Wednesday, July 19, 2023







Two nights ago; my daughter told me to do something, and I did it. I don't know why MC in that parallel universe told me to do it, but I did. In so doing; I had a huge thing confirmed. The dude at the library from the CHASE family two years ago, was a plant. Any record of his working at the local grocery store is erased and gone; just as MC told me it would be. I, to put it quite frank; don't really give a stuck. But she seemed to want me to do this, and learn this, so as I said; I did, and I did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 'Wo' Billy Harner, last man on the Steel Pier; but then, shortly before you were; some other major event went down on this pier, and we all know it, so why play stupid ass games? I also know that when I faked like I would be dead in an hour, back at 506 Robin Hill in 1984; suddenly, a lot of peeps that were messing with me on the telephone, abruptly stopped it completely, for quite a while. It was as if they JUST POOF, DREAM-FLASHED AWAY far from here, and any of us in this realm. Well, blog counts don't lie, and you all saw I was getting over 200 average daily hits for a while. 50,000 went to 55,000 in days, then right after I ran the poison non fake cigarette experiment number two, in 2014, from Fort Pierce, Florida; poof, a lot of them went away again. Am I dreaming all of this ducking mitt up, White House, Secret Service, FBI, NSA, CIA, whoever, whatever, hay, you geniuses tell me, YO??????????? Only, up here 8 years later, do I need any of them 2 tell me one goddessdog thing? It is clearer than Coral Mauden's wild ugly nose, just what is going on. IT IS ALL COMING OUT OF WHAT PSYCHICS CALL, AND HAVE CALLED 4 CENTURIES NOW; THE (DREAM-WORLD)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


That's not his problem, Misses Mohr”. Well Dock, oh mighty throat specialist off of Grant Avenue after making my turn off of 95 and onto Academy Road; then what is my problem? Why will I go into a slow endless eternal torment, and stay here forever and ever, Dennis Chase, Everett Simpson, and Robert McGuire???????? Because 8 years from now in 2023, I will realize that what I already knew back when these blogs were brand new, in 2006 and 2007, concerning the great illustrious HELL-BOX OF BRIGANTINE, NJUSAESMNWG; was an accurate depiction and explaination of all of my damn miseries, ALL ALONG, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!

Oh Lordess (SAR) (AH), what a lovely world I am stuck in. It is not the world; it is the personal interaction that I must endure in hyperspace, in this particular parallel universe. So many peeps have told me my DREAMING-TRIANGLE is not real and accurate, based on the fact that they cannot control what happens in ''dreams'' and they can control stuff here, when awake. I always respond back with a little mental exercise that really tends to blow trucking minds from Heredahellda and back again. Just how much do you, or can you, dude, duddess; control here in your waking life? Can you wake up and decide today I will become a lawyer, or a rock star, or marry some god or goddess type of awesome person, or ''whatever''; to quote you as a boy, Honorable ex 1975 friend, and co-friend of Albert Pileggi; Honorable Congressman Robert Andrews, kind sir?????? CAN-U? Just how much control do we all have, right here and awake, other than seemingly the tiniest wee bit 2 decide what we will do in small incremental things such as getting up off of our couch 2 get a drink, or perhaps wait a while longer? Yes, over smaller amounts of energetic truths, we have 'some' control, yes, and this takes me 2 that awesome episode on 'TTZ' television show where the dude in the Potomac Club in Washington, DC; goes back in time 100 years 2 the time of President Lincoln's assassination, and eventually comes 2C and realize that there R indeed VARYING AMOUNTS OF CONTROL; based on energetic truths that R all rapped up in all things, all the time. Things requiring less energy R somewhat manipulatable, while the larger things that go beyond certain specific points, simply R not; and not just 4 average peeps, but yes; even 4 the billionaires and celebrities and all of the entire 'Hot-shot Club', if U will. U must C that episode of Rod Serlings great TTZ show, as it will blow your mind when U take that, along with this Morianity lesson; and compare it all together, YO!

Last night I had the worse nightmares practically, that I ever experienced, because it seemingly went on 4 most of the entire sleep-time, and it involved literally all of the miserable monstrous horiffic junk, and I mean ALL OF IT; that plagues me here in my so-called WAKING-LIFE! I do naught think that anything was missing, and seemingly contained the entire package of nightmarish junk that I suffer through in one way or the other, right here while me' head ain't resting on pillows, physically. I had credit problems, I had problems going on with telecommunications companies, I had peeps around me vanishing and disappearing, I had numerous incredible injustices, and it all was taking place in a present time point, just as it would B if here and fully awake in this so-called 'real world, right here and now'. It truly was a futhermucking monstrous hellish experience that woke me up around twenty minutes past five of the clock this moUUUUUUUUUUUUUUrning with a bang, and a mood that is off the wall dark and trucking dismal, cubed and Cuban! One thing that I was able however 2 calmly derrive out of the nightmarish experience from total goddamn hell itself however, was simply thisssssssss, oh lovely Mizz Erica Luccisnakesssssssssssssssssss of 1983-AMC: Speaking only 4 me but 4 all I know, all of U as well; problems here and awake, seem 2 stem from a deeper truer source of what psychic peeps insist on still labeling as, the 'DREAM-WORLD', and all of my life, I knew that there was indeed something 2 all of this, since my life depicted those truths; and on full raging stenching steroids at light spped squared!

