Sunday, April 19, 2015






It is not as simple as you might think at first glance, into the situation. A simple program that tells the system to use a reverse font and highlight color would seemingly work, you know, green font color and no highlight highlight color. This way, they have another hack program put in a black background color, and the words are then gone. But you see, there is more to this, because if I retype an entire hacked area on a brand new document page, and paste it into a new blog where until that point, the hack is not there, it too is hacked. I suppose you have noticed this, FBI Agent Steve Caruso, FCC Director Bob McDowell, Sheriff Kenneth Mascara, Attorney General Pam Bondi, and other authorities who may be watching and interested. So this is no quick little written hack that takes Joe Black Hat about twenty minutes to write and install, using tracking cookies to locate me when I post blogs to the BLOGGER DOT COM WEBSITE. This also means, that those things that are hacked, are absolutely done to keep me from normally having this information on my blogs. Not everyone realizes what is going on and sees a lot of black lines, and thinks, it is just asshole me screwing up a blog, and no words are there, and they don't think twice about checking with a simple two key command on their keyboard, 'CONTROL-A' so that the missing and buried hidden print at least highlights and becomes visible. All they know is this keeps my information from coming out to the max, and that is the job of whoever this hacker is that is doing this, in total violation of my rights to free speech, of course.

I do not talk much about my medical problem. It would be suicide. Any attempts to survive that provide me any chance at all, involve my doing all I can to suffer through this hell and slowly ween off of the meds that my body needed for my situation and was getting on a daily schedule, week in and week out, 28 Mg weekly of either Ativan, or its generic cousin Lorazepam. Now for a month give or take, I have been reduced 75% and am down to 7Mg weekly, just one milligram per day. But that is not good enough, despite my being sick and week from this. They want me off it completely, and are going to get their way. This means I have to move to TJ Mexico. Everyone is telling me it is dangerous. Well, it is inevitable that I will die a slow and horrible death here in the United States, so I have no choice other than to take my chances. If I do survive, don't think I won't do all in my power to sue somebody someday with very deep pockets, for billions, for doing this torturous hell to me.

I thought I would wake up feeling better after taking my pill last night, along with some other less effective so-called anti-anxiety medicine that the shrink up in Vero has me taking. But to the contrary, I woke up really fucked up. It was not the usual panic attack, but just an overall feeling of being very ill from what this is doing to me. In any real world, someone who is not a convicted felon, could not be tortured to death. Even death row inmates are not. Something is very wrong, and anyone out here reading this from you President Bearhugs-Obama to the United States Attorney General, to Governor Rick Scott, to Congressman Murphy; all know this without me saying so much as one more word. You take this medical shit, the ESS, all the claims of my nearly ten year long blog, and even the 2013 copyrighted techno-pop song, put it all together, and you KNOW I AM BEING UP FRONT AND HONEST here when I say that something is radically wrong. But I guess every gutless mother fucker out here is just too scared to want to ever even think about attempting to ever fucking assist me at all, so most likely, I will die a horrible mother fucking death this year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If I need to be a martyr to prove that my incredible story of Morianity is real and that I did not make it up for some twisted Earthly reason; then so god dam be it, I swear!

It was still quite hot after sunset tonight, but has cooled down a little bit now as the day winds down towards its closing.

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My soul is a dungeon. My world is an endless fire that consumes all that is good and peaceful. It burns joy and contentment as fire gobbles up gasoline. My enemies are with me, in a new form. Three thousand years ago I hid in caves from Saul and remember many things. Too many perhaps, but the one thing that if I had remembered it, my life would have been so radically altered as a result, no words can exist to ever tell the fullness of the story. My teen Goddess SSJKK would not allow me to consciously remember her or her great city back when I lived on this planet as King David. I remember vast amounts of my life, parts that never made it anywhere near the historical accounts and great holy words handed down generation to generation. I dare not utter or speak any of these words. Living as I do now as Mark Wayne Mohr, I have known for about twenty years, who I was so long ago. To me though, it seems like dam yesterday, and my love for Jehovah only grows passionately stronger with every hour that passes. I still spend much of my time writing love songs for this wonderful and beyond conceivable teen queen goddess, Sarah-Stacey Jehovah Krassle. Back then, we called them my musical devotions. They were as much my love songs to her and for her, as the ones I have written in these new age times. Sarah Krassle my beautiful love, I'll sing just how much I love you. The stars, the trees, the songs of the wind, they sing how you love me too. And every day you are not wit me I do not know what I will do. As all of the stars in the sky cannot shine, without you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

