Thursday, April 25, 2024



Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Here at Ed Himacane’s Place,



I fell under bad nasty siege today, and the Flyers Hockey team will as a result tonight, KICK PLUCKING SASS. The Dow Jones Industrials and their jack cough NASDAQ will continue 2 FLY-FLY-FLY-FLY-FLY, STRAIGHT TO THE DISTANT STARS, without looking back; going 2 14K+ in November, and by the end of the year, straight up to 15,17, and higher, into 17, 18, 19, and 5-digit 20,000 points by May of oh eight!!!!!!!!! The weekend was lighter than normal, but they made up 4 it 2 day with aerial siege early, and going strong throughout the day, bringing me some nice pussy-command. This is another I-P-E or Invisible Parallel Event, like bi-parameter number play at a roulette table. I was expecting it, with fully tensed stomach muscles, Houdini. When I all ready know it will B there, I can throw up a board that lessens the stomach punch a little bit, thank the gods. Monday was quiet, but as U know, they got their way with a huge Dow gain on Friday, as I predicted in all of my blogs ending on the prior week. The only thing that went OK empire-wise was the Eagles, but that is because when they lose one or two games, I control the world forces that make things happen by using what I call the 'KILL-HIS-CREDIBILITY' methodology. So I type in the Blogging Title of Rats and Tats, and then say PLAYING REAL NON-EAGLES football, and then this makes the next time that they play come out a WIN. I do not care who believes in what I say, as I know I speak the absolute truth, and I know Y all the entire creation is here, and how it got here, and have done my mega-best 2 explain this 2 the world through this present time internet computer system. U will believe what U want 2, and I can try and make U-C the truth until the brown eyed cows and Callio’s come home; and it will change nothing. This little bit of simple wisdom was learned by me from the RPL printer, big Mike, back in late 1980, when he said 2 me one cold day, “U cannot do one diddly little thing 2 change anything around here, live with it or quit”. He was absolutely right, and I cannot make people think or believe a single thing that they don’t wish 2. People laugh in these modern science days when they watch the movie “THE EXORCIST”, with that lovely cute Linda Blair, especially in her remake of the Ex-2. It is not a bunch of shullbit. It is fracking real. I have had bed shaking, non-induced astral projection, and objects appearing, vanishing, and moving, just not anywhere near in intensity as in the movies, but Crissake, ask yourself, what is like in the MOVIES? Hollywood is in business 2 bring us the exaggerated version of reality. It must B based on some reality, then in various amounts and degrees, EXAGGERATED!!!!!!!!! But if it is based on nothing we viewers can ever in any possible way relate 2, who would watch it 4 very long? This is topic that needs a major elucidated expansion on, at a later time when I have more time. Things R major screwed up 4 me right now, and time is very limited. Vely vely vely limited, oh wonderful ole' 1972 school classmate and chum, Mister Bob McDowell of COOLEY HALL, of Haddonfield!!!!!

