Wednesday, February 11, 2015



Oh boy did I have a wild trip in the hyperspace. Recently for several months now, I have been in parallel realities where I am back living in all sorts of various residents, with Ann and Dawn. Talk about a depressing inward spirit taken to the epitome of the most vivid imaginations. But last night, things were really off the scale bad. Not only was I living back with 'these lovelies', but along with them, on the same grounds on some big property, I also was dealing with two Phase 4 Entities (P4E).

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Well Louise XXXXXXXXXXX Hendershodt, of Northeast, Maryland, back in the middle late nineteen-sixties; with all of my many troubles and woes; at least I am not back in school. Like those days need to be repeated, and of course, soon they will be, in this endless hell-cycle of HELL.

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FEBRUARY 11, 2015,




RANGE TODAY----(H-62/L-50)



People all over the place have degrees, and are skilled in ways that allow them successful careers, that make them monetary gains; but all the same, they are a century behind me and what I know. Now if that sounds all stuck up and hostile; then I can only offer up my most sincere apology. The truth is not always the prettiest doll in the toy drawer. Understanding some powerful truth about type-3-exploratrons and phase-4-entities changes the playing field of awareness in ways not imaginable.

Last night as I said, I was in a really ugly place, and living with Ann and Dawn, in hyperspace somewhere. Dawn was dead drunk and asleep, and I was talking to Ann. Suddenly loud sounds were all around me, and two P4E were outside. In waking life, these were the characters on “L&O”, one from the 'SVU' and the other from 'CI'. They were as are all phase-4-entities, who they are as the characters they depict. Lawtronic operations above the mind-realm, or the seventh dimension, forces a natural order to exist under basic natural laws with limitations and so-called permission barriers, on all five dimensions of the hyperspace, or all of the parallel realities. This keeps Astral Plane Entities (APES) of the other kind; from coming into life here, with unfair advantages, or upsetting the natural orders and balances. There are no real hero characters in other words, no Superman, no Flash, no Spiderman, no Captain Lightning, and so on. Also there are no real non mentally deluded werewolves, vampires, or Dark Shadows type witches, and so forth. There is a norm, and there is a barrier out beyond it to some degree, but beyond that is the lawtronic permission barrier, or put another way, something that I attempted in the year of 1994, to write in a fictional form, as a book, to describe what I was being put through by some one who manged to trick the forces of the lawtron, allowing me to be under this mega-hell from this twisted bunch of semi-human nightmares. So the noises outside of this ugly weird residence, were all coming from Detective Elliot Stabler and Detective Bobby Goren; and they were both who they are, as television characters in this universe's waking life realm. When APES attempt to enter into dreaming hyperspace in ways that violate lawtronic limitations, they are transformed energetically, by lawtornics, into book and television characters, and so on, made up fictional energies inside of the minds that already have dream-bodies here in the fifth dimension. This as I said is all created as a sustaining force of natural balances, in very much the same way as the forces also hold planets and stars and a lot more, into orbits, and so forth. But as any good astronomer knows, these lawtrons can be overcome down in mind realm, and when something is violated, normally this second safety net is there to catch and fix the errors that otherwise would throw real monkey wrenches into our waking world, such as roaming vampires suddenly on the prowl all over the place.

Suddenly I had become fully aware in this experience, that I was hypnotized and only allowed to believe that I successfully escaped to Florida back in December of 2009, when in fact, I was caught by Dawn King, and she beat me half to death with her beyond powerful fists. She is almost as big and strong as Brooke Shields, and almost as gorgeous to look at when she wasn't all fucked up and wasted via her alcohol abuse. There are parallel universes where I ran away from the great Queen of England, back when she was twelve. She caught me and kissed me, and let me just say that I would be in too much trouble if I finished that story on these blogs, but it did lead to some musical lyrics in that magical year of 1984, and the United States Copyright Office knows this all too well, I am quite freaking sure!

But anyway, I came to learn that I was in this alternate reality, as being energetically inside of ones doppelganger, just makes an entity suddenly know what the doppelganger knows. This is how I have to realize just today, this very exact day, that back in the summer time in 1970, THAT FAMILY of washcloths, didn't communicate that they were ''THAT FAMILY'' to me at all. I merely was in my own doppelganger as a normal dreaming type-1-exploratron, as all dreamers are, and when we are; we suddenly, as in a sort of physical equivalent of quantum entanglement, just know the same things that are 'dream-double' knows. This is why we seem to just know stuff, in these 'dreaming situations', and it also is how spies in secret programs decades ago, called (remote-viewers) learned how to know things, by simply dreaming things, but they had to learn several tricks, to get to the point where there were no longer merely 'having dreams', but 'DREAMING', notice the second capitalized word is a VERB, connoting an ACTION!

