Friday, January 4, 2013



JWC2, DAY 00014, BLOG-A

3:22 AM-EST


Ladies and gentlemen, I'll be as brief as I can be, while still telling the details of Lex Loo Thor, and his mystical chewing gum wrappers, from the end of the nineteen seventies era. I am not a fudge shop owner, I don't live in any pink houses, nor in Warren Grove, New Jersey; and I certainly am not the one and only KR, without the ASSLE, Mister Burns. Not that this has officially cleared up for all the records and files of this cosmos, let's move the fuck on, shall we, good peeps?

Only the 'Christian' faith believes that old Joseph, wife of the great real and first 'Madonna', is not the father of Jesus. All the larger percentage of non-Christians, do not believe that this miracle took place. Please do not expect a detailed discourse on miracles tonight, the subject will be glossed over, merely enough to make the sufficient points that are needed, to do this blog.

I don't know a mother on this planet on two legs, that has not considered at least one miracle to have happened in her life. I speak of the birth of a baby, and from anyone's belief system and point of view about where life exactly starts, at conception, birth; or in the tween area at some stage, for sake of my point; is irrelevant. My point is that before this baby becomes born, and starts living his or her life; it was NOT ALIVE. This means it was dead. I do not care how many people rationalize an argument against this logic with either globs of religious or philosophical crap, the truth is ALIVE, or NOT ALIVE, and if it was YOU that we were discussing, and we put you next to NOT ALIVE, for any reason whatsoever, your mind will be thinking ''DEAD''. So my point is not to try and prove a life circulation system to anyone right now, or that ancient wisdom of cyclic reality and karma and or reincarnation or whatever, is some kind of truth handle; but it is being spoken by me on this blog, to just simply state, that a baby comes from being not alive, to then being alive; and later on at some future time, whether it be one second or 119 years; it again will be NOT ALIVE, on this EARTH. This, as Dennis Snyder would put it so dam eloquently, “Is just reality, son”! You can doctor it up and photo shop it, or play Techno-pop-master, and create an entire new world of songs sung by every famous artist from here to there, but some things still come out one plus one is two, no matter what you try and do about it, and believe me folks, I KNOW THIS!