People who have no memory of things much past fragmented slices after about 5-20 years, I truly envy. Not only do I remember my birth as Mark Wayne Mohr, but I remember so many other lives I have placed my energetic astral dream-downs into throughout both human history, and way way way beyond and before that; in far away places, with a lot more than just strange sounding names.

Now if the paragraphs below do not come out, then just hit the CONTROL-A and it will highlight and you will see it then.


Without sailing away in 1980 with Chris Cross, or any other wild folks in the great music bizz, let's see if I can't say a few things that might set things on their ear and their asshole. Let's just see what we can do hear, in a short period of no time! AHA-AHA MMCN! The story to me and music would require a Harvard and a Yale education, all the way up to Doctorate Degrees; I assure you all. I have told a few things such as Dave's drums and his dead Cadillac car, and some others with both him and me. My latest musical debokle being the shutting down of the Avalon Studio; the only place local to me. Still, we'll be getting into some things I really feel the need to blow some sheet covers off of, no matter who ends up discovered all naked in the dam beds. Uh-oh Shark-shit Maco. Go paint a car.


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I would bet that Einstein himself, if he was in Dawn's shoes, and in her situation; could not have pulled this off; and he is supposed to be Mister MIND the great. And I would also bet right now, double or nothing; that he would not have been able to do this; and I would put up and risk every last penny in my bank account, and that is not much; but it will help me pay my car insurance, and eat a few more meals this month. All of a sudden; Dawn gets her hands on a magic lotion potion. She rubs it all over her body, and 12 hours later; she is legally declared contagious, with some undiagnosable skin condition; and must leave the rehab-program, and this not being ''her fault'', her lawyer was then able to successfully argue her case, and get the prison sentence that was hanging over her, for non-compliance of the year at the REHAB CLINIC; made null and void; and suddenly, there comes a knock at my trailer door, on the eleventh night in July, in 2008. It is Dawn's husband Lewis Laines, (Chicky) as he insisted on that nickname, and with him, mommy-Ann; and they said, Mark, you need to go to bed and stop your blogs, as you need to be over at our place at 7 in the morning, we are picking up my daughter at the Seacaucus Rehab Clinic. I knew deep down inside, I was a dead man, just like Walking Mike Patterson Vampire, down in Miami. A few nights before this all went down, my mom appeared to me in a 'dream' and we were all in a dollar-store, my mom and I, and Dawn, and her mom Ann King. In the early nineteen eighties, more happened to me than just inventing a wild new music machine that put the Moog Synthesizer into a dinosaur cave forever and ever. Within the range of two years of this invention, called, ''KEYBOARDS FROM PETAHELL'', that was never talked about, and kept secret from all my coworkers, friends, enemies, associates, and you name it; because of its unexplainable side effects, and my fear to share the story; as who would believe 90 or more percent of it; was what my mind was thinking. For about five and a half years since middle two thousand eight, I have tried to tie things together regarding the August 1986 quick light-switch alteration of my life, in a period of hours and without any possible rational explanation; and all that could ever be thought of regarding all of this horrible nightmare, was that reality must exist in other places that the mind visits and that so fat humankind is not aware of this truth, and still just calls this dreams and dreaming, and those in charge of mind and mental health remain clueless to where mind really comes from and what it truly is, still to this very present day in 2014. I began to know that after soul searching and talking to experts of many fields, that my only possible explanation had to be right, and the Marola Syndrome kicked in, the odds of such a thing being far beyond winning lotteries in the hundreds of millions of dollars or being struck five times by lightning, and along this line. Here was a teacher of mine telling me repeatedly that one must always go with the majority, as by doing this, you will at least be assured of life being right for you more than it will be wrong. It sounds wonderful on its face, but as with so many things in this imperfect ugly world, just when you need your particular philosophy to kick in and help you through a bad spot in your life, boom, it fails you miserably and you crash hard onto the floor, bloody and mortally wounded. No one would believe that I had the only answer that could fit this situation of waking up on the fifteenth of August in 1986 to an entirely new and hellish monstrous life, with no rational logical other way of seeing it or explaining it, absolutely none at all. I went to sleep, and the only thing that can explain what happened is that when we sleep and dream, we are in a parallel universe, in energy form, or M=E/C-SQ. This is the precise mathematical inverse of a world famous formula, by Professor Einstein of the Princeton University of New Jersey. Now before moving this on to where it counts, we will need a comparison point, so here it is. Every day we all get up and go through the day, some good shit happens, some bad shit happens, and plenty of in-between stuff happens. The sun comes up and it goes down, day after day after bloody day, in or out of jolly old great England! But one day somewhere in the future, our sun, a normal average star in outer space, AKA ''the expansion'', will no longer operate the same way, and will begin to grow larger and hotter and the world will not exist any more. This is a long way off, so seeing this absolute eventuality but in its proper perspective, is very necessary for me to now continue discussing 1986, and what happened to me on the night that changed my life forever. We all go into dreams, and many do not remember our dreams, but they effect our lives whether we remember any of this dream life at all, or not. And should some incredible thing happen in one of these dreams, it could be like the day the sun no longer works the way that we all have become so accustomed to its normal behavior for so very long. Instead of the whole world beginning to grow hotter and slowly watch humankind and Earth dissolve away, it was only one person that was so adversely effected. This would be me. I may not be dissolving away, but my entire life totally changed overnight, and I might as well have awakened in a world that slowly was melting and dying, as I have been doing just that, in a cosmic way, ever since, for almost 28 years now. Just because this very rare thing happened to me on this one particular night, it was because of a DREAM EXPERIENCE, and this particular one did indeed, DESTROY THE REMAINDER OF MY ENTIRE LIFE. This is reality, and 1000 'shrinkologists' can all laugh at me and tell me I am totally incorrect, my life and my experience with this, lets me know without a shadow of doubt, that I am right, and all of these experts who think they know so much, are all wrong. So on blogs to shortly follow, I am going to tell the long and beyond unfathomable bizarre tale of this DREAM, that I indeed awoke out of to begin this NEW-LIFE, of post AUGUST 15, 1986; that my 8 years of these blogs have discussed quite negatively, over and over and over again!!!!!!!!!!!!

