Sunday, September 30, 2018





Ladies and gentlemen, now I'll get down to some interesting cases, concepts, and points regarding my WOMO-MILI-2-FAWCE ENEMIES. Lots of mother freaking people are not going to like this blog all that much, I promise you, WOMO/MO!

SEPTEMBER 30, 2018,









One thing that I'll never to these mother ******* hackers, is “Don't you know that you're out of sight, in the morning light”, and NO, not LIGHTHOUSE, Mister Spellchecker, SIR, 'WOW THAT', all great and powerful NON-OZ






If only I were free to tell you all a whole damn lot more, but it would be very risky, I promise you. No one believes me, no one is offering me any real world protection from HALLS FAWCES, which are AKA the WOMO-MILITUFAWCES. I can give you some more powerful but general information on Patty's FASCITAR, and even PATTY for that matter, or as I have come to hyphenate this in more recent times; Patty-Paula. I can give a lot of information on why our 'true beingness' and endless awareness (SOUL), travels around to places both in the hyperspace, as well as even the occasional trips back into the Plankatory. Here are just a tiny teeny red-line-crossings, that may get me into all sorts of trouble, that even Sheriff Mascara may not be able or willing, to help me out of!

You all have the ability to examine all of my Google-Blogger (TIME AND DATE STAMPED) older freaking blogs. You know perfectly well that I discussed a conversation over at the Honorable Judge Frank Raso's rental home at 65 Middle Road, in Berryville, AKA Hammonton, New Jersey, USAESMWG, with the great DAWN-MARIE KING, my captor and clever persecutor in 2008-2009, under a very well globally accepted term even among the psychiatric industry, “Stockholm Syndrome”. We were discussing how my daughter would literally be allowed and able to off somebody, and not go to jail. You all know it is up there in those year periods of time, when I indeed blogged this fateful and quite powerful conversation between us. She made that incredible statement to me in the living room of that awesome open-concept 6-19 hall-less room home of mysterious winds and slammed doors. Now just who out here remembers the days when our wonderful President #45 made his famous statement that went along the lines of “I could shoot somebody out on 5th Avenue and get totally away with it”? Hey, I remember it, and I'll bet dollars to donuts that lots of folks out here do as well, YO! Of course, that is not proof that he watches me continually and has been since the eighties, nor is it legal proof of my phone and residences and automobile being under constant major surveillance. However, in the law, such a thing as “PATTERNS” are indeed recognized. My entire life is one long freaking pattern of these things, whether anyone out here with tremendous power likes this fact or not!!!!!!!

Now let us discuss another one of my songs that nobody will be forgetting any time soon. The title of this song from the year 1980, and of course is a permanent record of the great mighty LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, as this was of course Copyright © protected, for all that this is worth as I came to learn through the damn years. Still, the name of this song, “LOVE IS FOR CARPENTERS”, and you know my shortened version title, as it is shown in RED INK above, LOIS FOCA. The lyrics to this song, at the very opening of the damn tune, discusses “travels through time”. Things like this can get somebody watched and carefully scrutinized in this world, and especially in modern day U.S.A. Lifestyle. I was a clueless young twenty-something who never realized those things back then. Now other songs and professional artists likewise said things. But they did very cleverly and left a lot to our level of imaginations. I mean speaking of those days and times for crissake, was Christopher Cross just sailing away, or maybe, a bit more than this? One can never know. But indeed, my mom was correct, I was always just too open, too blunt, or put without sparing my feelings, too damn stupid to know that society has rules and regulations, every single society the world over, and in every time era than humankind walked on the surface of this planet! How do they say it, Mom is always right? Well, a lot more than most of us give our moms credit for, aniwho, BRO! Still, the mighty Trump and his mighty team of pals even in the eighties, they gather information, they get to know stuff. Someone who comes right out and says that they travel through time is going to attract all sorts of attention, and not necessarily the kind that is desired, not by any means!

