Thursday, June 11, 2020



1:17 PM, THURSDAY, 11 JUNE, 2020

I knew when I got out of bed yesterday that the day would most probably go really fucking badly for me because of a super goddamn vivid dream (hyperspace interaction) where again, I was back at Jenny Plageman's Trailer Park in Mullica, NJUSAESMWG, and at my old #10 trailer, and was even doing something that I've not done since those times spoken of on many older blogs where the great world renown disco queen Mizz Donna Summer teased me in one of her ending-eighties songs on her album called, “Another Time and Place”. I speak of the being in a major vivid dreaming experience back at the Westmont apartment where I had grown up in until early into puberty called Haddon Hills Apartments, and thinking to myself as clearly as shit stinks and with full waking world recall of my doing it, “Gee all the other times were just dreams and wow, this time I know its for real, and I really am living back in my own apartment again”, only of course I wasn't, and it was all a goddamn wild lucid and very vivid dreaming experience. This is the first time since the very early nineties where again, I was not only back in a prior residence, but was consciously saying to myself that same thing about realizing how many times before I was only dreaming this thing, BUT THIS TIME, I KNOW IT'S FOR REAL, and that was the part of the shit that Donna seemed so incredibly taken with, along with of course my chemtrails problem, as a few bars later on her song lyric, came the words, “I'll write your name across the sky”. But fuck Donna because this is only a needed foundation here before moving on, and the shit that just happened extremely recently at Jenny's Trailer Park is the present focus and topic of conversation for this writing, here in middle 2020 year in time circa, yo! Still, I need to say this about Donna due to my incredible shit with that Cifaloglio “DOUBLE-INCIDENT” with the employees there that seemed to just “HAVE TO DO CERTAIN THINGS” and it all then led me into an awareness to the now fully grasped and yet was so goddamn elusive for four straight decades of time, “Millie Vanillie Lip-Synched song demos” or maybe MVLSS DELMO'S would say it all a bit more appropriately, when we factor in the endless and seemingly all powerful JAMES REDFIELD (JRSS) SYNCHRONICITY SYNDROME here, yo BRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!! Only I can fully appreciate all of this, and it was stupid as throwing away our only close pins when stuck in a backed up sewage pipe, for me to EVER FUCKING CUNT BEGIN TO THINK THAT I COULD MAKE ANYONE ELSE ON THIS PLANET EVER SEE OR UNDERSTAND ALL OF MY INCREDIBLE LIFE'S HELL WITH ALL OF THIS DOGSHIT, ALL OF THESE YEARS THAT RESULTED FROM THE NON-CHURCH YET AGAIN, THE JRSS, I AM THE CHOSEN HUNTINGTON, I AM, or really in cosmic decoded fashion, as the universe speaking directly to me AND ONLY TO ME; (CHOSEN HUNTINGTON-YOU ARE-CHOSEN HUNTINGTON), and when it is abbreviated, thus becoming none other than CH-UR-CH or CHURCH. People all over the world claim that this MORIANITY is nothing but foolish or magical thinking from being a diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic, but then WOW do I remember great BIBLE PASSAGES that reflect to me this very same thing that is needed here. You know, that “God's spiritual wisdom is foolishness to mortal man, and to the ALMIGHTY, all of mans wisdom is also total absurd foolishness, or to quote lovely Mizz Hilary Lizzy McGuire Duff, here, from very early in this 21st century, on a great DISNEY-CHANNEL Television show, “Right back at you”!!!!! YESSIR Mister Mountainpen; only you can see the power behind, not only all the fucking shit that you had to suffer through in all of your entire adult life, and especially in what I now in reflected hindsight refer to as the great year of SET-UP which is of course 1980; and expecting one single mother fucking other soul out there in the world, and on this stupid ass fuckign cunt internet system, to ever see it all for what it truly is in cosmic significance, or believe any of it, or even any part of it, at least beyond perhaps the one person who commented onto the WFMU INTERNET RADIO WEBPAGE, now defunct; that indeed, Mountainpen or “THIS FELLA” ~~~ “is for real”; was the dumbest fucking cunt error in judgment on my part in the history of planetary errors, phopah's, and mistakes. And so again, I fell prey to the zillions of turd eating busted promises made to me throughout me' entire life and especially my ADULT LIFE by pricks of all sorts and kinds out there in the goddamn world, promising me everything from the stars and the moon to the rays of the sunshine and every single dick throbbing grain of sand on all of the world's beaches everywhere, yo BRO!!!!!!! And why is this all such a big deal? Well, I am the only one who can see all the power behind it. It went onto control as well as permanently alter the entire basic behavior patterns of global society or at least the society of my nation in large majority and later on slowly and gradually leading to a world wide pattern too. If I listed it all I'd be fucking writing and typing for days on end, but the largest of these things being people caring about famous people and their lives as youthful persons in ways never before the HAIR-RPL-FIND incident, the development of musical technology far exceeding present day and times 'MOOG-cousin dating Synthesizers', that for all I know, my old Cooley Hall pal Bruce's kid Joshua, or whatever his name is, had that his pop was trying to repair while failing miserably at it and using some incredibly colorful and inventive verbal descriptions to the incident simultaneously, and going well beyond the great technical music eighties days. Whether I can attribute all great transdimensional doctors, and or lab-technicians, directly or indirectly; would of course be anyone's best guess, or to quote the great Almighty Jehovah Krassle here, anybody's best GUEST GUESS. So just how mind fucking bending was that wild Pearl Harbor Day of 1996 experience, as it has later come so very clear to me that I am supposed to do a lot more than just rent or purchase several videos, in order for me to receive some major hidden cosmic message for the ages, but also, to seriously wonder just who is real and normal on this Earth-Planet, verses who is a TYPE-3-EXPLORATRON-dream-traveler-(T3E) doppelganger-controller; oh Mizz Goddess Fascitar of the Ring River Province of Purgatory, or the (Astral Plane)? Only I can truly and really see how powerful all of this is, and I fully know only too goddamn well that should humanity survive the early 21st century with a reasonably intelligent rational society still in existence somehow and quite miraculously, perhaps distant descendants of present blog readers and internet users may be able to retrieve this fifteen year old blog-project that I have basicly labeled as Morianity for this 3rd Millennium, as this one-thousand year period is only one fiftieth over with forty-nine fiftieth's still remaining. Just because I cannot see in my frail mortal shell and tiny puny brain how the Almighty may have indeed used me to write this thing, doesn't mean that it is all worthless inconsequential trash worthy of deletion and or creating some really huge camp or bond fires! I do understanbd the full weight and significance to this entire thing,well, in real truth maybe even I don't get it all yet or never will perhaps,but that is not saying that a groupof mental fuckign giants one or two or five hundred years from now won't retrieve this entire thing,study it real fuckign carefully, apply it to their times and culture and problems and situations, and maybe Mister Pedersen, it wil save the whole world. Then again, maybe it isn't worth rapping heaps of garbage in. BUT ONLY TIME WILL TELL AN ANSWER TO THAT ULTRA HIGH SHAKESPEARIAN MYSTERY. I wouldn't ever be bold enough to think of making such a claim here. I am not the great one and only Mizz Patricia H. Hollister H. No way Hose' Josie girl of 1985, so cut me a big bwake here, willya' lovely Mizz Margie Leo?????!!!!!

