6-20 PM, Friday night, November 1, 2024
Now 4 the next part in the progressing lessons of DIGITAL IMAGES, AND THEIR CONNECTIONS INTO MOUNTAINPEN's ETERNAL EXISTENCE IN HELL, and 4 shortened abbreviation from now on whenever so desired 4 usage in this MORIANITY; 'DICMEEH'. Yes Mister Microsoft, this could B closely spelled more correctly here, as ****HEAD, but it ain't; so let's just go with pronouncing this as simply, DICK-ME, only nothing dirty is being implied in the least smallest way, so get your minds out of the 'stinking sewers of FRANCE' evweebwuddy, YO!!!!! What is being hammered on right now YO, is the reality that nothing is just happening at random, one of Morianity's largest belief systems, or in church dogma, articles of faith if U will, folks. I will B getting into distance delay laser trace technology, as well as an extremely ''seemingly-magical'' continuous event that hounded me back in New Jersey, and also 4 the first half decade or so, of me' life here in FLOWERLAND-USA, & AKA Florida!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The entire deal of these 2 items, in conjunction with all of the numerous entanglements with the topic of new-age technological digital imagery; is more than powerful and magical, as it is the epitomized quintessential quantamagic, that all of my long winded Morianity has created indeed, this very brand new label-term 4, and about; and I ain't one wee tad bit ashamed 2 admit that I invented this entire thing, and 4 the vast majority of peeps and haters of the Mountainpen out there, who will endlessly scoff at me; well then go scoff; as I am powerless 2 stop U!!!!!!!!! All I know 4 absolute certain, is that images, and the magical stuff with making my photos since recent times, all come out monstrous, horrendous and definitely wildly age-progressed, as on the missing peeps on the milk bottles photos done by law enforcement systems all R; is completely interconnected and commingled with the laser trace distance delay systems of resurrecting the dead as in Jesus and others back 2,000 years ago, as well as my wild deal with what I used 2 call, and saying it in nicer words, ''kitty command'' during times of major WOMO-SPACEFORCE DEATH SIEGE ASSAULTS ON ME, and with absolute, and unrelenting perfectly repeated patterning of repetitiveness, 2 a degree that could B nothing other than an intelligence directly being behind it all, decade after decade 4 well over 3 solid rotten glass decades of human world time in the STM system! No this is only lesson-1 in a long bunch of tells regarding my situation that eventually led up 2 what I now am suffering with somewhat, and that being, images, and even a biblical accounting of anyone not under the control of this WOMO-SYSTEM or being attacked and endlessly cursed so 2 speak by them, is not able 2 properly function in the world, the bible merely says, an not buy or sell, but when we cannot do that, tell me this, how can we go on living in any kind of productive or meaningful fracking way, pray tell? Saying it quick and simple here and then worrying about the elucidations and detailed explanations later on, I was driven half out of me' mind 2 the power of 100 many times with the inability 2 rationalize or figure out any even closely possible explanation in logic, 2 just Y my times of WOMO-SPACEFORCE DEATH PERSECUTIONS, were always bringing me major and endlessly dependable annoying absurd flirtations, by the mind blowing 'Y-H-C', or spelled out from now on, so that when I abbreviate it, U shall know what it stands 4 here, the 'YOUNG HONEY's CLUB'. U-C, it made no sense; and I said over and over again on my taped life journals, as well as later on with my blogging entries, I don't look like some young hot rock star, so Y is this happening 2 me? Just what do these girls C when they R acting like I am some god, or something????? Well, just what does this digital image system C and bring back digitally, when this new situation is ongoing, also? Then we add in the way that future systems capture parts of reality, and need 2 make some subtle changes, should someone then use atomic 3-D laser systems 2 recreate a 3-D image back into reality and died a long time ago in a physical sense? Everything in our so-called 'reality' is nothing more than waves and particles that bounce off of a wall of photons, and at the speed of light, or 'C', they endlessly continue an outward path, in all possible arc-directionality away from all present points, so a scanner, connected into a satellite system, can in theory, do exactly what that fictional STAR TREK TV SHOW character did, Mister Trilane, on that episode of the original 1960's show, called, 'Squire of Gothos', did; when he would observe Earth only seeing it from 900 years ago in time, since he was viewing it on his scope scan system, from his joint that was situated 900 light years away from the Earth. This is not SYFY, just because it was on a dang SYFY show, it is real science, and ask any scientist if U doubt me. I am merely telling what could B if our present tech was expanded many many times over, including how we could even retrace images back into ordinary 3-D reality and human life, using powerful atomic 3-D laser printer type systems of some very advanced kind. But whenever something is done such as this, built into the 7th dimensional lawtronics of the entire system, is a 5-D separation that is automatically caused, so as 2 nullify the so-called SYFY 'time-paradox' deal we all have seen countless times in so many plots on so many SYFY movies and TV shows. So the 7-D LAWTRONICS R in some way behind doing this DIGITAL IMAGE ALTERATION DEAL with me right now, and in the same magical conjunction and methodology tha talso brought me major kitty-command, 2 call it by a nicer name than I used 2 on earlier blogs, using another PC initial 4 it; and it happened or it WJSD every single time that I was being major interconnected with the WOMO-SPACEFORCE system, or being major death harassed by them. When the backed off, so did the kitty-command, not once, not ten times, but every single time 4 about 30 straight mother fracking years and far beyond any possible coincidental deal 2-B all GJSD here, YO peeps of the Cyberville!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now as stated, this is like the outside outline here, and is LESSON-1. In lesson 2, I will go onto take a few of these things and do a small wee tad bit more of expanding and expounding on it 'ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL'; oh Mister Microsoft Nuke Holocaust Movies from 1984 times, YO BRAH!!!!!!
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