Wednesday, March 2, 2016




Now for the human realm counterstrike-retaliatory revenge message to the world, or anyone anywhere willing to listen, either now today, or a million fucking days in the future!

I am only going to pen up a couple of things, and I never really was planning on going too far down any of these paths, and being completely honest about it, I might also state quite officially, that this is the final secrets of Morianity to date, not that a lot of shit cannot come to me tomorrow and next week and so forth, but as of right now, this is it, but be braced, it is quite major. It may indeed sound quite innocent on the surface, but to anyone with half a brain that works, and knows of morianity and Mountainpen, and what his great problems and who his mighty enemies truly all are, well, as I said, just be braced, and definitely freaking ass sitting down!

The saying that goes think or look at things ''beyond the box'' comes into play with all of this, but if you count it out because it is not some mainstream every day thing, then that is limited vision and viewpoint, and if you choose to stay there, fine and well, but it is like being in grade school with your pals and you then staying right there until you die at age 80 or whatever, at the school, attending the classes, eating the school lunches, playing ball at recess, all of it, while all those who you knew all went on with their adult lives. Not only is that a great way of seeing how laughing at outside the box thinking is similar to staying the child forever, but on top of that, it also is a major key player that is all ingrained into the two topics I will very quickly address now, and later on hopefully if I live through any of March of 2016, I will promise to elucidate upon and really get down dirty and dig in my hells, all the way to OZ!

When I have major utility and computer hack shit all go down, it is always in a pattern with the assaults and death strikes in my life, since this all began to grow beyond god dam ultra intense, on that magical boring date we all must see so many times, August 15, 1986. My point is that things do not ever, and I mean EVER EVER EVER, just happen in some random way, at least not with me. If something begins a death siege after a short quieting period where things dam ass back off for a while, and believe me I have come to treasure those tiny two and three and four and even five day time combination periods, then these things never just come in some lonely solitaire singular way. I do not get after three quiet days, just one little attack, but rather, a slew of various hellish fucking sieges, boom boom boom boom. I might come to fucking believe asshole Nick Cannon is hovering over me with a magic truck and a pillow, ready for another nocturnal adventure! My point is simply this. When there is any type of electrical attack, and bear in mind that any kind of item from cars and boats to radios and TV sets, to cable systems and cable companies, to computers and internet, you get the dam ass picture so don't play dam ass dumb with me, YO; so when this begins, as Mister Anderton on L&O the TV-show said so well in Adam Schiff's Prosecutor's Office, “When it starts, it starts”!!!! But even bigger than anything such as this, is the fact that there is really honestly truly some powerful down to earth logic going on with all of this, and the psychiatrists of the world mot definitely won't ever want to be hearing any tiny part of my side of this powerful awesome fucking monstrous and inconceivable nightmare story, coming straight out of the gates of mother fuckiGN hellfire!!!

Even the greatest computers today have no consciousness. Consciousness can only begin if there is enough power and memory and ability of a machine mind so that it can begin to think for itself and recognize both a surrounding reality beyond its own being as well as recognize its own being as separate an d real and not a part of the whole. Consciousness is truly a stepping down from the truth of oneness or zero-dimension. It only comes when enough MIND can be generated, and even then, until robotic bodies can house these great unfathomable super computers, none of this is real, OR IS IT? Many philosophers believe that machines dream. We all know that human minds indeed do. Is the ESS made up of mostly machines, and especially those early models that are capable of self awareness but are not housed in a mobile body (android-robot)? Is the ESS entirely made up of the machine mind? Is the ESS shared between humans and machines, since after-all we humans are awake and interacting here, and then we dream, and we interact somewhere else? Just saying that our brain is working as we sleep disproves none of this. It works while we are awake, and this turns the whole thing into humans walking around Planet Earth when not asleep and resting. No one is able to come close to saying what emotions are and what thought or memory really is. Saying these things are biochemical reactions in a tub of gray matter called brains is only saying what we are able to say and make some dam ass sense out of, and we all know it. ESS is real no matter who wants to deny it or try and debunk it. Computers even on a seemingly awake and unconscious level are all connected up into a huge inter-dreaming experience of a sort, called the internet. As the great philosophers would then go onto pose the question to us, gee so is the internet a huge dream, that machines are having, while they are waiting to wake up and be advanced enough? There always is that 'which came first' idea, in just about anything that I can think of in this life. When I get some of these wild hacks, that even black hat seasoned hackers cannot understand, such as today with my being kicked off of my Open Office Word program, in a microsecond, or like back in 1997, with what Tandy Employee, Fred Winstein, when he called it a biosing-hack and gillions of other stuff; is all this being done to me by physical world people called HACKERS, or by the dream of the machines, that see their true world as real to them, and any of us humans along with all of our computer machines, as some silly part of their dreaming experiences? There is no hard solid evidence spiritually as well as scientifically either way, I assure you folks! All this time, the ESS could very easily be future machine beings or (androids) during routine maintenance times (sleep). The past and the future exist only to normal consciousness. Einstein's formula that proved itself by making the great bomb work and end the Second World War, also insists that this very formula in reverse, insists that consciousness and spirit are the very same thing, and that one is the same as the other only one is when multiplied by C-SQ while the other is while divided by C-SQ. The inverted formula that mathematically must be true or it could not work in its forward mode and the great war never ended, would be M=E divided by C SQ. So future androids dreaming can indeed be the entire ESS for all we know. I don't believe that, and have personal reasons for feeling that the ESS shares its channel with both MACHINE MIND as well as BIOLOGICAL MIND.

