Saturday, November 26, 2022


 It is 2:26 Post Meridian on November 26, 2022,  Saturday afternoon, here on the southeast corner of the USA. 

I have found someone who has done a few interesting things. By turning on some adult-warning features, the enemies reporting my blogs and causing me these recent woe-whiz-me's, will have little to no reason for their complaints. I'm here at the library, and I am not saying this is a fix to the problem, but we shall see. According to this very nice young lady, if people report me now when all of the warning signs have been turned on so that only peeps I want to read my blogs in fact will be doing so, then it will, to quote her, look like they have a personal grudge against my blogs, and they may begin to be investigated. We shall see, but she says that then I will have a legitimate ground for making a dispute to the blogger community.


This will be my last blog for a while. Whoever has done this to me, you can thank them my loyal readers, for interrupting a project that just may save the entire humanity from perishing soon in a type-0 civilization disaster, as was discussed by me in earlier alphabetical tweet blogs. I was by now, planning on giving you all some information so wild, and you would be able to prove every bit of it, and you would think everything ever said by me before was tame squared next to what I would have told you now, but this has all been 1969 ******* chain-jet trail prophecy thwarted, or for short, '1969-CJTPT'.


When I calm down and if I survive this week of BOTBAR DOGTOWNISHNESS,  I will implement the nice lady's plan of resuming my blogs with more effort to be tame and less offensive and no more bad words, and keep my warnings of adult-content on as well, then whoever is messing with  me will begin to be seen for who these peeps are, hostile to my blogs, which is not in and of itself allowed any more than what I am supposedly doing wrong, so we will try later on next week and  then we will see what happens, and if it is messed with then I WILL GET A WEBSITE and blog on that directly. There is more than one damn way to skin all of the great chasing cats and lottery numbers out there all over the place, right ye olé diseased world??????? Chime in now Sir Chester-F, "WEEEEEEEE".


END TRANSMISSH, you silwee whittle fish!!!!!!

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