Thursday, January 4, 2024

Two Straight Days of Super High CALLIOCAREYOTAMMIC and Back-2-Back 60 Unit Roulette Units Won as a Goddessdog Result, YO


Two Straight Days of Super High CALLIOCAREYOTAMMIC and Back-2-Back 60 Unit Roulette Units Won as a Goddessdog Result, YO

04:22 AM, early Thursday morning, January 4, 2024

I have had 2 super major death assaults now back to back, and as a result, made a whopping doozie non-President Obama total units in my hypothetical roulette play in this time period of 48 hours now, of 120 UNITS, and on single nickel level or 5 bucks a throw, that is a gargantuan 600 smacks, and on the quarter level or 25 smacks a throw, that is 5 times even more, or $3 grand. This is no product of imagined delusions or sick minds or made up junk; and may even B a wee tad bit along the lines of what a great world-wide communications carrier known as the world famous 'VERIZON', most definitely accused me of through a careful back door back in early middle 2023 last year, yes world, maybe it is just a tiny little speck of braggadocio behavior on my part, but so, SUE ME, as things get a wee tad bit heavier here where perhaps the casino industry just might soon B asking their attorney's if they indeed can SUE ME, and wait until I tell what I am gonna' tell!!!!!!!!!!!!! But B-4-I do in fact begin with this, I need 2 tell about my wild dreams from the prior night B-4 awakening into that super high CCOT day yesterday of 1-3-24. Call this day if U feel like a wee tad bit of a non-Patty Hollister-H-H-laugh here peeps; the drugged up musicians count day or simply shortened perhaps now 2 the DUMC-DAY, as in their famous intros 2 music and it being just a little out of order as if they all had 2 much 2 drink or gut heavily M-J-buzzed, or 'whatever'; huh there Bob Andrews great Sir, from days long gone by now? I was back with the KING CLAN in a real doozie nightmare, and part of this interaction consisted of some music industry peeps, who were as in waking life, anything BUT MY FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!! The last time that my open reel tape machine was with me and exactly the same as it was in waking life right down 2 the epoxy attached edit-all splicing block on it, was back while it was in my living room and I had not even left my 1802 Robin Hill apartment yet. Donna Summer was there in that wild dreaming interaction and was doing her HAIR PROJECT with some alterations 2 it, and remember, this was in those times right after I had first found this vinyl disc up in the attic of the RPL Studio in Camden, NJUSAESMWG. I am getting a nasty computer hack that is interconnected with this rotten new keyboard that I've grown 2 absolutely freaking detest, as it misses key strikes leaving words coming out such as the word 'back' with only the 'B-A-C', and endless other similar hacking things. Despite my becoming quite the 21st century piker and quintessential cheap-skate, I most likely am gonna' B getting a new keyboard soon as I will not keep putting up with this shullbit, and need 2 have my system in better working order if I am 2 maintain these blogs and this Morianity-Project. Getting back 2 the dream of my open reel tape machine now, this is the point, or one of about ten million, that I plan 2 make in some yet unfathomable 2 me, shortened and compressed abridged way as 2024 moves along, that pertains 2 connecting DREAMS, and my blogging audience together, and also the once refered 2 by me back when it began in 1979, speaking of the great and late Mizz Donna Summer here, “RPLDD”, and standing 4 the RPL-dream deal. RPL was the sound studio where I was employed then, and had that wild quick talk with that miniature INCREDIBLE-HULK dude that late afternoon one day in the winter of 1980 and told him that I knew that his shipping department was planning 2 do something that effected me and I picked it up from my dreams last night, and he said back 2 me with a frightened look on his face that I shan't forget 4 the next thousand goddessdog years YO, “You're HAUNTED”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He repeated that about two more times, and never ever so much as spoke one more word 2 me 4 the entire 60 days or so that he was still working there, and then one day he was just gone, 4 whatever the reason. Now the blog that was titled, 60 UNITS MADE TODAY AT P-E-2 ROULETTE, HAD MORE THAN DOUBLE THE AVERAGE AMOUNT OF HITS ON IT THAT OTHER BLOGS THAT I POST R GETTING OVER THESE PAST 90 DAYS OR SO, and on that blog, it talks about my tape recorder that corresponds 2 this recent dream from the early morning hours of the 3rd of January. Every once in a while, I am in a room and am being questioned and even occasionally interrogated quite vigorously by not so nice guys and against my will, and find myself forcibly telling stuff 2 them that I would not B saying unless somehow being manipulated against my will through some wild top secret dream interrogation technology of powerful black-ops secret alpha-soup agency agents, or 'whatever'!!!!! None of this is made up, imagined, the product of a mentally ill mind, a fictional tale 2 earn me money, or anything that could B in any way something my enemies or even non-enemies ever decide 2 accuse me of. Now twice as many hits happened on that blog, and then right at that same exact time, I go 2 sleep and POW-POTTER-POOF-HOGWARTS; there I am with that very exact tape machine in 5th dimensional hyperspace somewhere, only this time, and unlike with Donna Summer, and her being with me at 1802 Robin Hill; I was with the KING family, and some industry dirt bags, and WOW, were things beyond wild. Suddenly I knew that I had been taken 2 my Aunt and Uncle's home in Narberth, PAUSAESMWG, at 1208 Greentree Lane, and never forget that those boxed 4 digits of 1802 and 1208 cannot B missed nor ignored, unless U really want 2 prove 2 me that U desire membership in the Ninny-Morons Club of America, or the (NMCA). I won't get into it all now, but one part of it was about these peeps having my machine 2 this day and it was all connected and bused into several other extremely large open-reel tape machines, as well as all kinds of other electronic apparatus, right out of the find that day that I had B-4 moving into 1802 ans still living in Mantua, NJUSAESMWG, and out with my dog Roseann at some local wooded area, as was told on several blogs B-4 this one, YO BRAHHH!!!! This was simply a point about my recent discussions concerning dreams & dreaming, on this Morianity.