Of course, only I know my own life and when authors write books, they never, at least to my very limited knowledge of so-called normal human habits, as my life has strayed into areas going so far outside of normal ranges that I am no good judge here; but I know that no author has ever had my story, and I also am fully aware that even if one of them did, and they remained sane enough to write and publish some kind of blog or book, or 'whatever' old pal Bob, from 1975, later turned Federal Congressman of Haddon Heights, New Jersey, USAESMWG; they would never have included an entire biography of a full 5th dimensional hyperspace and attempting to inject into a society that is totally unwilling to even mildly entertain the fact that waking life and dream life is all one great big commingled reality; thus, no book anywhere, done in fiction or done as a biography; will eveer be like the BOM, (“Blogs Of Mountainpen”)! Mizz Jane Sleazeweedsdisease just came a whisker's fucking cunt edge from striking me on a page eleven of eleven, but just in the damn ass stinking nick of time, I managed to draw my compensation coloring lines to throw off all possible computer signals that would force me into seeing four nasty ass mother fucking ONES, be it the display on the margin from moving the mouse, or be it from the time, or be it from the page number that displays on any and all documents in the OPEN-OFFICE program system that I use. Naturally, I have to use sticky sheets on my monitor to block out some of Jane's demonic twisted HA-HA dogshit, but the coloring lines are also major important to remember to do and use, yo! Ya' rotten dirty bitch; what did I ever do to you, that would make you and your crumb ball hubby broadcaster Sir Teddy, wanna' hurt me so fucking ass badly, back in the spring time of the year of 1993, yo???????????????????

