Saturday, April 6, 2024

L30B; THE NEXT BLOG AND SUBTITLED; Roulette Game Won Hyper-Huge-Time Playing the Utility-Property-Damage Number 24, and the Noise Number 3, and Major Cumpuker Hacking is Offda' Scales FBI


L30B; THE NEXT BLOG AND SUBTITLED; Roulette Game Won Hyper-Huge-Time Playing the Utility-Property-Damage Number 24, and the Noise Number 3, and Major Cumpuker Hacking is Offda' Scales FBI

Never have I come off intentionally doing a Patty Know-it-all Hollister H-H here with these 18+ years of blogs. I may say that I really truly feel that I know something, and then will always add in that I only know 4 absolute sure that everything in this life can B total illusion so then how can anyone know 4 absolute certain anything at all, and just as Sir 1969 Ziggy said on those awesome Atlantic City beaches. I plan 2 go back 4 a clean wipe free job a the TECHY-PLACE next week, as I just took another major blog vanishing assault at approximately 22 minutes past ten of the clock. It happened when I was teasing Mizz Patty H-H Hollister, so quoting a weelwee great television ad-spot from back in 2007 promoting the Hyundai Automobiles, “DUHH-DERR-DUHH-DERR- DUHH-DERR-DUHH-DERR DUHH-DERR DUHH-DERR- DUHH-DERR DUHH-DERR DUHH-DERR DUHH-DERR- DUHH-DERR”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Computer hacking is back on a super roll, so if this is NAUGHT AN INTENTIONAL STAR FAMILY HACKING JOB, OH GREAT FBI YO; then explain the logic and rationality of how it always and absolutely fits exact timing patterns, U just explain this 2 me great peeps, YO!!!! Talk about Mizz Legal-Beagle Molly Nu 4 crying out crissake loudly, BRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!! I have not had this much mother fracking cumpuker hacking in about a year when the last real wave knocked me right on me' sock clucking keister 4 crissake peeps! That rotten lousy worthless SPELLCHECKER totally sucks human gaseous winds, and using an anal 2 oral hose. I am told that I misspelled the word in red highlight above, but they refused 2 help me spell it correctly; and I totally know that there is such a futhermucking goddess damned 'K'-word-4-butthole! Also, a MAJOR MIND HACK ASSAULT struck me FBI; when I typed in the blue highlighted deal above, and B-4 it was corrected, it read, “the red in red highlight” and these type of mind assaults R done 2 everybody, but they R done 2 me a whole danglass lot more frequently, especially by major design, 4 purposes of making my entire life go rotten and sour 2 the mathematical exponential power of 300!!!!!!!!! No wonder the '24' number came right in and made me a ton of roulette units. WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! So bounce that all around with nets and beaches, and the gods only know what else, Mizz-Blake???!!!!

Image result for images free funny faces


MSTS Shown Below 4 Most Current Week-Graph:



Week ending at 4 PM, Tuesday afternoon: 04-09-24

GAME NUMBER--------------

DATE GAME PLAYED------04/06/2024

NUMBERS PLAYED------3-24 (noise & pro-dam)


(22-24 - - - - - - - - -)

