Monday, October 7, 2024



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10-34 PM, Monday night, 7 October, 2024

There was a point, around a quarter shy of 4, give or take, this afternoon; where I was quietly declaring the day a 'BOTBUR-X-2', and actually, a BOTBAR; but I am always free 2 change me' mind right up until officially writing down the GLMA numbers of 1-1, B it on paper, or on the document file on me' cumpukeher. I closed it out a 2-2-1-4 GLMA however, leaving the general life parameter unchanged, at one, the lowest rating; but the moods and attitudes parameter went up 2 about a 3 and ¾ as a result of putting something together in me' mind, right B-4 falling off into a 2 hour cat-nap earlier and ending the day 4 me chart-wise, despite more hours remaining calendrically. Now the 2 reasons 4 this, were the DJIA-stock-market, and the mind bending revelation at the doctor's office. Yes, this was the day of me' rescheduled medical appointment, since me' doctor that I used 2 go 2 left as U know, and the new doctor is at the same medical facility, and this is a story that is beyond surreal and amazingly powerful, and the true kicker in it all is that the doctor is completely unaware of just what powerhouse stuff he led me into seeing and realizing by answering just one question that I posed 2 him around a few minutes shyah 4 PM today. If anyone reading this ain't ready and able and willing 2 take a shock and get a total mind blow, quit reading this right now and come back 2 it when U-R willing!

Here is the story without lots of silliness added in here. When junk in me' life gets this off the wall and wild, even the BRAH's and BRO's and Mizz Blake's and all of that, no longer has any place in the 'BOM-BOB'-BLOGS, funny as it may B-2 some peeps from time 2 time. I shan't say that I really like my new doctor, he will do. He is extremely efficient and absolutely will not allow me 2 get slippery shoddy rotten medical care, and that 4 right now, folks, is the ballgame, at least 2 my mind, & quoting Uncle 1972 Heinz, from the great islands of New York. He refuses 2 discuss anything other than medical issues. But this worked in my favor, since he has no problem discussing some detailed information that lays within that structure of things. He is extremely knowledgeable, and although I disagree with several things that he feels he knows better on and despite it is my body we R talking about; I was able 2 extract something that after arriving home and beginning 2 seriously cogitate upon it a while in a much more relaxed atmosphere; I came 2 realize quite a few incredible things, and I will do my best 2 now share some of this 4 anyone now or in the future, reading this from who the Dogtown knows where, and over the following several centuries of time. He insists that any patient he treats needs an updated chart within a time frame where he is treating them, so in other words, since this is all on my medical chart information, about my glandular problems, and possible Graves-Disease, pertaining 2 thyroid trouble, that came on me in middle 1983 and as all readers of this blog know or should know anyway; is part of some idiopathic problem that has yet 2-B properly diagnosed. The bigger mystery 2 it all, explainable ONLY by my being in E-H, and nothing other than that; is that when I go online and research the glandular and thyroid illnesses, no doctor will ever discuss any of it intelligently with me. But he told me today, that this is not the 60's, and that the government has full control over the medical industry, and THAT's a quote, world. In shoirt words, doctors have no power any longer 2 freely treat their patients, it is all done like a computer system, and th eold days R gone forever, no exceptions. Kind of reminds me of the number 4 amendment on the election ballot here in Florida-USA this election year, concerning abortion rights, OR LACK THEREOF!!!!! U can bet your petunia flowers, that I am betting ''YES'' on Amendment #4, folks. But this issue tells me that I am not the only person that this new medical system is murdering, and has already committed murder upon. I agree with U wholeheartedly, awesome Doctor Goodman, of Florida ad-spots; and U go, BRO. But it doesn't end here, not by a Perry-White-Superman-LONG SHOT; oh Inspector Henderson, and mobster-Louidgee! Here is the part-2 now, regarding all of this, folks:

