Saturday, January 12, 2019





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People are so incredibly easily controlled and manipulated, it is totally freaking pathetic. DON'T COUNT ME OUT YET; MEN IN BLACK! As I said many times before, if a person with this knowledge can effect real items in a real gaming hall, then this same influence or power can be created, using this similar subatomic numeration matching of spooky-fawces, Sir Einstein; to do many other things as well. Am I right, Mister ten moves Raymond Young, from 1988? I'll give you some fucking Chinese water coolers, AND put you to sleep, you and Robert McGuire. So take that to the wonderful TD-BANK, yo. For right now, you just go be a bunch of pigs and slobs. But remember, in more ways than one people, “I've got your fucking number”, and it isn't 123, 27, or 33. But I've got it Paula and Bob! Unfortunately, I've also got lots of other nightmarish and agony causing stuff all around me that just won't go away. It cannot be prayed away, forced away, or made to disappear by even the greatest mother freaking magicians out there on this great yet totally screwed up EARTH-PLANET! My “SAVE” part, on this Open-Office writer program, is slow to respond. Stacey King Lattisaw at work again this moUUUUrning, I suppose, kind folks. No, as just stated herein, me wonderful Blogaudians, these problems and woes of mine, ain't going away any time soon, and soon means in Morianity, centuries! We're all as old as our blood. We're not stones or wooden planks. Chronological age doesn't HAVE TO freaking represent our biological age, as many of you now know, from reading pieces from last year's Morianity! WEEEEEEEEE! Yes, I must endure horrible evil criminal crooks and no good scoundrels on a continuous basis, and anyone who doesn't think that the world works like this, Mizz Desire' Twinbay, wink-wink, and all other Knowles Schools of fiction, or maybe Charles Dickens actor/played Scrooge nephew roles, just does not know the truth about some of the Fort Pierce secretaries, or to use a more Politically correct term here, Assistants. Wink-wink, huh Prick-Snot? This crook should be in prison, and everyone in Florida has told me that, BUT IS HE IN PRISON? IS DIRTBAG TRUMP? NO! Some hack or hacker which is the same thing I guess, has screwed up my ability today to have more than one document up at a time without freeze-ups and continual hacks and other such mother freaking ass annoyances, yo!!!! SHERIFF MASCARA; SOME PIG IS HACKING ON MY COMPUTER SUPER HUGE ULTRA TIME, IN TOTAL MOTHER FREAKING VIOLATION OF MY HUMAN RIGHTS, MY CIVIL RIGHTS, AND MY GODDAMN ASS CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS, TO FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION AND SPEECH, UNDER THE UNTITED STATES CONSTITUTION, kind sir. I am going to see if things improve here by signing off after saving this document, and then coming back to resume me whittle blog, kind sir!

So yes, Sheriff sir, and all other great Blogaudians out here; if someone knows these truths spoken of in Morianity; they can indeed EFFECT STUFF AROUND THEM, totally invisibly, and totally covertly. Well, unless the enemies or the (WOMO-MILI-2-FAWCES) become aware that someone is using this knowledge in this way, as they did with me, decades ago, and for all I know; this could be why the middle eighties assault on me was all rained down like a volcanic overflow with me standing right there on the goddamn freaking edge of it! But one huge problem existed throughout all of this and during this period of hellfire and damnation. This is the one, as people all love to say so often, THAT I DIDN'T SEE COMING, OR DIDN'T SEE HAPPENING. As the old expression goes, and I've heard it myself upon countless occasions, regarding lightning and the danger of being struck; “It's the one you don't see” that is the one that gets you. This is of course entirely correct, and makes an awesome freaking illustration here, don'tchya think? All this time, as if I wasn't cooking in hot enough poisonous stew sauce, I also had the invisible enemy that was never observed, never imagined, never really there at all yet of course always was. I speak of the mighty PAULA KING of ATLANTIC CITY, NEW JERSEY, USA-ESMWG!

I went to sleep last night, early,because I wasn't feeling all that great after a very long time of major hellishness and bullshit. I had not been able to get a good night of rest and sleep for numerous days. Finally, I crashed early, and was able to sleep until this morning, perhaps eleven straight hours; and believe me folks, I frickin' needed every single hour of it! BUTTTTTTTTTTTTT, there is always that BIG ASS BUTT CATCH, as most of us know only too damn well, am I right or wrong here? Wild and incredible interactions in the hyperspace or (dreams) as most of you will label them, made my nocturnal activities incredibly active. The one that finally awoke me out of it was the mighty Paula King, who finally told me that indeed, SHE IS PINK GODDESS, and that it was SHE who did it all, just as I had always wondered if one force or person could have been behind all of my situations. She made things happen so that I would find those records up at the RPL Studio attic when I worked there from middle 1979 through early 1981, and she was behind my four 1980 demos, and that she of course was the stranger by the railing, to parallel Paul Eckist Twitchell yet not simultaneously infringing on his copyright protected works. I speak of the Atlantic City world famous boardwalk railing right there at the on-ramp to it, at Tennessee Avenue, where Paula's radio station is right there at the Arcade Building, and her parking lot is right next door to the Casino Control Commission's parking lot, on the street below the on-ramp. It has been PINK GODDESS PAULA all along, all this time; and I was so ignorant not to ever put this together back in earlier times and days, when it was way more necessary for me to have done. After-all, finding out that you were betrayed, while you're sitting in a chair all tied up, and about to be shot execution style by some mob hit man; doesn't do all that much to help you get out of that chair before the bullets leave the pipe. When I needed to know, I was never ALLOWED to know. Even the great Copyright Office Head Examiner, back early in this century, who I fully believe knew the truths about my nightmare life on this planet, could have said something to help me, but was of course, totally unwilling to risk her position there at the Library of Congress, or to quote L&O's Detective Ed Green, since his comparative quotation is so totally fitting and apropos here, “so you lose your damn job”! Anyway, this interaction that happened right before I literally jumped out of bed and out of my sleep a couple hours ago, and Paula told me that I AM GOING TO GET HER THIS OTHER AM RADIO, and I at first did not understand why she wanted an amplitude radio, anyone can get parts and build one for crissake, if nothing else. But then she eventually told me that the AM stands for Anti-Matter.

Yes, the great PINK GODDESS was indeed the super beautiful giant girl who was standing on that boardwalk on-ramp on 10-SC Avenue, back on the first week in June of the year 1980, in my wild dreaming-interaction that I was experiencing after approximately one month residing at the illustrious 1802 ROBIN HILL APARTMENTS, of Voorhees, New Jersey, USA-ESMWG. Then seventeen freaking years later from the time of this early June 1980 'dream', she was standing right across the street from there, at HER PARKING LOT, or her father John King's lot back then, and this was on the night of July 11, 1997. She was flicking those Cuban cigars, one after another, completely across the street, and making them spark off of the brick wall that was the Endicott Hotel property, as I suppose it is here in waking life also, as that part wasn't any different. Only I wasn't throwing any rock-paper-scissor fists or playing any FIRE-LIGHT games, not with her, not with the State Police, not with Elvis Presley, and certainly not with Patrick CBS Jane. But on the next morning, I did in fact screw up my skimpy little courage and drove down to 10-SC Avenue, and I did see Paula, right at her dad's parking lot. He of course was the man who TOTALLY INSISTED THAT I HOSE MYSELF OFF, BEFORE COMING BACK TO MY CAR, TO DRIVE OFF HIS LOT that day; in the late summer time in 1996. No matter how many times I assured him that I would be fully clothed when I return and may not even go to the beach, he continued to insist upon this, and blocked my exit off of his lot property, until I AGREED to do so. Of course, I NEVER DID. But hoses, dreams of my kid, what next, maybe Captain Kirk and I will salute each freaking othjer before he takes me on a freaking star ship or other such mystery ship ride out amongst the stars, straight over to extra sensory perception heaven, and all great galactic barriers, so I can talk to Paula King again, only this time, in her TRUE PERSONA AS PINK GODDESS! Do I believe that she is also Patty Hollister, and other such similar 'H' surnames, and even the great Mizz Safka herself, with or without Hans Brinker, magical silver skates, magical silver motorcycle chains, or special keys that can unlock great tri-worm tunnels, such as on Tennessee Avenue in ACNJUSAESMWG, State Street & Pierce Avenue in Camden, NJUSAESMWG, or Cooley H-H-H-H on Hopkins Lane and “KINGS” Highway, in Haddonfield, NJUSAESMWG? Let me answer this question by asking a question, oh mighty and mean Doctor non-Crown Crystal Lake Avenue 'psychiatric-dose' Cohen. After all this mind bending hell that I have lived through, am I really NOT SUPPOSED TO BELIEVE THAT????????????????



I'LL FREAKING TYPE THE FIVE NUMBER GROUPINGS IN ANIWHO, OR AS MY WONDERFUL COINS AND COILS MIGHT CALL THEM, MY 'GROUPATIONS'; so tee-hee-hee, Agents Condor and Falcon, and all Lovely Lilly Munsters everywhere, yo!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes sir Mister Chinese water-cooler Ray Young from 1988, I must have put you to sleep the same way that I put the guy from Inventhelp to sleep, or whatever that presently named firm was calling itself back in the late twentieth century somewhere. Only now I have come to know that it NEVER WAS ME who did these things, any more than I had the ability to use major hypnosis on John Zane and Count John-Richard VonMarcucci, back in the years of late 1969 and early 1970, that brought me an inch or so away from a school suspension. It was never really me doing these things, but AWESOME PINK GODDESS PAULA, all along. I asked her shy she hated me so much, and why she did so many horrible things to both my mother and me so many times throughout decades of time, and she laughed in this wild “DREAM” as you all might insist on calling it, and told me “That Boy, you just get me the radio I want, do you hear me”? I told her that it is in a parallel universe and is just off of Grant Avenue in Northeast Philadelphia, not all that far from the world famous DRUG-SMUGGLERS-PIPELINE, and she laughed, and said back to me, “Yeah, like in your teenaged daughter's phone conversation, 95”. I said, “Yes great Pink Goddess, Interstate-ninety-five”. Then she grabbed me and lifted me about four feet off of the ground, and threw me straight into a pile of debris that was sitting in-between the parking lot that she and her late dad John own, and the next door lot that's owned by the Casino Control Commission (CCC), just as in the song sent in 2007 to the United States © Office, under the title of my musical project called, “Karaoke Lunch-break at the Sorian-18 Guardhouse”, only later the CIA told the Library of Congress, for reasons of National Security, not to allow me to use the '18' number before the word 'Guardhouse'. Like WOW THAT one, huh all Joanna's and Joanna's everywhere, and lots of scrumptious exotic butter-cheeses, huh Mariah????????????? WHAAAAAAA!





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People are so incredibly easily controlled and manipulated, it is totally freaking pathetic. I will add this much into the mix here, kind people. After getting my mother friggin' mind blown last night on television, comparing my past life beginning in Atco, New Jersey in the spring time of 1983, with that brand new fantastically great show on the HISTORY-CABLE-CHANNEL, things FINALLY are clearing up for me. So what happened as a result? Well folks, just as would be expected, based on what I personally know and have experienced, that's what. I had another wild through the hyperspace when I turned out the lights. B4I go on, someone is playing games with my computer, and quite naturally. Every single thing is under THEIR CONTROL, and always has been, KIND SHERIFF KENNETH J. MASCARA. But then am I really telling or teaching you that? Anyone with positions of power or authority, has to be somewhat in the loop of those who control this situation and have the power to rule and govern over the rest of us. But back now to my “DREAM” that I just popped out of, and at least I can say that, literally, I didn't justjoebutnotjoe “POP” out of this dream, Mister Microsoft InterDigital Plank-Time Visitors Spellchecker of all great realms everywhere, precious or not so precious to me, WHAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!

