Thursday, May 2, 2024



L30B; THE NEXT BLOG AND SUBTITLED; The Rise and Fall of My Attempts 2 Battle the Greatest Cults Ever Since the Roman Empire, as Well as Christianity, in so Far as Being Established Orders of This 'Physical-Plane Earth-Planet'

9 of the clock on Wednesday night, 1 May, 2024

I may post this when I am through, or I may wait 4 later on, 4 complex reasons involving my life charts and my MP4B days, as something that may or may not go down, Mister Sivo, is very dependent on several powerhouse things with me, and that is all I am saying; but don't B all that dang surprised if this does naught post up until daybreak tomorrow or later.

MSTS Shown Below 4 Most Current Week-Graph:



Week ending at 4 PM, Tuesday afternoon: 05-07-24

I took a lot of NOISE AND AIR SIEGE TODAY, and some small HEALTH SIEGE ALSO, that may or may naught get worse later on, and this is all Y-I need 2 wait 4 later, in order 2 properly tell many powerful god dang things 2-U all. Don't try crawling into the full mechanics behind this, and I shall not B revealing it, as it just is not germane 2 the present dang glass issues, me' good folks.

      Photos of the Day


WEDNESDAY, MAY 1, 2024---JWSC-WED-12-134







All U need 2 know peeps, is that the time is naught anywhere near 2 being around nine last night, and it is now a couple minutes shy of 5 the following moUUUUUUUUrning, YO. I was struck super hard with a major HAVANA DEATH BEAM ASSAULT ON ME' BOWELS FROM THE WOMO-SPACEFORCE back late yesterday following the sun going down and having me' non-Betty Davis 'din-din', & without her plate-roaches, hopefully. The persecution yesterday was the motor cycle dirt hole neighborhood-enemy WSMT dirtbag, who rode past me on numerous occasions thunderously loud, and will B complained about when I pay me' goddessdog MAY-RENT in a couple of days, 2 me' awesome cool landlord dude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aerial harassment has been an ongoing deal mostly with small Cessna and Piper type planes, and a few occasional jet trails, and yesterday that same stalking TIME-PLANE as I call it, from the WOMO-SPACEFORCE-SPAMMENIES was there, and right on perfect beach-hippies from 1969 scheduled-target, YO Mister and Misses 'M', of Cooley-Hogwarts Hall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also, my medical agent was here, and got me started with me' new insurance peeps, the great FREEDOM, and very name appropriate 4 the Mountainpen, the original all out freedom fighter, only, 100 percent, and quoting me' distant cousin here, always absolutely done perfectly 'LEEEGALLY'. The pun is in the irony of HIM saying that, huh there all great prosecutors of the world??????????? Air persecution has been bad 4 quite some time now, along with noise hellishness, prompting me 2 play those 5 roulette numbers of '3-23-27-0-00'. I made a total fortune B-4 beginning me' blog last night, that was not posted because I was suddenly made beyond super sleepy tired, and did not sleep long nor well the night shy of today; transitioning me a wee tad bit slightly negatively from April into May, but hey YO world, WEIN-SOSO????????? (What else is new, same old same old?) As 4 the bit about what Mister Mechanic Meet told me, the last time that we spoke back there in late April, & concerning differentiating the supernatural, with the high-tech stuff that is all a part of modern day alpha-soup shadow government agency systems, that do in deed harass citizens that R placed on their lists 4 various reasons, according 2 Security Officer Arthur Crane, and dating back from me' early 1990's Thompson Consumer Electronics job, that used 2-B the old Radio Corporation of America Plant, up in West Deptford, in NO-JOY-ZEE-USA; so here is what he told me, translated into the language of Mountainpen's Morianity, of course, good peeps!!!

