Tuesday, March 1, 2016




I am a very strong believer in certain bible verses being more than just very important to know off the top of ones head, but literally burned and etched into the very essence or (spirit) of each one of us. Right now the one that I am concerned with is seeking and finding, knocking on doors so they'll be opened, etcetera. I more than most know how powerful this is, and many might disagree with my thoughts and beliefs, and that's fine and well, as I am totally for freedom, 100%. A lot of people think this bible verse is some weird supernatural commandment whereby if we wish to have wisdom in general or on one particular matter at any given present point, we pray and read bible scripture and watch for the major events surrounding our lives and so forth. That is all fine and well, but using only big things is a lot like major record labels in the music business, verses all of the independent music, and undiscovered music, throughout decades of time. Hey, again you can disagree with me, but I say bull-slap when it comes to the music idea, so why would this thing with looking for wisdom and finding it only through the most ''MAJOR'' events around us, being the ultimate key?

I look at the smaller items every bit as much as some of the larger ones, when I seek guidance on many things. Besides running to mystical magical large black panther cats and their numerological wisdom, I also believe that every single thing around you, once you question anything, is automatically signaled by way of lawtronic built in programs of a sort, to show and reveal answers. If someone has access to a lot of people and places and their lives are filled with busy interactiveness with numerous other folks, this is one thing. When others such as myself, in poor health, are more or less shut ins with very little outside interaction, then other things come into play which substitute those other things, such as what we may see and hear on the television, or radio, or internet, or what have you. I am going to connect that with what I now tell you, and by ''you'', I mean basically me someday down the line when I retrieve this information. I know there is no legitimate viewing audience, and those few who do read me are all just assholes and enemies. So this blog is for the most part, Mister Chris Bennett and Mister Ed Lynch, merely my own detailed memories for my own later reflections!

Even before I left the Cooley Hall and school at age eighteen years and two months, I was being very carefully watched and monitored by some sort of force or group or whatever it may be, that are also encountered by those who attempt to get to the bottom of various paranormal or extraterrestrial related things. Some call them MIBS for men in black with sun shades over their eyes, and there are other names from UFOCI'S (Club Infiltrators) and I have heard a laundry list of other names that need not be included right now on this blog text. Even as a boy in Atlantic city, I was always being targeted by them, and today these people have somehow merged with the entertainment world, the high end military forces, and the billionaires and other financial-economic controllers of global society. When the death-siege persecution on me all seemingly began happening, or when things really got started on me, where anyone keeping a dairy or a chart system would unmistakably see this truth reflected back, as an undeniable reality, which occurred on August 15, 1986; these listed entities, were those that seemed mostly connected directly, with the attempt to totally wipe me out, and destroy me, in some super black stealthy black operation and covert devious manner, like a wild sick demented group, and legion of demons sent against me, straight from hell. However I look at all of this, certain constants and certain truths always remain. One of these truths is that this power on and against me can be accurately measured, and it is real, and I am not crazy, nor am I imagining any of this. Others too have witnessed it, and run for cover, never looking back, and this of course has led to the entire world either on one side causing this to all happen against me, while the other side, endlessly runs far away and distances themselves from me forever. I will tell you now as I have told you before, or really me. This is coming now from the National Broadcasting Company, the Comcast Corporation, and Donald J. Trump, who of course is all intertwined throughout those two entities. Still, this three sided sword has literally sliced my entire life apart since the nineteen seventies turned into the eighties and the nineties, and has then progressed onward right up and through present times of 2016. Now things are reaching an absolute ultimate crescendo. If I could have had my blog work out the way Chris and Ed had told me it should, I may have been able to come out of this. But of course they all own my blogs and everything else, through the new god called Microsoft Corporation who owns and controls Google, Youtube, Facebook, and all of it. There never ever was any chance at all for me to come out of this. The last laugh was on me all the time. It always boils dowen to the ultimate reality of the great card game that most children have learned and played, called WAR. There are spins that even great NASCAR drivers cannot pull out of. These mother fuckers have made sure to place me into one of them, right after I had met David Roth over at the Caldor Department Store of Woodbury Heights, New Jersey, in early November in the year of 1985. From there, it has been one down hill ride straight into blood sucking hellfire with no possible way of escape. This is why I do not believe in any way, in any kind of a father god who is loving or caring. I believe this is the biggest hoax ever fucking perpetrated on humanity.

Naturally, their evil stock market is flying up. It will fly up to 30,000 points before election day. Everyone is not a fool or stupid. The reason people vote the way they do is because they have an active T3E inside of them and controlling them, and soon when it is all over, and I mean ALL OVER; they will be themselves again, only the voting they do will not be erasable. The Milituforce will now run this entire planet, and I will have the last laugh after death as I did try and warn people, and they just laughed at me all the way.

+++THE END+++

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