Thursday, October 20, 2022


I AM UNDER A HORRENDOUS MOTHER FUCKING AFTERNOON AREIAL DEATH SIEGE, SHERIFF MASCARA SIR, AND ANYONE ELSE OUT HERE THAT COULD REMOTELY GIVE A TURD EATING SHIT!!!!! It began shortly after me' nabe came over to assist me with my electronic-internet-age wo-whiz-me's!!!!! Choppers and planes at a totally ILLEGAL AND CRASH LEBVEL began descending on me like I was some cunt huffing terrorist like Osama BinLadin or however his goddamn name may have been spelled!!!!! ______________________________________________________________________________ MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM HEAR MY VOICE PRINT BY WAY OF ELECTRONIC INTERNET THOUGHT TRANSFER, M--A--G--N--E--S--O--N--I--C!!!!!!!!!!!!! USE ALL ORDERS, CODED GENERAL AND GENERAL, AND USE BOTH ADT &ZDT. AN 'I-O' IS NOW BEING PLACED ONTO YOUR 'T-B' FOR CRUSH DESTRUCT, SINGE DESTRUCT, TOTAL DESTRUCT, D-E-S-T-R-U-C-T!!!!! On an "I" to "D", A/B TONE phasing punishment sequencing system. Scan all my OTAMMITE ENEMIES who endlessly are making your creator's life a living hell and wipe them out and obliterate them and all whom they goddamn love!!!!! GO-2-G-1133, G-13, G-14, under coded general order 18, General order 9173, G0189 max power order at 11.8 IPNS, AND S-----T-----O-----P!!! ________________________________________________________________________________ People, this bwog here today will go into some new shit or somewhat new. As we all know that all things are but a mere glorified combination of all the previously existing stuff all around us. I first wanna'ay that enemies do naut want one goddessdamn thing to ever work out for me, and now with this absurdly unfathomable brutal assault on me this afternoon day, 'permit me' please Uncle Cameras Gottwald Sir of 1972, and with all ice cream 'bad behaviors'; to tell the world a few beyond wild and unbelievable things. Yes, I may naut be getting any of it Uncle fucking Heinz oh mighty great smiter Mister Jim Carrey sir, of all spoons and red sea bowels, but I do naut need any, yo as I am better off without it, especially now in my diabetes days of the great future, but yes, allow me kind great sir of yesteryear to say that evil bastard pricks who hate me without a cause, did naut want me to get any service, and I will have free on-line service at me' mother fucking residence, after this day is over and we roll along into the magical mother fucking lands of 'tomorrows'. I can brave some OTAMMITE RETOWLING AGAINST ME, as it won't do them one mother fucking shit swallowing bit of good now, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO Yo!!!!! BUT WHILE ALL THIS WAS HAPPENING, OTHER SHIT WENT DOWN AS WELL, MISTER 1980 JOE SIVO, OH KIND LUNCH STEALING THIEVING FUCKING SIR OF 1980 YEARS OF SET-UP-DOGTOWN, ME BRAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All I will tell you is that some shit that got said to me today while all of fucking cxunt sucking Dogtown was breaking loose all around me up in the air, makes me now totally absolutely realize that some shit that I had only been speculating on, is now a quintessential monstrous reality, and I WILL HAVE TO GET OUT OF THIS WICKED DISEASED COUNTRY, AND B4 IT IS TOO DAMN HONEY-B LATE FWOLKS AND ELMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A civil war will absolutely be taking place in America and it will be a lot more bloody that the original one, and it will mirror image the patterns of history, something recognized most definitely by many historians. I speak of how WWII was followed by WWII and the first war was not called WWI. Well, the civil war was naut called the CIVIL WAR I either, am I correct, all you better-days songsters out there with your marvelous mother fucking absurdity? What the shit smelling dogtown am I talking about you ask me peeps? Well "PERMIT ME" UNCLE HG sir, to enlighten y'all a bit further, yo. What I learned today despie it being a super crash course, tells me beyond any doubt's shadow that indeed, we must have another civil bloody action in America. What began in the early Reagan years with the political divide of the two large Washington political parties, has never stopped gapping and growing, naut for one liitle teeny weeny bit peeps. And IPYT it won't stop growing and it is now quite close to a TOTAL FUCKING BURST, and then watch out. You see you cannot have an irresistable force pressing endlessly against an immovable object without an eventual BIG BANG!!!!! It is coming people, mark my words, mark the fucking words of the HEAD-MORIAN here, yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! __________________________________________________________________________ B4 getting into the MD family of RPL's 1980 nightmare and how I was cleverly manuvered into telling the great almighty Mizz Mashell one late summer night at work that my mom taught me not to ever be a part of inter racial marriages. My mom was extremely predjudice