Sunday, June 21, 2020


12:03 AM, 22 JUNE, 2020, MONDAY




I have a habit of being very up front to the point of being seen as a Peter Pan who never grew up and does not know how to properly interact in adult society. There's a good reason for this of course. I have had to go back and relive my life as an adolescent over and over for nearly 200 times now. Still, this is why instead of my being way more indirect in many matters, I come right out and say things that would even knock lovely Mizz Shawnee Smith into the swimming pool in that great nineteen eighties cheesy movie. For the majority with flabby memories, this cool kids movie from those dorky days took place where that lovely girl from BH-90210 was with her and Shawnee was saying some really far out shit, and then the blond girl said t her boyfriend or maybe it was to some other teen at the outdoor pool, “Is there anything that she won't say”? I am a lot like lovely Shawnee, in that I will tell it all, and I won't leave a whole goddamn lot to anybody's fucking imagination. But in this blog, we will indeed be talking around some things as I really do not think that I will live too much longer and if I do not, I have reasons for not spilling all the detailed beans here on some stuff, but rather, will just tell enough so that those who know that it is about them, will know that I do in fact know what is being hinted at, and also know that there are choices and potential truths that are available for a short time, and then after a certain day of reckoning, it will be way too late. Upon my death, some shit will get discovered that has been very carefully hidden away, and I promise two things here, mother fuckers. You won't find it, and also, this is no fucking FAKE SPEAK, with an agenda of testing for a WOMO-M2F reaction!

I won't waste any more time bullshitting with any of you. For those who have any interest at all in Morianity are are not and have not just been enemies all along waiting to drop by at that final day at my funeral to pick at my fucking bones as Sir Clarence Harris said to me in 1988; I am wishing nothing but the very best in this life for you and yours. And the rest of you, hey; I won't insult your goddamn intelligence. You already fully know what I wish for you and yours. So let's get down to business or as my awesome mom, ha-ha-tee-hee would say, “Down to brass tacks”!

I absolutely have come to realize WHY all those many peeps that were around me in my life back a long while ago, all made out like bandits in a room full of wealthy crippled children; and it is not as complicated as I once thought, nor as metaphysical as I once fully believed. It has a very rational series of logical reasons for all of it coming to pass, and then connects into why I am suffering at the hands of this horrible powerful monstrous fucking evil force that Morianity has labeled the WOMO-M2F. Why I didn't put it all together a hell of a lot mother fucking sooner is all part of that world famous saying that I know you all have heard concerning not being able to see the forest from the trees. Get too close to or too involved in anything, and we all do get a huge damn blind spot right smack dab directly in front of us. No one and I mean no one is mother fucking immune to this incredible reality! And, this is also part of the very same reason that none of these people wants one goddamn thing to do with me or looking me up if only to say goddamn hey hey! It all fits better than a lady's smoothe expensive fuckign glove. And if people are half as smart as I am now giving them credit for being, they are shaking right now in their fucking blue swede shoes and worrying about dying at forty on a toilet, all fat and damn pitiful! But there's way more, yo!

There are people all over this world who absolutely know that my blogs tell a true story. Sure, some of it may be somewhat exaggerated in my own head, or even misunderstood by me to some small degree, after all of the hell that the forces have caused me to suffer through, without any break or let up for half of a goddamn mother fucking century of time. But the basic story told is accurate and true, and if I am speculating on something; I tell the damn world that I am, and that I cannot know for sure on some particular issue. Anyone has had ample opportunity to check me out, and check out many circumstances that these blogs have described as well. I also know that just as America has become very polarized in its political views beginning after the disco years, and being on an ever increasing line of parabolic curvature right to this present day and hour. As time marched onward and I began putting many powerful things together one by one, I know for absolute certain that many powerful Scott Ransom people, joined together and maybe even without anyone actually coming together in a physical way, but rather, used me as THEIR ICPE-APE-TOOL to make things happen that fit their own personal objectives and motive agendas. My blogs have major hugely effected the world of international political stages, major organized religious foundation system stages, and then beyond that in more greedy personal ways, I was used and so was the ICPE-APE-TECH tool used, by the billionaire WORLD OWNERS, and all without any of them ever having to meet in some physical location like the Bohemian Grove or other such similar locale, to discuss a combined and or organized plot to do this. Just in like manner that the telephone was invented by both Alex Bell and Mister Walsh at the very same time circa, I know for certain that ideas and mental imagery systems do work their way through humanity, in sort of a matrix of mental human underlying consciousness if you will, sort of between the conscious and the subconscious, where this area is one flowing system, and anyone at any time, randomly seems to just by pure absurd happenstance, merely tap into, or connect to this matrix. So being way more subtle and far less outright blunt here, many peeps have hurt me and they go right on hurting me as they did yesterday, Fathers Day, June 21, 2020. The motive and agenda is simple. These people want the TRUMP WORLD, they want their leader, they want the Republican rule, they want the wealthy to endlessly prosper and eventually take over the poor and make actual slaves out of us all again, forever wiping out America as it was designed to be by our great forefathers. Now obviously there is a group on the conflicting and opposite side of this army who wants the reverse. The only problem is that they do not believe in accomplishing their objectives AT ALL COSTS and against the decency and morality of obliterating any innocent person and their basic human rights to live and not be persecuted or oppressed or wiped out and destroyed, as the other side has done to me for a very long time. If only they would realize that they could also play this game as well as prove me right and dispel any tiny doubts to any of my wild claims on this 15-YEAR blog project, and all without committing any acts that would go contrary to human rights and civil rights. I won't even mention the other since our constitution has just about had it, and we all know it. How would it hurt anybody to just try and prove me wrong. I am not asking anyone to send me ac fucking check for a million bucks, although I would absolutely promise that if this did happen, Trump would lose the election, many oppressive things going on now with the civil rights issues and so much more, all of it would suddenly and magically vanish out of existence and we would all be so far better off for it that none of you would recognize this world in one short year. But it would not need to be that drastic. If I could suddenly have a guardian angel without my ever even knowing about it, make things work so that I could move out of this horrendous prison that they have me trapped in; just that much would cause a change so huge that my saying it on a blog is just a waste of time. You'd have to actually see it for your fucking selves. The reason that this won't ever happen is because the world is designed in a negative bend. I used to believe in balance and parity and how the long run truth is EVEN. If this were so, someone would have stepped up after all this time and at least talked to me if nothing else, and I mean in a positive way. My recent blog told about faith and belief and doubt and unbelief, and a faith to doubt ratio or a FDR for short. My proof for believing that the cosmos has a negative bend is that not one soul has offered one thing, even when I have guaranteed that it works in both directions in exact measures. No, they only want to hurt me forever and no one wants to ever render the slightest bit of help. So one of two things MUST BE happening here. Either the world system or COSMOS is indeed NEGATIVELY BENT, or I have died and gone to eternal hell on August fucking 15th of 1986 and this was of course what a hyperspace double of President Carter confirmed to me on that very date, as I leaped across a boardwalk railing in a wild nightmare that forever seems to have altered my goddamn life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just why a bunch of people do not ever want to quiently render me some aid in order to make the Democrats get back into power, is just beyond my mind's ability to grasp. After all of this fuckign shit, how can you all doubt my knowledge and doubt this ICPE-APE-TECH tool/weapon that has been applied against me now for three and a half solid decades? Just as hurting me makes TRUMP WIN, are there no fuckign people out here who want TRUMP OUT OF THERE? All you have to do is find a way to help me and my life just a little tiny bit. Talk about a fucking great rate of return on a goddamn fucking financial investment for Crissake. People today cannot even get ten percent on their investments any more in one year. In the disco days the safe investments such as regular fuckign bank CD'S were paying 16 and 17%, and that was great. Still, if I can escape this horrible place, TRUMP WILL LOSE, otherwise HE WILL WIN; and I don't fucking care if some goddamn DA out here wants to try to prosecute me for making these claims, as that is how positive sure that I am in all of this parallel event stuff!!!!! I don't need a million fucking bucks although that would absolutely guarantee a total WIPE OUT FOR THE ENTIRE REPUBLICAN PARTY OF MONSTERS who are wiping out the lives of the poor all over America, and oppressing us into slavery through clever gradualism. I've spoken that truth all along on this blog project and never made an goddamn bones about it! All I need is to be able to move out of this horrible place, and MY ENEMIES HAVE FIXED IT SO I CAN'T, and I am being literally killed. The authorities are all in on it too. Nobody will believe a word of this, and so I KNOW I AM IN HELL, and when we add the final fucking shit here about how I cannot seem to STAY DEAD, well; what would any of you mother fucking people think if you were me, yo????????????????

Things are worse right now for me than they have ever been in my entire sixty-five years, and nearly seven months, of my current-me-persona life of hellishness here on the Earth-Planet!!!!! Nothing from any time before now compares and so there truly is no graph, or chart, or memory, for me to be able to relate or equate my current shituation with. Also factored into things is my elderly frail age and condition, I mean after-all, even the great Sir Jack Lalaine was not what he was at twenty when he was my age, close perhaps; but we all get older in this mother fucking time illusion, and hey, I'm no mother fucking Jack Lalaine just as Mister Dan Quale was no goddamn Kennedy, yo!!!!!!! I am sure I have misspelled the Latengrate muscle-man's name, and I am sorry, but Microbursts Microsucks Hellwrecker Spellchecker system is of no help to me at all. SLAM-SLAM-SLAM, and I took a major music assault from just after one this disafsternoon until about twelve minutes shy of three from dirt bag scum-piles Mister 605 Mexico!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AS I SAID, I AM ALWAYS ATTACKED AT CHRISTMAS, AND AT FATHERS DAY. It is without fail, and it all makes lots of non-ho-ho-ho merry sense now in light of so many recent past five to fifteen years of powerhouse revelations. RIGHT? And here comes the music attack again. They are on me like shit that is all stuck in a pipe! I am home, and it is no longer afternoon; but is quarter shy of eight. Both my fucking prick across the hall ass-wipe is slamming in and out all day, and the dirt bag with the music Mister Mexico, have totally WIPED OUT MY FATHERS DAY, AND MADE IT THE CUNT CHEWING WORSE ONE I HAVE EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER HAD IN MY ENTIRE CUNT EATING MOTHER FUCKING LIFE!!!!!!!! All was fairly quiet and nice until a couple mother fucking cunt huffing minutes past one of the clock, and then ALL OF DOGTOWN CAME CRASHING DOWN ALL OVER PUKE EATING LITTLE PATHETIC FUCKED UP ME, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am blasting horrible rap and hip hop noise that is called MUSIC in today's 'culture', so that I can do my blog without being fucked with as much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sooner or dick sucking later, my Magnesonic WILL TOTALLY WIPE OUT THESE ENEMY PRICK PHA PEEPS in charge of doing this to me, as well as these actual PRICK ENEMY NABES FROM DOGTOWN THEMSELVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Computer, hear my MVP (Mind-Voice-Print). You will be totally absolutely crushing, obliterating, annihilating, and devastating, wrecking, ruining, and utterly wiping out, all of my enemies that are viciously persecuting me FOR THE PAST 65 YEARS, WITH MAX-POWER AGAINST ALL PERSONS AND FORCES BEHIND THIS DEATH ASSAULT EVER SINCE MIDDLE 2019, AND ON THIS HORRENDOUS FUCKING BEYOND SUPER BOTBAR ATTACK DAY OF 21 JUNE OF 2020, WITH A HORRENDOUS NABE FROM HELL ATTACK WITH MY TRIAD NABES FROM HELL TOTALLY RUINING MY FATHERS DAY FOR 2020, and that is all a part of DONALD TRUMP'S ICPE-APE-TECH death strike on me since August 15 of 1986; on a crush-destruct order, under GENERAL-ORDER-189, max.-power. Open-Command, General Order #7. Use G-901, G-1133, G-14, G-719, G-13, CG5555-QP4 sub-code, under G-917, CG-2, under CG-18, and HOLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your old AT&T landline telephone old style 1983 built tone-commands have been data-transferred into the two highlighted long-EEEEE vowel sounds. The high-tone is colored RED. The low-tone is colored BLUE.

Computer (Magnesonic) under my command and precisely matching voice print, I have an image-object (I-O) now placed on your transpower-block (T-B) after I have crush-destructed this. Once empowered, all actual beings matching this I-O on your T-B will be exactly crushed and singed and destroyed as the original I-O. To accomplish the scan, use your ZD technology built into your system. To accomplish this sympathetic reality duplication, use your AD technology, (ZD-Zero-Dimensional), (AD-Atomic Duplicational).

Computer, 'MAGNESONIC', on an 'I' to 'D', A/B—TONE, PHASING PUNISHMENT SEQUENCING SYSTEM; you will now be transmitted the two empowerization-transmit tones, or ETT'S.



GO TO G-189, under G-1133, CG-18, AND S---T---O---P

Wanna' know why the Republican mother fucking scum bags are beyond pissed off at me and super assaulting me with major ultra beyond hyper CRIMINAL-ELDER-ABUSE, me' kind peeps out here, yo? I'll gladly inform you, as a child on moron pills should know; but then I have come to learn that WHAT SHOULD BE since 8-15-1986 does not always equal or compute with WHAT IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jane Sleazeweedsdisease Crapinherpants Notfondauonebit Thistlethorns Witchbitch from DOGTOWN came close, but I managed to stop her from striking me with another one of her endless mother fucking ONES-ASSAULT ON ME, BRAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is very simple folksingers and folks, and also Mister MICROSUCKS Microbursts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They need to OPEN THINGS UP FOR THE STATE OF FLORIDA, AND THE NATION AS A WHOLE, FOR POLITICAL REASONS THAT GO BEYOND WHAT EVEN CNN UNDERSTANDS AT LEAST “SO FAR”, AND ON THE VERY SAME GODDAMN TOKEN, THEY WANT TO KEEP IT ALL SHUT, AND KEEP ME HERE IN PRISON, WHEN I SO DESPERATELY NEED TO ESCAPE! Does it get a lot simpler than that, oh great people out here??????????????????????? And when the rare shituation does indeed come where I seemingly have them major jammed up in-between that proverbial rock and hard-place, well; “LIKE DUHHHHHH, THE WOMO-MILITUFORCE DOESN'T LIKE IT AT ALL, YO YO YO YO YO YO BREEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! Simply mother fucking turd swallowing put here peeps, these dirt holes just cannot have it BOTH WAYS, AND THEY KNOW THAT I KNOW THAT; AND IT IS WEELWEE FUCKING PISSING THEM OFF, OH LOVELY AMY-ANNIE MADIGAN CORNFIELDS COSTNER, MAH'M!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was all set to tell you all many major things when I thought I was all done getting persecution after shortly past three back in the afternoon, and now I will need to reconstruct shit before getting into it, but I promise you all this much yo, It's gonna' be a major fucking total “DOOZIE-WHOPPER” oh great sir and former President Barack Obama. And sir, you must know by now that you are “LIVING 'RENT FREE', INSIDE OF PRESIDENT TRUMP'S HEAD. And this has been said several times by the great CNN, and this blogger absolutely, and totally, and completely, one hundred percent, agrees with that clever grouping of words, BRO!!!!!!