So here I am, with Ann and outside this residence, were too angry screaming men, whom you all know, as the television characters; named Goren and Stabler, from the greatest law show, in the history of all time television entertainment, “Law & Order”!

I knew suddenly, because my 'dream-double' already knew all along (doppelganger), that Goren was my friend who was trying to get some proof he had documented on paper, that he had hidden right near the house, that was a little bit like a double mobile home in appearance; and he wanted to share this wit me. These documents all proved how the family had done all these to me and were in league with a higher power that rules over them, the great and powerful MC, (Millionth-Council). My blogs talked about all of this when they began in early 2006, and were then interrupted and sent in other directions, diverted by other MC action, might be a way of saying this.

Now when Goren tried to retrieve what he had hidden, Stabler caught him and they went into a real screaming match, and then Stabler struck Goren with a shovel, hard, and as big as Goren is, he fell and was dizzy, and Stabler pushed him into an area right beyond where an inner tool shed room existed, and Stabler locked him in there. Goren pounded and screamed until finally, the inside wall gave way to his powerful pounding, and broke, and he managed to come into where Ann and I were, and he said to us, Stabler probably has a gun and won't be afraid to use it. This is an exact quote. He handed me the papers and I hurriedly sifted through them, and sure enough, as he had told me, they proved how people all over the place in positions of immense power, in business, in politics, in military circles, and all over; were in fact out to get me, and had planned the entire mess I was in, with Ann and Dawn. Then Stabler broke in through a window, and he aimed a gun at my chest. Ann and Goren begged him not to shoot me, but his words were, “He knows dam it; now I have to put holes in him”. I heard a couple of bangs and felt like I was on fire, and then kapow, I woke up, and it was over.


It's mostly clear today with some white puff clouds around. It is 70 degrees at a quarter past one this Tuesday afternoon. Today is the tenth of February of 2015, and Jane Shitmiseries got me at one-eleven. WEIN-SSDD-SOSO???????????

FEBRUARY 10, 2013,







Protect Yourself This Beach Season

UPDATED August 13, 2013

By WeatherBug Meteorologists

It's beach season again and thousands are flocking to the sandy shores to beat the heat. You might be looking forward to your fun-in-the-sun, but the weather can turn nasty at a moment's notice.

As you frolic in the water and picnic along the shore, keep watch on the skies overhead. Even if you are experiencing blue skies, the risk of danger is not completely gone.

Lightning is always a risk anywhere you may be. If you hear thunder at any time, it is time to vacate the beach. Lightning can strike up to five miles away from the main storm cloud. Although it is rare, there have been cases cited in which people have been struck by lightning when skies above are clear. On average, lightning kills more than 50 people each year and injures hundreds.

If you happen to get caught in a storm while you are on the beach, seek shelter immediately. Many beaches have a boardwalk or lines of shops nearby. If your car is nearby, you can safely seek shelter there, unless you drive a soft-top convertible. Make sure you close the doors and windows and do not touch any metal surfaces.

If shelter is not readily available, crouch down, put your arms around your knees, tuck your head down and have only your two feet on the ground. Do not stand near poles or metal objects and never stand near or seek shelter under a tree. Most importantly, always follow the instructions given by lifeguards or local authorities.

If you happen to be in a boat as a storm approaches, it is best to head to shore immediately. Monitor the changing weather conditions by utilizing a weather radio or WeatherBug smartphone applications.

The WeatherBug smartphone application includes Spark! Lightning Alerts,a GPS-based lightning detection feature that provides you the location of the closest lightning strike, so you can Know Before the storm hits. Click here for the link to download.

Other weather conditions can impact your beach vacation. The sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays can be dangerous to the human body. There are two types of UV rays, known as UVA and UVB. UVA can increase the risk of skin cancer, skin aging, and other skin diseases and UVB rays increase the risk of skin cancer and cause painful sunburns.
To protect yourself from these dangers, it is important to apply and re-apply sunscreen, at least SPF-30 if you are fair-skinned. Make sure you get the often overlooked areas, such as the back of your neck, shoulders, feet and the back of your knees. A wide brim hat is also a good idea to wear to protect your head and neck.