I was over at my old school-buddy's house, Bruce Pennock, and then I was in recent times where he was going to come over and discuss my deal that I told a tiny fraction of to State Farm's Mister rotten ass Larry Lee, back late last spring time, in 2018,and was treated like horse goddamn manure afterwards. Wink-wink, huh Prick-Snot? This crook should be in prison, and everyone in Florida has told me that, BUT IS HE IN PRISON? IS DIRTBAG TRUMP? NO!!!!!!!!!! Of course not, because these dirt holes are all totally mother freaking above the laws that the rest of us poor rotten little slobs are all forced to live by, OR ELSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But things were not always this way, or at least quite as bad. It all seemed to go wrong at just about the very same time that our wonderful United States Air force military service system (Mili-2-fawce) put an end, officially at least, to the great PROJECT BLUEBOOK in middle December of 1969, to the very day so it appears, THAT SARAH KRASSLE CAME TO ME IN A POWERFUL DREAM, STOLE MY CHAIN, AND THEN A HUGE 120 DEGREE CHEMTRAIL WAS PLACED UP OVER THE ENTIRE SKIES OF WESTERN CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY!!!!!!!!!!! But let's get back to that wild dream that I just pooped/popped out of, just two hours ago or so; my wonderful Blogaudians out here, from all great lands and nations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


All this freaking time, I hoped and prayed that my entire life did indeed have some rational and logical explanation, right down to my contact with Lightning goddess Diana Arteemis in 1983, or direct contact. She always was in my life in a very special way, during my Mark Wayne Mountainpen Huntington Mohr lifetime here, that began in the SPACE-TIME-MIND illusions, on 4 December of 1954, at approximately half past nine in the damn morning. So getting back to this horrible hyperspace-experience from just a very short time ago, Bruce had come over to my place, as he did upon a few occasions in 'waking life' reality while my mom and I were renting a home on Hillcrest Avenue, in the Cherrywood Estates of Blackwood, New Jersey, from September of 1978 through September of 1979; owned by Tony Crissafulli. In this parallel world, I was living in some other place, but similar to the Dellway Arms Apartments in Oaklyn, New Jersey, on Oakland Avenue, where I was living when I had the unfathomable SARAH KRASSLE CHAIN REMOVAL EXPERIENCE, I was a little bit younger but not that much, and my mother was in the interaction and was living there as well. Bruce had come into a large fortune and originally wanted to help me develop that fantastic idea that I shared in this 'waking world parallel' with dirt hole Mister Lee. When he arrived, he was distant as if someone or something, CAPTAIN JAMES TIBERIOUS KIRK, of the Starship Gloucester, had taken over his mind, and he told me that my idea was silly and he didn't want to have any part of it. It was a real mother fucking nightmare, to use the old words for a very bad time remembered in the hyperspace!!!!

There is no way out of, or around, this situation that I am in; not here, and not anywhere. I have told the entire world the truth about the Purgatory, the inhabitants, the whole damn ball of wax involved, and I held back nothing. Morianity IS NOT a book of secrets, nor will it ever be. I am an individual who has openly told in all candor, what has happened to me over the past numerous mother fucking decades. I have been straight forward and given it straight up and hard punching. I am not the fucking Mili-2-Force. This IS MORIANITY. This is THE TRUTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, as I said back on my blog-book chapter called, GUESS THE NAME OF THE GUESTS


The lady told me to contact an electrician, to come in and see why the power goes out; and we all know that he or she won't find a thing wrong, just as with my phone ever since 1983, or electric, or any of this mother fuckiGN shit. She did say I can then come into th e office of the Sheriff, to file a criminal complaint against an unknown plaintiff, and they will try to see if they can help me. I told them the local police just think I am a nut and won't even try to help me.

Let us now, Sheriff sir, examine the morning stock market to see if it is up 1,000 points yet after this wild assault on my civil liberties, KIND SIR!!!!!!!!!!

Dow Jones Industrial Average (^DJI)

It is either way up or way down, and causes them to attack me to try and either get the positive momentum going on their side if it is UP, or to lessen and reverse any negative direction. So just watch now, as it slowly moves up 1000 points today, folks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am going to go over and sign a criminal complaint against WALL STREET, and begin a civil lawsuit myself, for $1,000,000,000,000.00 and no one can stop me, as this is my legal right to pursue after 30 years of hell that they plan to endlessly keep doing to me until the day I mother fucking die!!!!! I plan on being this planet's first fucking TRILLIONAIRE.










JANE FUCKING WHORE FONDA JUST NAILED ME AT SEVEN OF THE CLOCK WITH HER CUNT EATING ONES ASSAULT. So allow me to pweeeeeeeeeeeeze fucking compensate, kind people, yo!!!!!!! TANKS, and KABOOM!!!!




I am not on the mat looking up at my opponent with all my teeth knocked out, not yet, so DON'T MOTHER FUCKING COUNT ME OUT YET; MEN IN BLACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As I said many times before, if a person with this knowledge can effect real items in a real gaming hall, then this same influence or power can be created using this similar subatomic numeration matching of spooky-fawces, Sir Einstein; to do many other things as well. Am I right, Mister ten moves Raymond Young, from 1988? I'll give you some fucking Chinese water coolers, AND put you to sleep, you and Robert McGuire. So take that to the wonderful TD-BANK, yo. For right now, you just go be a bunch of pigs and slobs. But remember, in more ways than one people, “I've got your fucking number”, and it isn't 123, 27, or 33. But I've got it Paula and Bob!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





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Since I am no expert with these computer systems, this will begin with a short note TO MYSELF. Hey dum-dum Mark, you screwed up. When you are looking for blog 4 and blog 5 of 2019, reverse it on your office-dock-file, you know, if you want blog 4, type in blog 5, and if you want blog 5, then type in blog 4. I don't know how to get back into the damn file and repair my error. And you know what folks, I can't blame anybody except myself, and I cannot go yelling, thanks a lot, DAVE”, or 'YARRRRRR' to Patty Hollister. In fact, I need not travel back through time and to Chicago, to warn my Aunt (actually she was my second cuzz or some such deal), the great and lovely Mizz Alice Gallagher, about her eventual murder back east in Braintree, Massachusetts, USA, ESMWG, by her hubby, and my mom's first cuzz, and son of the great and somewhat wild Mister Herbert Huntington, Mister Arthur. WHAAAAAAAA! Yes Spellchecker, WHHHHATEVER will always do nicely in a pinch!!!!!!!!!! Nor do I need to go over to Ireland to chase any automobiles, or any other Ernie journey that could be on my potential freaking bucket list, yo yo yo yo yo yo yo! I also don't need any bugged-up telephones to know that my wonderful piece of junk, AKA by our marvelous federal government, as my BLUE-NUNNGEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So aha-aha THAT, Mister Mike 1971 McNulty, kind sir, yo bro!

I'm gonna' open up another topic that indeed does, and will relate, to all of my hyperspace stuff; kind folks. You'll goddamn see. I don't make junk up, nor do I lie. My Morianity did tell one lie, and a couple of years later I owned up to it, and then an incredible thing happened. It all led to me figuring out just who SARAH 'really' was. It was PAULA KING ALL ALONG. She said a very mean thing on a public bus, around half past ten, on the night of the twelfth of July, back in the year 1970, in where else, BUTTERCHEESE and BUT; ATLANTIC CITY, NEW JERSEY, USA-ESMWG? Fits and figures, huh? But my lie, that before that happened, as Sarah got on, and said, “There's that boy” to Paula King; means that they knew of me from my treks with my mom, to the great and mother fucking illustrious TRINITY-TRINIDAD HOTEL, of TENNESSEE AVENUE!!!! Without going on and on, with an extremely fucking depressing and ugly issue, better left forgotten and yet never of course can be; let me just say that many of my loyal as well as Mountainpen-HATING Blogaudians, know this story only too well. BUTTERCHEESE and big ass BUTT, there is a whole lot more that will be examined, as this year of 2019 continues fucking ass along; me kind and lovely blogging audience (blogaud)!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When I went to my clinic today, I was able to get all of medical problems straightened out, that is until the nest time that Trump and his evil fucking henchman strike me again with some more dependable new persecutions against a pathetic sick old fucking cunt man. BUTTERCHEESE and BIG-ASS-BUTT, when I was there, unlike ever before, their TV set in the waiting area was set to a channel where the inauguration of the state governor was taking place. I ignored it as best as possible. Still, they normally have TWC on, or other non-news type stations, but today, some of HALLS FAWCES made me suffer through that fucking shit on steroids. Florida is a horrendous rotten RED STATE, and it is my own damn fucking fault, huh Merry; for coming down here in the dead of goddamn night, nine years ago, yo??????????? You go girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAAAAAAAA!

Still kind Blogaudians, this same HALLS-FAWCES PARLOR TRICK, that made that channel be on at the clinic where I had to physically be there and get nauseated and physically ill as a result, watching the new crook replace the other total fucking old crook, Sir Prick Snot, WAS ALSO USED, to cause many people to act the way that they do, and believe total fucking falsehoods regarding most things that pertain to poor old fucked up whittle innocent me; yo me BRAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Oh you want details on that, folks, well then fine and freaking dandy, as I'll gladly provide some powerhouse and newsworthy information herein that just might assist in clearing up the matter for any and everybody reading my words of woe!!!!!!!!!! I saw this tactic used and enjoyed, back at a mother fucking SATURN AUTOMOBILE DEALERSHIP, in Williamstown, New Jersey, on the Black Horse Pike, or Turnersville, as I forget now where the fucking township dividing lines are. But I know that I told the story of how that young asshole employee girl came over at just after the Wall Street opening bell, and turned the goddamn fucking TV set in the lobby area of the damn ass dealership, to the business channel, and not even asking me if I was watching what was on before she had come over to do this. If this fucking shit were happening to any of you out there, on the same regular nightmarish basis that it has been happening to and around me ever since I died and went to hell on the moUUUUUUUUUUUUrning of August 15, 1986; you would be every bit as up set and totally fucking beside yourself as am I, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!! IPYT, me wonderful lads and lassies, yo!!!!

So yes; here are just a fucking few whittle ass examples of how those demonic HALLS-FAWCES make people act weird with me, for absolutely no rational or logical fucking reason WHATSOEVER, YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!