Yes we will get into all of this later, but this blog is not really about this, and is more about my recent prior months of endless death aerial persecution on goddessdog steroids. This is a blog 2 tell U that I am beyond mother ******* fed up with a nation that won't stop this GODDAMN ILLEGAL HARASSMENT ACTIVITY ON ME, A LEGALLY BORN AMERICAN CITIZEN, and so I will have 2 take my own action, and that is a THREAT, and I know using that word can indeed get me into mother ******* legal trouble, and I don't care, as my threats will B stuff done 2 them that is completely legal and is along the lines of tattle tailing and ratting and telling stuff 2 this world that they do not want told, simple as flucking rats glass THAT, YO BRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now what in particular does Mountainpen mean right here and right now on this 4th day of January of 2024??????? Well, I know that a lot of my nightmare began when I startled going 2 and gambling at, the casinos of ATLANTIC CITY, NEW JERSEY-USA, and it is as simple as that. How things may or may naught have progressed onward from there is not my concern 4 this exact moment in non-Senator-Watergate-1973 TIME, YO BRO!!!!!!!!!! I am giving a warning right now of my plans, and this is 4 every casino owner that offers the world famous game CALLED roulette, AND I WAS JUST GIVEN A MOTHER ******* (SMALL-BOX)-HACK, AT 12 MINUTES PAST 5 AM, FBI, ACLU, HAGUE WORLD TRIBUNAL COURTS, ANY FEDERAL AGENCIES THAT SUPPOSEDLY LOOK INTO ONLINE INTERNET CRIMINALITY, AND USA CONSTITUTION PROTECTORS AND BELIEVERS!!! NOW SOMETHING SUCH AS THIS TELLS ME THAT I HAVE STRUCK ONE OF THE WOMO-SPACEFORCE PHONY-FUNNY-BONES, AND DAVE ROTH AND I USED 2 CALL THESE EVENTS WHEN THEY HAPPENED 2 US LONG AGO WHILE HE WAS ALIVE AND I WAS BACK LIVING UP THERE IN NO-JOY-ZEE-USA, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hack and screw with me all that U may want 2 mother ******s of the casino industry, and all intermarried into the WOMO-SPACEFORCE, and proving 2 me right now that I indeed am absolutely right here, so here goes: Okay, so I have showed 4 almost a full year now, and remember Sir Al Einstein's powerful roulette related statement that nobody can defeat this game without cheating; not in what is called L-R-P, or LONG-RUNNING-PLAY, that I have done just this, and again 4 the second time, using the only possible way of accomplishing this incredible feat, the application of PARALLEL-EVENT-TECHNOLOGY!!! It is as simple as THAT. No mathematical way of doing it is truly feasible, even the deal I gave U, as it all is along the lines of having an enormous bankroll, and at the end of a year or a decade, a few bad games and super bad luck streak can come along and completely wipe out a long time of heavy wasted effort and time!!!!!!!!! Now my originally used 1986 parallel event application was also quite difficult 2 use and apply since it required enormous patience and self control since only rarely do strong enough parallel events set up at least 4 or 5 to one, as previously explained, B-4 a play is signaled. Otherwise think of it as a sports play. U start messing wit junk B-4 the ref or the coach blows a whistle, and U-R all through. There R more rules an dregs in the world of sports than there R in the court system of the CJS, or at least it appears that way sometimes, and I ain't the biggest sports fan on the damn planet, y-O, and here comes my y-O-HACK, right on plucking schedule, every time the hacking is bad AND THEN I FORGET 2 LOOK WHEN I TYPE IT OUT, YO, as I did this time, YO!!!!!!!! All I want 2 tell right now is simple and down 2 Earth easy 2 follow 4 any gambler and or roulette player. I don't want 2 end this game 4 the the large part of this world by spilling it today, and so I won't B spilling it until I make the money that I need so that I can then take it and do what I need 2 do with it and no longer need 2-B playing the game any longer. Peeps, I may B the only person and maybe not, but it is definitely rare, but just because I am about, or just about, the only one ever 2-B damn persecuted by some magical nearly invisible HALLS FAWCES ENEMY called by me the 'WOMO-SPACEFORCE', does not mean that applying this type of parallel-event or 'APE' 4 short (applied parallel event), is something that only the Mountainpen is able 2 goddessdog perform, YO great peeps aldare, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cut me a break here willya' lovely Mizz 1985 Margie Caldor Leo McFly, oh girl???????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Y would I have the sole opportunity here 2 perform an APE system against a casino game, or any other game with numbers 4 that matter???????? Come on folks, wake up and drink the coffee that's been boiling away 4 the past century or three!!!!!!!!!! Let us say that U begin your own little deal and start measuring days where your spouse is really annoying and I mean extra annoying, way more than usual. If U have an excellent relationship, well then good 4-U, so we move into the next possible thing 2 rate and keep track of. How about days when your boss is extra mean 2-U? Okay so U have a wonderful boss an da wonderful significant-other, well, good 4 goddessdog U, I'm damn happy 4-U, YO!!!!!!!!!!!! So let us move onto other stuff. Maybe U-have some mechanical issue in your home or your car, so when it it is worse than other times, just what numbers come up 4-U when U play the game, and all U need 2 do is what I do, use decks of playing cards an da master sheet book with lots of wheel number 2 card conversions such as ace of hearts is number 25 and four of clubs is double zero, and so forth, y-O, and here we go again with that goddessdog plucking annoying (y-O-HACK), YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes sir and mah'm, they're good and ticked off at the poor pitiful Mountainpen now, only I have only opened this up, and it is their move if they want total glass warfare with me or naught, Mizz AT&T Blake from 1983!!!!!!!!