Wearing sunglasses is also important. Your eyes can be damaged by the sun's UV rays, but sunglasses will protect your eyes. It is best to find a pair of sunglasses that absorb at least 90-percent of UV sunlight.
Also pay considerable attention to heat and dehydration. Make sure you and your family are drinking plenty of water, even if you do not feel thirsty. Dehydration can be the start down the road to heat stroke, which could land you in the hospital. Drinking water will help to cool the body as well as keep you hydrated.

The summer months can be a great time for you and your family. Keep yourself and your family protected from the changing forces of Mother Nature and you will find nothing but fun and pleasure from your beach vacation.
Be sure to keep WeatherBug active to receive the latest weather in your neighborhood and get the latest updates anywhere on Twitter.

Story Image: People enjoying time on the beach at Mustang Island, Texas. (Jeri Pallasch, WeatherBug user)
What do you think of this story?
here for comments or suggestions.

WELCOME TO THE NIGHTMARES OF CLYDE LINTON KLINE. David Roth, if he had not been murdered by Mister Schau from Northeast Drake Towers Philly, Pennsylvania, for the life insurance money; would also add a few cute and clever words into this mix. He would add, also, to the world of LIGHTNING GODDESSES, BOTBARS, AND JITBAGS, very fitting, very apropos, and quite bold and audacious as well. On this partly cloudy night, just a bit shy of sunset, here in hot Fort Pierce, Florida, USAESMWG; let me tell the world and any loyal Morians some real powerful stuff that is going to be difficult to argue with me on, all though so many will of course, endlessly try, since the HUNTINGTON-KLINE CURSE is always in full effect, and is totally responsible for all of these situations that thereby will endlessly lay far out beyond my control, or the heart of rock and roll copyrighted Clyde, keeping things in the new fashion, and bringing me to this powerful next paragraph, that proves me right, MISSES MAROLA OF 1969, and all the rest of you endlessly wrong. Oh the days of Misses Stroemeyer above me, blaring out her opera records at all hours of the night, only my poor mom had to listen, as my bedroom faced the corner leaving an entire room in-between me and this loud loveliness, back in 1967, oh yes sir, the next time you come over here, PATTERSON, “I'LL BE DEAD”, not exactly PC in this century, but then, that was that century, and even better still, THAT-BOY did not have to witness this horror show, dear sweet departed darling mommy, YO!!!!!!!! And then along came 300 years, and WORLD LABS, gee, golly gash, darn federal men of 1988, and 1966 who thanks to my wonderful old fart father, sorry Frank asshole Lombardo, for my lack of family respect, duh, but oh the wanderlust called him long before it ever called you, oh great disco diva of yesteryear!!

Only a few will understand all of this, and that is all fine and well, as I will be shortly packing up, and leaving for Mexico. No one believed my blogs in the autumn of 2008 when I said I am doing a Harry Callas Home Run from New Jersey, and I really do not care in the slightest, who believes or refuses to believe me now. One thing I have learned, is that when no feelings are involved whatsoever, no problem. Striking a bad tooth without the proper application of Novocain however, and a child can see the knee-jerk reactions that life has always demonstrated. This is why this great Queen of Dance of the pre 1980 circa, felt the need to do that project with that name, it also is why I get yelled at so often, by so many peeps. In addition, it leads me to realize that Paula and McKinnon may have issues with me, as my daughter remains either one of two things, mysteriously silent or very complementary. When, as my mother always said since I was knee high to a turtle, despite the 'LAW AND ORDER' dribble that is heard on television, a person feels badly, the normal reaction is attack. This tells me that some other peeps or force, put Tom Reale up to doing that dastardly deed to me, back in 1970, and all the other things that I simply will not bother to talk on and on about and waste your time and my time, folks.


