Wednesday, August 2, 2023





6:53 AM, Wednesday, August 2, 2023

JWSC: WED-11-225

Yes I screwed up and said 214 rather than 224 on JWSC date on my lunar calendar a couple of blogs back, & must have hit me' 'one' key, which is right next 2 me' 'two' key, YO. Several items need 2B noted here. Then we can get 2 the meat and the heart of the most current issue, being, me' blogging project which is either gonna' B discontinued or merely used endlessly 4 me' own records and may remain publicly accessible, and I will get into the details after we get some opening junk out of the 'damn ass' way here, oh wonderful and awesome Captain Kirk, sir. My entire life is one big ass HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE error, and so in truth, WEIN-SOSO-SSDD? I had some light aerial harassment the day B4 yesterday, Monday, while out on me' short errands, planes and chemtrails all over the place, and it started with the moon-set and a big gigantic ugly chemtrail right nearby DIANA's lovely moon. I knew then around between 3 and 5 in the moUUUUUUUUUUUUUUrning, that this would persist as the day then continued on, a pattern that normally follows through, oh kind lads and lassies, or just how kind? We R gonna' B getting into this, and is Y this blogger must decide either 2 close up shop here once and 4 all, or just use this 4 me' own purposes, and then, whoever comes up here 2 glance and or poke fun or 'whatever', me ole' music-associate and semi-pal from me' distant past, Mister Bob Andrews, that is merely a side situation that no longer will ever have one wee bit of importance 2 the Mountainpen, YO BRAH! U-C, I am pretty sure that other than 4 maybe 2-4 peeps reading me, and one of them being an admitted follower; the others R either USA-Federal Agents, Foreign Agents, and the remainder of them connected and part of the peeps of the orbits surrounding the 2 peeps mostly discussed in this Morianity blog, the MACY CLUB, without Martha. Recently my audience again, has dried up, and also again, during Trump's major legal hassles, and several of those in his orbit recently indicted in Federal courts with numerous federal charges. The one way I could absolutely know that I am correct here would B if anything, god forbid, happened 2 me' daughter. Still, I am perdy-dern good with common sense and normally am right about stuff that I only have me' own intuition 2 go on and use. I feel completely confident and positive here when I say that 99 percent of what I call me' Blogaudians, R all in the orbits of either Trump or Carey, and them personally as well. All anyone has 2 do is confirm the Google-Time-Stamped dates on posted-CAPPED junk that I am sending up 2 the BDC, and C how stuff in their personal lives corresponded perfectly every single time and over nearly 2 decades now, and that the blog postings came FIRST EVERY TIME, and then were followed by incidents from THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It IS ABSOLUTELY AND ENTIRELY INDISPUTABLE folks, and U all know it, but then here I go, what folks, I am only double talking here, am naught, Mizz 1983 AT&T Blake, mah'm? So my game plan is not all that complex, and 'sticking 2 it', is my greatest frikkin' challenge here; just as many of me' viewing Blogaudians may know only 2 damn ass well by now. My moods change and so does my life, and as James T. Burr knew decades ago in the late disco years of the seventies, “one week with me is an eternity”, and that's a quote, Adam Schiff; the “L&O” Adam Schiff that is. When so much happens per week in a person's damn ass life folks, well, it is vely hard 2 maintain a game plan as well as a mood pattern and thus decisions R more difficult 2 make and keep 2 them. Yes peeps, U ain't imagining that about me 4 one damn ass minute, Kirk ole' boy, and Harry Mudd, and Saga Kings; and all possible etcetera's from 'L&O's' Arnold 2 Zachary, AKA from A-Z. Yes, my new decision is simple and I am gonna' try 2 weelwee stick 2 it, Mister Fwudd. I am going 2 use my blogs as an emotional release, a hope that via SWIS and similar concepts and systems, the future will B way more interested in viewing my 'TALES FROM ED' (EARTHLY-DOGTOWN), and then; it does make a nice memory-journal 4 me, especially as I age and go onto develop memory associated problems, that all humans who live long enough must indeed face, and try and deal with in whatever best ways that they R able 2 do, YO. WOW-THIS! So as 4 the comments count forever dwindling from at least 2 me' best recent 2023 recollections, down from around 335 comments, 2 presently as of yesterday August the first, 286 comments; when and if it reaches TOTAL 'GOOSE GROSS EGGS'-'NADA'-'ZIP'-'ZILCH'-'NON-ZENO-ZERO' and s o forth, I will have a nice little PROOF-PACKAGE 2 add 2 all of me' other stuff against the WOMO-SPACEFORCE-SPAMMENIES and how they endlessly R screwing up every single facet and part of me' entire life ever since I left the COOLEY HALL Bancroft Special-Education School in late January of 1973. It will just B one more thing in me' packet of evidence against the WOMO 4 me 2 someday use against them in this nightmare mess being perpetrated against the innocent pathetic and pitiful non-Ronstadt Mountainpen, YO BRRRRRR!

Now if there is another HIGHLIGHT HACK ON THIS BLOG, I will then stop using my PINK-COLOR, as 'the hackers have obviously done something 2 me system', where upon using the pink color font, it seems 2B causing this highlight hack a lot, especially when using it on the Jewelly White calendar date, & with an underline below it. We will C what happens when this blog posts since I tried doing it again at the blog's frikkin' opening, as U all can plainly ass C, YO! So me' newest game plan is 2 just keep muddling on as stated in this earlier blog, and using it 4 me' own purposes and not caring one way or the other about one damn ass thing, and then, later on I can use this COMMENTS-COUNT deal, in a COURT OF LA, against my WOMO enemies, as I cannot seemingly do one thing 2 get this injustice stopped, now can I, oh wonderful FBI, YO YO YO YO YO YO?????????????? Also, I am gonna' run a major powerful quantum dynamics experiment with me; so-called MAGICAL WOMO-ROULETTE NUMBERS situation. I will begin, just as I do with me' MP4B, post me' paper-games onto me' whittle ass bwogs, YO BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW-THIS. If suddenly AFTER POSTING, it stops working 4 me after 30 SOLID YEARS, as I began noticing and playing with this way back while residing at lovely Mizz Patty Meeker's Gibbsboro 'joint', Mister WINN; and that was around this time or even earlier in the spring somewhere, back in the year of 1993. WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! So this also is part of me' multiple-staged newest MSGP (GAME-PLAN). So things will run now without me' giving a thought 2 anyone else in the entire world, and I will operate here now as if I literally am the only person left on the Earth after some gargantuan nuke-disaster, just as back in that awesome late 1983 movie, “Is anybody out there, anybody at alllllllll”? 2 this day I remember my mom and I watching that show at 506 Robin Hill Apartments, and repeating that radio message, 4 weeks 2 each other, and giggling over it. 'WO' Mister Billy Summer of Love 2000 NAUGHT 1969 Harner, 'WO', and yes, lovely Block Party Summer of 1994 cereal commercial tween girl. I can only imagine what that goddess grew up 2 look like, mister Harner, 'WO'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This stupid frucking 'OPEN OFFICE PROGRAM' CRASHES MANY TIMES, WHEN ATTEMPTING 2 ADD 2 THE DICTIONARY, ANY 2-LETTER WORDS, such as “WO” that keep underlining; so I must just ignore any and all of them. At least the damn ass system always brings the document back after I click into the necessary repair boxes. Still, I don't need the goddamn futhermucking hassles, do I???????????????? This malfunction in the program has been with me ever since I purchased this cum-puke-her late in 2010 at me' Fort Pierce Walmart Store near the great world famous Interstate 95 highway ramps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WO, Billy and cereal girl.

Yesterday I went food shopping, as well as paid me' utility bill 4 the month, over at the Fort Pierce Utility Authority (FPUA). Friday I need 2 pay me 2 credit card bills at me' local bank, and then most of me' august errands R out of the way until later on when I need 2 just get me' some tide-over staples at one of the food stores. I already bought me exuberant gasoline 4 this month and U know about it as it occurred on the day that I drove over 2 me computer-Techy-joint. That was also followed a day later when I went 2 the office store called STAPLES 4 a power brick, a mouse, a mouse-pad that I never had, and two strip outlets 2 plug into me' surge-battery back up BRICK, giving me 12 outlets with battery protection and freeing up the other 4 in the six-box area, as well as thew three other non-battery and 'surge-only' outlets. The minute power stops, all stuff goes off, but I want stuff plugged in so as 2 keep the memory systems active, such as with me' Comcast Modem, and DVD player that many times a DVD is inside of it when power stops, causing potential problems. So tyhis is not 2 work a lot of things, merely keep minimum power going on a few things, and this new block keeps a few tiny things like that running 4 more than four hours without going off, an dis fully rechargeable 4 between 3-6 years. So I have all the things tha ti need, an dsince I never had 2 spend any money over at th e
Techy joint, me' budget allowed me up to 2 bucks 4 the electronic equipment, putting me within about 20 bucks of the maximum so me' budget didn't get busted. We all know that our budgets 9 out of 10 times, never ever truly work, no matter how goddessdog hard we endlessly keep trying 2 work within them, naught in this new age rotten ole' Billionaires-RULE Reaganomics World, (BRRW) 4 short, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I saw the whole thing coming because my mind does not play games and intentionally not C junk just because it is unpleasant and then that in conjunction and along with my extremely mathematically oriented mind, allowed me 2C the entire thing happening the moment Reagan came into the Oval Office and started this entire wicked hellish nightmare of his, YO world!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't imagine one damn thing, and me' ole' coworker and semi-pal Mister Arthur Crane TOLD ME SO as well, back in early 1992 somewhere if me' ole'; memory is even half accurately serving me here, BRO!!!!!!!! WOW-2-THAT-1. Yes, I saw this entire future, and in living loving ass color, oh weerlld out here, YO! AHA-AHA-AHA Sir McNulty.


WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2, 2023---11-225---JWSC







      Photos of the Day


































On one of the death siege days from somewhere around one week or so ago, my bowels were seriously struck by the WOMO-SF-SPAMMENIES HAVANA-WEAPON SYSTEM, and I thought that I was finally better yesterday, but ended up needing 2 clean out me' underwear one more time yesterday, and now, am taking a mega dosage of me' Metamucil powder daily and if this doesn't correct the damage, I will need 2 go 2 the futhermucking HOSPITAL 4 treatment!!!!!!!!!!!! More exposure against the WOMO-SF, as I will shout and rats and tattle tail as U al know, as I refuse 2 just go quietly, and the MACY CLUB KNOWS THIS 2, YO YO YO YO YO. As I typed that last sentence, a sudden pop up 4 no good reason happened from me' Open Office Program 3.1, and I just click-X'ed out of it, as I always freaking do when skit like that GOES Joe Sivo-1980 DOWN, YO-HA, BRAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!


BUTTERCHEESE and big ass BUTT but peeps; this finally broke off, and in the damn most horrendous month in many many many ass years, that being July of 2023, and ending that putrid month on a fairly okay note, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!! W---O---W!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here is what made today a futhermucking runt clapping SUPER BOTBAR HELL DAY ON GODDESSDOG TOTAL ROCK CHUCKING STEROIDS, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO, ME' BRAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I couldn't get 2 goddessdog sleep until close 2 six, and then at half past 8, I was rudely major trucking awakened 2 what I WILL ABSOLUTELY CALL, A POLTERGEIST ASSAULT ON ME, IN MY RESIDENCE NORTH-BEDROOM here, SS!!!!! 4 absolutely no Earthly reason, my runt chewing closet curtains, and yes, the closet discussed twice now where I in DREAMS was revealed 2 separate items; my Comcast-Modem battery that resembles a small and thin sandwich, and also the 7 cassette tapes, that one of those was the 'BILLY HARNER 2000 SUMMER OF LOVE' MUSICAL PROJECT, MASTER TAPE, from the Discmakers place in Pennsauken, NJUSAESMWG; suddenly fell down hard and extremely loud, especially 4 falling down onto a goddessdog VERY SOFT RUG, as my north and south bedrooms both contain wall-2-wall full carpeting. YET POW, it fell down with a HUUUUUGE effing bang onto a very soft rug. Also, it fell down 4 no apparent reason. This hangs on one of those thick dow plastic rods that has on each end, one of those knob type rubbery blobs that adhere super hard 2 the closet perimeter sides, and U can practically have a child do frucking goddamn chin ups on it, without it falling or breaking, yet 'POW'; down she futhermucking came, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO, and waking me up with an incredible startling crashing sound. Now this never should have fallen down in the first place, and even if it falls down; it never should have awakened me with a cannon shot sound, falling onto a soft carpet, and yes; it is an extremely light weight shower curtain type of thing, only more suited 2 a bedroom décor rather than what hangs over our showers. I was completely trucking UNABLE 2 FALL BACK 2 SLEEP, AND AFTER A QUARTER PAST NINE OF THE DAMN ASS CLOCK, I GAVE UP ENTIRELY; and then entered what would trucking damn ass become the rest of this totally miserable SUPER CHUCKING BOTBAR-DOGTOWN-DAY, on goddessdog total steroids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SS, if U read the other letter-blogs or 'LB' that I wrote 4-U earlier this damn moUUUUUUUUUUUUrning YO; U know I am under a super heavy air death siege, a super major health-bowels assault with the SPACEFORCE-HAVANA-death weapon they've been using on me since late summer-early autumn times back in 1986, and major computer hacking and damage, and on and on; and then on top of that, STAR TREK 1986 Humpback Whales movies, and Starfleet Officer Palvo Checkoff, kind sir; two annoying large black flies filled with little maggots inside their guts, as I learned after squishing them when they were crawling around on the floor and after succumbing 2 a major RAID PEST SPRAY COUNTER-OFFENSIVE from the Mountainpen; and it is days such as these types, when these minidroids, as Dave Roth and I would refer 2 them as back in 1987-1990 extremely often; that I can just about always depend on getting flocking bombarded with these slitty damn miserable things, straight out from beyond DOGTOWN'S GATES, just past the Dogtown Bridge of the Capitol-Province's horrendous and menacingly appearing, DOGTOWN 'LOW-PASS-AREA'!!!!!!!!!! Speaking here of Sir Dave Roth; he was quite the repeater of several of his famous sayings, one of which went, “When it rains, it poors”, and no early 1970's tunes about doubts in California, need B sung in order 4 me 2 make me' ole' pernt here, SS, and Archie Bunker!!! On these type of SUPER-BOTBAR DAYS, it isn't so much, “WHAT WENT WRONG AND BAD TODAY”, but rather, and quite simply worded here, “WHAT DID 'NAUGHT', OH LOVELY MIZZ AT&T BLAKE”???????????? I managed 2 rehang the curtain closet bar in me' futhermucking north-bedroom and then came out into my living area all super hot and sweaty, as I never waste air conditioning in rooms that I am naught in there and occupying, and I was sleeping in there, as I just told U, SS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I no sooner came out here and turned on me' living area-AC, and began me' day, and found small air crap was starting up, that just continued getting worse and worse; including a nasty CHEMTRAIL ASSAULT, zenithing right over my trailer, as also was told 2U earlier, SS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now there R many things 4 me 2 get into today SS, but on these type of 'lay-lay-or-else' days, I don't stick me' neck intyo any of the great globally secret HUNTINGTON NOOSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't wanna' get me' mom's latengrate cuzz, Sir Herbert Huntington's kid Arthur, all excited, so that he finds one of Mizz Patricia Hollister HH's candles in Dogtown, and then manages 2 get back here into my realm of physicality and matter, and then tries 2 make me his 3rd victim, in or out of flocking Braintree, Massachusetts, or any other great suburbs surrounding historic BOSTON, MAUSAESMWG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So WOW-THAT.

SS; pweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze listen-up here 4 one HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE non-Senator Sanders moment; and then tell me if U think that I am as looney-tunes as the WFMU-peeps 4 the most part, all think that I am! I believe in patterns, because I believe in electromagnetic energies; and that stuff in the matter-worlds do in fact become magnetized, and then as I have named it long ago, and rarely discuss it, or get much into it on any public writings; become force-directional, or 4 short, become FD, or (effdeed), when this is pronounced. When stuff becomes effdeed, it explains how electricity becomes a magical force of attraction and repulsion and the same thing in a vice-versa-order as well. No physicist on this planet understands it, although some will slightly white-lie 2 the general public, sort of implying that they do understand it on some scientific level that is; and I am here 2 tell them all, & like or naught, lovely Mizz AT&T Blake; BULL-SKIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So rather than right now on a putrid rotten ass day, go on and on here with this; just let me tell U that this is all behind what pro-gamblers call going on ROLLS, and it is also behind all of the numerous and countless similar type of matters from zillions of life's infinitely vast parameters. But let us quickly harp on the one topic here, GOING ON LUCK-ROLLS, good luck, or bad luck; as luck is luck, and Morianity thinks of LUCK, and that word used by mortal human beings; as merely the agreement, and the disagreement, of each of us every single split second in time; with the entire COSMOS, so if at the exact second a person buys a Power-Ball Lottery Ticket at their local Mister Hector's Chevron Gasoline Station, at four minutes past noon on Saturday; should 4 whatever the unseen reasons, their personal luck factor B at some astronomically and surreal high number; they will most likely B the one with the winning ticket, despite the actual drawing of the number being hours or maybe even one or two days away; as time is only part of the 'STM', and is purely illusion; and so the reality is the electromagnetic spectrum, along with the magical interaction of the particular persons' LUCK FACTOR, at this one split second in time. But mortals will go right on insisting on endlessly seeing this all in a total backward and reverse directionality, and so it would take me way 2 long 2 even start telling U right now SS, all about this deal, that I have long ago labeled as, things being 'EFFDEED'. Put in an extremely abridged way, this is Y all things not only happen; but all have points of so-called magnetic mathematically based points of technical resistance as well as support, and Y luck goes on rolls; and even Y the longer a lucky or unlucky streak goes, it only gains in power, and never is actually due 4 becoming altered. When the math is averaged out such as in complex algorithms, we all C plain as day that changes R always gradual, because they must conform to that unbeatable and perhaps nearly-magical thing that all mathematicians know is very real, the linear-2-percentage-delta-ratio, in math!!!!!!! This is how my parallel-event-roulette functions as well, kind sir; but let us leave all of that here, as no matter how simple that I would ever attempt 2 make this, or keep this; just starting this wild ass discussion, and B4-I would know it, I would have typed out ten-thousand freaking ass pages, oh sir!

Yes SS, 3 solid months now, APRIL, MAY, JUNE of this year, 2023; I am in a powerful new pattern, and YES, ever since the nightmare horrendous frucking rock chucking MOWRY PULL PLUG DAY. What pattern, perhaps U-R saying, while scratching your head? Well Sir, I'll tell U. A pattern where the FINAL DAY OF THE MONTH IS MAJOR SUPER BAD. BOTH A SUPER DUCKING TOTAL MONSTER-ASS BOTBAR, AS WELL AS SUPER HIGH CALLIOCAREYOTAMMIC, 2 BOOT, YO BRO!!!!!!!!!!! I sure hope that our law suit makes some of these wicked demonic stick licking slits truly pay 4 their dastardly deeds, perpetrated against this poor pathetic pitiful innocent whittle victim, whose life they have TOTALLY AND ABSOLUTELY RUINED, WRECKED, DECIMATED, WIPED OUT, OBLITERATED, DESTROYED; AND MADE BEYOND A LIVING BURNING BREATHING HELL, 4 JUST ABOUT A ROCK CHUCKING HALF CENTURY OF TIME NOW, AND WITHOUT LET UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think that if we don't actually take 50-75 percent of their net worth's, or of their $$$$$-GOD-$$$$$, it won't make a dent in getting what some may think of as 'sweet revenge'. It isn't what I want; but it is taking away their GOD, after what these diseased slit sticks have done 2 me 4 a half trucking ass century now, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!

I knew when Reagan and his 'omics' was all starting up, this entire future; as I've always had the extremely rare and unique gift of being able 2 extremely accurately interpolate things that seem 2 endlessly go right over the heads of other human beings. I saw this entire thing coming, and then 2 quote the soon 2B born new age scarey expression of, 'no good deed going unpunished', I then devised a fantastic ultimate plan 2 literally wipe out, and absolutely eradicate poverty once and 4 all, out of the United States forever and ever and these billionaire bastard rats ass new age kings and queens learned of me, and have been wiping me out ever since; and most likely 4 numerous combinational reasons, and not so much 4 any one or two of them singularly. When DCR and I first met at the 113 Caldor Department Store in November of 1985, we planned this deal together, the great operation STARBURN!!! Please SIR SWAP; don't even get me started, just as I begged that Eckert Pharmacy lady-druggest at the 'farma-counter' that day on PK-DAY, the twelfth of July, back early in one of the first three years of this century somewhere. As I speak, that blotorsickie rider scum is annoying me at ten past eight this evening, and has been off and on 4 the past two days several times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They 2 will eventually B scanned by Maggie, and dealt with, and IPYT, SS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The things that I could say. SHEEEEEEEEEEEIT, many think that I've just about exhausted me'self here, and they R so beyond totally frikkin' wrong and mistaken, kind sir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh ther gods R they beyond wrong, cubed, squared, Cuban, and a vigintillion times more still. I've not yet begun 2 say stuff, Sir Steve and a few peeps out there while this is in public-forum, they do know that this is true, and some R probably cowering in the shadowy corners right this damn ass minute, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U always laughed in a sympathetic type of laugh, each time I would remind U of my mom's wild 90's nasty dealings with me whenever I didn't act the part of her completely willing slave, which was just about most days, especially during the three years of the starting of that decade and while we lived there together, & renting the home owned by the great and illustrious Misses Patricia Meeker, the mother of a New Jersey State Police Officer. If I said something she didn't like or particularly agree with me on, she would come back with her endless retort of, “Mark, how would U like it if your daughter said that 2U”, and when I would do something that she didn't like or particularly agree with me on, she would come back with her endless retort of, “Mark, how would U like it if your daughter did this with U”? After dozens of times putting up with her outlandish and ridiculous behavior, I would chime in eventually every so often with, “Mom, Y do U continue 2 give me this goddamn hypothetical daughter all the time? She never responded, and only looked at me, first sort of with a nasty smirk on her face, then slowly doing a half smile. Almost the reverse of the future way that Detective Joseph Fantanna would do, on the greatest law show in television's history, called “Law & Order”. The show at the time this was going down was almost brand new, perhaps two years or so old, but way up a dozen or more years in the antimatter space, Detective Fontanna would do that exact thing only in sort of a reverse order, starting his thing with the smile, and then instantly changing it into that frown that only he could have managed 2 do so damn ass perfectly well. But really SS, 2 quote U that one particular daty at the great Ohio Avenue Walgreen's parking lot, “Y would she keep insisting on giving U that hypothetical daughter? U then said something that brought the great educator from Cooley Hall, Mister David Leigh Smith, straight into my mind; like a nearly brilliant flash of lightning. U said 2 me, “Give me a break Mark, I mean really; where there's smoke, there's fire” Of course the biggest thing that I remember that U then went on 2 say 2 me, about one minute later on, “If and when we can ever come 2 truly know just Y your mom and PHHH kept this powerful secret of your daughter from U all of your life, it most likely will explain all of your woes in this world”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I could naught have agreed with him one smidgin wee bit more on that, if I was paid a trillion dollars in gold 2 do just that. What else can we say here, Sir JAY-JAY Good Times EVANS??????????????????????

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Yes, those times as Dave Roth and I discussed so damn ass frequently, were beyond HELL, and the only 2 years that I am aware of when that team, U know, the PHILADELPHIA FLYERS WON THE STANLEY CUP CHAMPIONSHIP!!!!!!!!!!!! Good old 1974 and 1975, huh Jimbo???????????????

Memories and pain; how it amazes me that I can endlessly force myself 2 employ a strategy once used on a Cornwall Avenue bed, when I was 15 years and 7 months old, in Ventnor, NJUSAESMWG; while being assaulted by Sir Thomas J. Child-molester Reale, the wealthy land owner of Atlantic City, NJUSAESMWG, back in summer time circa, in the year of BJWSC-(-42), also known as 1970 for crying out loud. That wonderful good old VSG-Syndrome; yes Mister Kent, and Superman; some things seem 2B able 2 actually B TURNED ON AND OFF LIKE A FAUCET, and your ability 2 make a contact, was seemingly naught being one of them, only, we all know do we naught; that wasn't absolutely any truer than 90 percent or so of this great family's Victoria Winters History-Book Dark Shadows television show 'OTHER-non-HARRAH Casino'-parallels, huh SS?????? I think that Mizz Lilly DeCarlo Munster would B chiming in right about now, oh everybody, with her marvelous and so apropos “TEE-HEE-HEE”, don't U?


(The epitome of harassment, internet version)
(The millionth-council and me)
(Morianity project continues from 1995 on tape)
DATFILE: 021809.951---(February 18, 2009)


I liked it a lot more when my computer was a lot simpler, but genius Ed Himacane made some major changes when he was last over, and programs run and stuff happens, and it is a pain in the rear end 4 me, the freaking sweeper keeps signaling me and stopping the word program every minute, and also the WOMO gave me a bowel hit a little while back around 9 or just past. Now this pain in my ass computer crap is not stopping, I have tried shutting down, restarting, nothing stops it, some ducking worm is in this, the sweeper will not stop popping on and yet all of this has been swept. Well, guess Eddie will B coming back over. Someday I will prove I am being messed with somehow and take this straight 2 the ACLU and the FBI, cannot blog further until I get 2 the frucking bottom of this spy sweeper problem. All I can do is keep flucking with this thing, let it re-sweep and multitask, the gods; all I wanna' do is blog Ed, what have U done 2 me with all this complex slit? I am not looking 2 run a 20 tera byte system, just 2 do a little blogging 4 crissake. Aniwho, MCMCAAONMC, I guess that is all the dumb machine wanted, just to sweep again, as it is not signaling me and stopping the word program every 20 seconds, PTL--PR. Miss bunt face tried 2 wipe me out, have to skit my eyes a couple minutes now, or that crumb’ll nail me 4 sure. OK, now it is eleven thirteen. I will NEVER FORGIVE OR FORGET that horrid night, back in 1993; at the Atlanta Braves Ballpark, Jane. What U did 2 me was so despicable, it would stink right through a garden of flowers 8 light years cubed. Anyway I am not in a doghouse, I am in a far worse house, and have so much 2 tell y’all it sucks wind backwards at the speed of sound. Where 2 begin is always my biggest problem, as I never will have the time I need 2 really write anywhere near all that I feel is necessary; in order 2 reveal my major plight 2 this evil world in sufficient amounts, so as 2 get anyone with clout 2 ever take pity on me, and assist me in getting 2 the bottom of my hellish nightmare woes. Actually, if the top most powerful persons on the Earth all decided 2 help me, they would fail. That is how gargantuan my troubles really R BRO, Twinbay, and all others. I am not a pessimist Missy, and U read me all wrong that day at the Galloway, New Jersey Library. But nothing ever just happens and no one will understand what I know in its fullness, not Christians, not atheists, not scientists, not sci-fi buffs, not Catholics, not even Eckists, Monks, Buddhists, and U name it, as nobody sees in total clarity, what is real; nobody. The reason that all things appear 2B in some weird and indistinguishable code of jumbled randoms, beyond any possible human recognition; is because we believe whole heartedly, and take a powerful Copperfield illusion, totally seriously; that a projection around us is there and real, when in fact; nothing beyond our center of is-ness of being can B. This of course is simply because, as any possible space extends out beyond our innermost self, time brings it all back right into us in a circulation system of perfect and precise ratio and proportion, that is all a part of the mechanics of a hypersphere, or an upline thought wave in a down-lining process; and this is truth. Refreshing old blogs, 4 new Blogauds, that will most likely not go back, and sift through the long-winded Mountainpen discourses of Morianity, and its teachings; there is a truth that is real to itself, and the Buddhists R not correct that all truth is alterable and relative, to what an inner self makes it, until it eventually comes 2 realize that it is not really there 2 start with. This is all so true in a small box, but it leaves out what the great Atlantic City alchemist told me back in the summer-time of 1974, while I was staying overnight at a rooming house, owned by a lady named Selena Dada, on Stenton Place, between Atlantic and Pacific Avenues. The ultimate truth IS zero dimension. This nothingness somehow DOES exist, and IS aware of itself; and cannot find a way 2 shut off that awareness. It does learn 2 dream out and away from itself into phase two reality, or the Astral Plane; or the Shakespearean arena of the great dream shift, that mortals call the spirit world or realm. Some entity connected with the MILLIONTH-COUNCIL will not stop this frucking hacking, the sweep finished, and now the prompt keeps popping up again; so Ed will come over and get 2 the bottom of this ducking slit once and 4 all. 4 right now, I must live with this, as I have now lived for two days with no telephone service that I am legally paying 4, and I am gonna' contact the BOARD OF PUBLIC UTILITIES, no peace 4 a second ever, not on the weekends in that hell job, and now my entire weeks R wrecked. It is round the clock, with no let up, and not a moments peace 4 life, right WPIX-1988-New York, New York, UFO THE COVER UP TV SHOW, AGENT CONDOR AND AGENT FALCON? Talk about never forgetting things like dirty rotten Jane in 1993, or this show on channel 11, NYNY, back in 1988. U don’t forget major slit that goes down in your life, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!! It never stops, it never backs off. Committing suicide only serves 2 make it worse 4 me, as I know it is all an illusion, and that I will just find myself right back in the same dream, like running 4 the light, and the light won’t go on, and realizing that U never woke up, and now U finally have; so again U jump out of bed and run 4 the light, and then again it does not go on, and I have gone through this nightmare 4 monstrous lengthy amounts of time, or whatever is really happening; just as I have existed forever and will; and I KNOW IT. I slit my wrists last night at 3 in the morning, and slowly bled out right here on my bed. It is so way cool 2 bleed out, and feel the life going out of U, as U get icy cold; and begin 2 fade away, believing as hard as U can that it will all B over in a moment, just as Skylar Rumson was told by Barnabas Collins, when he forced him 2 shoot himself through the heart; on the television show, 'DARK SHADOWS'. Only 4 me, I keep waking up and thinking I am dying; and have not yet died, and then die; and then wake up again and again, until eventually, I wake up, and the entire thing was just a dream, but then; I am aware totally, that all of this is just an astral dream down, and even that is a dream away from the truth; or the great void of zero dimensional existence; something no human being can fathom. Some of these mighty truths were once up online on a website called, but this site is now defunct, as Kate and I do not have any money; nor any new material 2 copyright presently, on the subject thereof. I am aware that free sites exist, and Ed will B working on finding me one; and getting this foundation, and its many powerful truths, back up 4 this blind ignorant planet, and its residents 2C and know. At least this world will have the truth. The only good thing now, is that this stupid ducking pop up can shoot up every 20 seconds or so, and eventually go off; and it is not stopping the word program until I click on it.

