Thursday, October 4, 2018




10/04/2018-just shy of ten A.M.

Sheriff Mascara, sir, if I hadn't taken my anti-anxiety medication a few hours ago around a bit shy of seven this morning, I'd be driving over to your office RIGHT NOW, TODAY. But I know that when I do bedtime dose, it is not 100% safe for me to drive, so I DO NOT.

Here is what these diseased toilet germ licking twat scum swallowers just did to me about an ago back around half past goddamn eight.

I was suddenly instantly STRUCK HARD WITH THEIR DEATH RAY BOWEL BLOW OUT ATTACK. After my run to the mother ******* toilet, kind sir, I had to clean oy six spots on my carpets outside the bathroom. I didn't mother ******* make it. No one could with whatever the **** eating hell they hit me with, this goddamn death beam ray of some type of beyond subsonic perfectly aimed signal. Sheriff, I truly am sorry. This has been ongoing now since the mother ******* **** huffing middle of turd chewing 1986. I have to use my ELECTRONIC-METAPHYSICS system to counterstrike these evil soulless sub-scum monster filth wipe eating puke fems. I have no choice. I am otherwise powerless to fight this hell on me for 32 years and 50 days, kind sir. It isn't even ten this morning yet, Sheriff KJM sir, and yet my WeatherBug shows just under a 90 degree heat index, and an actual temperature of 82. It is supposed to be a brutal 90 degree day with a heat index topping a buck. Here I sit old and frail with mediocre rotten ******* air conditioning, and ON TOP OF THAT, these monkey puss swallowing hell whores have to strike down my elderly senior citizen body and defile my mother ******* apartment with making me **** myself all over the damn ass room like a **** sucking two year old! These health attacks on me are relentless and frightening, sir. They never ever stop, and they don't give a rats fart in holy hell how old I am. They;ll do this to me until they covertly knock me into the ground forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well sir, this blog is posting up to the social media blog world as a LEGAL AND BINDING DYING UTTERANCE AND DYING DECLARATION. When I am found dead and murdered in this damn apartment, I WAS MURDERED, and these damn blogs tell my true story of all those people who I accuse of my goddamn murder, as Goddess Jehovah Krassle is my witness, and if this is a lie, please burn me in eternal damn hellfire, oh great Almighty I AM!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It truly is beyond a stinking lousy rotten crying shame, that I had to be born with the unfathomable and horrendous mission, of becoming the CHOSEN HUNTINGTON. My sixty-first grand-father's Uncle Jesus of Nazareth would be turning over in his grave watching me suffer so badly for so incredibly long, except for the fact that he is not in his grave. We were told there was a resurrection. Still, what a damn flying shame with or without any and all TV sets, or Britney Speers song ripoffs, going off inside her head. Don't pick on her? Hey wackos, don't pick on me, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! “The sand below me is so very brightly contrasted, white and black grains just like the dots on my TV set”.

HEE-MOST, magical and suspicious human being, that this world ever gave human birth to; Alias Julia White and AKA Patricia Hollister of my distant past from up north, as I have been a Floridian now for nearly nine years; will be forthcoming as the BLOGS OF MOUNTAINPEN continue along, kind people, pweeeeeeeze bear with me!!!!!!!!!!!

I have discussed some basic instructions regarding PATRICIA HOLLISTER, AND HER MAGICAL INFORMATION KNOWN TO A HANDFUL ON THIS PLANET, AS THE FASCITAR. I discussed my moms great shipping company coworker also, up to a point. We can add a whole lot more at a later time. For right now on this goddamn Thursday morning on October the 5th, of inverted Robin Hill Apartments, the first of three stays, (2018) (1802); just know that we haven't so much as cut one slice of bread off of this bakery shop pile a mile high. As I speak, and for about the tenth time or more in the past five damn hours or so, at five minutes past ten this moUUUUUUUUUrning, MORTIMER MORTINO, AKA THE ANGEL OF DEATH by the great wonderful Jewish folks, and yes,, happy 70th birthday great dudes and duddesses; is passing by my right side. He refuses to ever tap either one of my shoulders. He seems to only keep scanning my position. Obviously he knew that the dam HALLS-FAWCES, WOMO, would be striking me with a death attack to my damn ass body so he needs to stay around to monitor the situation. Well, here is my situation, and as the lovely Lizzy McGuire Hillary duff would say so well back about thirteen years or so ago, “Right back at you”!

