Thursday, January 24, 2013

Morianity 2, JWC2, DAY 00034, BLOG-A, GINA!


JWC2, DAY 00034, BLOG-A

10:40 AM-EST, at Fort Pierce, Florida, Mark Wayne Mohr, recording and reporting, for the record, on the record; and by the record.

There is a lot to tell, and just as when I was not online for just over two weeks, that seemed more like closer to two months; I may again, only post several blogs together for a while, so as to leave the humongous compilation up there on my two sites, front and center for a while. Speaking of this, when I tried to post them up, both of my sites made it extremely difficult for me to do. Many changes were made in those short sixteen days or so that I was offline, and even my AT&T installer, told me that it is weird, and that he never witnessed anything like what happened to me. He hooked me up, and many pages that were supposed to still be there, were no longer available, and is all part of my 'control pages', as I have come to call them. This is what keeps me a nobody in this world, and never recognized for things that I have done, not ever; and not by anyone, because it is totally fixed; and these secret covert fucking cunt sanctions that are imposed on me, are as real as any heavy hefty Krassle Motorcycle chain, could ever be used to bind anything.

First I'll give the update report since my last post up, and since blog JWC2, DAY 00033, BLOG-A, ended the last updates, on what is ongoing around me. Things have gotten strange, and persecution is looming around me like the impending cosmic doom of a rapidly approaching meteorite.

But first things first at seven minutes shy of eleven this Thursday morning, YO. At just a few minutes before the last hour, and right about one hour ago, after already being newly awake for the day, a loud squeal came over my off hook telephone AT&T landline, and all 'Cifaloglio Garage' or copied New York condo karate kicks shortly thereafter, notwithstanding!!!!!!!! I had very recently awakened out of a horrible 'dreaming interaction' experience, and it will most definitely be shared, as this is going lately, on a severe, and very fucking nasty-ass roll; peeps. Before going on with this, as I may not have been all that clear about many things on my long compilation blog, since there was way too much to cram into one post as I did, but felt that I had no choice; so I wish to now clear up, that my roulette systems all crashed and burned, both during those horrific BOTBAR ATTACKS, that followed a nice string of short BACK-OFF DAYS. The negative effects on me, appears to be empowered more by a huge 'CONTRAST', than most other things; and whether the OTAMMIC MILI-2-FORCE or the 'IF' realizes this or not, or for that matter, even cares; but this indeed, is what does me the most mother fucking cunt lapping severe damage, every single cock sucking time!!!!!! But I need to get back to the details of what this nice fellow and AT&T installer, told me early yesterday afternoon, while hooking me back into the frikkin internet. Before I do, yes, I altered some personal plans, and the details of it are nobody's business, unless I should decide to make this public information; as obviously somebody offered me a deal, that I could reasonably work into my extremely limited financial budget; and so I am back now, having a phone, an internet; and some low tier cable television; and I am with two different services, and will be most likely, throughout most, if not the remainder of this year of 2013. I am actually saving quite a bit, and have lost nothing, and how does one say no to a great deal, especially when they normally are on the receiving end of the shittiest possible deals anywhere, all their god dam frikkin life? Now that will be it for the details of how I am back again online, much sooner than anticipated, good folks, YO.

Yes, things were pretty much ascertained, that I am indeed being stopped from getting anyone to view my works on the crooked YOUTUBE, and as I said, all the views up there, are my own attempts to hook up hyperlink connections, into my two blogs, at Wordpress, and Blogger. Also, Wordpress was fairly hard to post yesterday, but Blogger was nearly impossible, and refused to post my document entirely, from my open office pages, and only finally would it post this up eventually, on a cut and paste job, directly from the copy posted up at the Wordpress site. I hope, my old school chum from Fort Wayne, Indiana, Bob McDowell, and now Chairman and Overseer of the Federal Communications Commission; is seeing, and witnessing, all of the shit that's happening to me, now; and for all my seven plus mother fucking years of internet blogging; as there aint no cunt eating way, that any of this endless persecution; is just some coincidence; and we all know it, or else; we should all take some advice that I gave to my kid in 1986, and get back, not to Rod Stuart, and Maggie May; but older fans of the late sixties, and the early seventies music; get the fucking picture here, I'm quite sure, YO. Maybe we might learn something as well, this time around. And then, maybe not.

