Tuesday, February 19, 2019






19 FEBRUARY, 2019


Mark Wayne Mountainpen Huntington Mohr

© 2006-2019, BOM (Blogs Of Mountainpen)

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Jan 31, 2019 5:00 PM – Feb 7, 2019 4:00 PM **** Jan 31, 2019 5:00 PM – Feb 7, 2019 4:00 PM

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The temperature was only one degree shy of the big 90 all over the treasure coast of Florida-USA-ESMWG yesterday, Monday. The humidity was in the eighty range also, high, hot, sticky, and yikkie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ever since the last week or maybe two weeks of last year, 2018, I have had a very strange skin problem. For the most part it is on my forearms in the back. It is similar to poison ass oak or ivy, only it is not. It is not the Shingles virus either, according to my Primary Care Physician, Doctor JAR. He has given me some prescription cream that I will be applying to the situation, starting some time today. I always avoid doing anything that has any potential problem or unknown factors, when other important things are synchronized along with any existing potential problems. Today is my Public Housing Inspection here at the great and illustrious roach hotel of northeastern Fort Pierce, AKA the Park Terrace Building. In case the cream has some adverse allergic effects on me, I do not want it to screw up my ability to go through my inspection and re-certification, which is an annual occurrence here.

This won't be a long blog. I just want to open up a tiny foundation that will bring my soon to follow blogs into a readiness for my wonderful Blogaudians. It is the concept of the ESS which is not new by any means, but it will be further explored just a bit now, pertaining its connections, or possible connections that is, to my transdimensional daughter Patty-Paula Junior (PEE). If Morianity is correct in its theories and concepts, then it has been PEE all along who is going into all of the persons who these blogs have discussed various interactions with, both on waking as well as non-waking levels. As you know, the Mountainpen is not a big respecter of whether or not it happens while awake or while asleep, due to my total belief in the virtually limitless parallel universes being accessed by humans having dreams, just as in similar manner, they experience waking life while connected to the sensory systems of waking conscious worldly life, and those being hearing, seeing, tasting, smelling, and the largest of them all, FEELING.

Think about it like this, great folks. Does it make a whole lot of sense, or just maybe a lot more sense, than seeing the crap in my 64.2 years of life here in present MWM persona, in ways that are now acceptable by the sociological norms, verses my rationalizations and explanations? To this day, the psychiatric industry insists that brain is nothing more than something that exists here inside of this three dimensional world of physicality. Fine, I am not going to argue with the goddamn experts. But here is a punch in the groin that they don't like thrown at them to challenge their rigid insistence to their staunch belief systems. Why can't the computer industry create intelligence then, if real intelligence comes from THIS WORLD HERE, and not truly from an external source beyond our three dimensionality? They themselves say it folks, I didn't make up the words. “Artificial intelligence”. Translation, not real intelligence because THIS CANNOT BE CREATED here in 3-D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just be a tiny wee bit open minded here peeps, and read this a few times, and let it sink in, and even dare to share. Any legitimate challenge or comment is accepted and welcomed by the Mountainpen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes folks, the ESS is real, and it is all a part of why we all need to sleep AND DREAM every cycle of planetary revolution. Disrupt this, and it causes major health problems, both physical as well as mental/psychological. Ask any health care pro if I am making that up, go ahead. I triple dog dare anyone from the land of leg-lamp Christmas heavens, and ho-ho-ho, as Santa's foot kicks the kid down the pole!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It just makes total sense, and since I have had an entire lifetime to dwell on all of this junk, as well as a major personal motive in attempting to make some real sense out of otherwise totally jumbled up randoms and insanity; it merely stands to reason that I would eventually at least come up with something that closely resembles an explanation to all of the otherwise outlandish and completely non understandable events and situations that have surrounded me since the time I was born here as MWM. It explains why Patty, Paula, and Merry have all done so many otherwise irrational things to me, for so long now. Trying to explain it all in any other way outside of the ESS (EXPLORATRONIC SUPERMIND SOCIETY), is the real true proof of insanity, IMHO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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