Tuesday, January 3, 2023








Well folks, welcome to the new year of twenty-twenty-three, YO. It came in with a bang for Mountainpen as usual, but not quite the usual way of all bad stuff, as it was quite mixed and the bad stuff was on the final day of the old year of 22 an dyes, good-bye to those two’s. Again and so be warned please, this will be a real skip-around blog that would drive people such as ‘Egg Harbor, NJ-USA’s-resident and lovely Mizz Terry’, completely insane. Well, this is naught my old English class in high school, and I need naught be worried what she or anyone else is thinking,, do I great world out there? Do it, Chester-F, do it, “WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE”!!!!!



For the first time in the history of my life, and probably in any of yours as well out there folks, my street address matches precisely, and I do mean precisely Mister S.C. Crown from 1969 in those late August dog-days; that of the year number. Let us all see as time marches onward, what if anything bizarre and outlandish, to quote Sir Jim T. Burr from Gloucester with or without any starships, this brings into the life of the Mountainpen, shall we peeps?



Now the final day of 2022, also known as (AKA the birthday of the late and great (Latengrate) Dock Dags, AKA Mizz Donna A.G. Summer, was the final day of that prior year as well as my final and quite nasty-ass BOTBAR day. Let me tell you whata-huppined, to quote my old pal from the Exxon Gasoline Station in Gloucester Township back in 1983 up in good old non home-life situation Sir Guv Tom Kean. From the moment I got up I had to deal with a New Year’s Eve party but at least this all falls within the boundaries of normal activity that cannot be instantly and immediately attributed to my rotten MILITUFORCE-SPACEFORCE ENEMIES. All negative things are part of my woes yes, but indirect crap verses more indirect is always more livable and palatable for me. When things happen that don’t trigger my paranoia for experiencing stuff that is directly being caused by my enemies is always much easier for me to deal with and take with a whining sigh and forced grin. I’m quite sure you all feel the same way, or ‘basically’ the same, sorry lovely judge Judy. Yes the last day of last year was loud, annoying, and hellish, but fully expectable and within the reason of norms for living here on the planet of Earth. WOW to that. That brought my ‘MPB’ for the month of December to 13 percent and also brought my 4-month-MPB-sliding average within acceptable terms, so I cannot truly scream and holler and complain. At a later time, I will give you the entire 2022-year’s magnetic percentage for botbar or ‘2022-MPB’.



So beginning with the wild Mizz Terry-Harbors bouncing around fully-scatterbrained as well as typical Mountainpen blogging now peeps, we shall proceed to march this along. I want to begin with what happened to me earlier this morning B4I woke up. I was with my daughter in another locale of the great fifth dimensional hyperspace and you may word it as “I was dreaming”, and I was back in 1980 only most of the times when this happens to me, I am living at 1802 Robin Hill Apartments and many times working right where I worked in those times, at the river doing weekend security work at the Jefferson Street licorice plant, or at my full time weekday job at the RPL Recording place, both places being in the city of Camden in New Jersey. But this time I lived in Egg Harbor, lovely Mizz non-scatterbrained Terry. I was in my middle twenties again and my daughter was ten and it was extremely vivid and realistic, especially since I never interacted in the waking reality with her when she was ten, only fourteen and sixteen. But this is what the vastness of the 5th dimensional hyperspace indeed does, it creates many wild and intensely bizarre stuff, or maybe this can be said better here; it allows for virtually unlimited interactive-ness since thinking of this as jigsaw pieces and combinations of small pieces or stuff, the very concept of this fifth dimension is so vast that a million trillion Einstein brains all working together to visualize its true immensity would still never happen. In the interaction last night back in 1980, I was lost in some strange area not that far from Egg Harbor City, and I kept finding myself in a huge building that seemed to connect a housing area, a factory, and a food store, all in one complex of enormous size, and  speaking of enormity here. I apparently was residing here in this weird very large apartment with real flimsy doors that never seemed to correctly shut and when the two doors did manage to close, anyone could see right into the apartment as it had a twenty inch gap and the lower parts seemed to close better while the upper parts were gaining in the weird separation. I would walk out of the area and down a very strange road that was heavily wooded and lightly trafficked. Eventually I kept arriving at some strange university area after first walking through a large food and factory area. I have been in this dream many times B4 folks, but this is the first time that my daughter at age ten was a part of it. I had this dream way back in the previous century as well since about the time I moved from misses Patricia Meeker’s Gibbsboro, NJ-USA home, into the great Maria Shoemaker’s HIGHVIEW place, in Williamstown. When I was walking through the place that resembled the U of P in Philly only it clearly was not that place, I ran into someone who I knew from there but do not know from here, a very typical 5-D encounter with all of us, right lovely Mizz Carolyn ‘DS’-Show Stoddard? We got speaking about trans-dimensional hyperspace and I was telling him some wild thing or my double from this world there was. Suddenly, along came MC, and I said to the man that I was speaking to and while pointing directly at her, and just as she was walking right by the two of us, “She has a lot of trans-dimensional stuff in her life too, right Merry”? Merry turned and said something to me that is quite unfathomable, and I am going to leave this wild incredible interaction right there for now and today, my great Morian-folks. All I will tell you is that she is a very honest person in waking life. But she flat out lied and denied what I said, a few hours ago in this wild interaction and locale in some alternate world’s Egg Harbor City. We can get back to all these James Rockford slamming shots later on, peeps. Do it CF, “WEEEEEEEE”.