When I collect my thoughts and recuperate from this monstrous elder abuse assault on me that ruined my Father's Day and my WEEKEND, I will come up here and give you some information that many people with name recognition and money and power are going to be quite sorry when I print and say it all, and THAT IPY PEEPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My ESS-COMCAST CABLE TV-SERVICE froze up yesterday Friday for absolutely no good reason at ten minutes before eleven of the clock. This is at least two mornings in a row of this now, and on Thursday the electricity browned out for a second, but I think the storm nearby may have done that, as for the past two days, DIANA (Lightning) was around, and yesterday, SHE WAS REALLY AROUND BIG TIME for quite a while in the afternoon. Thank you lovely baby-blond girl for visiting with me. I really needed you!

There seems to be a lot of powerful secrets and items of some kind that fit into both Morianity and me, with mechanics and garages. I have had my share of wild things that all connect now into mechanics and garages. Funny that landfills and trash transfer stations do as well, since the only alphabetical item that separates GARBAGE from a GARAGE, is a “B” LETTER added to the word of GARAGE, right in-between the “R” LETTER and the middle “A” LETTER. The mysterious mechanic has been with me in DREAMS as well as awake in many various forms now. I may not have all of the damn answers concerning strange families who enjoy turning my lungs into washcloths after they slice me open like a fish at strange seashore towns in even decade years, but I don't enjoy being called “BOOBY” no matter how you slice the damn pie, Sir Lenny McKinnon, lovely Sally Field, and Sir Burt Reynolds!!!!!!!!!!!! How's that for a Christmas present over 5-W, oh great Mister William Marnie of Berlin, New Jersey? Magic mushrooms; wanna' cut me a goddamn bwake here, lovely Margie Leo from 1985?

It took me a long time, but I completely recognize this prick now; and it really is the guy who called me Booby in that nightmare dream where my daughter's hyperspace doppelganger somehow 'magically' managed to switch my transdimensional existence from one New Jersey town to another one as punishment for telling a lot of things, and WOW big O; that was long before I have told so way much more in the coming dozen years of time. Of course that toothpaste TOO is all illusion, right Mister Microbursts Microsucks Corporation? After-all, only the illusion of three dimensions is what creates what appears to be a longer past creating a shorter future for all things existing in Einstein's SPACE-TIME. Those ILLEGAL COUSINS ARE ANNOYING TODAY, and it is them, as I peered through my door viewer, and it is them and not the scum bag next to me in unit 605. These annoying pricks just keep going in and out with all sorts of stupid fucking things. I would say that I am expecting a bad day as that other time back on Monday, only you cannot depend on anything, or I can't I should say. I say this because the wild 1802-RH DREAMS a couple days back DID NAUT cause anything wild or bad to happen on that day, and I think that was back on Thursday. My short term memory is nowhere like my long term one is. If it is just a recent stretch like a week or so, it is not that clear to me, but going way back into many decades, I can remember the day and the hour and who was wearing what clothes on their backs. It seems to be along the damn ass lines of also taking me years to see the full meanings to shit that goes down around me at present times. I may not even give it any thought for a long while, such as when I began to do my blogs in 2006 and 2007 and even all throughout my time in Jersey until the end of the decade before leaving in middle December from Cifaloglio and running away in the dead of night to Florida; I never even gave Patty and Merry a thought, or hardly ever, and as for connecting any dots to my past, only through years of blogging, did things all sort of come back and then make some real major mother fucking sense to me, yo!!!!!!! This is just how the brain works, or mine aniwho. Still, I did mention many times about when I was living in Quakertown at age six and seven years, on top of a hill in the middle of a cornfield, in a mobile home underneath of a huge apple tree that Diana stuck all the time (Lightning) when SHE was around; and SHE made direct contact with me both while awake and in my dreams. I told about the man who owned the farm, Mister Harold Schatt the muscleman, who all the young sluts in the area were crazy about as back then muscles were really the in-thing. I may be misspelling his surname, but it sounded like SHAT and I am presuming it wasn't spelled SHAT! He had a big mean German Shepard dog who hated my little kid guts and I swear I could hear his thoughts. One day when I was standing midway from his farm-house to my trailer on top of a hill, where he had a small clearing area in one of his many large cornfields, and he must have had a thousand acres or more land; I suddenly heard a scrambling of human converted words that even included a pictorial image. That dog was picturing my blood in his mouth and tearing my flesh apart. Normally he wasn't let loose, but on this one day while I was playing in a little area where many things would fascinate a small child, he suddenly came from behind me. None of my regular senses picked him up, and I only ended up with a flash of its thoughts and then a huge amount of fear on my part that caused me to just suddenly race towards the mobile home, and as I was doing so, I looked back and there he was chasing me with his huge sharp teeth showing and gnashing at me as well!!! Back in the nineteen-nineties, and almost forty years after the incident with the dog, a group of women psychics who I told that story to and who also knew about how I interacted there with what they called the Triple Goddess Lightning Force or 'TGLF', also told me that the TGLF had imparted into me this 'GIFT' and that I'd carry it with me for the rest of my life as a result. Well, if that is so, then so be it. I don't believe in psychic power, aliens form outer space, or most things that peeps who follow my blogs would on some surface level think that I would in fact believe in, and most probably many or most of them do believe in themselves. I on the other hand, absolutely do believe in the reality of what on the outer surface may appear to be in fact, psychic stuff and or aliens from space, only I know through MORIANITY and life's experiences, that indeed, it is the way that these blogs tell of it, and nothing more.


Jane Sleazeweedsdisease Notfondauonebit Crapinherpants Thistlethorns came a whiskers edge close to getting me again with her rotten GROUPATION OF ONE DIGITS ASSAULT ON ME, yo yo yo yo yo yo, but just in the nick of fucking time, I exited out of that MATRIX PROGRAM; oh great OPERATOR, and truck drivers and executives of the Roadway Trucking Company on County Line Road and Pennsylvania Highway #309, and speaking of good old fucking Quakertown. Those annoying fucking door slammers are going to be a pain in my prick again today! Mister Mike McNulty back in the autumn of good old 1971, would say it best here, yo: WHAAAAHA-AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA!!!!!

Sir Chester-Frank would merely let out a nice bar-holler here with his now quite globally well known, “WEEEEEEEEEEEE”!!!!!!!

Friday I got a whole lot of annoying harassing telephone calls, and recently it has been a lot better due to the CVGP shituation. But last week it has started back up with Friday being quite a few of them. I am going to report the ones who are trying to demand money from me and claiming to be with Florida State Police, to the Attorney General's Telephone Scam Hotline next week unless things calm down, but I don't expect that to happen. Nothing with me ever calms down or goes away, well, only good things go away. Bad fucking shit just grows worse.

For many years I knew that both FATHERS DAY as well as CHRISTMAS were two times where my persecution and harassment was markedly much worse than normal, if that were imaginably possible, and it needs to be. Not only is it the very exact day but the near times to these days as well, and it was every single year without even one fucking exception, to where only a totally illogical mind would dismiss it as nonsense, yo BRAH! This year, and with tomorrow's fucking DADDY-DAY, is certainly no exception; as it can easily begin a week before and yes, last a week longer, and that only means the worsening from regular dogshit around me, not that I EVER GET SO MUCH AS A MOMENTS PEACE FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE, HUH AGENTS CONDOR AND FALCON OF 1988 TELEVISION DOCUMENTARY OF WPIX-NEW YORK, NEW YORK, “UFO-THE COVER-UP”!!!!

Every single time I go to talk to my mechanic who Mike Patterson went to and put me onto when he was a Fort Pierce resident years ago, it appears that he must be in touch with Mike to this day, or else one of the people whom Mike is also in touch with. When I mentioned to him that Mike may be deceased, Mike then called me later THAT NIGHT after not calling me for a good solid two months, following the death of his 'brother' with another name! I don't know and I don't wanna' know a lot of things, but I will only say that those who would say that it is psychic phenomenon when they think of someone who they've not been in touch with for a long while, and then they call you, that this is in some way part of the psychic world system, I would first want to rule out ALL POSSIBLE HUMAN AND MORTAL WORLD EXPLANATIONS, and then, hey, I am not a close minded person, but I do believe that we all have five senses and one of these five are the FEEL SENSE, and that this feel sense in all of us can be turned higher in sensitivity through life experiences and other unknown forces perhaps, but I do not see any of this as a 6th SENSE, but merely an extension of the FEEL SENSE. The whole ESP jazz is just some few people with a heightened and turned or tuned up FEEL SENSE. Like on Star Trek with the Starship Enterprise, and its ability to do long range SCANNING. People too can develop indeed, an exactly matching type of long range scan into cosmos, with their basic gods-given sense of feel. No one will convince me that there is some SENSE NUMBER 6 however!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have gone over and over it. Based on my blogging, there is no really powerful reason on that front, for last MONDAY'S GARGANTUAN ASSAULT on me, the worst day of my entire life, or at least the top 5! When I get a sudden burst of page-views, I also try and examine possible blog-related reasons for it, and I will honestly say that I find no rational rhyme or reasoning for this discrepancy or deviation from the norms. Maybe I am just so far separated from other normal human beings that I cannot see certain truths for myself. I also live in a new age of complete insanity. If my viewers want me to harp more on certain particular things or even less on others, I would take that into advisement and quite seriously consider cooperating, as after-all; what is a blogger without an audience, 'his or her Blogaudians' for crying out fucking louder than HUGE LOUDSPEAKERS?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But as I say, I have tried and tried to understand what brings me sudden surges of pageviews, or for that matter major powerful attacks of hostility form anyone around me be it my nabes from hell or anything else whatsoever, yo yo yo yo!!!! I totally completely give up, and nobody seemingly ever wishes to help a poor fellow fucking out, so now does anyone truly wonder why I consider myself to be CURSED and calls himself, “Poor poor pitiful” (Non Linda Ronstadt) me????????????????????

Last night's nightmares were beyond horrible. They were in two parts. They don't seem to be connected in any way and were separated as early in my sleep and later into it shortly before coming awake again. The first one was taking place in an office area that looked out from what seemed to be a second or a third story in height, and I was on one side of a desk and another man was on the other side. Before I do go on here, it just hit me that it does seem that the assault on me Monday that was beyond simple persecution and regular ordinary elder abuse, was caused by my telling about Donnie at the end of the hallway in Unit #610 and his apartment being all cleaned out with several shopping carts that maintenance peeps use when doing large extensive repair or other types of work in units in-between tenants living in them; and how this incredible goddess-girl was telling me in a wild dream that when I was over in that apartment which I really was in waking world reality just a month or so ago to help him with an electronics issue he was having, but how this girl told me that the PHA knew the condition that he kept his apartment in by observing the image they were supplied by my M2F enemies via the Tim McVeigh Microchip that was implanted into me at Resorts Casino that day while with Jim Burr in 1983 after winning money at the golden Nugget Casino at a roulette gasme and then went to the other side of town to Resorts Casino, where we were major cheated via their Public Address system playing one tease-song after another at me, intentionally, or using their typical, even back then before they knew just what they truly had as weaponry, 'ICPE-APE-TECH'. This implanted device may be how they keep such incredibly accurate track, as well as do mind control on people like me, and poor pitiful Latengrate Mister McVeigh as well; if indeed it is true and they used him on a wet-works black-ops mission to blow up the Oklahoma Building!!!!!!!!!!!!! But getting back to last night's nightmares, the fellow on the other end of the desk had some weird type of ash tray and he told me that it was the other part to my daughter's little toy from the early seventies that flashed, only this part projected the image, just like a movie projector also projects the pictures onto a movie screen at a theater. He began to hold it, point it, and then like a frizbee thrower, angled it a bit back and forth just as we do with our cameras that we hold in front of us. This then shot a huge projection out about five hundred feet or so in crystal clear colored imagery. I saw an entire picture of the Earth-Planet out the window, and up a little bit perhaps two hundred feet, to the right of the window; and all around it were brilliantly glowing bright white satellites that were in a perfect lined string around the world. Then he told me to use it and sure enough, it worked for me the same way that it did for him. He told me to open up the little area in the back of this ash tray looking disc that weighed about the same as a gallon of milk, heavy for a weak old person such as myself. I put it down onto the desk in this office and did what the dude told me to do. I opened up the little area and took out a piece of paper that was inside. It was just a child's drawing of the world hanging up above the outside window with a group of bright white lights all around it. The projection was a million times better and more in some ultra terrific splendor than the simple drawn image placed inside of it and drawn by a child or someone like me who has a five year old's art talent when it comes to any kind of drawing. This thing both projected and even exaggerated and made better, what was put inside of it through some wild elaborate computer program that he called a holojected truth amplifier or HTA as he kept calling it over and over. I asked him why it weighed so much, and what was creating the heavy part to it, and he said it is a new battery that can put out ten thousand watts of power, and last for up to ten days 24-7 before running out of juice. That ended that particular dream, but it was a scary dream because it really did seem that I was off-world and suddenly looking out of a window and seeing my world and this dangerous scarey looking string of blinding bright satellites around it. But I got up to get a drink and take a piss, and I fell again back to sleep. Hours later after it was light out, I was suddenly with a large group of people and they were very young like early in their twenties. We were someplace that I have never been in this waking world here, and I had no recollection to any of them from the vantage point of waking life memories either. Suddenly I instantly had a major shit assault and I had shit myself all over, my clothes, my shoes, it was all over the place, more than you could ever imagine. It was the most gross and totally revolting nightmare that I have ever had in my whole goddamn pitiful life!!!!!!!!!! The rest of the nightmare was about trying to get out of the situation or really this time, and quite apropos here, the SHITUATION. Nothing ever worked out. My vehicle had been screwed up, and when someone else told me to use theirs, suddenly whatever was being used to cover up the horrible diareah all over me, was then stripped away and after being discovered, quite naturally I was told that they couldn't help me. Eventually, I ended up in all sorts of vehicles that never worked right, and either I was driving or someone who was in the original large group of people was driving, but in no time flat, the vehicle was fucked up and could go no further. It was a horrible nightmare like nothing I had ever experienced before. Now there is more to both these wild nightmares, the world with the string of bright satellites and the shitting myself nightmares, but for now, I never told you the wild nightmare from Thursday when I expected ALL TOTAL HELLFIRE to again bust out around me, ONLY IT NEVER DID, and I need to tell you about it. I was at 1802 RH Apartments, AGAIN, WEIN; and for the first time ever, I have been in a parallel universe with one of my neighbors from here, Mister Mexico. We actually were FRIENDS, can you possibly fucking imagine thissssssssssssssssssssss, oh lovely ERICA SNAKES KANE of 1983????? The two of us were actually working on this wild song together, and we were in each others apartments. It was more realistic than any wild dream that I have had in a very long time, maybe even a tad bit more realistic than back in 1980, at 1802, with the Love Is For Carpenters (LOIS FOCA) Song, 40 YEARS FUCKING AGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Again, this wild dream and the two from last night that came two or three nights later, can be further discussed should I feel the need to do this, later on at other times. Still, after that other powerhouse fucking experience and then waking up and within an hour having that day of days times a zillion to the puuker power of a zillion; you can see why I thought that day would be off the scales wicked TOO, only it was naut, Mizz AT&T Blake and Mister TOOthpaste Microsucks!!!!!!

