Thursday, June 29, 2023

Dear Steve Walgreen's Parks, Chapter 17


Dear Steve Walgreens Parks, Chapter 17

11-191, Thursday afternoon, old calendar world-date-6/29/2023


SS; 4 the past three days, my computer mouse operated without any problems whatsoever, and then pow; starting at around half an hour shy of midnight on yesterday's late night, the MNR-HACK suddenly poofed back on, again giving me lots of woe-whiz-me problems while attempting 2 do my letter-blogging 2U, oh sir! MNR-HACK (Mouse-Not-Responding-HACK)! It is silly and wasteful 4 me 2 purchase a new mouse, as the hack is inside of the machine and not the mosue, that much is obvious 2 even computer-retard little frikkin' me, YO! FBI-ACLU-FCC, WC @ Hague; this death assault and illegal rights violation-hacking on me is ILLEGAL, and U all know thisssssssssssssssss without my reminding U of THAT!!!!!!


Computer, hear my MVP (Mind-Voice-Print). You will be totally absolutely crushing, obliterating, annihilating, and devastating, wrecking, ruining, and utterly wiping out, all of my enemies that are viciously persecuting me starting on this Wednesday evening the 28th day in June, and now into this 29th day in June, of the year of 2023; and who are persecuting me with nasty air siege, and beyond major heavy computer hacking, and also computer interference or whatever covert trickery is being employed, SO AS 2 ENDLESSLY STOP AND PREVENT ME FROM EVER DOING ANYTHING AT ALL WHATSOEVER ON THE INTERNET, AND ON MY COMPUTER; AND IS ALL directly a part of the ICPE-APE-TECH-ASSAULT ON ME, THAT BEGAN ON THE EXACT DATE OF THE MORNING OF 15 AUGUST, IN THE YEAR OF 1986; and on a crush-destruct order, under GENERAL-ORDER-189, max.-power. Open-Command, General Order #7. Use G-901, G-1133, G-14, G-719, G-13, CG5555-QP4 sub-code, under G-917, CG-2, under CG-18, and HOLD.

Your old AT&T landline telephone old style 1983 built tone-commands have been data-transferred into the two highlighted long-EEEEE vowel sounds. The high-tone is colored RED. The low-tone is colored BLUE.

Computer (Magnesonic) under my command and precisely matching voice print, I have an image-object (I-O) now placed on your transpower-block (T-B) after I have crush-destructed this. Once empowered, all actual beings matching this I-O on your T-B will be exactly crushed and singed and destroyed as the original I-O. To accomplish the scan, use your ZD technology built into your system. To accomplish this sympathetic reality duplication, use your AD technology, (ZD-Zero-Dimensional), (AD-Atomic Duplicational).

Computer, 'MAGNESONIC', on an 'I' to 'D', A/B—TONE, PHASING PUNISHMENT SEQUENCING SYSTEM, you will now be transmitted the two empowerization-transmit tones, or ETT'S.



GO TO G-189, G-9173, under G-1133, CG-18, AND


    Image result for images free funny facesImage result for images free funny facesImage result for images free funny facesImage result for images free funny facesImage result for images free funny faces



THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 2023---11-191---JWSC












29 JUNE, 2023


This is a dying mans utterance and a dying mans declaration, and an official and totally legal internet document, sworn to and legally internet-signed by me right now, and my murderers are known to me in only a round about guessable way, and a statement once made on the great TV-show, “DARK SHADOWS” comes inescapably into my mind now; spoken in the beginning of 1970, by the actor who played originally on the show as Mister Jason McGuire; and came back onto the show 4 a second time, and played the part of Mister Paul Stoddard. He was in the same approximate nightmare situation that I've found myself in once awakening from slumber one late morning in 1986, on the 15th day of August. The actor's name, who was in a lot of great TV-shows of that time circa, is Dennis Patrick. He was discussing in the non-jazz-Glenn 'Collinwood' mansion, or in my Flower-Wing of this mind shattering Astral realm's hyper-mansion called, 'RICKTOWN MANOR', in one far end of the place; something pertaining to his nightmare of being tormented by this mysterious grouping of 'very powerful people', who seemed to want something from him; only he was totally clueless to exactly who they all were, or even exactly what these evil and diseased psychopaths wanted from him 2 begin with. The entire television show reflects my nightmare, and most of the time totally mirror images myself with Barnabas Collins' character, although several other show characters also reflect my various problems and woes, just as all of you know quite well who are following along here, and watching the DVD's of this show; so as 2B able to C all of these powerful outlandish truths 4 yourselves, YO!!!!!! Now despite my hating this game that is being played, that is obviously labeled secretly of course, “HOW 2 COVERTLY DESTROY THE BOM”, there is an upside 2 this nightmare on frikkin' quintessential steroids, squared, cubed, and CUBAN; and so allow me please, 2 now explain 2U all, just what that is. We will get into several things, SS; such as time splits, intentional hyperspace manipulation control, or 4 short, (IHMC), and also, constructively using mom's famous 'head-games' 2 operate what the Mountainpen calls on his Morianity Bible 1995 project, that is currently ongoing as THESE 'BOM' BLOGS; the REVISED WARREN GROVE, NJUSAESMWG DAVID ROTH POOH-POOH-TECH, or again, shortening that into the RWGNJDRPPT or the 'PWGNJDRPP-TECHNOLOGY'!!!!!!!!!!! Only U, and a small handful of vely vely loyal Morians out here, SS; know about Dave Roth, Warren Grove, Lucille's Fudge, Kenny Rogers' secret lover, whom some Berryville natives in Hick Jersey-USA keep on the QTDL, as extremely loyal fans of Kenny's; and the entire thing is so beyond mind boggling, as U know sir; it is all Y the entire late 2015 year went kaplooyey with the political scene, with distant cousin Trump; and stuff never even tried 2 ever look back again, ever since, and U know it sir; and so do a few very loyal goddessdog Morians out there in this world of hog puke on steroids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If I say 2 much more right now, it will B my ass, sir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!