This all perfectly dovetails into things discussed with Mister David Roth, Mister Arthur Crane, Mister (oh-Jim-Jim, Y Jimmy Y, Y-Y-Y) James Burr, as well as, believe it or naught, several others that have never been so much as mentioned at all on any of the Mountainpen's blogging works of the past nearly 8 and a half years of time now. The difference is one large part that never was realized, and that is, the Y behind not 'Jim-Jim-Jimmy', but rather, the Y behind the formation of these shadow government systems, following the ending of the greatest war that this planet has ever known of, in all of recorded present and post ten-millennia history, and this being, WWll. Now he told me all about the birth of modern day paranoia on a psychiatric clinical level and beyond, that is all owned and completely part of the what is called the GRAND OLD PARTY and what I call, the Garbage-On-Puke, and either way has been shortened by media press peeps, as simply, and U have all heard it said over and over again, the 'GOP'. There R so many lies all spread around, that the real honest 2 the gods truths can never ever B known, but this dude at least IMHO folks, has a true handle on major junk, that yes world, absolutely does indeed perfectly and totally correspond 2 the woe-whiz-me issues and hells of me' entire life now, and especially since post middle August of 1986 times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Way back B-4 the great Revolutionary War was ever fought with battle #1, this all was here, and this all was very real, and it literally mirror reflects my entire nightmare shkituation of post 1986, as well as stuff I had innately begun 2-C and realize 4 me'self back in early-middle 1983 and attempted 2 reveal 2 Mister James Tiberius Burr, and was unsuccessful 2 say the vely least, Mister Bob 1972 Cooley-Hall MCDOWELL, & later 2-B Chairman of the great FCC!!!!!!!!!!! My hackers love 2 endlessly take words such as 'bob' and 'burr', and despite hitting my shift-key, it remains a 'small', and is incorrect that way, (a typo) in other words, or as I would say, A-MAJOR-ENDLESS-ANNOYING-HACK-JOB, FROM SOME WHACK-JOB that needs 2 get a goddessdog scum sucking life 4 crissake and crying out loudly!!!!!!!! GET A LIFE, U stinking rotten mother eating miserable total glass slobs, willya dudes and duddesses, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW, I must B so goddessdang important 2 these pitiful slobs, that all they have in their little orbits is me 2 endlessly frucking flag around with, huh L30B, YO???????? U-C, things can bob around, and when chilly, we all say burr it is so dang cold, and so these words R accepted 'smalls', yet when I try and capitalize a proper-name such as JIM 'BURR' or 'BOB' ANDREWS, and etcetera; they can derive endless cheap thrills out of persecuting peeps on their 'Nixon-enemies-GOP' LISTS, such as Mister Mark Mohr and Mizz Anita Hill, and many others out there as well; and IPYT me' great awesome folks. But let me wrap up me' foundation-opener today with the talk between MMM and myself a week or so ago now, concerning high tech verses the 'supernatural'.

It ain't real rocket science complicated, let me right off the swinging bat, tell U all THAT!!!! Kings and royals have always been a part, and this also includes our entire present times evolved GOP system and group, of this other or outer worldly connectiveness, and is where the entire bible and religions all come from. It is real, it is there, and it is inside of where this entire deal that we now call our cosmos and our universe, all sprung from or popped out of. It is pure illusion that there was one big bang, and it all is here, the entire 5th dimensional hyperspace that is, because as astral entities use up their energetic values through interactions, they need 2 sort of 'recharge', and popping out here, is in fact, doing just that. Some kings and royals and some top world power governing forces know the truth, and about all of this, and refuse 2 share it with the general dang population, (gen-pop), 4 the Bobby Goren Club of the great 'L&O', Criminal intent, TV-show. The UFO/ALIEN/SAUCER/Ancient Astronaut Theorists 'A-A-C' peeps, all know that things R not being shared, nor told 2 the gen-pop; Mister Goren, SIR! Simple as THAT, only is it simple, since when we don't know, we DON'T KNOW, and so many wish 2 freaking dang glass know. That 2 me, is beyond a pitiful situation, folks!!!!!!!!! In my opinion, LIGHTNING shared with HER 'Little boy' (ME), many things since 1983, while here and so-called, 'physically alive', YO world. I also contend and fully believe that not one king or royal or government secret agency has as much total truth 2 the ASTRAL PLANE REALITY, as do I. This is not being said 2 tick off the great VERIZON CARRIER PEEPS, it is no brag, it is just plain hard facts and TRUTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Simplllleeee as THAT!!!!!!!