Long story short, the mail was always delivered here, at this lovely 6-9 room place, with rooms that all sort of go into each other, with no hallways; and just endless first days of summer of 2008, and a powerful goddess that has been chasing me around 4 all infinity now; but mail was always delivered here at about 10:30 AM, until about last weekend give or take, and now it is coming sporadically and never B4 3 or so in the afternoon. King Dawn the Queen, formerly and always known by, PRINCE; asked me 2 call the Post Office, and C if I can find out what is up with the mail around here, yo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I reminded her what she wanted me 2 use 4 a telephone. She said, 'use the house phone that they have on their Comcast Cable system' that also runs my internet, and we split the package deal bill between us. Still, I reminded her that I did not have the number 4 the Post Office, even though I invented the thing a very long time ago. She always tells me how expensive it is on their Comcast plan, 2 call the service information operator. Her mom AKS, looked up the number in some book they finally found; a personal book of numbers and they had the local Post Office listed, yo. So I called, and Long Island Highways, and Lottery Cats that meow me 2 death in 1980, just 2 or 3 months after the LOIS FOCA interaction with SCYLLA; they have an interesting telephone number, right Frank Calli-O---D-I-E, YO??????????? There is no way this is all just a coincidence, wo BRO, I am not done yet, so hold onto your stupid looking suspenders, Eddie Albert Gabor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God these crashing cymbals get louder by the day, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aniwho, MC,MC, and all other non MC’s; I called and spoke my peace; and here is what the nice lady told me, BR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It seems the rural area of Berryville, New Jersey, formerly B4 Mountainpen and Prince, known as Hammonton, is going 2 get a mail count, interesting initials. This Mail Count is not 4 any reason I have ever heard of. The story I was given, was that all mail on local roads, will B taken first 2 the Post Office 2B counted; and then delivered. This is the wildest and strangest thing I have heard of since I invented the Post Office. Do they really think Roger is going 2 mail me something from Arizona?????????????????? I cannot think of any other reason 4 this very mysterious and strange SITUATION here, Inspector Louigee Henderson!!!!!!!!! If UR out there RC, do not mail me anything, this is 2 weird!!!!!!!!!!!! Your system is wonderful. I played 4 games today, 3 were all no signal, and the 4th one was an IN-LOW-8-STOP OUT LOW-14, with one green hit, for a 5 and a half unit profit.

Diana, I am not able 2 communicate with U in our usual way, until the repairman arrives Thursday afternoon. When he does, he is going 2 face the phone jack, insert plug down, currently with no pun intended, it faces up, right into that leak from the upstairs bathroom slit-hole, and even though this leak has been fixed; I do not trust these chucking sticks from here 2 the China Earthquakes, and the Hawaiian Volcanoes. Much later tonight, or 2 keep Don Cialoni happy from the recording studio, tomorrow night, as he used 2 say, “It won’t B tomorrow, until I go home and go 2 bed, and then get up”; I will B back on line with my big beautiful blond. Please always B around me Diana, UR my lightning, and I need U my love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I felt that terrific strike the other day, when I was moving something; and made contact with something. How I loved my days as Benny, and messing with U, and the only thing that saddens me now, is that U never trusted me with your secrets back then, of what and WHO I was dealing with, after all; it is all just a dream, right Chris Farlowe, plans and schemes all not withstanding????? Well, she did ladies and gentlemen, as I lay on my bed dying in 1790, no this is not a typo; crash, bing, Harry Callas, and 13 bells of Sound Pressure Level, BR!!!!! No DZA did tell me at the very end when she knew my heart was just about 2 quit, and told me that I would wake up in a room in the sun, and I did in 1980, but she never explained how she was Sarah-Stacey’s cousin on the great Astral Plane, and I did not know about her at all until the end of the 20th century. Maybe this is all how and Y and what made my dad so sick 2 his stomach on the train. No uncle Snoots, I never said my poopy pop was right by telling the conductor that it was U that puked all over. I just think it was very rude of U2B saying this 2 my mom, at your skit hole mansion, at 175 Peninsula Drive, in Nebuchadnezzar-ville, New York; right in my presence, when I was just a young lad of 17; ya son of a bitch!!!!!!!!!!!
But who am I but dog slit?, and UR the mighty Senior Vice President of the Chemical National Bank, the second most powerful bank on the planet at the time in ‘72. Cheer up Sam Walton, my plans R all trucked up, and that boosts this scummy economy of yours, and uncle Snooties. Nothing good lasts forever, but let me tell the world what happened when I woke from the dream where I slit my wrists. The market had gone up 1633 points that day. I know it, I was there; but by moving off of where I was exactly in the hyperspace, I re-dreamed myself into a slightly shifted locale, where the 'DOW' had finished off nearly three bucks. Hyperspaces make strange bed fellows, huh banker of Akoslem??????????????? U wouldn’t have wanted the Haddonwood property buddy, as there is a strange void field out in the lake there somewhere, that leads far away; and U don’t need 2B concerned with what this pitiful whittle retard knows about all this, ol’ buddy!!!!!!!!!!!! “Talk 2 Frank”. Yeah, I was good enough 4U back when I was 15 though, huh Victoria, U child molester!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH “I have such gorgeous hair”, do I? Well, U need 2 talk 2 Donna Gaines, and her friends; and then 2 the Wolf clan, that seems so fascinated by her last name. Jeese Louise Shannon Wallwarp Carwrecker Genlow, of December 18th of 2006!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Almost 39 years have come and gone now Vicki, bite me bitch!!!!!!!!!!! This whole nightmare chews. I’m bookin’, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!

Y shouldn’t a dog live in a doghouse, a crazy house; or a nightmare? Well, because I never did anything 2 deserve this, and just because I am Stacey’s dog, this is just 2 keep her miserable parents happy. They banned all the dogs out of Her great city, and over the great wall into Dogtown. Read the last page of the KJV of the Holy Bible, Y would I make this skit up, BRRRR?

GOOGLE AND SWIS, AND KS-WORLD LABS OF 2299, THIS IS ALL Blahhhhhh and bleeeeeeeee and blmummmm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Copyright Michael Wayne Mountainpen-2009, and blog registered on an official registry bloggers website.

E~N~D------------T~R~A~N~S~M~I~S~S~I~O~N, BR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mark or Jesse, Grammar schools in EHNJUSAESMWG in this or any other part of HS.

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          • anonymous said on Apr 02, 2009....

    You shrunk a bit there dalmatian, but I saw you still speak the human lingo, wow, you are telling the truth, God is 16 or at least she watches the show.


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This is YYYYYYYYYYYYY this poor dog should not live in this eternal doghouse, it is quite simple really. Let me explain things to you ladies and gentlemen:







Thursday, June 29, 2023



Saturday, September 27, 2008

Having PROOF and PROVING R Apples and Oranges


Back when the show with car kicker/breaker Shannon Dougherty, called BH-90210 was new early in the nineties, a keyboard out of perhaps 100 various possible amateur home type keyboards, was used in the show where Brenda’s dad was playing music with it, Brenda being Shannon, and it was not only the same board that I used from Radio Shack Tandy roughly 4 years earlier, but I used it 2 copyright the song mentioned often in my blogging, called, “Prophet of Nothing”, sort of a pun and play on words, me being cute or trying 2 at least, but the EW decided 2 get way cuter than I could ever have gotten. EW, Entertainment World, also known in truer higher reality as residence and followers of the Briggbase of the Astral Plane, and joiners of the Lambrigger Cult. Now on one particular 90210 show where Brenda’s dad was playing with the keyboard that I happen 2 use 4 years or give or take a bit, on my originally written song, not only was the same board used in this then famous and high rated and watched series on television, but they even set the board 2 the very same beat out of 100 possible beats or so, that my song was set on. The odds of a random chance 4 this R very simple 2 calculate, about 100 beats/rhythms and about 100 of those type of available keyboards used 4 home non-pro use, dictates multiplying 100 times 100 or 10,000 to one chance against this being simply a coincidence. The Soap Channel carried this rerun one afternoon last week or the week B4, and I have waited 4 the right time 2 get into this. Also, look at another set of hard 2 dismiss or dispute claims and facts that I make. B4-I tell U, I just got tucking screwed, with 4 ones on my rock chucking clock. Miss Dirt bag ho Jane Monster Slapper Fonda strikes again, so let me attempt quickly 2 compensate, 55555555555555555555555. Loud dirt bag traffic sounds and aerial slit is also rearing its rock chucking head today, and struck as soon as I typed and the key-worm-saw me go 55555555555555. First, they know I was channel surfing that night, believe me they know. If they can do complex keystroke worm violations against people’s privacy with these PC devices, think how simple it would B4 them 2 hook into your cable TV channels being watched. They know that those back and forth's of Brenda and Kelly drove me wild, and were more than long enough 4 running what I came to term without any pun intended, 'an-ejac-shot'. So they put that show on, and made it first of course, all ready knowing that I eventually would C it, and get my chops busted. But the marathon race to the Proof Avenue Courthouse Stairs is not yet over, so do not count me out yet slugger boys. I used 2 know a fine man involved with the famous 2 Philadelphia Sigma Sound Recording Studio, back in my days of employment at the RPL Sound Studios and Labs from the ‘79 year into the ‘81 year. He invited me on one occasion over 2 his very nice Northeast Philadelphia section home, and I met his very fine and may I add, at the time, extremely hot wife. The name of this studio musical arranger was John E. Davis, yes, the same man who U-C credited after all of the Beverly Hills 90210 TV show ends, and yes; he also was the musical arranger for their 90210 theme on the show. Now U really want and expect me 2 not C how industry people that obviously all connect together and know each other, as it is with any and all industries, especially in the ever growing world of networking marketing strategies, where U play this game or else go home bankrupt and dead, and all knew about my public work copyrighted in 1988, well B4 the 90210 show ever came 2B; and decided 2 use the idea and again out of about 10,000 home board rhythms, mine was picked 4 the show, but natch, never a morsel tad bit of recognition ever comes 2 me as a result; not even a torn Christmas card from the industry of puss drinking sub-scum, apologizing in the holiday spirit 4 all of the evil skit that they indeed have stolen from me, and was done 2 me.

I am strictly forbidden 2 ever talk again, publicly about MC’s stairs and the monstrous thing that I witnessed at her home there pertaining 2 them, back when she was but a child of 2-3. Her older sister knows an incredible lot of things about me, and told me so, I cannot blog any more on this ever, either. What I can admit 2 is that I met God in Atlantic City in 1966 on Tennessee Avenue up near the boardwalk. She left me in 1970, and returned again 2 me, part of a powerful covert branch of the mighty TAWF. In 1980 when I resided at 1802 Robin Hill, and went 9 years forward in time illusion 2 interact with a beautiful tall long dark haired queen that was singing a very special song 2 me, it was MC. She was but 10 in the time that I fell off 2 sleep, but 9 years later when it was 1989, she was over 19. When SSJKK was the property owner Estelle Bassler’s renter/tenant, named Sarah J. Karge; and however they worked it out in City Hall down in Atlantic City, the deal made somehow according 2 Mrs. Bassler whom I told all of U how I had many good talks with her late last century from her new location in Ormond Beach, FLUSAESMWG, and in one particular discussion, she informed me that Sarah Karge trashed the hotel, the Piccadilly that she had leased from Mrs. Bassler, and Mrs. Bassler called the loan and got it away from her, and then she burned down her hotel, the Bolivar shortly after, in an attempt to astrally project herself as a teenager as opposed to the mid-seventy-ish old woman that she had become by the years passing into the early seventies. Since early 1970, she remained the astral teenager, and totally lost her physical connection to the material realm. She pretended 2 grow older and die after I disappeared from the scene during this time, officially being declared dead in October of the ‘90 year, at the age of just over 94. She sort of wanted 2 oversee her knew physical self and guide the family that she now was tangibly connected 2, and the older sister was sat down at a young age and told these powerful truths, and I was wrong 4 a long time. MC did more than get my attention, first with the 2 letters coming empty in my dreams from my Somerdale home in NJUSAESMWG, and then later with her 2008 musical CD project that was marvelous and terrific, there is and only ever will B only one great U my Scylla, or MC now. The second thing indeed got my full undivided attention. Remember, 2 many coincidences, do not add up 2 a coincidence, quote Mountainpen here if U so desire. B4 going on, this one isolated example with John E. Davis and Sigma Sound, and BH-90210 TV Show; is just that, one isolated event I just picked right now out of totally thin air, yet I could literally offer a listening and genuinely interested world 1000 or more things that certainly would B every bit as startling and riveting, and all right along these very same lines. My stuff, my ideas, the entire shebang, have all been robbed, used, stolen, and down right disrespected 4 (2-4 straight decades), B it musically related, inventions, business plans worth a fortune, etcetera. A countless number of my great ideas, R virtually all now in use, but not a shredded ounce of credit has ever been directed towards me 4 being the real legitimate creator of any of this intellectual ducking property. No, just keep me down, keep me unrecognized, and keep me poor; and do it cleverly and illegally, but with no way ever so far anyway, 4 me 2 have any good chances of proving very much of all of these monstrous injustices. I am not here on Earth 2 make a lot of money, or B recognized 4 squat; but still and all, is it fair 2 endlessly rip off a person, keep him down, and those doing it get 2 live right 2 their graves, like frucking Kings and Queens and spoiled little slit heads? No it certainly is not, and anyone that could answer otherwise is a cold blooded prick scum Trumpite monster, after the heart of Reagan; who forever destroyed what once was really great about our country, with all his greedy based bull crapola.

Gary-7 was a fantastic original Star Trek TV show episode, but there R some on this Earth, put quite frankly, that R here as “VISITORS and OBSERVERS”, not on mission 2 save anyone from a nuclear holocaust such as with the fictional Trekker show, but instead; mostly as witness bearing and log keeping individuals, and I have been told in trance today by 'never mind', but she said that she tried twice on separate occasions, apart by about 10 mortal world years, 2 get my attention; and that she all ready knows both who I am as well as who she is. She says I misinterpreted her needing 2 wake up in her human dream through my performing some fantastic miracle such as what I recently blogged about building an integrenitrizor tunnel. Integretrinization is real, even Kevin Trudeau mentions it in some of his earlier medical HOW-2 books. The government currently will not license any holistic practitioner 2 use a true real working full model of this device, it naturally would overnight simply upset just way 2 many applecart’s, and the controllers may lose control of their power on Wall Street, as well as their governed subjects and citizens. An in depth study into all of this shows right down the chosen careers of MC’s parents, that none of this that happened since my SSJKK left me in 1970, has been randomly just done, and it is all part of a gargantuan sized grand cosmic scheme; and that is putting it in major understatement form. Just like the article that miraculously managed 2 get some quick bit of exposure in the circa of 1990 in the Scientific American Magazine regarding tiny subatomic particles that make all of the known to exist ones appear as galaxies in relative size, in the future times these R labeled 'ASAPS', or Absolute Sub Atomic Particles. A fairly complex set of devices that will B constructed when the metallurgists improve their state of the art and create even lighter as well as stronger metals, as well as update a few high dimensional formulas that math will then provide virtually magic answers to in mans attempt 2 harness an ultra fast spinning energy system locked not only within the atoms themselves, but have a simultaneous connected energy ratio with what actually causes the forces in atomic energy 2 chain react atomically. Controlled mega-velocitrons can B built, and set along pathway fields, and will grow within seconds 2 distances that R perhaps hundreds or more galaxies away, and right in the middle of this field is a harmless velocitronic tunnel that any person or object can move into, and literally B shipped like today/s parcel post, within seconds, 2 millions of light year distances. This is all real, and the study of Velocitronics begins early in the 90’s. Well, I was told that since the 2 letters sent 2 me in the dream back around 1997 or so, did not sufficiently get my attention, the Ruth Gottwald Long Island visit would indeed, and it did, no Miss Chillie doubt about it Lennie McKinnon-601. When Mom and I visited Heinz and Ruth Gottwald, and the nearby Long Island New York family in 1972, and mother went back 4 a solo visit 3 years later in the summer of the ‘75 year, who was being visited? RELATIVES, not theories, RELATIVES. Then the E=MC SQUARED is indeed the theory of Einstein’s RELATIVITY. This family knew all along who I was, all the way back to the nineteen-sixties. Relativity/relatives. Really, so how could I miss this one? Well I didn’t. Now I have come 2 learn that this special family all know who they R, and R sort of going through the motions and playing this fantastic game, until the time is right, where I properly remember all of this; and can accurately it all out in its proper perspective. This time is soon 2 come.

MC; our times at that lovely lake, make up 4 all of the nightmares here at your magic house. No longer will I holler out your name when U jump in the dangerous tidal waters, as UR the MIGHTY ALL POWERFUL GODDESS SCYLLA, QUEEN of all oceans and seas and water, and wind; and I will always love U far beyond anything that U could ever hope 2 know. I now await your next dream visitation, whenever U wish 2 do it, a time of your selection and choosing my great lovely teen-queen. U will always rule the empire. I am your obedient servant 'THAT- BOY-YANCY', forever more, and have always been, never your shellfish my 990990990990990990990990990.Your sister told me the terrible secret she also carries, I feel so much 4 both of U, if I can ever help in any way, just say the word, U know that my life is meaningless 2 me, only your happiness matters.

Reality 3 has many individual parts that will really need 2B carefully examined B4I could start 2 think it can B explained 2 my Blogaud. Last night B4 going off 2 work, where did these slime balls attack me huge time again, but at the Super Stale Grocery Store. This is a constant of this sick and diseased twisted WOMO enemy of mine, if I make a stink about a place, they get me right back right at that place, and lightning fast. They R not clucking into wasting lots of time. All they ever C and focus on is spilling 5 solid frucking quarts of my innocent blood and U wonder Y-I call these fart sniffing cult slappers a few cursing names from time 2 time. Crissake get real, or in my case in July of 1970, REALE, the child molester of Somers Point, NJUSAESMWG, GOT ME, right on and rock on DAVE, and neither U nor mom R missing one hell of a Richie Ryan party, not 1 little tucking tiny smidgen bit, as life now is horrible, and I pray that this entire planet blows up into quadrillions of pieces every single frucking day, and ALL THE DAYS of my miserable McDonald Carey life, without any hour-glass sand.

4 right now I need my sleep and must work 2 night, so END TRANSMISSION!!!!

Posted by theansweristheqyuestion at 9:42 AM

Labels: ALIENS AND UFO SUPERNATURAL DREAMS MILLIONTH COUNCIL BERMUDA TRIANGLE, government persecution in league with MILLIONTH COUNCIL. Millionth Council and Bermuda Triangle

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Posted by mark wayne mohr at 6:12 PM

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I am going 2 get into some incredible shullbit as this now moves ever onward, and B damned 2 whoever is following this or NAUGHT, oh lovely Mizz Blake from 1983's telephone company!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My story fits together and just discussing the greatest soap show ever done in America and most likelty the planet of Earth as well, and at all times but then who can know that, still; DARK SHADOWS can never B excluded nor left out of this entire mess in even the tiniest ways. I think that deep down, even all of me' SPAMMENIES know this truth and know it only 2 well, DOCTOR DAGS and DOCTOR FELL, and all times and paces, and jet hazed trails and so much more from People's Magazine 2 Cifaloglio coworkers of so many numerous transdimensional realities; all totally and completely notwithstanding here, great ole' damn world out there, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My upstairs nabe Mizz Betty Johnson and her nephew, my camp counselor and friend of my other camp counselor Mister Mack Kaiter, Mister Craig Slocum, and Mayor Rohr of the town next door 2 Collingswood, Haddon Township or Wanna' Spend My Time (WESTMONT) up there in good old NEW JERSEY-NO-JOYSEY, and on and on and on we can go!!!! Sir Lenny McKinnon said it better than anyone else ever called on his CB-radio, GOOD LORD & 25 cents!!!!



Tuesday morning, 1:47 AM

August 1, 2023



TUESDAY, AUGUST 1, 2023---11-224---JWSC







      Photos of the Day































LIGHTNING treated 'HER little boy', me, like a total prince yesterday the 31st day in July. SHE came over around 3 or so in the afternoon, and SHE stayed with me 4 several hours, flashing continuous extremely colorful bolts of absolutely beyond ravishing and gorgeous shapes and designs, all throughout the skies surrounding me' ole' residence, YO wonderful kind folks out there in Cyberville. Yesterday managed 2 do another miraculous thing 4 the poor pitiful helpless and defenseless whittle Mister Mountainpen. By the day not being a BOTBAR, it broke a horrendous months long pattern of dependability 4 final days of months always being horrible ass BOTBARS, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!! Thank U so vely much my awesome beautiful wonderful BABY-BLOND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was wondering Y the news peeps were naught saying zip nada zilch goose-eggs 4 the past 3-5 weeks about the most recent nasty-ass hike in gasoline prices, and then last night's news FINALLY talked about this ever plaguing situation that this nation seems forever impotent 2 resolve the issue with 4 so many nasty rotten international reasons, most likely. Hey, I ain't no politician and I sure ain't no monster brain with all of the answers such as was according 2 at least HER, the great Almighty and vely-vely beautiful, Mizz 'Daeling' Patricia H. Hollister H. Oh Sir Bob McDowell, what would I do without the both of U's, YO BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR?????????????

DEATH-ANGEL assaults have been EXTRA MAJOR ASS BAD RECENTLY by the way, me' kind awesome great folks. 4 the past week or close 2 it, following all those horrendous ass death sieges including some major HAVANA SONIC DEATH WEAPON ATTACKS ON ME BY WOMO-SPACEFORCE; my bowels have been bad and I've been almost living with constant continuous toilet attacks. Today finally seems 2B a wee bit better after awakening around just past 1 this AM after a nice five hour rest. WOW-THAT, YO!









CHART BELOW IS NOT PRESENT DAY REFLECTING ANY CONDITIONS, SINCE THOSE OLD DAYS SYSTEMS SEEMINGLY HAVE ALL BECOME TOTALLY DEACTIVATED BY THE 'BDC OWNERS', AS WELL AS MANY OF ME' PHOTO-IMAGES THAT HAVE ALL BEEN ALSO COMPLETELY DEACTIVATED. This includes lovely images of great white sharks, lovely giant waterfalls, cloud formations, Weather-Bug systems, Jupiter Lighthouse, a nice charter school with moon-lights in Saint Lucie-County in Flowerland-USA, and the list literally could go on and on right smack dab into boredom-cubed and CUBAN-HAVANA death sonics. The Y-2 it all is simple as piss juice 2 figure out and most of U out here know it all only 2 dern ass well, and I know that U all do. Anything 2 endlessly keep the poor ole' pathetic helpless whittle Mountainpen endlessly down and out and beyond sub-poverty stricken 4 an entire lifetime as well as keep him in endless lacking in all credibility so that anything he ever says or any claims that that he may ever make, will B taken with a laughing grain of sand on a vely polluted ugly beach right off of some defunct nuke plant property somewhere where no one has swam in decades!!!!!!!! It is all so dern simple 2-C and realize, but 4 those who don't choose 2 endlessly C this simple reality, well, then they won't, and it is really and honestly as simple as all of that, oh benevolent kind wonderful illustrious folks out there, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!! All that can as well as should B added here now is a famous late 20th century line from the great and marvelous roomie that I once had in Sir Guthrie Short's mansion at 231 Route 73 South in Blue Anchor, NJUSAESMWG. And it goes like thissssssss, lovely Mizz Erica Luccisnakes from 1983: WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes world, that nice old and now long gone popularity shade-ratio chart from the Blogger Dot Com (BDC) dashboard, no longer is part of present-day reality, but I can still always paste in past results, and here is just one whittle example here below, YO, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHA-AHA-AHA Mister McNulty Sir.

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Mark Wayne Mountainpen Huntington Mohr

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I am not trying to get all esoteric or philosophical, or pretend that I know all of the answers. I AM NOT Patty Hollister, and this is not the late sixties, or early seventies. BUTButButButButBUTTTTTTTTTTTT folks, Jesus Christ all mighty YO; let's play Bob Schleigh's game, at the Camden, New Jersey, USA, ESMWG security gatehouse. LET'S INDEED BE REAL, folks!! No ordinary mother ducking dream can be more real than ten times all of your other dreams put together, and no ordinary dream can alter your mother trucking waking life from the second that you wake up out of it. Yes Spellchecker, it is totally outlandish!!!!!!! But it's way more than that. It definitely fits the Agent Falcon/Agent Condor profile for why things may have all gone down like this. Anyone who follows ufology at all, knows that huge walls and blocks are real; and that there is indeed a powerful cover-up of 'SOMETHING'. Just what, my jury is totally out; but definitely mucking 'SOMETHING', YO! For right god-dog now, that is all that I have to say, but know this my Blogaudians. We'll be further exploring down this road, and without any help from my ex-son in law Nicky, and his magical hyperspace road-trips through time and hyperspace!!!!!! Yes, my ELECTRONIC stuff did appear to be able to create “monster-ass recordings”!!!! The man in any realm, was 'telling it true', oh lovely little Sandra Tammie D!!!!!!!!!!!! Some things truly R impossible 2 ever forget, such as transdimensional Nick telling a coworker at a shopping mall, about me' tape decks. Also it is hard 2 forget his ability and his true grit and utter nerve also called BALLS, 2 take a mallet 2 me' hubcap while I was inside of a joint getting a psychic reading back in middle 1996. and while at Highview. Could U all forget stuff like this if it were all going down around U; oh marvelous and understanding great peeps out there in Cyberville???????????????????????????