Tom Glenn the great musical arranger who went onto do many great things with his talents, even for the wonderful National Football League, whom our great leader is determined to stick his nose so endlessly into their bizz. But me pernt, Mister Bunkerqueens sir is THISSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!! I wrote a nice whittle tune about two months after I had written my first song as a teenager, and this first one was, “That's The Way It Goes”, and this second one that was written in middle July, after Misses Kinsel had evicted me for shouting out curse words and many complaints had come in, but that tune was called, “Burn With Fire”. I wrote the goddamn song hoping that Patty would sing it for me someday. She never did, but that's the way it goes, I guess, pun intended. So when the musical arranger, Mister Glenn, was over at my apartment, #1802 Robin Hill, that day early in the year of 1981; he was convinced that I was a cock sucking fagot, because the song lyrics were written for a female vocalist. Many songs are specifically written for a male or a female artist/vocalist to do, and I was not by any stretch, the first person on this miserable ass Earth-Planet, to do so, yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo!!!!!!!!! But still, he was convinced, and he let me know it. I could harp on and on with all of these four items, but how about we just move it along and say the brief basic stuff on each one, so we don't end up typing-reading a hundred ass stupid pages of details that won't really matter to a fucking soul by next week, yo? The second item here of these four, is about the great disco diva, Mizz Donna summer. Back as a teenager when she was Donna Adrian Gaines, she went to Munich, Germany, and she did a wild musical project that no one ever knew about, and no, it wasn't very good, but anyone should have known it was her, and yet, everyone told me, no Mark, it isn't her. BUTTERCHEESE and BIG ASS BUTT MISTER FUCKING MICROSOFT SPELLCHECKER, I knew what I knew, and I was proven right, back in 1995, early in the year, by the world famous cable television channel, “Arts and Entertainment” Channel, now and for quite some time, just known as “A&E”. Lots of fantastic COP-SHOWS are also on that great station, since just about all the other stations removed these wonderful cop-shows. My new absolute fave is of course, A&E's super great show, “LIVE-PD”!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway, let's move mother fucking on here. On this one particular show, it actually showed footage of the day that Donna Gaines, B4 she was Donna Summer, doing that very project, that I had, when I was given those wild records from the RPL-Overage file, by Mister Mike Walters, the company printer, back in the year of 1980. I knew I was fucking right, but nobody would believe me. BUT I WAS RIGHT, and it WAS HER all fucking cunt along, yo yo yo yo yo!!!! Then the third out of these four items would be THISSSSSSSSSS, Mizz Susan Erica AMC Lucci Snakes, from 1983, 'SSSSSSSSSSSS'!!!! All my life, I have met extremely and very unusually physically strong females, fully grown, teenaged, and even pre-teens. I mean these goddamn girls and women would have even made the great, and now late, Mister fucking STAN LEE sit up and take major notice. But all my goddamn fucking life, from my own parents, to everyone around me, told me, “Mark you're an asshole because they're not strong”. I could blog details, and tell literally dozens of tales that are all true, so help me GODDESS SSJKK and sworn under flag and citizenship and for that matter, under full pain and penalty of Perjury!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But I won't waste your time on this one blog giving specifics. I could list shit from heredahelda, however; and IPYT, me kind folks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The most recent elucidation here was blogged many times earlier this decade, and after I said something, the news people immediately stopped showing the story forever. Until I made a deal of it and blogged it, they discussed it quite a lot, so allow me now to refresh some of the memories, especially Floridians, as this event took place in fucking Florida. Anyhow, it seems that a college boy had hired a prostitute to provide him with her feminine duties, and when she had completed her services, he could not or would not pay her. She killed him with her bare hands, and she was a big powerful girl. I could say so many things it isn't funny, but no one wil ever listen to my truths, even WHEN THEY ARE RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM AND SIMPLY CANNOT BE FUCKING CUNT DISPUTED, YO YO YO YO, ME BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally folks, we come to item number four. Everyone or 99.99 percent of anyone who reads this true and powerful Earth fucking shaking story called Mountainpen's Morianity scoffs and laughs, and totally refuses to believe a fucking word that I say. I could literally perform a resurrection in front of them or jump right over Mizz lovely Jennifer Washburn's Providence Road House in Atlantic City, and I am disbelieved and ignored as if I am the epitome of the fucking Bubonic plague. Again peeps, I know what gives here, and I will type it in again, and again, AND AGAIN, AND AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!! You most likely already know how the next line reads, but look and verify it if you wish to!

HALLS FUCKING FAWCES! That's what gives!




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Since I am no expert with these computer systems, this will begin with a short note TO MYSELF. Hey dum-dum Mark, you screwed up. When you are looking for blog 4 and blog 5 of 2019, reverse it on your office-dock-file, you know, if you want blog 4, type in blog 5, and if you want blog 5, then type in blog 4. I don't know how to get back into the damn file and repair my error. Sheriff sir, at least PK released the damn hack on my 'making-lines program, as you can see from below! So thanks a lot, Almighty Sarah-Stacey Jehovah Karge Krassle, Sheriff K.J.M., and thanks a lot, DAVE!!!!!!!!!!! YARRRRRR, Patty Hollister. Yeah, it's under me buckin' hat, lovely lady from Gloucester. Watch out for Katharine and Mary-Lee, Aunt Ruth!!!!!!!! For those who may be unaware of all of the nightmarish circumstances involved here; David Roth and I would have many serious talks over a totally fucking 'Ed Snowed In' bugged up telephone, Mister BLUE-NUNNGEN; and he would always joke about that exact song, “Feel Real”, and how as he put it so crudely, Thomas J. Reale of both Ventnor, and Northfield, New Jersey, USA-ESMWG; molested me back when I was fifteen years fucking old, at his home that he sold to the ACMUA waterworks of Atlantic City, on Cornwall Avenue, back in July of 1970. There is a connection and a message, built into every single event in the entire universe and multiverse.

So why do we choose (in our spirit), to explore the various parallel doppelgangers (doubles) of ourselves, in the virtually limitless fifth dimensional hyperspace? To begin here with this, we must still open up a whittle bit of additional foundation, and so we shall, kind peeps and great wonderful Blogaudians!!!!!!!! Yes sir/mahm, allow if ye will, 'THIS DOGTOWNITE', AND

THIS HUMAN-HYBRID, with the Blood type---A neg., and Eye color---green-hazel, to continue along heredahelda, and HERE!,

Miscalculation, and Mister Spellchecker!!!! BUTTTTTTTTT, if I didn't get Paula King that radio, she would take me back to the hotel balcony in the year of 1967, and this time, THROW ME OFF OF IT FOR REALE. Maybe I should have said FBI, or just REAL. Or, hey maybe I should NOT HAVE SAID FBI, to Debbie Harry's friends at ROBIN HILL, back in the spring time of freaking 1981. WOW!




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On Blogger since January 2006
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Not boring, without hesitation nor concern for fibbing, I can honestly say with a knowing that out of 8 billion that live or have lived here, none have shared my wild ride through hyperspace, with awareness. Fun is replaced with 'intense'.
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You forgot your mom's birthday! What can you make out of super glue and olive pits; BLOGGER/GOOGLE asks the Mountainpen?
AN ANGRY ASS MOTHER! But at the risk of sounding negative, the only thing one may be truly sure of, is that you cannot be sure of anything. Sorry for my rotten bad attitude, gorgeous Desire' Twinbay!

So now we come to more of it; the BIG 'Y' of the 'dream-realms'? Is this series of sleeping visits without reason, and merely happening by random? Well, as the great BRITS would put it, “NOT TAT TALL”! And the very same process of our waking mind supposedly choosing to make a decision to do or not to do, any particular Shakespearean thing; is not one bit different than our spiritual or higher mind, equally acting out a multiverse, literally, of decision processes, that we on the mortal world, mislabel as mere 'dreams'. Every dream that we experience is for us and only us, and it is given to us, BY OUR TRUE SELVES. Allow me to further elaborate and explain this to my great Morians and Blogaudians here.


Well people, soul mind explores, fully retains any and all 'non-alligator' items, is a natural super-sleuth, completely knows our absolute truest desires, sends itself when allowed to (while the lower mind is shut down during sleep), into multiple realms of hyperspace so as to better shape our grasp on so-called 'REALITY'.

And yes great people, waking mind always agrees fully with our human sensory perceptions, is extremely easily deceived by waking reality's many confusions, deceptions, and illusions, and does all that it can, whenever it can, to conflict with our truer and higher selves, that are labeled by our Almighty Goddess SSJKK, in Her great and powerful Scriptures; as the Carnal Mind!

This should in multiple ways, make any really thinking person, see how powerful our 'dreaming-life' truly is, as well as how the carnal Earthly/worldly mind, really and truly for the most part, NEVER HAS OUR BEST INTERESTS AT HEART! It could almost become song lyrics, but the powerful nonchrisblumof501-Buttercheese situation here, is anything butTERCHEESE-BUT A SIMPLE SONG, kind folks out heredahelda, and out here as well, MISTER Microsoft Spellchecker, so WEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!

A totally fantastic example to these words of Mister Marcucci's great hippie-sixties wisdom heredahelda and here, would be, Mizz Erica Susan Cane Lucci 1983 Snakes, THISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!! Oh yes, a very simple method of proving my simple words would be to 'just do this', Mizz Nancy buttwipe Reagan: To see that these two SELF-MINDS are so utterly different, grab a large mug sized boiling hot cup of Joe and sit down with it when you are so sleepy that you most likely won't remain awake for another minute or less. Tired as you are, and if you like my parents or my older daughter and just love-love-love that Joe, well, your carnal mind wants to drink it and definitely doesn't wish to be painfully scalded by it. But 'uh-oh', Mister goddamn jerk off shark-shit 'Maaco', your truer higher soul-self could care less about your Earthly life, and should you indeed fall asleep on that comfy cozy chair with that scalding hot cuppajoe, yo, POW, you will suddenly find yourself back awake here in mortal life, screaming and calling yourself all sorts of horrible curse word dummy-names, for letting that happen to you. Let us expand a bit more and continue laying down some vely vely vely intelesting foundations to all of thisSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS, Mizz Erica 1983 spellchecker-Snakes!!!!!!!!!!

If a powerful enough enemy of ours, in the fullness of 5th-dimensional-hyperspace, should suddenly and brutally assault us badly enough and with sufficient intensity; then localized parallel worlds such as the one where we are 'seemingly awake and living in physically'; will also be effected, in numerous varying, and sometimes numerous degrees. Now with me for an example, somehow and for complicated reasons that I won't even begin attempting to tackle right now on this one blog, back on the date of 8-15-1986, THIS EXACT NIGHTMARE EVENT DID HAPPEN TO ME. I personally however am quite convinced that I am not the only person on this damn ass Earth Planet, who has experienced this wild event, but yes, I do believe it is a extremely rarely occurring event however. I have discussed this deal with, you name it, psychiatrists, spiritual folks, family, and friends, ever since it occurred back in August of '86. Not a soul could ever so much as freaking point me to any answers even close to what Morianity, after decades of research and blind relentless truth searching and super sleuthing, finally came up with, and of course, all of you know these informative sound bites on this blog, as MOUNTAINPEN'S MORIANITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes peeps, somehow all of thisSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS, Mizz Erica, DID INDEED happen to me, and not to you, Mister Microsoft Spellchecker!!! Let us quickly take a gander at this situation and closely examine a few intelesting facts about my trip to that parallel world the night before all hell broke loose for me, and never ever looked back; Mister Bob 1972 McDowell from the great and illustrious COOLEY HALL HIGH HELLapukeyuk AND HELL!!!!!!!!!!!! For the many who may indeed remember a little bit about this event, I now had been taken to some place where I had all of the non-alligators, no folks, where I HAD ALL of the Earthly things that anyone with a sane and rational mind could ever consider to be fruit bearing and worthy, of words such as our marvelous president's word choice, when discussing his own life, yes, “marvelous”. It appeared that I was 'dreaming' into a place where I had all of the Earthly things that any man could or would ever choose or desire to be connected into. A wonderful and loving family, a gigantic and super successful land management corporation, wealth beyond anyone's dreams of maximum avarice, and absolute peace of mind. But I also had one more thing, and the great and powerful NON-OZ UNITED STATES COPYRIGHT OFFICE EXAMINERS know only too well, all about that whittle item. Yes folks, I had “The Permission Barrier” character, fictional as he may have appeared to be, yo, Jim Pratt. This would be Morianity's version of the Exploratronic Supermind Society's TRAVELER, whom in this book, “TPB”, took on a more AAT character persona form, that perhaps to the great Ancient Astronaut Theorists would be my version of the mid-twenty-third century internet arcade jacker-inner! Still, the Jesus miracles become explained quite well, one way or another, huh Mister David Childress and NYU Professor Michio Kaku?????????? The really powerful dogshit involved here however, goes far beyond a fictional character or P4E (Phase-4-Entity), who was using me to energize through so-2-speak, but in real truth, thisSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS nonchrisblumof501 non ERICA-SNAKES ESS TRAVELER, was there, and was always there, and of course, with tears dripping down my eyes right now as I speak/type this whittle bwog-message out, IS STILL HERE, AND WILL OBVIOUSLY ALWAYS BE HERE, to torment and destroy me, absolutely unrelentingly, and who is this wonderful lovely queen of hell, you dare to ask me? Huh, who the hellapukeyuk hell else, Mister kind Spellchecker Microsecond Microsoft, but the mighty KING, as in PAULA KING!!!!!!!!!!!