Robin Hill Apartments - Voorhees, New Jersey 08043

Is it time, Mizz Mildred B. Young, to go back to your classroom at Cooley-Wormhole Hall now, or just back half way or maybe three quarters; to the great farm outside of HADDONFIELD; to quote my words in 1970, to my special-ed teacher, Mister David Leigh Smith; that turned out to be in fact, a time nearly a decade later; and a place; Misses Sudano; called ROBIN HILL APARTMENTS of VOORHEES, NEW JERSEY-USA???????? I don't need PM or any other lovely Mizz Patricia Meeker initials, 2 tell me that things going far beyond our waking world, R indeed where this entire nasty-ass mess all seems 2 absolutely originate in!!!!!!!!

I was living at 506 Robin Hill, during the time of Ingrid, and these other two idiots, as well as the poison fake cigarette trick that my mom and I played on the Otammic forces against me, that are now called by me, for the most part; the MILITUFORCE. I won't forget that deal in a long time, and just as I recently promised 2 all me' Blogaudians naught so long ago now; it all ties endlessly in of course with what I did in the summer of 1970 on that public bus, or really, what I told decades later on something called BLOGS, concerning that night of PK-day, AKA 7-12. DICE fits into all of theser things also, am I wrong peeps? But then B4U all shout stuff at me like Y do I make a big deal out of it all, remember that dates and SAFET proves beyond any damn small doubt whatsoever here that it all conenectes up, but naught here in waking-life. The true popwer 2 how as well as where and Y it all connects up together, as the psychics call it, “lies forever in the transdimensional hyperspace, sorry, I mean the DREAM-WORLD!!!!!! So sahwee, all U wonderful Japanese Ambassadors of the WWll circa.

My Photo

2006-2014 © MOUNTAINPEN


Original five blogs:

On Blogger since January 2006

Profile views – 2981

My 5 blogs before this one:

Miserable rotten Thistlethorns Painjane Notfondauonebit Skuzdrinker, just got me again. Yes oh lovely gal-pal from 1999, Mizz Zabriskie, she got me weelwee damn 'GOUUUUUUUUD'; U white hot goddess U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like-WOW. Here is my necessary friggin' compensation of 5-group numerations now, oh 'cold cruel weerlld'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Then came last night. Cuzz Trump was with me, and we were in a place I do not feel I should discuss, of course it was in a parallel universe. After-all, my body is laying dead on a bed, and my spirit is out and roaming around in the parallel universes of hyperspace, and all of you call this ''dreaming'', same diff, I promise ye. All I will say is that he told me he knew what I was supposed to do and that I always need to obey the great Queen of the universe. He said many things, I just don't feel too great about imparting a lot of this on a blog right now. Sorry. I will say this, YO. He and I got talking towards the very ending of the nocturnal-experience, about my dropped off viewership after it had reached a nice clip. I remember as clearly as if it was on my television right now, and I was sitting all kicked back with a bowl of luscious and delicious Breyers Ice Cream in my hands, and watching it live. I said, ''Cuzz Don, I would rather have a real audience of 10 and a total blog count now of 900, than have a million daily readers that would max out most counters after a few years''. I went onto say, and I remember it in paraphrase only so I do not quote here, that it would be better to have one or two or three peeps who wanted to meet me and see what this is all about, than have the combined hits on a stupid silly blogger count, of all the famous people on Youtube on the planet. As I said, this is a very close but not actual quote from me. Then he smiled and he said to me in a changed pitch of voice from before, “Cuzz, you're all wet. The more you have reading you, the more earning potential you have''. You see, even in that parallel reality, he only sees dollar bills. He has no clue that this blog is nothing at all about the $$$$$$$$$$$, and that just about all other fucking shit on this planet, is only about the $$$$$$$$$, just as the great Kevin Trudeau taught so many of us through the years. I had already learned this in 1971 from a friend of the family, a Mister Leon Mitryk, from Burlington, New Jersey, 60 yards away on High Street, from where I worked with my brother in a print shop, nearly three fuckiGN hundred years ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

''Here you sit, broken hearted. You came to shit, and only farted''. As I now proceed in the MORIANITY story of great truth, and great sorrows; this description of anyone reading and doubting, is very accurate; despite being taken from 1969 at a public bathroom stall; and was quite well known in my generation.

JUNE 19, 2014,





And yes, me' butt-hole nabes above me, are hammering! Only up here 8 years in 2023; we all know it was not above me, but always in that enemy WOMO next door joint, number 605, an inverted number 506, as in poison cigarrette fakers and Sarah Bus fakes also, but no; not techno-pop fakes. How I do enjoy messing around with electronics, because instinctively I always knew, even as a small frikkin'' child; that something beyond odd and strange, laid behind the world of the 'mother board dodads', and we now all know what it truly is, YO; the great awesome astral world authority, the MILLIONTH-COUNCIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

JOHN J CROWLEY, Mister Tow-truck Ripoff dude from 1979, WOW, where did it all really begin?

Nearby Offender: Thomas Giordano »expand




John J Crowley's entire criminal record

The man who ripped me off in 1979 with the tow truck deal:

Last Known Address: 1201 ROBERTS WAY, VOORHEES, NJ, 08043












205 lbs.