NO, I am not suffering through any psychotic delusions, and yes I do have this knowledge. A resident manager 2 an apartment building 4 senior citizens, where I did work as a security officer around the turn of the decade of the eighties, into the nineties of the prior century; caught another guard intentionally engaging me in conversations after first hiding a micro cassette recorder in the desk drawer in this building’s lobby. He knew of my plight, the manager that is, and the guard somewhat, but Nate, the resident manager told me that night B4 he went to bed 4 the night, as I was on the '11-7 AM' work shift, “I thought U were a total nut case up until today, and now I want U2 stay away from my wife, and me, and our kid. I no longer think U-R crazy at all. I totally believe U I stared in disbelief and simply asked him what had occurred to bring this sudden shift of thought pattern into his mind. He said back 2 me B4 walking away and shutting his apartment door and never again speaking 2 me, “When I-C one security guard, secretly recording another security guard, after witnessing him intentionally baiting U into several conversations this past week, well; that did it, so lets leave it there; k?” No sir/mam, you’ll just have 2 forgive me when I tell U that I am not deluded nor psychotic, nor mentally ill; at least no more than would B expected after surviving the worst life imaginable, and beyond the sick mind of Hitler himself.

I have talked about the aerial harassment used on me since 1986, and ever since it started happening, as well as on copyrighted musical projects since those times and the later 2 follow internet blogs of my handle used as a blogger, the Mountainpen. It did naught take me a whole lot of time 2 also realize and recognize that some of these planes were the very same ones used over and over again, such as the two most annoying ones during real long bouts of 'WOMO-SPACEFORCE OTAMMIC DEATH SIEGES', and labeled by me as the UGLY-PLANE and the FIGHTER PLANE. Many times these and others seemingly R following and stalking me throughout not just locations here on this globe, but obviously THROUGHOUT TIME ITSELF, as otherwise, they would age and wear out, and yet, these same vehicles R used over and over through numerous decades of futhermucking time, folks, and I promise U all that this is completely ass true. In just one example of my blog writing, it goes like this: The same plane has been dogging me off and on since the end of last weekend, and over the guard station last Sunday, the winds were too high and strong 4 the legal flying of normal small planes. I know all of the wind and altitude rules and regs, as I make it my bizz 2 know; so I can say something is indeed a violation, and that these dirt bags R messing with and persecuting me, straight 2 my death grave, only it does not exist, 4 me. Muzak teasing is off the scale major at every store I go into, and the Cat of Callioville, is also messing with me big time. If I had my way, no entertainment world stuff would ever B on, and I would ignore them totally. They impress me like 55 tons of ugly stinky loose moose and goose gross, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!! Many things R however quite accurate that I have told 2 this world, and some will always need reevaluating, 2 quote lovely Latengrate Mizz Donna Summer, our great favorite disco queen of the seventies. I simply cannot always get stuff right all the time as many things R indeed being endlessly KEPT FROM ME and from my extremely limited abilities 2 ever get 2 the bottom of so many of me' endless dern woe-whiz-me troubles. So throughout me' blogs, I amend and also make admitted retractions and revisions, and am naught afraid 2 tell U all these things. Right now as a matter of fact, I have A RETRACTION 2 PRINT, about Jim Whealon, the Mayor of ACNJUSAESMWG, B4 Levy and Langford. I assumed things and misunderstood things that my very good friend Mizz Ann King Silva had said 2 me. B4-I go on with this topic, they tried 2 stop me from sending my most recent project 2 the UNITED STATES LIBRARY OF CONGRESS OFFICE OF COPYRIGHTS yesterday, by knocking out Ed’s computer completely, as soon as I called the © office on the telephone, and found out that I could download a PA [performing-Arts] copyright form and use the printed out sheets, as I misplaced my “copyright” files, and needed 2 get it off in the mail yesterday, 4 extremely personal reasons that Apollo-Lucifer-Dirtbagskithead, knows all 2 well. I hate HIS miserable trucking guts, and all though I am madly in love with his twin sister Diana Zudlecronessia Arteemis, HE and his Briggers, or the LAMBRIGG CULT @ THE BRIGGBASE IN THE OLYMPIAN PROVINCE, ON THE ASTRAL PLANE; make me miserable, with their MILLIONTH COUNCIL-MO continual attacks and various kinds of wicked vicious slit day and night in my infinite life humanly, in the great HS, HYPERSPACE. U all C in consciousness, a line in time, instead of the spatial reality that we all dream-down from our spiritual or astral-being-ness, which is an original dream-down that is out and away from the only truth which is the VOID INFINITY. The gods R frucking with me, and Ed can believe whatever he wants; but the font changes were not done by me, & they just started occurring. What U call on Earth, Satan and the devil, or God the All Mighty, R powerful astral plane gods; and if U would believe me, U would then B on your way towards seeing many other big time truths happening all around all of us, and our pathetic sick diseased twisted wicked world. The daytime television serial decades ago, Dark Shadows, showed this cult and its leader, SATAN, call it what the hell ever, Nick Blair called him by one of his more obscure names of Diabolis. This is where our English word diabolical comes from. The plot may indeed B purely a random chance coincidence, but it is real, and is Y forces led Mr. Frid, the one whom played the part of BARNABAS COLLINS, the main character of the show; 2 suddenly develop an interest in returning to New York Vaudeville work, and basically ended the show on a very sudden and abrupt note. The Leviathans did not like, or should I say the Lamist Cult from the Briggbase, at and on the phase 2 realities on the ASTRAL PLANE, in the GREAT CAPITOL PROVINCE OF OLYMPIA. Remember Shadows fans; the whole deal when Jeb Hawks and his Leviathan’s, under the control of Satan and his henchman on Earth, Nicholas Blair, were attempting to regain and seize power and control over the Earth MW or PHYSICAL PLANE, as the great ECKANKAR SOUND AND LIGHT RELIGION would label it, and the Wall Street guru Skylar Rumson, whose stocks all crashed after 'Nicky' and 'Lucy' turned off the power manipulator that was blessing them?? If this all was a huge coincidence television show, then who am I-2 argue this point? I am not buying it for one astral minper. The show was super successful, and then bang zap zonk bam crash Adam West and Batman; it is off the air one day without so much as a whisper of freaking notice!!!!!!!!!!!! All of this is real and not a bit fictional. I have lived through a nightmare that supports that this is all totally real and true, and I will testify in any legal proceedings in a court of law, at any time and any place; oh lovely Doctor Donna Dags. There is just way 2 much 2 expand on presently in this area, and this is what another future blog is there 4, so 'stay-C' tuned pweeeeeze!!!!!!! Of course up here 16 years in the future from this blog in 2023's July, I have told way way way way more about this incredible show, including my mom's lover-boy the mayor, my neighbor lady in the Westmont apartment and her nephew/son, and the camp counselor actor at my Northeast, Maryland-USA camp, called Camp Chesapeake, along with names of adjoining towns 2 Westmont, and even stuff that is borderline not bloggable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So Let us get back now 2 the year of 2007, shall we YO????????????????

Death angels R constant, the aerial siege is worse than ever in my life; and so R many other sieges. Giant girls R crawling out of the damn wood work. These Millionth Council forces use, 4 main HELL-GROUPS in this war 2 wipe me out, and destroy, and totally annihilate me: ANIMALS, WEATHER, MACHINES, AND LAST BUT IN NO WAY LEAST, HUMANS, AKA 'PEOPLE', as in the future discussed 'PAWM-WEAPON', OF THE SPACEFORCE-SPAMMENIES. There is no way 2 ever win, and it is like saying I can put a bug into a room with a child, and let them fight it out 2 the death; and need I really say more. It is an ant colony facing a bulldozer. I know that I am never going 2 get any help, and that I am in eternal hell. No sir, I do not wonder about it as I once did. I absolutely & totally trucking know this factually.

U-C, peeps insist that I AM IN SOME TIME WARP OF MY OWN MAKING, and simply put, this a total outright mother flagging filthy lie. It is the SPACEFORCE SPAMMENIES who do this 2 me, and R causing this time-warp 2 seemingly B endlessly surrounding me forever, and naught the other way around as I am doing nothing wrong, and absolutely nothing intentionally ever in my life; that would cause me 2B placed in this horrendous time warp. So anything that I could ever CAP in here proves this beyond any possible doubt or uncertainty!!!!!!

Well folks, 2 quote the old-world music bizz somewhat famous recording engineer here from the tail end of the year of 1983 in Orlando, Flowerland-USA, Sir Howard Solomon, “This is Florida”, and so, I am not the only one who sweats in this sweltering ducking heat, and high humidity; or who STINKS as the day wears on. DEAL WITH IT; you rude arrogant wicked evil Floridians. Southern Hospitality? YUK-YUK-LAUGH! So deal with it, U assholes in all behavioral health joints, YO!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Datfile XX TEOHIV-CB 7

The Epitome of Harassment ----- Internet Version CB #7
112707.614.95----DATFILE XX---Beginning Transmission:

My life is in danger. If I am found dead, WORLD COURT IN THE HAGUE, The United States Government is the physical world instrument that is directly responsible 4 my total demise and murder.

The weekend was within a smidgen of being as awful as 2 weekends ago, which was totally beyond putrid. Something in HAMMONTON, NEW JERSEY, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, EARTH, SOL, MILKY WAY GALAXY, is using automobile persecution in a vicious way against me. I just was the victim of a hit and run, and does anyone think the local police care, they care enough to be causing the problem in my opinion. I had just turned left legally and slowly to leave Bellevue Avenue and turn so I could make a right and pull into the Wachovia Bank parking lot, and out of nowhere, along comes a young scum bag teen aged male talking on a cellular telephone, and hits me from 4 or more feet out of his lane as though he thought it was a one way street and both lanes belonged to him, boom, and then he takes off like a frucking total quirk off. I have my witnesses and they saw it all, both Ed Himacane and Ann Silva.

They made my weekend total hell, and Friday was pretty awful as well. This is Y the FLYERS will go on WINNING-WINNING-WINNING-WINNING-WINNING, and the fixed and crooked Dow Jones stocks will keep going endlessly UP-UP-UP-UP-UP. The aerial persecution on the weekend was off the scale. Instead of motorbikes and ground assaults used on and against me, it was all up in the ducking air skit, noisy loud and low planes, CIA, NRO, and military reconnaissance planes that belong to their evil MILITUFORCE OR MILITARY-UFO-FORCE, and the poison chemtrails were horrific as well, causing many ailments in my body, as they can match my exact DNA with invisible toxins that R hidden within the propane jet fuels. Sunday when the Eagles came close to doing the impossibility and came near to evening the score with the undefeated quirk off New England scum ball Patriots’ football team, they flew toxic-prope-chem-poisons or as I now and in future blogging will refer to this in its abbreviated lettering of TPK, and not some inverted FBI bad-agents P.K. Todd, on the phase 4- L&O TV show!!!!!!! As these poisonous chemtrails jet vapors widen and dissipate as U can C from my pix section on the website, they release out the hidden toxins that effect the people with a precise matching DNA pattern to the chemical compounded makeup of the poison. Suddenly as the game was in its 4th quarter, my heart, on top of all my other hell, began to do major flip flops and started beating erratically and irregularly. Both arrhythmia and tachycardia also resulted. Death holds nothing over me, so I willed myself to die and found myself in a strange building with a siren that kept saying and repeating the phrase, “This building is in dysfunction, remain inside the elevator car please”. I heard this over and over. Suddenly I was alive and awake and at home. I have no memory of driving home or going inside of my residence. I was in my work clothes and not my normal set of one of 3 pairs of pajamas. My heart was totally fine, and I had no idea of what really happened to me after about a quarter B4 eleven the previous night. I checked the sports scores on TV and naturally the Eagles were wiped out. I got on my Magnesonic and did a major RRCA, an immediate Ronald Reagan counter-attack. Later on while viewing the 11 of the clock news last night, I came 2 discover that the 2nd in command took a direct hit from what they did to me, HA-HA. I am fighting a DEFENSIVE ONLY FOOTBALL GAME, and NO TEAM EVER HAS NOR EVER WILL, WIN ONE OF THESE TYPE OF GAMES, SO I MUST COUNTERSTRIKE WITH SOME OFFENSIVE ACTION. THESE ROCK CHUCKING SKUZ GIVE ME ABSOLUTELY NO CHOICE IN THE MATTER.



The following people and power structures R involved in the murder of me, Michael Mountainpen, my mother Grace Mohr Mountainpen, my ex and late pal David Charles Roth, and his mother Mary Roth:

Every day, huge chemtrails R all over this sick twisted and diseased tri-state area. So R many low and loud continuously flying airplanes of all types and kinds, both civilian and military.

Very soon, I will tell U inventions and what they do and their basic operation and will include enough basics to build them. I will give U patent numbers of these devices starting in the year 2029 and moving up as far as 2218. I will give U the total info to build a 'retracable DDT2-AVM Recording System', and even give U its patent numbers, all 763 of them. U cannot kill me, so I will just go 4 broke, and alter the entire space-time continuum for all of us, wake up ass holes, how do U really think the Dow Jones floated along for 20 or more years from the early nineteen sixties through the eighties, and then one magical day shot up to 1000, 5000, 10000, 14000?????????? People that have access can buy and hold and then sell at a profit and go back with more money and buy even more shares. All it takes is the knowledge. My father was dead drunk one early winter evening and came into my room, gave me a kiss on the cheek, and said,” I’m gonna tell ya' something ya' little pecker head. Machines R not how it all gets done from now until mans time on Earth is through”. I’m sure I looked at my drunken old man with compassion as I was over 19 and knew that people when they get all tanked up, do not even know half of the time what they really R even saying. But he knew. He fell on my bed but B4 passing totally out from drinking enough booze 2 keep all of his ex-Navy-buds in fun sauce for hours, he recited quite a discourse to me on how the mind is everything, and really belongs to a higher spatial dimension. I was clueless to what he was talking about and just sat in my chair near the bed with my mouth shut, eagerly awaiting what was about to come out of his mouth next, after all, he knew major classified ducking slit 4 Crissake!!!!!! He went on about how special classes were conducted on several ships by Naval Intelligence, the 'USS ELDRIDGE', being just one of them, as it as yet was not the selected one for bringing Einstein’s newly built machine, with Naval cooperation of course; onto for major space/time/hyperspace experimentation. He started saying that if copper is melted and kept at a precise temperature, I am not giving that on this blog, and certain cobalt magnets R properly positioned around an area and then a person directs his voice onto a recorder with magnetized tape, says things that he or she would want the machine to B able 2 do, and then takes the tape and wraps it around the magnets so that the sub atomic particles can re-claim the reality that is recorded as a verbal command, and the melted copper above is enclosed in a container forming a weird greenish color gaseous vapor above these magnets with these tapes wrapped around them, the machine now would do anything that the user told it to do, if the user connected a regular telephone into the magnetic system inside, and it went through an open line and was received by a second telephone, this would totally make the commander speaking through this telephone, able 2 do anything programmed onto the tape and wrapped around the magnets for 'asapian reclaim', as it will B called centuries from now. If U tell this machine that it can transport U through space and time or through hyperspace, or that it can cause weather and natural disasters, or permit objects 2 represent actual things existing materially and by burning them or throwing them through moving metal fan blades once empowered; will make this reality atomically duplicate. Then he went on to tell me how he has been on Jupiter, and this was in 1974 in Early January. He said there is a beautiful girl that calls herself the lightning goddess of Jupiter, and that she is his oldest daughter, a great Scylla. On the human world, this would appear as a planet of pure gas with fiery lightning bolts constantly crashing everywhere, but that he was able to C her and talk 2 her, as he changed from material to a starry astral realm. His mind could do all of this, and at first, the military began experimenting after Hoffman invented LSD, 2 use this 2 explore. But the officer that trained my father’s special class had come up with a radical new way to work this magic. He claimed that sexual energy could B re-channeled and used 4 the purpose of mind control, and mind altering or shifting awareness to other levels of so-called reality. He said other things as well, B4 what he said slurred into non-intelligibility, and then he passed out. I will not tell U everything right now, but bank on this Mick coy, it will indeed B told!!!!!!!!!!!

The phase 5 is the next major thing 4 me 2 begin discussions on and attempt 2 lead readers into even newer and more far out skit. Many other things touched on will B also further elucidated upon as well. Do any of my blogger-readers remember how I told U all back in late June, how I lost my awareness here, [fell asleep], and I was up on the boardwalk near FRAILENGERS SALT WATER TAFFY store, one of them, there used 2B several, not sure if it was the one on Tennessee Avenue or not, do not think it was, Aniwho; the Mayor came up to me and insisted on giving me a fantastic roulette system, as he stated it would ease his conscience 4 trying 2 hurt me so many times when all I ever tried 2-B-2 him, was his friggin’ friend? He gave it 2 me, and it worked on paper 4 a while when I woke up, but one day it stopped working totally. Diana, in a [dream], came 2 me and told me 2 take all of the numbers that I won on, and all of the numbers that I lost on, and gave me a code for the numbers that equal a,b,c,d,e, up to z. It took 2 months, but slowly from work, I worked on this project on my lunch break, when I wasn’t doing a little karaoke work, I keep a keyboard and a K machine at my guard house to enjoy on my lunch break. Aniwho, [female version of the mountains], upon doing this, a strange message came out. The letters separated by 3’s on the winning numbers, gave me the message that SORA was all set up by my buddies [his], so that I would work 4 him on the beach as a security detail under his command, around two-oh-one-oh. If I did not cooperate in things that would all lead up to this, I would have both my legs permanently broken by Bob McGuire, [the bully in the pix on my website, go there pweeeeeze], and if I went to the SORA classes and stayed on my job, and did what is destined 4 me 2 do; I will B permitted 2 reach nirvana within one-million years. I had of course already decided 2 go through with the SORA thing, and this was all many months after the fact. However, the message went on to say that I would B given my Sarah, here on the Earth world, not the grown up human incarnation, but the astrally projected Sarah that I knew from the 1960’s. I called and got information on how to send a letter to the author of a recently written book called??? some kind of code, it may B “bible code”, but do not “””””quote””””” me pweeeeeze!!!!!!! When I got the address, I wrote and the publisher wrote back a short note on school paper, written I am sure by his or her 6 year old kid, so the print could never B traced. I had told the entire story. The note says simply this, and looks like something written 2 me from a 6 year old in a blue crayon: U must never work as a guard under him on the beaches of Atlantic City. This is all part of the biggest terrorist plot ever to be hatched in the history of humanity. Do not ever play this gaming system and get rid of all of it. We will deal with his honor. This was not signed, but was initialed, also in the blue crayon, BLKZ. I have this note buried in a wrench-tightened empty Mountain Dew soda bottle, and have the original in my residence; actually, I made 5 copies at the Hammonton library, USAESMWG, they all R in these soda bottles, each buried in a place only I will remember, 50 inches deep in the vast New Jersey Pinelands. After the slit all hit the fan with the Mayor, I wanted real badly 2 blog all this. I waited 4 the right time, and causing me a hit and run and car damage, well; time to tell, and yeah, this is TRS bwaby-wuv FUDD!!!!!!!!!!

Got another whittle message, and this time on my voicemail, but not on my phone. I do not tell everything I do, I am not that stupid. I have 2 many shmucking enemies. It said that they took 67 pictures of 30 South Plaza Place, in Atlantic City, NJUSAESMWG. Every one of them came out messed up, and not one came out, NOT ONE. So whatcha up 2 now Mister Mayor, even the Judge and Walt R asking about U, and all I ever say is that I’m not catching any waves with him any longer. Well, like I said 2U Big Bob, back in the end of the 1997 season, U NEVER KNOW THE FUTURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cause me all the accidents U want, U cannot kill me, none of U diseased pricks can. I cannot remain dead, so screw all of U. I thought I was the only hyperspace me. Seemed the only possible explanation for getting shot at Wawa in 1996, and all of the other famous Mountainpen instantaneous resurrections, but quantum physics says it is not possible to B the only High School Musical, HSM, sahwee, HYPERSPACE-ME. 'AWEN' and 'AWEN' and 'Hell-apoopya', the ASTRAL WORLD ENTERTAINMENT NETWORK is Y-I am forever here and suffering, the greatest coolest show in town, let’s watch the sick little bitch suffer, aren’t we just such a bunch of sweetypies???? When child molesters like Tom Reale can get away with what they did 2 me, and on and on; go ahead and tell me just how fair and just this sick old world really is. It is de-evolving, not evolving, U’re kidding yourselves Darwinist-peeps!!!!! All this back from the dead and occultist info out in the world that claims we R all here in life to grow spiritually and learn, even the great 'BJE' best seller book author and NDE-experiencer and guest on many shows like fatso. Honey, you’re books R great and uplifting emotionally, but I never lie to beautiful women. UR being deceived by what the Eckists call ASTRAL PLANE KAL-POWER, I shorten it to APKP. Not that this stands in a double 4 “ANTAGONISTIC PAULA KING PISS-POOP”, all though it certainly could, but does not, and back onto point again; if we R moving forward and gaining in our spirituality as a race, then Y has God been removed from school, and now from even government buildings as though the great Sarah-Stacey is something 2B ashamed of as opposed 2 being something 2B in total awe over, and loved and worshiped 24/7/365.2422????? Come on, evolving and coming back here better, and more spiritually advanced; U godda' B kidding Eckankar, BGE, and all of U. How can U seriously believe this junk 4 one half an astral minper 4 the gods sake????

In closing today’s blog, the bad news MO, is yours, not mine. Ann Silva and Ed Himacane, and this computer thing ain’t working out too swiftly, so I will B in possession of this laptop, and have plenty of blog time twice a week, 2 write all that I need 2, from our own private residence; and then later on shoot it up 2 the ninny-nut, [internet]. No more bull slit, down to some real fruyucking serious business, BWABY-WUV ELMER!!!!!!!!!!

GOOGLE/SWIS/WORLD LABORATORIES/ this is an official web logging document. It is sworn under oath voluntarily by me under penalty of legal perjury charges. All blogging is co-copyrighted MARK MOHR/MICHAEL MOUNTAINPEN/ with the Google engine and internet system as provided by law to protect my part in this intellectual property, including Optical Television, Freezerfans, and all inventions of the future that I make reference to.

Rats, Tats, and Playing Real NON-EAGLES Football needs B inserted here B4 closing out, do not need another heart breaking game. Where the DUCK R THE POLICE AND AUTHORITIES------OR DO U WANT THE EAGLES TO LOSE EVERY GAME? PROTECT ME AND THEY WON’T. U CAN BELIEVE THIS--I DO NOT LIE!!!!!!!!!!!!


Posted by theansweristheqyuestion at 1:46 PM No comments:

Labels: aliens and the Millionth Council, our endless interactions, The millionth Council and Me

Thursday, November 22, 2007

TEOHIV DATFILE XIX CB #6 The Millionth Council and Me

The Epitome of Harassment-Internet Version [TEOHIV] CB #6
Subtitled-----The Millionth Council and Me
DATFILE XIX----Thanksgiving day in November of 2K7
112207.628.79 date error on prior datfile, typed today’s date back on yesterday’s Wednesday Chapter Blog-CB. BEGINNING TRANSMISSION:

One of many things that caused, IMHO that is, yesterday’s vicious death siege from filthy twisted MO enemies, was what I know that they heard me say onto a new portable cassette tape machine, as U know on 2 counts, one, that these MO scuz broke my previously used two machines, and on count 2, U should by now B aware, that whatever U say onto a tape, UR directly telling this MILLIONTH COUNCIL ASTRAL WORLD AUTHORITY, OR MC-AWA. Tape machines, any electronic device, whether it B an analogue or digital nature, it makes absolutely no difference, plug in or battery, electrons R chemically stored in cells of your batteries, for an oversimplified lesson on how batteries produce usable electrical energy by way of a direct current. So, what was I talking about in that conversation with myself back on Tuesday night, onto my life journal record [of a sorts], doubling up as my blogging notes audibly? I will get into that in a moment ladies and lads. First, I am the victim of poisoning, as was David Roth, my ex-best friend in this mortal life, killed by way of a clever plan of slowly poisoning him when they ate together at various diners. This evil monster named Jonathan Schau knew that he had a habit of ordering his cocoa and then freshening up in the rest room, and the cocoa would get placed on the table B4 his returning from the rest room, I should know, as 4 many years, we ate at diners and this indeed was what he always did, and this gave Schau time 2 slip anything into his cocoa cup. Even I would know how easy that this would B2 do. He would reach over obviously and take his cup, and pretend 2B sweetening the cocoa with sugar or some small packet, when of course, it was a slow poison. If Constable McMeekan would ever exhume the body of David Roth, he would C-4 himself that this indeed is the reality of the shituation. Schau was an expert on many subjects, and Roth told me that he was a college educated highly intelligent man, familiar with chemistry and numerous things that would make the evidence overwhelming in any court run by Jack McCoy of the Law and Order show. Schau had talked him into putting him in as his executor and beneficiary in a life insurance policy of more than one hundred thousand dollars USD. Roth and I had at the time had a small rift growing between us on religious matters, he was not a pagan, one God only, and would not listen 2 what I know about Lawtronics filtering down into the 6th dimensional elevator room, and from there permitting a near endless multiversal cycle of creation-existence. From here a space time 4 dimensional system is then created inside each of these near-unlimited multiverses of 5th dimensional space-time. Do not confuse my numbering the dimensional realities with those that I number as existence phases. Phase one is truth at void infinity, we simply exist-case closed. 2 is the dreaming out and away from this void, into an astral dream-shift existence. 3 is the further dreaming down into sequences of individual pieces of individual lifetimes, all throughout the huge hyperspace that surrounds the astrallity on a mass-equivalent relationship, based on an atomic interchange of C squared, or the speed of light times the speed of light. 4 is the lawtronic enforcement of a 7th dimensional decision of creation-architecture whereby entrance to phase 3 human MW life is permitted from phase 2 astral life, within a permitted range of [fitting in] to the system. Should U decide U wish 2 come here as a resident of a place far north of Canada and Greenland, with a toy shop, a magic sleigh, flying reindeer, and a red suit, on a fat immortal body, with lots of elves around, this is designed to pop in a magic stop order and instead of coming in this way, U move in to phase 4, just as automatically as any stock broker knows that if I have ten shares of stock of ABCD CORPORATION that I bought at 22.and 5/8 per share with a stop loss order placed at the price of 22 and ½, and the price drops below this, say down to 22 and 1/8 by end of business that day, my 10 shares would have been sold automatically at in most cases, the price of the stop loss order. Lawtronic systems R quite a bit more real and powerful than anything on Wall Street, and if an astral being attempts to mortally dream in the life of some superman or mythical type of creature, it switches to instead of dreaming UR born and starting a life, to where UR merely the energy transfer in the mind of an all ready existing phase three entity, in the form of his or her fantasy or imagination. This is LAWTRONICS, and U will defy gravity B4U beat this law, it is an absolute. Enough 4 now on phases of existence and how they operate in and through the 7 controlled lawtronic dimensional system.


Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Blog start time: 11:28 AM

As stated, until further notice these blogs will post in kitty-butt quality, because nobody anywhere seems 2 know how to make the website coding system properly decode my word document paste in with the needed coding for doing this. I am picking up aerial siege today after a week without any of it, and I will always keep 'the Blogaudianship' informed of these matters. This is so you all can endlessly TRACK THE PARALLEL EVENTS, and prove 2-U all that this is entirely real, and my claims R indeed totally real and true, and not simply the mere ranting delusions of a completely insane crackpot madman; Mister Jason and Ken, of WFMU-Int-Rad.

