Monday, September 30, 2024




11-37 PM, Monday night, 30 September, 2024

BLOGS OF MOUNTAINPEN, from Fort Pierce, Florida-USA, all written by Mark Wayne Mohr, and sworn 2 as total truth ''LEEEEEEEEEEGALLY'', with 2 exceptions, since this statement is now completely official: 1) my admitted lie about what Sarah said 2 Paula on a public bus at the Atlantic City Terminal on the night of 12 July in 1970, and the occasional admitted 2 additional falseness and intentional misleading 4 my enemies statements or even extended ramblings, always admitted 2 sooner or later, and very necessary in this eternal battle with SATAN'S DARK KINGDOM OF HELL ITSELF, MANIFESTING RIGHT HERE ON THIS EARTH-PLANET, with the most recent example being the 'fake-existence', of a dude named by me, Mister Steve Walgreens Parks.

This past attack on me by the OTAMMITES OF EARTHLY-DOGTOWN, WHICH IS AKA ('HELL'), IS, AS MANY OF THESE NIGHTMARISH DEALS 4 NEARLY 4 SOLID DECADES NOW with me; extremely surreal, and way beyond mortal world verbal diction possibilities, 4 any accurate and true descriptions. Well, at least with my tiny and limited little mind and intellect, and extremely limited education! All things that I know R either self taught, or have been revealed 2 me by basicly 2 sources, and one would never have been able 2 happen without the other one, so I shall let the smarter peeps unravel that whittle freaking riddle. I speak of Mizz Patricia Hollister, and of course my lovely Goddess Diana, AKA on this Earth-Planet, the atmospheric phenomenon we all call, 'LIGHTNING'! Then in all honesty, one other item all was brought about through the meeting a fine gentleman, TEE-HEE-HEE, by the name of Sir George Belltone-Belton! He introduced me in early December of 1982, 2 the globally popular casino game called, ''ROULETTE''! Now through this incredible mind busting game, I learned most of the hidden (occult) truths, that lay behind some wild magical-quantum curtains of our cosmos system, that absolutely prove the connection into this game, and my human current life! Everything else on these nearly 19 year long blogs is a 'window-dressing-subset' of these items, or deals, or quoting Mister Bob Andrews, from a night in Westmont (WSMT), NJUSAESMWG, in the early summer-time of the year of 1975; ''whatever''! SAT me' good folks out there, and all not so good folks as well, or NSGF on Mizz Hollister's awesome true magical pal Sir Santa's ''naughty-list''! It really and truly is just as SAT (Simple-As-That), Mister Chaingiver REDJOHN-CIA-CODENAME Henningsen, of the late 1960's, OH GREAT awesome and ever-illustrious mysterious SIR! From telling the major deals and items or whatever, ''future Federal-Congressman-Bob''; endless processions of smaller items, that R totally identical with the concept of mathematical subsets, begin emerging; pow-pow-pow, left and right, up and down, and yes world, ALL FREAKING-GLITTERING-AROUND! Who has ever wondered about and seriously desired getting 2 the real and true bottom of the way that celebrities, B it in the field of movie acting, musical artists, sports athletes and ball players, even great politicians recently joining in with this ranking of celebs; never ever die in singularity, and always appear 2 forever continue dying in groups of them? Sure, the larger deal B-4 going down into more smaller subsets here, is the QUANTUM-ENTANGLEMENT REALITY behind all of the mysterious items in human life, not so far explained; or at least in any satisfactory way that is accepted by our awesome infallible, HA-HA-HA, scientific-community out there, YO. So unlike the illustrious Mister Paul Evans Pedersen, me' ole' STUDIO PARK RECORDS bizz-partner, from 1998 through about 2002, or somewhere there about; I wish 2 dig a wee tad bit deeper now, into the non-surface-scratched realities, shortened from now on into merely, the NSSR; or said a lot simple with al of this, and discussing this particular deal of celebs all dying seemingly in endless groupings and never in singular fashion; this gets a wee tad bit non-Hollister complicated, way 2 much so 2 get into now other than 4 saying that there is a major tale 2 tell and impart here concerning this subset 2 quantum-entanglement, that pertains 2 this issue. Also, it ties into many gargantuan-SENSAN-HUUUUUUUUUUUGE things that R starting now 2 unravel all throughout this Morianity, and I am naught trying 2 cause a lot of BHSD here, although I am realistic enough 2 know that if I do not at least make