Burrrrrrr quite some time ago, made a statement that went somewhat
along these lines, while speaking to me, “for you a week is
eternity, so much can happen to you in so little a time”. I never
called him a liar about everything, merely his unspeakable dastardly
lie in 1983 regarding church attendance, and being a quintessential
hypocrite taking me to task for not going, while telling me how he
went and later admitted he was in Atlantic City, in the fucking
casinos, gambling all day Sunday. Maybe I didn't go, but I wasn't
fucking gambling or lying about anything. Still, on this point about
time, and me; he was quite accurate, as well as honest and truthful.
merely will agree with myself from the first and prior chapter, I
believe I said that all of the same old same old nightmare fuckiGN
shit would keep on going, and yes, it did, and WORSE. Unimaginably
and unfathomably fucking cunt worse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
neighbor attacks, vicious utility attacks, vicious health attacks,
all of this and more went down, plus shit that is major major fucking
beyond not bloggable. I will say that lightning visited me on the
night of Tuesday right shy of dusk, and she stayed for quite a while,
with me, hell-a-puke-yuk!!!!!!!!!!!!!
talk about learning from history and how things repeat because the
human being does not change, only his technology, thus basic
prophet-101 technique is not really all that hard. You learn a
subject, from A to Z, and use that principle, and really start to see
how shit works and repeats, and the dumb asses all around you say,
“Wo, the
fucking dude's haunted”, you know, like that muscle
man asshole in late 1980 at the RPL Recording Studio in Camden, New
Jersey. I only wish I could forget shit, but I can't. Very very
fucking rarely do I, and in fact, so rarely, that every time that I
do, I am able to stand back and see another pattern, speak of the
fuckiGN devil; Ann King and her oh so wonderful family from HELL is
always mixed up with anything that my memories are fuckiGN messed
with about, this doesn't change, it is just like the speed of light,
you know, the holy grail CONSTANT, and mathematically expressed as
“C”. But the truth about me remembering so much shit, is all
rooted in my shit with Bruce Pennock in the early seventies, and what
I started to fool around and fuck with, as a result, the
electromagnetic spectrum as it relates to recording sounds on tapes,
in analogue. Today, with both the change over to fuckiGN digital and
my life being so totally fucked up times a gillion, I am not able to
do a twentieth of the dam shit I once could. They no longer make the
parts, they know longer make the systems, they no longer use the same
basic principles, despite any sound engineer insisting that we all
listen to digitally recorded shit, through an analogue conversion,
and that without it, we would be trying to literally hear zeros and
ones, and of course, a snot nosed child is smart enough to realize
that we cannot hear zeros and ones. In all of this, lies first, why
my life changed so extremely, as well as, why this change over
happened in the first place. The psych books insist that anyone at
all, even a billionaire, who claims that they are that important, so
as all of the world had to alter just for them; is beyond curable
insanity. If any of you out in this world made such a claim, you
would indeed be, totally insane. Unfortunately, as I told the great
wonderful Robert Cheatley Patterson, over at Knights Park in West
Collingswood, one late summer 1983 afternoon, while we were parked in
my car and he was smoking a joint; “I'm not like other people”. I
don't forget shit, unless Ann king's mighty fuckiGN family insists
that I do. I know this as sure as shit cubed, but why would anyone
anywhere at any time, have any possible reason, to take any of this
as truth? I understand, and even though I do get pissed off as hell
as I was when I took a short sabbatical from this blog, I do have to
say that I understand, as if I don't, then I am insisting on
insulting anyone reading this, and their intellect. It is not
important if these blogs are read in the first twenty years of this
century, in any significant amount, and it was my silly fucking human
pride, arrogance, and ego, that made me act stupid on Chapter One,
and go pouting off like a bratty ten year old who is unable to get
his way. This indeed is why Mister Pedersen says that I act 14, and
that he will treat me like 14, so long as I do. Well, that is
forever, as I do not change, and for this, I am truly sorry. I am
exactly who I was in 1969 when all this nightmare shit started, no
different, not at all. Oh I am old and ready to die, but this brings
me to the real point of this particular blog.
the powers that rule and govern over this world are real enough, if
anything is real which it in truth taken to absolute quantum levels,
could never be accepted into daily life of people in general society.