Of course I will never deny any reality for that very reason, and yes world, you can all look me up as I share a relatively eternal spot on the mighty net-lands or as I term it on my Morianity, “Cyberville”, simply by Googling up,Crackpots from New Jersey”. I have no power over what any of you say or think of me, and will never for a single seck try 2 deny that truth, as denying any part of reality would then prove me out 2B a genuine mentally ill person with numerous psychotic features and schizophrenic delusions. Moving on now, this will B a blog with information on a few topics and I won't B attempting to tie in a zillion pieces to one large whole truth today, but some may indeed see this powerful truth without me saying a whole lot about it myself just from following my Morianity, and knowing the story of Mountainpen's miserable hellish life of endless quintessential misery. “Okay, this is a tri-dah-cell-ous”, and the accented syllable is the second of the four of them, and I have shown the word in dictionary-style here, so you know how to pronounce it but not how to exactly spell it, and now you need to know what this is all about since it is a continuation of my Egg Harbor dreaming interaction from several nights ago. I appear to B an employee at this very large supermarket that is also called an ACME Grocery Store just as we had a half century ago all throughout the Delaware Valley and tri-state area where I grew up in, only the Egg Harbor Acme that famously stood for so very long in town right on the Julia White Horse Pike, just a few blocks west of Philadelphia Avenue and the main street in town; does not exist in this particular parallel reality. Ever since I grew up in this one particular reality, I had but one single job at this store, and the real estate location of it here is the potato chip factory that is a short distance to the east down Route 561 from the great Atlantic County youth detention center. People used to phone me back when I resided at the Mullica Mobile Manor in the first decade of this 21st century, and ask me if my father's side of the family had a teacher named 'MOHR' somewhere in that area, and between this and a lifetime of recurring dreams concerning schools in that area and my always trying to get to one of them, I knew something was up, or to better say this, with Mister Joe Sivo's quotation here perhaps, “Something was going down”!!!!!!!!!!! Even the world renown evangelist Doctor Billy Graham knew that our entire being or soul if you will, is not containable in one human lifetime, and thus making several references to how one of the scriptures can be more better understood, by realizing this powerful truth. I speak of the bible verse that asks us human beings, what does it profit a man to gain the whole world but to then lose his own soul? It is of course considered 2B total mental illness and schizophrenic magical thinking to say it, but I say, give me a flucking break here, Mister Diagnostic Statistical Manuel (DSM). The place that architecturally resembles a school and definitely naught a detention center right there in Egg Harbor City is called HARBORFIELDS, the very same name of the school up in Long Island, New York that Mariah Carey once attended. So between a lifetime of these recurring dreams about the place, the way the great King cousins acted with me while I was trying to figure the whole thing out, and was simultaneously living right there with them, the telephone calls asking me about my family as well as the teachers and schools, the cupcake incident involving my attempted murder, and switching to a world where I seemingly had no proper ID to operate my automobile, while at Jenny's Park, the MMM; and other smaller parts to this as well, and this does not add up to saying and concluding that something outlandish is happening around me, oh Mister Psych-Book? Wanna' ducking gimme' a break, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO BRO????????????

So in my wild dreaming interaction from several nights back now, I was in the store where I had worked in all of my life. It began where I was up at the front area and was trying to alter a setting on an air conditioning system and it was not like anything here in this world as it was part of a fan and air conditioner and looked more like home units would rather than something that would be operating in a professional building such as a large food store. I kept attempting 2 adjust some settings and it seemed 2B all going kaplooey. Finally I had figured out how to effect a jury-rigged repair 2 it and it then seemed 2B properly working, and as I walked away to go down 2 one of the aisles of the store, I immediately observed that I was wearing a pair of headphones. Nothing was playing through them yet I was wearing them and my double there in that dream never removed them and seemed to B able 2 hear things around him perfectly despite having them covering over his ears. Then I suddenly found myself walking through the perimeter system of the store and while in the back of it suddenly observed a man and his wife along with two children, either two boys or a boy and girl and I wasn't sure because of the hair dues, and my not being able to see past some chairs that were blocking part of the view between this group of folks and myself. Then my dreaming-double seemed 2 recognize that there was a weird store promotion going on and that the woman and the children were just part of what was going on and the man who I had originally believed 2B the father of this family, was some hypnotist dude and this was an experiment that proved how stores were using a form of subliminal consciousness technique in order 2 induce more purchases. I couldn't resist, or my double there couldn't resist, shouting over at this group and saying, “It isn't done that way, the message is spoken underneath of the music or MUZAK system that we all hear when in stores and hotel lobby's and elevators”. Then the hypnotist who seemed 2 me 2B a very mild mannered individual, suddenly jumped up out of a chair, turned to me or my dreaming-doppelganger, and said in a loud stern voice, and while pointing a finger into my face, Okay this is a tridaucelous or however you may wish and attempt to correctly spell the word. All I know is that for whatever the reason, my dreaming-double then suddenly just began walking down one of the central food aisles as if nothing had ever even happened at all. I remember thinking upon awakening that none of the food products on any of the shelves even remotely resembled the types of food stuffs and packaged products from here in the 'waking-ordinary world reality'. By the way, my Spellchecker Word Dictionary show absolutely nothing even remotely resembling any similar verbiages to that wild transdimensional-EHC word. So to quote the mighty and wonderful awesome illustrious Sir Chester-Frank here kind folks, “WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!

Yes, as told B4 on numerous previous blogging texts on this Morianity Project, spanning over 17 YEARS now; I have picked up a great deal, whether Merry knows it or naught Mizz lovely phone company Blake of 1983, transdimensional words. Names of things, names of people, names of cities such as Atlantica where here we all know the place or the Winn-Joint as Atlantic City, and on and on we can go here folks, or I can, YO YO YO HA, ME' BRAHHHH!!!!! Yes the planes today are real real REALE bad, Tommy boy, and even Sir Tommy ROWE and all Rowe's out there, outlandish from Spellchecker or naught, lovely Mizz Blake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have now activated my ALWS systems, one is on my front porch, and one is on my rear porch, and this stands for Airport Light-Warning Switches, and I'll let a HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE cat out of the bag now for my wonderful peeps and Morians/Blogaudians out here, and my wonderful pal and sir, Senator Bernie Sanders. First I'll tell U all what the abbreviated letters stand for, and then what is happening to make it all clear 4-U, my Blogaudians. ALWS stands for Mister Mountainpen's 'AIRPORT LIGHT-WARNING SWITCH'. I activate two bright lightbulbs, LED-100 watt, taking only 15-W of actual power each, and once during every shift, the airport peeps have a guy driving through the property here 2C if these lights R on or naught, Mizz lovely 1983 Blake. The co-op gave permission for me to do this as my landlord has witnessed enough strange stuff and was able to convince them that a real enemy harassing me all of my life is really doing this to me and that I need to have a pilot drive in to check my ALWS situation every single day at random times, at least four times. So chime in now if ye' will, oh Sir CF from that 1999's Jersey bar, oh kind sir and once roomie: “WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES SIR, GREAT PEEPS OUT HERE YO, WOW-2-THAT-1!!!

Boy oh boy oh boy” Uncle Billy Frank Capra Wonderful Life Movie, YO, all little dogs, tape recorders, karate kicking bugs, and detention centers of coincidental nomenclatures. If any of the great Atlantic City peeps R out there from this dimension, you know I am not making up anything, including what all of U did 2 me back in oh-8 and oh-9. Please B at the dog-run park, Sir SWAP, six days from today, Tuesday the final day in this demonic month of 0223. TANKS, and a great big ass HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE “B---O---O---M”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We need to move this slit along, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO, and maybe U need 2B talking 2 my local sheriff 2 as I don't think that he takes my story from HELL all that goddamn seriously, kind sir, so we'll talk in six days kind friend, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO, ME' BREEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well in any event ole' fudging world, let us proceed marching onward here. Not far away over in the Fort Pierce Spanish Lakes Community, a ten foot gator was just euthanized for killing an eighty-five year old lady and her pet if I am remembering the news story correctly, and stupid Spellchecker doesn't recognize the name with the letter-D ending for putting down an animal for whatever the stupid computer world reason, but in any case, this just happened a couple days back, and gators and lizards and snakes and insurance salesmen AKA scummy Geckos are literally swarming all over tropical places such as our great American state known by the Mountainpen as Flower-land, and AKA by non-Morians, Florida-USA. Still, flowers, and songs, and great hot flower lands, and dreams, and property owners of Atlantic City named Estelle. Like super mother ducking ass WOW-WOW-WOW-WOWSY-WOWSER, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I won't soon forget driving down here in early middle December of the year 2009 and stopping near the great pier where on one side, the mighty Mister Flagler named pier separates the beaches from many of my long ago recurring dreams, and then the southern side of the pier where Ormond Beach begins, and Misses Estelle Andersen Bassler had her home; after leaving her South Atlantic City home that was located at 30 South Plaza Place. This home was where she and her adopted son Mister Chester Perkowski resided, all throughout the time where SARAH's SHOP was all a part of my life as a teenager, as well as when I was a younger preteen, or 'tween' as they refer to it in today's times. Without watching the television show called, “DARK SHADOWS”, and really observing carefully, the entire story line from shortly after Quentin Collins came onto the scene, and then right up through the time that the Leviathan Cult leader was killed by being shoved off of an ocean cliff, known only too well by 'shadowans' or fans of the show, and then see the absolutely unmissable connections with me and my entire life, and all pertaining to the magical goddess-girl known to me only as “SARAH KRASSLE” as she spelled it out 4 me in a middle December of 1969 dreaming interaction; you won't ever truly B able to C this unfathomably powerful reality that something beyond Senator-Sanders-HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE is going on here, in all of this inconceivable stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I told you about computers and the reality behind the entire reason that they R now in total control over this entire planet, and without anyone other than me being the wiser. I told you what makes them operate, crystals that make their motherboards, as well as electrons giving them their power; and I also told U all how they have no astral essence or truth whatsoever. All one needs 2 do here is 2 carefully examine this show on television, D.S., and then compare in full rigid austere honesty, the Leviathan Cult deal with what has actually happened to this world. CREATURES WITHOUT A SOUL, computer technology, computers, internet, the cloud, and this is only the very infancy conception and origination of a much greater diabolical plot, and yes, just as the show warns us, and the biggest part still not recognized here is that the creators of that marvelous show were all the time totally mucking CLUELESS to what was going on, and how they were being used to give this warning, even if only one person received it, that being THE CHOSEN HUNTINGTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW-WOW-WOW-WOW-WOW-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! B realistic here for just a goddamn second. The only possible thing here is not that Mountainpen is a crazy and delusional crackpot, but rather that he HAS BEEN CHOSEN to receive truths that went totally over everyone else's head. It isn't that I am better than anyone else, merely CHOSEN. Yes, this sounds like cult-talk in and of itself, but let me put all of your minds to ease here, may I pweeeeeeeeeeeeeze? Simply readeth on.

Cult leaders want power over their fold, over others in general, over young girls in order to obtain sexual privileges with them, they have ideas and concepts that the Christian scriptures absolutely condemns, and despite a lot of their near-truths, those truths R4 Purgatorial existence such as free love and 'multiple mergings', and along those lines once known in hippie jargon as sex-orgies. On the Astral-Plane there is no monogamy or marriages or death and mates do not make vowels to love until death as dividing by C-squared is a concept so far removed it just isn't a part of anything there, and even that merely causes human-dreaming and that is what we all R, dream-downs off of the endless-Purgatory. I merge with Lightning and the coils that SHE has given 2 me quite often, and this is absolutely okay and proper, THERE, naught HERE. Cult leaders may or may not B aware of these truths, but they only want to satisfy their carnal or Earthly and Mortal world natures of their flesh-appetites. I promise any and all of U that the furtherest thing from my mind, ever, now, or B4, is to take over anyone's mind, or control them in any possible or remotest way. The magical Sahasra Dal Kanwal chain may have indeed given 2 me some strange and unusual desires as previously discussed, but never have I wished to engage in actual sexual connectedness with girls that R-2 young 2-B having sexual relations, in any way, including the 'nineties-Sir Clinton' ways. If I could, I would be the biggest spit-vampire on the planet, thanx-2 that chain altering somehow magically, my mind, and yes; the billionaires all know that it would multiply my lifespan 8 times over, as it once did to the entire H-12-Tribes, the great Jewish secret, & as Morianity refers 2 this as. Typing this in right now folks, made me remember that I forgot a powerful insertion the other day on a recent blogging text. I was discussing that magical SARAH-surname of K-R-A-S-S-L-E, and how SHE spelled it out for me in a wild dreaming interaction back in December of 1969, and how the Dark Shadows television show went onto spin-off two movies, 'HOUSE OF DARK SHADOWS', and 'NIGHT OF DARK SHADOWS'. In one of these movies, a gorgeous little girl was named SARAH KASSEL, if I am spelling that surname correctly, and it was pronounced in the movie, the same way that 'KRASSLE' would B pronounced, only without containing the letter of “R”. HALLS FAWCES, or the MISOE or 'whatever' ole' pal Bob Andrews from 1975-1980 B4 your great public office days that laid ahead of U sir; somehow R creating 'something' and to mortal-world human observation with its very limited low lying horizons, we fail 2C and properly recognize that this same exact force behind this fantastic 60's-television show-D.S., and the reality and persona of one Sir Mark Wayne Mountainpen Mohr, perhaps R one and the same, you know; as in the other example of being one and the same that we all know of quite well, Clark Kent and Superman, as in this great show, without knowing that truth that the viewers know, and R fully aware of; the characters in the movies and shows R thus completely limited to not having that fact while being the characters whom they R portraying. The main reality that came clear 2 me very early into this 3rd millennium and 20th century in human chronology is my home in the Purgatory, called RICKTOWN MANOR. This home is beyond any mansion that could even begin to B fathomed in construction on any mortal realm of physical caporial life. It literally branches off in six opposing directions for one thing, a total humanly impossible architectural feat!!!!!!!! Its immense size is the other factor as it literally is 80 percent of the square miles of the state of Pennsylvania, here on waking mortal world planet Earth-USA. Then there is the far rear wing of the entire structure that in the mortal and waking world realm is part of a movie set in NYC and the 60's television show, D.S. There is no actual Collinwood of course, despite the 'establishing shot', showing a girl's private school, in a nearby area to where the show was done, and all of this is as meaningless as a single seagull, flying over our heads while enjoying a day on a beach on a vacation after a long and hard winter season at our job. In real truth to how singularity produces HER creation, first the Plancktime, and then the 5-D-hyperspace blown out beyond that in a folded magical fabric containing eleven dimensions, with two '5-D systems' inside of each of them; once we exist here 'physically', the complex interdimensional realities cause things to operate as they do and trying to fully explain it would require all of us 2B at least 'Einstein times 100', and a million years 4 me 2 type out this truth, and then 4-U all to sit down and attempt 2 GET IT”; all great 'G.W.' 'musician dads' out there; right lovely Mizz J. L. Hewitt?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!! So rather than attempting 2 tackle a truly insurmountable project here, such as that one folks; let me put things in more relatable terms, if that is even frucking remotely possible. WOW, Mister Macy and C---L---U---B!!!!!!!!! WOW & WOW!!!!

We can get into Peoples Magazine, Dark Shadows, MISOE operatives and their office-bosses, dream control, Ufology, and a zillion related topics; although seemingly to the untrained non-Morian-eye, not so damn ass related. Let me do things my own way, if you please, lovely Mizz EHC resident, Terry Accusatory Scatterbrain. Yes the only two peeps that I speak so frequently of on these blogs who R some of the residents of the lovely and illustrious Egg Harbor City, Mizz Leticia Tilley, and Mizz Terry 'Scatterbrain-Namer of Mountainpen'. Mizz Terry was a gal-pal of the lovely Mizz Ann King Silva, of the mighty Atlantic City, NJUSAESMWG. She insisted that no story, even mine, needs 2B done and 2 quote her of course, “So scatterbrain-style”. BUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT, BIG ASS BUTT, unfortunately, this just ain't so. No one on planet Earth would ever B able 2 successfully write the story of 'Morianity' in a non-scatterbrain-appearing style, and she is simply 100% totally mistaken. So sahwee Mister Japanese Ambassador from World War II, but 2 quote Sir Sigmund Malyeska here, “That's the way it goes”. SOOOOOOOOOO, WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! We will need to begin 2-C and fully realize just Y my family as well as all of my OTAMMIC ENEMIES, just cannot B placed in some rational normal order in chronology, the way that other stories tell things. It is not possible, that's all there is 2 it folks. The space bar is completely trucked up and I will definitely B purchasing an entirely new computer system, solving the murder of two birds while employing only one rock; and without going to any Oaklyn, New Jersey creek-parks, with my-then-pal, Sir Jim T. Burr, back in the early middle spring time, in the year of 1974. We will get on the Pennock voice changing magical 'pen' pieces, the cult leader cousin-Pennock, the flower song and translation requests that all led up to car interference and magical-McFly circuits being secretly inserted into them, and a zillion other power house things that R all related to these things listed so far, and then folks; remember that this may B at best and at most, perhaps one one thousandths of the entire story, and yes, it will all B told, and IPYT great folks out here. So a great big damn fat ass ''WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE''!!!!!!!!

About Me, YO!

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Not boring, without hesitation nor concern for fibbing, I can honestly say with a knowing that out of 8 billion that live or have lived here, none have shared my wild ride through hyperspace, with awareness. And as one of me' viewers was magically able 2 add in here about a decade or so ago, “Very intense”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I agree with U, oh kind person!!!

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Oh does my life yucking totally suck, great world out there. “Whats to do” Mister Jack 'TTZ' Klugman, sir?

Posted by theansweristheqyuestion at 1:03 PM No comments:

Labels: "Millionth Council" government persecution, alien abductions astral plane supernatural paranormal, PROJECT BLUEBOOK

Sunday, December 4, 2011


world laboratories of 2296
DECEMBER 4, 2011, MY 57TH
COPYRIGHTED BLOGS OF MOUNTAINPEN 2006-2011 ©, All Rights Reserved (ARR)!


Monster Music Man next door, woke me again, blaring his horrific loud rotten-neighbor music at me, ruining my entire flucking birthday. There is no way to have peace and bunt tapping quiet in this world. Music is so loved by people, personally, I ducking hate it. I hate it when I am somewhere and a radio or something is playing, and some amateur begins to sing along, totally believing they are either Pavarotti or Carey. If they were, that is one thing; but if not, can't you please save it for your shower room while scrubbing up, and do us all a fruyucking favor. This quirk off next door is old and either hard of hearing, or like most peeps today, they all just love to blare away, and wreck the only two ears that they were born with; believing either that they are indestructible, or that they live 90 years from now where even full ears and eyes are directly transplantable into the brain, without any nerve complications happening whatsoever, YO.

I asked Gawky Gaukauk just why all of a sudden this neighbor is driving me up a wall and what and who is behind it, by drawing 72 paying cards, eight suits from two decks, containing all cards from aces through nines. The great black cat said the reason for this new hell and misery in my life, is number PCN-781. Now let us talk about this and a lot of other major mother ducking crap as well folks.

I am imagining none of this 57 years of Doctor Feet and his hell, who? No, that is the guy in the telephone booth with the Donald, exchanging phony weaves, dreams, and comfortable shoe insoles. But yes peeps, the other day, I asked this mighty black cat a question on why that horrific day of the 23rd of November was forced on me by these flucking glass monsters, and yes; the answer was again, PRIVATE 'COSMICODED NUMBER' (PCN)-781. Today, before I began this blog of SJ-CH-0281, again, I drew the two cards that produce the PCN-ROOT DIGITS, these being the 7 and then the 8. The PCN is the difference between these root digits, if any Doctor, and using this digit as the 3rd one, creating a PCN or ROOT DIGITS 78 becomes PCN-781. My root digits are 87 for example, Donald Trump has root digits 23, and so forth. You must use your exact birth given first and last names to get your life-long PERSONAL PCN. By the way, you cannot exact the GAWNUM the same question, unless it pertains to different potential answers because it is asked at different times during ones life. Other than that exception, only once counts; and thus after that, you will get false answers. Do not try getting the GAWNUM to be your genie and give you 'yes' and 'no' responses. It is designed as a mighty story telling systems of comparisons and matching's; & not to tell you in a direct question, if Johnny Marshmallow should marry Toni-Louise Macbeth. It is designed to bring a new skill to a user, and this being, learning how to figure things around a query, then by varying the words or phrases of query, they can match up PCN-number results to a second half, such as, “My boss is acting totally weird with me because he found out that I...” The dot-dot-dot are numerous possible things you may be wondering and worrying about, and they also all have their own PCN's, when figured out. Then your master PCN of the sentence with your boss is compared GAWNUMLY with numerous other PCN sentences until you start super sleuthing around and get matching answers. It is not six year old stuff, but it is addictive and also fun and entertaining as hell. It is totally real, and it totally works. Anyone thinking this is not so, needs further education on this exact science. I will tell more and more as time and persecution on this off the scales attack, continues to march fruyucking on, to this demonic evil drumbeat. Now I had no particular blog planned out for this weekend, and really was yucking hoping to catch a break, but the WOMO is making me about as miserable as can be conceived, and is responsible for my first degree premeditated murder. It is official that I said I cannot take much more and will need to take my life, so if this happens, these peeps all need to go to MOTHER FRUCKING PRISON FOR THE REST OF THEIR DIRTY FILTHY TWISTED DISEASED LIVES, TO ROT AND SUFFER; JUST AS THEY CAUSED ME TO, for pushing 30 years or so now!!!! I noticed two other pretty much inescapable bull-slit coincidences recently. The minute I say that Donald Trump will be president over my non breathing body, he pops up on his dirt bag owned and mobbed up NBC-NETWORK, floozies and all; and fairy god mother news bells; 'aha-aha-aha', Mashell-1980 & family; he decided all over again that he will run, and then began all this persecution on me, as he has been behind the usage of this ICPE tool, ever since I told his peeps at his casino in the summer time of the year 1986, that I use PARALLEL EVENT SYSTEM, to beat the game of roulette, and this would piss off any fruyucking casino owner, like DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You cannot say that if you start with this blog, and read backwards, that I DO NOT HAVE PLENTY OF PROOF THAT BACKS UP MY WORDS HERE, FOLKS, NOT UNLESS YOU WANT THE AWARD OF THE DECADE FOR BEING AN ASS AND A MORON, THAT IS.

Well Gawky; despite many uncertainty's in this old sick world, “God's Dog” may have visited “Babylon”, and not in his doggie form, until he was old enough to do a Nancy Reagan, and just say NO to my dear wonderful sweet mom, who took a vicious secret to the grave. But still, this “Prophet of Nothingfrom “July twelve, nineteen-seventy” a few years back at that time; did not then know that these four things were all PCN-781, shown above in double-quotation. I have a listing matchbook of a dozen or more other less important things, but for now, these four need to be talked about, as something contained in one or any combination, or all of them; is causing this real bad hell, according 2 the magic cat of Copyrighted Halloween Day. I am not trying to win power-balls, since that is your thing, oh MIZZ PAULA UWICH!!!!!!!

This is what is causing this neighbor to blare my wall down every day now without ducking mercy, perhaps at Trump's or Nick's behest, but since I have only what detectives call SOLID MOTIVE, I do not have any court evidence to this effect, so I blog out, maybe at their behest. If you see two mean looking kids in a park, you just got there and they are leaving. One is crying and more bloody and dirty than the other one, but you saw nothing; you can solidly speculate that these boys had been fighting, since nobody else is around. But you cannot swear in court, one other thing other than this. None of us would have it any other way, it is just 2 easy to get framed, and innocently go off to flucking prison. Many guilty's are out walkin' and talkin', while the innocent's are all locked away inside. As I said to Paula, and some others, Regis sir, dog roofs and radio stations all notwithstanding, “BE CAREFUL”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What is good for the goose, you know. I have nothing against the American Criminal Justice System, except for when it doesn't work, which is quite often. IN MY CASE, IT NEVER DOES, AND NEVER HAS.

Let me quickly get into the song from 1988 that I Copyrighted and wrote from my home in Moorestown, NJUSAESMWG, a mile or so away from the home of baseball giant, Mitch Williams, AKA Mister World Series Gamethrow. I know he honestly tried his best, but some were ready in 1993, to shoot the poor devil. But baseball, at least not at this precise second, is not the topic at hand folks. The song was what led to the project sent down for copyright, called “THE EPITOME OF HARASSMENT”. This is why since the middle of the past decade, my blogs on the web are titled this, along with the additional, “INTERNET VERSION”, so 'LIKE DUHHHHH'!!!!!!!!!!! Remember by the way great folks that my 1988 song “Prophet of Nothing”, is actually the title track on my 1988 musical © Copyrighted project called “Epitome of Harassment, Part Two”. U will naught ever find the song listed by its name on my many times capped-in copyrights file sheet from the great and vely endlessly illustrious Library of the Congress, of Wash your hands, Washington, 13-600, District of Columbia, YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!

Dave and I had taken a trip in the first week in August back a couple of years, in 1986, one night, into New York City. He wanted to go to some club, and see some friends of his, a musical group called “New Shoes”. I could not handle Saturday night traffic in this incredible city so he took the wheel and parked us a few blocks from the club, as he was not able to find a spot closer than this. I relaxed in the passenger seat for close to an hour while he was inside this club, doing whatever he was doing. As soon as he rounded a corner block, along came a girl crossing from my right to my left, and I could not take my eyes off of this tall teenaged curly haired cutie pie. I admit I was pushing 32 and that she was half my age, but the statute of limitations will run out on what I did with her on the 2nd of August, back in 1993. I believe laws have altered, but grandfathers rights in more ways than one, keep me from seeing the inside of a prison. She told me that her feet hurt as she came around to the driver side of the parked car, and peered in at me, cautiously but confidently. I told her my friend is in the club down the street seeing his pals the New Shoes group. She smiled and asked if she could sit inside and get off of her feet. She removed her shoes and left me instantly wishing she had not, pretty as her feet were. Until 2008 ran around, I thought of this night only a few times ever, and remembered little detail. I know we had a little fun, not the only time I had fun in a car during this period in my life, and yes, with the under-aged, as I was going through the normal middle life crises, that went onto worsen ten to twenty years later, until I began blogging and telling my life story, which had quite a therapeutic effect, and calmed me down like a bottle of Ativan tablets. I thought her name was Maria Kelly, and thought no more of this fuzzy memory, other than to write a very mean song about the experience and copyright it on August 15th, in 1986, a couple weeks after the night in the city, called, “Real Good Girl”. Before she exited the vehicle as I had seen David coming back from the club towards the car; she heard some female artist playing on my car stereo, and had noticed my tape recorder in the back seat with a cassette all ready loaded into it, as I was keeping a life journal of things happening to me. She turned the music way up, and literally blew the poor artist, whoever it was, right out of the water, with a voice like nothing I had ever heard or imagined in my wildest mind. In the few minutes before David had been seen walking towards us from quite a distance, and there was a very bright advertising light right where he was walking past and easy to spot. She had asked me if she could have the tape, and I said that I needed it because it had stuff on it on the flip side, personal conversations with a man named Shorty MacInvondi. She giggled at his name and never knew it was a made up name and used for purposes of electronic metaphysics, unlike Donna Summer Jason, who knows all this so well, at least now, but she knew it then, and was convinced early in the eighties that I was sending magical signals to her, because I used a fast erase button that caused a bias playback high oscillating tone to be audible with good speakers, and she admitted it in her 1982 album. Anyway, I really liked this curly haired girl and we exchanged phone numbers, but I threw hers away near the Lincoln tunnel, as she would have ended up putting me on Rikers Island eventually. I had no idea at all, that SR would be the only charge against me if PK pressed charges on me, as she knew stuff that I did not. She insisted on having the tape, and even though I told her I could not give it to her, she faked out like she was putting the recorder back in the back seat, as it was attached by a short rope, around the seat head rest of the passenger front seat. She lifted the tape, as when I got home it was gone. I never heard anything like her voice, it was straight from the heavens.