Offense or Statute

Offense/Statute: ENDANGERING THE WELFARE OF A CHILD Disposition Date: 29 March 1996



Why have a dozen top musical artists ripped off songs from me over the past four plus decades? There is a reason, and not all of it is nee-nee-nee-nee weird and super mother ducking natural; and I promise you that!!!!!!! Where are you SHERIFF KJM??? Well, maybe through the back door, you have sent me that wonderful FPPD-COP. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, I am going to be moving out of this mother trucking horrible building before one more year is up. I cannot take these runt chewing roaches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Now there have been a few brave souls who have wondered aloud, and let me know it through numerous channels and back doors, that if indeed MIND CONTROL is so much behind everything, then how can I ever really know just who is truly behind this? Ever notice how they never allow me 2 really KNOW ANYTHING 4 SURE, GREAT FOLKS OUT THERE???????????????? Any other questions 4 the ages; oh all of U great peeps?

Patty Hollister was necessary to the great video-game of the 'GASME-GODS', as has been recently told after my recent revelations concerning those facts were finally slammed into my goddamn conscious awareness!!!!!!!!! Still, have all of the facts been told? Well, if the WOMO-Milituforce keeps planting roach colonies in my apartment, this world can get ducking ready to hear some REALLY MAJOR SKIT THAT I HAVE NOT EVER TOLD; oh me' wonderful Sheriff Mascara, sir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am one ducking angry person. Still, my beautiful lovely golden moon was there to greet me earlier in the evening, and for that much, I am very grateful to the gods of the Astral-Plane, AKA, the Purgatory. Like WOW and WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am not trying to get all esoteric or philosophical, or pretend that I know all of the answers. I AM NOT Patty Hollister, and this is not the late sixties, or early seventies. BUTButButButButBUTTTTTTTTTTTT folks, Jesus Christ all mighty YO; let's play Bob Schleigh's game, at the Camden, New Jersey, USA, ESMWG security gatehouse. LET'S INDEED BE REAL, folks!! No ordinary mother ducking dream can be more real than ten times all of your other dreams put together, and no ordinary dream can alter your mother trucking waking life from the second that you wake up out of it. Yes Spellchecker, it is totally outlandish!!!!!!! But it's way more than that. It definitely fits the Agent Falcon/Agent Condor profile for why things may have all gone down like this. Anyone who follows ufology at all, knows that huge walls and blocks are real; and that there is indeed a powerful cover-up of 'SOMETHING'. Just what, my jury is totally out; but definitely mucking 'SOMETHING', YO! For right god-dog now, that is all that I have to say, but know this my Blogaudians. We'll be further exploring down this road, and without any help from my ex-son in law Nicky, and his magical hyperspace road-trips through time and hyperspace!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, my ELECTRONIC stuff did appear to be able to create “monster-ass recordings”!!!! The man in any realm, was 'telling it true', oh lovely little Sandra Tammie D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

People can insist all they want to, and I know that they are wrong. They tell me that I am a paranoid lunatic, with a zillion damn delusions. Well, as Mashell Daniels said in 1980, at the RPL Sound Recording Studio Laboratories, of Camden, New Jersey, USAESMWG; I am entitled to my opinion, and of course, so is evweebwudy else. But in absolute truth, we all are under the same, whatever you may wish to call it, deal; and that is, none of us are entitled to our FACTS. I feel that I have presented lots and lots and lots of very great arguments, and even many facts, that are just about 99+% beyond anyone's power or ability to dispute. To me at least, the items in my Morianity are absolutely irrefutable. Here's another whittle morsel tidbit of horse-slit that is very much a head scratcher, unless what lays underneath your hair is as dead as your carpets. During that wild Christmas party at that medical research institute place where I did janitorial work for the contractor, Mister Berny Derakowski; and was told by two doctors who had a bit too much to drink, all about using very young blood to transfuse older bodies, and thus rejuvenating them to youth again, after a couple of years; just what if after they sobered up; they came to realize that they released some highly classified medical information to the lowly 'TPB' non-lightning janitor? Only readers of my great 1994 book know what's getting mother mucking said there. Aniwho, and moving this right along YO; just what if they got together, just like towards the ending of that fantastic Sharon Stone movie, “CASINO”, and had “THAT SAME TALK”, or maybe the mob is connected into the medical industry; hey after-all, everybody knows about the music freaking industry, for Jesus Christ's sake, heaven forbid, YO!!!!!!!!!! Oh yes peeps, you heard me right. Just what if they had that talk, that in the movie, ended with that nasty scene in the Vegas desert, only with me, and knowing about my dirty little trash can habits; they simply arranged for me to pick up some horrendous medical virus? First off, if this is all real, then this is why, MISSES MOHR, HE DID NOT THINK THAT MY THROAT WAS MY PROBLEM”, and also, this is why nobody has ever, ever, in the entire medical industry; attempted to properly treat me, or help me; and they basicly are sitting around and just hoping and waiting for me to mother trucking die in endless agony, huh Doctor's Schorr and Shareef of Fort Pierce?????????? This would also explain why many powerful, and very wealthy politicians, are involved in the mix; such as the TRILOGY FROM HELL, TRUMP-SCOTT-BONDI; as I discussed on several prior blogs, YO!!!!!! Just think about it, YO ME' BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Whispers and ghosts from the past:

This is now the THIRD TIME that my kitchen sink has been interfered with, here at my PUBLIC HOUSING BUILDING APARTMENT. Again, the drain despite a leak proof stopper purchased by me at the local Publix store, was securely in place, just as it was those other two previous times, was breached somehow, and nasty ass mother mucking soap-suds had begun to seep up into my god-dog sink, and along with that; lots of mother ducking filthy dirty rotten nasty ass ROACHES R all over swimming around in the sudsy mother trucking water. Naturally, I emptied it all out, cleaned up this mess for a third time now, kind Sheriff KJM sir; and then cleaned and drained the sink with loads of scalding hot water that I boiled. Then I took a half a can of mother ducking 'RAID' roach spray, and inundated my kitchen with it. All day long, the harassing telephone calls were real bad, and I know exactly who is behind all of them, or almost all of them; a very crooked evil debt collection company who illegally hacks into my line and my actual account that I have through the COMCAST carriers, as every time they start annoying me again with letters and calls, THESE OTHER CALLS ALWAYS SEEM TO DUCKING RUNT FOLLOW SUIT, ME KIND SIR! The calls began as soon as I woke up and began my day at around just past eight this goddessdog MOUUUUUUUUUUUUUURNING kind sir, and the sink incident had to have occurred somewhere between six of the clock this evening, and about ten minutes shy of seven. It had to take at least a few minutes for this evil to have been accomplished against me, and I was in my kitchen at around six to warm up a little snack, and then at about three minutes shy of seven, I went into the kitchen to grab a bite of ice cream from my freezer, and happened to look at my sink, and POW! To intentionally perpetrate this crime against me, Sheriff sir; is more than criminal mischief, it is also ELDER ABUSE, and it is also beyond that, a dangerous health threat against an innocent person, who is always current in his rent, and does nothing whatsoever to a single mother mucking soul, to deserve this absolutely wicked and demonic mother trucking torture, and criminal behavior, yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have learned major skit from that wonderful PROJECT BLUEBOOK television show, and one of the items learned, I must confess to already having figured out a very long mother clucking stunt huffing time ago, me lads and me lassies out here in Blogaudianland!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is that THE MILITUFORCE WILL NEVER EVER STOP, AND THIS HELL WILL INDEED GO ON FOR THE GOD-DOG TRUCKING REST OF MY PATHETIC DESEASED CURSED LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!! These totally sicko pricks will ruin my entire life, as they have done so ever since I MOTHER MUCKING RUNT EATING EXITED HIGH SCHOOL at my special-ed school called the Cooley-Hall Bancroft school, on Hopkins Lane, in Haddonfield, New Jersey, USA, ESMWG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I won't be joining the largest UFO Club in the United States as a chess or a poker move in some strategic counterstrike. BUTTERFIELDS AND BIG ASS BUTTTTTT, I WILL BE JOINING UP because I MUST DO THIS. These diseased rock chucking whack job pricks on steroids, simply are leaving me absolutely no mother trucking other 'cherce'; YO Mister Archibald Bunkerqueens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Image result for images of lighthousesImage result for images of lighthousesImage result for images of lighthouses






13 MARCH, 2019


Mark Wayne Mountainpen Huntington Mohr

© 2006-2019, BOM (Blogs Of Mountainpen)

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(BLOGS OF MOUNTAINPEN)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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© 2006-2019, results below as of 01-19-19.

On the Blogger/Google system since January 2006

Profile views – 3,354


I mother ducking knew when I was twenty, and heard that inaudible yet absolutely distinct voice, telling me to spare myself an unfathomable HELL, and just end it all, that I should have mother ducking listened to it, and NOT WUSSED THE STUNT EATING SLIT OUT!!! If I hadn't been such a punt sucking goddamn coward, I could have exited away from this inconceivable hellishness, and spared myself more agony and demonic grief than even I can possibly imagine. BUT NOW THAT I HAVE SUFFERED THIS LONG, AND HAVE WAY TOO MUCH NECESSARY INFORMATION TO SHARE WITH THOSE OTHER FEW CURSED FOLKS OUT HERE ON THE CE-6ers list or (M2F-CLASSIFICATION), I realize that I must now remain here, join the biggest 'UFO' club out there in this country, and shout out my life's-experiences to the ENTIRE WORLD, and if they don't believe me, well, then they all deserve to be tormented and tortured as badly as I have been, as they will indeed be, as have I, IF they are in REAL CONTACT, as I obviously AM, and have been all along, yo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

FEBRUARY 17, 2014,




Well they ducked me good, Bob McDowell. Unless this is some temporary hack, whatever that god-dog trucking Wordpress hack was this afternoon, really flucked up these blogs, sir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Federal Communications Commission; this is a violation of my CIVIL RIGHTS, my HUMAN RIGHTS, AND CONSTITUTIONAL CLUCKING RIGHTS, YO!!!!

Every document has been frucked with, FCC, local PEEDEE, State of Florida Police, ACLU, Attorney General Pam Bondi, and anyone else who might just give the smallest hell!

Mack and Lester 1967 Kaiter, this is totally mother lucking ridiculous, sirs! Everything is hacked out, YO! Before I murder the entire family of Atlantic City from HELL, fire BILL, from Cifaloglio; I'll tell so many things to so many people, the pop will be swarming around this Public Housing Building like flies on a July ducking garbage truck, tomorrow flocking stunt eating nerd chewing morning! There is no ONE WAY STREET; merely streets where the law makes it legal to only drive in one direction. If one is able to not get caught, Frank Callio on Bacharach Boulevard, one can drive down either side, of course, don't get trucking killed while making the attempt, either, BRO! But I think my pernt is being made, Archie trucking glass Bunker, YO!!!!!!!!!! Hay, shake it up and toss it out any way that you like, Sargent mucking Friday on 1967 Dragnet. This is all just one huge simulationogram, sir; and you too, Professor Kaku. Maybe both of us would do better to keep our big mother mucking mouths shut, to quote 'lovely-ass Monique'! Give me a break Misses Rabil; I'm so stupid and wetahded, I can't see all the skit has gone on for fifty mother mucking years for crissake. Jesus Christ Almighty, Mike Bustarm Sotas, with almost the strength of lovely Keisha!!!!!!! BUTT, no cigar lovely SJK.