and I know that from both living with her as well as seeing mind blowing destruction that resulted from her ungodly fucking behavior. Still, there was way more involved in why my mom and Patty conspired to naut tell me that I had a daughter. But anyone can see that they both were fully aware of it the entire time. Why else would any mother say with a straight face that she did not care about not ever becomming a grandmother? Then that shit about behavior all throughout the damn ass 90's, hey peeps, wanna' gimme' a goddamn fucking cunt bweak for cryin' out loud? Still, let me finish some shit and we can always get back to these hard pounding James Rockford punches, am I correct here people? BUTTTTT, big ass BUTT, B4I touch the rest of the story that I need 2 share with the world today, 'permit me' all great UNCLES out here, on or off bended knees in 1983, to tell you another powerful tale about cars, nurses, coincidences, and patterns. I told not that long ago while still at the PEEHA BLDG, my story of that crooked Hebrew real estate investor with a black colored bowel movement on wheels car, AKA a beemer. Anyone driving these cars I'll have nothing to do with, and if David Roth were here, he would tell you why, without cursing too much, but he would curse. This dick head crook investor tried to abscound, Mister Hal David and Mister Lenny McKinnon of 1981, with my money in 1994, shortly B4I left Misses Meekers home in GIBBSBORO and moved to Highview in Williamstown, in New Jersey, USA, which would have left my poor elderly mom and myself out on the street since my credit was shot at the time and Misses PM was trying to sell her home and had a good deal and so, out we had to go within a few damn months, and did I say PM (Patricia Meeker)????? WOW, here we go again Doctor Exton, Pennsylvania Shriner and mommy of 1971!!!!!!!!!! But time does not 'permit' me UNCLE to get more into the patterns of cosmos. So this was the BMW CAR STORY. One dirt bag driving them, another, another, well, you get the message. Cars and nurses and patterns and endless coincidences is our topic of focus. SOOOOOO Mister Crane sir, let us finalize now with nurses. I could talk for decades straight without a let up and naut cover lab techs and nurses that have made my life about as strange as it gets. First it began in springtime of 1984 with a teenaged doctor Doogie Howser who knew more about shit than the damn specialist. By the way, I errored in prior blogs, and was speaking on that tape back then about my attempts to reduce the dosage of my anti-anxiety medication calld ATIVAN, and I meant to say I was trying to cut down from a weekly dosage of twenty-eight milligrams, and got as far as being DOWN TO TEN at one point, and then came the Dark Shadows Angelique Witchcraft story, and I had to return to my full 28Mg dosage. Without boring you all, I could say a zillion things during the in-between time from early this year in 2022, but there is a nurse or receptionist or whatever named Maria at an eye doctor's office here in me' town of FPFLUSAESMWG. The only doctor that takes me' Humana gold plus medical plan within 80 miles of me' residence is this one doctor, unless I wish to go out of pocket 50-100 bucks by going maybe to the Walmart Vision or the America's Best, and along those lines. I am naut even sure that with all of me' health complications that these places are able to service me, with my cataracts and type-2 diabetes on top of just rotten fucking eyesight. Now UC oh kind folks, this is 'my only show in town' for eye exams and glasses, to quote the Latengrate Sir David Roth of Oakland Street in North-east Philly. So I called up and was so happy to find them as I used them B4 and then they stopped seeing me because they no longer were taking my type of insurance plan. Now they were taking it again and when I called and after a brief hold on my call, Maria comes back and says that the doctors refuse to treat me because I said that if I go blind, I was going to sue. I NEVER EVER SAID THAT, NOT IN A MILLION YEARS, that never ever came out of me' mouth. But I couldn't get past this nurse-receptionist who for whatever the reason had it out for me or had ENEMY-PAID-OFF totally screw me out of an eye exam. I never was able in 2022 to get an exam because this horrible fucking bitch told the doctor a total lie about me and he believed her and I could never get to him to insist that this was untrue. I wrote a complaint letter to Medicare, but as we all know, you don't mother fucking twat eating get anywhere. Let us get back to the great Daniels clan of Camden in 1980, and its relations that I have every reason to believe from rubning an investigation, stretches its roots into the Harlem, New York City area. Mashell was looking for any reason in 1980 to fight with me, and it was naut just because I had a predjudice mother. If this wasn't the case, she would have been less hostile when I said