I have no time to play games with spell checker, I know perfectly well what I am trying 2 say, and if U do not like it, then U do not have 2 like it, but I will print it, so 'E-F---U'. Moving on, there is much that needs talking about, and early in November, it will B, as well as errors and 'PBE' will B corrected and entries and new posts will also B added 2 Web-pages on me' own website at 4 now, I need 2 share a very lucid interaction from last night when I lost consciousness shortly past midnight, or as the MW puts it,
when I went 2 bed and 2 sleep. I had a major lucid dream. Do not confuse vivid with lucid, as U can have a dream so vivid that it can stay with U all day like it is bigger than the life around your so called waking world, but this is not lucidity!!!!!!!!!! Lucidity in a dream, is when U right there in the dream, know that U-R in a non wakeful condition, and R fully U and aware, and conscious; yet not bodily, as this is where your body seems 2-B, yet U know that your body is back in bed, and U know what the date is, where U-R living, and the whole 9 yards of your life. Now some tell in dream books that in a lucid dream, U can make the characters and the dream itself move and alter and conform 2 your will, and who am I-2 argue?? I know that if U can do this, then U-R bi-located in a locale in hyperspace, 'HS', where it works 4-U in this manner. I read the story of the lucid dreamer who realized his dragon nightmare was his cigarette smoking problem, and then he confronted the dragon, and realized all of this and even upon waking, broke his smoking habit; and I say HIP HIP HURRAY 4 him. A positive resulted, and he was in a hyperspace [playfield] which I will get into later. My lucid dreams R what I have termed in the last calendar year THIRD THING HAPPENINGS, TTH 4 short abbreviation. I called them various things, starting on the night of December 7th, 1969. Astee, the lady who’s unknown named husband who took my chain away from my friend Brad Messenger and I, back in June of 1969; came 2 me in a lucid dream that I never as yet touched on, and told me that my 8th grade history teacher, Mrs. Moldoff, at the Haddon Township High School, was intentionally placed in an automobile accident, because of something she did regarding my education; and this is a long and complex story that later on in adult life was checked out and 4 the most part, totally verified. About the interaction last night, Sarah Karge was in it, and some of Nina Soifer’s best friends, as well as a strange Hispanic male about 25 years of age, and his girlfriend. There was no changing or rearranging this 'dream'. But I knew I was in a [DREAM]. There was a strange lady who came out of the sea, and said some strange things 2 a lifeguard in ACNJUSAESMWG, and within my earshot, and his. I have no memory of his name, but he was a very good friend of mine in this interaction, this fact I was totally aware of. I will end this all though we could exchange many more things that occurred, and detail many wild things, but basically; I ended up at the Teck Bay Mystery School with a friend of Gawki, another Mystic-guru-professor there, and Sarah Karge was being talked about by a dude looking as a human male with eyeglasses, about five feet six inches or so in height, and 175 pounds. He was heavy in the middle and had a typical middle age build, and appearing as about 45-55 years of age, as would B humanly perceived. The point I have time only now 2 convey, is that these characters were in no way under my control, I tried, and it does not work. Yet I knew totally that it was, as U would perceive the reality, 'A DREAM'!!!!!!! The elevator room or the D-6, is involved in this. As 4 the Lois Foca 1980 and the Chain 1969 interactions, and lucid TTH; it must B told that there R indeed what the church used 2 feel more comfy saying, demonic spiritual forces and I know it, but the movies amplify and exaggerate it 2 the point where people say it is ridiculous and untrue, a mere fiction, and entertainment. U all R so wrong, and have doomed yourselves 2 a hell of super high technology that U-R totally able to get a small clue on at the present time. When I would swim in pools 10-12 years ago using my 'forward' ability 2 propel, the kids on the swim team would say; ''look, that is so way cool''. Once, I went faster than a guy with a buggy board and foot flippers, and still, 'it is simply cool'. The world would not know spiritual realities or the re-tracing of the master Messiah, if it came up and bit them straight dead center on the glass. Now the Millionth Council has some good entities in it, but one third of them R called the Briggers, & they own our business world and Wall Street, and some secret sects and cults in Japan; know of this tucked away secret reality. This even got 'Dark Shadows' put off the air, the whole Sky Rumson thing. None of this is fictional, and this world soon will BURN FOREVER IN INFINITE ETERNAL HELL, and won’t even B aware of it. Amazing but true, and even the gods do not totally believe some of what I say, but I know the truth.


GOOGLE-SWISS-WORLD LAB-official web documentation and co-copy written by MARK MOHR/MICHAEL MOUNTAINPEN, if these names appear on these blogging texts: END TRANSMISSION.

Posted by theansweristheqyuestion at 5:01 PM No comments:

Labels: siege persecution harasement hell the gods

Thursday, October 25, 2007


Rats, Tats, and Playing Real Football (NON-Eagles) that is, BLOG #28
Prior Blogging Datfile 00000X was Blog #27, forgot to enter this.
102507.758, Thursday evening here at the Cane’s pad, and where