Today was a bit like the past few, other than for the fact that I experienced no major nightmares B4 beginning my hellish day. I woke up at about ten past four this afternoon, and disconnected my lightning communications system 2 begin the day, and an hour or so later retrieved my mail and finally received a package that I was waiting 4, thinking this would then B-A good day 4 me, only, it was most certainly NAUGHT, lovely Mizz 1983-B. Naught one wee bit!!!!!!!!! Now this was slightly B4 the 'Mowry Pull-Plug' date of life-altering April 11th of this year, SS; and there is a lot more 2 say and it will get told 2U. Today is JWSC-Thursday, 11-191, and without any aid from Star Trek, star dates, or Captain Shatner Kirk's; let me tell U that a powerful revelation struck me recently, and my lovely LIGHTNING GODDESS CONFIRMED IT, only SHE told me not 2B2 directly specific here, and 4 me 2 use a more round about way of telling this 2U, on this 17th letter-blog up here in the future when referenced 2 the 'MPP'-days. It seems that recent major events in the world, 4 the very first time, has caused me a little bit of termporary SHORT-TERM-MAGIC, and if U don't get my indirect telling of this deal, we will need 2 do another meet at the park, as DIANA said if I say it directly, the magic will definitely be halted, simple as that, YO BRRR!

Saturday, March 18, 2023

MPN—2023--CHAPTER 021

12:32 Ante' Meridian

My PhotoImage result for images free funny faces

An hour or so later on, a major party in the community room began. This went from roughly twenty minutes after six through twenty minutes past nine. Obviously like the New Years Party back on Doctor-DAGS-BD or the 31st of last December, we now R gonna' B having these parties on all holidays, and yes, this was indeed good ole' Saint P-Day, was it naught? Things of course here R never even close 2 the way that they were back at the PEEHA joint, thank the Goddess. Also, the Community Room closes down on the final week of month #5 (May) and remains off season and closed until early in December, each year. This is due 2 the snowbird money-peeps who R able 2 afford going north 4 the very hot summer season, each year. So I just take it all in stride and soon the season will B over, just over two more months now, so 'TEE-HEE-HEE',--------Mizz Lilly Munster, and WHAAAAA-HA-AHA as well, Mister 1971 McNulty. But shall we now get down 2 cases, oh SS??????????????????????????????????????

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet.

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet.

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet.

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet.

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet.

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet.

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet.

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet.

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet.

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet.

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet.

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet.

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet.

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet.

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet.

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet.

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet.

But there is a whole lot more 2B spoken of in all of that, as well as just how and Y it all connects into each and every new hour and day of my life until they plant my remains in the ground eventually and 'hopefully', Mister 'Duncan Retrace (1984) © 1408 McLeod', Sir. When I was playing my roulette professionally in Atlantic City, NJUSAESMWG, in 1986, and simultaneously wiping my life out forever for a mere few measly frikkin' bucks, shortly B4 the incident at the Trump Castle Casino in Northwest Atlantic City; I was playing at the Claridge Casino Hotel one afternoon, and ran into lovely Mizz Paula King, who was working as a hostess for the 'joint', Mister Winn, Sir. If I am wrong, I sincerely apologize but if I am mistaken indeed, then she has an identical twin, just as my daughter and her distant cousin Mizz Leticia Tilley R absolute lookalike's, separated only BY SOME BIZARRE age-time barrier, or whatever anyone ever wishes 2 call and or describe this outlandish phenomenon. As 4 that particular day at the Claridge Casino Hotel in the summer-time in 1986, this gorgeous girl came up 2 me and asked me exactly how I was playing the game, as I appeared 2B winning a lot of money and she wanted 2 know how 2 cash in on it. Hey, everyone wants 2 cash in, just as was said more than two decades in the darn future on the future television show called, “Law & Order”, on the episode titled, “FAME”. The failed X-rock star said, I believe, “Hey I get it, everybody wants 2 earn”, and hey buddy, U-R correct. Sure we do, and anyone out here who claims otherwise is lying either 2 someone else or most likely just 2 themselves. Folks first need 2 understand that there is absolutely nothing whatsoever wrong with the desire 2 have the basic items and necessities here in our physical lives. There is nothing unholy or wrong in any way with the desire 2 better ourselves, in many areas of life, B it financially, as well as numerous other facets. It is only when we wish 2 do it in ways that violate other people in this life, where it is wrong. Basic laws given 2 humans, beginning with Moses and from which most of the original following British Common Law ideas all sprang from, leading to current days here in America and our laws, that all basicly regulate legal rights, or try 2 anyway; as giving people the maximum rights under these laws, right up 2 the point where any more rights would then come 2 infringe on the rights of another human being. This is, and ask any law school if I am right about this or naught folks; behind all of the legal system, B4 things then get broken down into endlessly more complex items, and then continue 2B ever increasingly complicated as the society then goes onto also become more and more complicated. There is absolutely nothing wrong with anyone wishing 2 better themselves and their stations in this life. It is normally done by making correct and wise decisions, being able 2 receive proper education so as 2 then go on and enter into some successful career, and along these lines. There also are many other things that can bring success, money, & the whole deal. However, the playing field is anything but balanced, and we all know this. If people were all legally forced, absolutely 100%, 2B rewarded precisely in ratio 2 their actual talents and skills in this life; I would believe in our legal system 100%, and jump on a soap box daily 2 praise it. Unfortunately, the great statement made by the Latengrate Mizz Dawn-Marie King is more true than peeps realize many times, when she said what she did about my own kid for example, back in early 2009; from Judge Frank Raso's home in Blue Berryville-Hammonton, NJUSAESMWG. Later as U all know, during his political campaign, Mister D.J. Trump used that blog and those words, almost word 4 word, 2 make his own point; substituting only the real estate variation in Manhattan, NYUSAESMWG of '5th Avenue', with his 'shooting someone story' that we all have heard many times now! Just a couple days back on my streaming news system, I heard the same report that many of U heard as well. This asshole sports figure of celebrity status was drunk, and driving recklessly in a drag race in a city, on a public street; and he killed at least one person; and GOT TOTALLY AWAY WITH IT. If I had done this, we all know that I WOULD HAVE BEEN PUT AWAY BEHIND BARS 4 THE REST OF MY MOTHER ******* LIFE!!!!!!!!!! I will always obey the law, I will always give total and proper respect 2 any and all enforcers of the law; but I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO RESPECT WHATSOEVER 4 OUR PRESENT CRIMINAL (CJS) JUSTICE SYSTEM, not one tiny wee whittle frikkin' lousy ass bit, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!