I knew if I said anything about MOVER-BARRY, he would vanish, and so he did. Ten days ago I dropped him off after work, at the local K-Mart, boom, no more Barry. I know this is all true, and I know who all of you great KENNEDY'S are, and so do the few true MOVERS. Still, MOVERS are not necessarily hyperspace travelers. Stop thinking that anyone needs a physical vehicle. Hyperspace is traveled through with the 6th dimensional mind that has been signaled into us here in 3 dimensions of this waking life. Once, someone learns how to wake up inside of a dream, as they perceive a dream, and then be able instead of watching the movie through a doppelganger perspective, but actually begin to be able to take over and control your doppelganger, and beyond this, other things around you, living and even non-living, well, some of you get the picture of what I've been dealing with. It is quite intricate, and so are some lovely peeps I have been so blessed to have come into my wonderful life, JS. Every time I ever doubt something, I do the unthinkable, I ask this great wonderful kitty cat friend of mine, who I have known for such a long eternity now. He meow's, and mathematically provides the answer to anything I ever need to know.

A year ago tomorrow, I said some cool shit on my blog. Hay Billy Mummy, just call me a Hershey's Twilight Zone PIP today, YO DOG!

FEBRUARY 11, 2014,




I want to talk about many of the things that I used to discuss while alone in various residences, or driving my vehicle some place, back in the nineties, and the days of Ron Wirtz Senior, ADA, in the Camden County Prosecutor's Office, of Camden City, New Jersey, USA, ESMWG, who I met on the afternoon of 5 December, 1989. This day to me was last week; and is as clear as a church bell, that is ringing out out loudly, over a crisp early breezy autumn day, and carrying its sound for many miles; over lovely terrains of area, such as those surrounding the great English city of London, England. No, I do not tend to forget many things no matter how long the time in-between present focus and those past events, may be, unless of course, I have been part of in some way, what the Bluebook Truth Patriots have come to call, ''forcefully made a part of the abduction syndrome''. In truth, no one is physically abducted to anywhere and from anywhere, just as time and hyperspace travel will never be accomplished without using the greatest system and the only system for doing this, MIND, and of course the great wise Chinese folks already totally knew these things, a few thousand years ago, and even taught Jesus Carpenter a lot of this great ancient wisdom.

Yes, I would decide to try and analyze stuff, a loud, and onto tape, caught by my life journal so that I could re-listen at later times to my ideas and theories as well as reported events that happened in real time while doing this; and then adding to this already vast storehouse of information, new ideas that the older journals and words, would bring new, into my mind. All historians and philosophers alike will tell us, that history can be defined as all records and knowledge of various trust worthy sources, as best as can be hoped for, that go back to where they begin and end at the present focus in time. Only when humankind develops a full knowledge as well as respect, for the truths of our fifth dimensional hyperspace existence as a society of existing physical beings on this planet called the Earth, can we begin to see how even if the most trusted records could accurately depict and display the past to us in the present, this is merely a space-time-mind or STM present 5th-D focus. In 3-D, it would be fully correct. In 5-D, as hyperspace branches out in what someday is measured on 'AFTSA' Scales, displays begin to show all around the original 3-D past-view, and begin showing surrounding circles of varying parallel universes. When someone does not follow in regular-time, in the way the speed and direction of normal flow takes the whole, they begin to first move in the higher fifth dimension beneath the still higher MIND REALM or the sixth dimension that creates all of the space-time parallel universes of the fifth. This and only this; will then begin the movement, out of regular time, on the still lower, fourth dimension. This is why the time travel paradox is old news, yesterday's viewpoint and theoretical science or junk science, as in truth, there is always much more to anything that human beings begin playing with and thinking about, and this will always be the case. In the future in many parallel worlds that I have dreamed into and now remember, it is called the DHKB. This stands for Double Horizon Knowledge Barrier. Picture it like this. When you are 5 years old in a sand box, well, some of you; you thought you were king of the sand box and knew it all. When you hit sixth grade you thought back to that day in the sandbox and laughed quietly at your buttwipe self, as now you really know it all, no doubt about it. Then this same laugh reoccurs around age 17 or so, then again at maybe 22, 27, 35, and it will go on like this as long as you live and your brain is healthy enough to think rationally and see that you will only know one huge thing while physically here in hyperspace, for absolute certain. This being, that no matter how much you learn, all it really is doing is showing you just how much more there really and truly is still out there to know and learn. It is like holding two pieces of three by six inch pad paper in your hands and separating them by say about six inches. The sheet closest to you is representative of all that you know and understand about your outer surroundings beyond the ''you'' inside of your shell body. Then sheet of paper 6 inches away is now a little later in this representation, where you feel and think that you know so very much more than you did back at sheet one. But as these two sheets go onto display this double horizon knowledge barrier, you must see it more like, as you progress forward, the closest sheet is slowly moving towards the farther away sheet. The problem is that for every inch that the closer sheet moves, the farther away sheet will always and forever move an inch and a half further away. This allows you to pictorially visualize this truth much more accurately. It shows anyone willing to see this, and even more, to do this with two sheets of paper, that the more you know, the more you will know that you don't know. Said in a way less depressing that would appease lovely Twinbay-0809 perhaps, and keep me more of a glass half full kind of a guy, in her opinion; look at it as the more we become aware of, the more we realize just how much totally is yet to be discovered. It is a game of catch up however that cannot ever be won, while living as humans in fifth dimensional hyperspace, Mister Freeman, sir!