T-----2, W-----1, L-----1

W-V --------- +34 UNITS

L-V------------- -2 UNITS

WINS $ ------------ +x UNITS

LOSSES $ --------- -x UNITS


      Photos of the Day


SATURDAY, APRIL 06, 2024---JWSC-SAT-12-109







Yes today's MAJOR ELECTRONICS-UTILITY ASSAULT as well as MAJOR NOISE ASSAULT PERSECUTION'S AND HARASSMENT'S ON ME, brought in me' parallel event roulette numbers, and 2 quote me' latengrate whittle mommy here good folks; “That's fer-dern-sherr”!!!!!!!! U can bet your danglass smelly keister's on THAT one, evweebwuddy, as IPYT. Folks, it truly is just that dern rotten simplllleeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Y has this incredible nightmare gone on around me, people, 4-70 years? It ain't complicated, not weelwee. Naught when we open our minds up, and begin some really large dern glass cogitation on this. Again, can I or any other human being, ever B-100 percent purely positive sure about anything? Ask any existentialist, as they will agree with Sir Beach-Ziggy from 1969, and his famous saying,U don't know nothing”!!!!!!!! But other than 4 the ever unprovable possibility, that we R all just figments of our own imaginations; the answer is simple and has but one possible correct answer 2 this 64 quadrillion dollar infinite query, or seemingly infinite aniwho, YO peeps!!!!!!!!!!! The fifth dimensional hyperspace, and where we all travel 2 in our energy (spirit), every time we no longer R able 2 remain awake each day; AND WHAT HAPPENS IN FULL DETAIL, WHILE THERE IN THESE ALTERNATE REALITIES, that is creating an endless major effect back in physical-waking-world-life, that Morianity and Mountainpen, have labeled, and called now 4 over 18 years; the TOWEL SEEPAGE EFFECTS, and 4 short, the TOSE. U missed me this time, Mizz Witchbitch Toadlickingfool Thistlethorns Crabgrasshitinnerpants Notfondauonebit Sleazeweedsdisease Jane. On the middle of document open-office page-10, I realized the situation of upcoming potential nightmares on future Madonna Cooley Steroids (FMCS) 4 shortened abbreviation, and made the quick amendment of adding half a dozen blank pages that later will B deleted off with a quick scroll & highlight job, and (QSHJ) 4 short. WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Sir Chester-Frank, and yes, it is indeed also completely WEEEEEEEEDEEEEEEEKAWUSS as well, lovely Katy, and Sir Mack, from Camp Chesapeake in Northeast, Maryland, USA. Some beyond Senator-Sanders-HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE and totally gargantuan deal is going on around me Mizz Marilyn McCoo, in the great awesome 5th dimension; and I am willing 2 bet dimes 2 donuts that U, as well as the DAVIS FAMILY, in all colors, and the Hollister peeps, and the Gaines peeps; R all, just as that wild reporter from the great mighty marvelous PEEPS-MAG suspected all along, part of the wildest fifth dimensional 'something' that has ever taken place on this non Canopious Planet of EARTH, since Mister awesome South American residing, Carlos Castaneda, revealed his magical information 2 this bling pathetic ignorant world. Yes I said it, and the M-C hates peeps 2 call other peeps fools and ignorant, or that horrible REAL definition-----'N'-WORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyone who doubts this but believes in Holy Scripture, get any KJV-BIBLE, and read the entire NEW TESTAMENT vely carefully, or just the words in RED that signify it is the words of Jesus Christ 2 HIS pals 'the disciples', 'whatever' Federal Congressman Andrews, and no Verizon; I'm not doing it. It just works out this way, in me' surreal and major unfathomable dang life, YO!!!!

Now what happens in our dreams that alters our life permanently upon waking back up here again into our physical lives? Just how does this magical TOSE truly operate? Just what possible effects or alterations could at least B made somehow theoretically should we all get onto these truths as an entire collective humanity and race of homosapiens? These 3 questions R the most powerful tri-query in human civilization's entire historical reality, let me assure U all of thistlethorns, and yes, of thissssssssssss also, lovely Mizz Erica Susan Kane Luccisnakes of AMC-1983!!!!!!!! Well first off, does the Mountainpen have some of these wild rod slam glass answers, at least in partial and perhaps scattered and incomplete totalities? YES, absolutely I do, but again in honest reiteration here, as me' father said 2 me so often in me' vely early twenties in year-age, “learn 2 listen 2 language”!!!!!!! I have some partial and definitely incomplete knowledge here, but stuff that is so far above anything anyone of U-R even cognizant 2 in your wildest imaginations and dreams, and again at the risk of invoking more wrath from the Verizon accusers; this places me literally worlds beyond any of U, and this does NAUGHT make me one wee tad bit happy or feeling as if I wish 2 brag about any of this junk, lovely Mizz 1983 AT&T BLAKE, oh mah'm!!! If I could blindly B permitted 2 change places with anybody in the entire world right now, GODDESS DAMN IT FOLKS, I WOULD DO IT IN A NEW YORK GLASS DART-CREEP HEART-BEAT, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!

Posting up at approximately quarter of mdnt.


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