Two of the greatest things talked about in my blogs as the MOUNTAINPEN or in MORIANITY, you may think of, as either EXPLORATRONS, or AUGUST 15th OF 1986. You would be within a good thinking pattern to make that selection, but in truth, a hidden cosmic agenda called, REALITY-3 is the real biggest deal in my horrific and sub-vampiric life and cursed existence, as the chosen HUNTINGTON. Reality-3 is not something that has ever been totally rationally figured out by me, so I will not pretend for a second that in any way, shape, or form, it has been. I will merely remind my readers that it has to do with the theory that perhaps, and only perhaps, one larger truth and ongoing nightmare, is causing both of my PARALLEL-EVENT situations, of one---me being up or down, and two---'THEY' being winners or losers in a very strange trilogy of events; these being the Dow Jones, the Philadelphia Phillies, and the Philadelphia Flyers. All I can say in good conscience, is that I cannot prove satisfactorily no matter how hard I have tried for more than twenty-six years now; whether there is or is not, a REALITY-3, or whether just the parallel event itself, IS EVERYTHING, and why it all began on one exact night in the summer of 1986; also remains a total elusive mystery. Still, one fact remains undisputed. Since this hell started around me in 1986, only the year of 1994 seemed to be magical. It totally cut me a break. Things, big things started to go my way in almost unfathomable ways. Why? Because the Baseball Clubs went on strike, so there was no Phillies season. Then in the autumn, the HOCKEY CLUBS went on strike, so DUHH, there was no Flyers Season, only there was, a small one, as early in 1995, when the magical year of 1994 ended; a short hockey season began, causing a three year doubling of the Dow Jones stock market, and basically, the end of my life, via the search for the missing teenager of my past; the most inconceivable nightmare to ever rear its ugly head in all of recorded history. Now this had to get out of the way in order to lay a foundation about the true major significance and surreal importance, of this wild trilogy, and parallel event nightmare in my life, that yes; all started when the rest of the hell started, back on 15 August, 1986. There just is no getting around the fact that something more powerful and strange than all of the combined so-called UFO-abductions all put together, happened to one person at one exact point in history, ME; and on this date. Everything, whether or not a bigger REALITY-3 is behind it or not; seems to revolve around an 'inescapable' reality, 'PARALLEL EVENT', without any 1983 or 1997 tunes, from any members of this great and awesome Carpenter family of 3,000+ years. Now, some few real follower geniuses know why certain unnamed people told me to “PUT THAT ON TOP”, Commander Pablo, so check that off, KIRKWHALES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So it is time to talk about the most powerful skit in the multiverse now, since they have temporarily wiped out my documents-files. First, I checked to see if the music files are trucked with, and they are 'OKAY', but I am backing them up as soon as I post up this blog. I do not need to be kicked in my mucking nuts twice. A little land is all I ever need, I am not greedy, Lenny and Gabby. OUCH, who needs more than TWO FRUCKING ACRES? That's not something I care to deal with, at this time, or any time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Still folks, let me leave all side tracked tangents alone for right now, and stick to the flucking point of REALITY-3. Lookouts in hotel rooms so that I can be raped by a powerful gorgeous girl gang called the ATLANTIC CITY QUADDY MOCKERS, back in the 1960's; child molesters, and alien-ESS- abductionists, R a lot more than this all was supposed to B, when planned originally in some wooded area outside Chicago, Illinois, on a hunting trip; with my distant now dead, PTL cousins, and the dad of the now hot shot prick owner of the Irish Pub, great sir Robert McGuire. They never planned it to go this far, but as it did move onward, their bodies were taken over by their doppelgangers on numerous occasions, and then this thing grew into monstrous and unfathomable proportions. The expression of letting things grow or get out of proportion, was literally mother trucking born from this incredible surreal outlandish and inconceivable horse slit, cubed and ducking CUBAN!!!

Long Story Short, (LSS), all of you out here only can live in one world at a time, and don't even believe a wild tale such as Morianity, which is being literally brought to you all in five dimensions, and cannot be brought in any other way, as then, simply put; it would no longer be my story, or MORIANITY!!!! Still, this story includes a huge deal where my Aunt Geraldine, who us cousins all called 'Aunt Gerry', and who was great friends with a Central Intelligence Agency Agent who was the fake Iranian Shah back in the sixties; and they knew both this, as well as how the two families needed to be brought together in the third millennium, in order 2 create this powerful religion called, MORIANITY. You need powerful trucking skit folks, or religions and cults die off. John Henningsen the great, of Denver, Colorado, would have a perfect and super adequately fitting saying for this, right about now; no need for reiteration, YO! If Aunt Geraldine COLD-WHITE-STUFF did not ask my mom to have Cousin Sandy come down in 1967, to the Trinidad with us, none of this could ever have all happened, and no human group can pull off perfect slit without what military officers will all tell you, as it is not classified, ''lots and lots of SNAFU's''.