The only way to properly explain all of the mother fucking shit eating hell that I have now suffered through, in this Mark Wayne Mountainpen Huntington Mohr lifetime, is one name, and that would be the great QUEEN FROM HELL, MIZZ PAULA KING OF ATLANTIC CITY, NEW JERSEY, USA-EARTH-MILKY WAY GALAXY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have talked about, how in the casino game of Roulette, if we do a particular thing with jotting down numbers that pop up on the gaming wheels, and then never ever lose those numbers, but endlessly take them home with us, and then continue applying certain mathematical formulas that show when the short-term normal ratios become diverged from, in groupings of several numbers, say using seven of them for example; then we can play the grouping that is hottest to come back after being too low for too long. Gamblers call this figuring the due numbers, and they try it on individual games with millions of varying systems, all doomed to fail of course. But this blog today has nothing whatsoever to do with playing or profiting from the casino game called ROULETTE. I am indeed taking something about this however, and using it to further lay down the foundations of hyperspace-mechanics, for lack of any other better possible label or name to give this particular science. In other words, since this weird mathematical shit works, and thus Einstein's 'spooky-forces' as he himself called them, can be forced to show up and reveal many post atomic sized truths; then we need to further scrutinize many of these processes, and then we may start to see other patterns that reveal themselves, in DREAMING, as well as the big mama of all things; USING ALL OF THIS TO ACCOMPLISH REAL LIFE WAKING-WORLD STUFF, YO!!!!!!!!!!!! If for example, not one person butTERCHEESE BUT ten persons were to organize together, using this exact mathematical methodology, they could march into a gaming hall, and whether they actually gambled real money on anything, “OR NAUT”, MIZZ 1983 AT&T BLAKE; they would indeed, and in quite a large way, be INTENTIONALLY ALTERING the outcomes of the wheel. The less people who were not at that wheel besides those ten peeps who are in on this, the greater the effect, just as the less people in a group who tries to perform this action would also lessen the effect. It all would come into play, and eventually, I am sure that some super genius computer programmer will read Morianity, understand what's getting spoken of here, and then go onto actually write a program that would show a pretty damn ass accurate percentage of this 'Einsteinian Spooky-Fawces-effect', on the otherwise so-called randomly-operating gaming wheel. Now to move this back to the foundation being laid here, and make a few quick connections for my Blogaudians out there; and to be more succinct in so far as drawing a parallel to my 1986 life changing 'dreaming' experience while I was living in that rental home on Marlton Pike or Route 70, in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, #1931. Just as in some powerful and awesome subatomic truth of associative numeric particle and wave interactions, or more simply said, all items in a very tiny reality unperceived by mortal waking human beings are some kind of numeric patterned forces and attachments along string type fabrics that make up our known universe, or multiverse/metaverse for a truer expression herein. So registering in the subatomic tiny worlds that none of us can or ever would be able to perceive or see with our waking sensory systems, are connections and patterns that are actually CAUSING those roulette numbers, and us as the players, along with the rules of ratios and statistical mathematics, to all and not alligators, but ALL HAPPEN just the way the forces make them happen. I know this because on the Astral Plane, the COINS and the COILS have told me this, or the GODS & GODDESSES! The Earth Planet Goddess of Lightning who hovers all over our biosphere continuously, and watches all of us with intense vigor, appearing to be as random as any roulette wheel, but of course is anything BUTTERCHEESE-B-U-T, has told me many things, such as HER MAGICAL 27 NUMBER, and how to use PARALLEL-EVENT to beat individual Roulette games, and much more. Her entire Arteemis family live in Olympia proper, in the east-central-nestern area of the Province of Olympia, in the great Purgatory; that the scientific community calls, the PLANK TIME! There is a lot more!!!!




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I awoke today to some really weird mother fucking shit, kind Sheriff Mascara, sir, yo! I went into my fucking kitchen to take my medication, and POWERHOUSE-POW, Mister Spellchecker; MY KITCHEN HAD DIRTY WATER IN IT. Some mother fucker has fucking screwed with my drainage AGAIN here in this wovewee fucking cunt eating PUBLIC HOUSING ENEMY RIDDLED AUTHORITY, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!! I dumped a quarter of a bottle of dishwashing liquid into the mess and added a ton of boiling hot water, and it has all drained away, FOR NOW, SHERIFF SIR, but when I went to bed around noon, sir, there was absolutely nothing wrong, and my sink was bone dry empty and totally fucking cunt cleaner than a damn ass whistle, yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo, American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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You forgot your mom's birthday! What can you make out of super glue and olive pits?
at the risk of sounding negative, the only thing one may be truly sure of is that you cannot be sure of anything. Sorry for my rotten bad attitude, gorgeous Twinbay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Mark Wayne 'Mountainpen Huntington' Mohr

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She told me she is always watching me and never told me she was the goddess of Lightning. We are leaving this right here for right now, lovely LOO-HEARTS, you go girl, and hey Letty-girl, choo up to YO??? Who she, you ask, well; lovely Diana Arteemis, the goddess of lightning? In a higher reality and truth, she is giant coil of unbelievable pure colorful energy. I love her so much, I die inside every single day that I must live in a physical body & away from the love of my eternal rotten lousy life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The first time she allowed me to remember her as this awesome coil, was late spring or early summer time in 1984, while residing at 506 Robin Hill Apartments, in Voorhees township, New Jersey. The smallest pin prick on the world map above would be larger than Voorhees, most likely, WOW, and WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

This may sound shocking, but I would not trade places with anyone of you who don't have my problems and hell, not a one, not for a dam minute, and here's why. I couldn't live for an entire minute, all dumbed down and blind to shit all around me. I would actually rather be suffering in my eternal fucking hell!!!!!!!!!! Also, and in reiteration; THERE IS NO WAY TOM REALE IN JULY OF 1970 WOULD HAVE BEEN THAT UPSET THAT NIGHT OF THE FIREWORKS, IF HE WAS NOT ALL PART OF WHAT HAPPENED THE YEAR BEFORE THAT, AND WAS NOT ALSO A MEMBER OF THE (GAP-ESS) OR THE 'GREAT AND POWERFUL EXPLORATRONIC SUPERMIND SOCIETY'!!!!!!!!!!!

And speaking of those days and times of my residing at the Robin Hill Apartments, at #506, Nonwaterhosedreams and Nonchrisblumof501; this is where I was living when I went to that wild THROAT SPECIALISTS OFFICE and somehow, Mister Childress and Professor Kaku of NYU, lost my entire memory, then, as well as to this very day; of the return drive back home to that address, from Grant Avenue in Northeast Philadelphia, Pennsylvania!!!!!!!!!! Let us discuss some more about this, since some mother fucking bastard thinks it so cunt eating eternally funny to fuck with my goddamn ass kitchen sink, Mister Rump!!!!!!! Yes, 'let us keep our DAMN JOBS', Detective L&O Green, and U.S. © Examiners of 2007!!!!


Not until very late last year, did I start putting together all of the stuff I have enjoyed watching and learning about on those totally ass marvelous television educational cable channels such as PBS, History Channel, and Science Channel, pertaining to the AAT and their ideas and concepts on ALIENS & UFOLOGY. Hey, I do not agree with the aliens, and physical ships junk, where they supposedly have a home base somewhere in this hypersphere expansion that we call the universe. I have other knowledge and experiences, and they have all been told about and blogged for thirteen mother fucking years now since January of 2006, yo. There are no secrets in Morianity. Mountainpen is not writing a book of secrets, nor is this some type of spin off that many have labeled and so told me, A dream blog, an occult blog, an Atlantic City blog, or a Mariah Carey blog. I am merely quoting what some have spoken to me over this thirteen year period, or maybe ten year period for that last item, from a couple of persons who I believe are global traveling secret agents of the United States of America, and hey, I have been right before, and I have been not so right B4, yo!!!! Let us get back on Archibald Bunkerqueens 'pernt' now folks, and further discuss the day in 1984 that I drove over to Philly and the Throat Specialists Office. TEE-HEE-HEE!!!!

Many people are involved in this matter, and the United States government as well as global powers, ALL FULLY KNOW IT!!! Just as they are covering up what is happening to the populations of this Earth Planet, in an extremely huge and bizarre conspiracy, on matters that the AAT folks talk about, they ALSO are totally blocking the MORIANITY story from ever seeing the light of day in any real and meaningful way, you know, my blog going viral, or some such similar thing. I learned first hand when I tried using SOCIAL MEDIA, in the opening part of this present time decade, to do just that; THAT I AM IN NO WAY PARANOID OR IMAGING ANY OF THIS 'ARTHUR CRANE STUFF', ABOUT ME BEING TOTALLY AND 100% STIFLED, YO!!!!

There was a weird radio, along with many extremely expensive electronic and musical devices, that were in this 'HOUSE OF NAKEDNESS', as I've come to label it as, for obvious reasons. No one was wearing anything but their birthday suits. Also, various peeps of authority would be inside of this place, mostly police lieutenants or captains, in various interactions that I would come to experience through the years, in what you all insist on calling DREAMS. And yes, just as here in waking life, I was always disliked, and I could feel the tension and the anger, from many of the people who were in authority; as if I was some really bad person who had just made the damn ass FBI's most wanted list or something. Then around the early years of this present century or close to two decades later after this return trip from my doctor on that 1984 afternoon in Philly, PAULA KING would appear to me right near her WAYV-RADIO STATION, and not to tell me or any of my fellow Hammonton, New Jersey citizens, to hang in there during any wildfires, BUTTTTTTTTT, and I said 'BIG ASS' BUTTTTTTTTT FOLKS; just as I said over and over back in my 2006 and 2007 blogs; and no, this is not a MC-BLOG, BUTTTTTTTTT it may appear to be from time to time; but yes the letter D is NOT B4 the letter B, and just as the letter G is NOT B4 the letter D, nor is the number 2009 B4 the numbers of 2006 or 2007; Mister WHAAAAHA-AHA-AHA 1971 Mike Church Farm School McNulty, and the great Copyright Examiners know it, or KNEW IT, some time back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh yes, the mighty and outlandish Paula King would appear to me in Atlantic City, and right near her mighty radio station, that she has used to tease me, play with me, screw with me, and reveal multiple messages to me, kind Professor Kaku sir, and Mister New-age-author David Childress, sir!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, I AM INDEED A HANGING IN THERE HUNTINGTON FROM HAMMONTON, LOVELY SUPER GODDESS PAULA, and I do not want to marry you, not then, not now, at least not in your persona as PK, but in your other persona as PH, I did. BUTTTTTTTTT, I suppose as you said so perfectly, I was just way too damn ass immature, so WEEEEEEEE!