Dealing with the fact that mind exists, and becomes sort of the
''you'' that you are for a while in a lifetime, yet all the while,
its very nature is to take true real existence and divide this energy
realm by C-SQ, so that we can all share in a human illusion, that
many psychics and mystics label, the “Physical Plane”; is not
going to be something that the general populations of the world, can
come to realize and believe even though it is mathematically beyond a
proven truth with the greatest most famous formula ever expressed;
hence, people view all this abstractly. Even the scientists, do not
change in their personal life habits, with their jobs, their
families, their entire life, even the top QP people that absolutely
know that these blogs are real and these words are real; cannot bring
themselves to live it. They have head knowledge, as some call this
strange mental situation. They don't have heart knowledge. All of
this is bringing me to how a great religion was created, and how the
world owners and powers, don't dare get up in the morning, and see
the simple truths that are now about to be printed. Oh now don't get
all excited and think I am going to teach some magic 50 word chant
and by saying this, the equivalent of a magic genie is going to pop
out of a copper colored object that appears suddenly in front of you.
If you even think along that line, you are already major missing the
entire shit I am trying to slowly lead into and up to, and becoming
some overnight zillionaire, or anything else you can think of, has no
place in these powerful words. You can possibly use this information
to accomplish virtually unlimited things, but this is not the goal or
the intent whatsoever of why I am going to tell what I am going to
tell. I hope and I pray that it might be received in the correct
spirit of mind, by a few, someday, but hay, if not, I have no power
to make things go through door number 1, or 2, or 3, or 4 billion,
but I can hope that a few folks just might correctly view the great
I keep leading up to the real point for this blog, and no we're not
quite there, but let me tell a few other things, and then, I promise
to bring it all together cohesively and down to Earth in simple
language. I don't say you'll agree or want to look me up and hug me,
but then, this is not a Fort Pierce Pizzeria, and I am not the
President of the United States! So let's begin with a topic I admit
that I desperately try avoiding, since I am aware of this major
mysterious unknown item, very fucking aware of it, but all the while,
I would be a huge rotten liar, if I professed to understand it
anywhere near in totality. Now this doesn't mean, I've not put lots
of ideas and all sorts of shit all together, and now is that time, I
need to share these details about it, and yes, I can do it
compressed, abridged, shortened to an unbelievable thousand words or
so, while telling you every bit of information that I personally know
about this. And people, no one anywhere within a million light years,
knows this much, so I am letting loose a bomb shell on this blog.
and their brother is sick and tired of two things about this blog,
who reads this blog upon occasion, and I know it, as my mama didn't
raise a dummy fool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! First, I know a few
people would love to ring my neck and choke the life out of me if
they see the date of August 15, 1986, one more time. The other thing
is my endless dead horse beating of parallel-event, and intentionally
creating it and or applying it, with the motive and goal of profiting
in some way, as a result of knowing it works, doing the deed, and in
most cases, being at the very bottom of the bottom feeder's list, of
all clinical sociopaths. Parallel Event makes me sick and tired too.
I am the one who has had to suffer through this very real and totally
unprovable attack for 3-5 decades, done to me by very powerful
people, and this quotes a licensed New Jersey realtor, when he told
me that indeed, I have these types against me, and that both him, and
his boss, Mister Kelly Jackson, were contacted by them, and told if
they know what's good for them, not to help me sell a house I'd
listed with them, in the Cramer Hill section of northeast Camden, New
Jersey, just a few blocks from the bridge onto Petty's Island. Yes
I'm quite sick to death of being the victim of decades of parallel
event attack that on this level I am getting, could only be done by
organized billionaire types, AKA world owners, world controllers, and
sometimes, as the movers and shakers. Now indeed, these mother
fuckiGN total bastards can have me over a barrel, destroy my life,
make me ill, and then take away my needed medications, using their
politically correct anti-drug excuse to make it all work without
arousing any suspicion that they indeed are torturing me; and along
with keeping me sick, they can keep me endlessly broke with just a
few simple tactics that any group of powerful billionaire types can
all do with no problems whatsoever, and never send up even a small
red flag for my use against them, in most cases. In rare exceptions
when they go to far, even then, I am fighting THE WALL. Any attorney,
anyone at all, that I might try seeking any kind of help from, is
told one way or another, DON'T HELP, or ELSE, and it is done subtly,
but people get the message. Not everyone writes horrible hate words
and curse words and direct unaccepted words that serve to only
denigrate and attack a person's religion or race or gender or sexual
preferences, and today this list goes on and on. People get the
message, and so many times I was going to be given a deserved break,
and one of my great ideas was going to be taken to the stage of
developing it into industry where I would get recognition and
eventual remunerative profits, and then boom, the invisible kibosh is
used, and I am left hanging out to dry. If this had not gone on for
forty years, and involved hundreds of such cases, in perfect
patterns, that only a fool could fail to observe was happening around
him time and time again; I could try rationalizing all of my life as
being a series of lots of nasty bad luck coincidences. I try to
believe things aren't really like this, whether any one of you wants
to believe this about me or not. That is your right to not believe
me, but you would be totally wrong. I love it when once in a while,
maybe, just maybe; I learn to my satisfaction, that something was
indeed, merely just bad luck and coincidental, and all of that. But
99 percent of th e time, with many hundreds of things; this pattern
KIBOSH ON ME from world powers, is staring me in the
face, and it cannot be ignored or denied, unless you want to deny you
are awake and breathing and walking upright.