This is merely a foundational opener blog. Just as I felt compelled suddenly 2 get a lot of the COOLEY HALL stuff off of me' chest, and tie in the family of the great astral plane PINK GODDESS with it all, as I know that SHE is all tied into it, and have no doubts about this whatsoever, peeps of the EARTH-PLANET, YO!!!!!!! Now I need 2 discuss these truths a wee tad bit more, and so I now have opened up where this will all B leading up into, and the more this death persecution from mighty wicked Apollo Lucifer Diabolis Krassle keeps up relentlessly against me 'day after day after Dennis Weaver electric chair twilight zone day', then the more I shall B expanding upon this topic with U all, oh world, and believe me, saying that this will all B a major doozie-whopper here, isn't saying SQUAT on RYE BREAD; and yes, IPYT, lovely MUSCLES-MO, and U may tell lovely Mizz Letty-T, that I said so, along with, 'HEY-GIRL'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She absolutely insisted that I do that in my car that day in middle autumn 2009. I can only hazard a guess as 2 just what is behind so much of this entire nightmare, huh there pink daughter????? WOW-WOW-WOW-WOW-WOW-WOW-WOW-WOW-WOW-WOW-WOW-WOW-WOW-WOW-WOW-WOW-WOW-WOW-WOW-WOW-WOW-WOW-WOW-WOW-WOW-WOW-WOW-WOW-WOW-WOW-WOW-WOW-WOW-WOW-WOW-WOW-WOW-WOW-WOW-WOW.

SO YES, THE OPERATIVE PHRASE 4 ANSWERING ANY QUERIES INTO JUST Y, IF I KNOW SO MANY THINGS, I CANNOT CREATE SOME UTOPIAN REALITY 4 MYSELF, BY CREATING THIS IN THE ENERGY ETHER's, AND SINCE I KNOW SO MUCH ABOUT TOSE AND HOW 2 MINIMIZE THE WRONG EFFECTS WITH TOSE, THEN Y NOT MAKE THIS CHANGE; AND THE ANSWER IS SO DERN SIMPLE THAT I JUST HAD 2 CAPITALIZE THE ENTIRE SENTENCE HERE. YES, I AM SHOUTING!!!!!! The operative word of Y is that I am under a 3,000 year old family curse known as the HUNTINGTON CURSE, 4 crying out louder than thunder on steroids!!! So the exact same thing bringing me this incredible wisdom and knowledge YO, is also likewise causing me 2 naught B able 2 seemingly use it, at least so far naught all that dern glass successfully, YO!!!!! WOW-THAT, Sir Newton, oh great awesome sir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Worthless and rotten clucking Spellchecker will naught seemingly show me the correct spelling 4 the great Mister Physics-Man this time unlike the other day on a very recent prior writing 'DJE', so I must just call him Mister Newton. The power of this discovery by the one and only Mister Newton is beyond surreal and amazing, as it is one of those life-situations, & no homes needed here; where the total simplicity of the discovery causes it 2 seemingly B-Y it goes over everybody's dern glass head 4 so many centuries, until finally and dern eventually, some real true genius gets hit on the head by the magic apple, or whatever the silly story goes with it there, YO!!!!!!!!! Chime in 4 me now, despite this only being a DJE, huh ole' school-mate Mister Mike MCNY? “AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA!!!!!!!!!! Still, and not being a greedy or mean spirited person by nature, or at least less than the average red blooded male alpha or not; this is Y-I am sharing my wisdom, 4 those who R able 2 use it a lot better than me, or at least maybe, someday will B able 2. C just how non-mean I am, oh world of the dern glass future, YO YO YO YO YO YO??????????????????