Still, my Morians/Blogaudians, yo; she in some parallel world in hyperspace, or in these recurring dreams ever since early in this present century times, continues to tell me that she wants me to get her that radio from that unfathomable house of nakedness from 1984. The house of radios, electronics, musical amplifiers, and yes, naughtiness and nakedness, not to mention lots of police presence and by the way, they are always in full uniform, just as I am always fully clothed, and always trying to be and act my part as the perfect gentlemen. Even the mighty DAWN-MARIE KING, used to tell me that I always acted the part of a perfect gentlemen, when I would transport her female friends to various places. That's me folks, the endlessly misunderstood and persecuted 'perfect-gentleman'. WEEEEEEE! But about this strange radio. It seemed to be a tachyon-radio, and it was able to pick up signals that were not yet broadcast; since it was able to tune into distant points out in 'the expansion' or (outer-space), and in the antimatter realms, where time is of course running in total reverse to what it does here when the polarities of subatomic particles are running, by our frame of reference anyway, in FORWARD-mode! She told me in the summer time of last year, 2018, in one of these powerhouse dreams, that if I didn't get her that radio, she would take me back to the hotel balcony in the year of 1967, and this time, THROW ME OFF OF IT FOR REALE. Maybe I should have said, for real, but I just couldn't resist the garden of Eden 'temptation' to add the damn letter-E; oh great U.S. © Office. Mortimer Mortino the Death Angel is passing by my right side as I type these words now, at precisely 8:55 Post Meridian on this early middle Saturday evening, yo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But then folks, SOSO-WEIN-SSDD, or same old same old, what else is new, same shit different day????????? Aniwho, just exactly why Patty/Paula wants me to get her this wild tachyon radio, I of course am totally clueless to, as always. All of the things that this wild Exploratronic Supermind entity does, is inconceivable and unimaginable. Trying to figure out any goddamn woman is difficult as all men fully are aware of, BUTTTTTTTTT Patty/Paula? Well, that is a recipe for disaster and a migraine headache combination that I don't need, Mizz Ross-Ness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAAA! Patty-Paula has somehow fucking hacked my Personal Computer (PC) and it won't allow me to mother fucking make a new line,so I'll have to do it another mother fucking way, yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo!!!!

HA-HA-HA PATTY-PAULA, LIGHT UP SOME CANDLES FOR ME NOW, AND TELL MISTER COOLEY HALL HIGH HELLapukeyuk HELL that I said, OHHHHHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM! And pweeeeeeeeze don't fucking shoot poor old twisted diseased piano playing Mister Marcucci, Yellow Brick Road Traveler Mister EJ, or poor whittle fucking me, the pathetic and Non-Ronstadt pitiful Mountainpen that is AKA ME, MARK WAYNE MOHR, of non BUTTERCHEESE Bryn Mawr, non Starburn, Pennsylvania! WOW, all Joann persons everywhere, from hookers to recording studio employees. YES FWOLKS, I weelwee fucking wish that my brain allowed me to forget things, only IT DOES NOT, not fucking cunt ass ever, yo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





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It is ungodly mother fucking HOT!!!!!! Life totally sucks, and this demonic heat is total goddamn murder on quintessential steroids. This middle eighties shit in late December and early January, totally blows and sucks rooster turds. Every time the weather is wild and ridiculous, and having shit this hot even in my area, is the epitome of Camp Chesapeake, and Mack Kaiter the camp counselor. I have observed all my damn ass life, when it is either ungodly hot or cold, or when there are super snow blizzards when I lived up north long ago; this is always when the shit in my life would follow suit. Nothing ever changes for the goddamn snot puffing Mountainpen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not ever!!!!

When those famous and terrific agents, mentioned in that wild and cool television show, on New York City's WPIX-Channel-11, back in 1988; Agents Condor and Agent Falcon, told their story on that fantastic documentary; it took me three solid decades to realize that the topic of UFOLOGY, misunderstood as it may be by the Earth Planet population, as of early in 2019; is indeed what is behind all of my woes, and all of my so many outlandish and mysterious people who have made 'contact' with me, in one way or form, or another; for my entire life. Patty Hollister may have been the main character, or Paula King, or whoever or whatever we may wish to call her; and along with these whittle pirate facts and “YARRRRRRR's”, and buckin' fuckin' pirate hats, yes I still am wondering how Patty and her pal Santa are doing these goddamn days, yo????? You know, I actually had people ask me to have 'him' place them on his 'NICE-LIST', after the day he helped me move from apartment to apartment, back on March first, in the year of 1975. I am sure it was done jokingly, Misses Pennock; but still, Lenny; and all Lenny's for that matter; I think some people were truly wondering a whole lot of fucking shit about me, way back then. Hey, don't fucking feel bad. I was wondering about myself, Mister Rod Serling, yo! After-all, you tormented me with your sick demented evil WAYV radio station; oh mighty Patty-Paula????? For those who may be unaware of all of the fucking nightmarish circumstances involved here; David Roth and I would have many serious talks over a totally fucking 'Ed Snowed In' bugged up telephone, Mister BLUE-NUNNGEN; and he would always joke about that exact song, “Feel Real”, and how as he put it so crudely, Thomas J. Reale of Ventnor, and Northfield, New Jersey, USA-ESMWG; molested me back when I was fifteen years fucking old, at his home that he sold to the ACMUA waterworks of Atlantic City, on Cornwall Avenue, back in July of 1970. There is a connection and a message, built into every single event in the entire universe and multiverse. We literally cannot escape that reality, hard as any of us may wish to make such a fucking attempt, and IPYT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All that mother fucking bullshit casino teasing and harassment, it was PAULA AND DADDY JOHN KING behind all of it, the entire mother fucking dirtbag time, yo yo yo yo yo!!!!!!!!!!!!

So why do we choose (in our spirit), to explore the various parallel doppelgangers (doubles) of ourselves, in the virtually limitless fifth dimensional hyperspace? To answer that, we first need to examine more down to Earth similarities. Exactly why do we all make the many multiple choices (in waking life) that we do? You know, where to go or to stay inside on any given day, why we call a friend, or don't, why we post this up or that up on social media, for the majority of social media users out there, why we choose to pursue a potential mate, apply for a particular job, and the list goes on endlessly, and all of it on some kind of a precise time schedule. After-all, if we look back at our life in any given day or week or month or what have you, you can see that a hindsight view will always reflect the reality of being literally a part of some gargantuan sized cosmic program of virtually limitless options and menu choices, a second at a time, from womb to tomb. So are these potential waking life decision options, a sort of reflection or similarity of some kind, to the decisions that our spirit or dreaming-mind travels to, and 'dreams through'? Put very simply and parochially here, while awake, Joe Shmo may say to himself, should I go out and take a walk on the damn beach today, or not, since it is cloudy, and I don't want to be caught outside in the rain? Then that night after falling into his bed, and he drifts away from his consciousness to this waking reality; is the very same process of decisions, following him and instructing him to dream-travel into this or that, for some particular reason? The answer is an unequivocal YES, kind folks. Our truer or higher self, is indeed some amount of pure energy, that goes onto become that 'brain-activity', that your matter-mind permits a connection into the physical material world, from. So absolutely, just as we operate with conscious lower self mind in the world of awake-ness, we likewise operate quite similarly when we travel the hyperspace in spirit, or 'sleep and dream'. But as we make our so-called 'free-will' decisions in waking world life, and this same mind-brain system is doing likewise in our nocturnal existence, just how truly free is FREE WILL? You may think that YOU made the decision, you know, to quote the old song perfectly here, should I stay or should I go, or should I do this or that, or not, or whatever; but what is finally actually MAKING YOU or CAUSING YOU, to arrive at a selection/decision? You may think that this is your free will, but it is just like deciding what you are going TO DREAM ABOUT! How many liars out here want to try and feed me the epitome of bullshit, and tell me that they can dream anything that they want to, and control it like it is some super great future VR-program? And for that matter, what then is really happening in a so-called virtual reality program, where you can enter a computer generated reality, and control the entire thing? Carl Sagan said it so perfectly to the great 99th Congress, on a televised show that I happen to see one night, while living at 1802 Robin Hill Apartments. We can now, “Up it one dimension”. Whose VR-PROGRAM are we in while we believe our self to be awake, and for that matter, when we believe our self to be asleep? Anyone who believes literally, that someone somewhere has a gigantic computer, and that we are all inside of its program, is a true fruitcake. The truth is that even though this is not the exact case and point right down to the nth degree, the effect and the result is that it may as well be as if this was what is going on. I know for a fact that there are Astral Plane gods and goddesses, that the AAT clubbers call the aliens, and that the religious people call the angels, the demons, and Satan and God. I know for a fact that the PLANK-TIME is reality, and all of this is a powerful dream where we fall off of that reality when we get so low in energy that we need to refuel or regain a new supply. There is just enough drag in the Purgatory to cause this slow drain due to the slightest amount of weight that this Astral or spiritual realm contains. It may be a zillion-zillion-zillionths of a microsecond long and be a zillion-zillion-zillionths of the size of a grain of sand, but as we exist there, we too are this much tinier, and in fact, our comparison is virtually limitless times this in ratio, as we are much smaller in this ratio, and our entire universe appears to be the size of a pea in comparison while we exist there. Also, no one is experimenting with humanity, no one has plans for us, good or bad, and the entire thing is a game. We love games because we are in the image of these energy-entities (GODS/GODDESSES), and they love games, but they love games because to them, it is the ultimate and extremely necessary distraction. This distraction is to keep them from dwelling and reflecting on the reality that dogs all of us existors/Purgatites, and that is ABSOLUTE ENDLESSNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!

The news last night had an item that I'll admit, is blowing my mother fucking mind. Let me start with the story on my end of the stick, and then, I'll tie in this news item. Practically every Blogaudian out here will be amazed at this tale. I made a miscalculation regarding my anti-poverty plan, and told how Starburn Outreach Development Incorporated, or STARBURNODI for short, is a plan to eventually eradicate poverty out of the United States, and I misstated the financial objective and goal that is necessary to begin putting this incredible business plan into action, saying it would requite an amassing of ten trillion dollars, (USD). In fact, the amount is closer to half of this, and I have made an error on my paperwork. But I have the entire plan written down, so that anyone who would ever view it, would see that I just screwed up and thought I would need ten rather than about half of this amount. When I went out to my nut-job clinic last week, I believe that someone was in here, and saw these notes that I have written down in scribble form. I absolutely feel that these notes were viewed. Last night on the international and local news, a man was arrested in Palm Beach for breaking into Trump's Mara-logo Estate. He was insisting on talking to Trump about this exact same amount of money. I find this astonishing and beyond even my typical outlandish twilight zonish life's experience! WOW-JOANN-A!