I really need to relax right about now, with a bowl of soup, and sandwich, and a little fucking TV. So please move over Ronald Reagan, WAYV-PK, and MC. TANKS!!!!!

One droid to another, sir LURCH, and Misses Roddenberry, here is a little poem for you.


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Yes, I could say it nine times over, but no one ever likes to believe what they cannot both explain rationally to themselves, as well as keep it within their personal comfort cozy zone. This is another way of saying that the GWPO SYNDROME will most likely remain very popular, for a very long time yet to come, here on good old fucking PLANET-EARTH!!!


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Better not pout, Merry. Patty says next Halloween is cool, WEEEEEEEEEE!

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Hold the fucking MAYO, they want too much for their medical sandwiches, YO.

Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic

Well, I am going to go choke on all of this, Donald J. Trump!!!!!!!!!!!! See you over at Cheltenham high, YO. SHEEEEEEEEEEIT.

I need some quality care, but hold the dam mayo, I am a poor man. Screw me, the poor don';t count for squat in this nation, President Bearhugs, we both know that, my friend!!!!!!!!!


My life is one big fat ass fucking hell.

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WOW, the things I could say and tell, if the enemy would allow it. But then, folks reading this don't really want to know. If they did, they would make contact and want to meet in real life as the old computer and internet lingo goes. Then I could blow anyone's open mind. No one can blow a closed mind. Jesus raised the dead, yet the rich young man was not impressed enough to sell his worldly garbage and follow him. Nothing ever changes, just because pages on a fucking dam calendar do.



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Do the kids still call you baby, DELTA DAWN?

From here to Brownsville, Texas, huh Helen?

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