Hay to quote what resulted, or my wonderful super kid;

''YOU WON'T EVEN ASK FOR WHAT''???????? There is a seventh dimension, and it is called LAWTRONICS. This does many things, and creates many absolutes and constants; and even PERMISSION BARRIERS, if you will. This LAWTRONIC REALM is not imaginable to human beings, forget about even trying to climb into the ducking skit, folks. But there are limits placed on the natural world where the odds of something happening become total-zero, not even one times ten to a billionth power. The POPE and the CATHOLICS call these zero percentage events, ''miracles'', but I know better. There are no miracles, only super sophisticated high technology from future universes throughout fifth dimensional hyperspace! LSS; this is going 2B discussing what they might classify miracles, scientists might classify unidentified in laboratories as of yet in present times, but MORIANITY classifies as REALITY THREE.

When Goddess Diana, who Saint Paul mentions in the Holy Bible, gave me the PARALLEL-EVENT information, at the Highview Apartments in early 1986, in Williamstown, New Jersey; I went onto do the impossible, turn $100 cash into $9200 cash, over a consistent eight month period, playing roulette professionally, in the casinos of Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA-ESMWG! Roulette is a cool game. Players over long periods get lucky streaks, and they get unlucky streaks, but applying the skills of pure parallel event or APE (Applied Parallel Event), can and will make a player a consistent profit, month and year in and month and year out. It is very boring to play this method in roulette, and quite tedious as well. Still and all, if you wait for strong parallel events such as anything at least five or six to one, over another in outside betting situations, it WILL ENDLESSLY WORK. THE MATH PROVES OUT that the secret is to never 'stack-up' and only bet the same flat bet all the time, and wait until the parallel event is right, and I never did. I played a lot of half-OK bets to make, and eventually, I lost two games in a row after eight months, and decided to take my 9200 dollar profit, an amount made over all losses, and quit, sending me right back to working for asshole bosses at security guard companies, at slit hole posts. Still, I had my days in the sun, and I mother mucking felt like a real cool ass somebody, even if it was for only eight stunt sniffing months, Charlie Brown!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I won't be getting into the details, as this is not the purpose of this revenge blog. I've already explained on many prior blogs, just how to apply Parallel Event to this game and win. It is boring, and just about no one can stick to it, but if you could; you would then B able 2 work about two dozen hours weekly, and make an average of 13-18 chips. Seems small, huh. That's what a lot of blue haired 'laughing grandmas', down in Atlantic City, thought too. But the ducking casinos weren't laughing at all, and Donald Trump was out of his trucking mind. If you can average that many weekly chips, it could be on red nickels worth five dollars each, or purple five hundred dollar pieces. Hay peeps, I have a wild frucking news flash for y'alls. 15 and a half times 500 bucks every week, will get you MURDERED by the CASINO MOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I have been made to know this, quite well, YO YO YO YO, without Nick squeezing used condos on broken parts inside my vehicle, or banging and breaking the hubcaps up while the beats go on in the military FAA 177 Jersey Devils Club of Pomona Futures, of Frank Callio, decades before any of this made any sense; and long B4 the damn first legislation ever came to pass in Jersey, legalizing trucking casino gambling, for crissake, YO!!!!!!!! Jesus God, Misses Pennock, I said DICK, not mother lucking dicl, as these letters are right next to each other Henry Ling-Long Fonda of Hockey 57 and Philly sticks and rotten promotions!!!! SHEEEEEEEEIT.

Now folks; parallel event can beat a game with a negative advantage of 5.26 percent, ask any gamer who knows casino games, any real professional. After they tell you this they'll go onto tell you that even Albert Einstein insisted that this game of Roulette, is a lady that cannot be beaten. If we were equating this with punching power, Lady Roulette would be K1000, and the (K) would stand for powerful gorgeous 1999 KEISHA, who fractured my right arm in two places in just a playful punch one night, after returning home with Helen Zabriski, from a day trip to where else, but Atlantic City, New Jersey. Still, it can be beaten using parallel event, and my point is, this is a technology that comes from the gods, as if Einstein himself cannot do something, and I can; are you gonna' give me that much ducking credit, or just 'give it up Mister Harvey' sir, and believe in my wonderful and beautiful GODDESS DIANA ARTEEMIS OF ROME? You're speaking to the Roman silversmith from the BIBLE. So disbelieve all that U want 2. 'Sawn-U', BRAHHH. BUT, here is the great news flash!!! When using this parallel event technology or (PET) on other things, there is always the question that surfaces, that goes; could there be something that operates behind the OZ CURTAINS of parallel event? And I am saying and have said for nearly nine blogging years now, good people; YES THERE MOST LIKELY IS. I do not know for sure, but forget roulette, and look at ME verses DOW JONES, PHILLIES, and FLYERS. This has gone on since my days of playing roulette in the casinos and using this parallel event skit, my fiends and friends out there. They turned around and used this technology on me for daring to use it as a mortal human, on the mortal realm of the Earth. But look for a seck folks, at the mechanics behind this fluckiGN slit. What if some THIRD THING is what is making the other two, be in some parallel? This cannot be known, as we are measuring a parallel between two seemingly unrelated things, and have absolutely no frucking idea whatsoever what any third thing around the situation could even begin 2B. Am I right or am I right, good folks???????????????????? But what if I told you right now that I have taken this wondering a few steps further in this new decade of this new millennium, and am now quite a bit ahead mentally, of where I was on this matter between 2000 and 2010? This will begin 2B talked about as this new book and blog moves forward, yes; towards the great ''15 YEAR''!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, September 29, 2008


DATFILE: 093008.003.55 ----- Beginning:

I have been given a major order from the All Mighty. I must repent 4 my wicked last few blogs, telling things that the great SSJKK is not happy with and using so much profanity and judgmental attitude towards HER creation.