So here I am keeping these journals on cassette tapes, beginning on February 1, 1983, calling it PHONE PROGRAM 1 and 2 on the A and the B sides of the tape. Within about 2 to 3 years somewhere down further along, I changed this to Journal Tape number instead of Phone Program number, even though I kept tapes in the telephone system as well as in the out of phone recorder for use in my residences on portable tape recorders, as well as in my vehicle, on an attached by rope to the handle, a car tape recorder. I had my entire life bugged up like the Kennedy/Nixon/Syndrome, as I'll refer to this as. This as you all know is how I got that realtor to repeat what he had spoken previously to me in his office, when he was in my vehicle and we were going to that property together, that I was being stopped from selling, until the magic date that the WOMO-MILITUFORCE wanted it to be sold on, and that was 8-8-88, yes, August eighth in nineteen-eighty-eight, and this is a day I will not forget in the next eighty eight thousand years, I promise you that, WOMIL-2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! May the forces reign and rule, oh wonderful Pedigree dogs!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In closing out, a year ago, I also made this whittle non typo-shittle statement, that again, I'll PIP into this blog. WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!

As my journal grew bigger and bigger, and for all I know is now in the hands of the Federal Bureau of investigation, many things were happening, that totally dwarfed these tiny recent PCM's, Eminence Benedict sir; and all anyone has to do that has power and clout that is reading my private journals that I must keep safe through either copyrighting it all, blogging it all, and hopefully very shortly, BOTH, but all they have to do is get together and sit down with open minds, the Vatican and the powerful American government, and you will see that I have been responsible not only for the BLUEBOOK, but for its ending at an exact date in ''3-D-history'', Morgan sir; and if I keep saying too much, I will not be a ''free man'' like you are; but yes; they know my life story is real and that my words all prove this to be a true accurate account of reality. At the precise point in history, where Sarah came to me in a dream by old fashion ways of seeing all of this, and took my chain away from me and then it was really gone after I woke up, this is the exact moment in time when Project Bluebook terminated, and the United States Air-force said, NO MORE. It ain't saucers and aliens they are covering up, my friends. It is the powers that created all of them, along with lots of other really far out freaking stuff. But don't believe me. That's on all of you, my friends!











Just so you know, Attorney General Bondi, the reason the second I go onto my machine, I hear weird sounds next door, is because they are pirating my WIFI signal, and when they get kicked off their online whatever, it automatically is set to go back to a videogame system that makes the exact same sound. It is every time without exception, it should be illegal, and the reason I know it is because I souk-traveled over to there a short while ago and roamed around with my astral-body. Now granted, you do not always know for sure if you are maintaining a near similar localized hyperspace universe, but what I saw jives up with what I hear every single time I so much as click a mouse and tap one key and activate my weather-bug app in the system, that kicks the bastard off his illegal system.