reality-3 has been touched on here and there and a little bit of it
gets put into a blog to show some kind of thing that connects into
something that is either happening live or has recently been being
done against me by these enemies of the MILITUFORCE, as I came to
call them, shortly after the late eighties became the early nineties.
I began with WOMO and OTAMMITES, and made changes along the way. Of
course blogs did not exist in the late eighties, but life journals
and diaries did, and mine was on thousands and thousands of C-90
Cassette-Tapes. Parallel Event is all about how two events go hand in
had together, event A and event B. Unlike cause and effect however,
Cause is A, and Effect is B; and A causes B, but
seeing this is like looking at a large and spread out sheet of paper,
from a tall ladder. It is big and the type that office buildings are
drawn on by architects, rolled up as scrolls to avoid folds that
would interfere with sensitive small areas. Now you on the ladder can
look down and see a huge sheet of paper, unrolled, and one side is A,
the other side is B. As sheets are unrolled below you, you start to
see how nothing is really happening at all, so there is no parallel
event. Then you suddenly realize that it was you all along, throwing
down little painted lines and blobs of colored paint. There always or
most of the time, will be a parallel event that begins to emerge,
from your seemingly random dropping of these tiny colored paint
drops, as opposed to how the A-HALF of the sheet relates to the side
across from it, or the B-HALF. Only you now become aware that you are
doing the entire thing, and you are the reality-3 or the C, in
reference to the Side-A, and the Side-B. But those down at the level
of the sheet of paper do not see you up there all hidden and
camouflaged. So what would a really smart small observing group, down
at the level of the paper or the lower dimension in reality; begin to
think after enough time and careful study and observation? Well, what
I began to think as this all went along, in my personal life, that's
what. But I did suspect there was a reality 3, or a C-POINT doing
things to both an A-POINT, and a B-POINT. But this C-POINT remains
endlessly cloaked and invisible. So I can begin to observe a reality
that I called parallel-event, yet never was able to see what was
truly happening. If you looked at this as a math equation, and using
an “R” for reality, and changing into numbers, the A into a 1,
the B into a 2, and the C into a 3, we could express it a little bit
like, and bear in mind, I am no computer guru and cannot make
division signs or use cross down lines or make symbols, so this needs
to be more in spoken terms than a real formula would like like, but I
still can use the R and the 1,2, and 3. So now, taking parallel event
into a more advanced stage, would go a little bit like this. R 3 goes
into R 1 and R 2 in its own patternized algorithm. This of course
assumes that the entire deal is not random. If R 3 is not in any
pattern at all, then the truth to this expression is R 3 goes into R
1 and R 2 according to its own seeming random. Now the genius that
needs to figure out more about R 3 (REALITY-3), needs to figure out a
way to express and mathematically work out a few things here. They
can begin by taking the parallel event of various things. Again, as
mere mortals, we never get to see and make contact with reality-3 up
on that cosmic ladder, but we can still examine the results of what
gets tossed down into the two sides of the page, or R 1 and R 2. Even
before, and please, I don't mean to try and brag, but am just
telling what happened one day to me, at an ivy league university, in
the early nineties; but even before I started wondering about the
great elusive R 3; I spoke with a professor of Statistical
Mathematics, by the name of Deturch, at the U of P, in Philadelphia,
PA, USA. Just taking this to applying the A and the B by using a
three parameter betting system at a casino game called roulette, made
this great professor, tell me that I have invented a brand new
mathematical discipline that he wanted to explore deeper with me. The
persecution of me was very bad in these years, and I never got that
chance, but my point is, that even my applied parallel event science
to a gambling game, made this professor tell me that I had invented a
new mathematical item that he wanted to further study. This is not
imagination, delusion, or psychotic made up stories. I am sure this
could be verified to this very day if anyone really cared, which they
don't. The reason they don't, is powerful people have told them all
to stay away from me at all costs, OR ELSE. In
many cases, I have come to learn; they merely interfere in my life by
side stepping, as on a dance floor.