This very same legal system has permitted these snot eating diseased filthy stick licking slobs that I now call the 'Spammenies' to destroy MY ENTIRE LIFE, AND GET 100% TOTALLY AWAY WITH IT. They sit around drinking and laughing at me, jeering and mocking me with their powerful-people syndrome, that includes all those things that my Morianity lists throughout my 17+ year blogging project since early January of 2006; and I can go on and on but if I do I will get completely totally sick 2 my mother ******* stomach, YO BRAHHH!!!! They all know that this thing was done 2 me and it destroyed my entire life, with this ICPE-APE-TECH nightmare. And nobody cared one bit, nor will anyone. Then they use the world of the psych to point their satanic demonic judgmental fingers at me, and call me a looney-tune crazy nut-job crack-pot, with their mother ******* DSM PSYCH BOOK as a tool 2 endlessly back up their evil deeds from DOGTOWN!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW THAT, MISTER MACY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now remember good folks when I told U all about the television show called, “THE OUTER LIMITS”, the old and original 1960's shows, and not that 'remade junk of zero-talent' from 30 years later on? It began with the pilot episode with the radio station with the call letters of 'KXKVI' and the great 'Maxwell' family who owned the station out in California. The title of the show was “The Galaxy Being”. First, many HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE things in my 'FUTURE' were all a part of this television show, as many of U absolutely know; and I absolutely KNOW THAT U KNOW IT 2 FOLKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! First, those four DEMO TUNES done on April 30 and May 1, in the year of 1980; were done at a small little studio on the attic floor of a music store in Cherry Hill, NJUSAESMWG, called Russel's School of Music, on Beidamin Avenue, right across Highway #70 from the Garden State Racetrack; and (my computer just froze and acted up and got weird), right now, while I was typing that part of this story out onto this blog, at precisely 2:37 AM; and I am coming 2 believe now that between half past two and half past three in the moUUUUUUUrning, is some weird new time for the diseased frikkin' Spammenies 2 use their demonic trickery on me with these outlandish and bizarre cum-puke-her and utility HACKS ON ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay, it makes sense at least a little wee bit 2 the mother ******* Mountainpen now, as my MacAfee system is on and scanning, and this is always what causes these things. I LOVE IT WHEN **** HAS A RATIONAL HUMAN REALM EXPLANATION, GOOD FOLKS OUT THERE, YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!! SOOOOOOOOOOO Mister Art Crane Sir, from TCE back in 1992; a big fat bar buzzing, “WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE”, will now be a bit belatedly chimed out, from the one and only illustrious, Sir Chester-Frank! Okay, so the name of that little music studio was called MAXFIELD, and no, not MAXWELL, still; when something as gigantic as what happened 2 me in middle 1980 with those music demo tunes that were done in a place beginning with “MAX”, and then we compare it 2 that show, TOL, where this radio station that plays music as radio stations R there 2 do, and having the same first syllable name of “MAX”, well folks, pun intended yes; I don't turn a blind eye to any of those '1400 non-pressed vampire bats' from just southeast of the dog pound, especially when so much more is yet 2B told, and here it comes, great people out there: In this show titled, The Galaxy Being”, on the “TOL from the 1960's; the station was on a highway, number 601 as in Lenny McKinnon the 1980 record promoter of Philadelphia, and all glittering daughters everywhere, and then we have the frequency numbers, '1820' on the dial, as in a slight re-scrambling into the four great Mountainpen digits, 1-8-0-2, and matching the apartment number at Robin Hill where indeed, those 4-DEMO TUNES were recorded, after my just moving into that place; YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO-HE, ME' BREEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hey Cuzz-Don ole' boy, wanna' gimme' a 'BRAAAAAAAKE', SIR??????? Hey CUZZ, U have some HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE darn dog affinity with those digits 2, right??????????????? (88022), all that's missing is the BOTBAR-1 digit, and you're 2 dog-darn smart 2 incorporate that digit into it. Hey, I got your number, BROADCASTED BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