So here is my prior two roulette game information 4 your perusal folks aldare, YO, and I looked, HA-HA-HA-TEE-HEE, Mizz Lilly Munster Welder!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The game from 2 games back on the 1st day of my major HIGH-CCOT day from aerial death siege was (+60 units), and then my 2nd day of my major HIGH-CCOT day from aerial death siege was yet another (+60 units), and here is the non generqal breakdown of it all without getting me' lab-tech daughter 2 overly wet or happy here from 1984 fake McDonald's or what I jokingly sometimes refer 2 as the 1984 FMDDD (fake McDonald's daughter deal). 'Okay' Sir roof-dogs 'WAYV-FM-RADIO'-John King oh mighty awesome latengrate SIR, the game played at the end of 1-2-24 was 14 TOWS with 4 wins and 10 losses with 6 numbers total being played on each spin. This came out 2 a +60 unit profit. The game at the end of yesterday B-4 retiring off 2 sleep from about half past midnight until just after half past two, also made me 60 units profit and went as follows, y-O: Yes sir, I didn't look, and they gave me yet another (y-O-HACK) of course, the rock chucking sticks who refuse 2 ever get a life, what goddessdog total glass losers!!!!!!!!!!! This was a very short 3-TOWS game wit one loss and 2 wins, on the 1st and the 3rd spins of the wheel. Only asir death siege numbers were played, although in normal cases, the 5 multiples do in fact work the best on 2nd days of super nasty HCCOT times, there R those rarer times when other than 4 computer hacking, the only major WOMO harassment is all up in the air with major planes, choppers, and chemtrailing, AND I MEAN MOTHER ******* GODDAMN TOTALLY MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS WHEN WE STAY WITH THE 4 SKY DEATH NUMBERS OF 0-00-23-27, WELL, I DO AT LEAST, WHAT U DO WILL B WHATEVER U BEGIN 2-C WORKS IN A PARALLEL-EVENT 4-U, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO, AND I LOOKED THAT TIME, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!! All the old hacks R back recently, and so I totally know I have 2 get a new computer eventually, or 'they' will drive me beyond mother ******* totally goddamn insane, BRO! This other often now old attack is what I used 2 so often call the (Separation-Line-Interference-HACK). Yes it started with a crash level chopper assault over my pre-fab-residence at just past 4 yesterday afternoon after coming home from several errands and calling me' landlord so he can come over today and get his rent money. Then the chopper came back a few times, the planes got real bad, and the chemtrails R all over the place as soon as any part of the overcast sky clears up, one wee tad bit, Mizz H-H-Hollister Patty girl from 1969-1975!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

END TRANSMISSION, all lovely Katy's aldare.

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