Last night on that great “L&O” show that is very hard to see on TV any more, I saw that episode from early this century, called, “Whose Monkey Is It anyway”? I am in the mood to add my little bit of spin about several things, and one of them pertains 100 percent to this episode. I totally believe that extremely evil criminals who are incarcerated for terrible crimes, SHOULD BE IN LAB-RAT-PRISON. I feel that they should have to submit to medical research. Forget death penalties, or torture or pain for pain's sake; as that is unconstitutional. Still, to make up for the horrible fucking shit that these beyond evil monsters do the innocent, I believe that they should have to do this, and if they croak, well, fuck you, then you croak. I don't disagree with many many things that my distant-cuzz Donald believes. I am not a Republican, nor am I a Democrat. I am split about down the damn middle, agreeing and disagreeing with about half of the shit that both of these parties are for. Here is a way to really get even with those who hurt us and laugh at us, and not violate the constitution. Many things need to be tested out, and no better people are there than them, for just that purpose. WHAAAAA!

When I went out to pay me rent earlier today, I had a very strange event happen to me, AGAIN, as my middle name as we all know is HUNTINGTON TWILIGHT ZONE! I rode down the damn elevator with a lady and her little CHI-DOG, and everything was fine. But after I paid the rent, this same lady was again right there, and just as she was walking into the gate of this building, I was driving into it. As I opened the door for her to the lobby entrance, the dog suddenly tried to attack me, and nearly bit my right leg. That would have been a lawsuit, but the only problem is, what lawsuit? Nobody here has a penny, just like me. The only mother fucking suit would be the one that IS NOT hanging up in my whittle fwucking cwoset, Mister goddamn Elmer Fwudd!!!!!!!!!!! WHAAAAA! Still, why was her dog so nice to me ten minutes earlier, and then pow, out of nowhere, the little fucking bastard wanted a chunk of my leg? Reminds me of Jim Burr's dog, and the Cifaloglio dog, WHOOLIO-JULY. All loyal fucking Blogaudians know these true tales from Nightmare Grove!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I've got fucking roaches all over the goddamn apartment no matter how much I spray the RAID or how clean I keep the place. I have the ILLEGAL GUESTS around here slamming the goddamn fucking doors today, kind Sheriff, sir. It's more fucking fun around here than Alice Ciminelli, and her barrel of jail bird American Honda guardhouse conversations, sent to the U.S. Copyright Office, on 1988's Valentine's Day monkeys!!!!!!!!!!!!! I believe that I have been hit with another health assault on top of this, Sheriff. Another horrible fucking year is beginning for me, oh wonderful kind sir!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, my heavenly and marvelous life, measured by the standards of anti-matter, is just making me so thankful and appreciative of the blessings that flow from such a wonderful fucking GODDESS, who sends songs in my sleep that altered my life, and so many grand and glorious fucking things! So thanks a lot, Almighty Sarah-Stacey Jehovah Karge Krassle, Sheriff K.J.M., and thanks a lot, DAVE!!!!!!!!!!! YARRRRRR, Patty Hollister, maybe me buckin' hat's on crooked or something. WOW-THAT!!!!

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Yes folks, we can definitely call that my Mountainpen's Morianity Quotation or (MMQ) or anything else you may wish to, as this won't alter the following truth: When the famous and terrific agents, mentioned in that wild and cool report-documentary on New York City's WPIX-Channel-11-television show, back in 1988 non-Spellchecker monkeys; Agents Condor and Agent Falcon, said that people who open up their mouth, and say things that are not allowed to be said; those people will not be able to get a moment of peace for the rest of their lives; how does this then fit into those who were on the receiving end of all of this horrible monstrous mother fucking turd swallowing junk, LONG BEFORE they ever uttered a single goddamn word? THAT, oh great SIR ROCKDROID of the original STAR TREK SHOW, is the real Shakespearean query of the ages, on kind peeps and loyal Blogaudians!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes THAT is the question, Mister Bill Shakespeare, YO!

How I'll never ever fucking forget, ADA Ron Wirtz Senior, telling me how all of my damn answers to all of this nasty-ass mess; lays in the town of Carlisle, Pennsylvania. Right after he told me this incredible fucking shit, kind Sheriff KJM sir, POW, “My goddess non son of Sam girlfriend”, came over to my apartment and raped me, and this led to the miscarriage of my younger daut, PEE! And then there was the wild dream a few years afterward, where I was back at 1802 Robin Hill Apartments, and Paula came over to visit with me and tell me how I was too immature and that she refused to marry me, and that she had recently miscarried our child PEE. This is how transdimensional hyperspace works. We cannot go getting ourselves all fucking hung up on minor whittle details such as an event happening in one universe and not happening in another one that lies in localized hyperspace. No Spellchecker, the hypERCHRIST has absolutely nothing to do with any of this, OR DOES IT, come to reflect on it heredahelda and here, kind folks!!! I mean for crissake, it isn't every day that I am stopped and searched like a criminal by the authorities, for just sitting and telling a man about something from my childhood. But it sure happened that particular day in Medford Lakes, in the springtime of 1986. Maybe this is why the satanic demons of hellfire itself, struck Dave Roth and me so very hard, as after-all, it was directly following all of this, along with a tiny whittle detour through another Mister Rod Serling's Twilight Zone; called that special talk that took place in the spring time in the following year of 1986, at the Medport Diner, in Medford Lakes, New Jersey; regarding the “Great Sarah Krassle”. Along with these whittle pirate facts and YARRRRRRR's, and buckin' fuckin' pirate hats, I am wondering how Patty and her pal Santa are doing these goddamn days, yo????????????? But then, like who gives a fucking shit, to quote the kids who cuss?! Alligators or ALL I'M SAYING is that long B4I ever had a blog, or even shot off my mouth on RED-LINE-CROSSOVER topics, or said boo about shit; I have been given a no-peace persecution by these monstrous evil mother fucking HALLS-FAWCES. So it is not like anyone out here can go screaming into my ear, “Hey Mountainpen, this is all your own fault”, as my kid did about alligators, when I complained about all of these horrible things all over this place, and she said that I had made my bed and must now lay in it. Hey, she's totally right. Still, was this all my fault for real? Was this all my fault for REALE, for that matter? Was it me who teased you or you who teased me, every mother fucking time that I came down in 1997 to try and relax on the beach, and you tormented me with your sick demented evil WAYV radio station, oh mighty Patty-Paula?????????

WOW THISssssssssssssssssssssssssssss, Mizz Susan Erica AMC Snakes from 1983. Yes, Patty-Paula may very well be Sarah Krassle, or spelled with a fuller ASTRAL-PLANE name, SARAH-STACEY JEHOVAH KARGE KRASSLE. Yes there is pure magic in this incredible entity named Sarah Krassle Sarah Krassle Sarah Krassle Sarah Krassle Sarah Krassle Sarah Krassle Sarah Krassle Sarah Krassle Sarah Krassle Sarah Krassle!

Why go to so much trouble doing al of these things, beginning with Misses Cooley Hall High Hell Marola, on Memorial Day of 1969, May 30th, and going all the way so far, up to the stunt pulled in waking life while I was at my non-choker Darius Evans Cifaloglio security job in 2009, two years before the transdimensional-choking deal, and right around the Lakehouse-choking deal, but yes, always (choking-1983 deals); with that WAYV magical stunt she pulled on me with the Regis Threat and magically getting me to tune into it from my car while on that job. Things like this JUST DON'T HAPPEN, not in any real life or real world, and not with this sort of endless fucking repetitiveness; and I know that you all know that, and I'm not being WAYV-cute heredahelda and HERE, yo! There was a night a few years earlier where I was at my trailer, #10 at the great and illustrious Mullica Mobile Manor of Mullica Township, New Jersey, USA-ESMWG; and watching one of those two famous magicians on television. I forget whether it was Blaine or Copperfield, but it was one of the David's. Tee-Hee-Hee. He told everyone out in the TV audience to think of a card. We all did, and HE GUESSED IT; and that would be a one in fifty-two chance; and I don't buy into chances, or long shots like that. Yes longer shots than this do indeed happen, and with more frequency than we all might think would be the case, BUTTTTTTTTT folks, I know that he did something, and I know that night at Cifaloglio with Patty-Paula, that she did that very same 'something'; and then things happened. Just because I am unable to properly explain it, I STILL AM ABLE TO FULLY REPORT IT to the goddamn mother fucking world, yo, and you can bet I do, and will go right on screaming out my pain. This monster and all of her FAWCES are behind it.

ENDLESSNESS, END TRAnsdimensional, &







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I awoke today to some really weird mother fucking shit, kind Sheriff Mascara, sir, yo! I went into my fucking kitchen to take my medication, and POWERHOUSE-POW, Mister Spellchecker; MY KITCHEN HAD DIRTY WATER IN IT. Some mother fucker has fucking screwed with my drainage AGAIN here in this wovewee fucking cunt eating PUBLIC HOUSING ENEMY RIDDLED AUTHORITY, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!! I dumped a quarter of a bottle of dishwashing liquid into the mess and added a ton of boiling hot water, and it has all drained away, FOR NOW, SHERIFF SIR, but when I went to bed around noon, sir, there was absolutely nothing wrong, and my sink was bone dry empty and totally fucking cunt cleaner than a damn ass whistle, yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo, American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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She told me she is always watching me and never told me she was the goddess of Lightning. We are leaving this right here for right now, lovely LOO-HEARTS, you go girl, and hey Letty-girl, choo up to YO??? Who she, you ask, well; lovely Diana Arteemis, the goddess of lightning? In a higher reality and truth, she is giant coil of unbelievable pure colorful energy. I love her so much, I die inside every single day that I must live in a physical body & away from the love of my eternal rotten lousy life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The first time she allowed me to remember her as this awesome coil, was late spring or early summer time in 1984, while residing at 506 Robin Hill Apartments, in Voorhees township, New Jersey. The smallest pin prick on the world map above would be larger than Voorhees, most likely, WOW, and WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

This may sound shocking, but I would not trade places with anyone of you who don't have my problems and hell, not a one, not for a dam minute, and here's why. I couldn't live for an entire minute, all dumbed down and blind to shit all around me. I would actually rather be suffering in my eternal fucking hell!!!!!!!!!! Also, and in reiteration; THERE IS NO WAY TOM REALE IN JULY OF 1970 WOULD HAVE BEEN THAT UPSET THAT NIGHT OF THE FIREWORKS, IF HE WAS NOT ALL PART OF WHAT HAPPENED THE YEAR BEFORE THAT, AND WAS NOT ALSO A MEMBER OF THE (GAP-ESS) OR THE 'GREAT AND POWERFUL EXPLORATRONIC SUPERMIND SOCIETY'!!!!!!!!!!!

And speaking of those days and times of my residing at the Robin Hill Apartments, at #506, Nonwaterhosedreams and Nonchrisblumof501; this is where I was living when I went to that wild THROAT SPECIALISTS OFFICE and somehow, Mister Childress and Professor Kaku of NYU, lost my entire memory, then, as well as to this very day; of the return drive back home to that address, from Grant Avenue in Northeast Philadelphia, Pennsylvania!!!!!!!!!! Let us discuss some more about this, since some mother fucking bastard thinks it so cunt eating eternally funny to fuck with my goddamn ass kitchen sink, Mister Rump!!!!!!! Yes, 'let us keep our DAMN JOBS', Detective L&O Green, and U.S. © Examiners of 2007!!!!