Now to discuss somewhat more extensively, cousins and friends of the family, of great and mysterious washcloths, telepathically controlled dream trips, and so much more; I will begin by saying, something that happened to me in 1968 while making a solo trip up to visit my Aunt Ruth Huntington Gottwald, makes a lot more sense to me recently. I was coming back from the island and was in NYC, on my way to make a connection by bus, straight to Camden, New Jersey, when I ran into a girl gang, about my age or maybe a year or two older, made up of some real goddesses. One of them said something to me when I was trying to purchase a bus ticket, that I will not repeat right now, but I never forgot it, or that wild day, because I spent too much money, and was not going to be able to further than Camden, and needed to go to Westmont, another five miles or so to the east, where I lived at 125-A Haddon Hills Apartments. I will only say that this three sentence communication from this gorgeous hot black chick to me, was not at all distanced from what was spoken to me on the beach by that young couple regarding them appearing to be onto my time schedule, and then commenting on it. For right now, I will tell you that I did answer this tall beauty queen back, and that is when she said something so mind blowing, I would not feel safe right now, blogging it in lieu of recent major cat-bag letting on several wild things. They lived on one hundred twenty ninth Street, and what they said to me involved time manipulation, and way more than just the family of my daughter. While one of them was speaking to me, another was repeating for me to hear it, and I know this as sure as I sit here right now, to the third girl in this group-gang, as their were three total, “You witch, you witch, you witch”. The girl who this was being said to kept saying she was going to beat the dam stew out of the one saying it, and this kept on going and getting a bit louder, while the other girl was speaking directly to me about time and schedules and then made a vicious remark that I am not going to discuss. But in 1996 in the autumn, I met a very evil woman who resided in Glendora, New Jersey, sort of a word combination of two witches in the great famous Wizard of Oz movie, Cora and Glinda. You witch when pronounced was the last name of this woman whose first name was Paula, Paula Uwich. She is the one who told me without even knowing me, out of the blue, that the Braxton sisters, and Toni the singer in particular, was in with Sarah. I went to this Paula Uwich because she said that she was able to find Sarah for me, back during my frantic search for her began that year, following my hypnotherapy, that brought all of this horrible freaking garbage back to me, from the land of THINGS BETTER LEFT FORGOTTEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't know these wicked Braxton's, nor do I care to, but I came to learn later on, following wild dreams, such as the one on June 21, 2008, and so many others; but she insisted, Paula Uwich that is; that she was all connected to it. I laughed as it made no sense. But a couple years in the future while living at Guthrie Short's mansion, at 231 Route 73, in Blue Anchor, New Jersey; my caller ID showed 'BRAXTON' each time some black dude called me and acted really weird and reef-whacked, and I could hear female voices off in the distance. Extensive research showed many things after the nineties ended, as I began doing some leg work. Also, in 1997, while still at the Somerdale death house, while out at the Pure City Recording Studio, in Philadelphia, nine or ten months before I met Sir PP, and was trying to get the song that I wrote recorded, 'SARAH', I was put through hell beyond anything anyone could start to freaking imagine. I had written this back at the Highview Apartments on May 12, 1996, about four months before purchasing that nightmare Somerdale home where Sinatra's dirt bag fan club president, Mike Stozny Snotsy, persecuted me day and night, forcing me to sell the home at a $30,000.00 loss, and leading me, between that, and PP and his garbage country music venture, into bankruptcy court. But while at that studio one day, I left and was at the elevator to go down to the street level of the building, and when the elevator came, a doppelganger of Paula Giant King was there. Why was she there? What possible reason did she have for being there, just a short time after the second rape where maintenance man Sam saw her enter my apartment, only I have zero memory of her doing it. This is how she later miscarried PEE! She got David Gardner and that Robinson guy who was the lawyer partner, turned against me, and it was a total nightmare. This was all just a couple months after Paula Uwich began taking great sums of money from me in return for delivering Sarah to me. I won't say she did not do this, in fact, I doubt that forty grand was ever spent in history, to show anyone exactly where God was hiding in carnal form. The money was cheap when you take a Twinbay freaking attitude about it. But during all these incredible things, there was a day while I was on the telephone and speaking with Paula, and suddenly she fell dead asleep and there was snoring on the other end of the line. A similar event happened in late 1988 out near Taylor Cottage in Exton, Pennsylvania. I was speaking directly with a man named Ray Young, and suddenly he was sound asleep. For a long time I believed some force was doing this until I came to wonder if maybe I had some strange ability to hypnotize people. This is when one day while in a business meeting at Invent-Help at their Cherry Hill Office, I decided to try and play around with this, and before I knew it, the salesman had totally admitted to me that it was all a farce, and no one ever was made to profit by this company. It was just a big scam, despite current day boxer Foreman getting behind 'his buddies' there. Not long ago, I ran into someone locally here that caused a lot of trouble for me ever since. This person told me that I had the same ability McGuire has, and that my daughter has. She also told me my daughter hypnotized me that day at that house, after I had given her a lift from the throat specialist's office back to this house, at her request. There is a lot more to all of this and this is a mere surface crust of a very deep well, people. Whenever I am near any of these people, I have to picture something along the lines of the Three Stooges smacking each other and hearing those goofy noise sound effects, or a room where they and a party of 100 other people all are throwing pies at each other. This for whatever reason, short circuits the ability of these Washcloth Telepathic Travelers. This person also told me that puns are powerful with them, for reasons that would take a million Einstein minds to properly understand. When I asked what was meant by this, I got the answer, “You know, like 1986 and Nick At Night, and along those lines” That's a quote. I tried pumping a little further, and just got a smirky smile. I couldn't help but to think of ADA Ron Wirtz back early in the nineties, when he told me how he was getting smiley-face responses, when attempting to communicate with 'OTAMM'.