Yes, the mechanic I go to, unless I need to leave the car for an extended time and have to use the nearby place that charges more money and that I do not completely trust, up on 35th Street, knew Mike as well as his brother Joe; seemingly has strange effects with my life, unless the more rational explanation is what is happening whereby he contacts them whenever I do show up there to either talk to him or have some automobile mechanical work performed. I told on a recent blog how one of his hired helpers, in the same league with those who worked at Delmo Cifaloglio's place in Jersey; came into the office from the outer garage area, humming a tune that I later recognized quite well as something that I had also written long ago, but not part of those DEMO-DELMO group of tunes. There is also a lot more to this tale, but I may or may not continue with things, as I totally need my mechanic. He is good, and he most definitely has the best prices in town. So to put it quite bluntly here, I don't dare fuck with THAT!!!!!

My 'L&O' TV-Show was off yesterday on SUNDANCE, which totally pissed me off. All I can do is hope that it was off due to the non recognized holiday, so far anyway; and I hope it does become a recognized one as we all remember so well just how many years it took to get the KING HOLIDAY recognized, and yes, I speak of JUNETEENTH, but I will admit something to all of you. I had no clue what this was until just a short while ago when this all went down with TRUMP. People love to proclaim all sorts of untrue things, as we all know only too damn well. Some think that a supposedly caucasion man who was unaware of this day is a racist. This is truth. The new PC movement of the nineties started many such rotten lies. I am someone who grew up with a very racist mother and I had a lot of it instilled into me, but as I grew into adulthood, I began to see more and more how my mother was a turd and a pig for thinking many things that she did; and a lot of it comes very clear to me after I saw one particular powerhouse show on TV. This was one of the 'L&O' TV shows, and after many years of seeing that episode with the man who was 'passing for white' Mister Burdett; I can now put myself into the mother fucking shoes of that 'poor pitiful' little skinny kid son of that racist bitch white mom who Jack McCoy said to the lady concerning him, “You even hate your son”! My mom knew the great Toledo, Ohio secret. She never wanted me to ever have anything but pain and misery, and NOW GODDAMN IT, I KNOW WHY. It all has come clear to me, so WOW, I have arrived, and also, I have now come into my own special PERSONAL JUNETEENTH DAY, as it all went down at the same time that I learned of that day, and its meaning a week or two ago, due to the issues with President Chump-Rump, and ALSO PUT TOGETHER THE REASONS THAT MY MOM HATED ME SO MUCH TOO, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!! So many things have all been cleared up for me. And this ALL JUST HAPPENED NOW, and for THE GREATEST FATHERS DAY GIFT POSSIBLE! All sorts of mother fucking dogshit has now been totally cleared the Christ up for me. Yo if you're out there Tom Speers and have not yet departed this poor pitiful veil of fucking tears, yo; we all know why she drank like a tank of fucking fish, and why she did so many horrible mean things to me all of my life; and leaving me here all alone with no wife or family, or anyone to care at all about me. She spent her entire life making good and sure that I would die alone and miserable, totally down and out, without one single mother fucking soul to care one shit bit iota about me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope my mother is burning in GODDAMN HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Another thing that peeps who have huge vested interests and agendas about and with that concerns not believing in so-called invisible/supernatural stuff such as what has surrounded the Mountainpen, ever since he was born as Mark Wayne Mohr, back on 4 December of 1954 at 9:30, on that Saturday DAY-OF-WOE (SATURDAY'S CHILD) as spoken of in the great old wise fairy-tales morning; would be the two hugest and most quintessentially powerful psychic experiences that I have had, after we dismiss dozens of other smaller ones such as the German Shepard Dog named Roger on the Quakertown, PAUSAESMWG Farm owned by Mister Harold Shat, and without the Captain Kirk second syllable of 'NER', when this dog who literally wanted to have me for dinner that day, while I was playing near the mobile home, at the age of about six years there, up high on the hill, and centered smack dab fully in-between virtually endless acres of cornfields as well as not yet realized dreams of Sir Kevin Costner, and so much more, yo; but that time where I did not perceive the dog near me ready to take me apart, yet suddenly began running for the mobile home with that monster animal right behind me and fantasizing about the taste of my blood. No we won't include that or dozens of other similar psychic experiences here, but rather will be concentrating on the two greatest ones, at least in my humble opinion (IMHO)!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Those are none other than the wild dream shortly after another wild dream, perhaps two or three or four months somewhere in there, after the 'LOVE IS FOR CARPENTERS' or 'LOIS FOCA' SONG experience, in the 1980 year. I speak here of the 'other dream' where I found myself on a bus in Pennsylvania somewhere with a heavy set lady with a weird very large black cat that was sitting right on her lap, who was able to speak in ENGLISH verbiage of Earthy-Planet translation. Before I even tried to pet him, he meowed at me and then suddenly in a similar 'meow sound', I could hear the words as plain as daylight magnified from a mountain top, “DIE, DIE, DIE”! That is when I then responded to the lady in that wild and totally outlandish dream, “Your cat is telling me to die”! She then responded back to me with, “No he isn't telling you to die but rather he is giving you the number that will come out later today in the Pennsylvania Lottery's PICK-3 outcome”. I stared at her and then at her cat, and then the bus stopped and we all got off at some local neighborhood type of bar that was situated somewhere either in the outskirts of Philadelphia, or some area that was not too far away from there. She got off the bus still holding her cat, and then I followed her as I wanted to learn more. We entered the bar and we both sat down, and all bars even back then had TV-sets playing in the room usually on the wall over the inside of the bar where the bartenders only would be. It was almost seven in the evening as we both sat down at the bar, and I instantly observed the ending of the World News on the Philadelphia Network station that always carried the Pennsylvania Lottery Outcome before beginning the programming for the seven of the clock television schedule. Sure enough, on came the old farts who always spun the bucket for getting the outcome numbers, and the number came out 4-9-5. I told the lady to look up and see it just as it was happening, and then she told me, “Always remember that the cat knows the 3-DIGIT Lottery Pick-It result, but only for the Pennsylvania Lottery, and also that it may come out STRAIGHT or it also may come out BOXED. She used the words of 'scrambled up' then in the dream, as then in waking life, the term of BOXED would have been quite meaningless to me since I was not a lottery player, and I would not have known what she was talking about if she had used that term. But sure enough that was where the dream seemed to end, and later on that day after driving to my job at the RPL Sound Recording Studio in Camden, NJUSAESMWG, I went to take an early lunch-break from 6:45 until 7:15 rather than the normal break time of 9:00 until 9:30, since my night-boss Mister Don Cialoni did not care when I took it as long as it was a thirty minute break and I punched out and back in on the time clock as the rest of Joann's “NIGHT SHIFT did as well!!!!!!!!!!!!! I nearly shit myself when the middle of my break with the Lobby-TV-Set on and me right there eating my lunch at one of the table and seating areas, the Lottery Results came on and those old farts, NOW MY AGE I SUPPOSE, came on and the number ended up as 5-9-4, or the BOXED predicted number of 4-9-5. Now how and what is behind the originally predicted number of 4-9-5 is another part to this beyond fucking amazing story on steroids. The lady told me that the words meowed by her magical cat, were always going to correspond with their alphabet letters and their arrangement in chronological order, such as 'A' letter being the number 1 letter of the alphabet, the 'B' letter being the number 2 letter of the alphabet, all the way to the final 'Z' letter being the number 26th letter of the alphabet, so that the word meowed at me on that bus, of 'DIE', or 'D-I-E', was really a 4-9-5 prediction for that day's results of the Pennsylvania Lottery's PICK-3 results. And then all BOXED COMBINATIONS may also be the one that comes out if the straight number itself does not, so the player with this cat needs to always buy the non hooker employees 'Joann/a' ticket as “STRAIGHT AND BOXED”. So cut me a break here willya' Mizz Leo WOMO Margie, and all lovely MO's everywhere, PWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZE!!!!!!! Now, let us go to the powerhouse psychic experience that totally tops the number 2 one, just discussed here; me' great folks and BLOGAUDIANS! I speak of waking from another absurd and crazy ass dream in the spring time in the year of 1970 somewhere, while residing at the Dellway Arms Apartments on Oakland Avenue in Oaklyn, NJUSAESMWG, Apartment #O-15, which incidentally, speaking of WILD JAMES REDFIELD SYNCHRONICITY SYNDROMES AS WELL AS MAGICAL AND INCREDIBLE HUGE BLACK CATS NAMED GAWKY GAUKAUK; these apartments had legal mailing addresses that were operated in the precise manner as the magical black cat's lottery picking system, that many decades later on will come to be known by the MOUNTAINPEN as the GAWNUM, short for Gawky's Numerology. Now there is nothing new about this type of occult-numerological science, and it has most definitely been around for centuries, and I know that for sure, but you're all free to fact check me on this, and as always I love it when you do these things and then come to prove me correct and see for yourselves that I am not ever making up crazy stories here that are based on either deluded insanity or motives of a spurious and negative nature for purposes of furthering my own agendas. PLEASE FOLKS, ALWAYS FACT CHECK THINGS THAT I SAY IF YOU ARE NOT ALREADY POCESSING KNOWLEDGE THAT I AM SPEAKING ABSOLUTE TRUTHS IN THIS MORIANITY BOM-BLOG, PLEEEEEEEEEEEZE!!! So moving along with this now great peeps, I was living at 1802 Robin Hill during the wild dream with the magical black cat who later on in other following dreams admitted his name to me while in the Carriage Lamp Apartments in the year of 1976, and after sticking a walkie-talkie antenna into an outlet that I thought then in my total fucking wacked out ignorance was a radio antenna that might amplify the walkie-talkie, but rather was a 220 volt air conditioner bedroom receptical, and I ended up Astrally for a while with Professor Gaukauk of the great Olympian Province's TECK BAY Mystery School, where he is Head-Master-Controller as they label it there in Purgatory, and he had then cut me into little pieces and told me I would wake back up now on the mortal world in my bedroom at the apartment there, and sure enough, I did, and scared out of my wits at the tender age of 22 years. But this second experience concerning the great Astral Professor who dreams here as a powerful and extra large black tomcat, in many parallel universe locales accessible of course only through and by way of DREAMS since we are talking about 5th dimensional fabric of the hyperspace. But before I ever knew Gawky the magical cat or Professor of Purgatory's great Teck Bay Mystery School, I had placed an ad in the 'situations wanted' section of the Press of Atlantic City, saying that I was looking for summer work for room and board, and that is when Tom Reale answered the ad, and the rest you all know about by now I'm quite sure, as that child molesting scumbag answered it, and indeed molested me in 1970; but before I even placed this ad in the paper by at least two months or so, early in the 1970 year, and at the Dellway Arms CHAIN-STOLEN SARAH KRASSLE Apartment; I had fallen asleep one night early, around just shy of ten, and was feeling just exactly as I did last night, a bit under the weather, or perhaps under the tunnels of Lindenwold-Liverpool; huh Mister Educator Cooley Hall Count Vonrussell Marcucci, sir???????????? When I had fallen asleep, my mom's boyfriend, Mister Sidney 'Cohen' Crown, was in the apartment with my mom; and then when I woke up around one or so in the morning, he was still there, as when he visited, he would normally stay until around two or so. I remember all of this more clearly than I can see my hands in front of me right now, typing on these little black fucking computer keys, yo!!!!!!!!! I sprung out of bed and I insisted on telling my 'super bizarre dream' to my mom, only I did not word it like that at all. To me, it was not a dream. To me, IT WAS ABSOLUTELY REAL, AND IT FUCKING HAPPENED, and I got more angry and frustrated when I kept trying to tell my mom my address where I would be staying at in the coming summer time. Remember that at this point, I hadn't yet even placed an ad in the 'situations wanted' part of the newspaper. This was still out into the photon projection of the eternal now, or you would all say, in the future. I continued getting more and more anxious and insisted that I was giving my mother my address where I will be staying. After about five to ten minutes of this, I, standing fully upright, began waking up, as I came to see that even as I was telling my mother this with her boyfriend sort of glaring at me, and wondering what looney bin that I had just fucking escaped from; I was actually WAKING UP ON MY FEET, and then I realized that indeed, my mom was telling me both while awake, AND WHILE STANDING THERE UPRIGHT AND COMPLETELY ASLEEP; that I was DREAMING, and she was actually shaking me to wake me up after several minutes of realizing this terrible trance that I seemingly was frozen into. Also now, remember that Mizz Hollister had naut yet shared her magical FASCITAR INFO with me yet through her wild and unobtrusively done stunt that she managed to pull from the office where both she and me' mom were working in those days in Philadelphia, at the 3 Penn Center Plaza Building on Market Street and 15th Street, yo yo yo yo yo yo!!!!! That was all three to four years away from the eternal now's Photon-Projection, unless me' current eternal now's Photon-Memory system is letting me down, and I find THAT to be hardly fucking ass likely, yo yo yo yo!!!!

Now kind and unkind BLOGAUDIANS out here, whichever class ye' may be in; permit, grant, and allow me pweeeeeeeeeeze to share this next major part of that wild TOP 3 PSYCHIC EXPERIENCE with 'challs' here, yo BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was not one bit familiar with anything south of Southern area Atlantic City in the springtime days of 1970, and after about ten blocks or so south, and past the great Rotunda Monument, where the Black Horse Pike then begins heading westerly into the inland world and away from the Jersey Seashore; I only knew was called the town of non-JRSS 'ventilator Ventnor', and beyond that, the town of Margate, and then the town of Longport. Then beyond this was the great bridge, over to the one and only Ocean City, New Jersey, USAESMWG! Now I had ridden bicycles up on the boardwalk all the way to the end somewhere in southern Margate, but I did not have any occasion to ever go off of it, and then venture westerly into the neighborhoods of those towns. But in this wild 'DREAM' where I was living already that future summer in Ventnor, I remember with complete accuracy how it did indeed match the exact place where child molester (chill-mo) Mister Thomas J. Reale had indeed taken me after answering my ad in the newspaper and driving me down there after picking me up that night at the Oaklyn Chain-Stolen apartment called, “Dellway Arms”! The hotel at the beach was the same structure and exact color, and it was called the SANDS HOTEL. To this day, whether it had any connections to the much later future time casino-days, 'Sands Hotel and Casino' that was built in Central Atlantic City; is anybody's “BEST GUEST GUESS”, although as the great and globally famous expression would indeed be quite apropos here, “GOD (ESS) ONLY KNOWS”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Still, the hotel, the area; it all was the exact same and it all matched the dream 100 mother fucking percent, yo yo yo yo yo BRAHHH!!!!!!!!!!! Hey don't complain lovely SSJKK, you gave me my sense of humor as you gave me and everyone else all of what we have as well for crying out louder than endless groupations of LOUDSPEAKERS!!!!!!!! SO WEEEEEEEEEEEE oh mighty wonderful great powerhouse, Sir Shoeknockeroutter Chester-Frank!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now before resuming me' train of thought here and exposing some truly fucking powerful agendas of the POWERFUL-PEOPLE of the Scott Ransom-Tod Realty-1988 Club of ALL GREAT BUGGED UP CONVERSATIONS everywhere; I tried changing channels on my COMCAST-TV-SYSTEM at exactly 4:44 non Harlem Addresses Post Meridian, and when nothing happened and I was then totally frozen up, I observed a totally black color where it should be BRIGHT BLUE, that little line area on my COMCAST MODEM or whatever they call it. This all happened in a perdy dern mother fucking wild JAMES REDFIELD SYNCHRONICITY SYNDROME (JRSS) TYPE OF WAY, as I was switching back and forth from the afternoon CNN broadcast, to the LAW & ORDER Show on the WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-CHANNEL, and the episode of that 3-PART Hollywood crap is airing, and on this 3rd and final episode, the date shows up as being done on my great daughter's 27th birthday, or 3-27-97. But all of this doesn't explain how I am blogging and watching television at the same time, although I am fully aware that many peeps in this stupid ass digital new-age do in fact perform many multitasking actions, still, I DO NAUT, since I know that the human mind was naut designed to efficiently multitask stuff, and when we do it, no matter who says otherwise; the efficiency of what we are doing with all combined projects or actions, drops to a major place that for me is just absolutely unacceptable, yo yo yo yo yo yo yo BROADCASTED BRO!!!!

