Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Prior 2 September Privacy Settings Switch on BOM-BLOGS, Document 002


Prior 2 September Privacy Settings Switch on BOM-BLOGS, Document 002


Another unmissable eternal pattern of the enemy SPAMMENIES, AKA the WOMO-SPACEFORCE-MACYTRUMPS GANG, is PROPERTY DAMAGE. The latest electrical assaults done this AUGUST MONTH 2 MOUNTAINPEN, ILLEGALLY; by way of (via) outages and power burst restorations, have destroyed my microwave oven and my landline telephone. Right after they struck these 2 things, their evil diseased demonic WALL STREET DOW JONES INDUSTRIAL AVERAGES STOCK MARKET, began climbing through the roof and headed straight 4 the mother fracking stars. Simple as that, a pattern known only 2 well by me now, since 15 AUGUST OF 1986, and obviously that never ever will end throughout eternity. Just like the Midland Credit Corporation and their endless persecution of me also. The mighty wonderful attorneys in Florida, the 'Fetterman guys', told me that they cannot do it 4 eternity, but no one will B specific enough 4 my needs, so on I go, endlessly, and obviously in total endless HELLISHNESS-HELL, that is also known as (AKA) Dogtown. LIGHTNING is here with me on this diseased botbarish disafsternoon, and SHE somehow is keeping me going. Please nobody, don't ask me just how, since I have no goddamn answers 4-U, Mister Dreamingfields James Jones Mann. All I know is that the number-9 has been stalking me and following me in my DREAMS 4 several nights now, and won't stop shadowing my entire dream-life, along with my old classmate Mizz Amy-Lou, so it seems. Just exactly what is GJSD around me right now is anyone's best GUESTS-GUESS, with or without the late-1996 I-Ching and its fantastic Hexagram of Deliverance. I was right a few days back when I began packing up one of my rooms. I shall B heading soon 2 Atlantic City, and my blogs will simply become my safe-keeping journal entries, with a privacy setting block, so that only my own pass-code can gain entrance into it, and all others will B closed out; all of the ingrates everywhere. This will all GJSD some time in the first half, most likely, next month, September of 2024. Then I am moving the Dogtown out of Florida, FOREVER! I do not know what is GJSD with the 9-number in these new wild dreaming interactions, but it connects into Berlin, NJUSAESMWG, into some dude who either has a blog handle called atomic-9 in some transdimensional alternate locale, or maybe even here 4 all I know; and also connects the family of the great movie actor from 40-60 years ago, Sir Chuck Conners, AKA and is quite famous 2 this day in his western role show, ''The Rifleman''. Things need not make sense 2 me and 4 me and with me, but someone else may know exactly what is GJSD, right Mister Crown and Mister Sivo? I just received your auto-phone-call, great S-L-C Sheriff Keith Pearson, and confirmed receiving the message by pressing the number-1 after it ended. It appears yet another sexual predator has moved within a mile of me' home, and these calls come in with regularity, beginning with his predecessor, Sheriff Mascara, ever since moving into the PEE-HE BUILDING in early-middle 2011's spring time. WOW THAT. I am holding at another BOTBUR. Earlier today, that endless patternized dual assault by the WSMT-SPAMMENIES came, the phone harassing fraudsters followed immediately by a loud harassing airplane over my residence. It is as unmistakable of a persecution pattern as is Mizz Legal Beagleiss Herself, Molly Nu. A child can C that my magnetics have gone straight 2 Dogtown, and AS ABSOLUTELY PREVIOUSLY PREDICTED by me, the Mountainpen, and following that nightmare night of 16 March of this demon-filled-year, with that horrendous noisy Saint Patrick's day pukey-party! I knew then that things were on the warpath of my utter full and total obliteration, and was 100 percent right yet again. Then came my late April 6 week following the party 2nd prediction of the 3 (60-day hell periods or bi-month periods) of MAY-JUNE, JULY-AUGUST, SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER. So far all of my 2024 predictions R being carried out right 2 the 1988 prophet of nothing copyrighted letter of all great McDonald's dancing song lyrics. Everyone knows it, as does the MOUNTAINPEN! Do I have plans once moved back into Atlantic county, NJUSAESMWG, 2 prove 2 this entire world that I along with many others here, WE ALL R INDEED IN BIBLICAL-HELL? U bet your sweet ole' frikkin' British Petroleum I do; and I also have something that nobody on this Earth can even begin 2 imagine, as it goes even beyond flying over some crowded event-stadium, such as my 1994 TPB book discussed, as one possible option. I plan 2 expose SATAN HIMSELF, and HIS entire demonic KINGDOM, and show what lays truly behind those biblical curtains of Mister magic-boy OZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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