All HELL/DOGTOWN broke loose all day today starting when I tried 2 change some personal billing dates with lending institutions, and as the famous recording artist of the sixties told me on many an occasion, 2 succeed in this life, everything is a matter of proper TIMING. I chose one of the worst times and dates 2 make any financial request of the world and United States banking systems. This is my rotten luck, and always has been, but I have no one 2 blame except 4 that JO that stares back at me when I’m shaving. All I would have had 2 do is turn on the CNBC cable-TV channel, and common sense would have taken things from there. Tonight, I was talking 2 lightning on the telephone, and the BRIGGERS cut in and messed with me. Then I had 2 take Dawnie Terra TPB over 2 the pizzeria where Mario, Chicky's boss was standing outside and up set about Chicky's drinking on the job. Today was not a day 2 up set ANY businessman, small or great, as they have some genuine concerns, and I understand that. None of this had 2 ever happen, they in this case, have their shaving images 2 blame 4 my fighting them back, what, I’m gonna just sit back like a geek in high school and just take this, unanswered without fighting back, ya nuts? The great Diana Zuudlocrenesia Arteemis informed me that All Mighty SSJKK demands an instant apology on line in her human form on all 3 posts that I have put my recent angry blogs up on. Things went from bad 2 worse and I know who rules this empire with a firm yet loving hand, tough love yes, but love nonetheless, MC rules, as SHE says she does, I do not say this I am a nobody, a nothing just a pile of useless ignorant puke. SHE SAID IT, in middle may of this year from atop the great Empire State Building, and it made many a magazine, Google around, it is there, I never say anything, SHE says SHE RULES THE EMPIRE. Anyone that can come into your ‘DREAMS’ whenever she feels like it, and it is no regular ordinary ‘DREAM’ when it occurs, believe that if U ever believed squat, I do not make one claim, SHE DOES. She made the entire night horrendous and showed me WHO’S BOSS OUT HERE, not only in her special MARHOUSE, but all over this entire planet, from corner 2 corner, and I recognize U oh MIGHTY LOVELY QUEEN OF THE UNIVERSE AND BEYOND. Please accept the feeble apology I now attempt making 2U, my great infinite TEEN-QUEEN. I love U so much and wish only the very best 4U now and forever. I am your humble servant, that is all I ever desire 2B, oh mighty one. Lightning informed me that if I repent and apologize publicly, that U might find it in your lovely great heart 2 forgive your silly and foolish moronic SHELLFISH. I do not ever want U2C me as your SHELLFISH. I am your SERBANT, MIGHTY AWSOME QUEEN and IWALU.



Posted by theansweristheqyuestion at 9:27 PM


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Chester sir, when SSJKK talks of a shellfish, it ain't a good thing!!!!

Chester Frank said it all so perfectly from a bar back in 1999 up in New Jersey not that far from the famous Burlington near the Delaware River and the historical Washington's crossing, he looked at me for no particular reason out of the blue, and just went, “WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE”.







5:42 AM, Tuesday morning, 18 July, 2023



Endless clues 2 crap, just never quits, does it?

This opening chapter will naught B long, nor cover a whole lot of ground; but it will go into just a few things concerning the evil antics accomplished by, as well as many details about, the recently name-labeled by this blogger, “WOMO-SPACEFORCE-MILLIONTH COUNCIL SPAMMENIES”; and 4 A NICE SHORTENED COMBO HERE, the “WSMCS”. I am going 2 begin with an incident that happened approximately a month B4 the great and illustrious HADDONWOOD SWIM AND TENNIS CLUB of Debtford, NJUSAESMNWG, closed down forever, after several decades of operating a successful health club by this name; and then suddenly without warning nor reason; it just went 'POOF'; and it closed down overnight; and leaving recently re-upped members such as the Mountainpen, out a couple hundred trucking bucks, with no recourse whatsoever. Yes a month or so shy of the mysterious shut down on a dime, I was in the outdoor swimming pool on one late July hot and sunny-bright afternoon, when all of a sudden, several aireal vehciles began harassing me; and as soon as they did this, extremely large black horse-flies just came out of absolutely nowhere, and began literally sworming all around and over me, and biting me. As soon as I would manage 2 kill one, others came charging and biting. I managed 2 catch one of them that was only slightly injured, and 4 whatever the reason; I placed it into a pocket in my swimming trunks, and then I left the pool angry, and fit 2B futhermucking tied up with steel ropes. When I got home 2 my Kent Street apartment, at the Highview of Williamstown; I observed when carefully placing this HUUUUUUUUUUUGE fly into a large glass jar, that it had completely heeled up from a major swat on the concrete pool; as if it never had happened at all. Now exactly Y-I did what I did next, is anyone's guess, or guest here; as lovely Scylla would say it perhaps. Now here is what I did. I took a tea kettle in the kitchen, and boiled it with some water. Then I emptied the water into the glass jar and placed the lid back on. The fly of course was instantly boiled and died, only it did naught remain dead. After the water had eventually cooled down, it came right back 2 life. Later, I froze it in the freezer, same thing happened; it froze and died. Then it returned 2 life again after being thawed out. Then I froze it again and this time, I crushed it in-between two pieces of cut poster-board pieces about 10 by 10 inches, and then scraped it back into the jar; and I went 2 sleep. The next morning, U got it, me' wonderful peeps; as if nothing had happened, it was just fine and completely alive. I never told a soul about this throughout the entire final days of the 20th century, but I transferred this fly into a jar that had a special double lid like a special salt shaker has; so that I could literally completely cover it into an air tight condition, that I called a sleeper-mode, or I could place the outer jar lid open and the inner lid with dozens of small breather-holes would then allow air into the jar. Whenever I would wish 2 awaken the fly, I simply would open the outer lid up and after air came into the jar, the fly would wake up and move around. I kept this fly in my possession until I ran away from the King family, back early in middle December of 2009; and the gods only know whatever became of it. I also lost the magical clock that I had, that when it was placed facing the corner of any room, somehow stopped, and it altered normal regular time flow in that corner area; and I could take a small piece of meat, and place it in a corner where the clock was effecting it, and keep it there a month, and it never went bad; and the clock would only gain one hour of actual passed time. Both the fly, as well as the clock, were forever lost 2 me, and much more also was lost; thanx 2 this great WASHCLOTH FAMILY OF EARTHLY DOGTOWN!!!!!!!!!!