You missed me Jane Dirtweeds Sleazedisease, HEE-HEE. It is thirteen minutes past fucking eleven this morning!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, when an AT&T employee in the installation game, who is experienced, and not a real young person; tells me that something is up, and weird, and wrong, and going on somewhere, with me, with all of this; it more than confirms to my mind at least, Uncle Heinz Gottwald Late Sir, of Babylon, New York, up in your big ass mansion, on Peninsula Drive; that none of this is some psychotic delusion, or paranoid persecution features, on my part; and that mental illness and disease, has nothing whatsoever to so with any of this hell that I have been suffering through, since 'WOMO' started chocking me to death, on June fourth, in 1983; and from there, things kept progressing along worse and worse; and by middle of August in 1986, my residence was literally switched from Planet Earth, to Outer Darkness Center-Land-Underworld, or AKA ''HELL''. The reason that my shit is still fucking up on the YOUTUBE, is COURT EVIDENCE, and things that my 'IF-ENEMIES' in human bodies, do not need to know about for my sake, will be kept every bit as fucking HUSH-HUSH and stealthy-covert, as they like to play the game with fucking ass me. Hay BRO, there is a 50 yard line here, as well as in that wonderful game of fucking ass football; and nothing happens in the rules of that game, on the one side of it, that does not apply to the other side of it. So I refuse to let my life, be turned any longer, into a mother fucking less of a fair ass arena, than any fan of football, would expect, let alone tolerate; in a football fucking game. Now to discuss the major fucking 'nightmare' that woke me up this morning, right before the telephone squeal sound, that was as unpleasant as hell. Well, both attacks sucked, but the nightmare was truly like my lovely blond Amy, from long ago; in a league all her own, blond to blond; right Copyright Examiners? What is with yellow paper and hair?

I was up at the Harvest place at the Corner of 25th and Orange, caddy corner to the no longer used branch of the Walgreen's Pharmacy, as I only deal with the branch now on route One, where I do not feel cheated, and intimidated, and fucking cunt 'MESSED WITH', so 'who is it', Gawky L&O?

Again, this is, what you all would label as; 'my dream'. I see things extremely fifth dimensionally, and need to make sure to clarify myself, and write stuff in a more normal, and down to Earth fashion; or folks will hear things that could get me locked up; as in all five dimensions, all sorts of wild stuff is going on in my life, and yours as well folks, but you refuse to entertain anything but a cave-person, and dinosaur attitude, towards the subject of nocturnal activities. As an old pal's dad said to me quite often back in 1966, Charles Ponti, from Westmont, New Jersey; ''Mark, you cannot expect others to acclimate themselves to you, so you will need to acclimate to them''. Well, I won't of course, hence my life as it stands at age 58 years and six and a half frikkin weeks; but that's my concern. Still, for the purposes of improved clarity, and having my blogs understood better; I cannot just go all out speaking, of my entire fifth dimensional life, in its fullness; as if it is one real and total reality; from the reference point and view, of any one waking world universe and reality. When I forget that from time to time, get old Mark Hamill to smack me on the head, and may I spend a few hours or days with that lovely punk rocker, YO; wow she rocks my fucked up world, BRO. So back now to the really bad ass nightmare, that notice again, my loyal MORIANS, going all the way back on these blogs to October fifth in 2008 after waking up from being up in Suffolk County in Long Island, and then telling Diana one little thing, and then BANG, that horrible MILITUFORCE CHOPPER ASSAULT, out of nowhere, as if 'they' were just waiting to activate an 'on' switch, in some higher locale of reality. Read it, it is all there. So there I am at the Harvest place, and their web address is as follows: and I was working there again, and had entirely different bosses. Things were even more hellish than they were in this universe, back between June the eighth of twenty-ten, and the eleventh of March of twenty-twelve, when 'Jessica Deal With This Later Grant', fired me. Aniwho, lads and lassies, I came out of the experience, told Diana on the telephone that I just popped out of a nightmare, sound familiar 10-05-08?, and then came the loud fucking civil rights violating squeal sound over the telephone. Fortunately, my ear was not right at the receiver at the time. There will come a day when I represent myself, if they ever damage me, and I do not regenerate again. Fair is fair; love, war, and moms of James Stuart, or Frank Capra. Hay, I love AT&T, but as Whitney might say if she still was around, this does not 'crack' me up in the smallest bit.

Now the details of this nightmare, centered around the end of it, all though the entire time, I was working there and things were totally deplorable, and people were too; even more so than they were here, during my peak time of hell up there in the frikkin past, in this universe, (the waking world) you would all say. As this all drew near the end of this shitty experience, I was up at the front area there and things were totally arranged differently. I had been expected to move some food bins into an area, and had no idea that I was supposed to do this, actually this other doppelganger me didn't, but through his eyes, and my being a recessive entity within him, as a TYPE-1-EXPN; I totally knew what he knew, at least about the job, and what was required of me in order to properly perform my work related duties and tasks. Out of the blue, and after the offices were all dark and empty, the big boss lady who is not anyone from this parallel reality over here, came up to me, and really reamed me out, for not doing this particular thing. I told her that I would be happy to take care of it, but she just kept balling me out, like there was no tomorrow about it, and that shouting at an employee was about to be outlawed in 24 hours. She was relentless, and totally evil, and mean. Suddenly I also noticed that her husband was standing next to her, but quietly, not saying a word. He was bigger, and heavier, and older, than I usually see him in dream-land; but it was him, and yes sir, the glarry eyed man again; from the library, and from Judge Raso's magical windy door slamming house of 2008. Does this require a WOW yet, good Morian folks? The plus out of this day, would be that at least he did not make me call him ''Vasco'', or start belting out in his baritone voice, my song from 1999, ''Atlantic Queen'', WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! The emotion of the total meanness of his wife however, still remains trapped in my emotional well being, hours later while 'awake' back here in this reality while I am typing this story into a blog, for my viewers to soon read. The more you do live fifth dimensionally, my good people; the more your dream-life will heighten in its emotion, and have many other effects back in your waking world tuned in universe consciously, not just with memory and feeling, but with actual connections in realities, universe to universe, and we have only brushed open this topic with 'Sarah's 1983 fire-broom', and when I really get into it, most likely and you watch and you all remember my words; the USAF Bluebook folks, WILL certainly shut me down, one way or the other, and of course, covertly, making it look so totally innocent.