Not until very late last year, did I start putting together all of the stuff I have enjoyed watching and learning about on those totally ass marvelous television educational cable channels such as PBS, History Channel, and Science Channel, pertaining to the AAT and their ideas and concepts on ALIENS & UFOLOGY. Hey, I do not agree with the aliens, and physical ships junk, where they supposedly have a home base somewhere in this hypersphere expansion that we call the universe. I have other knowledge and experiences, and they have all been told about and blogged for thirteen mother fucking years now since January of 2006, yo. There are no secrets in Morianity. Mountainpen is not writing a book of secrets, nor is this some type of spin off that many have labeled and so told me, A dream blog, an occult blog, an Atlantic City blog, or a Mariah Carey blog. I am merely quoting what some have spoken to me over this thirteen year period, or maybe ten year period for that last item, from a couple of persons who I believe are global traveling secret agents of the United States of America, and hey, I have been right before, and I have been not so right B4, yo!!!! Let us get back on Archibald Bunkerqueens 'pernt' now folks, and further discuss the day in 1984 that I drove over to Philly and the Throat Specialists Office. TEE-HEE-HEE!!!!

Many people are involved in this matter, and the United States government as well as global powers, ALL FULLY KNOW IT!!! Just as they are covering up what is happening to the populations of this Earth Planet, in an extremely huge and bizarre conspiracy, on matters that the AAT folks talk about, they ALSO are totally blocking the MORIANITY story from ever seeing the light of day in any real and meaningful way, you know, my blog going viral, or some such similar thing. I learned first hand when I tried using SOCIAL MEDIA, in the opening part of this present time decade, to do just that; THAT I AM IN NO WAY PARANOID OR IMAGING ANY OF THIS 'ARTHUR CRANE STUFF', ABOUT ME BEING TOTALLY AND 100% STIFLED, YO!!!!

There was a weird radio, along with many extremely expensive electronic and musical devices, that were in this 'HOUSE OF NAKEDNESS', as I've come to label it as, for obvious reasons. No one was wearing anything but their birthday suits. Also, various peeps of authority would be inside of this place, mostly police lieutenants or captains, in various interactions that I would come to experience through the years, in what you all insist on calling DREAMS. And yes, just as here in waking life, I was always disliked, and I could feel the tension and the anger, from many of the people who were in authority; as if I was some really bad person who had just made the damn ass FBI's most wanted list or something. Then around the early years of this present century or close to two decades later after this return trip from my doctor on that 1984 afternoon in Philly, PAULA KING would appear to me right near her WAYV-RADIO STATION, and not to tell me or any of my fellow Hammonton, New Jersey citizens, to hang in there during any wildfires, BUTTTTTTTTT, and I said 'BIG ASS' BUTTTTTTTTT FOLKS; just as I said over and over back in my 2006 and 2007 blogs; and no, this is not a MC-BLOG, BUTTTTTTTTT it may appear to be from time to time; but yes the letter D is NOT B4 the letter B, and just as the letter G is NOT B4 the letter D, nor is the number 2009 B4 the numbers of 2006 or 2007; Mister WHAAAAHA-AHA-AHA 1971 Mike Church Farm School McNulty, and the great Copyright Examiners know it, or KNEW IT, some time back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh yes, the mighty and outlandish Paula King would appear to me in Atlantic City, and right near her mighty radio station, that she has used to tease me, play with me, screw with me, and reveal multiple messages to me, kind Professor Kaku sir, and Mister New-age-author David Childress, sir!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, I AM INDEED A HANGING IN THERE HUNTINGTON FROM HAMMONTON, LOVELY SUPER GODDESS PAULA, and I do not want to marry you, not then, not now, at least not in your persona as PK, but in your other persona as PH, I did. BUTTTTTTTTT, I suppose as you said so perfectly, I was just way too damn ass immature, so WEEEEEEEE!

Still, my Morians/Blogaudians, yo; she in some parallel world in hyperspace, or in these recurring dreams ever since early in this present century times, continues to tell me that she wants me to get her that radio from that unfathomable house of nakedness from 1984. The house of radios, electronics, musical amplifiers, and yes, naughtiness and nakedness, not to mention lots of police presence and by the way, they are always in full uniform, just as I am always fully clothed, and always trying to be and act my part as the perfect gentlemen. Even the mighty DAWN-MARIE KING, used to tell me that I always acted the part of a perfect gentlemen, when I would transport her female friends to various places. That's me folks, the endlessly misunderstood and persecuted 'perfect-gentleman'. WEEEEEEE! But about this strange radio. It seemed to be a tachyon-radio, and it was able to pick up signals that were not yet broadcast; since it was able to tune into distant points out in 'the expansion' or (outer-space), and in the antimatter realms, where time is of course running in total reverse to what it does here when the polarities of subatomic particles are running, by our frame of reference anyway, in FORWARD-mode! She told me in the summer time of last year, 2018, in one of these powerhouse dreams, that if I didn't get her that radio, she would take me back to the hotel balcony in the year of 1967, and this time, THROW ME OFF OF IT FOR REALE. Maybe I should have said, for real, but I just couldn't resist the garden of Eden 'temptation' to add the damn letter-E; oh great U.S. © Office. Mortimer Mortino the Death Angel is passing by my right side as I type these words now, at precisely 8:55 Post Meridian on this early middle Saturday evening, yo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But then folks, SOSO-WEIN-SSDD, or same old same old, what else is new, same shit different day????????? Aniwho, just exactly why Patty/Paula wants me to get her this wild tachyon radio, I of course am totally clueless to, as always. All of the things that this wild Exploratronic Supermind entity does, is inconceivable and unimaginable. Trying to figure out any goddamn woman is difficult as all men fully are aware of, BUTTTTTTTTT Patty/Paula? Well, that is a recipe for disaster and a migraine headache combination that I don't need, Mizz Ross-Ness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAAA! Patty-Paula has somehow fucking hacked my Personal Computer (PC) and it won't allow me to mother fucking make a new line,so I'll have to do it another mother fucking way, yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo!!!!

HA-HA-HA PATTY-PAULA, LIGHT UP SOME CANDLES FOR ME NOW, AND TELL MISTER COOLEY HALL HIGH HELLapukeyuk HELL that I said, OHHHHHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM! And pweeeeeeeeze don't fucking shoot poor old twisted diseased piano playing Mister Marcucci, Yellow Brick Road Traveler Mister EJ, or poor whittle fucking me, the pathetic and Non-Ronstadt pitiful Mountainpen that is AKA ME, MARK WAYNE MOHR, of non BUTTERCHEESE Bryn Mawr, non Starburn, Pennsylvania! WOW, all Joann persons everywhere, from hookers to recording studio employees. YES FWOLKS, I weelwee fucking wish that my brain allowed me to forget things, only IT DOES NOT, not fucking cunt ass ever, yo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





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It is ungodly mother fucking HOT!!!!!! Life totally sucks, and this demonic heat is total goddamn murder on quintessential steroids. This middle eighties shit in late December and early January, totally blows and sucks rooster turds. Every time the weather is wild and ridiculous, and having shit this hot even in my area, is the epitome of Camp Chesapeake, and Mack Kaiter the camp counselor. I have observed all my damn ass life, when it is either ungodly hot or cold, or when there are super snow blizzards when I lived up north long ago; this is always when the shit in my life would follow suit. Nothing ever changes for the goddamn snot puffing Mountainpen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not ever!!!!

When those famous and terrific agents, mentioned in that wild and cool television show, on New York City's WPIX-Channel-11, back in 1988; Agents Condor and Agent Falcon, told their story on that fantastic documentary; it took me three solid decades to realize that the topic of UFOLOGY, misunderstood as it may be by the Earth Planet population, as of early in 2019; is indeed what is behind all of my woes, and all of my so many outlandish and mysterious people who have made 'contact' with me, in one way or form, or another; for my entire life. Patty Hollister may have been the main character, or Paula King, or whoever or whatever we may wish to call her; and along with these whittle pirate facts and “YARRRRRRR's”, and buckin' fuckin' pirate hats, yes I still am wondering how Patty and her pal Santa are doing these goddamn days, yo????? You know, I actually had people ask me to have 'him' place them on his 'NICE-LIST', after the day he helped me move from apartment to apartment, back on March first, in the year of 1975. I am sure it was done jokingly, Misses Pennock; but still, Lenny; and all Lenny's for that matter; I think some people were truly wondering a whole lot of fucking shit about me, way back then. Hey, don't fucking feel bad. I was wondering about myself, Mister Rod Serling, yo! After-all, you tormented me with your sick demented evil WAYV radio station; oh mighty Patty-Paula????? For those who may be unaware of all of the fucking nightmarish circumstances involved here; David Roth and I would have many serious talks over a totally fucking 'Ed Snowed In' bugged up telephone, Mister BLUE-NUNNGEN; and he would always joke about that exact song, “Feel Real”, and how as he put it so crudely, Thomas J. Reale of Ventnor, and Northfield, New Jersey, USA-ESMWG; molested me back when I was fifteen years fucking old, at his home that he sold to the ACMUA waterworks of Atlantic City, on Cornwall Avenue, back in July of 1970. There is a connection and a message, built into every single event in the entire universe and multiverse. We literally cannot escape that reality, hard as any of us may wish to make such a fucking attempt, and IPYT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All that mother fucking bullshit casino teasing and harassment, it was PAULA AND DADDY JOHN KING behind all of it, the entire mother fucking dirtbag time, yo yo yo yo yo!!!!!!!!!!!!

So why do we choose (in our spirit), to explore the various parallel doppelgangers (doubles) of ourselves, in the virtually limitless fifth dimensional hyperspace? To answer that, we first need to examine more down to Earth similarities. Exactly why do we all make the many multiple choices (in waking life) that we do? You know, where to go or to stay inside on any given day, why we call a friend, or don't, why we post this up or that up on social media, for the majority of social media users out there, why we choose to pursue a potential mate, apply for a particular job, and the list goes on endlessly, and all of it on some kind of a precise time schedule. After-all, if we look back at our life in any given day or week or month or what have you, you can see that a hindsight view will always reflect the reality of being literally a part of some gargantuan sized cosmic program of virtually limitless options and menu choices, a second at a time, from womb to tomb. So are these potential waking life decision options, a sort of reflection or similarity of some kind, to the decisions that our spirit or dreaming-mind travels to, and 'dreams through'? Put very simply and parochially here, while awake, Joe Shmo may say to himself, should I go out and take a walk on the damn beach today, or not, since it is cloudy, and I don't want to be caught outside in the rain? Then that night after falling into his bed, and he drifts away from his consciousness to this waking reality; is the very same process of decisions, following him and instructing him to dream-travel into this or that, for some particular reason? The answer is an unequivocal YES, kind folks. Our truer or higher self, is indeed some amount of pure energy, that goes onto become that 'brain-activity', that your matter-mind permits a connection into the physical material world, from. So absolutely, just as we operate with conscious lower self mind in the world of awake-ness, we likewise operate quite similarly when we travel the hyperspace in spirit, or 'sleep and dream'. But as we make our so-called 'free-will' decisions in waking world life, and this same mind-brain system is doing likewise in our nocturnal existence, just how truly free is FREE WILL? You may think that YOU made the decision, you know, to quote the old song perfectly here, should I stay or should I go, or should I do this or that, or not, or whatever; but what is finally actually MAKING YOU or CAUSING YOU, to arrive at a selection/decision? You may think that this is your free will, but it is just like deciding what you are going TO DREAM ABOUT! How many liars out here want to try and feed me the epitome of bullshit, and tell me that they can dream anything that they want to, and control it like it is some super great future VR-program? And for that matter, what then is really happening in a so-called virtual reality program, where you can enter a computer generated reality, and control the entire thing? Carl Sagan said it so perfectly to the great 99th Congress, on a televised show that I happen to see one night, while living at 1802 Robin Hill Apartments. We can now, “Up it one dimension”. Whose VR-PROGRAM are we in while we believe our self to be awake, and for that matter, when we believe our self to be asleep? Anyone who believes literally, that someone somewhere has a gigantic computer, and that we are all inside of its program, is a true fruitcake. The truth is that even though this is not the exact case and point right down to the nth degree, the effect and the result is that it may as well be as if this was what is going on. I know for a fact that there are Astral Plane gods and goddesses, that the AAT clubbers call the aliens, and that the religious people call the angels, the demons, and Satan and God. I know for a fact that the PLANK-TIME is reality, and all of this is a powerful dream where we fall off of that reality when we get so low in energy that we need to refuel or regain a new supply. There is just enough drag in the Purgatory to cause this slow drain due to the slightest amount of weight that this Astral or spiritual realm contains. It may be a zillion-zillion-zillionths of a microsecond long and be a zillion-zillion-zillionths of the size of a grain of sand, but as we exist there, we too are this much tinier, and in fact, our comparison is virtually limitless times this in ratio, as we are much smaller in this ratio, and our entire universe appears to be the size of a pea in comparison while we exist there. Also, no one is experimenting with humanity, no one has plans for us, good or bad, and the entire thing is a game. We love games because we are in the image of these energy-entities (GODS/GODDESSES), and they love games, but they love games because to them, it is the ultimate and extremely necessary distraction. This distraction is to keep them from dwelling and reflecting on the reality that dogs all of us existors/Purgatites, and that is ABSOLUTE ENDLESSNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!