the attempt 2 explain a small part of this 2-U all, U will say 2 yourself, here he goes again, that dorky grassmole mister nutcase Mountainpen, rambling on, saying nothing, and the guy needs 2-B put the Christ away B-4 he can ever hurt somebody, or himself! I know how peeps think, despite not out in the world 24-7-365 associating with society, any moire than I ever had 2 do since I became an adult and left school at the great and ever-illustrious COOLEY HALL of historic HADDONFIELD, NO-JOY-ZEE-USA, in the end of January of 1973!!!!!!! I will tell U all this much, and only thissssssss much, lovely Mizz Erica Sue-Kane- Luccisnakes; oh white-hot mah'm: f typed in the BHSD item INTENTIONALLY 4-U all, as this is where I would need 2 begin 4 properly opening up lots of stuff that was all tied cosmicly together, my blogging that began in the very beginning of the year of 2006, my following few years of blogs, dreams, revelations, and reality corresponding and shaping itself all around me and all of that as well; and so on and so forth. I admitted on these blogs about 3-6 months ago some time, with the exact time escaping my demented mind as my short term memory totally blows, as we all said back in the 1960's times; that I was not completely forthcoming in the year of 2008, while living with the KING WASHCLOTH CLAN, at the Honorable Judge Frank Raso's Hammonton-Blueberryville home, at 65 Middle Road; and what WJSD (happened) upon my returning home, from a day trip into NYC, with the family; taking several of Dawn's hubby's brothers 2 the JFK AIRPORT in Queens, so they could return home 2 Guatemala. Now I cannot actually prove what REALLY WJSD, but I told what happened 2 me, and what message was on me' V-M system, and then a 2nd message was left on that same phone number months later at the following home, and it was from my daughter, and I am 99 percent convinced because, and quoting Mister Dave Smith's awesome Cooley-Hall advice, given 2 me that day when he and Mizz Zenkiss had their whittle talk about me, while I was over at the other school, at the famous area's Ellisberg Circle Shopping Plaza that was located there, and he said 2 me, ''When a sufficient amount of real world evidence happens, 2 support a belief, & even if that belief is way out there (totally weird, whatever); it is most likely the truth'', that is not actually a perfect-Pennock quote, speaking of the Cooley Hall and my teachers and classmates of this wild-ESS-joint, Mister Winn-Win, but it is a vely vely vely non-McDowell Cooley CLOSE-PARAPHRASE YO; and yes, IPYT! I would B willing 2 bet that it was my daughter, BOTH TIMES on my V-M, first in late OHM-8 and then in middle OHM-9, Mister Cooley Hall Ciprionni, and Misses awesome Marola, 1969, street dancing prophesies-maker, and meditation-partner! JEEEEEEEEZ-FRACKING-LOUISE, transdimensional SURFER-FONTY, from late 2006, and U-2 Mister Atlantic City North-Shore Genlow. Just as I know that my landlord is all a part of this right here in present times late-2024, the same thing all WJSD with his early morning cellphone call 2 me, that he swears he has absolutely no memory of making. If true, I will even B willing 2 wager a high dollar amount bet right now, that MC has no memory of her call, maybe either one of them. This all gets into stuff so friggin' glass powerful, that it absolutely ranges into what Morianity label-names as ''UNBLOGGABLE'' on so many occasions, YO world. ButTERCHEESE, yes, good call this time, Mister Mike Soft-Sucks Microsoft Corporation, but yes; is this also all attached and interconnected, and commingled all together with the celebrities dying in groupings phenomenon? Just how does the BUFFERIN deal truly do this, I know many R wondering now? B-4-I do tell U and even try expounding and elucidating any further, I must sat this: If MC was put under truth serum S-P and tested by the top FBI poly-testers, and me as well, and the results were made public; this blog would literally explode OVERNIGHT in viral popularity, and yes, 4 all the wrong reasons; oh lovely Mizz Phoebe-What, from 1980! Did I say, all the WROOOOOOOOOOOOONG REASONS, Oh U lovely face-making girl, of all great television ad-spots? Mizz Jane Thistlethorns Sleazeweedsdisease Crabgrasshitinnerpants almost got me really really dang grass Helen-1999-Zabriskie ''GouuuuuuuuuuuuuuD; with her rotten lousy stinking 'ONES-ASSAULT', on poor ole' helpless pathetic picked on endlessly ME; YO weerlld! WHEEEEEEL peeps, it is now 6 STRAIGHT FUTHERMUCKING WEEKS of a totally MAXED-OUT MORIANITY SECRETS THERMOMETER SCALE (MSTS). 