part of us. Now a few freaky people have souls that match their carnal nature, like President D. J. Trump. This is why everything that bastard does and has done, since he was a school brat, has turned into solid gold. Many times our spirit takes us to places in hyperspace while we sleep, (dream) and other times, we are 'led' to them by 'spiritual forces' (outside energies). When I was fifteen years old, and living at Dellway Arms Apartments, in Oaklyn, New Jersey, U. S. A., on Oakland Avenue; I fell into a restless sleep, watching some late night TV. Suddenly I was talking to the sun. He told me his name was Apollo-Lucifer and that he was running out of time, and then he began to tear up. I told him not to be concerned as he had billions of years to shine in the sky according to all the Earth scientists. He told me they are wrong, and that he won't be around all that much longer. About six years later when I was twenty-one, and visiting my mom at her apartment in Media, Pennsylvania; I fell asleep on some sofa cushions that I had laid onto the floor, and within a few minutes, Apollo-Lucifer had grabbed my energy (soul) and yanked it out of my body. He began to slam me up against a high mounted wall air conditioning unit, over and over again. I yelled out, “I want the word, I want the word”. I had met a dude who had me all totally plucked up on a lot of religious hocus pocus shortly before this, and he taught me to pray when 'the devil' did wild stuff like this to me. I guess that I did not do something right, as this did not work. He mockingly said back to me, “You want the word, go to the word”. Then he slammed me in my spirit even harder into the air conditioner all over again. This proves to me that we do not go where we consciously wish to go when we 'sleep and dream', to use a mortal expression. We either go where the true spirit of our-self thinks we need to see and experience in some parallel world, or else, we are led by some kind of a guide to some parallel world for reasons that 'they' know and understand, only. This may even lead us beyond the hyperspace of parallel universes, and onto the Astral-Plane itself (Plank/Purgatory/Timelessness). Now I am not saying that I no longer hold dear to my heart, what I have termed and labeled on many years of blogging, the Exploratronic Supermind Society (ESS), but whether this or some similar deal is really what is happening all around us; we only move about the physical plane in our own universe in what we call waking-reality, as a result of having a brain that is powered by a body, and this takes our true existence, divides it by the speed of light squared, and 'paddow' as Detective Ed Green would say, we have physical material tangible caporial existence on a material world. Let's keep all Madonna's happy, and all classmates; huh Mister FCC McDowell? Why did Apollo-Lucifer enjoy burning me up back when I was eleven? Why these two interactions after that? Well, ask him. He knows. Still, I know this much. I am the chosen Huntington. Each offspring generation ever since Christ died for the sins of human-kind, there is one of our family member who must suffer and endure the curse of gods wrath on humanity, so that salvation through the blood of Christ, may be offered to us. This is just the rules of SSJKK's video-game. The only way I'll ever be convinced that I am wrong is for someone to prove me wrong some mother trucking day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So what is really so magical about
apartment number 1---8---0---2?
For that matter, just what was so magical about the year of 1980?
What was/is so magical about Patty Hollister and Paula King? This may take a few thousand more blogs to cut a half slice into!