The news last night had an item that I'll admit, is blowing my mother fucking mind. Let me start with the story on my end of the stick, and then, I'll tie in this news item. Practically every Blogaudian out here will be amazed at this tale. I made a miscalculation regarding my anti-poverty plan, and told how Starburn Outreach Development Incorporated, or STARBURNODI for short, is a plan to eventually eradicate poverty out of the United States, and I misstated the financial objective and goal that is necessary to begin putting this incredible business plan into action, saying it would requite an amassing of ten trillion dollars, (USD). In fact, the amount is closer to half of this, and I have made an error on my paperwork. But I have the entire plan written down, so that anyone who would ever view it, would see that I just screwed up and thought I would need ten rather than about half of this amount. When I went out to my nut-job clinic last week, I believe that someone was in here, and saw these notes that I have written down in scribble form. I absolutely feel that these notes were viewed. Last night on the international and local news, a man was arrested in Palm Beach for breaking into Trump's Mara-logo Estate. He was insisting on talking to Trump about this exact same amount of money. I find this astonishing and beyond even my typical outlandish twilight zonish life's experience! WOW-JOANN-A!

Last night on that great “L&O” show that is very hard to see on TV any more, I saw that episode from early this century, called, “Whose Monkey Is It anyway”? I am in the mood to add my little bit of spin about several things, and one of them pertains 100 percent to this episode. I totally believe that extremely evil criminals who are incarcerated for terrible crimes, SHOULD BE IN LAB-RAT-PRISON. I feel that they should have to submit to medical research. Forget death penalties, or torture or pain for pain's sake; as that is unconstitutional. Still, to make up for the horrible fucking shit that these beyond evil monsters do the innocent, I believe that they should have to do this, and if they croak, well, fuck you, then you croak. I don't disagree with many many things that my distant-cuzz Donald believes. I am not a Republican, nor am I a Democrat. I am split about down the damn middle, agreeing and disagreeing with about half of the shit that both of these parties are for. Here is a way to really get even with those who hurt us and laugh at us, and not violate the constitution. Many things need to be tested out, and no better people are there than them, for just that purpose. WHAAAAA!

When I went out to pay me rent earlier today, I had a very strange event happen to me, AGAIN, as my middle name as we all know is HUNTINGTON TWILIGHT ZONE! I rode down the damn elevator with a lady and her little CHI-DOG, and everything was fine. But after I paid the rent, this same lady was again right there, and just as she was walking into the gate of this building, I was driving into it. As I opened the door for her to the lobby entrance, the dog suddenly tried to attack me, and nearly bit my right leg. That would have been a lawsuit, but the only problem is, what lawsuit? Nobody here has a penny, just like me. The only mother fucking suit would be the one that IS NOT hanging up in my whittle fwucking cwoset, Mister goddamn Elmer Fwudd!!!!!!!!!!! WHAAAAA! Still, why was her dog so nice to me ten minutes earlier, and then pow, out of nowhere, the little fucking bastard wanted a chunk of my leg? Reminds me of Jim Burr's dog, and the Cifaloglio dog, WHOOLIO-JULY. All loyal fucking Blogaudians know these true tales from Nightmare Grove!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I've got fucking roaches all over the goddamn apartment no matter how much I spray the RAID or how clean I keep the place. I have the ILLEGAL GUESTS around here slamming the goddamn fucking doors today, kind Sheriff, sir. It's more fucking fun around here than Alice Ciminelli, and her barrel of jail bird American Honda guardhouse conversations, sent to the U.S. Copyright Office, on 1988's Valentine's Day monkeys!!!!!!!!!!!!! I believe that I have been hit with another health assault on top of this, Sheriff. Another horrible fucking year is beginning for me, oh wonderful kind sir!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, my heavenly and marvelous life, measured by the standards of anti-matter, is just making me so thankful and appreciative of the blessings that flow from such a wonderful fucking GODDESS, who sends songs in my sleep that altered my life, and so many grand and glorious fucking things! So thanks a lot, Almighty Sarah-Stacey Jehovah Karge Krassle, Sheriff K.J.M., and thanks a lot, DAVE!!!!!!!!!!! YARRRRRR, Patty Hollister, maybe me buckin' hat's on crooked or something. WOW-THAT!!!!

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Yes folks, we can definitely call that my Mountainpen's Morianity Quotation or (MMQ) or anything else you may wish to, as this won't alter the following truth: When the famous and terrific agents, mentioned in that wild and cool report-documentary on New York City's WPIX-Channel-11-television show, back in 1988 non-Spellchecker monkeys; Agents Condor and Agent Falcon, said that people who open up their mouth, and say things that are not allowed to be said; those people will not be able to get a moment of peace for the rest of their lives; how does this then fit into those who were on the receiving end of all of this horrible monstrous mother fucking turd swallowing junk, LONG BEFORE they ever uttered a single goddamn word? THAT, oh great SIR ROCKDROID of the original STAR TREK SHOW, is the real Shakespearean query of the ages, on kind peeps and loyal Blogaudians!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes THAT is the question, Mister Bill Shakespeare, YO!

How I'll never ever fucking forget, ADA Ron Wirtz Senior, telling me how all of my damn answers to all of this nasty-ass mess; lays in the town of Carlisle, Pennsylvania. Right after he told me this incredible fucking shit, kind Sheriff KJM sir, POW, “My goddess non son of Sam girlfriend”, came over to my apartment and raped me, and this led to the miscarriage of my younger daut, PEE! And then there was the wild dream a few years afterward, where I was back at 1802 Robin Hill Apartments, and Paula came over to visit with me and tell me how I was too immature and that she refused to marry me, and that she had recently miscarried our child PEE. This is how transdimensional hyperspace works. We cannot go getting ourselves all fucking hung up on minor whittle details such as an event happening in one universe and not happening in another one that lies in localized hyperspace. No Spellchecker, the hypERCHRIST has absolutely nothing to do with any of this, OR DOES IT, come to reflect on it heredahelda and here, kind folks!!! I mean for crissake, it isn't every day that I am stopped and searched like a criminal by the authorities, for just sitting and telling a man about something from my childhood. But it sure happened that particular day in Medford Lakes, in the springtime of 1986. Maybe this is why the satanic demons of hellfire itself, struck Dave Roth and me so very hard, as after-all, it was directly following all of this, along with a tiny whittle detour through another Mister Rod Serling's Twilight Zone; called that special talk that took place in the spring time in the following year of 1986, at the Medport Diner, in Medford Lakes, New Jersey; regarding the “Great Sarah Krassle”. Along with these whittle pirate facts and YARRRRRRR's, and buckin' fuckin' pirate hats, I am wondering how Patty and her pal Santa are doing these goddamn days, yo????????????? But then, like who gives a fucking shit, to quote the kids who cuss?! Alligators or ALL I'M SAYING is that long B4I ever had a blog, or even shot off my mouth on RED-LINE-CROSSOVER topics, or said boo about shit; I have been given a no-peace persecution by these monstrous evil mother fucking HALLS-FAWCES. So it is not like anyone out here can go screaming into my ear, “Hey Mountainpen, this is all your own fault”, as my kid did about alligators, when I complained about all of these horrible things all over this place, and she said that I had made my bed and must now lay in it. Hey, she's totally right. Still, was this all my fault for real? Was this all my fault for REALE, for that matter? Was it me who teased you or you who teased me, every mother fucking time that I came down in 1997 to try and relax on the beach, and you tormented me with your sick demented evil WAYV radio station, oh mighty Patty-Paula?????????

WOW THISssssssssssssssssssssssssssss, Mizz Susan Erica AMC Snakes from 1983. Yes, Patty-Paula may very well be Sarah Krassle, or spelled with a fuller ASTRAL-PLANE name, SARAH-STACEY JEHOVAH KARGE KRASSLE. Yes there is pure magic in this incredible entity named Sarah Krassle Sarah Krassle Sarah Krassle Sarah Krassle Sarah Krassle Sarah Krassle Sarah Krassle Sarah Krassle Sarah Krassle Sarah Krassle!

Why go to so much trouble doing al of these things, beginning with Misses Cooley Hall High Hell Marola, on Memorial Day of 1969, May 30th, and going all the way so far, up to the stunt pulled in waking life while I was at my non-choker Darius Evans Cifaloglio security job in 2009, two years before the transdimensional-choking deal, and right around the Lakehouse-choking deal, but yes, always (choking-1983 deals); with that WAYV magical stunt she pulled on me with the Regis Threat and magically getting me to tune into it from my car while on that job. Things like this JUST DON'T HAPPEN, not in any real life or real world, and not with this sort of endless fucking repetitiveness; and I know that you all know that, and I'm not being WAYV-cute heredahelda and HERE, yo! There was a night a few years earlier where I was at my trailer, #10 at the great and illustrious Mullica Mobile Manor of Mullica Township, New Jersey, USA-ESMWG; and watching one of those two famous magicians on television. I forget whether it was Blaine or Copperfield, but it was one of the David's. Tee-Hee-Hee. He told everyone out in the TV audience to think of a card. We all did, and HE GUESSED IT; and that would be a one in fifty-two chance; and I don't buy into chances, or long shots like that. Yes longer shots than this do indeed happen, and with more frequency than we all might think would be the case, BUTTTTTTTTT folks, I know that he did something, and I know that night at Cifaloglio with Patty-Paula, that she did that very same 'something'; and then things happened. Just because I am unable to properly explain it, I STILL AM ABLE TO FULLY REPORT IT to the goddamn mother fucking world, yo, and you can bet I do, and will go right on screaming out my pain. This monster and all of her FAWCES are behind it.


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