© MARK WAYNE MOHR 2006-2020






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© MARK WAYNE MOHR 2006-2020


I have no rights, fellow fucking citizens. I am literally not allowed to breathe, and will be major ass fucking punished for doing so, until I stop doing it all together. That is a total fucking no-brainer, for me, for you; for anyone with an intelligence of a third of a dam ass dog!!!

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Yes there really was, Mizz Virginia Avenue, a Sir James Knowitall Burr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So just what really are powerful LOIS FOCA AGE-10 CONNECTIONS, you may be inquisitive about, or maybe like Cuzz Don, you don't give a shit. Well, don't let him or any other rotten prick in this twisted screwy world try fooling you about their connections with me. They DO give a shit. If they didn't, they wouldn't hack me day and night, and hack out my account with numerous things, such as the County Medicaid Office of Florida.

B-U-T, kind folks, it is time for me now to add something in for you about all this.

My fathers razor was talked about in very early blogs, and how while visiting my mother and I back in the middle sixties in Westmont, New Jersey, his electric shaver in this world, became something entirely different in a dream world that I was in. All I am able to tell, is Shakespeare himself knew about not only Atlantic City and 1965, but he also knew about Sarah's shop on Tennessee Avenue. But without reading his great plays or caring at all about the great classical literature, no one will ever see these powerful and awesome fucking truths. I wonder why this dumbed down world and generation all happened, just like I wonder why all kinds of fuckiGN wacky laws were passed since 1988 regarding PC and I do not mean computers or any other thing, Mister Bill Mawr. Yes Detective Curtis, we're losing people, but the king of the morning light seemed to be onto all of you. The day at the other KING, AKA Burger King, you crooked fuckiGN stupid phone app rip off people; Ann told me some things that are unbloggable. Well, most of my shit is unbloggable, and just because I dared to blog a lot of it doesn't change that whittle fact, Elmer Fwudd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jun 8, 2020 11:00 PM – Jun 15, 2020 10:00 PM

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Folksingers and FOLKS, and Microsucks:

Anyone not able to see what happened to me after posting the blog up before going to bed LAST NIGHT, may have 20-20 or 20-15 or maybe even in rare cases 20-10 physical world eye-vision, but wow is that deceptive because if you really cannot see what I am going through and what this HALLS FAWCE is putting me through in all of this shit, and especially ever since nightmare August 1986 and the 153 day excursion into that “other Atlantic City” after coming back from the fiery Garden State Hospital; well, your TRUE BLINDNESS would never ever make my rotten crappy physical world eyesight problems, ever have any cause at all to envy all of you bottom line easy eye chart readers out there, yo. You all fucking totally kill me. The same shit with the viewership. When my life goes right smack dab off of all dials, this is when I begin to actually get less views. If anyone wishes to supply any comment answer that is 'NAUT-PRISHISH' here, pweeeeeeeeeeeeeze then, feel totally free to do so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So this blog will begin to tie in some pretty wild cohesiveness to my claims and my sad story from hell, without even going one bit into the Hollister situation that we've been kind of harping on for the better part of a year, and just stick with the flip side of that enemy-coin. This would be Mister Trump. Now just because I have recently joked about some things in no way depicts my changing of the guard or going rogue on my normal political party of choice, which is quite blue due to the most powerful reason of all, and that being not only my MAJOR ENDLESS POVERTY SITUATION, but actually being intentionally kept down and poor by some force, that for all I know is party-blind, or it could be coming from either or even both parties. Since I am unable to ever seemingly know what is exactly behind my lifelong horrendous woes concerning them coming from one or both or neither political parties; I cannot in good conscience ever fully argue for or against them, other than for the somewhat common knowledge that democrats seem to favor the poor, while republicans seem to favor the wealthy, every single time, and twice on goddamn Sunday. So since I have been literally forced down by an invisible power or force all of my life, I have had to take into account that small fact and yet I still know that if I want to keep things totally real in all of this, I cannot say anything for absolute sure. But one thing I do know, and that is Mister Trump has been interwoven and interconnected with my life in several powerful ways, up to and including any parallel worlds that I have ever visited in dreams where he does not seem to exist; those realms are where my life is way more normal, and I am not living in some forcibly downtrodden situation. That is probably the very largest of all of this, and due to the fact that the world still insists on seeing things in 3-D and only in 3-D, I cannot use this for my guide in any way that would be legal, or even in a discussion with anyone on a serious or non-metaphysical level; and I totally get that. I am not, despite the world believing otherwise, and especially the many WFMU-Internet Radio Miss Therese's of the land, “insane”, violently or otherwise. So keeping it more 3-D, we have the connections with the King family. We have the connections to my roulette playing and thus gambling in Atlantic City casinos, several of them owned by none other than Mister Trump. And we have that wild television advertisement of the NON 'S-DAY-Lauder' Perfumes, with him, along with my daughter, and of course lovely criminal Mizz Martha. But all of that aside and there are many other smaller items as well, that for sake of saving time and effort, we will pass by at least for now; we also have his father's connection with Public Housing, the parallel event revenge of my using it to play roulette and then followed by his immediate Reagan-Counterattack on me in 1986, with his applying it to and against me, so that he can endlessly prosper and never fail. Another huge connection between us is that he has gone bankrupt on numerous occasions, and yes, so has the Mountainpen. We both understand the tax code, as well as the Bankruptcy Laws of this nation, and yes; we both have used them. There is nothing wrong nor criminal in what either of us did, but in the world of the general public and its ignorance to basic business operations, the masses will always see those who go bankrupt as not smart, or failures, or crooks. This is especially true, or years ago it was, by those who claim to be people of religious and Christian faith. You cannot explain things to them, and they are as closed minded as all of the smelly stiffs in the city morgue. People like Mike in present times, or even forty years ago at RPL with coworker Mashell, to them, bankruptcy is a bad word that makes the word 'fuck' appear pleasant in comparison. There is no changing the masses that choose to remain ignorant to many things. To folks like Mike who claim to not like much governmental and legal policies, it is either criminal or at best it is immoral to use the bankruptcy system in the way that those such as myself or Trump have done, and especially over and over again. The day that we went to Miami in his car, we got talking about how lots of people who own large areas of land, also set aside an area for raising some animals, and do a few necessary things so that they can legally claim to be “a farm”. This saves a large amount of money, even after the expense of doing this, over what they would have had to pay in property taxes every year. To Mike, those peeps are crooks. He is entitled to his opinion, but my rational mind sees things as does Trump. If these things are legally there to be used, then you are a loser and a fool if you don't fucking take advantage of them. To me, it is no different than anyone who just haphazardly spends their money when making purchases, without even trying to get the very best deals, and or max out with sales and discounts. This is how rich fucking people GET RICH. The poor don't understand any of this, even those who think that they do. Take away everything from a rich person, and they will have another brand new fortune within a decade. They will take any amount of income, even as small as mine, set aside a monthly part of it no matter if the sky falls in; and then they know what to do with very small amounts of saved money and before we all know it, they're right back on easy street again, while the 'dumb-poor' remain in what their ignorance forces them to be in all their lives, financially dumb and poor! Dennis Snyder from Jersey said it all, and it fits only too damn well right here and now, “And that's just reality, son”. Hey people this is why Trump is smart, as he understands every single word that I have just typed, and 99% of the rest of the folks around him, and around you and me; simply do not. But Trump will do things that ensure that he gets his way in this life, no matter what. No matter who they hurt, and no matter if the entire world is wiped out as a result. He sees this the way most super-wealthies do, 'the survival of the fittest', which is something contrary to the concept of America and the belief systems that it was all originally founded on so long ago by our great forefathers. Now on a blog about a year ago, I said something like, “Trump will do anything he must to win the 2020 Presidential Election, leaving absolutely no possible evil deed off the table, so long as he knows that he can get away with it”. If it is not an exact quote, it is an exact meaning of the quoted words that I used, and if I ever come across that particular blog, I will of course 'CAP it into' the one I am currently doing. But I'll bet that most of my readers do remember my making that claim, along with also saying that he will do something horrendous if he has to, as HE WILL WIN AT ALL COSTS. Shortly thereafter came the sudden out of nowhere horrible thing that we now all know as the Global Pandemic. This is only half of the evil deed. The other half is based on what he did to win the 2016 election. He managed to somehow get the Public Housing Authority of Fort Pierce to FLOOD OUT MY APARTMENT one evening, through the fire and sprinkler system. This was during the time where I had temporarily stopped blogging from early in 2016 through middle 2018, a period of about 30 months, or two and a half years. There was nothing in my blogs in REAL TIME about this, but when I did begin to blog again in the summer months of 2018, I made sure to tell you all the full story. Now he somehow got a horrible monster to move next door to me, and then simultaneously with this Corona Virus, has forced me to be a prisoner here, every bit as much as if I WERE IN JAIL, as is almost what could be thought of now as my SECOND STOCKHOLM SYNDROME KIDNAPPING, as when you cannot leave a nightmare situation no matter what, then you all tell me what label or name that you would apply to it if this were happening to you. Remember, I predicted and told you all, just as I tell you about huge stock market rally's, and endless bull markets; and how it will shoot way up, when world conditions simply make that happening a complete absurdity, and again, I told how in 2020 this would be done to me, and by TRUMP; and I know for absolute certainty that this is all true and real, and I also know with 100% absolute certainty that there is no way for me to ever prove one word of this to a soul!

I am not a world famous successful writer, and I do not have the talent to do anything other than report my life story, and tell the incredible things that have happened to me since leaving high school at the mysterious Haddonfield's Cooley Hall, at the end of January in 1973. Thus I will not be able to place all of these things into some perfectly chronologically ordered system, like other books and other blogs perhaps. To me, I see time as well as all these events as one huge thing that has no true start or finish, nor middle points, nor any real logic to it; other than some sick Astral-Plane 'GASME GODS GAMES game'; and smarter folks someday, hopefully, will be able to not be so concerned about the many shortcomings of these blogs, and they will then see the powerhouse nightmare that I have been attempting to convey to the world for nearly fifteen years now on this internet system.

Now we're gonna' discuss some other big issues and philosophical concepts that go all the way back to the olden days before we all used number-year calendars, or at least before what recently has been renamed as the common era, and hence after it began with the ever separated life and death of the Lord Jesus Christ, and that being for purposes of the calendar, despite being off by as much as three to six years as many believe; the year 0, and the year 33. It is a topic that human beings have wondered about its mysteries and truths ever since we seemingly began existing here physically. I speak of what else but 'DREAMS', or having them. Now Biblical prophets, according to scriptures recognized by all of the great major religious systems of the world, were taught supposedly by the Almighty GOD; to experience these things, or explain to others who have experienced them, their true meanings, in so far as how they may be somehow magically connected with the waking life we then come back to after our dreams are over and done. What is not ever told because there was no reason for telling it, was the actual mechanics behind why this all operates as it does, and of course those being what Morianity has labeled for many years now, TOWEL-SEEPAGE-EFFECT” of the full 5th dimensional hyperspace matrix where all universes exist inside of, and where we either live physically through our bodies in the waking part of it, or through our virtually countless doubles in virtually limitless parallel or other realities or universes that also occupy this 5th DHS which simply means BOTH our WAKING lives, as well as our combined DREAMING lives. 'TSE' can also be labeled therefore as Hyper Space Mechanics, or sometimes as Hyperspace Equation. But however it is worded, thought about, or realized in any possible way, ever; it is always just that, the combined waking and sleeping lives that all human beings have here on the Earth-Planet, or for the most part here, as some of us have 'traveled' in these alternate realities or dreams, to locales that seemingly are off-world as well!

Ancient Biblical Prophets and the stories told about them in our Christian and other Bibles, are all doing the same thing that I am doing and that all of you are doing, with the exception of becoming somewhat more realized or aware of the process, limited as it may be due to NOT BEING TOLD OF THE HSM behind it all by these “GODS” or God if you will. Not being given all of the story is all a part of this, because not being told many things does indeed effect our entire concept of powerful shit such as life and death, and lots of smaller items as well. The entire deal with FAITH in Christianity especially, is a powerful bunch of stuff in and of itself, as also is knowledge, such as being TOLD certain truths and NOT BEING TOLD all of the powerhouse details that would indeed have great effects ON OUR FAITH LEVELS AS HUMAN BEINGS, and most likely even obedience levels, such as the ancient story with the biblical Garden Of Eden. Even if we all knew and remembered all sorts of shit from the ASTRAL-PLANE, other people would always be around to try and convince us that it is all some illusion, mirage, delusion, trick, false perception or misunderstanding, false memory, and this list can literally trudge on and on here, and I'll make fucking book that just about anyone out here reading this, knows thissssssss, Mizz lovely Erica 1983 Snakes Cane of “All My Children”-TV-Show!!!