Two thousand years ago almost, a boy in his early teens did a lot of wild stuff, that was left out of the Christian Scriptures, as these were decided to be non included canon items, by the owners of the world of those days, you can say the religious owners, but to be quite frank, an owner to me, is an owner, and as a tape duplicator from 1979-1981, I know the difference between a master and a slave, as I worked with recording machines that were somewhat politically incorrectly named, but you must bear in mind, the times folks, as This junk had not been invented, and was only in the distant stages of planning by the lovers of Reagan, and this will be discussed before the end of this blog, as it all fits together like a brand new key into an expensive new lock! My blogs began seven years ago today or give or take a few days, with the OLD TESTAMENT, MORIANITY BIBLE. As things progressed along, there was no plan, other than to tell what happened to me as a boy and up to that point as a middle aged man in his early fifties at the time. No one had a tale to tell like mine. I knew all about life and death, and had died dozens of times, and totally believed that the entertainment World knew all about me and my situation, as they created the movie and the series television show after that, called the “Highlander” in 1984, while I resided at 1406 Highland Avenue, in a South New Jersey town, called, Cinnaminson. Yes Mister ORWELL, it is always about 1984 somehow, and I'm left to really ponder, just what's wrong, and it is so powerful inside of me, that I WENT BACKWARD INTO TIME, and copyrighted a tune, called, “What's Wrong”, in the autumn of 1984, and the © Office has the address of the package that I sent to them, and it will match this HIGHLAND AVENUE ADDRESS, 'perfectly', Mister Bruce Monopoly Cheater Pennock, of ten years prior to that! This is not a game or a miracle. This is being done by all of us all the time,and not just by the wonderful awesome somnambulist, PAULA KING, AKA ***. We all do this stuff, every single week abnd month of our lives, and not even know it, folks, and again oh wise one, Mister Dennis Snyder, “That's reality, son”! But let us examine REALITY a wee bit, YO my wonderful blogging audience, 99% made up of CIA/NSA AGENTS, hay, I'm not prejudiced, enjoy yourself, have a couple of frikkin beers on me, and a laugh too if you want, only I think that you all know better by now, than to laugh at this shit. YOU KNOW, and I know that you know, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!! Christianity would be a worthless pile of bullshit, and just ask any born again Christian, if it was not for the SAR (LORD) having control over the biggest angle that has so far been pondered and never conquered in any way, ever by humankind; LIFE and DEATH. They will not phrase it quite that way, or curse most likely, most of them, some do curse by the way; but they totally hold this to be their number one reality of their religion, that without this, it would all be for nothing. Even all of the world's atheists agree with tat part of their religious faith, basically because this concept is within their scientific and rational mind. They feel that if you could show them proof, they too would most likely believe at least something, but without seeing the dead rise, forget it. Now the argument back to them by the faith, is that very word. Without faith, you basically deserve to burn in hell. Well, then if this is true, I am a very privileged person. I have no faith, and I do totally know that the BIBLE tells many real true things, and that the concept of the Christianity religion is indeed based on a powerful entity. Only for reasons only IT KNOWS, has appeared to me in two lifetimes now, as a lovely teenager, and then living on past this into maturity, in this second come back, relative to my awareness, as I think this GOD of yours, comes here on a very continuous basis, existing most of the time in physical nature forces, but then when the whim strikes, IT takes a human shape and form, and no scientist understands shape and form, only matter itself, ask them, I fucking triple dog shoot out your eye dare any of you, and merry Christmas to you, Sarah Callio-401. The bible is accurate on a lot of shit, abnd is also quite misleading in some matters, it truly is a half-truth. You can love or hate me, believe or disbelieve me, but I should know; because I have been what you think of as DEAD, a lot longer than I have been what you think of as ALIVE, and so by the way, have all of you; only without any AWARENESS to this reality in your cases. We all differ from each other in hyperspace while in a separateness condition, and the machinery and mechanical reality that is behind this, is none other than various degrees and shades of personal unique individual AWARENESSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So just where are you, when I need you, DENNIS SNYDER, YO?