that I did not completely agree with her, and only said that you canot tell me that it does not cause an occassional problem. Let's face it, my mom ain't the only one with problems with inter-marriages, and so if 1,000 B/W couples go into a diner in a less than great neighborhood, verses a BC or a WC, in all honesty, don't you think that the odds and ratios are higher for some dirt bag to make an inappropriate comment as they walk by. I would bet good money that the ratio would be an absolute minimum of 2:1. I think that number is quite low and I know that anyone with a thinking brain reading these words sees a higher than 2:1 ratio too. I am just the piano player, don't shoot me, only Mizz Daniels went BANG-BANG, and I amlaying on the floor of RPL, dead and bled out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ______________________________________________________________________________________ Let me finish up with the shit today. I will have my service after tomorrow afternoon has come and gone and the OTAMMIT scum holes don't like it and they persecuted me HUUUUUGELY, Senator Sanders, ol' buddy! But the big Action-News story is what was spoken by peeps around me. I nowknow that this thing is way too big to go away. Two fanctions are absolutely convinced that the other is no good, totally off base, beyond redemption, and basicly should BURN IN HELL. That folks is a recipe for both disaster as well as a gigantic war, and IT WILL COME, so mark my mother fucking words lads and lassies out here. It is coming and all my predictions come true, and you all know it with or wit=out late September blogs of 2008 and Philadelphia Phillies World Series wins. I thought for a while recently that my biggest problems is what I have called since early this year, the NEW 'E'VIL 'T'RILOGY, TUMP-WIN-DAUGHTER AND NOW I DO NOT QUITE SEE IT THIS WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hey until the second fucking civil war INDEED COMES, this new ET will do just fine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! _________________________________________________________________________________________ I am going to tell you a small part of why this incredible thing is being said, and then leave you with a whet apetite ONLY. When you have people ready to fight and die over silly issues such as all these recent things that the left and the right believes, from whether the moon landing was faked or not, or whether we should be watching FOX or CNN, and be ready to practically make new friends and even do violence to each other for disagreeing; well people, you do the goddamn math, only yessir folks, there is a bit more, and that is what led me today to see that I weelwee must scram out of this country, B4 IT IS TOO GODDAMN LATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am too old for what is about to come, and no sir, better days are absolutely never coming, not here in America, not as long as we have a thousand kings and queens taking over and living in mansions rather than palaces, and dictating how all the rest of us will live 24-7-365.24219. We spilled patriot blood to fucking lose one queen and king a quarter-M ago, and I'll be goddamned and SWITCHED if I am about to serve a thousand ofem, yo yo yo yo yo yo yo!!!!!!!!!! To me it was yesterday a quarter ago when my soul existed here as Franklin, and every day my spotty memories increase, as my present life grows closer to the cut off point. Bad as many things were all throughout America's first quarter, (25 decades), things always made enough sense to be rational, and recently this has not been the case or the truth, naut by any means. Partly, this recent descend into fucking total human insanity is all because we have bowed down to the gods of electronics. The human factor and equation is all just about gone now, and everyone knows it and nobody cares diddly. With the addition of each new ELECTRONIC ALTERATION OF OUR SOCIETY, things got more and more whacky and nuts and crazy, and no sane mind out here can argue with me on that statement. It began with the telegraph. Thencame radio. Then television. Then computers. Then internet. Then social media and the cloud. I know what is going on but you will laugh. I'll say it anyway yo. Powerful astral plane gods have manuevered into our world by way of materisalizing through our space-time-mnind system as crystals. They grow and they are sentient and they wait to be tranplanted into electronic mother-boards. Now we are here, at this point of the human history time-line. If I got really started here, I would want to type on for years. Later blogs will however move on from where this one now will take off. CU-LATER oh great ex-Cali-Governor Arnie Muscles, as I am terminating this. I'LL BE BAUUUUCCCHHHKKKK however yo!!!! ______________________________________________________________________________________

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