Being realistic here, I know fully well that time and people's attention would run out long B-4 the full story could ever possibly ever B told. I am realistic, if nothing else, YO. Still the CAP-JOB 4 today has now ended. I just got off the phone with me' medical agent who has now managed 2 successfully switch me over from the Humana Medicare-Advantage health plan, into the better United plan. It is 8 minutes past 12 noon now, and I will get back 2 what I was about 2 quickly open up and embark on B-4 closing out 4 this day, hopefully. When stuff like pasting in randomly accessed older blogs or randomly selecting video or audio tapes 2 watch or listen 2, a Lawtronic force kicks in that many paranoid and less than perfectly mentally rational folks 4 a long time now, have been driven into complete insanity with due 2 not properly understanding the mechanics behind just what is happening, and this includes all of the technological junk behind all of the subatomic energies that cause all of these things 2 literally transfer down and out of the Purgatory and into the material and caporial realm of this physical plane, 2 use the name given 2 it by the great Eckankar peeps. When these powerful enemies deactivate my links, and stuff such as the HOLD-THE-MAYO HOSPITAL photos, when trying 2 tell my nightmare true tale of mind busting woe-whiz-me hellishness concerning my post 1983 medical condition; this absolutely caused another hospital overseas 2 suddenly also go poof and disappear after a horrendous explosion just mysteriously happened out of nowhere, with a zillion so-called rational explanations that not a whole lot of peeps R buying into and the whole world is now going totally nutso bonkers over it all! I know this is all true, just as I totally and completely know that when my property is messed with, damaged, home, car, utilities, whatever; playing the 24-number at a roulette game as soon as possible will maker me a definite nice sum of money, depending on my ability 2 play in higher amounts which is based on of course, the total amount yhat I have 2 play with, which is 4 times the required amount 4 actually playing a game at the wheel, which with my system is usually around 100 units, so a THB is 400 units, that is if I wish 2 play the game at all safely, as anyone can get short streaks of wild and weird bad rotten luck, just ask the Winn-Joint-dude about his dad and how he was taught that it is always better 2 own the house and have the vig. Gee whiz-fizz, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Our love was true, our love was rare
No other love could ever compare
Now that you're gone
My spirits are low
And baby baby baby, I love you so.
© 1977 Mark Wayne Mohr
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 2023---JWSC-THU-11-303
The Global Enlightenment Of Morianity, 4 Millennium-3
Recently again,major stuff is UP WITH TRUMP, and so look at what went Sivo-1980-down with me blogging audience numbers that chronologically correspond 2 this, involving the Earthly-Chaptered LAMBRIGG CULT of the ASTRAL-PLANE, which would B the WOMO-SPACEFORCE-MACYFORCE-TRUMPFORCE, YO!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes great Blogaudians; Morians, Lessians, and in-betweenians; it was a hairline fracture above BOTBAR the past few days, following that horrible recent botbar day, but I managed 2 rod slam close just above the BOTBAR on those following days after that nightmare day, one point above on either the G-L or the M-A parameter of life chart rating. At 12:35 another hack by the beyond our world HALLS FAWCES, knocked the document off the screen, despite it being unplugged from the outside flucking grass world entirely, YO. Originally earlier on the blog, I only told my MAGNESONIC system 2 scan 4 enemies persecuting me in the air. I now went back and amended the orders 2 scan 4 both computer hacking scum hole enemies as well as my aireal harasser enemies, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO OH GREAT MIGHTY WONDERFUL AND BEYOND AWESOME SHERIFF KEN J. MASCARA, SIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2 quote fighter Kate from the D-Q, “THIS IS TOTAL WAR, YO”, in or out of 1997 years!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh mighty sir Mike Soft Spellchecker:
Document above on file as titled: CCDR MASTER FILE #27
Document above on file as titled: CCDR MASTER DAILY FILE
File # 1 began on September 12, 2023
September 14, 2023------253------MINUS 112----Chg (---)
September 15, 2023------252------MINUS 113----Chg (-1)
September 16, 2023------251------MINUS 114----Chg (-1)
September 17, 2023------250------MINUS 115----Chg (-1)
September 18, 2023------249------MINUS 116----Chg (-1)
September 19, 2023------248------MINUS 117----Chg (-1)