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My Photo



Laugh all you want or cry, Merry, but oh boy!

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YES ULTIMATE FIGHTER DAVID, I AM STILL WASHING MY HANDS OF ALL OF YOU, SO TELL THAT TO THE ROMAN EMPEROR, AS WELL AS PAULA THE GREAT KING! YO, a full blown 'TYPE-3-EXPLORATRON', is someone who really and honestly is in full control, when they wish to be. I do not say that is every time that they sleep and dream. It requires lots of effort to master even basic introductory meditative concepts, that even approach the simplest forms of dream-control.


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Mortimer Mortino is now passing by my goddamn left side at 10:18, for about the thirteenth mother ******* time since midnight. This is goddamn totally wedikawuss, Mister Mack Soapmouth Kaiter, YO!!!!!!!!! Still, this has been going on for 32+ years, and things in my **** chewing life were definitely NOT JELLY AND JAM even before August of 1986. So WOW and Boy oh ******* boy, Joann-a!!!!!!!!!!! What an ***hole I am, BRAHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Still, without fail, ever since those times where this nightmare all got a damn foothold on my hellish life; whenever that dirt bag piece of scum (P-45), needs to have things go his way, LIKE MAGIC, POOF, HARASS AND PERSECUTE HIS OLD ARCH RIVAL, MARK WAYNE MOUNTAINPEN MOHR, and this causes him to win, while sending me endlessly into the **** huffing doghouse of endless pathetic hell!

BE CAREFUL, PAULA KING & ROBERT MCGUIRE, YO. Maybe Regis and I are watching you when you least damn ass expect it. WEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!! Yes Sheriff sir, my life is beyond total toast. Every single time, since my nightmares all started going from frying pan intensity, directly into FIRE-INTENSITY, on August 15, 1986; it was all a result of ICPE-APE-TECH; something not from this world, Mister David Childress, and Professor Michio Kaku of NYU.


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One damn minute, a chopper turns into the great pulsar star, and then ten damn years later almost and 1350 miles away, some fireworks turn into this thing. My shrink at the Behavioral Health clinic where I get my anti-anxiety prescriptions, tells me that this is a normal event that happens a few times to most people in their life, they think they are awake but they have fallen asleep. I promise you that I was not asleep at Cifaloglio when that mind bending chopper on steroids flew over and almost landed in the property's parking area. Good old Hydroglacia. She is a very beautiful star. A real star too, not some man-made celeb! So WOW all of that, great Joann and Joanna. My kid thinks so much of this is a laugh a minute. Hey, if it makes her happy, I say that whatever gets her or anyone else for that matter through the damn long nights, is fine by me! Yes Almighty Nuclatron (GOD), we know what the real deal is around here. I merely have the damn mother ******* testicles to say stuff, BRO! Then it turned back into the Pulsar Star, and it rose higher and higher into the early morning sky. And then states away and a decade ahead in time, the fireworks never came down on the fifth shoot up over the lake outside of Mike Patterson's apartment, down in Hollywood, Florida. Then there it was, just there, the great Pulsar Star, or as I call her, Hydroglacia!!!!!!!!! MY BLOGS TOLD ALL OF THIS POWERFUL TRUTH LONG BEFORE IT EVEN GOT THE SMALLEST START IN SPACE-TIME-MIND, and the goddamn RUSSIA FOLKS know this to be 100% the truth. THAT, SIR ROCKDROID ROTTENBERRY, is why they have been reading these blogs!!!!!!!!!!!


Go to all general orders and all coded general (special) orders. Use both technologies built into your programming, Zero-Dimensional, and Atomic-Duplicational. Scan for whoever struck my body around 8:30 this morning with a total death ray sonic attack. You will be empowering an I-O and I will crush destruct it and place it on your T-B. I am setting your desire-key-controls to the 'I' position from the normal-neutral 'J' position. Magnesonic, on an 'I' to 'D', A/B, TONE, phasing punishment sequencing system, wipe out and destroy whoever assaulted me and whoever gave the order to assault me.

You will hear the old style AT&T phone-tones of high and low, as the long-EEE vowel sound of my exact voice print. The RED-HIGH tones are colored in RED. The BLUE-LOW tones are colored in BLUE.



GO TO G-189, G-13, G-14, under CG-18, CG-5555, under G-719, AND S-T-O-P!


Somebody very soon is going to be super super efen sorry for these attacks on innocent poor little MOUNTAINPEN!!!!!!!


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