'WELLLLLLLLLLLLLL Mister Nixon Sir', maybe 'you're naught a crook', and maybe your saintly mother was looking down on U from the 'great-beyond' while U were there that last day of your presidency on the White House Lawn, and naught Pike, & with or without Julia, but then U did have IL-'daut-Julie'. Still, everything I say on these blogs is true, and U know this more than anyone reading this now from the Earth-Plane, don't U oh great kind sir? Peeps; this dude was naught a bad guy, and not even remotely as rotten as others today who wish 2 use his legacy as a platform 2 wipe out this nation forever. Talk about that fantastic 'outer-limits', and the great SAFET, when we indeed incorporate that into this entire mess from DOGTOWN. The episode following that pilot episode is the one with the imposter-president. How much SAFET do we need folks B4 we R able 2 ever properly awaken, and C the realities going on here? SAFET is so powerful that words fail me folks. What does blow my mind beyond any Thaxton-Marcucci-1969-MB (mind-blow) is simply thisssssss: It should B totally obvious 4 anyone out here 2 put at least enough of this incredible crapola together, so that U would tell other peeps about this blog, only U never do, and U seem 2 wish 2 keep it all 2 yourself. Hey I'm just guessing, as how can I know what is in your minds; oh Blogaudians? 4U2CYI am beyond 1969-TMMB here, is at least 4 me as obvious and self evident as it gets; only I've learned naught 2 ever try and know anything that I have no legitimate way 2 really B able 2 know, as it only leads 2 utter frustration and feelings of eventual anger and despair; and so I refuse 2 entertain that behavior ever again, as once; I did make a real habit out of doing thisssssss; oh lovely Mizz 1983 Luccisnakes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay folks, time 2 get into a few quick yet extremely powerful things. As we move ever onward in a time-illusion here on the Earth-Planet as human beings of some intelligent sentient thought-level, we C ourselves as ever increasingly a knowledgeable species in an overall averaged out way, despite less than a century ago that we did have Pacific island cannibals still existing in a few remote spots. And insisting on believing fully in this time-illusion, we absolutely do in fact believe that we R merely all getting smarter in some averaged out way, and yes, in our truth and at our human present thought level; this appears 2B quite accurate. Remember that all of this stuff out here in the 'post-big-bang' however is mass and energy, and that only in a matter world planet can humans, and our thoughts as we perceive them 2B, produce this illusion of an ever advancing race. This is truth when it is divided by the speed of light squared that is existing as sort of a mirror reflected image of what is in the Plancktime, or the 'timeless Purgatory', 'Pre-big-bang'. In the Purgatory, what we now would think of as this ever progressing knowledge and advancement of 'we the human beings here', would simply B a lot like a digital disc of dots everywhere. This of course is an endlessly under-exaggerated example, but it comes closest as I know possible 4 making my point here on this blog right now, as limited human being 'me' is now attempting 2 communicate with my fellow limited human beings, 'all of U'. These dots on a disc would work as a player unit with a laser beam shining on one dot at a time, whenever any particular thing is wished 2B connected into ourselves. So at C-squared or in the Plancktime (timeless-Purgatory), what we C here would B more like this, and yes, as humans advance, I can now go onto talk a wee bit more like this, and since the recent Oscar winning movie, I am now able thanks to the entertainment-industry, 2 make a lot of me' whittle pernts a lot better, sir Archibald Bunkerqueens! When reality of energetic truth is thus divided by constant-squared, as shown in Mister Giant-Brain Einstein's famous formula, we get the worlds and realms of matter and mass, such as Planet Earth in this cosmos, and soon 2 arrive, the homosapiens that go onto develop a self-aware or sentient nature, and then continue 2 advance even farther from there until and unless eventually stopped by the Civilization Advancement Prevention system that seemingly has been Lawtronically built into the entire thing by and from the Almighty '0-D (Singularity)', & 'Ultimate Force', (UF), [GOD] if U will. Yes, the movie does indeed, or at least its title as I have not seen the show, nor plan 2 do so; but the title does in fact imply the Plancktime, or Astral Plane (Purgatory), and the way it works there. When divided by C-SQ, we need 2 actually move physically, since things become physical from any interaction into another one, automatically connoting a time dimension as well, as the needed three dimensions for time 2 move in and through, known as width, and length, and depth. But accelerated into energetic truth through acceleration by C-SQ, and now we merely focus shift from one thing into another; as all of the dots R on the disc, think of it, ALL OF THEM, all possible combinations of all and any possible 'thing'. When this truth divides by C-SQ, it cannot B contained into just one 4-D reality or universe, so the entire thing fits into a fabric made out of five 4-D realities of matter as well as five 4-D realities of matter where electrons orbit their atoms in a reverse orbital direction, or antimatter. So these two fabrics eject out of the so-called 'big-bang' at numerous times by relative perception inside of the Plancktime, yet out here in the big-bang, 2 us, it is all one quick burst out of this first stage beyond singularity; or as Morianity named it a while back, S+. In other words, and all physicists will agree and merely would substitute their own more scientific nomenclature 4 it, this after Plancktime cosmos here where we all reside in, equals S+PT, or S+PT=5-DHS. The actual reason Y energy is slowly used up in Plancktime by Purgatites is simply a result of using up a finite amount of our energies on endless focus shifting from dot 2 dot, or virtually endless interactions. In the physical reality where things are hard world and material, we must actually respect the spaces and distances in-between these 'things' or dots of truth. Sometimes in my Morianity, I label them as 'SEDS', and this is simply shortened from Signal Energy Dots. Even my book, 'TPB', in a small, and somewhat-back-then-in 1994 more parochial way, made mention of these {SED's} upon one or two occasions if my memory is serving me at all correctly. Extra smarties out here will wonder now, Y would timeless Purgatory ever have the limitation of using up energy as they may B remembering some prior Morianity lessons on the 9-levels of energetic beings or Astral-Entities (Purgatites), and those with higher values (the gods), have more interacting ability there B4 needing 2 pop out into the 5th dimensional hyperspace 4 a recharge, so 2 speak. Humans and animal kingdoms below even that level, have the most recharging needs. It is sort of like comparing a tiny 9-volt transistor radio battery from 1966, to a car battery of 2023. They both do what they do, and one simply needs more charging and is able 2 perform less work B4 that recharging is needed. So work is translated as the focus shifting of a Purgatite, from dot to dot; and now 'thanx-2-that great new movie' with the Purgatory-named title, without even using the word; I am finally able 2 fully address all of this a wee bit more intelligently and advanced 4U all. And no sir Mister SpeLLchecker, 'naught U ALLBERRIES'!!!!!!!!!!!!! So WEEEEE!!!!!

Keep going, it all makes sense, IPYT!!!!!!!

The entire mess is and alwas was, about the great SARAH-STACEY JEHOVAH KARGE KRASSLE, and yes SS, IT ALWAYS WILL B; and this allows me 2 convert the real Purgatorial truths into our realm, where we need 2 live inside of a time dimension, where we have our mind converted into physical-brain interactions 2 this physical plane of material and caporial life existence, on this Earth-Planet. All of this connects directly into what I will now call, my days of “HIGHVIEW-2”, and meaning the second of my two stays in that residence, the mighty Highview Apartments, of Williamstown, NJUSAESMWG, along with the stuff that all went down while I was living there from spring time 1994, until late summer time of 1996. My only year living there that was in full at 'H-2', was good old 1995, which perfectly matched the great highway number of so much inconceivably powerful junk in my life. Yes the nationally famous road that is known 2 the drug cartel and illegal gun runner trade peeps, is often refered 2 as the iron-pipeline. I of course C that marvelous interstate as more of a magical road that leads 2 all sorts of intricate hyperdimensional locales, at least 4 me!!!!!!! Shall I move on now with the great SINGULARITY, who has placed an existence of ITSELF in the timeless purgatory's capitol city of the capitol province, known astrally as the city of Sarah Krassle, and converted mortally into the English language system as the words, Sahasra Dal Kanwal, creating HER life there, creating HER parents, HER mighty VIQUEENS, and so much more; and that most advanced soul travelers, and great Eckists, R either not permitted 2 dare discuss; or simply don't know about it all. When I was in my great search and quest in the middle nineteen-nineties 2 locate this msyterious girl from my boyhood times, in the worlds most famous playground, that is known as Atlantic City, NJUSAESMWG; things took off like a thousand star ships, with Crusher and Kazinski controlling the 'STM-helm'!!!!! Wanna' cut me a brake, Margie Leo?