So in these teenager days of LORD JESUS, son of parents, Mariloo and Joseph Carpenter; more than sixty generations straight back in the family lineage of myself, my seventh grand pappy Samuel Huntington, and his twelfth granny, the Queen of Scotland, Mary, named after the great Madonna who she was descended directly from; Jesus had a lot of other things to be worrying about, than humming strange tunes to his friends, changing into frogs, or lending out his soul, as the Native Americans taught us that any kind of recording, audio or video, of ourselves causes; and these particular original aborigines are the first tribes out of the state of Georgia, migrated here from Chicky's neck of the woods, the Guatemala Highlands and Mexico, and they were called, THE MAYANS. They knew stuff, lots of it, only parts of it never got told, parts like Jewelly White, the great white spirit was all that was left of the legend by the time of the Conquistador conquest and mass destruction of this great race. At the risk of angering my daughter, the great wise spirit too, or any kind of Egg Harbor City, New Jersey potato chip factory, I suppose would do in a pinch. Still, if you don't want to listen to the tune posted up to the Youtube by paulaking2011, called, “Deal With This Another time”, then don't, but stuff gets talked about that would really make these many blogs make a hell of a lot more frikkin sense to all of you. A normal non agent audience would do this, but the government all ready has long known about all of my music and songs and copyrights, al through the years since 1975. So there truly is no need for them to duplicate their freaking effort! Like DUH, so that is why they read the blogs and stay current with that, but never listen to the YOUTUBE posts. I do not go up there any more myself, and soon it all will be down and gone. But many other things will also change, and I do not intend to give away the brain factory, and go telling enemies, my plans, ahead of freaking time, YO. Now we will get back to Ronald Reagan, and great pal of my late best friend's good buddy, old Dave, and I speak of none other than, bag blowing, chair hiding, saluting, Military Officer and NSA Chief in 1987, without the chemtrails real bad yet, Oliver North. I did not dislike Mister Reagan or disagree with all of his political agendas and policies, but I vehemently did disagree with his biggest one that all led to the change of this world to pure greed and evil, and into a term used very frequently at the time, “Reaganomics”. The only reason that he broke up the biggest telephone company on this planet, AT&T, was because of ME, and what was going on then in 1983, between my daughter and myself, only it would come to pass that I would not learn of this kinship for an entire quarter century yet. But SHE KNEW ME. But right directly following this 1983 and 1984 period, he reversed his strategy after busting up the big bell and making a lot of what they termed back then, 'baby-bells', and began slowly covertly and totally dismantling the ANTI-TRUST LAWSM, established over a century back from even those days, to protect little people from being totally taken over and endlessly owned and bossed around by the corporate giants, or the WORLD OWNERS, or the (WO), as I call the first half of the evil, 'WOMO'. Anyone not totally lobotomized and that has average to better knowledge concerning the modern times personal computer and internet system, KNOWS PERFECTLY WELL, that this tool and medium of expression, has also been totally fucking taken over and it is technically now, an OWNED INTERNET, BY THE GREAT ALL MIGHTY, GOOGLE GOD! WHO KNOWS, MAYBE THE GOOGLE GODDESS? SHE keeps a very low keyed life even when She does big things, and if you stop and think about it folks, who is really more incredible and powerful and great and awesome, than the one and only, MARIAH CAREY? This is a 'person' like no one else ever on this Earth, and sorry if I am busting your big ego bubble Trump, but she dwarfs you a million times over and ten ways back from every Sunday, and without even having to lift one gorgeous fingernail, while you go out of your way with your crumby DJT Entertainment, bought up NBC, bought up all the beauty contests that I used to enjoy until you wrecked it all for me you big ugly scowling turd, and I could type on for a year without finishing what I could say in totality. Put your candles together, and yours will fizzle out before you can say, “Help me Macy”. She managed to send me two powerful messages that only I received and not one of her hundreds of millions of fans ever really got them. No make that three, the formula, the ruling of the empire, and the too late message that matched the recent copyrighted music project I did on the redone from 1980 LOIS FOCA song, 26 years later, originally sent to me, again, BY HER at age ten years, into my dreams, and no human being can pull these things off, NONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But as for what miracles really are, well, one could begin to argue that they, just like personal things of numerous kinds, are in the eye of the beholder. Some laugh at me when UI call the birth of a baby, a bigger miracle than walking on the water or heeling blindness, by Jesus. Hay, a baby came from the world of DEATH, and just now has ENTERED into LIFE, so you do the math, butt wipes.


''THEY EVEN GOT SUPERMAN'', RIGHT MY OLD PAL, KENNY ROGERS? HAY YOU SAID THIS IN YOUR GREAT COUNTRY TUNE, SOME YEARS BACK; AND I MERELY ECHO ITS DAM SENTINMENTS, YO. Well, Mister Rogers, maybe you will do the world a favor and write a new song for all of us using the dam internet, as we may just lose a lot of our freedoms real soon, on this thing; unless someone of your great name recognition, takes the advice of this poor slob, little old me; and tries to really belt out a heartache tune about this. All I ask is that you, and others too, really give this some serious frikkin thought. YOU KNOW VERY WELL that the great All Mighty GOOGLE, has gobbled up the entire internet, originally offering a service for purposes of searches; now expanded into Hitler type regulations, that SERVE ONLY THEIR FINANCIAL GREEDY AGENDAS, AND POLITICAL AFFILIATIONS, SHUTING UP SLOWLY, ONE BY ONE, BIT BY BIT; THOSE LIKE MYSELF, WHO DARE TO SPEAK ANY OF THESE MOTHER FUCKING POWERFUL TRUTHS, OUT TO THE FREE WORLD. LAUGH-LAUGH-LAUGH, MIKE MCNULTY. AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA, OH WOW DO I HEAR YOU LOUD AND FRIKKIN CLEAR FROM SEPTEMBER IN 1971, YO YO YO!!!

Well people, the nabes were much quieter today, but all it takes is another day, and they just act up all over again. I am making plans to move, and doing all that I can. I naturally cannot reveal strategies or personal battle tactics in any details, as this would totally defeat my mission, and purposes of survival. Still, let me move this on just as bit further before we close down, YO.