None of this by itself is all that amazing as far as PCN-781, but when you factor in other things, watch this all widen out. July 12, 1970 was the last NIGHT, and the only NIGHT, that Sarah's great gang called the Atlantic City QM, standing for Quoddy Mockers, was ever seen by me. They knew me and liked me a lot, they all called me THAT-BOY, and never knew my name. Cousin (SANDY) Sandra Shah Snowhite, of Narberth, PAUSAESMWG; told them my name, but they all insisted on calling me, THAT-BOY. I lied about seeing SARAH herself, the only lie ever told on MORIANITY, but enough to place my good name and credibility into question, unfortunately. It gets a lot better still so do not faint out on me yet peeps, please. Nightmares that recurred all through the late eighties and nineties of the past century, haunted me in series of ominous and outlandish vividly colorful dreams of groups and groups of huge air balloons. The girl running the entire thing that was going on, was always the same; and her name was Patty Lang. This name, Paula King, and many others, is one powerful entity and personality by that name. Later I realized I had worked with a girl by this name at the recording studio, and had totally put this out of my conscious mind from 1979-1981 until I quit on March the eleventh. Her husband was a commercial airlines pilot. They commuted from a place right near the Delaware Memorial Bridge, one hell of a spurious long commute to both of their jobs. Photos of air balloons were both on her hand bag at the studio, as well as a stick or peel on, where she was given permission to place on the main duplicator machine near the master system; connected to the group of 10 or so electronic-slaves or “duplicators” both accepted terms in the recording business of those days, and I saw these balloons every night at work. This led to those nightmares beginning after I met and did the unspeakable with my own daughter, regarding balloons and Patty. As for God's Dog, our Midge at the Judge's place in Hammonton Berryville, Frank Raso; owner of the rooming-house, before I had been talked into moving in with these distant cousins of my kid; was the most adorable dog I ever met. Ann got rid of poor little Midge because she had attacked and killed one of her precious Cockateel birds. Spell flucking checker is no help whatsoever and I know the species of that bird type is misspelled, so no comments please, tell MICROSUCKS to improve their rotten spellchecker system. THANK-YOU!!!!!!!!!! I know for almost certain, Dawn-Marie called her distant cuzz MC, and sent her a pix. Right after this, she got the same dog. I could be wrong but feel that I am not. The empire ruler knows that on the Astral Plane, I can indeed talk, and that she is endlessly age sixteen out in her wonderful city of SAHASRA DAL KANWAL. This is why I ended up seeing her cool commercial on television that day with her on the treadmill along with her talking whittle doggie.

I had my friend at the Indian River State College (IRSC) here in South Florida, run just a few things like this as mathematical odds for happening all just by random chance. He told me it would be trillions if not quadrillions to one against this all being just coincidental. I believe him. Do any of you? This is a tenured professor, not a disabled nutcase certified by the psychiatric profession as a life-long whack-job. Then there is Babylon and all its yacht clubs, banker uncles, astral trips, and balloon bank payments. This is where I was forced to go and visit these rotten and snooty relatives of mine, and was put to work like a slave, either in the yard or on that rotten boat that he loved to take out sailing around LI Sound every freaking summer, with his pal MISTER JIMMY DEAN, and his daughter Christine, who I hear in 1975, got a bit hot and heavy. Oh well, who am I to talk, after that night with my own daughter in 1986? I wonder how far I was from Rikers Island. I suppose, as close as the nearest cop, oh well, fortune favors the foolish; huh William Whales Shatner????????????????????????????

When I talked a dozen blogs or so back about comparing PCN-550 with PCN-550, the reason it flucked up, is my error folks, for those who ducking caught this, sorry. It was December, two-thousand-nine, but I typed into the blog 2010, my error, oh well Bruce Allen Pennock of 1973, NOBODY'S PERFECT, not even Mini Great Jewelly, or Mini Great Ripperton!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So sahwee, Ambassador Bomb of December the seventh, in 1941, oh kind sir. Watch the audio volume. Hell my next door nut case nabe would wipe out Fort Pierce with that song that I sent down there back in 1983, sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeit.



Posted by theansweristheqyuestion

Oh Dawn and Daddy; quit sliding that disgusting junk. YUK!!!!!

Not only didn't I kick much ass, but I got the ass kicking of the century, to quote my old ex-business partner from the great SPR, Mister PP Pedersen. But I now know that I had lots and lots of help in getting totally destroyed, as if I wasn't mother mucking wrecked, ruined, and totally destroyed in hell, long before I even came here to Sunny Paradise Florida, from up there in No Joysey! I believe it is even on the damn DVD, but in any case, “What a family”! Boy oh boy, Mom and Diana, could I use some damn help out here in the hyperspace!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe Evelyn didn't tell the whole story to me, after-all she was just a little damn girl, up there on Heinz's yacht dock, in what many New Yorker locals refer to as South Huntington; and I remember it only as babbling on and on, or for short, and to keep the flucking Egyptian Pharaohs happy, BABYLON, YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOOOOOOOOOO, WEEEEEEEEEEEE!

08-08-08 HUH DARIUS. HEY BRAH, when you try using the link I posted, you still have to type in your name of Deezy slim in a search box. If there is a direct link to your great stuff, old pal; feel free to post it on my blog. Just promise not to choke me like 'Lakehouse Disney-Monster-Ass-Nick' likes to do, in these near-parallel places; such as that rotten damn ass lake house, YO DUDES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What did I ever do to any of these slobs, kind Sheriff sir, that I deserve all of this 1981 Pandora's Box Treatment, fully opened with all River-Snakes of Krassleville, spewing out all over the place; and not racing up Mister Krassle's escalator of life???????? Pay the cable TV their rightful share, all you music celebs; YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEIT.

Oh yes, if you're out there somewhere Sherry, and your weirdo pal, who thinks he's frucking Mister Krassle; I could use your help, you lovely giant girl you. Holy Moley Holly Molly 4-Crissake, YO-YO-BOUNCE!!! Town to town, house to house, shadow monster to shadow monster, nightmare to nightmare. Hey Morty Mortino; I am stuck here in this life, YO angel of death!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-

Apitamy of harrasment [sic] : pt. two.



Correct spelling is epitome of harassment.

Blog ending time is 4:34 AM. And I screwed up on a recent previous bwog YO and said PM when it was AM, so yes good folks, I am so sahwee 4 that whittle truck up, YO BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



8:29 AM, SUNDAY, 30 JULY, 2023



I only slept 4 about 3 or 4 hours last night, and all night long, both distant flashes of LIGHTNING, as well as Diana's beyond gorgeous two thirds moon; were there all around me. SHE really keeps me going, and then around 3 or so this morning, she got all orange coppery colored; as SHE began sinking lower towards the distant western horizon. My dreams during sleep R extremely wild recently, and this year have been on a roll 4 increased intensity overall, compared with more distant year semi-recent activity. Recently, dreams seem 2 concern a lot of recently posted blogs, and nothing in dreams just happens, that much I do know, if nothing else. I didn't learn it from the great and mighty Mizz Patty Hollister, or from either one of me' lightning goddesses, but simply through living my life day by day decade after decade, and making that discovery 4 myself, YO.

But let me get on the topic of DREAMS & DREAMING 4 a whittle while, oh me' great Blogaudians out there. I never, at least 2 my best memory recollections, told or blogged or ever in any small way, mentioned what I am now gonna' talk about, as well as who it was who I had this talk with years ago back in New Jersey, but feel the need 4 whatever the reason right now, 2 indeed get into this with you, kind wonderful peeps out there in Cyberville. I told a little bit about the fellow but never this particular conversation on the topic of dreams, and again, I feel a major need 2 remind U all that I do naught know just Y this came 2B that I never ever discussed this B4, but let us get on with the CALLIO-SHOW of the great VERIZON CALL-TEN CLUB without any further ado. The name of this guy, a coworker at the Roadway Trucking guard site job, was Sir John Johnson. When I told him the same basic story that my Morianity on internet out into the antimatter space (future), talks about; he had a slightly varied idea after hearing and digesting what I had said 2 him, and he then, on the following weekend, since we relieved each other on the weekends, and it was in-between Sunday and the following Saturday that we did not C each other and he had a week 2 mull over what I had spoken 2 him; “would U like 2 hear my little side idea 2 what U left me with on the reality of what dreams may B all about”, he then blurted out while we were getting our junk all together, and comparing notes; and making normal preparations 4 security guard shift change operations. I told him, “not at all, I'd B very interested 2 hear your ideas John”. One thing I will say about this fellow and that is, he was quite a deep thinker and philosopher 2 say the very least, as I asked him B4 he departed if he came up with this on his own or was it from any other sources, as I knew he was an honest man and would tell me the truth about that. He told me that it was entirely his own idea and he had it in his head long B4 ever meeting up with me. His idea is as follows: He thinks of a dream body or 'soul' in a very similar way as do I and does the vast majority of psychics and mystics the world over. But he thinks that the spirit is real and this energy moves into each of our lives, here while awake as well as all of our dreaming worlds and lives, and this then SHUTS IT ON, and until spirit enters, it is just oblivion, LIGHTS OUT so 2 speak, and so an entire dream world or parallel universe is waiting 4 us 2 enter it with our dreaming-spirit, and then like a light switch, ON IT GOES, and when we wake up out of it, it merely turns the light-switch off. In a way, he is correct in so far as energy or spirit being what is real and what makes it all go so 2 speak. He just does not C an entire realm of 5th dimensional hyperspace that contains many simultaneously active worlds and realms, including our own waking world. Either way, I don't dismiss what his idea is, but it merely would require me, 2 quote the lovely and latengrate Mizz Donna Summer, 2 “reevaluate numerous preconceived notions”, and especially concerning the towel seepage effects, that prove the inter-realm connectedness, and the entire reality so 2 speak, of a FIFTH DIMENSIONAL FABRIC! Also mixed in with all of thissssssssssss, oh lovely Mizz Erica-Susan Cane Luccisnakes of 1983's 'All My Children' Television soap show; other newer complexities would then come into play concerning the upline/downline multiversal mechanics behind all of 6th dimensional existence lying yet above the MIND-PLANE or REALM of the 5th dimension. After-all, if there is no ACTUAL 5-D REALM as would have 2B the case, using John Johnson's concept of this entire thing and placing it mathematically in an ordered series of organized inescapable truths, then there is no 6th dimension either which MORIANITY claims is the dimension and realm of pure MIND, the great ECKISTS label this the “Mental Plane”, and have their official copyright on it as well. Morianity simply refers 2 this as the 6th dimension and needs not worry about any claim of copyrighted protections, as truth is truth, and it needs 2B spread; and FREE OF ALL MATERIAL WORLD CHARGE, may I add in here; at least this is my legally entitled Mizz-1980-MD-opinion, with no cut on the great religion of light and sound, or Eckankar!!! Let us get back on pernt now if we may, Sir Archibald Bunkerqueens. In simple math, we just R naught able 2 skip from number 4 straight into number 6, hence, we cannot have this MIND PLANE of D-6 without first taking the multiversal reality of 4-5-D atomic truth and jumping straight up into number 6, the mental-realm (5th-D). The mathematics simply will naught support our doing it. Simple as that, good peeps. Still, the concept is more than interesting, and me being a mere mortal human being, and naught PENNOCK-PERFECT by any stretch of the idea, in or out of the great HADDONFIELD, NJUSAESMWG's ILLUSTRIOUS COOLEY HALL OF 1972; I can still B wrong and Mister Johnson's idea could B theoretically even more real and true than that of my MORIANITY concept of it all, only that, if that B the case in fact; WOW, we need 2 then come up with a brand new non-Melanie Safka-skate-key way, of reanalyzing the realm fabrics of all dimensions laying out beyond the mere lengths, width, and breadths of stuff, or the 3 dimensions that human beings MUST ENDLESSLY live within as total and absolute barriers, created and interacted in and through our mind's consciousness brain-system. I do naught say nor claim 4 ''one damn minute'' there, Admiral Kirk Spockwhales from 1986's great Hollywood SYFY-movies, that Mister Johnson may naught have a powerful truth here. Only that if it is so, then we need 2 restructure some mind busting entirely new fabric system, in order 2 employ the new realities that have been suggested by this awesome young philosopher dude from 2002 AD. The only reason that I dismissed this all these years, is simply because great and incredibly wild and cool his idea may in fact B-YO, without the surrounding outer shell 2 cover his inner egg; it just won't work. THAT is simple mathematical truth, kind lads & lassies!!!!!!

Now there is yet another thing quite similar 2 this deal that I've brought up 4-U all, here in the opening paragraph concerning the 5th dimensional hyperspace and DREAMING within it, as all creatures apparently do, in what Morianity, and Mountainpen its creator; labels and calls, Exploratronic activity. This is the upline-downline universe system and how it works, and how all stuff goes onto fit into this truth as well. First off, does it have 2B computerized with some mechanical and digital system that we R all relating 2 right now in the year of 2023 when we operate our systems, B them our phones, tablets, pads, laptop systems, or desk-top system computers, and any other whatever else that will come 2 spring up somewhere ever down that road of antimatter-space? The answer 2 this powerful question is simple and completely mind breaking. It is NO-NO-and a big fat sloppy ass hyper-NO! It doesn't have 2B some mechanized digitized system at all. It can B any human being's thoughtwave systems, and it also CAN OF COURSE also B any kind of a machine mind as well as all MIND IS MIND, however it is created. Getting into that in so far as any kind of simplified yet accurately explained detailed elaborations would take practically endlessness, so Y even bother going there, at least 4 right damn ass now? U have all heard me discuss, Sarah Stacey Jehovah Krassle's THOUGHT-WAVE, and it may B this, or it may B in fact, a jacked in advanced gaming computer system, as again, MIND IS MIND, spoken mathematically, MIND=MIND. In other words, and follow this please, really make a concerted damn effort if U will peeps; if any kind of MIND indeed does automatically downline itself, then it would happen through either a 'jack-able gaming computer', such as in that great movie LAWN MOWER MAN 2, or just from anyone of us thinking our daily thoughts, and yes, our nocturnal ones as well. Do U-C yet oh great kind folks, just how absolutely goddamn HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE this entire mess truly really is yet, anyone????????????? So don't hold it against me if some stuff does naught always make pitch-perfect total sense, and stop worrying about me' not so perfect grammar, and or punctuation and spelling; as none of this matters a hoot-pollute tiny hill of beans whatsoever, YO. Deep down, U all know this 2, 100 damn ass percent YO!!!!! None of this now should ever B confused with an endless big and small atomic truth, as this is absolutely false and is not mathematically sustainable. It has been disproved that there is an endless size upline-downline, just because in the world of the small, things all orbit around as do planets in solar systems in the larger macro systems. Never ever confuse these 2 things, as yes, there is no truth 2 an endless up and down large and small when it comes 2 that, only when it comes 2 what Morianity discusses, and these 2 items R and always will B, APPLES & ORANGES, and 'THAT', Sir Rockdroid Lurch, I DO PROMISE U ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay Mister John Latengrate King (Big Paula's daddy) and parking lot KING of Atlantic City with or without his mighty biblically referenced surname, many R confused and wondering perhaps, just Y isn't Mountainpen copying the comments count on the Blogger Dash or the BDC dashboard, and the answer is simple yet totally resounding and powerful, great awesome illustrious peeps out here, YO. I no longer care, and all it seemed 2 do was cause me lots of computer woes, so I just decided 2 call a total damn ass halt 2 it once and 4 all, simple as that, YO BRRRR! I have no time 2 entertain any non constructive time consuming wasteful item, and me' full energies will B concentrated on survival and escape into South America and shortly, unless I decide 2 move back into ATLANTIC CITY, NJUSAESMWG, and use my absolute thermonuclear weapon against the WOMO SPACEFORCE SPAMMENIES, which is none other than me' [4-2-MSNRS]. Simply stated great folks out there, this stands 4 none other than me' four and two magical SPACEFORCE numbers roulette SYSTEM 4 playing and attacking the CASINO GAME OF ROULETTE. As said on a recent blog, during times of heavy major death aerial persecution, there R certain numbers that come out way more than they normally should by gaming odds and over a consistent 30 year carefully measured and lab-studied analysis, and also, during periods of heavy BOTBAR STRINGS, there R some other numbers that will also with that same degree of reliability, come out way beyond what they normally should, according 2 all gaming odds. Just playing this and sitting down at tables, and naught having 2 use money chips, where customers and paid shills of the casino can come and screw with me, and have done so many times, throughout me' gambling career in Atlantic City, NJUSAESMWG; is all simply avoided by playing either those 2 numbers or those 4 numbers on each and every spin of the roulette wheel, and as stated, the gaming odds that should bring these numbers out at either a 19:1 or a 9.5:1 ratio, brings them out 2 more like an averaged 12:1 and 6:1, over a long run 30 solid year lab tested play-time. 2 quote Sir Dennis Snyder here, “And that's just realty, son”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! “WEEEEEEEEEEEE”, Sir C.F.

      Image result for images free funny faces

UR taken to a place where UR downloaded into a machine that is incapable of ever wearing out, and a program is inserted that causes the worst torment that the individual brain that is being merged with by this punigram or punishing-program, and U have no legs or arms, but simply R a box that is aware, and that is U; and on top of that, and in addition; U experience torments beyond what can B legally and morally further elaborated upon by me here on the internet. It is forever U, sitting as a stationary box in a room, with other torment boxes. Your thoughts and brain becomes merged and meshed with tormenting visions and thoughts, in a similar way that a lunatic crazy experiences delusions unless heavily medicated with anti-psychotic medications. I knew this was my fate, and I was being transported in what is called a 'skycar', to the penal building where I would B electronically brain transplanted into the hell-box, as we convicts started calling it while awaiting the punishment 2B inflicted. I however managed somehow 2 break away, and was shot several times with 'agonystingers' that put your body on fire without actually causing much if any real cellular damage. This is used as an enforcement and compliance weapon by those in charge of penal buildings at this time, and by all transport guards. I felt agony that cannot B blogged, but managed 2 get to the bridge of the penal skycar-100 as it was famously known as, as it was designed 2B 100% escape-proof. I knew how to activate a total emergency destruct signal or a TEDS. When I did, I had 10 seconds to get out of a hole beneath the 3 pilots seats, and I released a hatch at far left and I jumped; and fell through it to my death. I was on my way to Brigantine, NJUSAESMWG, for the transfer into the hellbox. Some that know my story, have implied that I have been followed back here electronically and reconnected into a different hell box, one that is producing all of the shit around me, that I have been blogging-complaining about and begging the world 4 help for more than 2 years now. Speaking of which, the FLYERS R winning winning winning, the Eagles and Sixers R losing losing losing, the Phillies were 1-2-3 wiped out in instant playoff death; and the filthy
Dow Jones Stock Market goes constantly and continuously UP UP UP UP UP UP UP, into the fucking bright stars, never fucking looking back. As Mountainpen, do I deserve this; as I still as of 2007, have done not one thing wrong. If I did, Ida' been long freaking prosecuted 4 it, would I not????????????

GOOGLE-SWIS-KS-WORLD LAB OFFICIAL WEB DOCUMENTATION-MARK MOHR/MICHAEL MOUNTAINPEN. All blogging is co-copyrighted in these names if these names R on these blogs.

Brown Eyed long brown haired Queen Sarah-Stacey; I love U and always will. If U love me U will find a way 2 help me out of this freaking nightmare my teen queen. I will forever and ever B your THAT-BOY, and U know this 4 a fact!!!!!

Posted by theansweristheqyuestion at 5:04 PM No comments:

Labels: Great lovely Jehovah-Scylla-HELP ME PLEASE

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Posted by theansweristheqyuestion at 5:37 PM No comments:

Labels: Millionth Council- supernatural dreams paranormal

Thursday, October 18, 2007


Ratting and tattle tailing, and playing both defensive and OFFENSIVE, ‘REAL’ FOOTBALL----better known as the title RATS, TATS, AND PLAYING REAL FOOTBALL, DATFILE #00000IX
This is BLOG #26 on Thursday, 101807.600


I just returned from a totally miserable time at the Atlantic County Prosecutor’s Office, involving Paula King’s second cousin once removed. Ann Silva, Dawn’s mom, and I, sat twice now; through long multiple proceedings, and have gotten no resolution to the problem of sentencing. I knew when the Phillies blew out 1-2-3, the Flyers now in the first fucking place position, never lose, the Dow markets and Jazz jack off NASDAQ, or the National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations, making ball crime dead chord cries [all time record highs] day after day after gay, and when the Eagles and Sixers went straight down the toilet as well; a child moron, with a triple lobotomy, can clearly C the Johnny Nash equation, that this would not work out in my favor with this lunatic female yard bird. Now after not believing me at first, Eddie-L is turning around, and Ann Silva believes in my suffering 2 million percent, so I finally have a real true believer and pal on my side of the fight; along with my long time angel of Somerdale, NJUSAESMWG, KAREN S. The insurance papers should B coming KS, in about one or two weeks, so I’ll B in touch for getting your signature. Thank U-4 saying yes 2 all this, in your return message voicemail.

Vicious chemtrailing has been bad 4 some time now, every day; and today @ the Atlantic County Prosecutor’s Office Building, there was a huge super low and loud Milituforce vessel zenithing directly over Ann Silva and me, & she is witnessing it all bwaby-wuv!!!!!!!! Now 4 all of those who feel that I do indeed deserve this hell, B cause of what I will do as Labber Sir ZEEJINS ARTHURS, Fggggggyyyyu7uuuuuDD, and the computer is being major fucking hacked in total VIOLATION OF MY CIVIL AND HUMAN AND CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS. The big and small case letters reversed on the keyboard, the mouse went out from a total hack, and several other things R being hacked 2 hell, by the stink bad rat piss MILLIONTH COUNCIL. But back 2 what I will do in the future. I should not B penalized today in this current time period, as I do not plan 2 do this when time catches up again, nor can I change what is locked into hyper atomic continuum reality. There is no way I was going 2 let my consciousness B downloaded into a misery box, that merges hellish interactions with me forever. However, Gawky Gaukauk, spelled also Gawki Gaukauk, a special huge black panther cat professor-guru, at the Teck Bay Mystery school in the Province of Olympia, in Phase two reality, the BARDO; has told me on many occasions, that when I escaped; they did to me, a similar thing that Captain Picard did on that 'Star Trek Next Generation' episode, called “A Ship In A Bottle”, to the man and woman that came to life on the holographic deck. Remember, Star Trek is quite on the money with many of their ideas; and most of the formulas used R based on total science facts, still fictional only because the metallurgists cannot create proper metals, nor can the DOE find how 2 properly create and use various fusion technologies; but we R close. The idea of 3 lasers and holography, bringing an image into 3 dimensions, is a concept that all ready is laboratory tested, and is close 2 fruition. The missing ingredient in bringing the image to life or into the fourth dimension, and higher octaves around this; is obviously not something I can legally blog on today’s world internet, but to give a small clue to the curious, remember that 'AVH' and 'AVM' recorders do not both operate in conjunction with an object that has been scanned as moving waves, and only when this is done such as with the audio/video/material recording/playback systems, can the scanned image B a living object. Transferring a living object into wave/particle duality form through distance delay fields is a teck that comes with built in features that go beyond the simple scanning of anything and then duplicating it, such as your scanner/printer attached to your everyday current day PC right now. Simply put, another accidental discovery came 2 humankind when scanning back to something from approximately 65 trillion miles round trip distance, a large asteroid discovered by a soon 2B built ultra-Hubble-scope, that can permit laser guided aiming to a discovered huge meteorite a quarter the size of Earth’s moon, so a send/receive mutual station is built, and the receive half scanned back to the sending object, it was an apple, not to get Adam and Eve 2 exited, but it was, excuse me, it will B. Also only males have them!


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In closing this out, I told how Ryan at the Avalon Studio owned by Tony Bonjovi was naught the same guy when he returned from family and Jersey. If anything, I've learned 2 totally trust these instincts of mine. So Y was I in such a major huff about proving 2 this world, the 1984 stuff going down around me with the MACY CLUB? Y am I doing all that I can 2 try and make this world C what has been done 2 me with all of this NIGHTMARE ICPE-APE-TECH, my 1983 nightmare glandular condition, my Huntington family curse, all of it, Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y, so many R scratching their head and endlessly wondering, huh there L&O resurfaced 7th SIGN “Father Lucci”?????? Here is the best answer that I can and choose 2 give 2-U all. IF U HAVE 2 ASK ME THIS QUESTION, THEN I WOULD B WASTING MY TIME AND YOUR TIME TRYING 2 TYPE OUT ANY ANSWER 4-U, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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12:00 NOON, SATURDAY, 29 JULY, 2023







































































































































































































SATURDAY, JULY 29, 2023---11-221---JWSC







A child following these blogs, who shouldn't B of course, but if he or she was; would put together just Y my hellish and hurlish most recent persecution and death siege harassment happened 2 me. Trump was in a lot of legal woe-whiz-me hassles, and the ICPE-APE crap perpetrated on me keeps the DJIA flying in their recent BULLISH RUN, and both these things combined will of course cause me' poor ole' Phillies 2 also collapse, it is just a matter of time every single year, and it has been ongoing now 4 nearly 4 SOLID FRUCKING DECADES NOW, AND ALL OF U OUT HERE KNOW IT IS THE TRUTH!!!!!!!



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Mark Wayne Mountainpen Huntington Mohr

© 2006-2023, 'BOM' (Blogs Of Mountainpen)

Very rarely, 2 or more astral entities R dreaming the exact same dream, being comparable to 2 people here on Earth dreaming of the same thing and of each other, and both waking up and remembering their dreams, such as in the famous fictional example with the dream that both Annie and Kevin Costner had in the fictional movie, Field of Dreams from 1988, about the Finway Park Baseball Field. So shortening the story and answering your query, one of my many dreams that I have, as a dog named ZERANNISS ARTHUR YANCY JONES, is that of me, MWM. Also one of the many dreams that I have, as a great Duke and owner of a large 9 octillion cubic mile area, but a mere speck in the huge Olympian Province, OP, where the mighty GREAT DIANA ZUUDLECRENESSIA ARTEEMIS lives with me in the Great Ricktown Manor, click into and click into the RICKTOWN MANOR information, is where my name is Rictofarious and 8 other names after that, that have legal registration meanings in Ricktown’s capitol City of AKOSLEM, the full city’s spelling is shown on my website, this is the shortened mortal world spelling. Here, I am Rick, but never went by this shortened nickname, until one day when the great parents of my lovely blond Diana, a 33 foot pure energy coil that stands 6' and 3'' tall with long bright canary yellow hair past her knees, and long eyes that curve up just a tiny bit at each end.


Sunday, September 21, 2008

magic winds, slamming doors, and come-true-dreams


First off I will say simply this, when I left the death house in Somerdale, NJUSAESMWG, in the spring of the ‘98 year, I wrote a book called, “I Am Here and Surviving”. I could perhaps call these internet blogs the 21st century equivalent to this sitch from a decade and 2 seasons ago.

Karen, I called U and left a message as I do once per week minimum, now that I am still here and alive. I had wonderful ideas about a blog share and website share club and everyone, what else is new; treated me like skit and ignored me. Please C what U can find out and Google and get back 2 me. There has 2B an already existing ‘something’, although I know that my idea was better and a real legitimate money maker. My mother worked part time long ago for Esquire Magazine, and I came 2 learn first hand from her, that advertising and this business in general is probably the largest, or one of the top five 2B in, especially in an entrepreneur situation. The money would B a side benefit, the idea was the promotion of unknown persons blogs and websites. If a boring blog written by a celebrity is destined 2 get all the hits while an incredible blog such as mine, due 2 no name recognition on any significant scale, causes it 2 virtually get lost as a single star in the galaxy of internet chatter and gossip; some new thing needs B set up where many persons can judge 4 themselves, and learn where 2 go 2 find such non-ordinary chatters such as mine. There should B a rating scale. Not trying here 2 toot a horn, but please, what could Britney or Jessica, or any of them say that would stand up against the eternal importance of my family, and its 2000 year old curse, and my infinite existence or my awareness anyway, of it?

