Friday, February 28, 2020



Morianity Bible For Millenium Three:

Friday, June 30, 2006

Chapter 15 Playing My Last Trump Card, Mister Donald

Thursday, May 25, 2006 Chapter 15 Playing My Last Trump Card, Mister Donald

No genius needed to understand my spin on parallel event, it is just that no one will believe me about how it's being used against me. If one person would take it seriously, and help me, the reward for the person would be unlimited, and I have nothing tangible to give you, u would be in a powerful position all by yourself. You could bet the teams playing against the FLYERS, you could bet the PHILLIES, and you could short sell the DOW FUTURES with a 2000 dollar account u could open with e-trade. Oh yea, then why don't u do it backwards, I can hear lots of people yelling? Answer, IT WON'T WORK FOR ME NO MATTER WHAT I DO, THAT IS BESIDES THE ISSUE FOR NOW, BUT IT WOULD WORK FOR ANYONE THAT HELPS ME IN A MAJOR WAY. They know I am here, computer hacking is started. Also I have many annoying things at library going on that usually are not this bad, THEY KNOW WHAT I AM ABOUT TO OFFER TO ANYONE WITH REAL BALLS ENOUGH TO TAKE ME UP ON THE DARE: Wanna hundred million bucks, want to never age or die and stay stuck in this lovely dream you love so much, I can give all of this to anyone that will give me the internet exposure I need, to get my message out. I thought it would be easy, get a blog, people read it, boom. Believe that and I guess they can sell me the Brooklyn Bridge, and another 182 repeated life failures as Michael Mountainpen. I need a HACKER OR COMPUTER GENIOUS, TO SHOW ME OR JUST DO IT. If million see my nightmare of PARALLEL EVENT, those smart enough to do this for me, will be smart enough to forever know the new direction of the Dow Jones, the Flyers, and the Phillies. You won't need me, you can work this with or without me, but I will gladly work with anyone. I cannot pay you a dime, I have only what I know to be ABSOLUTE TRUTHS,and these truths can be cashed in on, or if you want other things such as eternal existence in this rotten world, no sweat. I will gladly show you how to get to hell, though you in your lack of enlightenment, will see it as heaven. You can see this as a giant con job, but what really do u have to lose? I do not want any earthly thing from u. just help on getting my message to the world exposed. If I am just crazy, what have u really lost? A bum in an alley box can claim that for 'coffee' money, he or she will say a magic chant over you while you chew on a piece of magic licorice, but now you risk the 5 bucks to the con artist, with me I ask nothing, just help me get the message out, what can it hurt, if it is all just crazy nutty junk, who will it hurt? But on the other hand, if I am right, you take my place in hell so to speak, if life here is what you are after, in one long endless sequence of dreams, fine, have it, I will gladly tell u enough so that U yourself can give it to yourself, but may the gods help you, don't come back yelling at me. If it is money, a direct knowledge of how 3 things will endlessly move in a major preponderance is one hell of a way to make the bookie hate your guts. Soon, Atlantic City will allow these bets legally, and you'll have no trouble getting every bit as rich as Mr. college-boy-Trump. As for selling short on 30 industrial stocks, I would highly recommend contracts of the Dow average futures, much more efficient and less messy, lots more money can be endlessly made. And all I ask is for someone to e-mail me and say that they can use their computer wizardry to gain me world-wide notoriety, and let me expose how parallel event is real and being used to make my life and endless nightmare hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My e-mail is Now the reason they want you to think that Phillies have an on the road curse, is a distraction, and it has nothing to do with reality. They blew my bowels apart and harassed me with filthy loud-ass motorcycles till 3 am the other night, till finally in the 16th inning, we buckled, both my poor banged up body and my poor little ball team. Till someone listens to me and helps me, Phillies are sunk, and Dow will go up, up, up, like a filthy fart balloon. Now in closing my blog, let me tell u just a speck about what happened to me in1969, 4 years after first seeing the great Sarah-Krassle, in her human form, in ACNJ: I fell asleep one night, by the way u see things in a 'forward mortal' direction, and the next thing that I was aware of, was walking along the beaches of an older Atlantic City, with a strange and powerful chain around my neck. This was no ordinary chain, almost as thick as a motorcycle chain, with strange unidentifiable 'things' on it, like nothing seen or could be described on earth. Sarah, demanded it, and took it away from me forcibly, she has the strength a quintillion normal teenage girls. I later witnessed seeing her lift an ocean liner like the queen Mary, and fly it through the air, along the coastal waters of Sahasra Dal Kanwal, the great city in which she and her parents,Mr. and Mrs. Krassle, reside as PHASE 2 BEINGS. All the gods in Olympia pretend to be so strong and great, but deep down, they know that upline in an entire multiverse in which this girl lives as a regular normal girl, Sarah Krassle, she thought about her younger days at the shore, and me, and other things, and created, as we all do, all along the endless looping sixth dimension, a downlined reality, an entire multiverse, which is in fact, HER THOUGHT. We do it, and those above her do it, it is just the 6th dimension, and it loops around with no start nor stop, under the control of the higher dimension above that called LAWTRONICS. Back to the 'dream' she gave me with the chain. She can come into her thought as many other of her thoughts, just as we all can, and did so with me, giving me this dream interaction. No possible explanation other than what I am giving could ever hope to explain what I will now impart to you. She told me she needs this special chain for her great city and that was going to send me to another place and when I got there, I would no longer have my chain. Much more of course is involved in all this, but I must abridge, as I do not own this computer. Upon awakening, laughing at this 'silly dream', just for fun I opened a locked strong-box I had in my apartment closet, to be sure it was really 'JUST A DREAM' as we love to tell our frightened children upon their awakening from nightmares of monsters and demons. HAH! Chain was GONE,MY MORIANS, AND NOT A DAY HAS PASSED SINCE EARLY 12/69, THAT I DON'T THINK OF THIS, AND GET THE CHICKEN-CHILLS running up and down the side of my ass-hole. In mortal life, I confronted her 'human-form' brother. My mother and I were terroristically threatened at a Turnersville, NJ shopping center afterwords, and so much more happened, but oh-oh, guess what, the library skedaddle elbow strikes again.
posted by theansweristheqyuestion at 11:02 AM

Morianity Bible For Millenium Three:

Monday, July 03, 2006

Chapter 22 Celine Dion's Power Of Rip Off Power

I DO NOT CARE WHAT time blog page says, here in my world in Hammond, new jersey, it is 6:55 PM, and 40 minutes ago, ATLANTIC CITY ELECTRIC COMPANY, for reasons only they know, killed my friggin electricity, and just as i typed the word electricity, another computer hack, had to click into box and start re typing for no reason, this is all to kill my PHILADELPHIA FILLIES BASEBALL TEAM, A BIG CHEATING ICPE, USING PARALLEL EVENT TO WRECK MY LIFE, IT NEVER EVER STOPS, yes I do not know about power of love, but they love to use UTILITY HARASSMENT AGAINST ME, ALL THIS CRAP THEY DO, it is all been going on since my GODS DAMN BILLY MAHONEY HELL STARTED. IT N E V E R FRIGGIN STOPS, YOU CANNOT ESCAPE IT, AND IF SUICIDE WOULD WORK, I WOULD DO IT.
posted by theansweristheqyuestion at 11:12 AM




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