The wisdom of the spiritual existence most certainly does include the realm of dot-connectiveness. Take Bruce and his showing me how to alter the speeds of small cassette tape recorders, back in the late autumn times of 1971 while we were in Misses Young's class at Cooley Hall of Haddonfield, NJUSAESMWG. The take my using for no good reason, the folksinger and lovely hippie girl Mizz Melanie Safka, and her song titled, “Brand New Key” to run lots of experiments on, huh lovely Kathie Browne of Star Trek, and yes, that lovely gal was in a Perry Mason show too, and I recently saw her. Beyond hot but let me get me' mind out of the great sewer systems of lovely 'land of romance, France' for long enough to get back to bizz here; yo BRRRRRRRRRR! Shortly after doing this with Bruce Pennock's tape recorder trick from the early nineteen-seventies, for absolutely no good reason, I suddenly heard a voice inside my head, NOT AN AUDIBLE VOICE, and it spoke to me saying in my voice print, “Melanie's 'BNK' Song will come onto the radio station you're listening to, at exactly 2:08 this afternoon”. This was about three hours or so before 2:08. but when it rolled around, and I kept my clocks right to the second in those days and tuned directly from the phone company's CALL-TIME system, with the bleep-tones with each ten second time announcement; and yessir, SHE CAME ON at that very split second of eight minutes past two. Some peeps say I have a gift, or I am a psychic. There is no such thing as being gifted or being a psychic. Only being USED by ASTRAL-FAWCES, to accomplish shit that always and forever PERTAINS TO GAMES, explains these events, and these games are merely a huge fucking distraction against the inconceivable hellishness of ENDLESSNESS. Right down to that 'alchemist', or whatever and or whoever he really was, that summer day in 1974, at the area of Ziggy's Beach and Schiff's Central Pier of Atlantic City, NJ-USA, telling me all sorts of mind boggling shit and then vanishing literally into the same thin air that he seemingly had come from, that went onto lead me into my being somehow seemingly telepathically transmitted directly into my consciousness, the great “LAW OF ONE”; all of this and so much more; IT IS ALL JUST AN ASTRAL-PLANE GAME OF THE GODS, or a GASME-GAME of the GODS as I jokingly give it right back to them now, right gorgeous Mizz Hillary Duff??????????????? But still, the JRSS or endless dot-connectiveness is behind so very much that is being done in these games, or IN THOSE ASTRAL PLAYFIELDS! Not all Purgatite existors have enough true power to create intentional playfield-game-arenas however. An extremely misunderstood idea that so many psychics and mystics all over this world have is that there are nine levels of spiritual plane existence. Sort of where all of lovely Jenny Hewitt's ghosts all go into after falling into the great galactic heart (black hole at the center of all galaxies, needed as a ratio gravametric barrier to balance outer galactic star orbital patterns and of course, all programed lawtronically into all of it, before we all dream out and away from the purg. There are not nine Astral-Planes or levels or what have you, any more than “the after-life has a really bad smell”. Those remembering the smell quite obviously were quite near an area that I do not like being anywhere near at all, and we all know its name by now, right, “DOGTOWN”? But the nine level thing that is also discussed on that great “Ghost Whisperer” television show, is more misunderstood hidden Astral-Truths. There are indeed 9-ENERGETIC ENTITY LEVELS of the existors of the Purgatory. The lower third of the entities can never ever initiate any of the GASME-GODS-GAMES with the mortal world that big-banged out beyond the Plane of Astrality, as they don't have enough energy to work with. The top third of these PE's (Purgatite Existors) can do practically all that they wish to, so long as nothing is in violation of any of the LAWS OF THE LAWTRONIC SYSTEMS of the ZERO-DIMENSIONAL VOID that blows out into the PLANCK or Astral-Plane, (from Phase-1 to Phase-2). The middle third of energy entities can occasionally create playfields but these are always subject to the will of the higher energy-entities should at any interaction, any of them would so desire to do. Getting further into any of this would take days and weeks of non-stop typing, so forget that for right now.