These same FAITH-LEVELS is why nobody can do the miracles of Jesus, and I don't care how many scriptures have been totally misinterpreted by phony ass Christians, or all of the fake Televangelists out there who are making multiple millions of dollars ripping ignorant asshole believers off every damn day, and five times on Sundays; the truth is that ONLY the LORD JESUS walked on water and raised the dead and used whatever tool was needed to duplicate or replicate food or alter the atomic structure of water so that it became wine and on and on and on, and I turn off any TV program where some charlatan fake God-Lover is telling an audience that this is not so, and I do it so fast that it makes the fucking velocity of the photons quite envious of me. The only thing that separates our ability or lack thereof from accomplishing these god-like 'miraculous events', is our level or DEGREE OF BELIEF in its reality to be done. You can be sure 99.99999999% about all things, and I will prove my point here to all of my readers 'right here and right now', lovely Lou VanBuren of “L&O”. If someone told me and could guarantee to my satisfaction that the deal would be honored, that I may make a wager that the world will be here in 24 hours, and not wiped out by a magnatar that has been coming at us for half a million years from out beyond our galaxy, that will rip our atmosphere completely off and kill us all, and for doing this I will be paid fifty million bucks, but if I lose the wager I must be taken to DOGTOWN for a 20 Minnina-Kalpa interaction in the Purgatory, I would not accept the risk, as I know and I remember the beyond tortuous monstrous nightmare of being in DOGTOWN, even if the wager was changed to where I had to spend but a day there, or what would seem to be a day if measured humanly back here in the mortal temporal realm. We are just opening up the discussions now on measuring with some meaningful amount, the levels and degrees of FAITH and BELIEFS in things that are intangible, abstract, and not absolutely provable to our five senses. If anyone could alter their 99.99999999999% almost total belief and faith degree in anything, we could do anything, because this entire interaction of physical-plane reality is pure illusion and only here because our true self has divided its beingness by light speed squared. You could fall off a mountain cliff and start to float or fly, you could command stones to become food, you could actually tell a mountain to crumble and fall or tell the sea to mount up in 1,000 foot swells and cover the inland areas of the world with flooded destruction. Even Apollo Lucifer, when here on the physical plane; cannot ever reach 100% FAITH and BELIEF in his powers. Now there is a trick to mastering small amounts of this power, and that trick is being fooled by convincing our waking brain that we are still in alternate realities where some of these wild things can in fact be done as I am speaking of very distant hyperspace locales here. For example, the night at the Crystal Lake Diner back early in 1995, while I resided at the Highview Apartments and was out having dinner with my pal Sir David Roth, where I made that 500 pound spinning cake and pie rotisserie at the counter literally stop, and then instantly reverse its directional spin to a counter-clockwise left spin, from its normal clockwise right spin action; I fully was in what I now label as a WDI, having nothing to do with driving while drunk, but rather those initials when scrambled a bit, stands for a Waking-Dream Interaction. Many have heard of sleep-walkers and sleep-walking, but this peculiar phenomenon has ways of being manipulated, once a proper knowledge to many hidden things are known about. A person can be control-hypnotized by ones OWN SELF, to go to sleep, and then after normally waking up, telling yourself that certain things done over in that parallel reality where you just came out of, you also can do here, and without so much as one small doubt about it, Miss Chillie, and Mister McKinnon. This and only this is how come I have been able to do many wild things, and once our faith is built to higher and higher levels, it stands to reason that as a direct result of that, our doubts are slowly squeezed more and more totally out of existence, and to the point of reaching a faith to doubt ratio of a full 0:100 level or DEGREE OF TOTALITY, as I have named and labeled it. This is how I used to be able to 'think forward', and move through water, and even air; totally weightless, many times in the past. In 1975 I could re-channel my energy reality, back to where I was in what people call 'flying dreams', and then after awakening; I was able to think that it was just totally natural to jump off ladders and not come crashing to the ground, but if I had one speck of doubt about it, and I mean one tiny infinitesimal speck, I would have fallen down hard, and been injured. The mind is everything to put it mildly, but what is in the mind is equally major important, as what we do not consciously have awareness or knowledge to, WE DO NOT HAVE IT, and it is no different at all from the example I've given so many times about the guy who buys a home and lives there thirty years, and then moves away or dies; and the entire time hidden behind some attic panel, was a diamond the size of a typewriter or eighty million bucks cash. What you don't know of or understand, EVEN IF YOU HAVE IT, John Gillerlain, and Miss Sanderson, 'star-wheels and all', from 1971; is absolutely fucking ass MEANINGLESS, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes John, I had it and I didn't know what to do with it. You were right all along, and I know this now from a vantage point of being here half a century later, broke, miserable, and in HELL. But that isn't me' fucking point here, so let me get back to that. Faith and beliefs are based on several things, and don't let any religious mother fucker out there lie to any of you, and tell you that what I'm now going to say here is a goddamn lie. Yes Christians have lots of faith, and really good practicing ones after one and two and three or more decades really do become 'serious believers', to use one way of saying it. But 99.9999% and 100%, are two bridge ends, that are in no way ever brought together by any human world highway or road system; and THAT, I promise all of you right now, yo!!!!!!!! Only setting stuff up that can domino in effect, can really bring that OTHER 'FDR' (Faith-Doubt Ratio) to the necessary 100%, because it is a way for actually SEEING THE PROOF of what you believe in, and this is what I mean. I would not make that bet for all that money that I mentioned a while back because I cannot know about the magnatar. The odds would give me a zillions to one chance against not being taken to HELL, but if you think I would take ANY CHANCE whatsoever of being in DOGTOWN, you are totally fucking nuts as shit. But ask me if I would bet $1,000.00 right now on if the scientific community would validate my Parallel Event to the DJIA Stock Market after doing extensive careful honest research on it, and if I lose, I will have to live here with this horrible monster nabe for the rest of my life, I would absolutely make the wager and collect a nice easy thousand! I KNOW that this is real because I'VE SEEN IT, not once or twice, but literally fifty thousand times; and I know it is real, this time, any time, with or without any disco queens, song teases; or reevaluation of any preconceived fucking notions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now when I built Magnesonic back in the nineteen eighties, I saw this metaphysical damn shit work over and over, sort of like Christians seeing God answering their prayers. But we all know that God does not say “YES” to all prayers, and when I wanted 'MAGGIE' to do something, I didn't want to hear any “NO” responses. A NO from GOD is sort of like having the prayer unanswered, despite how many Christian explaining it all away so well. I saw the machine work over and over, slowly lowering my doubt to its power, and slowly raising my beliefs that it does really work in the tangible and physical world. So then I would have even more belief and faith the next time I used the punishment sequencing crush destruct system, and then when more earth surface disturbances happened, and more aerial vehicles kept crashing out of nowhere; I would absolutely have a continual FAITH-LEVELING domino effect, to use it more, and then see it work and believe more, and the cycle just went on. This as well as my ability to control motion, is all a part of a complicated series of items that all totally interconnect with all of this. For all I know, and when I don't know I say I don't know, but just maybe, Einstein's “SPOOKY FORCES” deal is all mixed in with this wild truth. The reason perhaps that atomic energies are all connected together, despite the great spaces that may lay in-between them; all has to do with the fact that to ENERGY, there is no separation of time or space or actually, SPACE-TIME. But in addition, the reason for the interconnectiveness to all things, or the way that dots seem to indeed come together right down to names, and letters, and numbers, and all of this and more; is most likely due to the fact that each of these 5-D dots on this 5-D matrix of HYPERSPACE, where all of this is existing in whether it has been multiplied by or divided by C-SQ; is indeed due to each of these DOTS being assigned a COSMIC-NUMERATION, and just as with real human Earthly numbers, some of them go into others, and some do not, and some of them are rational, and some of them are irrational numbers, and on and on along those lines, mathematically!!!!!!!!! Hey, I said I don't know, BUTTERCHEESE and BIG ASS BUTT BUT peeps; this potential explanation makes every bit as much sense as any other one that could ever be dreamed up by anyone, ever, at any time!!!!!!!!!! And indeed, THAT, is why my 1994 BOOK, “TPB” was filled with my discussing that very same exact thing, upon several fucking occasions. It is now seventeen fucking minutes past nine on this Wednesday night, and my COMCAST SERVICE was just fucked up and HACKED. I was watching the TV and had just switched from one channel to another one, and then the little blue line on the TV box went black dark and no commands on their remote device worked. I unplugged it and plugged it back in, and it is now rebooting. I will tell you what happens. Also yesterday morning, I called the office of Governor Desantis, and left a voice mail about my trying to move during the pandemic, and I have not had a call back, and it has been two business days now. I will have to make some kind of other plans now for getting my very needed information, as these prick enemies in that state capitol won't ever help me and I should have known better; but hey, at least I tried, and now it is just more ammunition for my tell-tale arsenal of counter attacks for my blogs as well as my files, as well as my mental memory. There's nothing fucking wrong with the modem service as all the right lights are blinking or holding solid, in all of the places where they should, when and if the device is functioning all right. It is now 9:29 and all Comcast Services have resumed their normal functions again. Agent Condor and Agent Falcon on WPIX-TV Channel-11, NYNY, said it all in their very fucking fantastic documentary show from 1988, called “UFO, The Coverup”. “I will never have a moments peace for the rest of my life”. This was the most accurately depicted quotation that I can incorporate into my own life's situation and circumstances, ever spoken by human beings of this mother fucking EARTH-PLANET if I do have to say so me'self, yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo!

There were powerful reasons that I was excluded from the Residence Meeting here back on Monday morning the fifteenth of June, at eleven of the fucking clock, and although I was not banned or barred from it literally, they made good and damn sure that I WOULD INDEED MISS OUT ON IT, since the PH Authorities were all here, and I could if nothing at all else, have politely asked or demanded if need be, to be 'PLACED ON A WAITING LIST FOR A QUIETER AREA UP ON 17th STREET FOR ELDERS SUCH AS ME'!!!!!!! Every turn is being intentionally road blocked away from my ability to do any tiny little thing, and this shituation of life has literally been going on now since early the previous decade, and worsening more and more ONCE TRUMP THREW HIS HAT INTO THE MOTHER FUCKING 2016 ELECTION!!!!!! I am in no way imagining any of this goddamn mother fucking dogshit. They used to leave notes at all the doors of the residents every time ANY MEETING was to be held in the Community Room, and that stopped as you all know around a year ago or so. But that lame bullshit about the Crime-Watch dude at the desk, going up on the floors and walking up and down, hollering about it at the very last minute, as if he was some middle or late nineteenth century English Town Crier announcing the “ALL IS WELL” after all of the “O'CLOCK CLOCK HOURS”; is totally beyond the lovely great Queen-Katy's 1997 WEEDEEKAWUSS nonsensical pig crap at light speed cubed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Speaking of the building, at just shy of half past eleven, we had a late hour FIRE ALARM go off, and it was deactivated after a short ten minutes or so, by the local Ladder Engine Company just down the street a ways.

Trump is having another one of his stupid idiotic huge RALLY'S this coming Saturday somewhere in the mid-western part of the country. He insists that we are winding down now with our pandemic problems, which is utter nonsense, and right on par IMHO with the PHA's building-Town Crier announcing a LAST SECOND Resident's Meeting. Still, he is no mother fucking dummy, just as I said. He knows that politically he must do this and say all these things, and he can always count on his base of followers to follow him literally into, and throughout DOGTOWN itself. Anyone who doubts this is the fool, not any of them. But he knows how to always properly gamble and why not as a fucking global casino owner? But he knows that many people will come and then spread this goddamn virus all over the place, so he is making everyone who attends it to sign legal forms that totally hold blameless him, his organization, or anything at all that pertains to it, so nobody can get sick and then sue! Trump is a LEGAL BEAGLE, and as I said on earlier parts of this blog back yesterday, he is not afraid to apply any and all legal strategies in order to accomplish his rotten selfish evil goals and objectives!!!!!!!!!! WEIN-SOSO-SSDD???

Trumps most recent and urgent problem is his former black-ops agency employee who is no longer working with the government and has written a TELL-ALL book about the great Almighty Sir Donald John Trump, whose name is Sir Agent Bolton. I am clueless to all the possible piles of nasty shit that may be in there, and he is doing every possible thing that he can do including suing him before this book is even out; to stop it from getting into the public domain, so it must be a real, and to quote the wonderful, awesome, and previous great gentleman president, Sir Barack Obama, “Doozie-Whopper”, yo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can only imagine what it all could be about but if it does come out, I will spend the money to get me a copy of it. IPYT!!!!!!!!!!!! No matter what this book will tell, I doubt it will even contain any really powerful ASTRAL-PLANE INFORMATION, such as how the James Redfield 'JRSS' Synchronicity Syndrome of endless dot connectiveness, is all part of the TRUMP NIGHTMARE toothpaste TOO, Sir Microsucks Corporation. Laugh all you want to, and call me a sicko deluded paranoid nut-job psychotic loony-tune schizophrenic if it makes you feel better, but all things do indeed connect; and they are not happening for random no-good reasons, right down to words and names and numbers; and all of it. Call it magical thinking all you want to, but I know that if properly used and properly understood and applied to life's numerous situations; truths will endlessly and perhaps slowly, become revealed to all seekers that apply the intentional usage of the JRSS. Why does Mister Trump have this major powerful affinity for a drug that is used, and has been used for many decades, hydrochloraquin, or however it is spelled and said; for fighting our CVGP shituation (Corona Virus Global Pandemic)????????? Well, right away comes a completely unmistakable item that if you choose to ignore, you are a Morianity Denier at a full on top level, a dues paying button on the lapel claiming member of the Anti-Morianity Society. This 'magic drug' that is anything BUT a cure or even a decent treatment for the CV, is and has been for a very long time, a medication for the treatment of a disease that literally means “BAD AIR”, and is named Malaria, and that may or may not also be misspelled here. But what is Trump's wife's name for crying out loud? The similarity is almost as close as the combined Summer-Carey Millie Vanillie Lip-Synched Vocoder vocal sampled sound track nightmare from 1980, that was done to me for reasons that go beyond mortal plane fathomability; but this was all indeed done to me at the Maxfield Studio on the 1st day in May of the unforgettable year of 1980, in Cherry Hill, NJUSAESMWG, on Beidamin Avenue near the Garden State Race Track!!!!!

All dots connect, and Albert Einstein himself, although he put it like a young teen aged kid frustrated with why his parents wouldn't let him go out to a party one night; was just as frustrated by particles that were able to be in communication with each other, with no rational or reasonable scientific explanation in those days and times being available to make any sense of it; and he named his quite mysteries physics finding, “Spooky Forces”; and this is absolutely no different at all to why the JRSS deal works as it does!!!!!!!!!!!! All of this shit will be greatly delved more deeply into as more blogs keep on going, as will many older things that again, all connect up. I may not know at the exact second just how all of my shit fits together when I appear to be opening up new concepts and ideas from time to time, but I know that as time goes on, it WILL BE REVEALED to me, through and via the Biblical Promise of asking, seeking, knocking, or as I will call this from now on, the BP-ASK (Biblical Promise of ASK-SEEK-KNOCK), and yes, read the four fucking Gospels and don't ever take the Mountainpen's word for anything when you don't have to. I would never ever want a single soul to do that. I want you to see my shit is real for yourselves, yo BRRRRRRR!!!! And for all of the great and Almighty Listener Therese's out there in the world; I bid you adieu and 'good night', along with Sir Coral Anderton, and Sir Adam Schiff of “L&O”!!!!!!!!


At the risk of being pigeonholed as the Girl Who Writes About Crazy Cursing Dudes, I bring you Mark from New Jersey. Mark has far-ranging theories on time travel, Armageddon, roulette and Donna Summer (the DEVIL!), which he angrily discusses in various telephone conversations.

Station Manager Ken clued me in to this fella recently. He was given a CD called “The Meaning of Life.” The back copy states that it was made from a cassette found on the side of the road bearing the same title. He’s really difficult to listen to, for a couple of reasons- The recordings only capture Mark’s side of the conversation and they seem to have been recorded either by a microphone placed somewhere in the room or possibly while Mark was standing outside on a windy day. More importantly, he is insane. Completely, violently insane.

Mark claims to be both a time traveler and a descendant of King David. His family will bring about the apocalypse through the activation of the Christ Android, currently dormant inside the 12 Planet. And also that the 50 richest families in the world are trying to do him in. Covertly, of course. Also against him is Donna Summer, the Devil. (Whether he means the disco Donna Summer, or WFMU’s own Jason Forrest isn’t clear.)

Here then, are three selections from Mark’s version of reality:

If you need more Mark from NJ, Aquarius Records would be happy to sell you a cd-r.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go cover my windows with aluminum foil.