I have nothing but hatred for all of these monsters from hell. I am stuck forever with SSJK, and I won't lie and say I don't love her to death out in her great city of Sahasra Dal Kanwal, but here on Earth right now, I am so angry with her and her games, I could eat a ton of fucking elephant shit, ''and like it'', Maxwell Smartboom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So having some really nutty off the wall shit in your head seems to protect people, from their shenanigans and hooligans. Also, I now know exactly how to say some things, and how to move my voice in just the right way, and I too am able to do what they can do. I am just wondering if David Smith and Richard Marcucci are ever going to give me an A+++++ for all of this lifelong hell, after the spiritual destruction of Haddonfield, New Jersey, and my coming to reside on the great farm out beyond it, AKA Robin Tweet-Tweet Hill of Voorhees? Also I wonder, if a big ass W-O-W is in order right about now, Bob McDowell and Johnny Fucker-Faster, and Sir Andrews Whatever? McGuire may not have changed his name as so many have done in this group, but he traces to those who have such connections. He is always angry at everybody, and the reason for that anger is not bloggable. I have come to know a little bit of this, and what little I know is not safe to rat out and tell, Charlie Harmer Boardwalk Holmes, and all secret agents in all dimensions.

Howard Solomon, Bob McGuire, Heinz Gottwald, and one other person that is a P4E, all share a grumpy personality, and since all dots connect, it took awhile, but I managed to eventually figure out just why. It is the reverse effect of those mentally challenged. Ever notice those type of persons usually are happy all the time? The reverse is that if you know too much concerning some things, the reverse of extra happy becomes extra miserable and grumpy. We would have to take years to get into PHASE-4-ENTITIES for this to really make some sense to you out here. Still, I feel the need to blog it all, with limits for safety.

Don't even fucking think about trying to fuck me again, Jane Whore. You have been a real thorn in my asshole long enough, monster slapper. Let me hop a bus now and get away from these three dam girls!

There is more power in Atlantic City ten times over, then the entire middle east. The power is not in the oil, either. The conflict over there was ongoing long before human kind knew what oil was or ever so much as conceived of extracting any of it. The power is where the Almighty plans to set up shop, literally, Misses Estelle Bassler Enron!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't go getting the idea that she tells me any secrets. I am stuck in the “You better obey me or else'' mode, with this giant super teen queen. But I do know a lot more than any of you, and IPYT (I PROMISE YOU THAT)!!!!!!!!!!! But I'll promise you something else. All five dimensions connect just as I said a couple years back in my analogy with the centered wet towel and then the surrounding dry ones slowly getting seeped into. This is a dam good example of shit even if I do have to say so my dam ass self, lads and lassies! The minute I so much as mentioned P4E and hinted around at the TV personality on L&O, of Adam Schiff, this sent the Astral Energy of two other P4 ENTITIES my way. Long before 2008 came around in this universe, Adam Schiff was with me in Atlantic City at the Central Pier. Consciously I did not even know the name of that pier, Schiff Central Pier. He was a mailman in the interaction, and was telling me some real major stuff. It is all on my blogs from the first couple of years of my blogging.

City Skylines

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Jay Falkenstein, 7/1/2013
Fort Erie, Ontario
The Buffalo skyline at sunset.
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Ed Lynch told me he doesn't dream. Actually nobody is dreamless, this just means that hyperspace memories are not able to surface to consciousness; and for those in that situation, joining the ESS is a total impossibility. Ed used to tell me, "I'm lucky, they can't get at me, the way they do you". That's a quote, and from an 'atheist'. I wonder if anyone is as true blue atheist as they claim, especially in those dark quiet moments of solitude, and when they get a real nasty pain in the heart or almost choke on a mama-cass ham sandwich. You get my drift! I know you do.






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