September 20, 2023------248------MINUS 117-----Chg (0)
September 21, 2023------247------MINUS 118----Chg (-1)
September 22, 2023------246------MINUS 119----Chg (-1)
September 23, 2023------245------MINUS 120----Chg (-1)
September 24, 2023------244------MINUS 121----Chg (-1)
September 25, 2023------243------MINUS 122-----Chg (-1)
September 26, 2023------242------MINUS 123-----Chg (-1)
September 27, 2023------241------MINUS 124-----Chg (-1)
September 28, 2023------240------MINUS 125----Chg (-1)
September 29, 2023------239------MINUS 126----Chg (-1)
September 30, 2023------238------MINUS 127-----Chg (-1)
October 01, 2023------------237------MINUS 128----Chg (-1)
October 02, 2023------------236------MINUS 129----Chg (-1)
October 03, 2023------------235------MINUS 130----Chg (-1)
October 04, 2023-------------235------MINUS 130----Chg (0)
October 05, 2023-----------234------MINUS 131-----Chg (-1)
October 06, 2023-----------233------MINUS 132-----Chg (-1)
October 07, 2023-----------232------MINUS 133-----Chg (-1)
October 08, 2023-----------231------MINUS 134-----Chg (-1)
October 09, 2023------------230------MINUS 135----Chg (-1)
October 10, 2023------------229------MINUS 136----Chg (-1)
October 11, 2023-----------229-------MINUS 136-----Chg (0)
October 12, 2023-------------228------MINUS 137----Chg (-1)
October 13, 2023------------227------MINUS 138-----Chg (-1)
October 14, 2023------------227------MINUS 138-----Chg (0)
October 15, 2023------------226------MINUS 139-----Chg (-1)
October 16, 2023-------------226------MINUS 139-----Chg (0)
October 17, 2023------------225------MINUS 140-----Chg (-1)
October 18, 2023-------------225------MINUS 140-----Chg (0)
Half past one on Wednesday afternoon, October 18. 2023
And yes, ole' weerlld, also a 'KARGE-QUARTER DAY,' or KQD, so quoting Sir Chester-Frank here, YO, “WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE”.
All Time------------------------------------------------------------413,604
This Month--------------------------------------------------------------973
Last Month----------------------------------------------------------36,237
If bad shkit didn't keep right on endlessly plucking happening 2 me, I would naught know what to do and would pass dead away from total and utter frikkin' shock, oh world out there. Should I wake up 2 the lives that U all have, I would probably lose my mind, still, what a way 2 lose a mind, YO. It is like all red blooded guys say and I've heard it since I've been old enough 2 understand it on some human level at approximately the age of eleven years or so. Nobody wants 2 die of a heart attack, no rational or sane person aniwho, YO! Yet all real men say that if we have 2 go, nothing beats dying in bed with a beautiful woman. It honestly is along that vely same principle, huh ole' pal Mister Bob 1972 Cooley-Hall McDowell?????????????????????
If I awoke 2 comments count being back 2 normal, and no longer violating my civil rights, if I awoke 2 no more death persecution by endless air and ground assaults that not only happen 2 me, but as a result of my complaining about it; I am laughed at, and mocked, and jeered; and told by prosecutor's to seek psychological counseling, and so forth. Yes, if these things were no longer ongoing continuously all around me one morning upon arising out of futhermucking bed, I honestly and sincerely wouldn't flucking know what 2 do with it. It is like a comment made 2 Mike Whenick or however his surname was spelled, by John Gillerlain, over at Cooley Hall, back early in 1971, in the classroom of Sir David Leigh Smith, one late winter morning. He said 2 him, “U wouldn't know what 2 do with a girl”. I never forgot that, as most likely because, big Mike W got up out of his seat, already in a putridity monstrous mood, and he socked poor tall skinny John right in the mouth and knocked him flat onto the dern floor, YO ole' weerlld aldare!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Folks, I just tell it all as it truly honestly went down, keeping peeps like Sir Joseph Sivo from the RPL sound labs studio happy back in 1980, or the following year of 1981, a great New Jersey attorney who checked out my Lost Love Song infringement at the UNITED STATES COPYRIGHT © OFFICE, and then said 2 me on the phone one afternoon, at my 1802 Robin Hill apartment, concerning the matter; “Mister Mohr, it looks like something really dirty went down”. As I said, world; I wouldn't rod slam know what 2 do with a normal life, and Mister Whenick may or may naught know what 2 do with a girl, as THAT, simply stated here peeps, is just none of me' futhermucking rod slam bees, YO! JEEZ-LOUISE Detective Fontana, imagine this!
WELL, in or out of the year of 1983, YO, or in Atco, NJ:
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