Let me discuss the magical shoebox for a while, or the TABLET as we now understand this item to actually be. Speaking of 5th dimensional hyperspace or ‘FDHS’ for a nice shortened abbreviation. Did this other alternate world that I was dream transported into while living at the Highview, have our advanced digital technology several decades ahead of us?????? Hackers are killing me by the way today here, with their fave SPACEBAR-HACK, YO!!!!!!!!!! Let us begin to look now at some real mind blowing horse puke here while these prick BHH HACKERS are driving me beyond totally nuts. On the Dark Shadows 60’s television show, remember how on that episode that I told you all about on recent December-2022 blogs, with lovely Alexander Moltke who played the role of Victoria Winters, and how she said to doctor Julia Hoffman that day, she was trying to reach Roger Collins and that he must have turned off his cell-phone? There is no way that all of this does not totally fit together. Towel Seepage Effects (TOSE), are absolutely totally involved in this entire mess. When we also factor in my Haddon Hills Apartments 60’s neighbor who lived upstairs from me at #125-C Apartment, by the name of Mizz Betty Johnson, and by the way there is more to her story. She did not have a son who came to visit, but she did have a goddamn nephew, but yes folks, factor this all in along with the cell-phone statement made on that television show, and we begin to get unmissable stuff happening, and you all know this is true. Deny it or admit, but I know that you all know it. “I know you do”, Detective Elliot Stabler from the ‘fictional LBI’, coincidence number 63,972 or along those lines somewhere, with craziness running in families, and summer-camps, and exactly matching locations with any meanings. So WOW-2-THAT, all great chefs, and gorgeous Paula’s!!!! I was picked on by Betty Johnson’s nephew and every sound that I made he complained about and would bang on the walls. I had to put up with that prick for the exact amount of time that the television show’s Johnson-SON was in the show and although the time did not run perfectly concurrent it was still the exact amount of month’s that totaled nearly one full year. Some of the time was exact too, but was delayed by about two months. So he came and left two months after the Slocum character on the TV-Show was on the show in other words. When we use the SAF-EXPANSION TECHNIQUE (SAFET) for short, or the procedure IMHO anyway, for best carrying out the biblical advice given to us by Jesus Christ; we can take it to an over extreme as anything can be of course overdone. I will show you all just what I mean here.