I have been getting some weird phone calls today, and I know why that harassment is coming back, and again, time won't permit me to even start discussing it all right fucking now, yo. Also while out yesterday to try and escape my major WOMO-MILITUFORCE DEATH-SIEGE PERSECUTION, Mike Patterson called and left me a message. I called him back out of courtesy only, and I have informed him that just as fucking soon as these genius medical peeps develop a vaccine for the Corona Virus, I am taking a few items and forever departing from Florida, never to mother fucking return. But my real point here is thisssssssssssssss, lovely Mizz Erica Snakes of 1983. So many people believe psychic power and shit along those lines is real because of just this thing. They think of somebody who has not been in touch with them for quite a few months and then poof, they call them up out of the blue that day or the following one. It is all nothing but the biggest tool of the GASME-GODS-GAMES. What is their biggest tool? Gee, it is the JRSS (James Redfield Synchronicity syndrome), what else. The endlessly connecting dots that is efen behind the true ASTRAL ENERGETIC powers of the realms of the sub-atomic, an dis the very same shit that puzzled our great Mister Albert Einstein so very much, you know, his “Spooky forces” deal. He said it, I am merely copying and echoing a very great mind known so well for mathematical equations and intellectual abilities, going beyond other mere mortals by unfathomable leaps and bounds. He always was fascinated by the truth about how particles at great distances from each other in the nuclear world, would always have an endless effect on each other. The simple answer is that the human brain creates separation and thus it isn't really there to begin with in truer Astrality or in the realm of ENERGY, andthat was what his great and famous formula was all about. He said that mass and energy are the same thing, as long as one is either divided by, or multiplied by, the square of the speed of light and this is absolutely true and accurate. It has since been totally proven in laboratory experiments. I know it because of my FASCITAR TRIPS onto the realm of ENERGY, or the Purgatory (Astral-Plane)! The Death Angel by the way, is so fucking beyond annoying, and has been all year long, that no words could come close to accurately describe my frustration!!!!!!! Why can't that fucking bastard just touch me? Why just endlessly keep buzzing past me, you damn ass prick Mister Mortimer Mortino, yo????? Yessir, I typed in that I was going ot check out to see if Mike had died, and poof, he called me yesterday out of the blue after several months. He gave no good reason, and as far as I am concerned, all the shit that we tried to do failed, and I am out of here just as soon as the vaccine comes!!!!!


8:51 PM, WEDNESDAY, 10 JUNE, 2020




The day was totally quiet and okay, until approximately a quarter past six this cunt chewing evening, when all of total hell broke out, DOGTOWN as I know its name to be in Astrality. Here is what happened and then MAGGIE will do a major mother fucking counterstrike. All I can say is that if either lovely Nancy 'P' or wonderful Trump-challenging Sir VP, ever can get this note, I beg either of you or both of you to please try and help me against this monstrous vicious unspeakable tyranny, being done to me by these henchmen of Trump and his PEEPS (henchmen, goons, whatever's) who are and have been perpetrating unmentionable shit against me and to me for countless years and days now, getting scott free away with it, and laughing all the way to the WHITE HOUSE, and the WALL STREET!

Mister Mexico brutally assaulted me with the loudest blaring subs attack ever and it went on until just shy of half past eight, nearly two and one third hours of wall shaking persecution and harassment. I went out and had to go out again because he would not turn it off or down at all. While out, I was followed and stalked, someone damaged my vehicle, and someone has done something to my government cellphone as well. The last time persecution was this bad was on a really down day of the markets or when it was done and then it closed way up following the ICPE-APE-TECH ASSAULT ON ME. Mister Mexico has his subs situated in such a way that even when blasted to hell, it is barely heard anywhere else other than right on my apartment wall, making anyone go completely insane. As stated, when he moved in here to unit #605 next door to me in #607, I knew right away without the smallest bit of fucking doubt, just what was up. Just as the Maintenance peeps helped that horrible monster bitch PLAYBOY BUNNY move in to that apartment below me at ROBIN HILL in the early nineteen-eighties, the same exact shit happened here. I witnessed the maintenance peeps helping this prick move in here as well, and I KNEW THEN I WAS FUCKING TOAST, SENATOR BIDEN, AND CONGRESSWOMAN PELOSI. I ABSOLUTELY KNEW THAT I WAS TOTALLY FRIED DAMN TOAST!!!!!!!!!!!! There's nothing whatever magical about my knowing stuff. It is based on sound logic and reasoning, and totally established patterns from lots of past OTAMMIC-M2F behaviors. There is nothing here at all that can be left to anyone's goddamn imagination.

While out the first of the two times, towards the end of the time-killing-errands-route or TIKER as I may refer in future notes to in abbreviation, that same privater airplane that has two long white wings with jet black tips on the ends of them, stalked me while I parked and walked over to the DOLLAR STORE to get a few staple-grocery items. Also, lots of other airplanes were watching and stalking me and I could hear them all come out of nowhere to buzz me. The Police Parking Lot and LOBBY AREA are still closed due to the mother fucking CVGP shituation with the social-distancing policies in force throughout the nation and the state of Florida. I cannot move out of here as no rental offices are open to take applications, nor are any cashier check places to allow the credit checks to be done. So I am stuck in this 'PLAYBOY BUNNY 2 HELLISHNESS', totally forced to re-live and repeat my fucking late 1982 ROBIN HILL BUNNY-WHORE 1801 UNIT disaster.