Now just as I said on a recent writing about no human being able 2 write any music that is original in any way, even a thousand years ago when the great masters of classical music had not yet written their awesome works and number pieces as some would say; this is only absolutely powerful truth, and it may seem that we R writing stuff, but we in fact R just the chosen puppets of the great ASTRAL REALM PUPPETEERS. Does anyone in this miserable world believe that MUSIC or vibration when properly calibrated in perfect sectional divisions, (musically making sense) 2 put it in another manner; is the only thing that human physical caporial beings of this Earth-Planet cannot ever truly create? If U chose the YES answer 2 that one, U-R as off base as every single in motion baseball player, in the entire major and minor leagues. We R unable 2 make up ANYTHING WHATSOEVER, and again, it is illusion that is telling us that it is really us who R indeed creating anything. We R endlessly just the puppets of the controlling puppeteers but what does scripture say about this very thing, and how does the illusion mess up our ability 2 really understand what it is trying 2 let us know and understand on some human level of our awareness? Now pressing yet still further on here, we come 2 OUR DAYDREAMS. Our so-called wants or desires, our goals and needs; and all of that nice sometimes and yet sometimes sordid junk. I promise anyone in the world that we can sit in a chair and fantasize about anything whatsoever without one limit at all, and yet, we R not creating this fantasy and merely R tuning into this reality from 'somewhere' that is existing in the energetic state. Nothing first comes here or exists physically, and Mark Wayne Mohr is not saying that, OUR BIBLES AND JESUS CHRIST SAYS THIS, only most peeps R beyond darn clueless when it comes 2 taking that major amazing book and turning the entire thing into a step by step absolute peering eye into our human reality when all masks R forcibly removed and all punches and holds R once and 4 all not ever pulled, nor stopped; and complete absolute total reality is permitted 2 shine into the real beings whom we R, even while trapped inside of our physical shells (bodies) and R considered 2-B human beings. So when any of us after 1960, goes on their hippie tripping experiences 2 attempt 2 connect-into the cosmic-consciousness (C-C), we R using that 2-word phrase here of, 'CONNECTING INTO' in a truth, that goes beyond our ability 4 the most part in normal circumstances and situations, of realizing this powerful beyond reality. WE CONNECT INTO, or better said in this new high-tech age of computers and so forth, we R PLUGGING INTO the real or true source, or simply and even better said in words, source is truth and we R plugging into it. We R never trying 2 create it out of whole cloth, would B my simple powerful tale here, and many peeps in the artistic world may wish 2 fight with me as it diminishes their importance in the grand scheme of it all a wee tad bit yes, but still, it is the simple reality, and nobody is able 2 argue REALITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not even my mom's famous HEAD-GAMES can do it, and if they could, perhaps then I would have tried and played some of them with her, YO!!! So once we then go onto totally C or better said, 2 completely realize this truth, alien as it may B-4 some peeps 2 do at least 4 a while once hearing of this; but once fully accepted and or integrated into us on a more consciously aware level of our thought-mind system, then and only then, can we plug into our desired trips that successfully go onto cause events 2 move and shake back in our physical realities, thus in a joking way, using those words as we all have heard of the society's most influential peeps long B-4 we ever had S-M or S-M influencer's, or 'SMI', and we called peeps B-4 the present modern times SMI, the movers & shakers. That term was used very frequently back in the final decade of the previous 20th century and 2nd millennium. A lot more is still there 2-B told, and how all of this fits totally together, YO!

Mark Wayne Mountainpen Huntington Mohr

© 2006-2023, 'BOM' (Blogs Of Mountainpen)