Posted by Listener Therese on December 12, 2006 at 01:28 AM in Audio Mysteries, MP3s, New Jersey, Religion | Permalink

But yes, if they are wrong and I am totally rational and sane, and this is all true and not made up because I am some nutcase who loves to just make up wacky shit for no reason at all, and screw with the reputations of otherwise good folksingers and FOLKS all over the world; well then, if indeed I am part of a group where life and death technology is all just par and parcel for everyday shit that they do to me for kicks and just for the sake of nothing else; well, then religion and all shit connected to it and with it all over the entire EARTH-PLANET is all one huge gigantic BALLOON-HOAX and absolute crock of shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now many people would kill to keep THAT SECRET OFF THE NEWSTANDS, am I wrong, yo??????????

So you now have just awakened into a life out of nowhere, where you seemingly have nothing go right, day after day, year after year, no matter what you do, or how hard you try; and it makes Murphy and his law of everything going wrong, look tame in fucking comparison. Then you suddenly come to meet some people who have the ability to do this and cause you agony forever, and are enjoying it. If you prefer, you can imagine an example here where you suddenly remember people in your past, and come to see as clearly as daylight on a fucking mountain top, that the only thing that explains what is happening to your entire life, is them doing this to you. Now you in this example, and for the sake of taking this little journey with me here; fully know this influence & domination ability is absolutely real, and that some people seemingly have this horrible gift, and are indeed using it!!!!!!!! You now are convinced without the smallest shadow of a mother fucking doubt, that they can do these things to you and most likely have done things such as this to you in the past, and that they and pals of theirs are even still at it, and yet you have no way of ever getting to them, or at them, as they now are totally fucking able to remain in the protected shadows of some quintessential closets! You literally know that indeed, surrounding your life are real living flesh and blood Star Trek type of TELLOSIANS, with this total mind control power, and that they are absolutely without a doubt responsible for messing up your entire life, and are enjoying if you will, THE SHOW of seeing you react like a caged tortured fucking pathetic animal, with no way out except possibly an eventual suicide; and then you even come to the epitome of hellishness, when after numerous unexplainable incidents, you realize that EVEN SUICIDE IS IMPOSSIBLE, and you, for whatever reason, CANNOT DIE AND REMAIN DEAD, as other mortals seemingly are able to do, in this simulationogram, or COSMOS!!! This will lead now to my final diatribe and soapbox complaining nightmare, on unimaginable tons of mega steroids. I have DIED NINE TIMES BETWEEN 1976 AND 2007. Here is a list of remembered situations that go beyond any way of really ever discussing them seriously in a public forum, for fear of being literally taken to the Wright Patterson AFB, and becoming dissected! Of course, that won't end my nightmare hellishness either, but I don't need the additional horrific shit that would be entailed. I am not going to be specific right now, and merely am going to do a very quick outline for the record, but I swear under citizenship of the USA, and my Almighty Goddess SSJKK (God Almighty), and so if I am trying to deceive anyone here, or am intentionally lying; I hope to go to hell for all eternity, and I hope to go to prison for the rest of my miserable rotten stinking life as Mark Wayne Mohr as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

INCIDENT #1----YEAR----1976

At my apartment in Clementon, NJ-USA

Plugged a walkie-talkie antenna into a 220 volt air conditioner electrical receptical. Saw blinding flash. Heard deafening snap sound. Met Professor Gaukauk for the first time, and he told me I was dead, and that I would not remain dead.

INCIDENT #2----YEAR----1982

Driving on Route 30 in Audubon, NJ-USA.

Truck in opposing lane blocked my view and I thought no one was coming after the truck, and I stupidly made a left turn near Station Avenue one morning, going to the home of mom's gal pal, Mizz Audrey Heller. A horrendous fatal collision happened and then suddenly, I felt dizzy, and then found myself one minute later driving down the side street to Mizz Heller's home; myself and the vehicle totally in tact, yet I absolutely remember wrecking out and dying.

INCIDENT #3----YEAR----1983

Driving on Route 30 in Ancora, NJ-USA.

Was newly on a prescribed medication by my Westmont Doctor, Frank Addiego-MD, called 'Ativan' with the current era generic name of 'Lorazepam', an anti-anxiety medication high dosage of 4 Mg daily, that made me get very sleepy when driving many times. While heading west on the road late at night with no one around, I crashed into a large structure beyond the road's shoulder that is a concrete simulation of a wine bottle advertising a local winery. Right after I was smashed to bits, I was again driving and just as it was about to happen in a weird echo type of repeating reality; a voice yelled out my name, some religious folks told me it is a guardian angel. I heard a super loud shout as plain as day, “MARK”, giving me half a second to wake up, and steer back onto the road, where I nearly wrecked out, but miraculously managed to recover control of me' vehicle.

INCIDENT #4----YEAR----1984

Driving on Route 130 in West Collingswood, NJ-USA.

While driving back from Atlantic City, and living in Cinnaminson, NJ-USA; I again fell asleep while driving me' vehicle, due to the high dosage of ATIVAN I was taking daily for a mysterious and unexplainable medical condition, that is still with me to this very day, up here in the 2020 Year of our Lord (AD-Ano Dominae). At that time, this highway had a non concrete barrier between directional lanes in that area, and it was all just a wide area of grass. Suddenly I fell asleep and found myself at a high rate of speed, roaring across the grass median right into oncoming traffic. I crashed and died. Then I suddenly found myself instantly repeating the crash, and then again was sent back several seconds while on the grass median, and I instantly turned the steering wheel, and I managed to regain control, and got back on the normal lane that I needed to be on and fortunately no other vehicles were nearby going in the direction that I was heading home on, northwesterly.

INCIDENT #5----YEAR----1985

Living at Highview in Williamstown, and while driving on a side road going to work at Bechtel Power, as a Security Guard; I was approaching the main intersection at a traffic light, Route 45. I had my car stereo up loud, and did not hear the police car zooming down Route 45 heading westerly. We collided, and I remember seeing this officer's EYEBALLS, and for whatever reason, that stayed with me in a huge way. His eyeballs literally went right through my face, and both of our vehicles were mangled and wiped out, and we of course were cut to pieces and were dead. Then, suddenly I saw his eyeballs again in front of mine, closer than any two people ever could be in a real waking situation. Then I was dizzy for a few seconds, and then I found myself on the other end of the intersection. I made it through and neither he nor I were any worse for wear. The entire incident is somehow being uncreated in my opinion, with some beyond unfathomable ultra-high-tech.

INCIDENT #6----YEAR----1995

Dave Roth and I went to a WAWA Convenience Store late one night while I resided at Highview in Williamstown, NJ-USA and the weather was hot and oppressive, without a cloud in the moonlit sky. Suddenly while I was in the store, I was looking at something that I was not sure whether to buy it or not, and Dave had only been in the store with me for maybe two minutes, and now was waiting for me in his car. A man and a woman came in, and only myself and the store clerk, and them, were now in this WAWA. I heard one of them use the word 'GUN' and I knew they were going to rob the place. I started to walk out of the store after replacing a bag of chips and a soda back onto any old shelf as I wanted out of there. I have a very faint recollection of feeling a terrible burning inside of my body, and then I was getting into Dave's car in the front passenger seat, and it was drizzling outside. It also was now cool, and in the short five minutes or less that I was in the WAWA Store, the temperature went from about 85 to 60 degrees. Dave told me that I was in there for fifteen minutes however, only I simply was not, nor have any memory of it. When I asked him if he got a bad vibe when that African-American (AA) couple walked in, he said to me, “What AA couple?, you were the only one in the whole damn store”! Then after we had driven a few miles to some place that he wanted to go to, I absolutely remember the man saying, “Give me all the money mother fucker” to the store clerk. I knew that he had shot both him and me at that point, and that I had died.


I was living at Highview in Williamstown, and drove one early afternoon down to Atlantic City, on the Black Horse Pike. I parked, and I walked two blocks or so to the ocean, and a storm was on its way, and the beaches were open, but no one was allowed to even put their feet into the ocean, due to some incredible rip tide according to the local area lifeguard. I sat down in a gully to cool off, and a gorgeous young girl began talking to me, and I was just beginning to have thoughts about Sarah from Atlantic City and had not yet written the songs about her. This magical girl just suddenly was there with me in this gully, and she then apparently must have hypnotized me, as I then found myself there, but on a day where it was sunny and bright, and the water was a little bit rough, but no storms were causing dangerous rip tides, and so lifeguards were allowing swimmers to be in the drink. So I forgot about where I thought that I was, and began to walk over to the ocean, and went in and started to body-surf with a whole lot of young kids on floats and buggy boards. All of a sudden, I just found myself way out in the drink, and no matter how hard I swam, the rip tide was somehow back, and I could not get in. The lifeguards were laughing at me, and some came out and did not even think that I was in trouble. Finally, I went under the water and died, and then suddenly, I am near the beach by about fifteen feet or so, and a lifeguard had me by the hand, pulling me in; and when I got in, I realized that I was never there earlier a few hours back, and that what I thought happened was really what occurred about a week or more ago, and was two days after I was shot and killed at that WAWA store that night, with me' pal David Charles Roth. I walked to where the car was originally parked in the first part of this wild two-part experience, and sure enough, it was gone; so I walked to where I had a new memory of it, and it was there. But when I got there, the window was open, and a lot of shit that I had on my front seat had been rifled through. Talk about the Ancient Astronaut Theorists; as all this shit would literally bring those dudes to a total conniption fucking fit. All of reality had been changed around me, but somehow this time, this strange young girl was a part of it; and I never have talked much about her on these blogs. In any event, I totally remember drowning, and then I remember reality around me altering with my car, and even my clothes were slightly altered, as I know I was wearing a red jersey the first time, and after the drowning, I appeared to be wearing a brown one.

INCIDENT #8----YEAR----2005

At my jobsite at Cifaloglio, NJ-USA, on the day after Christmas 12-26-2005

I died of a fatal heart attack. I'd been feeling poorly for a week or more, and I had not been able to sleep much, and was under lots of stress and pressure from many personal woes and problems. I drifted off into a light sleep for a few minutes right shy of 5 AM, and at 5:02 or so, a noisy air filtering machine always goes on without fail at that place. On that particular day, it shocked me awake, and I remember getting a terrible agonizing heart attack, and I totally died and I absolutely was dead; and I found myself suddenly standing outside of my car, and looking in at my body all slumped over the steering wheel. I realized that a white sports car had driven into the Transfer Station behind me and I didn't realize that I was not in the human realm, and I walked over to it and had that wild experience with whatever or whoever PINK GODDESS TRULY IS, as I now refer to her, and have ever since approximately the year of 2013 AD now. This is when I first had that experience in the Transfer Station, and was sent to the other side of it, and ended up in the future May of 2006; and later ended up at the McDonald's of Atlantic City, near the Bader Airfield and Ballpark, on the Black Horse Pike. I also was told by then deceased Frank Callio who I had yet to learn had indeed died, to “go to NYC and see some A&R lady, about me' song, 'Atlantic Queen'”. Then I willed myself to the Capitol City of Purgatory's Capitol Province, SDK, and was later on, sent back to my body, and my body had been completely healed and repaired.

INCIDENT #9----YEAR----2007

At my trailer at Jenny's Park (Mullica Mobile Manor), NJ-USA

I was talking to LIGHTNING on my telephone during a huge thunderstorm, and I told her something that does indeed get HER extremely excited when SHE hears HER Ricky, or really (me asleep in my Mark Mohr human persona dream in 5th dimensional hyperspace), and that is whenever I call HER by HER pet-name, “BABY-BLOND”, and she came right in as I had my trailer door open, and she struck the porch, and fried it to where half of it had to be later removed; and then she came in and went through my entire telephone, and connected apparatus. I know this because my telephone, as well as my Caller-ID Box, and my speed dialer device, all separate mechanical systems in those times; were ALL TOTALLY FRIED OUT AND BUSTED. I remember a short interaction where I was in Ricktown Manor in Ricktown in Olympia Province, in our favorite bedroom where Diana (LIGHTNING) has a beyond gigantic closet, where SHE keeps tens of thousands of HER favorite bows and arrows, as SHE is a wonderful and talented archer on the Astral-Plane. We were standing right in the front of the closet where SHE was telling me that several entities were using astral-projection to visit us here, and how she does not mind that, unless they venture into HER closets, where SHE keeps all of HER favorite bows and arrows. Suddenly, I was holding my telephone and was back on the Physical-Plane again, completely unharmed; but the remnants of what had happened were there. The burned out porch, and the broken and fried phone equipment.

Blogging will now go like this until the computer is all packed up as it soon will be, and once I speak to the Governor's Office to see if they can tell me what I can do since moving is considered “essential” such as buying fucking groceries, pandemic or no pandemic. What I'll do is just not worry until the END OF THE BLOG, what time or date that it is, but I will indeed post on the same day that it originates from, at least in most cases, and if not, I will explain. But my point here is that I'll give the full time and date at the end when I am about to cut and paste or (CAP) it into the GOOGLE-BLOGGER website, or post it up. For right now it is Tuesday but that is all we need concerning chronology. Yesterday as we all know was just about the worst mother fucking day of my entire life with that huge wing-ding party that Mister Mexico threw. All night long even though there was no music, doors kept slamming, and I eventually managed with help from earplugs, to fall asleep at right around three after tossing and turning for two hours with the continual noise from these horrible monster filth bags next door to me. I even told the fucking cops yesterday exactly what the Public Housing has done to me, and how the maintenance peeps actually helped their pal and this total prick move into here, just as was the case in the early eighties nearly forty years ago with that monster slut whore Playboy Bunny bitch at Robin Hill Apartments! But as for yesterday, I have examined some definite possibilities for why this all happened to me, and yes, of course the STOCK MARKET. When is it ever NOT that mother fucking stock market and ICPE-APE-TECH being used on me for crissake, but in this case it was that, and it also was other shit, OTHER REALLY HUGE FUCKING CUNT EATING SHIT, AND I KNOW IT ONE HUNDRED DICK LICKING PERCENT, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!

One of the very first things that I normally do unless I have other more urgent and pressing motives for continuing in any particularly named blog-book, is to change it to a new one after a day that is so beyond monster ass bad that no words could even try and intelligently talk about it. So this is why I am in this new blog book, BRAHHH!!! But getting back to the other matter of examining, and even copying the Latengrate Mizz Donna Discoqueen Summer here, by “reevaluating my preconceived notions”, concerning the why's and the where's of yesterday's brutal assault, and BEYOND ELDER ABUSE, let's try and discuss it a little bit rationally. First off, it was all about not only the most current hyperspace's towel seepage effects, but the effects also from the night before as well as my talking about it on the blog preceding the one posted that began originally as NOTE or CHAPTER number 7, and ended up as a combination of 7-8-9 and on top of that, 'B' part, since I messed up lots of shit on my open-office files and had to literally remake lots of new documents and eventually ended up just pasting in a whole goddamn lot of shit into the final copy of 7-8-9-B. So we are out of that nightmare blog-book now and let's just forget that it ever fucking happened, but still, I need to examine why it did, and all shit fucking points to TWO POWERFUL NIGHTMARES ON STEROIDS, both of them about none other than this HORRIBLE PARK TERRACE PUBLIC HOUSING BUILDING here in Fort Pierce, Florida, USA-ESMWG.