For right now, I am going to relax with a snack, and four hours of my favorite television show, none other than the one and only, non George Burns, ''Law & Order'', YO!!!

Folks, it is seconds shy of seven this evening right now. I enjoyed L&O and a nice meal. Things were mostly quiet around here today, and I'm doing a McDonald's about it. If I had my fucking ass way, I would live in a mausoleum a mile underneath ground, and never again hear a single sound, for all fucking cunt lapping eternity. Screw the planet. I hate everybody, and I hate everything. If Michelle Daniels gives me the special green-light-permission, without any lines or barriers, to have my opinion; then that's frikkin good enough for dick licking poor ugly old me, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ''YUK''!!!!!!!!

I'll tell you why I like being very solitary and sedate, even if it only makes Melanie Safka, and her magical brand new key happy; back in the early seventies. First, I truly do not think the way that others do. How can I once I observe the worlds around me, with two additional dimensions, than other folks do? Did you ever wonder not so much where the shadows dwell by day, or any other things that maybe you wish you knew or the thoughts you cannot say, back in 1983; with or without, any music and songs, and Copyright Offices, and mafia insurance, and so much more; but did you ever ever wonder peeps, just why we basically, as a race of humans; require an average of nine and one half hours, out of the 24 hour day; for sleeping? Well, that is a fascinating argument that is not ever going to be 'court proof' to anything, but it is mathematically quite fascinating, and here's Y: This period of time is roughly two fifths of the day, and the two fifths of the dimensional experience that we all move into, while 'being asleep'; equals out here with this, just as perfectly as the light travels around the world about one seventh of a second, and we are all conscious to instantaneous pieces of time of about, yes you guessed it; one seventh of a frikkin second; lets get this over with, Tommy Reale, W—O—W!!!!!!!!

But there is a second reason folks, why I would enjoy a life of super solitude where literally I never would have to encounter another human fucking being ever again, and I'll bet donuts to coffee fucking ass beans, that not one of you reading my blogs, has the answer, until you read on and get it from me now. I'll bet you three billion fucking USD right here and right now, with low or high blood pressure, Lenny McKinnon's 1981 girlfriend, or my hero up in future newer times, Miss lovely Anita Van Buren of 'L&O'. Here goes, in regular time, © Examiners, and with a lot of heat on your feet, if you're secretly out there MJ, and we all know my blogs, and what they said on 'Wordpress', 'Blogger', 'UM', and 'MIND'; back in the late summer time of OH-M-9, and it takes no Lynn Noon Noonan Exotic dancer fiance' of Robert Cheatley, and her lightning laughing, from 1985; to see all this; if you'd all just fucking take the blinders off your dam ass eyes. 'DAWN KING is the answer', and also, even though she took away my entire life; she did me the world's most humongous fucking favor folks. I no longer wish to date, or be married, or have anything to do with anyone, ever again; not after her, and that evil family from HELL!!! E.T. No puns.




Now for all my friends out here in the black file agencies:

You know dudes and duddesses, your logic is so far up your butts, it makes me exceedingly sad.

Instead of working with me, to combat this ES-IF thing, you chose while I was a child, to make my entire life hell. To destroy an innocent person that never did a thing to you. I only created Magnesonic AFTER already knowing that something was wickedly wiping me out. It was not until after the DOOGIE HOWSER CLUB decided to choke me to death with one of Moses' Death Android Sky Poison Assaults that I fought back, and built that mother fucking machine. You are all a bunch of mother fucking worthless evil whack jobs. Now look at the mess this all is in. Do you really think this time line was meant to be like this, go ahead, look at the stinking evil shit all over the internet and the world. Look at the rotten bastards from fucking hell and their entertainment industry. Do you think that any of this would ever have gone this far, if you did not try and choke me to death in 1983? This is not where the splice was meant to be left off, and you all know it, you fucking worthless bastard liars.


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