‘7’ and ‘12’, and ‘18’ and ‘14’, for example, can be transposed into ‘G-L’ and ‘RN’ when we see the English alphabet in a numerical order such as the letter-A being letter #1 or the letter-M being #13, or the letter-Z being #26, and so forth and so on. Now the idea here for using the SAFET would be to try to find words that have all four of these letters with the fewest ‘other letters’ in those words. So taking the (G-L-R-N) we would try to find words with at least three of those letters and all four being better, and then having the least ‘other letters’ in the word that’s being analyzed. Things such as this are powerful tools for expanding the idea of searching and finding stuff out, but as we do this type of thing, it is always important to recognize that these things can always be both underdone as well as overdone. In other words, common sense is always a necessary item to employ in any of life’s situations. So what words here would indeed pertain to Morianity-Mountainpen, when we carefully examine GLRN. Since those letters that result from those numbers are involved, it is almost like seeing this as a parallel-event for realizing that also here, the words would matter, and be quite significant. I will get further into this later, but for now I need to quickly show you what even Einstein was only able, in those earlier times of science-knowledge, to realize and conclude these things on a more antiquated level, and thus calling what I am truly discussing here, “Spooky forces”. Strings or fibers of energies literally connect all things to each other inside of the magical miniscule sub-atomic realm, and thus, in the macro world where atoms all clump together, these things all are one huge connection, but some things, and unlike other things, have more of, as well as less of, an interconnectedness. We will follow up on all of these things, and many things as you know folks, I merely open up, and then later on I get a lot more specific and detailed on all of it, with you, my Blogaudians. My point for today is simply that this can indeed by overdone and we need to keep things within a rational logical order and not try to find lots of skeletons and ghosts all around, as they are plentiful enough without trying to create and invent any monsters. This applies to me and yes, all of you too, I promise!!!!!!!!!!! I was mind hacked as I am so damn often lads and lassies, when I said a number of blogs back that I went bankrupt again and was waiting out my punishment time in Florida. I never went bankrupt, merely was unable to pay back my bills from when the great illustrious KING-CLAN kidnapped me under a ‘Stockholm-Syndrome’ from my days back up in New Jersey. I just had to wait out a decade of annoying and irritating debt collection phone calls and letters and being unable to move to any decent place or do anything at all since without a d3cent credit rating, you and I are totally screwed. A pal at my TD-Bank, said to me back while I was attempting to reestablish my credit a number of years earlier; that a credit report is like an “ADULT-school-report card”. I never forgot that statement that he made to me as it was a million percent correct. But these endless mind hacks are quite nightmarish and they never quit, and many times as you all know only too well who follow these blogs for years, it only worsens sometimes when I try amending and correcting hacks, all my proofs are right there for anyone to see. Do you in all honesty think that anyone including Einstein, could ever truly make up a story such as this, right down to the hacks and the dog stenches connected with it all, YO????????? Following up on that whittle ‘pernt’ Mister Archibald Bunkerqueens sir, is thissssssssssss, lovely Mizz AMC-Lucci: As you know, my 2022 blogs have now gone into the history books. But peeps, you know that I had or thought anyway that I had a plan to tell in one short sitting, one season perhaps, 90 days, the entire story of what has been going on with many things that once I believed to be totally separate events and then was proven incredibly wrong since it obviously is all one HUUUUUGE thing, Mister Sanders Sir, YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!! I THOUGHT THAT I HAD THIS GREAT PLAN ALL WORKED OUT AND THE POWERFUL CRAP HERE IS THAT THE BIBLE WAS ALLOWED TO COME TO LIFE FOR ME IN THE SECOND HALF OF LAST YEAR LIKE IT NEVER HAD B4. When the damn prophets who wrote the book or penned it, and were influenced by this invisible outer force, I was permitted to witness just how these forces truly and powerfully do operate on this plane of waking physical life was I not? Never ever B4 was I that mind blown by these effects from the invisible spiritual kingdom, or subatomic. It was the most incredible thing that I was ever allowed to experience and I wouldn’t freaking trade it for a magic Gennie in a bottle, with fifty wishes to be granted me. LIKE-WOW!!!!!!!!!!! Yes looking back on the entire 2022 BLOGS, that were only from late September, through to the next to the final week of the year in December, and from a much higher perspective-horizon to the whole thing; there indeed is a MUCH MUCH GREATER AND “HUUUUUUUUUUUGER” ENTITY AND FORCE that is behind the ‘BOM’, Senator Senders, Sir. I truly miss hearing you say that sir as I did get a real kick out of it. But back to the issue and topic here. A much larger “whatever” Federal congressman Robert Andrews from 1975, and B4U were a great Congressman from Jersey, and who sang on three of my tunes from 1975 through 1980; but a much larger thing was and is the true author of MORIANITY and if I was naught completely positive of that truth lovely Mizz 1983 phone-company Blake, I surely am now, and with tinkling bells on to boot, YO!!!! I had what I thought at the time a truly perfect plan for proving a lot of stuff, but the enemies were forced to prove a lot of my claims for me, and I will bet they know it and are so pissed off at the entire scene that they’re goddessdamn fit 2B tied and nuked. WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, Sir Chester-Frank!!!!!!!! No folks, the Mountainpen no longer claims sole authorship to this work of Morianity-Bible or this project. You know this is true, unless you’re intelligence quotient is flirting with the sixties ranges. Just as the great words from 1800 years ago, give or take, or whatever, the Morianity-Bible for Millennium 3 makes the same claim of only having a human pen here who would never ever dare now to claim a sole ownership. The true author, and SHE spelled her name for me in middle December of 1969 and I merely repeat it now, is SARAH KRASSLE. A lot more can be said here and as later times come, will be most certainly.