For short, I am now in PB2 Hellishness.

I tried while out, to call my landline voice message system with my government cellphone, and somehow it got fucking screwed with. Either some prick maintenance enemy here in Public Housing Authority broke in here and screwed with it while I was sleeping, or it was done by some electronic wizardry trick of the Black File Agency System of America's mighty alphabet soup secret agencies of the MAJ-12-PEEPS; oh Mister Childress, and Professor Michio NYU Kaku, you great intellectual sirs out there somewhere!!!!!!!!! Some mother fucking prick broke my blower motor in my car, and the low settings will work, but the higher ones make a deafening sound; and my mechanic told me that he can fix it, but it won't be real cheap. Hey, what is real cheap? You can't even buy a pack of fucking chewing gum for less than currency any longer. Change is only good for its name, making change. Try actually buying anything for nickels or dimes or quarters any more. On top of all of this, the mother fucking price of gasoline has shot way up again, at least twenty cents a gallon in my town in just a couple of weeks for crissake, but nobody says fucking cunt boo about it on the goddamn news reports, do they, yo?

FBI, I know why the enemy broke the car fan motor. They didn't like my passing out some new tracts giving out my blog address to read my blogs on, you know,

I knew when I did it that the WOMO-M2F would fuck with my car, and they did, ACLU, and WC@H.


Computer, hear my MVP (Mind-Voice-Print). You will be totally absolutely crushing, obliterating, annihilating, and devastating, wrecking, ruining, and utterly wiping out, all of my enemies that are viciously persecuting me FOR THE PAST 65 YEARS, WITH MAX-POWER AGAINST ALL PERSONS AND FORCES BEHIND THIS DEATH ASSAULT EVER SINCE MIDDLE 2019, AND ON THIS SUPER FUCKING BOTBAR 10 JUNE OF 2020, WITH 100% POWER APLLIED AGAINST MISTER UNIT #605 MEXICO, AND ALSO IF THE STOCK MARKET DROPPED A LOT TODAY; THEN ALL ICPE-APE-TECH PEEPS WHO WERE BEHIND THIS ASSAULT ON ME, WITH MAJOR SKY AERIAL STALKING, GROUND SOLDIER WETWORK, PROPERTY DAMAGE, and that is all a part of DONALD TRUMP'S ICPE-APE-TECH death strike on me since August 15 of 1986; on a crush-destruct order, under GENERAL-ORDER-189, max.-power. Open-Command, General Order #7. Use G-901, G-1133, G-14, G-719, G-13, CG5555-QP4 sub-code, under G-917, CG-2, under CG-18, and HOLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your old AT&T landline telephone old style 1983 built tone-commands have been data-transferred into the two highlighted long-EEEEE vowel sounds. The high-tone is colored RED. The low-tone is colored BLUE.

Computer (Magnesonic) under my command and precisely matching voice print, I have an image-object (I-O) now placed on your transpower-block (T-B) after I have crush-destructed this. Once empowered, all actual beings matching this I-O on your T-B will be exactly crushed and singed and destroyed as the original I-O. To accomplish the scan, use your ZD technology built into your system. To accomplish this sympathetic reality duplication, use your AD technology, (ZD-Zero-Dimensional), (AD-Atomic Duplicational).

Computer, 'MAGNESONIC', on an 'I' to 'D', A/B—TONE, PHASING PUNISHMENT SEQUENCING SYSTEM; you will now be transmitted the two empowerization-transmit tones, or ETT'S.



GO TO G-189, under G-1133, CG-18, AND S---T---O---P

I have done a whole lot of soul searching and that day at my fucking Cifaloglio guard job where I was led to find that magazine article with Summer and Carey, is my total proof positive, that all of these people are indeed behind my woes and miseries, despite DGS of course, now departing this wonderful dick licking veil of tears eight years back. Peeps into what I am into are not limited any longer to the mortal illusions of life and death or time or matter, or any of it, Sir A.E., and if you were here right now and alive, you could and I will bet you would, confirm that for me to the goddamn mother fucking world, yo!



Hey, I did it in December of 2009 and I'll mother fucking do it again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!









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