Sunday, September 21, 2008

magic winds, slamming doors, and come-true-dreams


First off I will say simply this, when I left the death house in Somerdale, NJUSAESMWG, in the spring of the ‘98 year, I wrote a book called, “I Am Here and Surviving”. I could perhaps call these internet blogs the 21st century equivalent to this sitch from a decade and 2 seasons ago.

Karen, I called U and left a message as I do once per week minimum, now that I am still here and alive. I had wonderful ideas about a blog share and website share club and everyone, what else is new; treated me like skit and ignored me. Please C what U can find out and Google and get back 2 me. There has 2B an all ready existing ‘something’, although I know that my idea was better and a real legitimate money maker. My mother worked part time long ago for Esquire Magazine, and I came 2 learn first hand from her, that advertising and this business in general is probably the largest, or one of the top five 2B in, especially in an entrepreneur situation. The money would B a side benefit, the idea was the promotion of unknown persons blogs and websites. If a boring blog written by a celebrity is destined 2 get all the hits while an incredible blog such as mine, due 2 no name recognition on any significant scale, causes it 2 virtually get lost as a single star in the galaxy of internet chatter and gossip; some new thing needs B set up where many persons can judge 4 themselves, and learn where 2 go 2 find such non-ordinary chatters such as mine. There should B a rating scale. Not trying here 2 toot a horn, but please, what could Britney or Jessica, or any of them say that would stand up against the eternal importance of my family, and its 2000 year old curse, and my infinite existence or my awareness anyway, of it?

card counters will relate totally 2 what I now have 2 say here. If U marry a wild person with mood swings, and is extremely bi-polar 2 the point that even the quill and all other sike-meds have little significant value 4 normalizing and or stabilizing the patient’s condition, and let us now 4 sake of this example say that U-R like I am, into charting things, and U learn that this difficult dangerous spouse has on average 3 seriously bad days out of each ten, only it balances out after 50 or 100, and is not that simple 2 count 3 out of a 10 day period, subtract good days, and then know about how many more OK days R remaining B4 the next bout of 30% is due; but say that U eventually pretty much have it computed and can know when sort of a spell of good or bad times is just ahead. Now, U can know this as U have the problem, and have gone 2 great measures 2 calculate the formula, so that U can indeed start recognizing expectable mood patterns and behaviors, and thus B braced 4 them as well as being extra ready 2 deal with the situation; right B4 it just snaps up into your face, and catches U unprepared. Now compare yourself with say friends and family members of this difficult spouse of yours, that come to visit, B it occasionally or frequently. They walk into your home with no idea of anything except 4 the knowledge that indeed the person is difficult, and will upon occasion, snap and make everybody totally miserable, but there is no real way 2 know or predict the when’s. This ability is simply not available, hence, they simply take their chances, as they R playing so 2 speak a cosmic game here, within the grander scheme cosmic game that continuously surrounds and is integrally a part of all of us frail poor humans, as they choose 2 come over 4 a visit. But U on the other hand, R living in one long part of this cosmic game, and have the mathematics 2 it basically plotted out in a trustworthy statistical manner. This is what I was referring 2 regarding being able 2 cheat at gambling, by keeping track of all of the numbers say at roulette that ever come up 4U while UR at tables, and then reducing this 2 a formula where U indeed can with real honest trusted reliability, B able 2 return 2 a following game and know which 4 or 5 or so numbers out of the 38, that will have a much higher than the 38:1 chance for each coming out, as this would B your real odds if U were not charting and playing ONE-LONG-RUN-PLAY-GAME. All of life is no different. It all works this way, and as Gawky says, is totally Y the Gawnum works and exists, and is taught as a basic beginners course at the Teck-Bay Mystery School of the Province of Olympia on the Astral Plane.

Here is a little bit more about what mortals feel more comfortable with in wordage, the DREAM-CHANNEL. Maybe cable TV will get an idea here, as many ideas get used, and I do not really care; but I am not referring here 2 a television channel and having one dedicated to the research of dreams and dreaming, etcetera. What I am talking about is the way U remember what happens in non waking human world interactions that U use your PHYSICAL BODY in order 2 have, as opposed 2 your DREASM or starry or spiritual, or glorified, or phantom, or ghost, or ASTRAL body in order 2 have, Rose Shakespeare, UR wearing me out this moUrning!!!!!!! Ever since the inception of my ‘problem’ with ‘Otamm-MO’ in the middle nineteen eighties, should I have Major Astral Interactive Waking World Return Memories, I will shorten and abbreviate this 2 an abridged, [MAIWWRM], or we can more easily from now on refer to a pronunciation of a new Poor Richard-Russell word I will now create, called MAYWORM. I will B harping on mayworm so let us create this word now and then B done with it, but I will indeed from time 2 time remind people what MAYWORM is and means, not 2 worry, fret, sweat, or Congressman Greatvoice Whatever Andrews. Wow, tell me the Briggers and I do not have an astral world connection-BIG TIME, go ahead. Roseanne Cash sure knows it, she may not have understood it when she sang her 1981 song, but if she reads these Elmer-Bwogs, she sure does now. There is a very good explainable reason YI am so connected 2 the EW. Let us all go out and purchase a Hyundai, I mean really, DERR, DUHH!!!!!!!!! Back on the mayworm point, 4 now if permitted. So after my persecution nightmare started up upon returning from the 5 month interactive nightmare with Donna Summer in Harrah Sarah’s other Atlantic city, where do U think they got that idea, B real, come on? Aniwho, MC, MC, and all other non-MC’s, this was shortly after the August of 1986 nightmare, somehow heard on my power drained FBI, PK-TODD telephone by powerful Scott Ransom Disgruntled People, or [SRDP] as they will B future referenced 2 in another new abbrev, remember my hiding the bug in my car in the ‘88 year and the story where this Jersey licensed Real Estate broker told me the wild thing and not the sixties girl? So moving on MCANMC’s, this dream channel Billy Mahoney of the FLATLINERS MOVIE thing is very real, and they must have heard me and Dave Roth on the phone as we often discussed all of this and heard many an illegal click click tap tap. Since moving here, I lose dial tone and cannot make outgoing calls many times, as well as no one can make incoming calls 2 me nor leave any voicemail messages, and next week I am complaining 2 Verizon 4 the 3rd time, and if this problem does not get rectified, my letter will B off into the United states mail system 2 the PUC or Public Utilities Commission, I am very tired of 25 years or so of these continuous trucking utilities games, Gaines Callio Snotters.

