Saturday, January 14, 2012



DATFILE: 010912.658











I am under a very powerful siege, and pussy command is not lacking either, so I know this is some really incredible stuff that is being planned against me right now, as this normally won't just kick in after one day of major siege; it takes a string, but I know what WOMO is pissed at, and will be getting into it huge ultra big time, folks, so stay-CEE-tuned, Batman, right to this Bat time and channel, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I went to type this blog, and was virus hacked big time. I shut down and restarted, so far, I am OK, and I am not in any hurry for a post up to beat any DOW COW BELLS in fucking New York Shitty. We will take the necessary time to say what must be mother fucking said, YO.

The moment it was light, MAJOR CHEMTRAILS WERE ALL OVER FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA, OR REALLY, TIMETUBES. We can always explore this a lot more, Jim Rockford; so leave those poor hookers alone pal. Major all day chemtrailing as well as major computer virus hacking and striking is my attack and illegal death siege on me today, the pathetic innocent chosen HAUNTINGTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh well, so what the fucking hell else is new peeps, YO? Yes we'll be getting into the TIMETUBES verses the non-physical EXPLORATRONS, who is in the club, just what this club really is, why all the myths abound in human history, religions, the gods, this myth and that myth, and on and on; as it is kind of along the lines of saying why is this movie or that one being made, and why is this information or that, being released to the public by those who control the so-called, laugh-laugh-laugh; free American and global media systems, yeah right? We can talk about things such as Michael Moore, Doctor Bruce Goldberg, disinformation, Mary Carter Paint company, Paula Belinda King, 1983-1986, August 2nd and 15th, my being Saint John spirited around without being starved half to death on the Pathos Islands of Greece, and we could go into passport photographs, Atlantic City Roulette Gaming systems, and all the peeps involved in this entire 30 year gaming deal with me since George Belton of New Jersey first introduced me to this awesome and cool casino game in early December of 1982, his friends Everett Simpson and Herby Letts, and we could go on and on virtually endlessly on how I've directly effected the lives of half a dozen top recording artists over the past forty+ years of mortal world time; a meaningless reality when this is all taken and jumbled together; because time becomes a worthless commodity, when the sum total of this entire story is fully evaluated, and then eventually realized and come to real terms with from 'A' right straight through into freaking 'Z'. We will most certainly get into taking this monster-ass story in its absolute fullness, and telling it completely on the great OZERNET, Dorothy Surrenderer, but not today, Scarlet O'Hara; as today my dear; we will concentrate on merely isolating why this hell was brought to bear on me, while my dirt bag neighbor next door, booms his stereo at me, and is totally manipulated and controlled by SATANIC FORCES, also known in real truth, as the LAMBRIGGER CULT of the ASTRAL PLANE, with or without the great 'Rett Butler', ignored and forgotten by the Spell Checker Computer System of Century-21.

A week ago, give or take, a powerful VIQUEEN named Mariloo Carpenter, who I have known for trillions of Earth type years, told me on the great island where great meetings are held with regularity, and known in detail only by Sarah-Stacey Krassle, how to operate the best and coolest mother fucking system for attacking the casino game of Roulette, with major long run success, a feat according to the mighty human known as Albert Einstein, is impossible to do unless you cheat when the dealer is not looking, to quote him, and in the world of video surveillance, this is a non starter. So Einstein said that this cannot be done, yet in 1986, Lightning Goddess Diana indeed revealed to me from my Highview Apartment of Williamstown, New Jersey bathtub, on one cold late winter's day, in early March of 1986; how exactly to apply a powerful unknown mathematical principle called APE or Applied Parallel Event; and in my spare time working a few hours a week over an eight month period through the 29th day in October, I netted a profit after all table losses, of $9,200.00; hypothetically in this blog if the IRS is reading these words, of course; I mean; I am just a nutcase with a totally unbelievable story, right? Which way do you want it Washington-13-DC or abbreviated from now on as W13DC? Still, Goddess Diana, I came to learn in 2011, was really a powerful special magical coil under the control of one of my two extremely special gifted daughters. Past Tense, wow, that day in Eden when YOU told me SSJK, that you will spare the world a while because I have loved your strobe-light so much, but then, really, YOU. Well, fuck the past tense, I still do love you and I always will Jehovah my teen queen goddess, no matter how many eons that you play this game with me, brown eyes. I will obey you and love you, and honor and worship you, without fail; forever and ever, and tell Lucie that I may be living in HIS county, but he had two chances, and that is more than John McDowell said I would ever get when I was a boy back in Philadelphia. Am I correct in this assumption here? Will this stand up to the intense transdimensional scrutiny of all the lab-technicians from Phyllis Alexander, to Doctor Margret Diva, and even Shirley Grantglands? Oh Sarah-Stacey my teen queen love, I am not down here trying to escape you, and none of the nights here ever get that cold, my brown eyed wonder.

Yes, Mariloo, Stacey said I can love you anytime I happen to be on VI in SDK; and after the meetings have been completed. I never thought, you lovely great dish; that you would give me so much love, and then on top of that; give me such a powerful system. I plan on leaving Florida and returning to Atlantic City to live, and yes, the mighty CALLIOTAMMO-WOMOMILITUFORCE-LAMBRIGGERS are all very angry and quite disgruntled at me again, am I right, International Business Machines, Raytheon Corporation, and all the great corporate giants of Criminawall Street in Manhattan? I WOULD NEVER DARE PRINT THIS POWERFUL ROULETTE SYSTEM, THIS IS HOW INCREDIBLE IT IS, FOLKS. It would end roulette forever, and THEY are real fucking pissed off at me right now, so if anything fucking happens to me folks, YOU ALL KNOW WHO MY MURDERERS ARE, AS IT IS ON ALL OF THE BLOGS, BACK AT THE OLD SITE I NO LONGER CAN ACCESS, so type in,

HA-HA-HA, I will be able to live well off, I am not greedy. I can die on the North Shore where I belong, in ACNJUSAESMWG, AND NONE OF YOU CAN STOP ME.

Help me LIGHTNING, and please watch over me, you beautiful lovely goddess. There is no way to ever thank my shinning star and flashing light for all these human world years since 1983, where you have done one miracle after another miracle for me, your 'little boy', as you call me. Tell my special daughter I'll never stop loving her no matter what game she pulls next, or how many more of them she insists on playing.

SATAN, I'll see you endlessly lost and without the great SSJK. You have had two chances now, wow, talk about MICK-DOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sometimes you only get one chance, right Lenny, AHA-AHA-AHA, Mister McNulty from September of 1971!!!!!!!! Time-2-skedaddle folks, so Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.********END TRANSMISSION:********

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