When my teen queen was in a different human gender, 2,000 years ago, and about to become a teenager, right to the day, and he did a lot of things, that as I said; did not make it into the acceptable lists, to be placed into our present day bibles. These 'canons' or 'lists' were decided by the 'WO' of those days, exactly as things are decided for all of us lowly 99% poor and defenseless folks of today's so-called modern day global society of advancement and technological evolvement into non barbarism, by the present day and era 'WO'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I am going to clue you all in about miracles once and for all. There are only things that humankind is yet able to accomplish in the natural order and waking world. So those entities that are out of rhythm with normal STM, may indeed appear as powerful mighty great GODS and GODDESSES. I do not doubt that for a minute, and nor do I have faith in this truth, but indeed, I HAVE WITNESSED THIS STUFF, FIRST HAND, and that is sufficient for now to be spoken by this blogger. So this finally brings us all to the last point to be discussed tonight, “Mental illness”. Extreme enough brain dasmage or illness, via accident, attack, genetic troulbe, or what have you, is one and the same as DEMONIC POSSESSION. When evil forces that are very frikkin totally real, want to cause harm, one way is t mess up a person's fucking connection to their 6th dimensional MIND SOURCE, their physical waking brain in other words, is thrown out of whack, in various degrees. There always have been people who go so totally nuts, that they need to be in rubber rooms, or else they will tear themselves, or anyone else to pieces. The bible talks about these people and merely uses the old world lingo and terminology of demonic possession, it is all merely MENTAL ILLNESS. This same evil force can destroy us from within our bodies as well as our minds, growing as germs, viruses, tumors, and all manor of JOB-RELATED biblical stories. But there was a difference back in time 20 centuries ago. We had a great being here in this waking world, who did not have a father named Joseph, despite the majority of the world back then, saying that indeed he was and that Jesus was of Joseph and Mary. This All mighty Entity was however able, to get rid of the stuff that was plaguing humankind, and even do other miracles, defying gravity, and duplicating food, or using a replicator of some kind, where atomic elements can be formed and shaped into the things that in these dark times of total ignorance, seems beyond rationality and possibility. Now I am directly descended from this magical family of thousands of years ago, as a seventh grandson of Samuel Huntington, twenty-sixth grandson of Mary Stuart of Scotland, and my sixty-first grandfather's uncle was the younger brother of Jesus and Mary's first born actual child, of Joseph. Water walking is a simple trick, thick clothes with inner layers of powerful compressed gaseous compunds that are much lighter than air, and replication is no big trick when we take some of the great science we now have, and expand it to where it will be in less than three centuries, where the scientific authorities of those times who are finally in control of the global population, sends back this Christianity Cult, in an effort to jump start the world and make it better, a real failed experiment, but that is my secret. SSJKK does plan to return at the end of the fifties, as HERSELF, SARAH-STACEY JEHOVAH KRASSLE, and many just will be calling Her, the GREAT SARAH KRASSLE, ALL MIGHTY GODDESS. I will be here as THAT-BOY, and this life back here will appear as an occasional shadowy dream, a foggy nasty bad memory better left frikkin totally forgotten. It will take place in 'ATLANTICA', now called, Atlantic City, New Jersey, shortly after the really big reshaping of the coastline, masking Sandy look like a little girl at your door saying Trick or treat on October 31. I will be living as a teenager by the name of Joe-Joe, and her THAT BOY, with her right there with me forever. This will last for 1000 years of mortal world time. She will hold me and love me,and endlessly sing all of my favorite songs to me, day and night forever, well, for a thousand years. The complicated part happens in 2292, when part of me falls asleep into a whole different part of the hyperspace, and suddenly finds himself working at the WORLD LABORATORIES of Westmont, as a man by the name and title, Labber Zeejins. Somehow the two worlds collide, and all manner of stuff happens again to ruin my paradise, but that is a long way off, and I cannot concern myself with this bull shit. It is all in the powerful hands of the great Goddess Scylla, or SSJKK. Now, I need to relax and try drifting off into Sahasra Dal Kanwal, with my endless beyond hot and awesome Teen-Queen, Sarah Krassle. 555555555555555.

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