When I went 2 JFK Airport in Queens New York, I felt a powerful force all around me a week ago Tuesday or 12 days back on 9/9/8. Today ends summer, thank the gods, and Goddess Scylla Jehovah Herself began my summer this year with a cosmic big bang, and wow has this been a lulu of a summer. Jesus Christ All Mighty. The power I felt was touched on blogs ago in earlier Morianity, and is called the Jessup Force. I feel it around Trenton and Princeton, and then anywhere near the borderline of Queens and LINY. A mentally challenged individual can CY. Wilson Jessup was talked about, and his family knew the great Carlos Allende or Carl Allen 4 short, and their relative was murdered by the Millionth Council. They put him in a mild trance with a hypnotic transmitter and told him 2 start up his car in his garage and lay in the seat and die, and he did, it is all in books only not explained as it is here, regarding the BERMUDA-TRIANGLE. I almost got raped by a giant employee that fell 4 me at the airport, she scared the hell out of me, but I will admit that she was a major beauty queen. I have no interest at all any more, my life is 2 serve the All Mighty, and then hopefully soon thereafter, 2B released from this awful prison that U all call life and love so dearly, 4 reasons that my mind is incapable of starting 2 fathom and conceive of. The drive in New York’s rush hour traffic was putrid and hell. I got through it, but when I got home, Mariah was with me all night long in my ‘dreams’, and I cannot blog details, she said if I do she will personally come over and kick my butt. She said this in the dreams, but so did Lottery-Cat say the winning number back in the autumn of the ‘80 year, and sure enough, the next day, out it came in a digit-box, just as Gawky said that it would, so I will shut up. Just this week, she also said that I would C her today. I woke up scared, and took Dawn Tuesday 2 Atlantic City, and on the way back she wanted 2 stop at the Pleasantville Rent-A-Center store, and no sooner were we in there, when the entire wall of large screen plasma televisions, filled the entire left side of the store room, with who else, while they all were tuned 2 some VH1 or MTV type of music channel, who else, as she said, “tomorrow U will C me, yes I sure did just as U said I would, beautiful Queen Mariah. I have a lot more 2 say. Motor Cycles and planes and noise is all over, not quite as bad as yesterday and Friday was bad but not as bad as Thursday. My blogging scares these murk coughs, and I have not even begun yet, not a small start, so just know that, and worry, ya damn slobs. You’ll all get yours, and it will B accomplished without my having 2 break any laws or ordinances.

End Transmission:

Posted by theansweristheqyuestion at 8:08 AM

Labels: ALIENS AND UFO SUPERNATURAL DREAMS MILLIONTH COUNCIL BERMUDA TRIANGLE, government persecution in leagu e with MILLIONTH COUNCIL. millionth council and bermuda ttriasngle

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CHEMTRAIL ATTACK has been very bad for a while now, causing lots of illness for me. They can hurt me anytime they want, this evil empire or WOMO-MILITUFORCE, and they know that they will get scott free away with it.

It is back on a roll again. I do not know when a lot of things really all started, as much of it became all intertwined with itself over a 25-45 year long period. 1983 was when they tried to off me with the mysterious glandular condition that I'll suffer with for the rest of my life, and I know well, that I'm not the only one in America, who is suffering with undiagnosed and totally unknown mysterious illnesses, sometimes referred to by the medical professionals, as idiopathic conditions. But if the chemtrails and the illnesses that result was all that was so totally outlandish and mysterious and unexplainable; that would in and of itself, be quite bad enough, but wait folks, oh no, there's a whole lot more stuff that is every bit as horrible and totally unknown, with no explanation even being close to the horizon of our collective understanding. Let's talk about it. The WOMO-MILITUFORCE went to painstaking and agonizing trouble for 8-10 months give or take, to do everything that it took; in order to prevent me from being able to post up the old song, that was remade from 1983; with the new 2012 song lyrics, onto the Youtube, called; “You'll Be Crossing Over”, onto my paulaking2011 channel. I tried for nearly a year, and it was not seemingly a possible feat for me to accomplish, something ten to twelve year old's think of as no more difficult a thing to do than getting on or off of their damn school buses each day, right Sat Sam Trinidad Wide-turn. The video-link even though nobody cares about ever going and hearing the song is as follows: I wonder if in the future, other means 2 shut me up with that song, will take place in a magical office in hyperspace somewhere, and owned by a dude called Mister Mowry, who also will own some LAKEFRONT PROPERTY, and run a boat rental business 2 boot, way up a decade in the future somewhere, all great balloon blimps and baseball-WS-wins???????????????????? "You'll Be Crossing Over"

© MARK WAYNE MOHR 1983-2012

So let us get into the topic of second mystery, and there are dozens, just pertaining to this one lousy rotten little techno-pop redone song from nearly 30 years ago now. Before I do get into this a little bit, all day chemtrails were there this week and weekend for the most part, stuffing up my fucking nose, causing throat irritation and inability to clear the throat completely, and general overall wheeziness and weakness.