Many typographical blogging errors will B amended on this and future blogs, what I call “Prior Blogging Errors” or shortened 2 [PBE’s] One from memory hits me right now from re-reading my print outs, which I print out as I fully intend 2 send these 4 blogs 2 the LOC, Office of Copyrights, very shortly, as soon, I will B heading off for Hawaii, or some place far away from this area of Atlantic City, the stock market hub in New York City, and Philadelphia and its hockey and baseball teams, and this evil trilogy, and the ICPE nightmare hell that I have been forced 2 suffer through for the same amount of years as it takes a new born baby to reach the age of majority. The first PBE was that the zero never printed out on the word program, while I was discussing the clock, and that there R 1,440 minutes in one day on this planet, not 144, sahwee there rich prince, and yes I do have a Capital One account, and love this bank very much. Moving on, dividing 1440 by 1000 moves the decimal point 3 spaces over to the left to give us 1.44 minutes to the milliday, or 1/1000th of one Earth day, which is a time period of just slightly greater than 80 seconds, or 1.44 minutes. This is why after a date,
the point 250 is 6 AM, the point 500 is 12 noon, the point 750 is 6 PM, and the point 000 is midnight. One milliday past midnight is 1.44 minutes later at point 001, and 10 millidays past midnight is 14.4 minutes past midnight, or 36 seconds shy of being a quarter past 12 AM, and so forth. Millidays were started by the World Lab. I also made some PBE statements regarding when I worked as a Labber here, sahwee, will work, only here in this part of HS, it is where I worked, as 2 me it happened already but in another transdimensional plane of the great HS, [hyperspace]. It was in the year of two two seven six, that lots of bad stuff was starting to unfold, and nobody is 2 blame 4 it except 4 me, and unlike ACNJUSAESMWG’s City Council, when it is my fault, I take the responsibility, and do not shuffle it off to Buffalo, or other innocent persons, I did it, I pay 4 it, the crime and the time, U know, the whole 'Beretta' thing. It was in the year of two three oh one, that I was being transported in the Skycar-100, and escaped by falling out of a hatch a mile or so off Brigantine, NJUSAESMWG. I was able unbeknown 2 the Transport Criminal Authorities, or the T-C-A, to disable the ship, and delay a destruct and jump out. They had no idea at all that I had been privy 2 lots of teck that was behind the construction of top-secret details regarding the security features of this great and famous vehicle. However, a horrible painful shot from an A-S-G or agony-stinger-gun, was used on me, and I was hit, and I remember as sure as I sit here now typing on little black laptop keys at this very present minper, the pain of feeling as though I am literally on fire; both outside and inside. This is what this weapon does. It delivers a sting pain that is worse that being lit up with gas and matches lit and thrown at U. The difference is that it lasts only about half a minper, [astral-minute], and does virtually no permanent cellular damage to the victim. I remember jumping out of this thing and hitting the ocean, and then being a little child, a female, perhaps 7 or 8 years old, an Indian Squaw, playing with other young boys and girls, later coming 2 learn that this was Delaware State, USA, and that I was in the tribe of the Miquon. I grew up and married the second oldest son of the tribe’s Chief, and within a year, and several months pregnant, was shot in my head by an old English musket 4 being unfaithful, only I was innocent and was only out in a river in a canoe with the Chiefs oldest son because I was trying 2 make my husband a gift and needed his spin on what his favorite thing would B that I would B able 2 make 4 him. The youngest 3rd son of the Chief, was the tribe’s best shot, and while out on this lovely river discussing this matter, I only remember falling down, not dying immediately; but slowly feeling the life going out of me, and the next thing that happened was being 8 years old a half century or so later in 1713, and my name was Benjamin Franklin. I had a good life in this sequence of dreams, and was n nothing like I was portrayed in the Bewitched show with Mizz twitchy nose Montgomery. I was muscular and well over six feet tall, and had many girlfriends, as well as night ladies. Diana Arteemis never came 2 me directly while I was in this set of dreaming physicality, however; on my deathbed she did, and she told me amazing things, about a future existence, where I would B in a room in the sun, later on by 190 years, in the first day of May, in 1980. I came to this room in the sun, but more than another full decade of time went by B-4-I understood that this room in the sun was an apartment living room at 4th and Preston Roads in Voorhees Township, NJUSAESMWG, at Robin Hill Apartments, suite #1802.

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