Card counters will relate totally 2 what I now have 2 say here. If U marry a wild person with mood swings, and is extremely bi-polar 2 the point that even the quill and all other sike-meds have little significant value 4 normalizing and or stabilizing the patient’s condition, and let us now 4 sake of this example say that U-R like I am, into charting things, and U learn that this difficult dangerous spouse has on average 3 seriously bad days out of each ten, only it balances out after 50 or 100, and is not that simple 2 count 3 out of a 10 day period, subtract good days, and then know about how many more OK days R remaining B4 the next bout of 30% is due; but say that U eventually pretty much have it computed and can know when sort of a spell of good or bad times is just ahead. Now, U can know this as U have the problem, and have gone 2 great measures 2 calculate the formula, so that U can indeed start recognizing expectant mood patterns and behaviors, and thus B braced 4 them as well as being extra ready 2 deal with the situation; right B4 it just snaps up into your face, and catches U unprepared. Now compare yourself with say friends and family members of this difficult spouse of yours, that come to visit, B it occasionally or frequently. They walk into your home with no idea of anything except 4 the knowledge that indeed the person is difficult, and will upon occasion, snap and make everybody totally miserable, but there is no real way 2 know or predict the when’s. This ability is simply not available, hence, they simply take their chances, as they R playing so 2 speak a cosmic game here, within the grander scheme cosmic game that continuously surrounds and is integrally a part of all of us frail poor humans, as they choose 2 come over 4 a visit. But U on the other hand, R living in one long part of this cosmic game, and have the mathematics 2 it basically plotted out in a trustworthy statistical manner. This is what I was referring 2 regarding being able 2 cheat at gambling, by keeping track of all of the numbers say at roulette that ever come up 4U while UR at tables, and then reducing this 2 a formula where U indeed can with real honest trusted reliability, B able 2 return 2 a following game and know which 4 or 5 or so numbers out of the 38, that will have a much higher than the 38:1 chance for each coming out, as this would B your real odds if U were not charting and playing ONE-LONG-RUN-PLAY-GAME. All of life is no different. It all works this way, and as Gawky says, is totally Y the Gawnum works and exists, and is taught as a basic beginners course at the Teck-Bay Mystery School of the Province of Olympia on the Astral Plane.

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Not boring, without hesitation nor concern for fibbing, I can honestly say with a knowing that out of 8 billion that live or have lived here, none have shared my wild ride through hyperspace, with awareness.

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As I said back in early 2009, “Life chews, I'm bookin' BRO”.


The odds of Verizon's 'call-ten' promo after Callio, is ten bill:1.

Monkey cum on steroids sucks cow juice at Verizon's ten calls, from the end of the 20th century, so WOW-WEE!!!!!!!

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Chapter 04 Moving In The 5th Dimension

Here we go again my friends of the 6th dimension, those lov
ely invisible things that exist similarly to dots on a disc ROM waiting for the laser beam to bring their conscious awareness to void infinity, into endless possible individual interactions in the great hyperspace. Hyperspace, referred to in this bible from
now on as 'HS', is the fifth dimensional reality of the endless upline and downline reality above it all that will eventually loop down on each end and with sufficient force to loop the falling infinity-ends into a loop, just as is occurring in lower dimensions. Take a straight line and extend it out to the left and right long enough, and it comes under effect of gravitron-reality. The world stole the matrix idea from me, as I talked about it long before anybody, in the 70's as a matter of fact. In truth, there is no machine, computer, program, intelligent single or combined entity or force, or what have you. It is a bit bigger, yet much simpler than all that. Reality is so incredibly simple that you will never believe nor understand me, as I do live in and AS pure reality, and while not in the sixth dimension of MIND, which contains all mind, thought, brain, memory biological, mechanical, the cyberspace, and all else u could ever imagine, I live in endless interactions of 5-D reality of what science now refers to as HS. Think back to when u could only crawl, then later, wow, u could walk, then later still, Jesusholymoses, u could run. Before u could do any of
these things, u could not do them. Does this say you can fly, transport yourself beyond death, and more? The answer is a resounding YES, but it is naturally a
conditionally based yes. Before I totally knew that I could move in the 4th dimension, like u I was totally stuck in the 3rd. Later, upon realizing I could move in the 5th, again I did so, sort of a new "going from crawl to walk to run" situation. Believe me or not, this is always up to u. Once I began living fifth
dimensionally, the limitations of 3-D life, totally remove themselves from an entities reality, and it becomes an entity of true and real BEINGNESS, subject only to 6th dimensional upline/downline multiverse system, and 7th dimensional LAWTRONICS above that. This is what the words imply, they tell the tronics, the ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS OF THE DREAMWORLDS, what do do, the rules such as
gravitation, time, space-time brain's inter-phase in individual dream sequencing 'lifetimes' which all exist as one simultaneous cosmic 5-D reality, and on
infinitim. One life seems real to us, and all others seem to come from falling asleep, hallucinogenic medications, over-boozing, and physical body damage and total eventual demise. This is a huge cosmic illusion that will endlessly LIE to all unenlightened beings and entities that do not start to see 5-D reality, and then go on to live in it. Back to the baby whom learns to crawl and walk, and later
as the child, to run: No one with color TV is willing to return to watching B&W, nor stereo-hi-fi listeners are willing to even entertain the notion of giving this up for the return of ear punishing hand held 1961 transistor radios with their one half inch tin speakers in mono. U can all hate me in 2K6, but I look at all
of u, that insist on living your 3-D lives; as the EPITOME OF DINOSAURS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Death has no claim over a 5th dimensional being. Death is a three dimensional reality that passes through me, as the air does as I walk down the block. Time, age, gravity; to me, R all nothing but 3-D illusions. But I have an enemy force that also comes from and quite actually IS 5TH DIMENSIONAL. Before going on, let me tell you that they have made that first day of 2K6 spring, and every spring day since, A TOTAL NIGHTMARE INFINITE H-E-L-L FOR ME. Their power lies far beyond your concept of any religion practiced on
this ball of puke, and their dangerous and vicious mind control techniques on 3-D biological beings like all of u, is beyond unconscionable and horrific. It is
more revolting than a trillion monkeys and pigs hurling right down our throats every second of our lives. We all are constantly being cheated out of a tiny bit of 'heaven' so to speak, that would at least distract us from the awesome awful and completely unfathomable hell condition we are all endlessly in, which simply said is, NO WAY TO REACH OBLIVION. Once you're 'here', you have always been here and will always be here, as all time is one time, and only illusion tells u not to realize this total truth. OBLIVION, the greatest thing that ever could be, is unreachable. To distract out of this nightmare, we on higher astral levels, endlessly torment our lower
THE HUGEST GAME PLAYED IS WITH ME FOR TWENTY GODDAMN YEARS OR MORE NOW, it and it is called PARALLEL EVENT, the greatest kept secret in all the USA black file agencies, that are run and operated by these sick and twisted gods. With me they chose two Philadelphia sports teams and the Dow Jones stock market system. When Phillies win, Flyers lose and market is down. Concentrically, when Phillies lose, Flyers win and market is up. Check the way 90% of the time these stats go together. Now for the real clicker and stone cruncher: When my life is running
good, a very rare occasion, this translates to market down , Flyers lose, and Phillies win. When my life is running bad, a very constant shituation, & no, the
word was not misspelled; the Phillies are dying, and the DOW AND THE FLYERS ARE FREAKING F-L-Y-I-N-G, YES F-L-Y-I-N-G; and to keep the stock market and Flyers hot, and the poor Phillies forever crushed; they simply constantly make my freaking life a total
total total infinite burning N I G H T M A R E H E L L!!!!

I have been dealing with these scummy scuzzy turds 4 a very long time, and I could have either let them win and drive me mad, as they have many others before me that u think the poor bastards are just cooks in a rubber room banging their heads and screaming for martin sheen's hand, but instead I chose to stand and fight in ways that no other mortal or master has ever had to do quite like me, in the history of our entire 5-D multiverse. Now my mission is to tell the world what these vicious scum are doing to me, even though it really is not them, but
scummy gods operating their vicious ETTOS POWER through them, and these are the main group involved in bringing me down, not that there are not also many

In closing today, permit me to tell u that I am under a death siege by the CIA, NRO, FBI, NSA, OSS which is not existing under same name but is the old
president's Secret Service, all these people have no case against me. My father was a loyal US Naval Officer and served in WWll. I have never been part of any group that is in any way pro-violence, nor am I a violent individual, I have no criminal nor police record, nor nor in juvenile years, and there is no reason for my constant persecution. If this was the fair and free nation it advertises to be in this world, I would have recourse. I do not. I have tried for 2 decades to get help, and all I get is treated very poorly by my civil servants, congressmen's assistants, and numerous local and state authorities. Once they
cuffed me and took me to Cherry Hill, NJ crises Center, and had the nerve to send a bill, which I said I would sue the Township if forced to pay as I was
taken against my will, for merely going to a police station and reporting to them that 1 of their officers was always following and stalking me, Rocco, a
good friend of Callio. Today and 4 at least most of this month, I have had major military siege, low loud jets and choppers and bomber planes flying over my
residence and wherever I go. They use mind controlling ETTOS to make all those around me just vehemently believe that I am just a crazy pathetic nutcase. Again, from prior writings in the MORIANITY BIBLE, ETTOS stands for their most deadly weapon, more than a million hydrogen bombs put together, ELECTROMAGNETIC THOUGHT TRANSMISSION AND OMISSION SYSTEM. May the gods burn in hell, yea ya
bitches, there is no oblivion and eternal rest and peace for any of u pricks, NOT FREKIN' E V E R!!!!!



Oh yes lads & lassies of Cyberville, and Blogaudians alike YO; my hyperspace interactions last night were totally beyond surreal and major ass powerful, YO!!!!!!!! It was as though a covert group of incredibly hyper-natural authorities were grilling me via dream-interrogation, and all the stuff recently blogged about by me was all being asked and I was doing me' utmost best 2 accommodate some very unusual peeps all night long in this incredible nocturnal experience of 5th dimensional hyperspace. Back a while ago, and especially in the disco years while employed at the RPL Studio in Camden, NJUSAESMWG, I had a name 4 this type of activity, calling it the “RPL-DD” or DD standing 4 DREAM-DEAL, with RPL being the name of the place where the incident happened 2 me. YO BRO.

I paid me' rent this moUUUUUUUUUrning and my duties and errands R all out of the way 4 a while, until me August bennies come in and I can purchase a wee bit of food items. GEE WHIZ GOLLY GASH DOG peeps; and 2 quote what I said 2 me' camp counselor so often back in July of both the years 1967 and 1968 at the Camp Chesapeake in Northeast, Maryland, USA; “THIS IS WEEEEEEEEDEEEEEEEKAWUSS, YO”! This entire frucking thing is 100 damn percent totally and without a doubt beyond ridiculous, BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!! BUTButButButButBUTTTTTTTTTTTT, BUTTTTTTTT, BUTTERCHEESE, big ass BUTT and but folks, it is happening, all of it, and WE ALL KNOW IT 2; so Y naught quit playing games about it everybody, 4 crissake??????

We all know that I am a pitiful powerless slob with absolutely nothing whatsoever. Now with money, I would B able 2 resolve quite a few major issues, right peeps? So is it naught completely logical 4 me 2B in fact, intentionally being KEPT DOWN AND ENDLESSLY BROKE THROUGHOUT ME' ENTIRE LIFETIME? Don't U morons C what is being done here, and by WHOM? R-U really and truly THAT DAMN DENSE PEEPS????????

Jesus Christ Almighty 4 crying out loud-ass!

Diana Arteemis (Lightning) was very good 2 me AGAIN yesterday-Friday and SHE has been almost every day this summer and spring. SHE is in the distance even now at 3 of the clock on this Saturday afternoon, as I have been hearing the distant thunder. Also HER lovely moon was gorgeous last night once the clouds all blew out of the sky and the jet haze from the launch at the Cape disapaited away. SHE is in a lovely two thirds waxing size and will B around three quarters full later on as SHE should B rising any time now. I LOVE U so much DIANA!!!!!!!

Yes I am alive and still me, Mildred Young!!!


I ran into an old time traveler today, when I left my doctor's office, for my check up appointment. Every time I go there now, the doctor has some wild emergency, and is running behind by a minimum of an hour to an hour and a half. Sometimes, things need to be timed; huh Mister William Pine Hill Harner??? No airplane can fly for 30 years, and look and sound exactly the same. I used to call it the “UGLY PLANE”, and it has a co-traveler, that I used to call, the “FIGHTER PLANE”. We won't even start delving into the complexities that are involved with all of this. I came out of the doctor's office building, a hundred yards off of Nebraska Avenue, at just a couple minutes shy of STOCK MARKET CLOSING BELL TIME, naturally, about 3:57 give or take, and it came roaring right over me. I gave it a military salute. This plane is a time-plane, and it moves not only in the skies over this planet, but also, through time, and thus never appears to age, whatever time that I am in and perceive this aerial vehicle in, as it just moves back and forth in the wink of an eye. I first began being stalked and messed with by these two planes, in late august of 1986, and it never ever stops. They are always there, you know, like wonderful ADT!

Live Camera image from Avalon Beach Club

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Live Camera from Avalon Beach Club, Fort Pierce, FL

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Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-

Apitamy of harrasment [sic] : pt. two.



Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-

Epitamy of harassement [sic] : pt. 3.



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Eat your mother flucking heart out; Lenny McKinnon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


[ 26 ]

Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-

Morning light / words & music by Mark W. Mohr ; arr. Tom Glenn.



[ 27 ]

Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-

Same title.



[ 28 ]

Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-

Thanx to the shadows.



[ 29 ]

Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-

You'll Be Crossing Over.

Pau—stolen form




Not 506 Robin Hill mid-stay, folks; but yes, it is now 5:06 Post Meridian (after-noon). So frucking runt eating WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Let's stop all this flucking goddamn killing each other over silliness; people of Planet Earth. Can't you see that in a few years, this whole world will be worse than shmucking Rikers Island, unless this horrible ducking tide is turned????? Well, here goes me' poor whittle mucking SPELL-CHECK pwogwam, Mister Elmer Fwudd. Let me boot off and back on, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And yes, all real New Yorkers know that there is a lot more on that island, than just the famous jail, that became three times more famous, after the greatest law show of this world, graced our television presence, called, “L & O!!!!! WHAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!

HERE IS WHY THE TIME-PLANE-UFO-EXPLORATRON STRUCK ME, AT MY DOCTOR'S OFFICE; FOLKS. HOPEFULLY, YOU ALL KNOW THIS BY NOW, ALONG WITH MISTER ISLANDER BILLY JOEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AHA-AHA-AHA. So Mister Governor Kean from 1983 and 1984; if we all are ''perfect together'', maybe my wonderful daughter would like to know if we are fallen angels as well. Oh boy, Mom!!!

To quote Diana, Waterfalls are so awesome”.

Still, most of me' free-images photos have been all taken away from me, so it is doubtful these nice lovely waterfalls will even show up here 4 me' Blogaudians, YO!


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Boy oh boy, my people really do get around, and I am happy to see them all doing whatever it is they do. You know life's a real real funny old dog when you sit down to ponder on stuff, peeps. You're doing your thing and Mountainpen sits here in South Central Eastern Florida, USA, wondering what it all could be about, well, not totally wondering perhaps, but the details will elude me of course, and then I must wonder if these same great travelers, read my words from what may sometimes seem to be further out than they'll ever travel, understanding and comprehending it on levels that they indeed are getting it on, but yet; its totally remaining always a bit like the great butterfly song from decades now long gone by, you know; ELUSIVE. Yeah, just a passing thought, but thought that I'd share it my kind folks. Life really is a silly old dog, and again, three cheers for Mister John Jack McCoy, the Phase-4 District Attorney of New York County, in Manhattan, NYUSAESMWG. You go, Dick WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLF, YO!

GREAT FOLKS OUT HERE, you are now reading CHAPTER 19.

DECEMBER 9, 2015,




RANGE TODAY-------(H78-/L-66).




Oh well, wonderful kind lads and lassies all over the place, most 'Earthers' will always insist and proclaim, that Mountainpen is just a total crackpot nut job, and that all of this is nonsense, and garbage. Fine, and I'll still fight and die for their right to say it and believe it, and mock and jeer me; despite tons and tons of posted evidence, that all proves that there has to be something to my Morianity story, from 1995 through almost 2016. After all of these powerful things all went down, and mathematically; it is not possible for this to be all just random occurrences, unless you truly believe that this can be far greater odds than any powerball-lottery-jackpot yet won, ten times over, only someone who would buck and defy odds that stagger the damn imagination, could possibly say that Mountainpen/Morianity, is all a hoax, a lie, and or the product of total quintessential madness and insanity. And yet, alas, just as those same, or some of them, claim to believe in flying ships from beyond our planet, and little alien beings too, and they cleave unto their ideas with clenched fists, ready to take on Washington, DC, or the world; believing some gigantic conspiracy of some powerful group, all know some deep dark truths, and are keeping it from them. Oh well, those same people give poor old little me that same BRICK WALL treatment, huh Mister Boxer McAndrews Hall! Yes sir, I must be in with the fawces, to exactly quote your cool accent; up there in Camden, New Jersey; that is, should you still be amongst us breathers, here in the land of the living. Am I right, gorgeous J. L. Hewett Ghost-buster? So now I hope to hear from any scientifically minded soul who can show me the most miniscule lab-tested evidence for NOT BELIEVING one thing at least, and that would be, that LIFE IS A SILLY OLD DOG!

Well great Wonderful 'Know-it-all' Mizz Mashell RPL Daniels of 1980; “BULL-SLIT ON YOU, CUBED, AND CUBAN; AND THEN RE-SQUARED, YO”!!!!!!!!

When the great United States Copyright Office, put the order of my musical projects together, on their web-page; that number 14 and 15, are the numbers corresponding to that love sonnet that I indeed wrote in that year, for my PINK GODDESS, ALMIGHTY JEHOVAH!!!! And in 1969's great summer of love, I was in-between year age numbers 14 and 15, precisely. Clues in the cosmos couldn't get more loud, more visible, more clear, and more in my face, if they literally had picked me up and shaken me until I died of brain ducking ass concussion. There is no denying this Sarah Krassle mess, from the tomb of a risen Jack In Jesus, to the Coral Reefs of great sunny-paradise Florida, where other great 'K-named folks' R, in 2016!

Mohr, Mark W., 1954-




Mohr, Mark W., 1954-




I have absolutely nothing to do with the way the United States Copyright Office catalogs the 29 musical projects that I've sent to them over decades of time. After the internet became available to the general public in the early middle nineties, to the point where it was a real entity and used by many folks who grew it to astronomical proportions after that, THEY made up the file on my music, and it is THEIR website. I only copied it to my BOM blogs. In fact, they insist my project number 29 is there, but I have gone up and I am unable to access it. But I have learned that I have no rights or freedoms in this nation, and the rules that apply to everybody mother flucking else, just don't apply to me. I am not allowed to get involved in MUSIC in any way, shape, or form, not unless I want to be turned inside out, upside down, and assaulted by the Milituforce in covert stealthy ways that go far beyond inconceivable, despicable, and monstrously lucking horrendous. So I don't even try to understand why my copyrighted early July-2013 project, called, “You'll Be Crossing Over/My Youtube Project”, is not available for me to access on the Copyright Office's web-site.

Just discussing this topic, and my computer is beginning to mother flucking act up; me' kind lads and lassies out there in Cyberville, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Turkey Day, YO!!!!!

Thursday, November 26, 2015


The great PINK-GODDESS of STAR TREK; gee, just what is going on? How many out here know about my trip in 1972, up to Babylon, New York, to 175 Peninsula Drive, to visit with my mom's cousin, Ruth Huntington Gottwald, at his mansion there? If you don't, you won't be told any details right now, other than I always took a tape recorder with me, and was obsessed with tape recorders at that time. How many know how I was taken on a road trip on the second day of my visit, up to the north shores of this great Woodie Guthrie Island, and had an experience that I blocked out of my mind for 36 years, until it resurfaced in a dream on 5 October, in 2008? I, even then after awakening, believed it to be just a dream, until I finally became my own head doctor, and admitted to myself that I witnessed a horrendous event up at my daughter's house! Hey lovely 1985 Mizz Margie Leo, by any remote chance, would U like 2 cut me a bwake right about now, YO girl???????????

There are no absolutes, but David Leigh Smith from Cooley-Hall had some very wonderful advice for me that day after I returned from Ellisberg Circle's weird school of machine-professors. I told on earlier blogs a lot about this place, the Ellisberg Circle that is, not just limiting this discussion to this school that was there. There was mom's boyfriend who took mom and me by car one Saturday afternoon in the autumn of 1969, to several stores there. My mom needed to buy a mirror, and I was told to take it to the car, and given the keys, so I could place it into the back seat, and then either come back and find my mom and her boyfriend Sid, or at my discretion, remain in the car until they completed their shopping task. I chose to do neither, and took the mirror, and used it to almost cause a lot of serious problems, by using it in a manner not intended by its manufacturer, that is, to reflect bright blinding sunlight, directly into the face of drivers. Today, the world of this new age would have seen me in what I call, the Abbey Carmichael Law & Order way, you know, a bad egg, a crazy nutty adolescent who needs to just be locked away, for not conforming and obeying and saying yes sir, no ma'am to every dam adult within my daily interactivity. Hey, I wasn't a really bad ass, but I was quite the imp who could really piss off my mom's sort of nutty boyfriend, Sidney, without, to quote Lenny McKinnon who I would not go onto meet for eleven years, ''any doubt about it''.

Before this time, back in the spring time of 1969, about a half of a year or so, I had become friends, and not by my choosing, but everything in this life is always my fault and I am the perpetual absolute bad guy in all things, as I shortly thereafter have come to learn; but yes, Brad and I did some things that were bad, and I told about most of it, on these blogs, the first two years of them, in 2006 and 2007. But why I acted out, had something to do with being given this somewhat wild bigger kid, who was fourteen months younger than me, in the body of a seventeen year old, with the physical strength to match, and an eye for the fairer gender, and on I can go here, but won't, since he is not here to produce his side of anything that I might say; but yes, he was a wild customer, and quite a pistol, and a lot more; but he was my pal, and we did become close friends; about as close as any two young teen boys could be, who lived in the same garden type apartment system, of those times and days. But Brad was not the only reason that I began going a bit loco in many various ways, such as acting out with screaming and cursing, and being defiant with parents and authority, and feeling life was somehow mistreating me, because skit was happening to me, beginning early in February of that year, and going strong, month after month, in ways that no blog could ever really hope to adequately and properly address and define in terms that would permit normal and average type of people, any ability to identify and or relate to me, from their own personal private young lives. I am speaking of three major things here, that most of you out here know, or think that you all do, to some degree and some extent. These being, the chain and the wild teen girl on Tennessee Avenue of Atlantic City, the train and my suddenly remembering an entire half century or more of a lifetime, where I had grown into a man and an adult, lived a totally failed and clucked up life, and ended up realizing that I had been repeating this loop of nightmares, similar to being literally trapped in a hellish I-Ching Trance, for what would seem to be about six to ten thousand years, give or take, if all strung together. The biggest of all, was the first Saturday in July, just shortly before Brad and his mom, Grace Messenger, moved away, and took up residence in Cherry Hill, in the Stievasent Towers, about two miles or more away from the Haddon Hills Apartments. I do not have a play by play memory of the day it happened and the exact events. It is jumbled broken up nightmarish fragments, just exactly like the inverted digital year to follow, 27 years later, in 1996, when the great exploratron Patty-Paula, got me a second time, and this time, was witnessed to some degree, by a maintenance person at the apartment I was at then, called the Highview Apartments, in Monroe Township, Gloucester County, Williamstown, New Jersey, just down the street from the famous Black Horse Pike, and the Gete's Diner. My Spell-Check has been disabled, so I need to go off and come back on, and fix my typos.

Discussing exploratron-Patty-Paula or EPP for short, is like discussing Sarah Krassle, as with both, this mother and daughter team have extremely unfathomable abilities to do inconceivable and outlandish mystical things, and they do them on a regular basis. If you do not think about someone, yet begin to dream about them on a regular basis, this means that they are thinking about you. I promise you that this is true, but I am speaking in five dimensions, not three. This applies to both of these 'people' and yes, I do single quote the word there, as I do not know just who or what they really truly are. The game that Sarah wants me to play with her, seems to imply that by its very title that she spouted off to me on P. H. Day of 1996, and very interesting symbolic initials too if I may add here; this game seems to be all about indeed guessing who is 'real' and who is 'not real', or who is the guest, which can very easily be interpreted to mean, who has an active dreaming-doppelganger inside of them, hence that would be the 'GUEST' that I will need to 'GUESS', if I am to successfully navigate my way through this physical hellish life and this horrendous HUNTINGTON FAMILY CURSE.


She said to me, back on 7 December, of 1996, just shy of 5 AM, while I was dead asleep and out of this world where my body was laying in my bed, and I was on her great street, in-between the great TRINITY-HOTEL, and the great and powerful monster dirt ball Robert McGuire's Hotel-Bar, and I quote, “Let's play a game boy, called GUESS THE NAME OF THE GUESTS”. Folks, these things all happened and this is all entirely real, REAL, and yes sir; absolutely REALE as well!!!!!!!! If he and that ACMUA water company were naught all mixed up in this horse slit, he just would naught have flipped out on me that night when he saw me get off a jitney bus. After all peeps let's BE REAL here 2 quote Sir Bob Schleigh back in 1980. It wasn't that late, and I was not 8. I was 15 and a half and it was only about half past ten, and everybody was out 2C the fireworks, so gimme' a break lovely Margie, willya' sweet girl??????????????? The one home that was bought by the ACMUA water company just happens 2B Mister fagot TOM REALE's home and property, right there on Cornwall Avenue, in Ventnor, NJUSAESMWG; and that is where this prick molested me twice in the summer of 1970. Out of all that reale estate on Abseacon Island, which includes the world famous ATLANTIC CITY itself, and they bought the home this dick head molested me in, give me a break distant cuzz Donnie boy, willya' YA??????????