In polite society where John Duke Wayne wouldn't throw a huge jaw
buster in a mans' face for tapping him on the shoulder; this is done
frequently. If someone wishes a short dance on a floor, in the old
dancing days that is, that many younger peeps won't have a clue what
I am talking about, so ask your grands, or your first parents. Well,
this is all fine and well, but what if you took the love of your life
to a dance that was important to you, such as your high school
graduation prom, or if you took your wife to an important business
party, and in either case, an existing conspiracy already is planned
for ten or more dudes to continually tap your dance partner, leaving
you to not dance at all? Well, try imagining this in my life for 40
years now roughly. Only instead of dancing, you just simply need to
transfer this to a controlled conspired kibosh, so as no matter what,
in every case; you can bank on with clockwork Swiss precision; that
you will be screwed with, and as a result, everything just keeps on
failing and failing that you ever ever try to undertake in your
entire fuckiGN miserable hellish life. But this still leads to
another item, even though these enemies without a doubt, have robbed
me blind, treated me like total trash, raped my entire life, and
caused me a lifetime of totally unwarranted misery and suffering on a
Nazi Germany scale; and this is what I will try to tackle now and
bring all of this nice and neatly together, if you are looking to see
it all.
these powers that own this world, and did all of this to me, and mock
me every day one way or the other via their demonic EW, have the same
fate waiting for them that I do, and the only two differences between
these great mirror-kissers and me, is that they will on average have
a few measly more years here on the Earth, to enjoy their scum bag
selves, and every second, despite the reality that we all have
problems and woes; will be in a luxurious happy state, with the best
medical care, the best foods, the best pleasures that fortunes can
buy, and so forth, but take away the extra fat and gravy and some
extra time that next to even a thousand small years is nothing, as
look at it, no one lives past 120, no one. No one past 100 is all
there. If they can control some of their bathroom functions, hip hip
hurray, but the majority of 90+ people, the richest to the poorest,
are all in diapers. As mister H. Hefner said it so well, I have them
around me, and I get to do a lot of dreaming. Most of us over the age
of eleven know what he's saying and what's being discussed. He
admitted this to his doctor long long before the age of ninety. Be
real people. Any of you see the great Doctor Billy Graham lately.
That fiery hollering Jesus preacher whom we all know and love,
reduced to a mere shadow now of what he was just 20 years ago. I do
not know what my enemies really think they have over me, because
before they can say Elizabeth Rotterdam Cunningham from Birmingham, a
few thousand times; they're going to be glorified fucking toast. If
rumors are spreading that I envy a single one of them, and I know
they are because I know things, well, believe whatever you wish about
me. I don't envy anyone who within 10-90 years is going to become a
slowly shrinking vegetable, and in the end, a stinking bunch of
maggots. Do I hate many of them? You bet I do. They have stolen from
me, lied about me, said clever rotten vicious things about me, robbed
me of my dignity, my health, and my entire life. They've had me
assaulted, my rights violated continuously, and they get away with it
because they are little demigods, with the emphasis on LITTLE. If one
of these pricks had power over death, THEN, and only then would I sit
up and take notice. If you are honest with yourselves, you will see
that this is the measure and the mark of any real god. Christianity
would have died out and never been more than a tiny localized cult of
2000 years ago; if not for somehow miraculously gaining power over
life and death; and having enough witnesses observe and tell about
these resurrections, especially the Lord Jesus Christ's resurrection.