My engineer, Ryan, will have this stuff down and off of the public arena forever by middle January when he gets his new movie project completed, so if you don't ever want to see how I took an old telephone conversation, and made a beautiful musical harmony track from it, electronically, then be that way, don't click and don't listen, go on missing things that are so wild and unexplainable, that it makes any ideas about ET, or ghosts popping into houses, and haunting them; pale in comparison, just as would a candle flame, five inches off of the surface of the sun. Still, the point of major mystery is as follows: If this evil force, the WOMO-MILI-2-FORCE all ready knew that I would be wasting my time since they can use so many numerous methods of stifling me and my ability to get any viewers whatsoever onto any of my Youtube postings, then why give me all that hassle that was preventing me from posting the stuff up there, in the first place? This is more of a paradox and irony than the famous 'time traveler shooting his own grandfather back in time' paradox, and you all know I speak the truth, whether you wish to deny it or not. That remains of course, always, your right to do, absurd as it may be. It is like denying that your four children are all dead from a horrible automobile accident. Hay it happened, get over it, YO, life goes on, Jack and Diane.

Here are some other mind twisting absurdities that seem to make up the forces that I deal with my entire life, built into them, intrinsically perhaps, I doubt it is any type of learned behavior, or even cult-programmed. Before getting specific, such as with this one example I've just listed, and the most recent struggle I've had, with the evil WOMO or (WORLD OWNERS-MILITARY-UFO-FORCE-ORGANIZED TRASH AGAINST MARK MOHR), AS THE 'M' STANDS FOR THE 'MILITUFORCE', AND THE 'O' STANDS FOR OTAMM; this is a continuous pattern, of their very bizarre behavior with me, over nearly 30 years of my dealings with this group of pure unholy twisted diseased combination of any and all possible waste products, imaginable. They act like they must stop me, yet all the while, they all ready know that if I do somehow do what I am trying to do; it won't matter anyway. Real Star Trek fans know what I mean, when I now compare this with the episode of the Crystalline Entity from the original show done after the movie, that went onto lead to the pilot series episode, changing its name from the original movie title, “THE CAGE”, to “THE MANAGERIE, PART ONE AND PART TWO”, with Captain Christopher Pike, the real captain before James T. Kirk. The team member who beamed down with the landing party to investigate, along with Captain Kirk and others, froze for a couple of seconds before firing a weapon at this entity, and later, it was absolutely determined that whether he had frozen or not, it would have made no difference at all to the resulting outcome, because this entity was able to dual exist 4th dimensionally, making it impervious to their fazer weaponry attack. In other words folks, it would never have mattered that I could not have posted this song, as 'THEY' just now use their other tools of MIND CONTROL AND THE ETTOS, or their (Electromagnetic Thought Transmission and Omission System). This is fully discussed in my 1994 book, written and copyrighted by me, in that year, called, “THE PERMISSION BARRIER”. Yes, this WOMO is indeed all powerful. They can stop me one way, or if I seemingly beat them at some little turn here or there, they merely pop up ahead of me on the new road, and they have that new road, and any other branches of it; already blocked off, with two trillion new cosmic sheriffs. Hell, even fucking Mizz Boniva Sally Fields and her fiery smokey bandit, wouldn't have a chance; so how am I ever supposed to? Tell me, go ahead. Yes they are cute and love their endless games of distraction, as just now while talking about crossroads of a sort, out of the blue, and for no discernable reason; the youtube video-link to the crossing-over song, popped right into the middle of that sentence. Oh W-----O-----W does this all impress me like a ton and a half of loose goose gross.

The Crime Stoppers people need to be informed, that James son, is illegally back here again. He came in this morning, hollering outside in the hallway, between their apartment and mine, like a dam ass maniac; and then he slammed out around 5:30 this morning. He is barred from coming here, and they all will be jailed when I sneak a surveillance bug someplace, snap a photo; and send it to the Crime Stoppers.

No, just because all of Morianity is over, MAYANS, my recording my life as a LIVE JOURNAL, WILL ONLY TERMINATE, WHEN ARNIE COMES BAHHCK AND HAS THE BALLS TO 'TCOB'. Until then, I will go on telling everything that is going on, it is only 'SAFE JOURNAL' that is now over; and all of this is a safe journal, hopefully anyway. Remember peeps, two words that should dispel any doubt whatsoever, you may have, that you truly have an ounce of real freedom in this new weird odor G-20 system of theirs; and those two words are, and always will be; Eminent Domain. Translation, we own it all, and you, you just rent and hope we continue extending our great high benevolence upon you, as if we should ever choose to stop; we will make it illegal for you to take another breath, and then you're totally screwed.