Let's discuss nightmare number one that I was all set to make a day of blogging about when literally, ALL MOTHER FUCKING DIRTBAG DOGTOWN BROKE LOOSE AROUND ME LIKE NOTHING EVER BEFORE IN ALL MY TIME HERE IN FLORIDA, AND YES, THIS WAS THE ABSOLUTE MOTHER FUCKING WORST ATTACK THAT I EVER HAD HERE IN TEN AND A HALF YEARS DOWN IN THIS MISERABLE HELLHOLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I told about the powerful shit with the lovely goddess girl in the hallway and how she spoke to me about the McVeigh-Microchip that is inside of my body and has been ever since June of 1983 when “someone or something” Captain Shatner Trek, indeed 'PUT IT INTO ME'!!!!!!! Telling this wild story online was a real NO-NO as the modern expression has gone for some time now. A REALE FUCKING GODDAMN TOTAL NO-NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But then there was the dream following that one on the very following night, also here in this PH NON PATTY-HOLLISTER Building, and this was all about WHAT people? Yessir, all about how the maintenance jerk offs who had moved this enemy nabe prick in here next door to me back on New Years Day or maybe over the course of several days just after the actual Christmas time of last year, and in the nightmare, they were all insisting on having a lot of loud music in my own apartment, were they naut, lovely Mizz Blake of the great 1983 'phone company', and before the BIG BREAK UP INTO THE BABY-BELLS, as the expression went back then, proving at least to me beyond one speck of fucking doubt that I am always a powerful connection to something, because huge things always happen around me when I am into something that it all seems to be a part of, such as the telephone shit in 1983 that I was going through, and never was able to get to the bottom of, hard as I persisted and tried my fucking ass off; BRO! And screw Microsucks Corporation and screw your fucking broadcaster!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YESSIR WORLD, the maintenance peeps in that wild nightmare from hell were insisting that I have this great big powerful amplifier here in my apartment and on top of a bureau that I used to have in this universe or here in waking-life as you all would say, back at 1802 Robin Hill. This was indeed the very same one that I had the FAKE-SPEAK concerning a small nuclear reactor that I had supposedly built and had become out of control, and was over heating, as I knew I was being bugged and was having my civil rights being violated back then after that bunny bitch had moved in shortly before, and was trying to “test them and get a reaction” to quote the great ADA Ron Wirtz Senior of the Camden County Prosecutor's Office, who I'd go onto eventually meet while in the final Robin Hill unit that I rented from middle 1989 through the end of January in 1991, in unit #1102, and that was on 5 December of 1989, and then shortly thereafter in early 1990 somewhere, the greatest TV law show in history was created. Another baby-bell phone company break up syndrome here I am quite sure, delusions of fucking grandeur all not withstanding here folksinger-FOLKS and MICROSUCKS!!!!!!!!!! Yes the point here is that the towel-seepage-effects into this waking world PROVE TO ME, just as the Christian Bible also shows Biblical Prophets how 'TSE' works, and can interpret what is happening right here in the waking world; just how this 'PH' Authority Building are all in this conspiracy to make me suffer with LOUD MUSIC ATTACKS NOW all the time until I am able to get the fuck out of this horrible mess I am now in with these monster pricks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They absolutely insisted that I have that huge amp in here, it was delivered here, it was then brought into my apartment by the maintenance peeps, all of it, and then POW, before I was even able to write it all down and blog this wild dream from HELL, POOF, I went through the worst LOUD MUSIC ASSAULT OF MY ENTIRE LIFE, ALL DAY LONG FROM NOON UNTIL A QUARTER PAST NINE, ALONG WITH ENDLESSLY SLAMMING DOORS AS WELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For all intents and purposes, I WAS ALSO RIGHT BACK WITH THAT HORRIBLE BITCH PLAYBOY BUNNY IN 1982, AT THE NIGHTMARE ROBIN HELL-HILL APARTMENTS OF DOGTOWN, OLYMPIA! And anyone out here who thinks that the most powerhouse connectiveness of these mother fucking wild dots from hell, or the JRSS in all of this, is all just silliness, so far as the PH standing for both PUBLIC HOUSING as well as Patty Hollister; is blinder than the WWC (Winn-Wonder Club), with all Golden Nugget Atlantic City cheating Casinos where Mark Mohr and Jim Burr are playing “Opposite-Follow” Roulette one day just two hours before the throat attack on the other end of town at the Resorts Casino, is all not one bit withstanding here, yo BREEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!

I was going to say another really big item on that blog from two blogs ago, and before yesterday's nightmare was then thrust upon me by the mother fucking WOMO-MILITUFORCE scum. I told what happened and yes, I told it all before on earlier blogs as well, but I was going to add something that I decided not to at the time, but would have if I could have known the horrible fucking assault that I'd be struck with yesterday. Oh yes, that gang of motor-bikers that terroristically assaulted me with biological warfare, at Guthrie Shorts rental home and mini-mansion, back in the final years of the nineteen-eighties in Blue Anchor, NJUSAESMWG; are the very same people behind CREATING THIS CORONA VIRUS last year, when they couldn't wipe me out that day on 19 August with that nightmare horrific JURY DUTY DAY that we all know about only too damn ass well. How do I know this? Well, to properly address and answer that gargantuan mystery would require days and days of complicated text writings and many blogs, so for now, I merely state that I am fully aware that the very same group of wet-works terrorists who are not ISIS nor are they any legitimate or recognized peeps, but are most definitely under the control and command of the MAJESTIC-12 Black-OPS of powerful globally connected shadow governmental forces, shortened now by me as the 'GCSGF', and believe me or don't choose to believe me, but I know this for positive sure, and if any authority wants to put me on the stand, to discuss just what I know, and how I have personally been involved with this group, at least since August of 1986, and completely against my will and only as a helpless fucking victim, well; be my GUEST-GUESS from here to the capitol fucking city of the great ASTRAL-PLANE (PURGATORY), Sahasra Dal Kanwal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I tried calling the Governor's Office this morning. All you will get or at least all that I could get, was a long waiting hold-music-loop that we all are quite fucking familiar with I'm sure, and then after ten minutes, they tell you to leave a voice mail. I will either try to do this so that I can report that you never get a call back, or maybe I will get lucky, but also, I will try to communicate with them also in the more accepted new age way, online. This world sucks when you lived in BETTER TIMES, when all of this shit was beyond even the imagined nightmares of a diseased mind in HELL! One who thinks every so often such as I do, cannot help to draw mental comparisons during even low intensity periods of cogitation. As I type now at the beginning of this Tuesday afternoon onto a blog that began around shortly past eight this morning, the skies of Fort Pierce have become very CHEMTRAILED. While out on my TIKER number one yesterday afternoon, there was a chemtrail that was meant for me when I was at the Indian River where the Fort Pierce Inlet System swings all the way around to the Port Saint Lucie Nuclear Plant area, and gets quite wide for many miles, and really, is ocean water but calmer. Also yesterday, lots of wind was kicking up when approaching the waterway. At the beach the wind gusts were at or exceeding 30 miles per hour, or so goes my best GUEST-GUESS here. Yes, a huge set of chemtrails are going directly over my Patty Hollister Building or my “OTHER” PH Building here, and throughout the morning, I have had extra problems clearing my throat as well as feeling queezy and shitty and extra dry mouthed. Still, as for feeling rotten, anyone out there reading these words, my age, and under this much fucking cunt enemy stress and endless harassment, as well as also coming off of a day as brutal as 'yesterday', Mister Marcucci; WOULD FEEL QUITE FUCKING CUNT ROTTEN TOO, YO BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also, I killed a huge dirty rotten mother fucking roach in my kitchen about an hour or so ago and then sprayed my final RAID CAN all over. This is all a result of THIS PRICKY SHITTY DIRTY DISGUSTING ILLEEEEEEEGAL MEXICAN-AMERICAN NABE FROM DOGTOWN-HELL, NEXT DOOR TO ME IN UNIT #605, I'm quite goddamn fucking sure, YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just in time blocked my cunt chewing screen-monitor before two more minutes elapsed and would cause me to see UGLY ROTTEN ENEMY-JANE Ballparks, should I happen to be MIND-CONTROLLED and or MIND-MANIPULATED to look at the damn thing at that exact point in time; OH MIGHTY SOUND EFX-LADY, OF THE DREW CAREY CLUB, AND ALSO THOSE GREAT AND WONDERFUL POWERFUL INHABITANTS OF THE FICTIONAL PLANET KNOWN AS TALLOS-4 OF STAR TREK, that went onto launch that awesome mother fucking terrific SYFY TV show, yo BRAH!!!!!!!! So as Sir Chester-Frank would put things right about fucking dick sucking now, should he happen to be here, which of course he is 'naut' lovely Mizz AT&T BLAKE of 1983, “WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE”!!!

Those pigs are really slamming their doors as they do at this time every single goddamn day now. This assault is by no means over, between the doors again as well as those horrible terroristic chemtrails!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I plan to call the ESS-COMCAST SERVICE to downgrade my service, since my contract with them ran out two or three months ago; and I can now do this, unless they put me in a saving group plan. I cannot afford to give them over 230 bucks a month for all this crappy fucking service, huh CUZZ???????? When that man is right peeps, HE'S RIGHT, and don't ever let a soul tell you he is not, or try and sell you the biggest lie of all, that the really dumb fucking peeps all buy into that he is DUMB. If Trump is so fucking cunt ass DUMB then how, come on assholes, just goddamn HOW IS HE ABLE TO BE A MULTI-BILLIONAIRE, ABLE TO PAY HARDLY ANY TAXES AND YES, TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY 'LEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEGALLY', ABLE TO LIVE A LIFE THAT NO ONE SINCE KING MIDAS HAS LIVED, BECOME A UNITED STATES PRESIDENT; AND THERE IS A LOT MORE? If he is so goddamn stupid and dumb, there is no way that he could have accomplished that incredible feat, so give the jerk off some credit and quit spreading that totally fucking absurd lie around about him. Call him a total monster if you want to, but please, not dumb because to call him dumb MEANS THAT YOU ARE DUMBER THAN DOGSHIT, and the facts back all of this shit up 100%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And hey yo Ann King Silva, don't try pulling off his damn hair at the casino when we all go down there that day, and when he comped your room for you. That wouldn't be very goddamn nice, nor possible; as it really is his hair. Just ask that night time talk show host who gave it a really good yank five years ago, as he'll fucking tell you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Still, being chocked to death began in 1983, and was made far worse in 2015. But they didn't kill me, and they couldn't kill me. Highland Avenue-1984 Mark Wayne Mohr, just keeps doing the COPPERTOP BATTERY Dance of Forever; Peter Paul Pedersen Pan Geico!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


WeatherBug Severe Weather Alerts

Forecast Map

Weekend Weather Outlook

Cut me a break here, Marge Leo, yo!

JULY 1969

S. M. T. W. T. F. S.

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S. M. T. W. T. F. S.

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MARCH 1970

S. M. T. W. T. F. S.

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29 30 31

So who is Sarah Krassle? She is the absolute GOD OF YOUR WORLD, and mine; ladies and gentlemen. I CALL HER PINK GODDESS. Lenny McKinnon said it, and I do not believe he said it live on that CB-RADIO as handle ops man 601, but had it recorded from 1980, the only year that I ever interacted with him, and this I'll quote, “There ain't no doubt about it”. Just ask the 'DAMN' © OFFICE. He supposedly was talking to his co-radio friend, Miss Chillie. Yes, you got it people; the great and powerful non-OZ Copyright Office has all of this evidence tucked away in my music project files, UP THERE in good old wonderful WASHINGTON in the great and powerful DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Oh Poolroy, go home already. Now let us all remain gainfully employed!

Many rotten evil pricks love to hurt people and even laugh about it, and they are members of all American political parties, so don't ever let rumors spread that Mister 'asshole Mountainpen', who drove into Fairview one night from his residence in Cinnaminson, favors either party when it comes to such things. Peeps are peeps, and we all are dirty rotten sinners who make filthy rags look clean in any real or true comparison. Still, in or out of airplanes, great robbing musical groups, or anything at all whatsoever; maybe that turn I made across the road near the famous restaurant in Fairview was somehow wrong, causing that young nasty dude to scream that out at me on that hot summer evening in middle 1984. In either case, 'HELP ME' through this willya, Gibb Brothers? My 'Livelong' Board-Game was naut invented to predict anything, merely there for purposes of fun, entertainment, and amusement. What a fucking ASSHOLE I must be. Well, that dude agreed with me on this that night near that DAMN restaurant aniwho, right yo?????? In any event, being mean, calling mean names to people, and laughing at peeps misfortunes is all a part of us lovely evil sinning human beings, right LORD JESUS, sir?

    Image result for images free funny facesImage result for images free funny facesImage result for images free funny faces

Now I admit that Thursday, a couple hours after that horrible shit in Cali, the markets went down for the day, and for all I know they were down and came up; but I don't know, and so I won't say. That is just fair, and I am fair, and play by the rules of fair, as otherwise; who would I ever be, to talk about those who don't, for crissake? But the very next day after a big drop, all the losses were made up, +++PLUS+++ nearly another hundred points of profit were gained. Now AGAIN, we have a stock market that is responding +++POSITIVELY+++ to terrorism, and that makes me more nervous than any fucking terrorist ever could, with all their damn weapons and horror. I said after the attack a couple of weeks back, in Paris France, the very same thing. WHY IS THE DOW JONES RACING UP A THOUSAND POINTS AFTER TERRORISM, it is not normal, it goes against 150 years of trading history, and it PROVES to anyone not totally fucking brain-dead, that something is going on here, and it ain't fucking good one little tiny ass bit, YO. It seems that WALL STREET, by its very own trading behavior, is responding favorably to terrorism. If you can argue back with me on this, then do it. Comment, you buttwipes, but if you choose not to, then I am going to assume that you agree or you are major major Milituforce Enemies to Mountainpen and Morianity. The ONLY THING THAT RATIONALLY EXPLAINS WHAT IS HAPPENING NOW AFTER TWO HORRENDOUS TERROR ATTACKS FOLLOWED BY SUPER BULL MOVING STOCKS ON FUCKING WALL STREET, is that I AM RIGHT, and that this has nothing at all to do with national, or global events; or anything that used to apply, in some real world of my NON-HELL, ever since 15 August of 1986; when my life turned a major and inconceivable Pat Robertson Hurricane Talker Cornerstone or for short, a (PRHTC) and that these moves on Wall Street are NOTHING other than what I, Mountainpen, have claimed for a solid ten years on these blogs; United States Attorney General; a technology that is super black covert hushed up majestic level top secret classified, ICPE-APE-TECHNOLOGY, is indeed being used on poor Mark Wayne Mohr, and has been for 30 solid years; and this is the result, and the effect, of this being done; a market that went from 1800 or so points, to over 15,000 or so points. That is not the standard amount of annual gain from the time these markets were created, up through August 15, 1986. BUTTTTTTTTTTTTT, people; after August 15, 1986 through present times; the new-normal, as some are using this new P.C. terminology within the framework of our new age issues, such as GW- meteorological, and gun violence, and other things that are part of the third millennium; is so far from the 'old-normal', it is silly to pretend that there is a zero percent chance that I am anything but insane and crazy, and a 100% chance that I am, and that all of this shit is crap. But still, to quote Detective Lenny Briscoe, I doubt I have one person on the fucking planet, convinced of this powerful and unfathomable truth!!!! Someday soon folks, IF I AM RIGHT; just where will some of you be? Face reality you jerk offs, I won't live forever. I am dying now, and fast; and I won't be here another nine hundred fuckiGN years. When I am gone, the Milituforce is going to be mother fucking desperate for replacement-me's. They probably have already been experimenting on some of you without your awareness to it, so that it will begin with you, as soon as I kick the Christ off. You can laugh at me now, and think you will all escape this shit. And folks, you are wet in the head, and a lot of you will be targeted or someone who you know and love will be targeted. Whoever thought in a million fuckiGN years, that we would have mass shootings more than once per day? But 2015 came in, and we are not moving towards it, but are long into it; and it is indeed more than one per day, by the definition on a mass shooting, and all of this information is Google-available, so click on folks. Don't ever take me at my word when you don't have to. The problem here is that you have to, when it comes to this ICPE-APE deal. So all I beg of you, is to honor my name by not cursing me out, when all this fuckiGN shit comes to fruition, within a decade or less; and your lives are turned into a mother fuckiGN hot ass living hell nightmare, that you'll find absolutely no recourse for, or any possible fuckiGN escape from. The fucking dirt bag Milituforce just struck me with a WORD-DISAPPEARING-HACK at 10:34 Post Meridian. This is back again, Federal Bureau of Investigation, meaning that things are real fuckiGN bad and only going to get worse. I too have learned through these three decades of total fuckiGN hell, kind FBI; to do profiling, statistical analysis, and much more. You guys and gals ain't the only one who the good fucking Lord handed out brains to, YO!!!!!!! My best to Agent Steve Caruso, of Austin, Texas, USA, BRO!


