Friday, January 31, 2020

Fixing Recent Redactions


When I make any kind of a move at all, it always is worse than if I had done nothing, and this is why I try and do as close to nothing as possible, any more. It seems like one rotten life, and believe me it is. But it can always be worse, and to make it that way all I ever need do is 'anything'. Things do not always show up and so my words look stupid. Take Jupiter Inlet for example. There was an unpleasant thing that happened there today and it made the news. But looking at the Jupiter-Cam, all looks so peaceful and nice. You see it and think, wow, look at all these happy rich people all over the place. But just as the Earth appears flat and the sun seems to go around us, we all know these are nothing but false illusions, and that what appears all around us is many times, one hell of a parlor trick illusion.

This is why I don't waste blog time for the most part, of getting into most of the day to day stupid news, both local and global. It's also why I gave up trying to explain a lot of things any more to anyone. If I could make it 1995 again, and be able to know this entire future consciously, and then make a conscious willed effort to never try to find Sarah, never do any of th e things that were related to that search, and all of the shit that went along with this nightmare; I cannot begin imagining just how different my life today in 2015, and over the past 20 years, would have been, and now would be. It would be beyond huge, and that much I do know. A force bigger than a skyscraper falling down on you, started all of this back then. I suddenly was obsessed with finding this Sarah character. Only it seems that she never really was there, yet I know that she was. Was she another Quakertown Park kid, that only I could see and hear? If that is so, how were the people in that car that day on 30 May of 1969, able to hear her tell them that their 'friends were in the shop'. To this day, Estelle Bassler insists there was no shop, just a hotel, and insisted the side of the street this was all on was reverse from what I know very well, it was. So many unnatural things fucking happened just since this search to find SARAH KRASSLE all began that I would number the hairs on my head at age 25, before I would get to 'all of these things'.

But even with all of these things; there is a lot more that can never be told. Some fucking things would simply disrupt natural balances and make life here for me beyond impossible, instead of almost beyond impossible where things stand right now.

Only a handful of quantum physicists who have no time to learn of me or my life and read my blogs, would understand them. Those who read them just think I am a total nut case. This is the typical way of the world, even for most people of the non HUNTINGTON CURSED majority. There are about five people who know my shit is all true and all for real. But fear for their own safety and lives makes them cower in the corners of shame, and not come forward in my fucking ass defense. In or not in agreement when I say the world has been observing me like a hawk since my birth, I say this now; where are you Detective Ray L&O Curtis. Am I being too menacing t ask you that question, here, now, then, or at McGuire's botbar-bar in Atlantic City, NJ-USA-ESMWG?

You fucking missed me, witch-bitch-Jane, and screw you!

The twinallity of events, huh NEW GROUP LEADER, and 'randomized post-picks'?

Yes the past two blogs have lots of filthy vulgar disgusting words, and lots of misspellings as well. When the TRUMPFORCE puts me through this much shit, or “through some things”, then this is when you'll see all these errors and curse words; as none of you would even survive any of this fucking crap for one single solid ass month of time, and I have been suffering through 'these TRUMP-THINGS' now, since middle AUGUST OF 1986, so you tell me!!!

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