So much now, 4 this 'integrenetrized' fly!

But I am concentrating right now on the WSMCS, and its manipulation of numerous realities surrounding this Earth-Plane of mortal world existence. A couple of days ago, when I was having that problem with numerous annoying and attacking minidroids (gnats-flies-etcetera) that kept coming out of nowhere, it also happened around half past 5 in the goddessdog morning again, & after hours of a back off from this. When I got up 2 go 2 me' kitchen laundry-closet 4 a new can of raid that I had stored there, I passed me' front door, and heard a sound outside. I went out, and sure enough, and at that ungodly hour; there was a circling persecuting air vessel that was harassing me, and I absolutely futhermucking know, that this was what somehow, despite my being clueless 2 exactly how; this minidroid invasion suddenly materialized all around me in me' home. It happened exactly as it happened in the summer time of the year of 1996, at the Haddonwood Club, up in Jersey. I am no more imagining all of this, than I am imagining that it is beyond miserably hot as hell in Florida, in the summer time. Now in case anyone is remotely interested, I am still heading 4 SOUTH AMERICA; and vely vely vely non-McDowell-1972 SOON, but that blog-book is over, and most likely; this will B the final BLOG BOOK OF THE 'BOM', and will merely continue on now with ascending numerical chapter numbers, YO BRAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now 4 the most incredible nocturnal experience in quite a long time, perhaps along the lines of the 'MOWRY-PULL-PLUG' incident in the hyperspace-dude's office back in last April. A couple of hours ago, I was sound asleep and lightning was around me, and SHE gave me a few small jolts, and I could hear HER voice saying 2 me, “U-R going 2 have a wild experience now, little boy”. Suddenly SHE was gone, and I was in a large empty room, and as I began walking around, and towards a wall; I suddenly saw a large computer, and a large banquet type very long table that it was on, and perfectly centered. Suddenly I saw my kid, and she was with two peeps who I am clueless 2 who they were, R, or 'whatever'; Sir Congressman. They were completely seemingly oblivious 2 my being there, as if I was all ghosted out, 2 their relative perspective. Now, I just got totally goddessdog mucking trucked by Mizz Jane Toiletwaterdrinking Sleazeweedsdisease Skumslime Thistlethorns, and need 2 stunt phlegm hate here (compensate), with me' 'twustworthy whittle fweekin' number-five-groupings', so here goes; and then we will get back 2 this WILD ASS DREAM, YO!!!!!!!!


Suddenly they were doing something on that computer, and I kept edging myself closer 2 them; yet they were absolutely oblivious 2 my presence there. They were doing things on the computer that resulted from very similar things that R recently happening 2 me, with my numerous 'word-office hacks', or 'WHATEVER'-CONGRESSMAN-1975. Many things happened on this computer, and they did some stuff and I was observing them, and then without going into lots of other details that can B saved 4 future blogs; I came out of this experience, and then I wanted 2C if some of the things that I saw them do would operate and function on my waking-world computer. Sure enough, one of the things that I actually LEARNED FROM THIS WILD DREAMING INTERACTION, OR MY 'TRIP IN 5-D HYPERSPACE', however U may wish 2C these truths; actually worked on my waking world computer. I won't get into all of this now, since it is way 2 goddessdog HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE, and time just won't permit it. So far, and I'll say only this much, this has allowed me now 2 use my 'highlighted delete extra pages' function, allowing me 2 again compensate 4 Jane Thistlethornsdisease, and her endless ONES-GROUPS-ASSAULT on the pitiful helpless pathetic MOUNTAINEN. It also allows me 2 do something that makes me' documents work the way that I wish, and without using the mouse 2 do several things, that when the hacks R bad, and especially the 'MNR-HACKS'; is extremely difficult as well as punishingly annoying. 2 major things have now been elliviated, and all 'thanx-2-me'-daughter', and her 2 pals, showing me this weird feature; and from A PARALLEL WORLD. So now peeps, if we connect this kind of junk with 1997, and her fantastic WESTMONT song; well, 2 quote the goddamn younger generation here, since it beats anything else that I could say, and IPYT great folks; “LIKE-WOW DUDE”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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