I don't doubt for one minute this is all real, and for personal
reasons, this is all on the level, and I know it, I don't believe it,
I know it. Still, my point doesn't die. If you want to have real
power, or impress me in any real way, then you have to show me you
are indeed able to control the life/death barrier. So far, I totally
know one person on this planet who has indeed done this, Jesus. No, I
am not saying that name in vane back there. Now those who think they
control everything and own everything, own a lot of physical plane
shit, and will die off and be forgotten. But speaking of reality-3,
is there more going on than just powerful people being powerful
people, or are the same forces that raised Jesus and Lazarus and the
12 year old girl from the dead, operating on and through them in an
energetic channel? Well, the best to date knowledge I can offer on
this, from my personal life and not being taught something by
mortals; is as follows. First, I truly like the Ancient Astronaut
Theorists (AAT), but they do not have all the pieces to this deal, I
promise you. Neither do the dudes in the church and those running the
biggest churches and organizations in the world. Neither does
Morianity, which by the way has stopped permanently. This is all just
my blogs, from now on, nothing more, and nothing less. If you take
the best that these three things has to offer however, Morianity's
ESS, and the teachings of dreaming out of the void and so forth,
along with Jesus Christ, because people, get real, this little cult
may have started out small, but look at it now after 20 centuries.
Why, because mankind is scared shitless to die, and this proved we
don't have to. Maybe not to the satisfaction of a laboratory's
standards, I;ll give you that right up front. But folks, my life
proves so many things about this, that I couldn't deny the LORD JESUS
CHRIST if someone offered me a thousand genies and bottles. I know
how real it is. I just happen to also know that there is a lot more,
and that most of you will never need this additional shit.
Unfortunately, and for reasons far beyond my wildest comprehension; I
do need all of this. But anyone ever, who says they have all the
answers to this force that has done whatever it has done to bring
this very day alive and here, along with all of us, is very pathetic
and doesn't need an old biblical stoning. He or she is already far
beyond a hopelessly tortured soul. You don't know, and I don't know.
I don't care if you're the greatest world leader, the greatest
military force, the greatest entertainer, the greatest athlete; and I
don't care if someone out here could become all of the above, and
then some. I tell you now; you are as clueless to major fuckiGN shit
all around us all, as would be a goat, or a chicken, in a college
forces are not one thing, they never were or will be. They don't
agree on agenda, they don't act in tandem, and the best way to see
this, is a nightmare videogame, highly advanced; and we who have any
questions whatsoever, and have no control over death; are but puppets
on a string, in a huge Shakespearean type play. And Shakespeare was
onto this truth, and spoke it openly, without fear of sociological
reprisal and or reprimand.
my enemy was horrendous for the past week since I went offline and
rested up for the battles that are facing me ahead. ESS-TRAVELERS get
into people all around me, and when you see it happen and know what
is happening, it is worse than waking up in the dark from your worst
normal nightmares. I promise you this, ladies and gentlemen. And I am
guilty of many things too. I know I cannot do things with music. I
know what I can and cannot do. I was not always stopped from music.
This only started after I raised a stink with some big lawyers about
songs being stolen by very top artists of days now gone by. These
fart sniffing jerk offs are totally unforgiving, and believe their
shit is gold and wow, we all better not do one thing, but they can
rearrange a few notes on an unknown person's song, someone with no
money or power to fight back, and slam, they get away with it and I
get chopped in fuckiGN half by their dirt bag ax. But my life is
ending, and I don't have to worry about any of this any more. I will
be gone in 2015 sometime. I won't ever have to put up with, or see
any of these dirt bags ever again once I'm fucking gone.
a few days ago it felt close to 100 degrees, and now it is a nice 47,
at just shy of 4 on this THANX-2-GIVENS morning, and the electrical
number of three to the power of three, (27), in November, Thursday
morning, 2014.
is really now just a safe-journal, and it is only important that I
know what's what, and save the blogs I write to a site for blogs.
Already, several of my documents are missing, the one about IMMC
changing to INTERDIGITAL CORP being one of them.
figured out why all three sources that re-air the original “Law &
Order” television show, will not ever air the later productions
mush past 2002. They are too cheap to want to pay the royalties to
the people in the 2003+ shows, and if any fans take notice to this,
you should, and take notice to how some of those from the show are
trying to gain some pocket weight with ad spots. People are so dam
fuckiGN cheap in this world, holy hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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