Saturday, August 18, 2018



For all of the geeks and geniuses out there, I am sure that I do not have to tell you or remind you of an old computer expression, 'garbage in, garbage out'. All my life, I was intentionally 'fed' a lot of crapola for the purpose and agenda, of TOTALLY CONFUSING ME TO DEATH on many many things!

I am not saying I was wrong about the entertainment world, or Atlantic City, and I don't have to tell anyone with half a brain, like the funny man SC after the late local news ends, just how totally absurd things have progressed into in our lovely little world. I was not wrong about the great Trump, or anyone else I preached about over and over on ten years of blogs from oh-six through sixteen, and you all know it. But WOW was I dead wrong on the exact stuff that laid behind the OZ-CURTAIN of it all. Take that to the bank, kind people! But then there are those numerous items where any reader of mind knows only too well, such as Melanie's 218, and my leaving the Publix store in early 2016 in a 'dream' only it was not early but later on, and I heard the announcement that ended life as we all know it on this pathetic planet!

I was off-line for two anda half years with serious vision problems that are not yet resolved, but I figured out the best way to see better on the machine until my cat-surgery is done, is simply to print it in much larger type, and then to just alter it to size 16 at the end with an all command and a 16 size key. I won't bore a soul with my woes, nobody could care less. You're all too busy with your own with the resurrection of Hitler. Nobody saw him coming either, nobody would believe the few who knew it all before some seven or eight decades back. This blog this morning is just to tell you that the Mountainpen is back, with so much to tell it would take a darn century to accurately accomplish. Slowly but surely, it will all be covered, and all at the appropriate times. For now, just know this, kind folks. Before the world began to go loco about a century back or so, there was no radio, no TV, no internet, and no social media. After the development of each of these four items, things progressed and spiraled downward faster and faster. Shortly after radio, any serious sociological observer and savant of social orders, can see as plain as day how things began to go off the wall nuts, but of course, that was just where it all began. Then came TV. WO, need I say a lot more? But WO, then came computers and the IBM peeps, and of course later still the mighty modern era of our famously known by all. 'silicon valley'. But things did not stop here as we all know so perfectly well, oh no, then there was four, or shall I say, the mighty thief we all know and love or do we?, Mister Pukerberg! Oh yes, SOCIAL MEDIA, and really people; will it all end there? I told the story many times about a particular episode on the great TV show, Next Generation Star Trek, where Ensign Wesley Crusher realizes that the entire crew has been mentally invaded by a 'computer game'. Sounds to me like Mister SC talking and leaving me twirling around on my big fat ass late at night! Oh well, believe whatever helps you get through the night folks. You see, I don't have the luxury of accepting illusions and untruths. As soon as I eventually come to realize that I am being conned or controlled by the ESS, well. I immediately adjust my views and ideas. I cannot afford the luxury of most folks, of believing things that simply put, are just way more comfy-cozy to hang onto, true or false!

Maybe I should entertain the idea of starting, or restarting this continuing story-blog, where most things start, you know; at the beginning, and then work through a normal time line of eventualities. I'll cogitate on the freaking notion, kind folks! This way instead of appearing to be the quintessential scatterbrain of the Harbor lands, as well as the great and mighty Mizz Terry of twenty oh seven, people may begin to realize that to their utter dismay and unbelief, I may not be so damn crazy after-all, despite a truckload of WFMU broadcasts from New Jersey!

Parallel event is a very real and powerful tool, known by and USED by those powers and forces that control this entire world and govern all of our lives from cradle to grave. Right after the giant Williamstown cop turned FBI man screwed us all and forever changed life on this Earth by what he did to my gal Hill, came the 'other' October surprise, back in 2016. The Hitler-Man struck hard, and caused the sprinkler system in my public freaking housing building to go off, and flooded my entire apartment. I KNEW THEN HE HAD THE ELECTION, J.C. Oh Jesus, and AHA, Mister McNulty!

Let me quickly tell you all or the few really, who may have put it all together long before I evver did, about the great mighty PK of ACNJ, and who it really was all along who did not like the appearance of my pathetic little sun burned face that night on the bus on 12 July so long ago, and also who was in that powerful bizarre dream in middle 1980 after moving into 1802 RH Apartments, with her LOIS FOCA garbage. Yes, I may not be the quickest sword in the battlefield folks, but eventually, YO, I do get it! But this is just one thousandth of one lousy little percent of the revelations that came my way in the past 2.5 years since my blogs were stopped by the Cohen Crew! You have such a lovely damn daughter, co-worker Helen Harris. WOW that!

I would go on, but you know, those Russian darlings, my hackers are starting up pretty bad, kind people, so as they said in the 60's, 'don't know how lucky you are, back, back, yeah', yeah, I will be your worst nightmare when I tell some unfathomable truths in the coming weeks and months, BELIEVE THAT!


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