About the time that I posted up the final blog for 2022 last year, I went to sleep and I had an extremely wild experience. I know many would say that it was hypnogogic illusion and maybe, just maybe it was. I kept waking up and I know that I was awake, and it would be light and morning, and then it would be dark again; and this change in time happened two full times, dark, light, dark, light, dark again for the rest of the sleep time. The last time that something that wild happened to me was over at my pal’s apartment down in Hollywood-Miami, Flower-Land (AKA Florida-USA), ES-MWG. I blogged this  and it needs not be retold in any elucidated details now, other than to quickly say that I know I was still awake and did not go to sleep, but I must have not been awake, since what I saw outside the window was totally off the wall and beyond impossible. Hey speaking of impossible stuff that SAF extensions can reveal when carefully and properly analyzed, the obvious reason that that butt-hole nabe crapped out on me some time back last year who promised me a lot and delivered nothing at all the day that I returned from the Vero Beach Best Buy Store, and was pricing Lap-Top computers there, is simply that lap-top has the initials of LT as does lovely gorgeous Mizz Leticia Tilley of Egg Harbor City, NJUSAESMWG. No way will I ever forget that late summer day in 2009, or whenever exactly it was in Atlantic City with LT and her entire family, and Trump zooming over to his Plaza Hotel from NYC once his peeps called him on his private non Vicki-Winters Cell-Phone number, and sharing a text of lovely LT at the table with me. Remember folks, she looked exactly, and I mean exactly Mister Crown of 1969, the way her 4th cuzz twice removed looked when she first started out and was doing some concert somewhere, as I had the video that I had rented from Blockbuster Video store in the beginning of the nineties. He was scared out of his wits that I was going to take her over to the Harrah Casino in the western part of town, and I had no intentions whatsoever of doing that. But several peeps who were bugging my car and me, heard me say that at my Cifaloglio guard job, on my vehicle recorder for my life-journal; that I was planning to do this, and I was merely seeing what would happen if I said this aloud. Ron Wirtz Senior, the ADA of Camden County in Jersey, said to me on several occasions over the telephone, back in the nineties concerning my Otammite enemies; “Mark if you test them, they’ll give you a reaction”. He was 100%+ correct and accurate, YO YO YO YO YO YO ME’ BRO!!!!!!!!!!!



Yesssssirrr world, the 31st and final day of both December as well as the 22 year was super BOTBAR for the Mountainpen, AKA me, and Mark Wayne Mohr of Crackpots of New Jersey, to keep the internet world and online communities endlessly thrilled, happy, and quite satisfied, YO BRO!!! I had a lot of noisy planes and many HUUUUUUUUGE nasty-ass chemtrails all over the skies around my trailer. It truly was a year ring-out of hellishness, AKA DOGTOWN, from those who know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do it Sir Chester-F, willya Sir??????? “WEEEEEEE”! Hey, David Roth would B chiming in here to say, “What do you expect on Donna Summer’s damn birthday, Mark”? He would B a hundred friggin’ percent correct, would he naught Mizz AT&T 1983 Blake???????????????????? Still, the following days have had close calls, ‘but stillLenny sir from “L&O”, not quite a cigar, thank the gods and goddesses of Province Olympia. Speaking of recording artists today, dead or alive ‘Billy the Checkoff Star Trek kid’, and mind hacks of course as well, of course and off course, ‘gimme’ a damn bwake willya’ folks? Also, when words make sense in more than one way, the hackers love to make a person appear stupid and none of us have time to check things that do not have the wavy red error lines that any good word program offers to us. They know it and so they use it against us. But the other errors are things that never would be shown as errors as they are hacked right into the mind. Shaniah Twain did not rip off my DREAMIN’ DREAM CITY song in 1988, she probably was still in high school then. It was in 1998, ‘still Lenny’, the machine programs don’t know which year she screwed with me, and stole my damn intellectual property. See how all of this works around me ever since I began blogging coming up now on exactly 17 YEARS right to the day??? I wish to talk a lot about all of these hacks and I will B doing so, but later on. I am not going to bother worrying about the damn order of things, and am merely gonna’ type stuff that pops into me’ mind, YO peeps!!!!!!!!!!! Beginning now with Sarah’s great shop, the dresser drawer, and the chain and where SHE placed it after she had removed it from my hands. B4I do this, and speaking of many major damn ass mind hacks that the M-2-F enemies does to me and has now for 17 years of time, I said on my final blog of 2022 that I lost my dresser drawer that was in the great 1969-chain dream when I moved from Guthrie Short’s mansion on South Route 73, in Blue Anchor, NJUSAESMWG, and that was a MIND HACK. I had this dresser drawer piece of furniture until I moved from Jenny Plageman’s trailer, #10 at 3100 White Horse Pike in Mullica, or the Mullica Mobile Manor as it was called, into the home owned by the local town judge, the Honorable Frank Rasso, at 65 middle Road in Hammonton, the next town directly to the west of Mullica. I had this thing all of my life. I had it in 1969, and so it was in my wild ‘CHAIN-DREAM’ with SARAH KRASSLE. It was the very same dresser drawer with the same three drawers, top, middle, and bottom. Remember how in the ‘Dark Shadows’ show, when the plot began with the Leviathan Cult in the end of the 60’s decade; how the Todd’s owned an antique SHOP in Collinsport, Maine-USA? Years later, my life was altered quite substantially by some real estate deals as well as peeps named both ‘Jackson’ and ‘Todd’????????? I know that I fully discussed this goddamn 1988 stuff back on earlier New Jersey-blogs in the first three years of Morianity, in 2006, 2007, and 2008. Remember in the ‘DS’ TV-SHOW, B4 the characters of Phillip and Megan Todd, we had ‘Oberon and the dream’, to quote from the show precisely, and hopefully with permission of the owners and rights to the show. The entire thing in the subatomic world or spiritual realm to word it more properly in the times of antiquity, is part of one HUUUUGE-REALITY-3 so to speak. In other words both my life, and the television show; are merely two integral parts to the real higher truth of the full and larger-picture situation of the Timeless Purgatory and what is all attached and a part of all of this in higher truth. Let us look at People’s Magazine, the Meeker home on Route 561, and then in lieu of Donna Summer, Pennsylvania, Jimmy Leads, potato chip factories, recent dreams from just freaking hours ago, wild magical schools, both of my daughters in two separate worlds, and then the SPACEFORCE 1988 times along with my first naming them the MILITARY-UFO-FORCE, and then the military during the pre-Gulf war’s naming the two original military ops-plans by the initials of both Dark Shadows and Donna Summer, and those being as most of us clearly remember, DESERT SHIELD, followed shortly by DESERT STORM!!!!!!!!!!!