12:44 Ante' Meridian on an early Friday moUUUUUUUUUUUrning

28 July, 2023---JWSC---FRI-11-220

Agatha's annoying agonies on apple juice folks, this has been the absolute worst month of me' entire life, when me' age of course is taken into consideration, as I ain't no damn ass spring chicken or cloud-chicken, as we all know out here, but BOY OH BOY OH BOY DO I HAVE SOME WILD SLIT 2 TALK ABOUT ON THIS WHITTLE FLUCKING ASS BWOG, SIR ELMER!!!!!!!!!! Today so far is just a lot of air crap that began as many evenings do, and me' AWLS lights R activated and have been 4 days now and will go on being 4 some time, most likely, signaling me' pal-pilot at the FPIA, who drives around me' park 2 check on me, with these 2 porch lights. The bulbs R those new special ones that last practically indefinitely and take only 15 watts or so of Diana-power yet shine in 100-W luminosity equivalent. First off, I injured me' thumb a couple weeks back, cutting it accidentally with a sharp pair of sheers and had it bandaged, so operating any kind of stuff like keyboards has been harder 4 me, and my techy told me that I may B hitting a control key in combo with a letter key that causes the highlighting problem and I have taken some steps 2 avoid that, but many of me' woes were 'mouse-related', and I have a brand new non-Melanie-key-MOUSE now, and 'stuff is working much better', naught failing and acting up as much now; and on or off of TIMES SQUARE, HELP ME GIBB-PEEPS, or TEASING GAME LOVING DAWTERS! Never envy my incredible absolute long-term memory great awesome peeps out there, just pweeeeeeeeeze YO, promise me U won't ever do that, it is not an enviable thing unless of course your life is opposite of my life, U know, blessed and great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But all old years and NEW YEARS aside here; let me get on with the show here, VERIZON CARRIERS, and call ten non-Callio's, YO YO YO YO YO YO-HA ME' BRAHHH!!!! When I went 2 unplug me' computer and take it over 2 the PSL-FL-USA-Walmart Store's TECHY JOINT, oh Mister 1983-1984 STEVE WINN mighty sir, YUK-YUK-YUK; as soon as I unplugged it, the WOMO-SPACEFORCE BLEW OUT THE ENTIRE POWER BRICK that was just sold 2 me last autumn and less than one damn ass year ago, by that BEST BUY GEEK-SQUAD INSTALLER GUY, 4 about 70 bucks; and they do not last long, and I learned that unless we of course spend around a quarter grand or more, 4 the very top models sold over at the STAPLES STORE. Today I bought a replacement there, a mid-quality one, but twice as powerful as the old model that OTAMM blew out with all of their endless electrical assaults on me and power outages, etcetera-etcetera-etcetera, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO, BRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!! On top of this, all sorts of horrible crap continued happening back on Wednesday which was BOTBAR X3, or 3 straight days of hellishness at quintessential levels, especially 4 a pathetic sick elderly guy and who did nothing ever 2 anyone, 2 deserve this monstrous evil wicked sinful endless slit being perpetrated upon me, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wasted a trip going 2 the TECHY because the guy on the phone assumed my computer model was more advanced than mine, telling me Walmart sold me in the year 2010 a Windows-7 operating system that was pre-2010, perfectly legal and acceptable 4 them 2 do so this ain't a complaint against me' fave store, only a needed tutorial here 2 explain some of my horrible bullskit here. BUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT, big ass Buttercheese BUTT and yes world, all apartment number Philly-24-A's aside here 4 the moment at least, 'MISTER ZENO' and 'MISTER STEPHANO', but; the trip was no waste despite all kinds of hellishness surrounding me, as I was able 2 learn several super beyond wild and powerful things from these dudes, and they did run a few free clean wipe program check sweeps and claim that no hacker is doing these things and it is all a matter of an ancient dinosaur computer just normally slowly wearing out and general or no general songs or medical conditions, “breaking down”!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Slowly but surely, this machine is doing what ole' ancient Mountainpen is doing, “DYING”, so yes world, “WEIN-SOSO-SSDD”??????? Still, when I do buy my new tower computer and not at Walmart, at the year's end on some holiday sale, as Walmart does naught sell the desk top towers any more and only the BB Store does, and 4 a very reasonable fee they will transfer my document and music files over from this dying old horse onto the brand new and much better steed, hopefully better, as well as make sure I am protected with the best software 4 doing that and a good program is installed that replaces the now defunct open-office. I was told they R not making any more of that, and this is Y when my system updates happen as all computers and cellphones do unfortunately IMHO, then the open office no longer is there 2 update the updates on the machine, and that is what keeps yucking it all up. Even dummy Mountainpen knows that this makes sense and some of me' frucking paranoia is a wee bit recently relieved, but no YO, NAUGHT ALL OF IT; as I know a lot of crap Mister Arthur Crane, is simply naught being one bit goddessdog imagined by me; just as U told me back at the TCE security post in 1991, ole' bud!!!!!!!!!!!!! When I left the TECHY-joint, something happened that never happened in all the decades that I've been driving a goddamn ass automobile, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I pulled into a MOBIL GASOLINE STATION 4 twenty bucks of fuel and thought that I was at pump number 4 when actually, it was number 14. That caused me a major ass hassle, but they were nice 2 me at least. That part of the tale does indeed vary quite damn immensely from my usual norms during BOT-X-3 hellish death assaults from the WOMO-SPACEFORCE-SPAMMENIES!!!!!!!!!!! Still, this never happened in all of me' driving decades, oh wonderful great folks!!!!!!!! Now 4 what this dude told me about those times when I began my blogs up again after that most recent quarter decade off-time and moving from the PEE-HA Building, into me' current residence of the Quiet Waters Park, of good-ole' monstrously hot and sticky northeastern Fort Pierce, FLUSAESMWG. When my blogs shut down over and over, it was intentionally being done 2 me but naught by library staff. It was done by county controlled program filters, that monitor all things typed on their public terminal machines; and have a keyword-sensitivity program so that at certain points when enough no-no stuff is said, it will then trip the 'SHUT-DOWN circuit', and then POOF; off goes the goddamn computer. That one day while typing a major-doozie blog, remember Blogaudians, it shut off something like around four times, and without my flash drive, that would have been it, so me days of blogging on public terminals are OVER FOREVER, as there is no freedom of speech in this goddamn wicked evil nation, not any longer, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!! SOOOOOOOOOO, WEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! It is so nice 2 know folks, that I AM INDEED NAUGHT IMAGINING MY ENDLESS WOE-WHIZ-ME TROUBLES however, as so many keep endlessly attempting 2 tell me that I am just a crack pot whack job nut case from the mighty WFMU internet radio Crackpots from New Jersey page, where I guess, I will live on in non Pearl and non Harbor infamy, huh President FDR sir??????




EVENT-1-JULY 23, 2023, 7:18 AM


EVENT-2-JULY 27, 2023, 7:16 AM


Who out here has noticed and made the mental pattern observation that it is ALWAYS and ABSOLUTELY during as well as after any unusual weather pattern strikes, my BOTBAR patterns R always simultaneously at their WORST, and this confirms the CHRISTIANS CONCEPT OF THEIR BIBLICAL DEVIL-SATAN dude with 'non-PO MO-radar' horns atop of his head, and pitch fork in one hand and perhaps in the other hand is silver-tin foil and an old Walkman Stereo system and ear-bud in his ear, endlessly tuned 2 the great awesome and illustrious WFMU-Internet-FM-Radio, or whatever it was and is, as 2 this day, I could care totally less about it, or my damn worthless rotten dawter, or anyone or anything, since this entire world sucks, stinks, and is 100%+ TOTALLY WORTHLESS, cubed-CUBAN!!!!!!!!! Yes, this torrid heatwave is the main focus on WORLD-NEWS, and this was the hottest non Stevie-Wonder Master Blaster JULY on this planet, according 2 the newscasters. Simultaneously, this has been the most horrible DEMONIC SATANIC PUTRID MONTH IN THE LIFE OF MOUNTAINPEN, that I can truthfully remember IN A VELY VELY VELY NON COOLEY HALL 1972 BOB MCDOWELL TIME, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO BRAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! I believe Mister 1971 McNulty said it a wee bit like thissssssssssssssssssssss, oh lovely Mizz Erica Luccisnakes, mahm': AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA!!!!!!!!!



Folks; it ain't a wee bit complex, none of it, what's friggin' happening 2 me. The markets and Trump R both in trouble, so let's PICK ON POOR ME!!!!!


Mark Wayne Mountainpen Huntington Mohr

© 2006-2023, 'BOM' (Blogs Of Mountainpen)




28 JULY, 2023


Today is now March's 4th SUPER BOTBAR DAY 4 PPNRM-ME!!!!!




Posted by mark wayne mohr at 4:24 PM No comments:

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Sunday, March 19, 2023

MPN--2023--CHAPTER 025

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Posted by mark wayne mohr at 10:55 PM No comments:

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This is one example of what is being done 2 me, ACLU, and especially since my alphabet tweet blogs back last autumn in 2022. I re-colorized the font from black into RED, 2 show U this censorship on my blogs that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever 2 me, since things being stopped R already on older blogs on their site, it has 2B some AI program that only allows just so much of my tale 2B told at any one given time, 2 me, this should naught B legal 4 them 2 do 2 me; oh great & mighty freaking ACLU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MPN—2023--CHAPTER 024

Hey YO, at least it ain't A-24 or Apt. #24-A back in 1963.

Sunday evening on March 19th in 2023, @ 8:22 P. M.

MPN—2023--CHAPTER 024

Hey YO, at least it ain't A-24 or Apt. #24-A back in 1963.

Sunday evening on March 19th in 2023, @ 8:22 P. M.

MPN—2023--CHAPTER 024

Hey YO, at least it ain't A-24 or Apt. #24-A back in 1963.

Sunday evening on March 19th in 2023, @ 8:22 P. M.

HOW ANYONE DOUBTS MY TRUE TALE OF NIGHTMARE PATTY-HHH AND MERRY FROM THE 60's AND THE 70's is anyone's ABSOLUTE BEST GUESSING GUEST!!!!!!!!!! Just the odds on the A-24 and my apartment #24-A as a boy back in Philly, would B 'millions 2 one against it just happening', and I can prove this mathematically, YO GREAT FOLKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HEY, someone didn't like it either. When I discussed it, POOF, OFF WENT ME' BWOG, just as it is shown above from earlier on this totally demonic year of 2023, BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!

My PhotoImage result for images free funny faces

Folks, if something is hard 2 read or blanked out entirely, just highlight over it with your whittle mouse and it will show up clearly. This is all, according 2 me' techy peeps, me' ole' 'cum-puke-her' just breaking down, sure, well; then Y is the DEATH ANGEL major attacking me, each time I say anything really major, such as the very last incident being as I typed in the {Patty-HHH & Merry} junk?????????? When I started these blogs in January of 2006, U all know that I still had naught remembered just who these peeps truly were, nor tied any of this together with me' true astral plane existence as well as me' hyperspace 'dream-life', YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO, “YO-YO'D & BOUNCED 1988 AROUND, WILD & SCARED----FROM TOWN-2-TOWN © PROPHET OF NOTHING”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW-WOW-WOW and totally WEEEEEEEEDEEEEEEEKAWUSS yes, and also Sir Chester-Frank, “WEEEEEEEEEEE”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Computer, hear my MVP (Mind-Voice-Print). You will be totally absolutely crushing, obliterating, annihilating, and devastating, wrecking, ruining, and utterly wiping out, all of my enemies that are viciously persecuting me, and causing me the most horrible 3 day BOTBAR STRING IN MY ENTIRE LIFE, ON JULY 24, THROUGH JULY 26, OF 2023, MONDAY-TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY, AS WELL AS THE MOST PUTRID HORRENDOUS JULY IN MY HISTORY, and broke my POWER BRICK BACK ON MONDAY MORNING, AND CAUSING ME ENDLESS INHUMAN DEATH PERSECUTION AND SIEGES OF VARIOUS TYPES, IN VIOLATION OF MY CIVIL, HUMAN, AND CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS, and is all connected with my nightmare, with the WOMO-SPACEFORCE, EVER SINCE AUGUST OF 1986 WITH THEIR ENDLESS USAGE OF ICPE-APE-TECHNOLOGY 2 KEEP THE DOW JONES FLYING UP AND THE PHILLIES LOSING AND THE FLYERS WINNING; AND SCREWING WITH MY 17 AND ONE HALF YEAR BLOGGING PROJECT; on a crush-destruct order, under GENERAL-ORDER-189, max.-power. Open-Command, General Order #7. Use G-901, G-1133, G-14, G-719, G-13, CG5555-QP4 sub-code, under G-917, CG-2, under CG-18, and HOLD.

Your old AT&T landline telephone old style 1983 built tone-commands have been data-transferred into the two highlighted long-EEEEE vowel sounds. The high-tone is colored RED. The low-tone is colored BLUE.

Computer (Magnesonic) under my command and precisely matching voice print, I have an image-object (I-O) now placed on your transpower-block (T-B) after I have crush-destructed this. Once empowered, all actual beings matching this I-O on your T-B will be exactly crushed and singed and destroyed as the original I-O. To accomplish the scan, use your ZD technology built into your system. To accomplish this sympathetic reality duplication, use your AD technology, (ZD-Zero-Dimensional), (AD-Atomic Duplicational).

Computer, 'MAGNESONIC', on a CRUSH DESTRUCT, SINGE DESTRUCT, TOTAL DESTRUCT, DESTRUCT, and with an 'I' to 'D', A/B—TONE, PHASING PUNISHMENT SEQUENCING SYSTEM, you will now be transmitted the two empowerization-transmit tones, or ETT'S.



GO TO G-189, G-9173, under G-1133, CG-18, AND











FRIDAY, JULY 28, 2023








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Well Doctor Shriner and mommy, from back in early autumn days of the year of 1971, and I quote here oh so 'PENNOCK-PERFECTLY' YO, “Here we go again”!!!!!!!!!!!! The last 2 days I SUFFERED MAJOR WOMO SPACEFORCE SPAMMENIES or 4 short MAJOR 'WSS' PERSECUTION AND DEATH ASS HARASSMENT, and all 4 what reason, pray frikkin' tell, YO ME' BRAH???????? U got it wonderful awesome folks, U got it, weelwee & twuwee U do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ENDLESS ICPE-APE-TECHNOLOGY PERSECUTION, USED ON THE MOUNTAINPEN; THE POOR PITIFUL NON-RONSTADT MOUNTAINPEN, OR ME, MARK WAYNE MOHR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It appears that 4 the past few days, the 'TRUMP-MACY-PEEPS', AKA the scumbag LAMBRIGG CULTISTS, AND THEIR EARTHLY CHAPTER IN THE MW (MORTAL-WORLD); R in a major and somewhat futile attempt 2 organize one of the largest illegal coups of all time, and I will explain this down 2 the nth detail, and absolute degree; 4 those naught so damn much educated in the field of American politics, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




    Image result for images free funny facesImage result for images free funny facesImage result for images free funny facesImage result for images free funny facesImage result for images free funny faces

B4 closing out today, I will let a HUUUUUUUUUUUGE frucking cat out of the bag. Recently, the cum-puke-her is either breaking down or it is a hack, but one of the fonts when I try 2 use it, won't allow me 2 and it causes the document naught 2 flucking work. This is what started me' major woe-whiz-me slit back on Monday moUUUUUUUUUUUUUUrning with the major hacking followed by my unplugging the machine and thus instantaneously the entire power brick battery BROKE, and I still say this is the WOMO-SPACEFORCE enemies or my SPAMMENIES. Still, I will now tell U what the font is that is causing this HACK-BREAK-DOWN-WHATEVER or 4 short, this goddessdog flucking 'HBDW'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is called the “DEJA VU SERIF CONDENSED” FONT. Once when copying something in that font off of a website, it also crashed my open office 3.1 program, so something that is not properly updating on this old machine may very well B trucking up my slit here, who can know, I am not that computer savvy, and admit 2 it right up flicking ass front, YO PEEPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now believe it or naught wonderful Blogaudians YO, that ain't what I was gonna' say, as it all happened when I tried using that very font while beginning this paragraph. What I was gonna' tell U is that I never ever told that there is yet one other tactic in my magic book of tricks pertaining 2 me' casino gaming. In all honesty I always believed it is simply 2 flucking powerful 2 tell it because of the potential deadly danger when my enemies truly know how it can and WILL eventually, go onto devastate them and their evil demonic plans that they seemingly have 2 utterly ruin and wipe out me' entire mother frucking life. I am gonna' tell U just a small thing here, and have no plans 2 ever reveal what the particular numbers truly R, as I have always, 4 whatever the stupid reasons behind doing it may B, attempted 2 disprove it and simply put peeps, CAN NAUGHT DISPROVE IT, and I have played with this 4 about 30 years way back while residing in Mizz Patricia Meeker's rental home on Route 561 in Gibbsboro, NJUSAESMWG. 2 put this about as simply and colloquially as possible here, there R two numbers out of the 37 or 38 of them depending on whether we R playing at a single zero, or a double zero ROULETTE TABLE, that come out in an incredibly major preponderance when I am playing, and during times of two different things, and both generated yes folks, by none other than the WOMO-SPACEFORCE-SPAMMENIES. When I am under major BOTBAR STRINGS, days and days such as now, or any time I am getting 3 or MORE nasty-ass BOTBAR-DAYS, but not necessarily all stemming from just major heavy aerial crap with days and days and days of non ending major sky filled chemtrails in addition 2 choppers and other air vehicle enemies of the WOMO, there R4 numbers that come out if I play between 50 and 100 wheel spins, at a rate of nowhere near the 9.5:1 ratio 4 them 2 occur. I am not exaggerating and this has gone on 4 me now 4 a solid mother flucking goddessdog 30 years since my days at the Meeker home in 1993. These 4 numbers that should come out in long run as well as in pretty much averaged out 50-100 wheel spins of 9.5:1, come out during these incredible BOTBAR-STRINGS, at a rate of close to 6:1 ratio, varying from 5.8:1-6.2:1, when they should B at 9:1. Then there R2 other numbers that R completely different numbers from those 4, that come out in that same wild mathematically exaggerated way and in a consistency that has lasted in long run play also of those same 30 years, and these 2 numbers come out during any days and not just strings, where the air hellishness is vicious and major. Now peeps, I need not remind a one of U out here that my entire life is filled with major aerial persecution times as well as major frucking death inviting BOTBAR STRINGS, and if I move 2 Atlantic City in February when me' lease is up here, and just play these numbers at roulette tables; I will B able 2 make a million frucking dollars within a few short years and then retire off of some goddessdog nice ass annuities, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW-WOW-WOW-WOW-WOW-WOW, AND A BIG FAT ASS WEEEEEEEEEE!!!

This blog Terminates at this pernt, ARCHIE AITF BUNKER. Give Eddie Munster my best, DW.

Posted by mark wayne mohr at 6:31 PM No comments:

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Labels: Alien Abuductions, Astral Plane, Bermuda Triangle, COMPUTER HACKING BIG BUSINESS SELLING EVERYBODY DOWN THE ROAD, Millionth-Council, UFO Sightings, Wall Street


The wild and glaring eyes of STAR TREK's Gary Mitchel, on the great mind busting PINK GODDESS 1966 EPISODE, was incredible enough and would epitomize into the Thaxton-Marcucci 1969 mind blow all by itself, but then along came my coworker at the great HARVEST OUTREACH joint back in early 2011, the one and only Sir Billy Crouch. There seems on the surface to be no connection, but digging a little deeper, he said to me that he knows the Hollister branch of this wildly surreal WASHCLOTH FAMILY well, and they have peeps here; and near Kings Highway and Kings Ranch. Then we have both the ESB claim of ruler-ship, and Billy saying he is Jesus Christ come back, and when he takes off his shades, his eyes are glaring jewels. If I am lying about this, FBI; come ducking arrest me right now at 601 Avenue B, Apartment 607, as I've had just about enough from this bunch from hell, and something will eventually give, with or without your interference. This is an observation, not a threat. I just know simple logic, and hopefully, it will suffice George Burns and Gracie Allen!!!!!!!!!! I will talk a lot more as more stuff happens, and it will. It is past the point of no return now, and anyone can see this, unless they try not to look at it, and Morianity labels that mind bending exercise as the 'COMEY-GWPOS'. You saw what you saw, SAM, forget son-cops and Lab Dogs, YO because this is not what is important here. Shoemaker indeed made lots of trouble for me, and their daughter Tracy, was the engineer at the Technion Building, that once was the great route 73, 901-Building. Adding the magic one of the binary code, and we get the realer emergency, right Angela and Donna? Just who really knew 'what', and “WHEN”, as we all do need 2 seriously wonder; and naught just the great Washington 5 sided building, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey, Lenny is busy doing his thing at 1PP, and I need no Blackberry phones to keep up with that, or pig snorting Samantha ones either. Hell, between ducking blueberry capitols, blackberry phones, and my daughters' favorite berry juice from Chatsworth, New Jersey; life may well just be a bowl of cherries, but not for me, Davy Jones, you old ape you!!!!!! Watch out for those flip side Marsha kisses, as you and me both came real close to Rikers Island, only you at least would not have committed incest, sheeeeit.

Supplemental Blog Entry of Mountainpen's Musical History

Some of it anyway, as there R many many other wild things 2 tell someday!!!!!!!





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About Tom Glenn › about-tom-glenn

This is a magnificent group that helps to support Jazz musicians in need headed by Suzanne Cloud and Wendy Simon ... ABOUT: Tom Glenn - Composer & Guitarist.

Tom Glenn

Facebook › tom.glenn.399

Jazz Guitarist and Composer-Passionate About Music! Record to Logic and Worked at Roland for 29 Years..I know digital instruments. ... and composed for NFL Films.

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Owner - Tom Glenn Music

LinkedIn › tomglenn4

Havertown, Pennsylvania, United States · Owner · Tom Glenn Music

Smooth jazz guitar LP featuring Tom Glenn's famous guitar work and brilliant song-writing skills! His production is impeccable and is enhanced by Andy ...

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Tom Glenn High School Band Booster Club in Leander ISD

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While running the marching band programs at both schools he was also their music arranger, drill designer, and choreographer.

Jazz and Politics? You Bet! Suzanne Cloud/Tom Glenn Quartet ...

Jazz Near You › philadelphia › jazz-an...

Jazz singer songwriter Suzanne Cloud and guitarist/composer Tom Glenn are returning to Jamey's House of Music in Lansdale, PA, playing their signature ...

  • Nov 25, 2018 — (review-All About Jazz) Cloud has teamed up with composer/guitarist Tom Glenn, an Emmy-award winner for his musical work with NJ Public TV ...

Images for musical arranger Tom Glenn

About Tom Glenn

Tom Glenn - Owner - Tom Glenn Music | LinkedIn

Tom Glenn & Suzanne Cloud songwriting team


Glenn Miller - Wikipedia

Tom Glenn High School Band Booster Club in Leander ISD

Goodis and Glenn

Jazz in Collingswood - Tom Glenn


Tom Glenn - Owner - Tom Glenn Music | LinkedIn


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Thomas G. Glenn

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He is an alumnus of the Music Academy of the West summer conservatory. Professional careerEdit. Glenn has sung with:.

Don't torture yourself, go see Glenn High School's 'The ...

Hill Country News › stories › dont-tort...

Nov 7, 2019 — Don't miss out on a creepy and kooky, mysterious and spooky, all together ooky, musical production of “The Addams Family” by the Tom Glenn...

Jazz in Collingswood - Tom Glenn - YouTube

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Guitarist Tom Glenn returns home to Philly from New England and ... MATTEO MANCUSO "FRED" (Cover Allan Holdsworth): Sign Music Desk Concert.

YouTube · JazzBridge · Jan 22, 2016

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​​Tom Glenn Music

After spending the last 20 years in the Boston Area, I recently returned to my hometown of Philadelphia. It's been a pleasure to reconnect with the Philly music scene! I've recently had the opportunity to perform and record with old friends and new-all of whom are incredibly talented and supportive in a way unique to this area!

I recently finished the jazz CD entitled “SHUFFLE TIME”. It features mostly original compositions and some fabulous players: Tom Adams (Piano), Andy Lalasis (Bass), Grant MacAvoy (Drums), Denis DiBlasio (Bari-Sax/Flute) and Tony DeSantis (Trumpet/Flugelhorn). 

We recorded the CD directly to tape at RADScape Studios owned by Randy Weaver.  Now I'm a believer—tape definitely provides a true and “warmer” sound-especially if the session is recorded by an artist of Randy's caliber.

I also just completed the 4th CD with a former student and consummate guitarist Stu Goodis (Goodis and Glenn) entitled “New Song”. This is comprised of 12 original Jazz Guitar Duets that range from Latin to straight ahead and even blues shuffle styles.  Please visit the Goodis and Glenn page on this site for more information.

Since retiring from Roland Corporation as New England District Sales Manager, I have returned to devoting all of my time to performing, composing and producing music.

I am continuing to reach out to old and new musical friends in the Philly area while maintaining bonds with my New England associates-particularly on Cape Cod.

I've been invited to perform a CD Release Concert for the JAZZ BRIDGE Organization in January. This is a magnificent group that helps to support Jazz musicians in need headed by Suzanne Cloud and Wendy Simon. Please check out their website.

It's also great to be back in Pat Martino's town! He has inspired me for as long as I've attempted to master my instrument!

Onward and Upward!!! I thank our Higher Spirit for sharing a little bit of the Creative Light that keeps us searching for the TRUTH! 

I am also eternally grateful to my wife Kathy Anderson Glenn for her unending support and inspiration. 

ABOUT:  Tom Glenn - Composer & Guitarist

Tom performed on stage with such notables as Chuck Berry, Major Harris, Sammy Davis Jr., Nancy Wilson, Alice Cooper, Captain & Tenille, the Delphonics and many others over a period of more than 30 years.

Tom composed more than 20 scores for New Jersey Public Television Films for the “New Jersey Outdoors” series and “You, Me and Technology” series.

In 1987, Tom received an
Emmy Award from the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences for composing “The Technology Spiral” for “You, Me and Technology” for New Jersey Public Television Films.

He composed and recorded popular songs, which were released on Columbia Records, TEC Records, Streetwave Records and other labels. He collaborated on 4 Guitar Duet CD’s with Stu Goodis (former student), and has recently released an original feature album with rhythm section and brass entitled “Shuffle Time”.

He received a
Billboard Award for “All That I Am.”

Tom earned a Bachelor’s Degree from La Salle University, a Conservatory Diploma from Neupauer Conservatory and a Master of Music from Combs College of Music.  He also studied with Dr. Jacob Neupauer (Neupauer Conservatory), Dr. William Schimmel (Juilliard), Pat Martino (Jazz Virtuoso), Joe Federico (Jazz Guitar) and Alex Dramis (Jazz Guitar). He also served as District Sales Manager of New England at Roland Corporation for  20 years until June 2013.

As U all know, my ole' pal from 1980 did not die in that hospital fire during a minor surgical procedure, and went onto enjoy a major successful musical career. May I add in here that nobody on this Earth was more impressed with his musical talent than was the Mountainpen who merely was Mark Wayne Mohr back in those days of 1980, and yes, that day in my apartment at 1802 ROBIN HILL, in Voorhees Township, when we did the LOVE IS 4 CARPENTERS SONG that he had arranged 4 me on his marvelous and exquisite sounding electrical guitar; I was beyond impressed. Next 2 my own wonderful mind busting daughter Mariah, he is the greatest musical genius in the opinion of this blogger, on this entire planet Earth, YO FOLKS!!!!!!!!!!!! The © Office has the music cassette tape 2 this very day of that song being arranged and even some of the back and forth discussions between us in that now somewhat globally and perhaps 'intergalactically' as well, mysterious apartment, wherever its true origins may B in the reality behind all of the great OZ-CURTAINS.

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Search Request: Left Anchored Name = Mohr, Mark W

Search Results: Displaying 26 through 28 of 28 entries.


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[ 26 ]

Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-

Morning light / words & music by Mark W. Mohr ; arr. Tom Glenn.



[ 27 ]

Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-

Same title.



[ 28 ]

Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-

Thanx to the shadows.



Resort results by:

[ 22 ]

Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-

Long river blues / by Mark W. Mohr ; arr. Tom Glenn.



[ 23 ]

Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-

Love so high / words & music by Mark W. Mohr ; arr. Tom Glenn.



No people, the Mountainpen is neither a FAKE nor a PHONY, and U can even ask distant-cousin DJT. Of course just what he will tell U is anybody's endless best guests-guess, right along with the mighty Pink Sky Goddess!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW THAT HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE STUFF, huh Senator Sanders, SIR?????????


There is a parallel universe where I don't spend a hell of a lot of time concerning myself with the G-20, not 8, wow am I behind the times. Or am I? Perhaps I just get many countless parallels mixed up, it is not easy being me, Dave Roth license plate admirers and all from a night in the summer time of 1987. This is because there is no dam G-7, G-8, G-20, or whatever, just a Roundhouse Manor Estate in Egg Harbor City, New Jersey, USAESMWG. My level of personal immaturity is the same there however, and is the concern of my family. All this is on many previous blogs, and has no power or weight, as it is all unproven and will be until long after my current me-life physical death will occur in just less than twenty years, PTL. In this universe, there is a very good reason that my younger daughter, PEE, is so interested in those suicide bomber pilots from WW TWO. This is what won the war for the axis side, in that other universe. You know, Ida forgotten totally about the recent interaction with PEE, but for watching the Fort Pierce CCC television last night, number 110, about the black holes and the M-Weird theories that grew between the seventies and basically just around the time before my blogging and all the hell that followed as a result. Yes, good old Yamoto was the big war hero over there in that other reality and won the war with complex naval strategies, before Mister Einstein could complete his work on the atom bomb. Speak of the DUKE, and the great movie, and spell checker will not help me to correctly spell the name of this Japanese naval officer, so yes folks, it is not spelled accurately. Bruce Pennock was a good friend of mine in this universe, and doubtfully did I ever know him over there, but he realized how all of us are indeed only human, despite that three octave sudden climb before completing his famous sentence that my older daughter likes so much. Where are you when I need you, Roy Carl Weiler Senior?