3 NOVEMBER, 2023










I KNOW THAT PEEPS R NOT DUMB, DESPITE MANY TIMES PRETENDING 2-B, AT LEAST WITH ME AND IN MY CASE, WITH JUNK THAT PERTAINS 2 MY LIFE, AND LIFE'S STORY. Still, my dad said it all, “Son, U can't fight City Hall”, and I do not need 2-B part of the Mister 'L&O' fictional-Tabastian water meter reader, or wrongly billed New York City family, in order 2 know and believe this truism. That episode brings up lots of bad memories of what this new age Uncle Sam is capable of doing with peeps, such as with me, and unlike with the fictional television show, coming in 2 my residence with a foreign intelligence surveillance no-knock warrant, and breaking all of my electronic machines. Of course being on disability back when that happened 2 me while at my job overnight in Pennsylvania, they only were hurting themselves, as my stuff was paid by THEM, with THEIR $ and on THEIR DANG DIME, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! “But still”, Detective Lenny Briscoe Sir, what was done 2 me by them is the issue, naught whose dime was being effected. Bad enough they broke in and searched but 2 break my stuff, every single machine that had a headphone jack so that I could no longer play tapes through the phone using a pair of headphones; President Biden, oh wonderful and honorable sir, if that was not a complete violation of the civil and constitutional rights of a completely 'LEEEEEEEEEEGAL' United States citizen, ME, then oh sir; please advise me what then WOULD B, YO???????????????? Like hyper WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The FEDS did this 2 me back in 2003 somewhere, and I will swear 2 this in any court under total legal oath sir, any time anyone wishes 4 me 2 do so, oh wonderful Mister President, SIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Even B-4 the digital age, they have a way in their FEDS agencies, which one I can only surmise from speaking in 1992 with a Mister Art Crane at my TCE security job, the great almighty NSA; but it could just as easily B the illustrious once Hoover controlled FBI, but in any case, do they really have a right 2 enter my place and wreck and destroy my personal privacy, under a secret warrant, I don't think so sir, and I don't think that U think so either, great kind awesome sir, Mister Biden!!!!!!!!!! But they not only do this, but they constantly interfere with my communications systems, and my ability 2 communicate with my legally paid 4 phone service with the automatic machines that all of us need 2 use 4 paying our bills or setting things up, and so on. I speak of those systems that tell us 2 press this number 2 do this or that, that number 4 English, and that number 4 such an such a department, and so on. This happened 2 me just back on Wednesday afternoon while I was trying 2 interact with the auto-machine system at my Humana system that will remain my Medicare Advantage Health Plan until Donna Summer's birthday is over this year, on 12-31-2023. How it is done is not known 2 me but whether it is in the present digital age or back in the analogue times, they have a way of blocking the sound of a pressed number even though I am hearing it, from being heard by the auto system on their end of the phone call. There is nothing more annoying than the endlessness of suffering frucking through this particular death siege persecution all of these decades now since the middle god burn 1980's. Nothing god burn whatsoever, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just past 4 AM on Saturday morning, November 4, 2023

My long ago habit from centuries back now, and speaking fifth dimensionally of course, of seeing all things in human life as important dots that all interweave into the whole of our life, and thus cannot B ever completely wasted without an exuberant cost 2 us being there 2 stare us in the face; also is all wrapped up in what my previous few DJE's have been talking about. The smallest things 'going down' around us, 'Mister 1980 Sivo', may appear 2 us as just that, small, insignificant, totally or almost completely meaningless, only R they? In fact, this is how the TOSE all operates in a 5th dimensional system, only taking tiny parts of stuff so 2 speak, and then rather than commingling them into just a 3-D reality, it does it in a full FIVE-D. No average person can even seriously grasp what is being said here, most seeing these words as the product of a deranged and violently insane person, such as one lady in particular who writes junk on the internet about peeps she refers 2 or did once, 'crazy cursing dudes', and with me being amongst her harshly judged grouping. This can B viewed by anyone any time so long as the page is not removed, by going 2 Mister GOOGLE and simply typing in these following four words of: “CRACKPOTS FROM NEW JERSEY”. Today's awesome high-tech permits anyone from having 2 even type out that short word grouping, but rather highlighting it, hitting their control-C key, and then going 2 Google and pasting it in, and PADDOW, 2 quote that awesome great sir, Jesse Ed Green Martin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hey, speaking of positives out of a day, on or off of the 5th of October from 15 years ago; at least he doesn't use the 'O'; letter, following his root-word surname, YO BRAHHHHHHHH; last chance or naught!!!!!!


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