Ever since the time that I was removed from my generic ativan medication in the middle twenty-teen times, taken 2 treat my glandular disorder, and causing me a dry mouth and throat and minor chocking sensation; I also was no longer seemingly able 2 go into deep trances with the lightning-goddess, Diana Zuudlecronessia Arteemis. I chalked this off 2 age, declining mental faculties, and along that line. Today however, I learned something so powerful, that words fail me, and I must give an opening outline foundation 2 this B-4 power goes out 4 perhaps an extended time period, and making a gap in things that may lead 2 a diminished telling of this wild true awesome story of today. The reason 4 this possibility, 4 those living in caves somewhere, is a monster fracking hurricane that decided 2 paint a bulls eye on the west coast of my state, and the track takes it pretty much right over me later on, and it is a monster. It all came sort of out of nowhere 2. I had just purchased some meats, that most likely will end up going bad now; whatever I am not able 2 eat, during any extended outages of electrical power. By tomorrow night I wil have finished cooking it all up in pans, and then storing it in the fridge. I also plan 2 take several bags filled with water and freeze them and use it in the freezer 2 keep stuff frozen 4 as long as possible. If I am lucky the power may only B out half a day and not 4 days on end as with H-Mathew and H-Irma back in '16 and '17, while I resided at the PEE-HA Building. But getting back 2 the deal here; the doctor told me that I am all wet in the head about ativan or any 'benzo-drugs', as they R called 4 short, used in treating any glandular disorders, and despite it working perfectly 4 me. The government won't allow the information out, 4 some powerful group of reasons, and doctors only know what the industry is teaching them in their medical schools. If they did not get it in their schools, it simply is not real nor does it exist, and even though I can attest 2 the contrary reality, and gladly would any time, under full court oath under penalty; they won't listen. But there is a reason that they did all of this, as well as refuse 2 listen. This reason ALL TIES IN WITH JUST EXACTLY Y MY TRANCES WITH DIANA NO LONGER WORK WITHOUT MY 28 MILLIGRAMS OF THIS MEDICATION PER WEEK, a powerful special psychiatric dosage, quoting numerous physicians that I spoke 2 over the past quarter century since the death of my original prescribing doctor, Frank Addiego, of Westmont WSMT, NJUSAESMWG! The Pentagon does not want trances done by ordinary humans, as they connect ordinary citizen peeps into contact with astral-powers (the realm of the UFO-alien-saucer deal)! Simple as that. Now this is merely an opening foundation, and it gets way more advanced and much further detailed. 4 right now, this is what readers R gonna' get, so B satisfied and happy with it, as later on, when I tell the rest of it, it will all make sense and tie in all the junk going down around this nutty new age world and our new nutty USA-country, as well as the entire entertainment world connection, and yes, ALL OF IT, AND WAY-WAY-WAY-MORE! This new doctor, and without ever realizing that he betrayed his government, and the special ops deal, that is all going down with all of this, ever since the fracking 1960's, and the exploding UFO-culture, and Project Bluebook, and all of this nightmare rotten mess; made stuff crystal clear 2 me, a whole lot of things all GJSD around me, and all concerning my medical nightmares. Remember now; the choking glandular problem, and my direct contact with lightning (DIANA), all happened, or (WJSD), at the very same time, the year of 1983, oh world! 2024 seems 2-B the true year of clarity and vision, gee; one might think this should have GJSD 4 years earlier, as in 20-20, the year, and perfect vision being 20-20; but there is a good reason in fact, 4 the 4 year delay-sleeper effect here, and I shall get more into that as well as other wild junk-stuff, in following blogs, IF THE VIEWERSHIP EVER PICKS UP. If not, I may leave all of U in the dust, and switch 2 a privacy-only-setting AND NEVER EVER MAKE MY JUNK PUBLIC AGAIN, 4 ANY OF U, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MSTS Shown Below 4 Most Current Week-Graph:


SCALE RATING AS OF 11 PM, 10/07/2024

Week ending at 4 PM, Tuesday afternoon: 10-08-2024

11-44 PM, LATE MONDAY NIGHT, 10/07/2024

JWSC---MON-12-292, AND ALSO 16-07-12---MON

      Photos of the Day


WAXING GIBBOUS------------(W-X-G)

WANING GIBBOUS-----------(W-N-G)



MONDAY, OCTOBER 07, 2024---JWSC-MON-12-292





Only the gods know what is gonna' happen now, with good ole' fracking Hurricane Milton. If any more debris gets tossed around here; then I may decide 2 go back into King Roof dog Time 'KRDT' 4 short, and into summer time of 1989, and up 2 Atlantic City; 2 look at lots of other HUGO debris, and think of wild goddesses that forever altered my life, and songs, and tears, and licorice factories, & oh well; plants, naught planets!!!!!!!!!!


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