There are some really cool things I have heard lately on television. One is the newly made aired on the HISTORY TWO CHANNEL (H-2), with the so-called MAYAN-GEORGIA connection, and this supposedly goes down further south into Florida around the Okeechobee Lake where to this day, a large Spanish settlement is the dominant group of residents surrounding this lake area which is very large. I have a new respect for these MAYANS, as they seemed to know about me and MORIANITY, and they very accurately predicted stuff about ME, not the rest of the world; when it comes to ENDINGS. It was not the WORLD that ended back on JWSC-DAY-0, or 12-21-12, right? But it was MORIANITY that ENDED on that exact date, and believe what you want good and bad folks out here, I in no way planned any of this, and none of my blogs, and my life; is a plan or long type of a calculated advance series of moves master chess game, upped one level to REAL LIFE; which still is only a game of the gods, but who seems to care about any ODF the really powerful teachings of the Mountainpen, aniwho? HACKER CRACKER SCUM, I SAID OF, NOT ODF, DIRT BALLS, and wow your Mons were great in bed last night, yummy and so tight, a MILFER'S DREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So folks, whoever you are, and I no longer care; if you all ready knew that you were planning to beat me up outside school, and we were all ten years old again, why would you then send another group of bullies under your control and command, to try and stop me from getting to school? This can only prove that real motive does not exist at all, as far as what these enemies seemingly want or do not want for me in this life, but that only the thrill of the continuous wicked game that they force me to play with them, 24-7-365.2422, is the issue here, and nothing else whatsoever, and never was or will be. That is a powerful rap. Learning this as not head, but real true honest HEART knowledge, just today after waking up this afternoon from a quiet dreamless sleep; makes me really rethink a whole lot of stuff, and this one thing has come out of this afternoon of heavy meditation on all of this, so here it goes. Don't be standing, please, sit, and now read this. I don't need you to tell me you fell down from shock, and got a concussion, poor Hillary was enough, and I hope you are feeling better. You know now what it feels like to have your motives challenged when you know in your heart that you are a good and pure kind person, it really stinks, doesn't it, Misses Clinton. But moving on here, let me just get straight to it, without my building or laying any foundations, and wasting anyone's precious, and non-previous time; since altering the 'C' and the 'V' here, is just more of a waste, as we normal entities and non TYPE-3-EXPLORATRONS, have little to no control over previous time as do the T-3-E's. So without putting letters back where they do not belong, in 2012 or 1983, Dick Wolf, Donald Trump, and all you other nice lovelies of the EW (Entertainment World) AKA waking world or hyperspace equivalent, or doppelgangers of the ASTRAL-PLANE LAMBRIGGER CULT OF THE TECK BAY OF PROVINCE OLYMPIA, the point simply is that you would not, and nor would any normal gang of scum bag bullies anywhere. They would not make a plan to not let you get to school and bury you half naked in the ditch over on Shitcunt Street half way to school, and then simultaneously be waiting for you with another group of nasty ass toughs, at the school. Now some may argue that it is very strategic, you know, if plan A does not succeed, then this is merely a plan-B that is ready and waiting to kick in, which in the case of this example here, would be trying to stop the kid from ever getting to school, only he manages to overcome all obstacles, and get there; only to find that before he is half way through the school yard, more toughs are then set upon him to bust his nose and rearrange other feature facials, in a quicker, and not so painless way, as your plastic surgeon might do; and might need to do, after this day has all played out. This would equalize in my story with 2012 and my attempt at getting that stupid 'YOU'LL BE CROSSING OVER' song posted up to the internet. You know ladies and gentlemen, this is not to show you that I am a good engineer, all though I have great ideas and used to have so many terrific inventions, only now the tables turned, the dice flipped over, lady luck that shined on my ability to do technological things in the eighties, is now resting in peace, next to the copyrighted Queen Of Blue, somewhere in the Madam Mary Richard Karpf Cemetery, of magical NSA-AT&T switchboard operators. No wonder I am crossing over, only I think it was my kid giving me instructions to get someplace a long time ago, still, I got there, my memories are fully erased about all of it, and on top of that and speaking of cemeteries, even the mighty humanitarian and philanthropist, James Earl Carter, was forced to agree with me a few years later from when this tune was first written, that indeed, I AM DEAD, Doctor Dyer, and none of your great stuff, or yours either, wonderful Misses Dolores Cannon, will matter in the tiniest little bit, not now, and not ever, not for me; as I am all ready dead and gone, and living in eternal hell; and unlike a lot of you, I at least am totally aware of my surroundings. I do in fact know exactly where I am. Can you make that claim with power and authority, and would you; either under court oath, or if your life, and the lives of your loved ones, ever totally depended on it? You see, I would, because I can, because, I DO KNOW! Hay I am for all of you, and I don't wish any bad on a soul. If everyone was satisfied and happy, I would only be too dam happy for you all. If you are happier, then you are less likely to want to take me down or hurt me or mess with me in any one of a thousand ways, each and every day, along life's many multiplexed roads, and not just I-95, Grant Avenue, Academy Road, or the Hyperspace Ambulance Washington Highway. Now there was real power in that one, right Mister Krassle? Well, I do need to move to the next level, and stop talking to myself, as after-all; it could lead to doing it in elevators, and then, it is a small walk from there, to the sike ward, and Deezy Slim, and breakdowns with other great musicians. Wow what a powwow jam that was.

My mother told a story that totally connects all of the words spoken back in MORIANITY. Since Jewelly White is allowed a second calendar, after-all the world is still here; then I am allowed my MORIANITY-2. This takes us deeper into the third millennium, just where we all need to be. So I will be starting this M-2, just as someday, I will have my own website that is 10 times better than the one I had before, and guess what; it will contain all of the top things available to cutting edge technology. You know, streaming live A/V, blogs, slide-shows, videos, still photos, music, links by the thousands, drawings of where exactly I exist on the Astral Plane, and my existence there, with this god of yours who I know as Sarah-Stacey Jehovah Krassle. My mother's story will also be up there, but it will also be posted early into the opening blogs of MORIANITY-2. The name of the website that will not be owned by normal WOMO sources, will be MORIANITY-FOUNDATION-2. If that is taken, then 3, if that is take then 4, since beggars cannot be choosers. So folks, it is dinner time, and time for me to now chase the lion back into his den. There is much more to be told.

Whoever is hacking me on this machine is going 2B about the sorriest futhermucking person or group in the recorded history of homosapien civilization, and this is a perfectly legal statement since all of my counterstrikes R done completely LEEEEEEEGALLY, as CUZZ-DJT would say that so well back during his presidency times, and yes; my practice of religion is part of my totally legal MAGNESONIC SYSTEM, protected me under the great and awsome illustrious UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION, PTL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





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BUTTERCHEESE---BUTTTTTTTTT, big ass BUTT and but oh sir and associate-pal; it is Wednesdaty early evening at precisely 5:55 Post Meridian, a time that exists 730 times annually on three out of four years and 732 times on the 4th leap-years. It is a time that I absolutely love and cherish and it compensates 4 what that horrible evi witch Mizz Jane Notfondaherone weebit did 2 me back in the spring time of 1993 at the Atlanta Braves, GEORGIA-USA Baseball Park. A night that I am simply incapable of ever forgetting nor relegating it one small wee bit into a lower memory level with less intesnse hatred generated. Some things, and I didn't make this up oh sir, “R just simply naught forgivable”. What my mom and lovely Patty HHH did 2 me, would fall into that category as well, oh sir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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