In a recent prior-blog great folks, I said food old Mountainpen, obviously the G and the F got screwed up, I meant good old, not food old. These are part of those clever hacks as the red way lines will not engage on any properly spelled words. But here is the big story on Action-News for today on the Morianity-Bible, great people out here, or most of them. Doctor Moll was no good and their nurse Maria did me a HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE favor here, Senator Sanders. They gave me rotten glasses for four years or more. My new I-Dock gave me a pair that I picked up just shy of my trip back here to the library today. The glasses allow me to see almost perfectly, while the pair done with Moll practically were no better than my own eyes for distance vision. Last summer, there were times when my own eyes saw clearer. I always felt down deep inside that they were not treating me right. This is why I got away from that monster prick Larry Lee on my car insurance with State Farm a back several years ago after his pal in the state legislature, then Governor Scott, conspired to hurt me when I shared my BeThere.com/ Network concept with them. I am naught futhermucking imagining that certain peeps are directly contacted by SPACEFORCE M-2-F ENEMIES and are TOLD to ‘EF’ with me!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know it as sure as I know ten day old unwashed damn underwear stinks to low Dogtown, YO BRAHHHHHHHH!!!! So a big fat sloppy ass WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, YO!!!!!!!!!!



I will be getting into a zillion gigantic thing sin this 2023 year, and for right now, I have not even begun to say one rotten damn thing, this is just little teeny wee opener stuff, great people. For example, crib death is so misunderstood, as is the ancient Native American concept of the human Manitou. Inside of all of us, humans, animals, even a bumblebee or a small guppy fish, is a Manitou. It has no astral essence just like a computer software program. Speed up the room to C-sq., and the computer will be pure energy, but the software program will vanish away. The same truth here is why even people like me who know that death is no big deal yet have this Manitou inside of us, never is entirely free of a fear-death, in so much as I would be able to grab my throat and choke myself to death. Just as a baby does not receive an astral-dreamer until somewhere between one and seven months of age and thus if one does not come into the baby by then it cannot support life as cute as it may be, it is clay with a Manitou inside of it and that is it. I know the Bible-Scriptures well so don’t bother to quote them to me, I can quote it sideways from cover to cover. I knew you inside of your mother, said lovely Jehovah. This is because of time equation, not because the kid is real yet. Things like this can get one stoned as well as thrown off the internet so I must limit what I truly would like to get into here, but truth is truth. This is shy human consciousness is not ever going to be the same thing as how a software system machine-thinks, so to speak. Computers with all of their thought-simulated-algorithms will never think because they never will have an astral truth, they do not exist in the Planck Time, and that is all there is to it. We will be exploring this and a zillion other related topics as the day’s progress and time marcheth onward great people out here, well, most of you. For the few or one who tried to kill my Morianity, you are not only fighting Mountainpen, but SSJKK. So WOW to all of that!








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