But in the past couple of years after long hard tedious reexamining of multiple issues and past nightmares and mega-hassles, I as you all know, have totally switched my opinions and ideas of just who really those monsters truly were all along in ATLANTIC CITY! Not the Callio family and Sarah, at least not directly. I say that because I know for a fact that Sarah Callio and the entire family are indeed great friends with the entire McGuire clan, and the great and quite intense and scarey, Mister Robert McGuire of Tennessee Avenue, himself! Still, I really did have that powerful dreaming experience on the OFF-RAMP of the world famous ATLANTIC CITY BOARDWALK, but I came to see that all along, this was not SARAH, but the great and mighty PAULA KING, and yes, the daughter of the mighty JOHN KING, who for reasons that I was and still am totally clueless about, insisted huge hyper-time, that I hosed myself off with a very particular beach hose right there at Ziggy's Central Pier Jetty, after leaving his parking lot, one block north of his other lot on Tennessee Avenue. My blogs as well as tons of mother freaking cassette tapes, go into very unpleasant and lengthy details concerning all of this very nasty and outlandish mess! Now I admitted to the entire world that after this first week of June in 1980 dreaming interaction with this wild crazy girl or whoever she REALLY IS, I was only able to retrieve originally, the basic tune or melody, and only a few of the words. It was me who sort of REVERSE-ENGINEERED the lyrics as though I was trying to go back into this thing and properly see it from some very far above point of view. I did write in the fact that I seemed to have always known this person from boyhood, and yes, I won't freaking lie about, I thought she was the most beautiful thing I ever saw in my entire life. She was indeed a giant beauty with very long light brown hair. Just as the lyrics went, I wrote this, and I meant it. BUTTTTTTT, the few words that were directly sent to me in this powerful dreaming experience, I made sure to keep in there. One thing was right at the end, and it went, “When you get home and see me on TV, don't pick up the phone, and do not call me”. The other thing that I remembered was this repeating line of, “Love is for carpenters”. The rest of it was me trying to figure it all out and understand it all, and then to try and write it almost from an observers perspective to the entire thing. It was not until 27 years in the future, at a security guard job; that I went back into a very deep trance one early morning, at the Cifaloglio place where I was posted, and successfully managed to retrieve the entire lyrics, that this incredible goddess gave to me in this DREAM; whoever she really and truly is, or was, or always will be, or Congressman Andrews 1975 'WHATEVER', and write it down, and later vocally record it on a little Karaoke machine that I purchased at the K-Mart Plaza in Berlin, New Jersey, at a Goodwill Store, while on a short shopping road-trip with Eddie Himacane and Ann King, the mom of Dawn-Marie King. King, King, King; how do I escape this snowed-in-KING of a blizzard shivery ice cold blistery day, when I walked over to the great Bank Of New Jersey, in middle January of the year 1978, while residing in Blackwood, New Jersey, USAESMWG??????????????? Yes the © Office has the new update version to that 1980 song from the 'OTHER-WORLDS' , oh great PATTY-PAULA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now to slightly traverse another RED-LINE. I don't know if this person is being totally truthful with me, and therefore I can only relay what he said, and not produce proof to the accuracy of what was told to me. This is a friend of someone who I recently met while out on errands. He does not owe me anything, and said he wanted to check it out. When Paula came over in the late part of June back in 1996, to my apartments at Highview, in Williamstown, NJUSAESMWG, she drove over in a Chevy Cavalier. It was all shiny and brand new looking. I was looking out my window and saw this absolutely unfathomable giant beauty, alight her vehicle, and approach the main door to a three story six apartment system. It was right after this that my memories all fade out and it was two hours later on closer to the time when my mother would arrive home from her shipping company job. Now this person has told me that PK indeed had a registered Chevy Cavalier automobile in 1996, a dark colored vehicle, as I remember it to be before my memories all cut out, you know, the Julie White Syndrome, only without the long islands or the school buses that make incredibly wide angle turns up there in Manhattan! This was all about one month after my Saturn Automobile had been assaulted over at the psychic shop called, “The Gathering Place”, in Deptford, New Jersey, and then fifteen minutes or so later, I ran into teenager Nick Cannon on the Black Horse Pike, and he told me that my hubcap was all screwed up, when I pulled over to make a payphone telephone call. This too is on lots and lots of my older blogs. Of course, this was all also happening in concert with no puns intended, with that 'time-travel' experience where he took me back to my high school, the HTHS of Westmont, New Jersey, and was telling people that I came from the year 1997, and had found myself back in the year of 1968, and later realized in a major query, why was I telling these people that I came from the future next year when it was 1996? This too is on plenty of older blog texts in my MORIANITY! You know it is funnier than dog ****. The same people that want all of the world to believe in their flying saucers and little weird alien people landing here on Planet Earth and interacting, are the biggest 'laughers' and scoffers of my goddess damn MORIANITY! Go figure, folks! Spellchecker informs me that I've freaking coined another word. WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh yes folks, why do they expect to be believed and then turn around and treat me like dog puke? Mortimer Mortino the death-angel is striking me, passing by my left side at 4:25 Ante' Meridian. WOW THAT ONE!