6 flagging back-2-back-2-back-2-back-2-back-2-back super horrendous demonic monstrous beyond surreal and inconceivably awful weeks, that this enemy has caused me 2 suffer through now, without a break or a let up, and just exactly and precisely as prophesied by me, back late in April of this 2024 year, SUPER HUGE 4/24; and all concerning that goddessdog following 3 time periods of the bi-monthly's. I told of this over and over, quite fracking repeatedly, and U all know it, the first one being the MAY-JUNE, the second one being the JULY-AUGUST, and the final an d third one being the SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER. Look, I ain't a futhermucking wehtahd, YO. I know my life has been like this 4 coming up now on 40 solid FUTHERMUCKING YEARS, but when I say this scale is maxed out and long B-4 the actual chart-rated time of Tuesday's at 4 PM, HEY, I MEAN IT, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO! Folks, I am about 2 leave Florida and I am naught any of your fools, so I ain't gonna' B stupid-5000 and tell any of U cat squat here. I have me' fracking plans, and that's all U need 2 know. I went out B-4 the dinner hour and went 2 the food store 4 some ice cream and a few steaks. I spent the last amount of money I had left on my budgeted allotted money 4 food, since I use the medicaid allowance or most of it, 2 pay me' utility bill in full, and that way, using my own debit card and my own money does not restrict what freaking food items I am able 2 purchase, such as when using the Freedom Card money. So I had just under 50 dollars left in my budget and spent about 43 dollars of it, using a credit card 2 keep me' credit used and going. In 10 days or less, I will pay off the bill with a phone payment, and then all I will owe on anything is my recently purchased 7 dollars 4 gasoline, YO weerlld! But I was not left alone by HALLS FAWCES while on me' errands route 2 my 2 stores, as I needed 2 go 2 separate stores 4 the ice cream and the steaks, as neither store had exactly what I wanted 2 buy. At the 2nd place that I went 2 so that I could purchase my ice cream, I fell under a super major giant girlogram attack, or a 'G-G-A'-4 short. This woman was immense, a true giant, at least 6-6, and heavy, and it wasn't fat, it was all freakin' muscle, ''BOYEEEEEEEEEEEE'', so let me go and take 'THAT', over with me' wannabe pal, Mister Adam 'L&O' Beach, 2 the great and terrific RED LOBSTER RESTAURANT; YO WORLD! Now if only one thing that I hate GJSD (HAPPENS TO ME); fine, it may B indeed simply coincidental, I fully accept and realize THAT, BRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!! But at the first store, a super loud car with ghetto scum came right up 2 me out of nowhere, blaring horrific demonic super loud 'music' if U all insist on calling it THAT, deafening me, until I managed 2 walk completely into the fracking grass store, that is. Calling the last few days surreal and unfathomably beyond monstrous, ain't even saying anything, billy & Sally of the middle late 1960's times, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Now, 4 the past 8 years at least, maybe almost as long as I've been living here in Florida-USA; I have noticed an inescapable pattern, if I may B permitted Uncle Heinz, 2 quote me' awesome daughter just a few miles down the 27-road on the great islands of NYNY-USA, Sir Woody Guthrie, non-SHORT. Every time a new MAJOR DEATH SIEGE STRIKES ME, my viewers displayed as page-views at the BDC-Dashboard, go down 2 nothing. Y when things R at their most horrible and monstrous-5000, do my viewers leave me, unless THEY R ALMOST ALL THE SPAMMENIES? No other thing makes any rational sense, of course, within the subset that nothing ever needs 2 make any sense, when we R existing in ETERNAL HELL. An approximate reading goes like this on my dashboard at the BDC, great FBI, so explain it 2 me, willya' y-O? Here comes that fracking goddessdog F2S2C-HACK, AKA my danglass y-O-HACK---YO folks!!!!!!!!!! This blog may vanish and disappear forever, vely vely soon, Bob McDowell former FCC Chairman and classmate at the C-H, should U-B out there and reading thissssssss!!!!!








Many times during these wild forever connected deals, it goes all the way down 2 zero or just about 0.

END TRANSdimensional, ENDlessness,


Posting up at around 15 shyah 2 AM, 10/01/2024.


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