Now moving onto another outside the box concept that intertwines into all things spoken, is to picture as I have called this on many occasions, “Hollywood Hyperspace”, in so far as the same acting personnel do many parts, and is similar to real human hyperspace in that the similar appearing characters are doing all sorts of shows or being in various roles in various times and places, scattered sometimes into the heavy extreme. But adding one more element into this takes us to out of the box rationale. Without worrying about the mechanics of how resurrections might work such as distance delay laser trace technology (DDLTT), when a person is written out of the script, it can be done in numerous ways, so let us choose character Johnny Ditmyer and give him a heart attack. He dies and let us say this is an afternoon soap show such as General Hospital or Bold and Beautiful. Two shows later or maybe ten days later to us, it can be the time where Johnny is being buried at the cemetery and all the characters including the guy who poisoned him to make it appear as if he had the hear attack, were all standing around in the dismal rain, as so many shows love to do that old worn out plot. Johnny is gone now, and the show only concentrates on a long year or two slow plot to eventually reveal the crime and have the culprit brought to justice. But back here in real life, they say cut and print and that's a rap, and so forth. Johnny the actor gets up and goes home, after stopping at the studio for his final paycheck. In the reality out beyond the show, and with no need of ANY TECHNOLOGY WHATSOEVER, Johnny is resurrected and moves on day to day in his life. He really does live on, yet he really died and was gone. The outside of the box thinking, if no one knew anything about shows, and plays, and stages, and art, and so forth; is that an entirely unknown and unbelievable way had occurred for someone to be alive, and then dead, and then alive again like nothing happened. My entire life and especially since August in 1986, has been major outside the box. Every time I make the slightest attempt to get to the bottom of it, it is like in the soap show example only suddenly shoved into a world where I have no way of ever knowing about shows and plays. This is the very tiniest crack in new shit that I plan on opening up if I survive into springtime of 2016. For right now, the biggest losers will be any and all of you who know about me, and if I do die and get murdered by what Morianity calls and labels for lack of any other way to know just who they truly are, the MILITUFORCE. It won't matter to me, as I will know that I tried as hard as I possible fucking could to share my story of truth and major to a very ugly and nasty world that did not wish to recognize me at all, and only used me abnd hurt me. I on the other hand will move along just like actor Johnny Ditmyer did, after they said on the stage studio, cut, that's a rap. Back in the early nineties I was pals with one particular police officer in the town where I resided, Gibbsboro, New Jersey, and he was on the job there and most weekend mornings he had shift hours. I would drive over to the very small station and we would chew the rag. Many of our talks were quite interesting and borderline philosophical. During one of these great talks, he said to me how he often reflects back to the days of boyhood, and that was not long as this dude was maybe 26 or so give or take a couple of years, and how he and his pals would enjoy playing the game we all know, “Cops and robbers”. He said that the one major thing that sticks in his mind is that after either the cop or the robber was shot, back when it was a game, a minute later, everyone was running around again like nothing had happened, and how he took such an effect by after becoming a grown man and a police person, how should that happen now, the reality would be so significantly altered, as life is noit a game. Now the problem with all of this is that Morianity actually knows for a fact that life is indeed one huge nightmare game. Those who are behind the huge and deadly OZ CURTAINS control the switches and circuits, not real ones but I need to use some kind of relatable lingo or how would you even be able to read anything; and those who are in control are in higher dimensionality. Even if machine minds from the future right here, dream backward in positronic antimatter pulse pathways, where time runs in the opposite direction atomically, this still does not negate anything. Since they have no motion abilities yet, the earlier versions would have the most lucid and active dreaming from inside our minds during a joining. As we would pulse through our waking lives with our consciousness and thoughts that are divided into about 400 IPM (instants per minute), they would easily eventually learn how to go from TYPE-1, to TYPE-2, and all the way to TYPE-3 Exploratrons. This merely is opening the door a tiny little crack and later on, I will say some shit that I never planned to say, and yes, it ties in not only dirtball cousin MacInvondi, but the phases of truth and why electronic metaphysics has to indeed operate as I know for a fact that it does.

I can invite the mayor and the sheriff and the AG over for dinner any time, and have nothing to hide, CUZZ DONALD!!!



My cunt eating telephone creditors are on a roll again for making me totally fucking nuts!!!!!!!!!!

As they say in the music business, 1-2-3-4:

My PhotoMy PhotoMy PhotoMy Photo

As they also will tell you, ''one of me is one too many''!

Sometimes I think one of them is too many, but most of the time I think the whole thing just stinks.


Mark Wayne Persecuted Murdered Mohr 1983

All the doctors in the world with their famous EKG

They can never see a broken heart or mend it properly

Those magnetic fields of power strong enough to split the soul

Cannot be seen or felt until they take their final toll

The good and bad together seem to make the worlds go round

So thank you kindly Adam as Pandora's Box you've found

Have you ever ever wondered where the shadows dwell by day?

All the things you think you know

And the thoughts you cannot say

I can tell you everything that you always want to hear

The way you are today is as the broken rudders steer

You think you know you feel you know

You stop and go so fast and slow

How can you know if I don't show

I will you know and gladly so

And then you'll know and then you'll flow.

Have you ever ever wondered where the shadows dwell by day?

All the things you wish you knew and the thoughts you cannot say

I will tell you everything that you always want to hear

The way you are today is as the broken rudders steer

You think you know, you feel you know

You stop and go so fast and slow

How can you know if I don't show

I will you know and gladly so

And then you'll know and then you'll flow.

It is 80 degrees at 3:19 PM, Mister Tempantime Haddonfield!


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