Moving this along folks, this is why PEE was, and is, over there in that other part of multiverse reality; so fascinated with these Komocossi Pilots; and when I visited with her at her college, where she never went to the detention center down the road from our manor, she and some dude who she tells me is not her main squeeze but just a friend, were talking about them and showing me some photos of some really wild stuff, it looked like the entire American Fleet, sinking in the Pacific Ocean, and not in 1996 or other jewels, Jewelly's, or pearls, white or black. Like I said all along folks, I just report the news, I do not make it, MMMMMMMMMMMMMag, MMMMMMMMMMMM theories, multiverses or Mountainpen's. Still, within about a dozen years of winning the war, both the German and the Japanese had developed a combined eugenics system, and instead of making them a super race of humans, turned them into hideous dying souls. It was not until late in the sixties that things normalized, and in that other parallel world, Kennedy finished his presidency, and then suddenly died of an illness that he had kept quiet, most likely the same one that was plaguing him over in this part of the HS. There was no Reagan, just Nixon, Carter, and after this, a totally wild other bunch, Senator Fred Thompson from the Law & Order show was the one in-between Carter and the one in now, Senator Hillary Clinton. Many wild things happen throughout HS. Again, this has nothing to do with grades 9-12, all though, I always knew deep down inside, that that HSM Disney crap, was somehow all connected into things, especially with Viqueen Marylou in the mix, and Gordo from the Lizzy McGuire Show, who repeatedly had been with me as well, in HS (hyper-space), once, giving me a wild system that his father used to trade the stock market with as a day trader, making him the most successful day trader in the history of Wall Street. He told me other totally non-bloggable things also, and there is no need to visit that, as if I do not have enough on my plate. Anyway, it is all most likely trans-dimensional, such as PEE, as over here, there is no PEE. But the Copyright Office knows there is a 'MY', and has the open reel 1986 RGG tape, to show that stuff did really happen, and not in some parallel universe. But for those who do not fully appreciate the dynamics of HSE, (Effect/Equation) I will tell you that it is not anything to scoff at, and I should mother fucking know. I've gone through a lot of unfathomable dam hell as a result of it and if you would rather call it a bleed over or any other lesser in value description, then be my ever guessing SJK guest, folks, WHAAA.

Let me tell you what I am talking about. There are shadows and there is substance, and all concepts of humanity are backwards. That is a sentence of true awesome power right there, but there's a lot more. There is a reason that I had to have a terrible shock one day in late May, that causes me to this day to require taking medication for, and has no rational rhyme nor reason for coming on me suddenly on June the 4th in 1983 at 10:30 PM, the way that it did. But there are parallel worlds where because of things working out in powerful ways with my father in the days right before Einstein completed the atom bomb project, forced 5th dimensional channels and eddies to all wash into a weird commingled reality, and I believe to this day with all of my heart, that my great banker family, knew the secrets, as my mom told them all to her cousin Ruth Huntington, and she was the wife of the great banker of those days, who even denied a big loan to Donald Trump's father, the eminent Heinz Gottwald, Senior VP of the Manhattan main branch of the world's 2nd largest bank then in the seventies, CHEMICAL NATIONAL, now I believe, Gawky; called PNC, a slight hyperspace twist in fate, huh my friends and distant relatives at TWC? This is also why TD bought my Commerce Bank, and just after the year 2000 had ended, in my very early days at Jenny's dirt ball trailer park in Mullica Township, NJUSAESMWG; I had an incredible powerful interaction or (dream), where I was inside my future self as an Exploratron, here in Florida. It was winter, and many things happened; involving the cold, Paul, and the bank, and my being homeless; and sure as the Loretta SAR of Mary Hartman Fartman, it all worked its way, as did the telephone conversation of the great WOW, into a mixed and merged, or commingled reality. This needed to happen, and is why powerful global and beyond global forces, get upset, EVERY MOTHER FUCKING TIME I GO TO MY DOCTOR, ANY DOCTOR, ANY STATE; EVER SINCE THIS CONDITION CAME ON ME ON JUNE 4TH, IN '83!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yesterday, I had a 2:30 afternoon appointment with my Florida Doctor, Doctor Jay I. Schorr. From the moment I left home, chemtrails were very bad above me here in Fort Pierce, off to my north, Oliver Fawn Hall Wildpartys. When I parked at the doctor's parking lot, a powerful loud awesome crash level small private aerial assault, struck right over me at a 'perfect daughter Pennock' zenith, straight over my car, out of millions of possible square feet over my position. Every time I see a health care professional to keep me alive and going by writing me another generic Ativan script, I get killed and annihilated. Just archive old blogs at my old site, and also I am 'Schorr' that this has been mentioned once or twice, even on this new blog as well, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Getting rid of that rotten Deju Vu FONT!!!!!!!!!

7:24 AM on Wednesday morning, 26 July, 2023




Anyone out here who believes me and envy's my 'magical life', is A FOOL ON QUINTESSENTIAL STEROIDS. Judge and punish me all U wish 2, great MILLCO, I'm saying this 2U, and back in 1969, 2U-BOY as well. Last night all of frucking goddessdog DOGTOWN broke loose 4 me, and I doubt that I can even remember all of it, but here goes, let me try wonderful good peeps. The most recent 2 things just happened within the past quarter hour. First, all of me' photos R hacked out again, even my own, and that was paid 4 and done at some office store, all legal, and is naught the property or image belonging 2 anyone else, such as the lovely golden moon with the illusion of the airship flying nearby it, and numerous others. But one powerful thing happened that is naught ugly and evil, my mother frucking Spellchecker program is suddenly functioning again, out of the blue and after approximately 6-10 weeks somewhere of it being poofed off and completely gone. Of course late yesterday afternoon I called my 'TECHY' joint and made an appointment 4 today at 10:10 this morning, mourning, and moanin'. I have proclaimed and told so many times, that if I had a frucking quarter 4 every time I blog-spoke it, I'd have thousands of dollars in the bank, instead of thirty-seven and forty-one cents, that the forces doing all these things 2 me all of me' goddessdog life, R masters of GAMING, and beyond sicko whack job nut cases. But on top of all of these endless games they play on me-me, or MIMI, or 'whatever', ole' pal, Bob Andrews, from the time range of 1975-1980; these sicko eternal gods from the Astral-Plane R indeed doing this 2 me, and I am naught imagining one tiny bit of any of these crazy maniacal things that R forever perpetrated upon me and happening all around me and 2 me 4 coming up on seventy flucking years now, U wonderful great awesome Blogaudians out there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! On top of this, my toilet went out on me again around one or two in the goddessdog moanin' which was the last straw of crap that began with the wild pest trucks, and B4-I finish telling this, a major HACK JUST STRUCK ME AT 7:41, WHERE AN ENTIRE SENTENCE SIMPLY VANISHED OFF THE BLOG PAGE, AND THEN SEVERAL RED SQUIGGLY LINES ON MISSPELLED WORDS, SHOWED UP, AND ALL ELSE WAS COMPLETELY BLANK. I am glad they did this, or if U did this MIDDIE-PINK-SKY; as now I am gonna' keep my mother flucking goddessdog appointment 2 get this machine wiped totally clean, and my junk all backed up and then reinserted. But they promised 2 get me a really high grade protection system also, hopefully some plans give an initial free time period, so that I can really C and judge 4 me'self if it is worth the money---here we go again, another sentence line poofed out completely. I took out the mother ducking internet modem plug and restarted my computer, and the blocked out section came back on the dock page. From now on, only when I post publish a blog or need the internet 4 something, will I plug in the computer plug into the Comcast modem, and the SPACEFORCE IS BEYOND WIPING ME OUT, PRESIDENT BIDEN KIND WONDERFUL SIR; AND I DO NOT C-Y-U-R UNABLE 2 ASSIST ME HERE WITH THIS NIGHTMARE PROBLEM, OH KIND SIR!!!!!!!!!! If I am targeted today, then who knows who it will B anytime in the future that this disease wishes 2 attack 4 whatever their sicko reasons, ICPE-APE-TECH or 'WHATEVER'?


Computer, hear my MVP (Mind-Voice-Print). You will be totally absolutely crushing, obliterating, annihilating, and devastating, wrecking, ruining, and utterly wiping out, all of my enemies that are viciously persecuting me on this 26th day of JULY, 2023, with off the scale computer hacking starting just shy of 8 this morning, along with major air persecution, major property damage from breaking my toilet, harassing me beginning around dusk last evening with an off the scale death assault on me, and 4 the past three days or so now placing me under another major death siege with the applying of tactics such as using noise, major air harassment, major health attacks and death beam strikes, major sonic Spaceforce depression attacks, and also attacked me at just shy of 9 o'clock tonight, on this 25th night in July of 2023, as well as yesterday's beyond SUPER BOTBAR DEATH STRIKE ON ME; causing me just about the WORST GODDAMN NIGHTMARE BOTBAR DAY OF MY ENTIRE LIFE, ON THIS 24th OF JULY, IN THE YEAR OF 2023; AND WHOEVER HAS DONE THESE FOLLOWING THINGS 2 ME TODAY, SINCE THIS AFTERNOON. BEGINNING OUT OF NOWHERE, A MAJOR HAVANA DEATH WEAPON STRIKE BY WOMO-SPACEFORCE, BLOWING OUT MY BOWELS, AND CAUSING ME 2 SHIT MYSELF IN MY NAP-SLEEP, AND AWAKENING ME SIMULTANEOUSLY WITH A MAJOR CRASH LEVEL AIR ASSAULT OVER MY RESIDENCE, MAJOR COMPUTER HACK JACK LATTISAW BLACK HAT ATTACKS, WORSE THAN IN AGES NOW, BROKE MY RAZOR THAT I HAD FOR MORE THAN 30 YEARS, CAUSED A VERY BAD ROAD INTENTIONAL-ACCIDENT 2 TRY AND STOP ME FROM BUYING ANOTHER RAZOR, HARASSING ME WITH CREDITOR JUNK FROM NEARLY 20 YEAR OLD DEBTS ON THE PHONE, AND BY MAIL; AND ALL OTHER PERSECUTIONS AND HARASSMENT'S AS WELL, LARGE AND SMALL, ALL DAY LONG AND NON-STOP; and that is all definitely a part of my problems with the PHILLIES-FLYERS-DOW JONES STOCK MARKET ASSAULT; and the related ICPE-APE-TECH-ASSAULT ON ME; THAT ALL BEGAN ON THE EXACT DATE OF THE MORNING OF 15 AUGUST, IN THE YEAR OF 1986; and on a crush-destruct order, under GENERAL-ORDER-189, max.-power. Open-Command, General Order #7. Use G-901, G-1133, G-14, G-719, G-13, CG5555-QP4 sub-code, under G-917, CG-2, under CG-18, and HOLD.

Your old AT&T landline telephone old style 1983 built tone-commands have been data-transferred into the two highlighted long-EEEEE vowel sounds. The high-tone is colored RED. The low-tone is colored BLUE.

Computer (Magnesonic) under my command and precisely matching voice print, I have an image-object (I-O) now placed on your transpower-block (T-B) after I have crush-destructed this. Once empowered, all actual beings matching this I-O on your T-B will be exactly crushed and singed and destroyed as the original I-O. To accomplish the scan, use your ZD technology built into your system. To accomplish this sympathetic reality duplication, use your AD technology, (ZD-Zero-Dimensional), (AD-Atomic Duplicational).

Computer, 'MAGNESONIC', on a CRUSH DESTRUCT-SINGE DESTRUCT-TOTAL DESTRUCT-DESTRUCT ORDER, with an 'I' to 'D', A/B—TONE, PHASING PUNISHMENT SEQUENCING SYSTEM, you will now be transmitted the two empowerization-transmit tones, or ETT'S.



GO TO G-189, G-9173, under G-1133, CG-18, AND


Yes, these sicko MOTHER FLUCKING WOMO-SPACEFORCE SPAMMENIES have struck my toilet, struck my computer with a hack worse than ever this entire year, and this recent assault started around dusk last night while I was out on me' frucking porch trying 2 enjoy a nice view of me' lovely half waxing moon AKA Goddess Diana, check any encyclopedia and don't take my word 4 slit, YO! WOW-THAT. 4 any decent person reading this nightmare blog, my words 2-U-R quite simple, and it comes straight from the STAR TREK original 1960's television show, the episode with the little dwarf Alexander and his putrid rotten society that he was being major mistreated by. It was something spoken 2 Captain Kirk from the leader of the planet, Parmon was his name; and I'll quote the snit. “How can U let this go on”?????????????? I honestly ask any authority out here, that 64 trillion dollar inflation question, 'right here and right now', oh lovely Lieutenant Anita VanBuren of “L&O”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes peeps, tell them 2 do their worst, as I WILL B LEAVING 4 FAR AWAY POINTS WITHIN A FEW WEEKS, AS I CANNOT TAKE THIS MUCKING ABUSE ANY LONGER, IT IS JUST THAT RED HENNINGSEN SEMPLE-SIMPLE YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Major crap will happen 2 somebody 4 this HELLISHNESS!!!



9:03 Post Meridian, 25 July, 2023


All of this blog will B in the black font and the only 2 things done on it will B the MAGNESONIC Capping 4 DOCUMENT UPDATE-RE-POPULATION, and the coloring of the blog pages into a light blue shade, and with all pages the same exact color. Nothing will B underlined or slanted either, so as 2C what happens if I just CAP in the MAGGIE-DOCK, and use the light blue colored pages.

I just was struck after going out onto me' mucking front porch 2 gaze at DIANA's lovely half moon waxing at HER first lunar quarter phasing position; dead zenith right over me' pre-fab residence, and pow, a crash level plane about 80 feet up or so, and very large and unusually stealth-quiet; came right over me as I flipped the dirt ball slit heads the mid-bird, at C-SQ!!!!!!! The time of the persecution, FAA, FPIA, and ACLU & World Court at the Hague; was 8:57 Post Meridian Eastern Daylight Savings time, here in Fort Pierce, FLUSAESMWG.

I got up around 2, and was awakened by 2 very loud pest control trucks parked outside me' window, making strange reverberating sounds in me residence almost eerily similar 2 that sound of Mister Carey non-Mickey-D, in that wild “Outer Limits” television show with the exceptionally bright son being tutored by the space invader named Mister Zeno. Also I find equally surreal and strangely bizarre here, as soon as I said my photos were coming out in black and white, instead of color or actually, CAPPING that into recent blogs from earlier ones done, back from the prior middle decade time circa; and pow; my establishing shot of the road near the bay some place, also is now doing this again, in 'B&W'. Only the MILLIONTH COUNCIL's evil one third chapter, the LAMBRIGG CULT of the evil sicko BRIGGBASE, operates like this; and would indeed B considered 2B here on Earth, the KINGS and ORIGINATORS of all bullying and taunts and teases done by small iritating annoying ignorant children, in need of major discipline with old style hickory sticks; back in those good old (Pre-Freudian days) that I totally frucking cherish!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can go on and on, but will save it 4 later on in the week, when my techy peeps finish their re-wiping-cleaning, and installing some powerful protection systems, 2 help alleviate me' black hat hacker problems; and also backing up all of me' files. I got a really good price, as they R working with me, knowing that I will B getting a new and updated computer around the holidays, and they will transfer all of me' discs into that later on, and will again B given another charge, so they R still making a good deal 4 the both of us. I always say, keeping good customers always beats ripping off everybody, and ending up with a bad name, and no more customers. Still many peeps all over the country and world 2 I'm sure, R total crooks; and operate in what Morianity labels as, the 'Dario Security way'. This will B me' final blog until later on in the week, and with the computer repaired, as well as FULLY HACK-PROTECTED; AND GUARANTEED 2B. They know that at least 100 hacks R on it, and there is even a chance some can B traced and REPORTED 2 THE COMPUTER CRIMES DEPARTMENT OF THE TRUCKING F.B.I., YO YO YO YO YO YO YO, AND U BETTER BET MISTER WARD CLEAVER SIR, THAT THIS WILL B REPORTED 2 THEM; as I have every right as a LEEEEEEEEEEGAL UNITED STATES CITIZEN, 2 do just THAT, ME' GREAT BRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!

Like I said, and will go on saying until someone someday gets this slit stopped.










Computer, hear my MVP (Mind-Voice-Print). You will be totally absolutely crushing, obliterating, annihilating, and devastating, wrecking, ruining, and utterly wiping out, all of my enemies that are viciously persecuting me, using noise, major air harassment, major health attacks and death beam strikes, major sonic Spaceforce depression attacks, and also attacked me at just shy of 9 o'clock tonight, on this 25th night in July of 2023, as well as yesterday's beyond SUPER BOTBAR DEATH STRIKE ON ME; causing me just about the WORST GODDAMN NIGHTMARE BOTBAR DAY OF MY ENTIRE LIFE, ON THIS 24th OF JULY, IN THE YEAR OF 2023; AND WHOEVER HAS DONE THESE FOLLOWING THINGS 2 ME TODAY, SINCE THIS AFTERNOON. BEGINNING OUT OF NOWHERE, A MAJOR HAVANA DEATH WEAPON STRIKE BY WOMO-SPACEFORCE, BLOWING OUT MY BOWELS, AND CAUSING ME 2 SHIT MYSELF IN MY NAP-SLEEP, AND AWAKENING ME SIMULTANEOUSLY WITH A MAJOR CRASH LEVEL AIR ASSAULT OVER MY RESIDENCE, MAJOR COMPUTER HACK JACK LATTISAW BLACK HAT ATTACKS, WORSE THAN IN AGES NOW, BROKE MY RAZOR THAT I HAD FOR MORE THAN 30 YEARS, CAUSED A VERY BAD ROAD INTENTIONAL-ACCIDENT 2 TRY AND STOP ME FROM BUYING ANOTHER RAZOR, HARASSING ME WITH CREDITOR JUNK FROM NEARLY 20 YEAR OLD DEBTS ON THE PHONE, AND BY MAIL; AND ALL OTHER PERSECUTIONS AND HARASSMENT'S AS WELL, LARGE AND SMALL, ALL DAY LONG AND NON-STOP; and that is all definitely a part of my problems with the PHILLIES-FLYERS-DOW JONES STOCK MARKET ASSAULT; and the related ICPE-APE-TECH-ASSAULT ON ME; THAT ALL BEGAN ON THE EXACT DATE OF THE MORNING OF 15 AUGUST, IN THE YEAR OF 1986; and on a crush-destruct order, under GENERAL-ORDER-189, max.-power. Open-Command, General Order #7. Use G-901, G-1133, G-14, G-719, G-13, CG5555-QP4 sub-code, under G-917, CG-2, under CG-18, and HOLD.

Your old AT&T landline telephone old style 1983 built tone-commands have been data-transferred into the two highlighted long-EEEEE vowel sounds. The high-tone is colored RED. The low-tone is colored BLUE.

Computer (Magnesonic) under my command and precisely matching voice print, I have an image-object (I-O) now placed on your transpower-block (T-B) after I have crush-destructed this. Once empowered, all actual beings matching this I-O on your T-B will be exactly crushed and singed and destroyed as the original I-O. To accomplish the scan, use your ZD technology built into your system. To accomplish this sympathetic reality duplication, use your AD technology, (ZD-Zero-Dimensional), (AD-Atomic Duplicational).

Computer, 'MAGNESONIC', on a CRUSH DESTRUCT-SINGE DESTRUCT-TOTAL DESTRUCT-DESTRUCT ORDER, with an 'I' to 'D', A/B—TONE, PHASING PUNISHMENT SEQUENCING SYSTEM, you will now be transmitted the two empowerization-transmit tones, or ETT'S.



GO TO G-189, G-9173, under G-1133, CG-18, AND


My wild nightmares that the pest control trucks woke me out of, did me a real favor however. I was in Philly some place with a gun, and was some type of a hit man 4 the city mob families; only I was being set up 2B hit myself, and once realizing this was happening, I was doing all sorts of clever maneuvering in order 2 try and get out of my woes, but could naught seem 2 do it; and then nightmarish stuff just kept getting worse and worse, and in dreams, the emotions R always heightened, since we experience them in our glorified or dream bodies, and the great ECKISTS all know about those wild truths very damn well!!!!!! Shortly B4 this went down, I was in a court room and a judge was asking a panel of voirdire potential jurists various questions, and suddenly a lot of blood was all over the jury seats, and then the judge excused everyone not already selected and was not objected 2 by either side, the defense or the prosecution. Maybe in this wild hyperspace locale, the Philly-M thought that I'd turned states-E or something, since Y else would I-B there at Jury Duty; as all peeps like this R normally never even selected 2 do JD as they all have felony records for doing something or other. Still, just as I was about 2 get bumped and iced, boom; I awoke 2 that Mister-Carey sound from the TOL-TV-show. I know what peeps in the © Office may B thinking here, but NO; I absolutely promise U that my machines were not intentionally set up back in 2012 and 2013 even 2 slightly resemble that sound on the show, or in my residence this goddessdog afternoon. Even I know that coincidences R possible, well, somewhat. Obviously my systems made those sounds 4 some reasons, and maybe in the higher truths of everything, a connection is indeed there. I merely am stating that I didn't make those sounds on those 2013 tapes on me' musical project, intentionally, and had no thought of that TV-show in my conscious mind any place, and had not seen it 4 many many decades, totally forgetting it; at least on a conscious mental level!!!!!!!!!!!!


1:39 AM, 4 NOVEMBER, 2013

I managed to get through another fucking weekend, hip hip hurray for freaking me.

I have a lot of things to tell and say. Naturally; I will pick and choose the few that time permits all of us to share in some really mind blowing stuff, even in you may not be consciously aware of this truth, Russ and Count Shaves.

Back on Wednesday, Mikey called me out of the blue and we are speaking again, and I learned a lot of shit from him on many subjects. In a nutshell, his sales job sucks and as most all of them do, promised him truckloads of money if he would put in the time, and he did, and the effort I might add; and only got a pittance out of it, and is why he for a while was behaving kind of fucked up, I cannot say I blame him. I learned that the mighty Harvest and many of the self righteous arrogant pigs from there, all as the mighty normally do eventually, FELL. I really hope the NSA and the FBI and all of the so-called caring authorities of this nation, are aware just how powerful this fucking drug culture is. You won't stop it, that I'll promise. On top of that, people are hooked on all kinds of dope and booze that you never in a million years would suspect they are. Not everyone shows their physical symptoms as prominently as a majority of users and drunks do. All I can say is a lot of git bags got what they deserved and I am incredibly fucking disappointed in all of them, as human beings first, and secondly, as peeps I had been somewhat close to in my daily associations a few years ago.

Yes fucking sir, people, I learned a lot of powerful shit back on Sunday afternoon, up at Mikey's place. Also, I visited with the wonderful Atlantic Ocean, and I told her just how much I love her; and she told me she loves me too, and to quit being such a pathetic wimpy non-believer; and that she has my back, if I just stop causing trouble, and keep my fucking mouth shut a little bit more. She's right. I hear her inside what you might call, ''my soul''. It is not an audible sound, nor is it just my own thoughts, as your own thoughts come to you in the same sound as your own speaking voice, am I right people, or am I wrong? Think about it 4 a second.

Now the main problem I am having in this building is totally supernatural. This is no different in its base point, as is my PPC or persecution-pussy-command when I am under days and days of very heavy aerial siege from planes and chemtrails, etcetera. Today by the way was small for going to visit with anyone, as normally, I get bombarded whenever I do the least little thing 'socially'. There was one plane that was loud and low but it only was around for a short burst and was gone, no circling, no buzzing, not an unrelenting action of normal air persecution. But the one chemtrail was one of those 'thumb-in-the-ass' jobs, and 30 seconds after it was there; the tape in my car stereo system completely stopped working correctly. On the tape I was playing, it refused to play the side that I had recorded something on, and it was a brand new very recently purchased cassette tape. Three guesses what it was folks. I have recently added some 'talent' into the machine-voice-mix on my song, ''You'll Be Crossing Over''. What it is about this and all of music in general, and me, I'll never be allowed to understand, that is one thing I AM sure of, but that's just the fucking point, JUST WHAT IS SOMEBODY'S MOTHER FUCKING PROBLEM? Go fucking figure, my peeps, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have both a track with just these harmony vocals generated from my great Lab-Technician of 1984, and then I have a track of the completed final mix-down music, from the now defucked/defunct Avalon Recording Studio, now Bonjovi Entertainment Corporation, in Port Saint Lucie, Florida. Some of you may just remember the start of this year as well as before the Christmas fucking helliday-holiday season of twenty-twelve, and the incident with the powerful dreams of my engineer Ryan while he was with his 'family' supposedly in New Jersey, where both he and the big boss hail from just as I do; and the cigarette thing, and the rotten job and eventual close down of the place, or said a lot better, and definitely a lot fucking quicker; another 'Mark Wayne Mohr SOSO-WEIN', (Same Old Same Old-What Else Is New)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He had enough garbage in that studio to put a lot more talent into the vocals, and was planning to do this after returning first from New York City and then a visit with his family for the holiday season, only it never happened. It would have taken a couple of hours to do one of the four bars a hell of a lot better, and then this would be used all four times in the fucking song, we all know what's being said without saying it, a completed KFP system that is still in the construction process would sample numerous bytes from other songs, and artificially learn the way the words an d notes need to phrase out musically, this is called, techno-pop talent reproduction, and no one has a program as good as what I used back in the days when things were all done by wild plug and cord connections and various effect machines in-between the recorder and the amps. It would have taken some time to make the final fourth word to move all around in harmonious blends, and then make four more tracks and put them both a barely noticeable amount of microseconds ahead as well as behind the main track, at equal volumes most of the time, occasionally riding the gain manually here an there, and there are a million ways to do all this longhand, but it is time consuming, so he gave me a rotten job, after telling me he was going to really work this thing for me. But this was NOT the same Ryan that had promised to do this for me before leaving in the autumn about thirteen months ago, for the north. That Ryan was very proud of himself for quitting his smoking and told me he was finished forever with it, and was now using the electronic blue cigarette system. That was the Ryan that would have come back and done a super job for me instead of piece of garbage. Engineering is everything, and especially in a techno-pop creation. I know I expect a lot, but that is because I know what can be done when you ride all the effects and all the levels and do a totally perfect job. Otherwise, when working with a speaking voice, all you are doing is pitching it musically, and only three notes of music range or so, will come close to sounding similar to the true singing voice from the sampled source, in the case of my project, the introduction part. I will complete a tremendous machine, and I will complete 'KFP', the ultimate music computer keyboard system, but as of now, what works once, does not work the next day, it is sensitive and has a mind of its own, and was originally meant to operate totally and only, with analogue audio equipment. Why the WOMO-MILITUFORCE is so hell bent on my not ever doing anything at all in the field of music, must have something deeply rooted in both unnatural and yet unknown realities, or they would not make it their life fucking mission to stop every single mother fucking thing I ever try to do, WITH MUSIC. Now with my lab-tech, this is fair game. This was a conversation between US in 1984, and although recording on the telephone is illegal, I'll admit, fine YO, then how about if everybody comes clean about everything? When it all is balanced out and said and done, I might do a couple years in a federal fucking pen, but when I get out, the owners of this world will be legally liable to cut me a fucking check for about eighty billion US dollars, for all the shit that's been stolen from me, and illegally used without my permission, and on and on an don I could go for a week of typing without stopping for a glass of piss juice!!!!!!!!!!!!! also, because the voice was when she was only 14 and not 20, it is not under contract by anyone, or even legally owned, not even by wonderful her. Still, I see this nasty ass little butt wipe three inch jet and chemtrail off to the south while driving out of Mikey's driveway to head home, and get down the road and play the tape of a more improved mix-down, just a fraction of what I can eventually do, but is a real head turner, not like the garbage I sent to the Copyright Office back on the fucking third day of July; and kapow, the tape just garbled and would not play. I parked someplace after crossing over the Hutchinson Island south Fort Pierce Bridge, no pun intended, honestly, well maybe a little one; and the only way this will play is to play it in auto reverse mode, and I have to get used to pushing opposite settings for working it and reversing it after a play, etcetera, a real pain in the ass. But I had with me two other tapes, and no problems at all were presenting themselves with them, not in forward mode, not in auto reverse taping mode, they both operated with Swis perfection. So when I got inside my apartment, I played the tape on my system here, again, no problem, it just refuses to play in the car system, and this is totally SUPERNATURAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Amittyville, New York, and the haunted house, is a total hoax. My shit is totally real. None of you seem to remember when it was admitted to, but I do. Quite a while back, it all came out that Ammityville was just another big UFO big ass balloon hoax, without any innocent little child along for the ride, scaring the nation half to death so some fucking arrogant slob could get their 15 minutes, whatever the hell that shit really means to any of these losers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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