You know we could take the simplest and most relatively recent experiences that I have had right here in Florida, nothing past a decade back into time, and see some mind bending truths that indeed, totally all connect up with this Atlantic City bull ****, and these monster people up there! When I was employed up at 25th Street and ML KING BLVD, yes, I said the word again, KING; working at the place that then was called the Harvest Food Outreach Center and now is called United Against Poverty (UP) for short, I had people for no reason at all, come around and harass me, thinking it was funnier than goddess damn pig crap. Many of them would call me 'mahm' when obviously I do not have a feminine appearing face, and many would start nasty rumors about me, and still others such as that day in the computer class, and yes, that too is on my blogs from those days around 2010; and this dude for no reason at all just began persecuting the mother ******* **** eating **** out of me. The lady coworker Sandra Waller told me, “I don't know why he is picking on you, you've done absolutely nothing to the guy”? Well, I know why this all happened, and would happen all over again tomorrow with brand new people in this Shakespearean Play, should I begin working up there. You all know it too. It is nothing other than HALLS HAWCES doing this to me. It will never ever stop until my HUNTINGTON HELLCURSE ends with my physical death. BUTTTTTTTTTTTTT, in just about all cases with people on this planet, your hell is swallowed up by your eventual death. Mathematics however ponders the great notion and question here that takes us all just a tad beyond this idea. What if somebody's freaking HELL is so big, that IT LITERALLY SWALLOWS UP THEIR DEATH?

Just exactly what did the great playwright Mister Shakespeare really and truly know about all life being a mere stage, and we are all merely the actors/players of the entire larger system where someone or something is operating some great inconceivable cosmic entertainment show of a sort? I did not make this up, this is not some concept of MOUNTAINPEN and his MORIANITY!

My miserable scum bag upstairs neighbor hammers every single goddamn day. This bitch wakes me up every stinking rotten day with this monkey snot hammering. Her entire mother ******* apartment must look like one big bunch of Swiss Cheese walls!

So exactly what is going on with Patty and Paula and Melanie, and those great digits of '1-8-0' and then extending this just a bit further and in any boxed-lottery order, making those two powerful numbers of 1802 and 1980, you ask me? Well first off, when we remove the damn '1', the '8', and the '0', from both 1802, and 1980; we are left with those two digits of '2', and '9'. Combining these two digits in the only two possible ways that can be arranged, we get the numbers of 29 and 92. We have discussed this. Let me take it a wee bit further now on this blog. All of the people who have turned my life into a never ending living nightmare hell, are not totally responsible. They become indwell'd and used by the WOMO-MILI-2-FAWCES, OR BETTER SAID, THOSE LOVELY ******* HALLS-FAWCES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyone who ever studied basic religions and basic Christianity and its teachings, knows how our Lord Jesus Christ commanded the 'demons' to leave the 'possessed' person, whom when this was indeed accomplished, seemed to be totally fine, but these forces or 'demons' had to go somewhere, and so Christ commanded them to go out of the person, and then they went into a herd of pigs. After this happened, the pigs went ape-crap and dashed wildly and madly into the sea. It is right there in any King James Holy Bible, for anyone out here to open up to the four Gospels, and read it for yourselves! Morianity believes these things 100%+. However, Morianity also knows that in those days, our Lord, or really the Almighty who jacked into this reality in the same way that in the movie called, “Lawnmower Man 2”, those kids jacked into that videogame and began interacting in the game. Now I discussed my daughter PEE from a parallel universe, who when Paula did not miscarry the child in that universe, was born on the 29th day of March in the year of 1997. I will never forget her coming to 1802 Robin Hill Apartments in that powerful wild dreaming experience, and telling me how she miscarried the child. But then there is another parallel where she never came over to tell me that, and I found her to be residing at the Harborfields Juvenile Detention Center of Egg Harbor City, New Jersey, USAESMWG. She was an incredible computer genius and she had invented the travel-tower. This is connected to a computer system, and then things are data-transfered into zeros and ones, and sent to another computer over the internet, and then turned back into what they originally were, by way of some incredible three dimensional laser system. She had been contacted by the great E-BAY people and they were consorting with her even though she was only about ten years old. I was having those incredible 'dreams' back in the year 2007. I had no clue about lots and lots of things in 2007. I was destined to put a whole damn lot of **** together as more time continued to pass.

The old joke goes, “What does a sperm cell and a lawyer have in common”? They both have a million to one chance of becoming a human being. Well then, what is the damn difference between a throat specialist in Northeast Philadelphia, over near Grant Avenue and Interstate 95, and a Cherry Hill endocrinologist one year later? Well folks, the answer to that one is that only the great president of our country knows the punchline to that one. Well, and maybe the great Macy crew also!


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