(The epitome of harassment, internet version)
(The millionth-council and me)
(Morianity project continues from 1995 on tape)
DATFILE: 021809.951---(February 18, 2009)


I liked it a lot more when my computer was a lot simpler, but genius Ed Himacane made some major changes when he was last over, and programs run and stuff happens, and it is a pain in the rear end 4 me, the freaking sweeper keeps signaling me and stopping the word program every minute, and also the WOMO gave me a bowel hit a little while back around 9 or just past. Now this pain in my ass computer crap is not stopping, I have tried shutting down, restarting, nothing stops it, some fucking worm is in this, the sweeper will not stop popping on and yet all of this has been swept. Well, guess Eddie will B coming back over. Someday I will prove I am being messed with somehow and take this straight 2 the ACLU and the FBI, cannot blog further until I get 2 the fucking bottom of this spy sweeper problem. All I can do is keep fucking with this thing, let it re-sweep and multitask, the gods; all I wanna' do is blog Ed, what have U done 2 me with all this complex shit? I am not looking 2 run a 20 tera byte system, just 2 do a little blogging 4 crissake. Aniwho, MCMCAAONMC, I guess that is all the dumb machine wanted, just to sweep again, as it is not signaling me and stopping the word program every 20 seconds, PTL--PR. Miss cunt face tried 2 wipe me out, have to shit my eyes a couple minutes now, or that crumb’ll nail me 4 sure. OK, now it is eleven thirteen. I will NEVER FORGIVE OR FORGET that horrid night, back in 1993; at the Atlanta Braves Ballpark, Jane. What U did 2 me was so despicable, it would stink right through a garden of flowers 8 light years cubed. Anyway I am not in a doghouse, I am in a far worse house, and have so much 2 tell y’all it sucks wind backwards at the speed of sound. Where 2 begin is always my biggest problem, as I never will have the time I need 2 really write anywhere near all that I feel is necessary; in order 2 reveal my major plight 2 this evil world in sufficient amounts, so as 2 get anyone with clout 2 ever take pity on me, and assist me in getting 2 the bottom of my hellish nightmare woes. Actually, if the top most powerful persons on the Earth all decided 2 help me, they would fail. That is how gargantuan my troubles really R BRO, Twinbay, and all others. I am not a pessimist Missy, and U read me all wrong that day at the Galloway, New Jersey Library. But nothing ever just happens and no one will understand what I know in its fullness, not Christians, not atheists, not scientists, not sci-fi buffs, not Catholics, not even Eckists, Monks, Buddhists, and U name it, as nobody sees in total clarity, what is real; nobody. The reason that all things appear 2B in some weird and indistinguishable code of jumbled randoms, beyond any possible human recognition; is because we believe whole heartedly, and take a powerful Copperfield illusion, totally seriously; that a projection around us is there and real, when in fact; nothing beyond our center of is-ness of being can B. This of course is simply because, as any possible space extends out beyond our innermost self, time brings it all back right into us in a circulation system of perfect and precise ratio and proportion, that is all a part of the mechanics of a hypersphere, or an upline thought wave in a down-lining process; and this is truth. Refreshing old blogs, 4 new Blogauds, that will most likely not go back, and sift through the long-winded Mountainpen discourses of Morianity, and its teachings; there is a truth that is real to itself, and the Buddhists R not correct that all truth is alterable and relative, to what an inner self makes it, until it eventually comes 2 realize that it is not really there 2 start with. This is all so true in a small box, but it leaves out what the great Atlantic City alchemist told me back in the summer-time of 1974, while I was staying overnight at a rooming house, owned by a lady named Selena Dada, on Stenton Place, between Atlantic and Pacific Avenues. The ultimate truth IS zero dimension. This nothingness somehow DOES exist, and IS aware of itself; and cannot find a way 2 shut off that awareness. It does learn 2 dream out and away from itself into phase two reality, or the Astral Plane; or the Shakespearean arena of the great dream shift, that mortals call the spirit world or realm. Some entity connected with the MILLIONTH-COUNCIL will not stop this fucking hacking, the sweep finished, and now the prompt keeps popping up again, so Ed will come over and get 2 the bottom of this fucking shit once and 4 all. 4 right now, I must live with this, as I have now lived for two days with no telephone service that I am legally paying 4, and I am gonna' contact the BOARD OF PUBLIC UTILITIES, no peace 4 a second ever, not on the weekends in that hell job, and now my entire weeks R wrecked. It is round the clock, with no let up, and not a moments peace 4 life, right WPIX-1988-New York, New York, UFO THE COVER UP TV SHOW, AGENT CONDOR AND AGENT FALCON? Talk about never forgetting things like dirty rotten Jane in 1993, or this show on channel 11, NYNY, back in 1988. U don’t forget major shit that goes down in your life, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!! It never stops, it never backs off. Committing suicide only serves 2 make it worse 4 me, as I know it is all an illusion, and that I will just find myself right back in the same dream, like running 4 the light, and the light won’t go on, and realizing that U never woke up, and now U finally have; so again U jump out of bed and run 4 the light, and then again it does not go on, and I have gone through this nightmare 4 monstrous lengthy amounts of time, or whatever is really happening; just as I have existed forever and will; and I KNOW IT. I slit my wrists last night at 3 in the morning, and slowly bled out right here on my bed. It is so way cool 2 bleed out, and feel the life going out of U, as U get icy cold; and begin 2 fade away, believing as hard as U can that it will all B over in a moment, just as Skylar Rumson was told by Barnabas Collins, when he forced him 2 shoot himself through the heart; on the television show, 'DARK SHADOWS'. Only 4 me, I keep waking up and thinking I am dying; and have not yet died, and then die; and then wake up again and again, until eventually, I wake up, and the entire thing was just a dream, but then; I am aware totally, that all of this is just an astral dream down, and even that is a dream away from the truth; or the great void of zero dimensional existence; something no human being can fathom. Some of these mighty truths were once up online on a website called, but this site is now defunct, as Kate and I do not have any money; nor any new material 2 copyright presently, on the subject thereof. I am aware that free sites exist, and Ed will B working on finding me one; and getting this foundation, and its many powerful truths, back up 4 this blind ignorant planet, and its residents 2C and know. At least this world will have the truth. The only good thing now, is that this stupid fucking pop up can shoot up every 20 seconds or so; and eventually go off, and it is not stopping the word program until I click on it.
Long story short, the mail was always delivered here, at this lovely 6-9 room place, with rooms that all sort of go into each other, with no hallways; and just endless first days of summer of 2008, and a powerful goddess that has been chasing me around 4 all infinity now; but mail was always delivered here at about 10:30 AM, until about last weekend give or take, and now it is coming sporadically and never B4 3 or so in the afternoon. King Dawn the Queen, formerly and always known by, PRINCE; asked me 2 call the Post Office, and C if I can find out what is up with the mail around here, yo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I reminded her what she wanted me 2 use 4 a telephone. She said, 'use the house phone that they have on their Comcast Cable system' that also runs my internet, and we split the package deal bill between us. Still, I reminded her that I did not have the number 4 the Post Office, even though I invented the thing a very long time ago. She always tells me how expensive it is on their Comcast plan, 2 call the service information operator. Her mom AKS, looked up the number in some book they finally found; a personal book of numbers and they had the local Post Office listed, yo. So I called, and Long Island Highways, and Lottery Cats that meow me 2 death in 1980, just 2 or 3 months after the LOIS FOCA interaction with SCYLLA; they have an interesting telephone number, right Frank Calli-0---D-I-E, YO??????????? There is no way this is all just a coincidence, wo BRO, I am not done yet, so hold onto your stupid looking suspenders, Eddie Albert Gabor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God these crashing cymbals get louder by the day, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aniwho, MC,MC, and all other non MC’s; I called and spoke my peace; and here is what the nice lady told me, BR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It seems the rural area of Berryville, New Jersey, formerly B4 Mountainpen and Prince, known as Hammonton, is going 2 get a mail count, interesting initials. This Mail Count is not 4 any reason I have ever heard of. The story I was given, was that all mail on local roads, will B taken first 2 the Post Office 2B counted; and then delivered. This is the wildest and strangest thing I have heard of since I invented the Post Office. Do they really think Roger is going 2 mail me something from Arizona?????????????????? I cannot think of any other reason 4 this very mysterious and strange SITUATION here, Inspector Louigee Henderson!!!!!!!!! If UR out there RC, do not mail me anything, this is 2 weird!!!!!!!!!!!! Your system is wonderful. I played 4 games today, 3 were all no signal, and the 4th one was an IN-LOW-8-STOP OUT LOW-14, with one green hit, for a 5 and a half unit profit.

Diana, I am not able 2 communicate with U in our usual way, until the repairman arrives Thursday afternoon. When he does, he is going 2 face the phone jack, insert plug down, currently with no pun intended, it faces up, right into that leak from the upstairs bathroom shit-hole, and even though this leak has been fixed; I do not trust these fucking pricks from here 2 the China Earthquakes, and the Hawaiian Volcanoes. Much later tonight, or 2 keep Don Cialoni happy from the recording studio, tomorrow night, as he used 2 say, “It won’t B tomorrow, until I go home and go 2 bed, and then get up”; I will B back on line with my big beautiful blond. Please always B around me Diana, UR my lightning, and I need U my love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I felt that terrific strike the other day, when I was moving something; and made contact with something. How I loved my days as Benny, and messing with U, and the only thing that saddens me now, is that U never trusted me with your secrets back then, of what and WHO I was dealing with, after all; it is all just a dream, right Chris Farlowe, plans and schemes all not withstanding????? Well, she did ladies and gentlemen, as I lay on my bed dying in 1790, no this is not a typo; crash, bing, Harry Callas, and 13 bells of Sound Pressure Level, BR!!!!! No DZA did tell me at the very end when she knew my heart was just about 2 quit, and told me that I would wake up in a room in the sun, and I did in 1980, but she never explained how she was Sarah-Stacey’s cousin on the great Astral Plane, and I did not know about her at all until the end of the 20th century. Maybe this is all how and Y and what made my dad so sick 2 his stomach on the train. No uncle Snoots, I never said my poopy pop was right by telling the conductor that it was U that puked all over. I just think it was very rude of U2B saying this 2 my mom, at your shit hole mansion, at 175 Peninsula Drive, in Nebuchadnezzar-ville, New York; right in my presence, when I was just a young lad of 17; ya son of a bitch!!!!!!!!!!! But who am I but dog shit?, and UR the mighty Senior Vice President of the Chemical National Bank, the second most powerful bank on the planet at the time in ‘72. Cheer up Sam Walton, my plans R all fucked up, and that boosts this scummy economy of yours, and uncle Snooties. Nothing good lasts forever, but let me tell the world what happened when I woke from the dream where I slit my wrists. The market had gone up 1633 points that day. I know it, I was there; but by moving off of where I was exactly in the hyperspace, I re-dreamed myself into a slightly shifted locale, where the 'DOW' had finished off nearly three bucks. Hyperspaces make strange bed fellows, huh banker of Akoslem??????????????? U wouldn’t have wanted the Haddonwood property buddy, as there is a strange void field out in the lake there somewhere, that leads far away; and U don’t need 2B concerned with what this pitiful whittle retard knows about all this, ol’ buddy!!!!!!!!!!!! “Talk 2 Frank”. Yeah, I was good enough 4U back when I was 15 though, huh Victoria, U child molester!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH “I have such gorgeous hair”, do I? Well, U need 2 talk 2 Donna Gaines, and her friends; and then 2 the Wolf clan, that seems so fascinated by her last name. Jeese Louise Shannon Wallwarp Carwrecker Genlow, of December 18th of 2006!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Almost 39 years have come and gone now Vicki, bite me bitch!!!!!!!!!!! This whole nightmare chews. I’m bookin’, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!

Y shouldn’t a dog live in a doghouse, a crazy house; or a nightmare? Well, because I never did anything 2 deserve this, and just because I am Stacey’s dog, this is just 2 keep her miserable parents happy. They banned all the dogs out of Her great city, and over the great wall into Dogtown. Read the last page of the KJV of the Holy Bible, Y would I make this shit up, BRRRR?

GOOGLE AND SWIS, AND KS-WORLD LABS OF 2299, THIS IS ALL Blahhhhhh and bleeeeeeeee and blmummmm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Copyright Michael Wayne Mountainpen-2009, and blog registered on an official registry bloggers website.

E~N~D------------T~R~A~N~S~M~I~S~S~I~O~N, BR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mark or Jesse, Grammar schools in EHNJUSAESMWG in this or any other part of HS.


          • anonymous said on Apr 02, 2009....
    You shrunk a bit there dalmatian, but I saw you still speak the human lingo, wow, you are telling the truth, God is 16 or at least she watches the show.


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This is YYYYYYYYYYYYY this poor dog should not live in this eternal doghouse, it is quite simple really. Let me explain things to you ladies and gentlemen:









Oh great Billy Swan and Robin Gibb, and Marcy Levy, yo! LIKE GODDESSDAMN SUPER-WOW; LOVELY OPRAH. SHEEEEEEEEEEEEIT!!!!!!!! Yes, I sure would love to START OVER too:

Start Over

But whether or not I do, and we all know I will soon, when I find me'self back on that February of 1969 PATCO-HIGH SPEED LINE-TRAIN OF NEW JERSEY, in-between the Westmont and the Haddonfield stations, but without enough mind and will and memory to do much good about it, but still, regarding those two vely vely vely incredible women in this new-age internet photo download, “The resemblance is remarkable”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Graph of most popular countries among blog viewers

Some cool links to early MORIANITY that really connects some damn dots:


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